Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 04, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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Prominent Speakers Make
Addresses in Interest of
Sunday Schools
Colonnade Hotel at Gettys
burg (iets New License;
Open for Business
Gettysburg, l'a.. May 4.—Adams
County Sabbath School Association
conducted a tour of the county in
the inlerests of the Sunday schools
• luring the week. Experts and prom
inent speakers held conferences and
delivered addresses at the various
places visited. Afternoon and eve
ning sessions were held (the after
noons being devoted to department
work and the evening to addresses
j'nd music, Fairfield was visited on
Monday; Tuesday the party was at
l<ittlestown: Wednesday at Abbotts
town; Thursday at York Springs;
Friday at Gettysburg, and Saturday
;i i Arendtsville. — MM. Amelia Noel,
of Mount Pleasant township, eighty
two years of age, who lias suffered
several attacks of apoplexy, was
seized with another attack recently
and rendered totally blind. —The
Colonnade Hotel, in McSherrystown,
which was closed last summer be-!
cause the'license was revoked by the,
court for violations of the law. his
been reopened, the license having
been granted to George Mentzer. who
moved to the place from Woodsbo.M,
Md. —For the past several days bovs
in the southeastern section of ;!ie
town have been using air rifles with
out sufficient thought of the possible
consequences ami there have o en
several narrow escapes. One of the
shots went through a window in the j
rear part of St. James' Lutheran
parsonage and narrowly missed
striking Mrs. J. B. Baker, the pas
tor's wife, who was near the win-!
dow.—Rabbi Louis J. Haas, of the
< >hev Sholom Temple at Harrisburg.'
spent several days during the week;
;it Camp Colt in the interest of Jew
ish welfare work. —The tag day
campaign of Company C, Three Hun
dred Twenty-seventh Battalion Lignt
Tanks, on Saturday yielded a return
of $130.15. Young women sold the
tags. —-Prof. Paul S. Miller, a son-i.i
law of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Wil- :
son. who has been in ( harge of Army
V. M. C. A. work at Camp Pike, Lit
tle Rock, Ark., has been transferred
to '"amp Colt and has started tin
work of organizing his department i
here. —Oliver Miller, who resides on
the Samuel Hartzell farm about a
mile from town, who made an attack
upon Mr. Hartzell. holding a stone
in his hand with which he beat
Hartzell over the head, was sen
tenced by the court to a term in the l
penitenaitry of not less than fifteen
months nor more than three years.
Millerstown Camp Fire
Girls Motor to Country
MillTtowii. Pa.. May 4. -The
Camp Fire Girls motored to MnTlin
town, where they were entertained 1
at the home of Miss Mabel Zeiders.
.teacher of the grammer school here.
Mr. and Mrs. George Kenter and
granddaughter. Helen Henninger, of
Dauphin, spent Sunday with Mr, and
Mrs. Harry Ripehart.—Elmer Rsis
ingcr anil Josiah Rowe were visitors
. t Ickesburg: Sunday.—Mrs. W. n.
Bollinger and Mrs. Irvin Crane were
at I larrisburg Thursday.—J. B. Par
son. of Port Royal, was the guest
ol William Moore and family on
Wlnesday.—Mrs. Grant Patton, cf
Harrisburg, and Mrs. John Brinton,
ol Camp Hill, visited their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kipp. this week.
—Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Frank and
son Haven, of Newport, and Mrs.
Edward Faucett, of Wilkinsburg,
were guests of 11. M. Rickabaugh
and family Tuesday.— Mrs. Samuel.
Sharon and daughter. Miss Jos
ephine Sharon, of Newport, spent
Sunday with her sister. Mrs- Charles
E. Rippman.—Mrs. Anna Eckels was
a Harrisburg visitor.—Mr. and Mrs.
William E. Snyder and daughter
Helen, of Harrisburg. were guests
of William Bollinger and family.—
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dolancey and
daughters, Violet and Gladys and
son. John, were at Harrisburg re
cently.—Mrs. George Howe and
daughter, ciee Howe, spent several
days at Harrisburg.— Xliss Sarah
Noll, of York, is visiting her sister.
Miss Fannie Noll. —Charles Gable, of
Duncannon. visited his parents, Mr.
<md Mrs. D. A. Gable, on Wednesday
evening.—Mrs, Hulda Knight. of
Duncannon. spent the weekend with
her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bank
Page.—Sergeant Carl Lauver, of
Camp Meade. Md., spent Saturday
and Sunday with his wife at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Light.—Mrs. Martha Pretz and
daughter. Miss Helen Pretz. spent
the weekertd at Harrisburg with lier
daughter. Mrs. Arthur Kipp.—Miss
Jessie Kipp. who had been visiting,
at Altooni*. has returned home. — j
Charles Noll, of Ickesburg. is visit-J
ing his sister. Miss Fannie No!!.— j
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wagner, of Le
moyne. and Mrs, Ida Ward, of New- J
port, spent Sunday with Frank Wag
ner and family.—Private Casper
Swartz spent Sunday with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Peifer.
Millersburg Will Receive
Honor Flag for $150,000
>lill't~il)urc. Pa.. May 4.—Millers
burg will get- an honor fluff as the
Third liberty Loan quota for the
borouffta, $32,300. Is over subscrib
ed and will amount,to about $150,-
000 with nearly 300 hond takers.
The baby bond and thrift stamp
sales have also taken a big; Jump the
last week. $4,000 worth of sales were
rrported at the post office, bringing
the total sales of the little bonds In
Millersburg: to $22,500. Prank O.
I.ink, Kobert Walborn, Arthur Cole
man and Levi Bowman were the
four Millersburg boys who left Tues
day for the National Army encamp
ment at Camp Lee. Petersburg, Va.
John Messner left Saturday and was
sent to Camp Meade, Md.—Mrs.
Ellen S. Wenner, of East Union
street, recently received a letter from
her son, Norvin D. Wenner, a mem
-1 er of a Canadian regiment, who was
passed on the battle front in Prance
six weeks ago, stating that he was
in a hospital at Epsome. England,
recuperating from the poison gas.—
I Jobbers entered the home of Wil
liam J. Witmer, Pine street, early
Monday morning and secured a gold
watch and chain and SSO in cash.
They also helped thenisehes to eat
ables and had a lunch in the kitrhen
while the family slept overhead.—■
Harry Frank, son of Rankin T.
Prank, Church street, and wife of
HochrSter, N. Y., are visiting at Mr.
Vrank's old home.
"Hezeki all's Country Picnic"
Presented for Red Cross
Churches and Societies Buy
Liberty Bonds and
Thrift Stamps
Mount Wolf. Pa., May 4.—The
rustic comedy, "H week tali's Country
Picnic," presented In Ihe K. (5. K,
Hall by home talent the last three
evenings of this week, drew targe
audiences. The last performance
will be given to-night. The proceeds
are to be given to the local unit of
the lied Cross, "llesekiah's Coun
try Picnic" Is an attractive. laugh
provoking comedy and is be>n|{
cleverly presented by the locals. The
ivhersals wero conducted under the;
direction of Prof. Charles W. l!ahn,|
of Harrisburg, who was also here;
during the presentation of the play. '
Following are those who took part:
Herman K. Groiman, who assumed
the role of Hexekiali; Ixiura Kunkle, j
Murgrurst 10. itodet, Wallace Kunkcl,.
Nettie Melliorn, George Ebaugh.
Harry Shearer. Koberl Kitakeo,
Luira Bailey, Anna Buchar, liena
lloff. Gtuy Albaugh, John A. Bles-,
sing, George H. Wolf, George A.
Diehl. Sara Diehl, It. Allan Diahl
and Charles Buchar. The parts ol
live little girls in the play were taken
by the Misses Florence Rodes, Ra
chel Strevig, Esther Diehl. Heula n
Aughenbaugh and Margaret Arnold.
The chorus is composed of Miriam
Bailey, Mabel Knaub, Mary Arnold,
lyottie Shearer, Anna Kinport.s and
Marjoria Strevig. The soloists ore
Charles Buchar. Miriam Bailey, Ade
laide Zuse and Miss Kathryne L.
Greiinan. pianist-—Liberty Bonds
to the amount of $4 50 have >ei'n
purchased by the various depart
ments of the nited Brethren Church,
of which the Rev. H. W. /.Use is
pastor. Of this amount the Sunday
school took six )t0 bonds, the Ladle.-,
Aid Society, two, and the Christian
Endeavor Society one. At the ses
sion of St. John's Lutheran Sunda?
School Sunda.v a collection of $14.25
for the purchase of War -Savings
Stamps was taken, which was in-'
creased to more ibar s2l by a col
lection during the regular churn
services.— Three teachers who served
last year have been re-elected at an
increased salary for another term.
They are Prof. C. H. Everhart, : nd
the Misses Pearl Shenk and Bertha
Fisher. The* tax . rate was left ut
twelve mills lot the ensuing year.—,
A committee has bei n appointed to
arrange for the celebration of the
twenty-eighth anniversary of the
founding of the Christian Endeavor
Society, at the United Brethren
Church Sunday. May 1 A.- The mem
bers of the committee are Charles
Wolf. Allen Diehl. Mabel Kunkel,
George H. Wolf and 'Margaret Rodes.
—Justice of the Peac< Jacob F. Ru
ser has been selected to rcpresrt
Mount Wolf Lodge No. 1196. 1. O.
O. F., at the grand lodge session- at
Reeding May 22, 2.1 and 24.
Miss Anna Mabel Auker
Bride of John S. Herr
Mount Joy. Pa.. May 4.—John S.
Herr. of Manheim. and Miss Anna
Mabel Aucker. daughter of Mr. and
Mrs Henry Aucker, of Lykens Val
ley. were married it the residence
of Bishop Henry R. Hoffer. near
.Manheim. on Thursday evening.
er the ceremony the young couple
left for their home at Manheim.— ;
Mr. and Mrs. Addison Habecker and
daughter. Dorothy Habecker, wre
Sunday saiests of the former's par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. William Habeck
er.— Mr. and Mrs. Howard Peifer
and children, of Salunga. spent Sun
day at the home of Frank Hershev.
—Mrs. I. K. Charles and son Robert
and daughter Janet, of Lancaster,,
spent Monday here with
Mrs. Kate Cooper, of Harrisburg.
spent the week at the home of An>a
ziali Good.— Mr. and Mrs. Rrandt
Hester and children, of Lancaster
are spending several days with rela
tives here. —Mr. and Mrs. Ren.iamin
Kauffman Jr. and son Rii hard spent
Sunday as guests of her parents at
Elizahethtown. —Mrs. Frank Rryan
ard son William were guests of r°la
tives at Lancaster on Sunday— Mr
•nd Mrs. William Way Jr. visited the
former's parents at Lancaster over
the weekend. —Miss Lillian Bart a
spent Sunday at East Petersburg'
with friends.
Thompson town. Pa.. May 4—Saw
mills are being placed on the timber
tracts purchased by Mower and M<-
Xitt from A. R. Evans and E. S.
Thomson.—Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Roberts and daughter. Miss Marie
Roberts. of Philadelphia. are
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. X.
Sow ers., having stopped off on their
way home from State College, where
Miss Marie Roberts graduated.—
Mrs. E. D. Kinch was a recent gu<>
of Mrs. 1. W. McNalght.-i-The Rev,
and Mrs. D. R. Treibley, of New
Kingston, are visiting their daugh
ters. Mrs. Irvin Barton and Miss
Rose Keiser.— Miss Rertha Kearns
and Mrs. S. F. Metz are visiting
friends in Mifflin county.—-Mrs.
William Moore and two children, oi
Trenton. N. J., returned home
Tuesday after spending a week with
her mother, Mrs. 1. C. Lautz.— Mrs.
William Pcnnell, of Harrisburg, was
a recent guest of Mrs. W. H. Brti
KilHugcr. Pa., May 4.—The Boys'
Pic Contest Association of this dis
trict held a meeting in -the hall on
Tuesday evening and weighed their!
pigs.—H. E. Minnich and F. W. Len
ker transacted business in Arm
strong and Powells Volley on Mon
day.—Homer Eardman. Daniel J
Miller. Homer E. Wert and William
Schleigle spent Sunday with friends
in and around Halifax.—J. L. Jury,
Is spendinc the week at Harrisburg j
as a juror at the apecial term of
court.—Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jury'
spent Sunday at the homo of Mrs
Jury's parents, east of Fnlontown.
—The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. George W.'
Hallman and family, of Millershurg. j
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jonas:
L. Jury on Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs.!
William T. Neaglev and daughter, o r
Millershurg, were c.iests of Mr. and
Mrs. Renton F, Veasrley over tVi•
weekend.— Edwin Spleher received a
tHesrrsm from the family of his
brother, Samuel Spieher, of North
Dakota, statinir that he was seri
ously ill and Edwin went to see him.[
—Courtesy of Dr. E C. Snyder.
Mivhaiiioslmrg, Pa.. May 4.—The above picture shows the enthusiastic Woman's Committee of the Third
Liberty Loan of the Meeluinicsbarg district In parade on Liberty Day in Mechanlc.sburg. These indefati
gable workers alone took the district ''over the top" with a sum to date amounting to more than $1 18,000,
almost half the quota of the district. List evening n meeting was h.:d, over which the district chairman,
Mrs. J. Wllmer Happcr. presided and which was also addressed by M-s. Margaret Moser, county chairman.
Reports were heard with the above splendid result.
Burgess Orders Clean-Up of
New Bloomfield Borough
Now Bloomfield, Pa., May I.
Burgess Joseph H. Henney, purau-j
ant to a call from the State JDepart-j
merit of Health, has designated from:
May fi to l! as Cleanup Week for)
New Bloomfield borough. Mrs.;
Margaret Gusler is visiting Mrs. E. 1
11. Wallace at Collcgeville.—Willi tm|
MesMmer, of Harrisburg, spent Sun-j
day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.!
Jesse Messimer.—Henry E. Shearer. |
of Allentown, is visiting his mother,
Mrs. H. C. SheareV.—M. H. Atkinson.;
of Harrisburg, spent Sunday with
relatives here.—Miss Nellie Stine. of,
Harrisburg. is visiting friends here.!
—Mrs. Annie Bryner, of I ekes burg,
is visiting Miss Emma Morrow in 1
town. -Mrs. Sarah R. Crozier. of
Harrisburg, spent Sunday with her
daughter. Mrs. James Butz.—-Miss
Edith l<eeds, who has been visiting!
Miss Helen Darlington for some 1
time, has returned to her home at
Philadelphia.—Mrs. William Harper
Jr.. who was visiting here for come
time, left for Chicago on Saturday. I
John Hall, of Harrisburg. spent last|
Wednesday with Mr. and Airs.
George Harris.—Mrs. Mary Barneu
spent several days with Mrs. William
A. Sponsler Jr.. at Steelton. —Miss!
Jean Potts, of Eas'.on. spent a day l
as the guest of her uncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mrs. L. Miller.
Commencement Exercises
of Dillsburg High School
Dillsburg. Pa.. May 4.—High
school <T>mmencement exercises were
held in the opera house on Tuesday I
evening, with a large attendance, r
The exercises liegan promptly with!
a chorus by the school. The Rev. j
J. Harold "Wolfe, of the Presbyter
ian Church, made the invocation, i
The salutatory was given by William I
Hcrshey and Earl llitmer and Clydel
EHzabrttiville. Russel G. |
Rotts lias returned from the j
hospital at } iarrisburg. where he!
had undergone an operation.—Missi
Edna Scliaflf of Palmvra, spent sev-1
eral days at the home of Recorder j
James E. Lenta. enroute to her home
in Ohio. —Editor XI. A. Miller spent
Saturday at Harrisburg.—Dr. J. W,
Shaffer will leave for 'MI City, to
morrow evening, where he will enter
the service of Pennsylvania railroad
as a railroad physician. The fam
ily will move there later.—Hay Bow
man. of Millershurg, and J. Clark, of
Harrisburg, were in town onn Tues
day in the interests of the Loan
drive.—Mrs. Ella J. Klinger spent
several days with her daughter at'
the Schuylkill Seminary at Reading.
—Mrs. M. E. Stroup is entertaining
Miss Kauffman of Harrisburg.— Mrs.
Charles H. Frank and daughter of
Collegevllle. Pa., a. re visiting her
father. Henry Kitzmiller hero
Mrs. Caroline Hartman of Allen
town, spent several days with Mrs.
Amanda Hartman. —Miss Apnie
Beitsfield spent several days wi'h
Mrs. William L. Gaugler at Loyal
Halifax. Mr. and Mrs. Wal
ter E. Rutter and Mrs. Per
sy Hetrick visited sft the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur l'iland near
Dauphin, on Sunday.—Mrs. C. K.
Still of Hummelstown, spent the
of the week at the home of •
her sister. Mrs. W. J. Jury.—Miss
''hristine Midig came home from
Royalton on Friday, to spend the
weekend with her parents, Mr. and
Mr-. A. H. Miilig.— Mr. and Mjs.
Charles A. Zimmerman and two sons
were at Union Deposit 011 Sunday at
tending the funeral of the late Mrs.
Isaac Kieffer.—Mr. and Mrs. Carne
lius lleisler of Philadelphia, spent I
several days with Mr. Heisler's phr-,
ents, Mr. and Mrs. B. K. Heisler.— J
John Reitzel was home' from Car
lisle over the weekend visiting his
parents. Prof, and Mrs. S. C. Reitzel.
—Edward Harper of Millershurg.
spent Sunday at the home of IMS
sister, Mrs. Joseph Dlllman.-—Mrs.'
Ellen Alberts spent the winter
at the home of John A. Keiter v nt
to Sparrows Point, Md„ to make her
future home.—Mrs. E. A. Koons and
children visited friends at Harris
burg over Sunday.—Raymond Sell
ers has gone to Jefferson hospital at
Philadelphia to take treatment f<>r
rheumatism.—Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
Sweigard spent the weekend at Har
risburg and Wormlrysburg.—Chas..
Shoop arjd family were visitors ov
er Sunday at Enders. —Miss Anna
Rieree. of Palmyra, spent Sunday at
the home of her mother. Mrs. Marv
Rieree.—William Tobias of Hershev,
spent Sunday at the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Tobias.
William Dougherty spent Sunday >
with friends nt Matamoras.—How-;
ard Heisler of Northumberland,
spent Sunday at the home of hisi
parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Heli-1
:or.—J. E. Meredith spent Monday
at Harrisburg.
,I7nlon ikposil. John Lous
and Paul Wagner left on Tues
day for Camp Lee. Petersburg, Ya.j
—Mr. and Mrs. William Fmhcrgi a r
of Hanoverdale were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. William Hawk on Sun
day.—Mrs. John M. Raker sper t
Tuesday at Grantville visitinc her
mother Mrs. Lucetta Snavely.— Paul
Miller of Philadelphia visited h's
mother. Mrs. Henry Miller on MTI- :
day.—Mrs. f. A. I>andis spent a .
day at Elizabethtown. visiting her :
daughter. Mrs. Devi Hershey.— M -s.
Henry Miller and son Harvey sp'ilti
Sunday at Palmyra visiting Mrs. '
| Smith save the class history. J. Al
j bert Cook sang a solo, "Ship of My
j Dreams;" M. Katherine Brinzer
j and Earl Karns gave the class
i prophecy, and Raymond Wehler the
valedictory on the subject, "Act Well
i Your Part" Chester Wagner gave an
> "Ode to a Diploma," after which W.
I R. Dick, president of the school
j board, presented the diplomas. Prof.
; Ernest Hartman in a short address
; presented Dr. Fzra Lehman, of the
I Shippensburg State Normal school,
'• who made an address using for his
i subject, "Just a Minute, Please."
I After n chorus by the school, the
j Rev. Geo. Eveler, of the Lutheran
I Church, gave the benediction. Miss
Menear had charge of the singing
| and Erdcan presided at the
| piano.
Centre County Draftee
Invests Savings in Bonds
Bctlcfonte, Pa., May , 4.—George
W. Gill, of Julian, one of the men in
the quota of forty-two Center coun
ty selectives who entrained here on
Tuesday for Camp Lee, Petersburg.
Ya„ invested $l5O in the Third
! Liberty Loan just before leaving,
the sum representing his total sav
ings since buying one of the SSO First
Liberty Loan bonds. The quota was
| the largest sent from Bellefonte
wnee last October. —That Center
j county is not only "doing its bit,"
but is doing its best in keeping up
i with her proud record, is evidenced
| by the fact that every town in the
county of 300 population and tip
ward will be entitled to a Third Lib
erty l<oan "honor flag,'' with a sin
gle exception. I'nionville and Miles
•iiurg have already unfurled their
honor flags, the latter being dedicat
ed Wednesday evening with appro
• priate exercises to signalize the fact
j that the town "went over the top"
I with subscriptions amounting to
$21,300. Other towns that will un
furl Hags are Bellefonte, State Ool
| lege, Howard. Port Matilda. (Worth
I township), and Millheim.
| Miller's brother, Edward Spangler,
( and family.—Mrs. Fidelia Groff and'
daughters, Mary and Violet of Pike
town. were entertained on Sunday by'
' Mr. and .Mrs. Isaac K her sole.—M".
j and Mrs. George Miller, Mr, and
Mrs. Henry Ginder, John Peifter, \ir.
and Mrs. Henry PeifTer and daugh
ter Ruth spent Sunday at Richland
visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Poif-,
p| "'—The Rev. and Mrs. H. S. Kelf->
fer of Oberlin, visited Mr. and Mrs.
William Hawk on Monday.—Mr. and
Mrs. John M. Baker and son John,
Jr.. spent Sunday at Penbrook, visit
ing Mr. and Mrs. William Stone: - .—.
Jacob Earhart of Wiste. visited h\s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ear
hart on Sunday.
I.inglrstouii. Mr. and Mrs.
Clayton Bacr were the guests
0 fMr. and Mrs. John Reese on Mon
day.— Mr. and Mrs. Cloyd Holland cfj
Paxtang, on Sunday were the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. .). F. Hieks. —Air.i
and Mrs. Hand of Philadelphia, and;
Mrs. Arnold of Harrishurg, were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. PeilTeri
on Sunday.—l,. E. Henninger of
Frystown. on Monday was the guest
of W. G. Zimmerman.—Mr. and Mrs. >
James MeFadden and family of
Mifflin, on Sunday were the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. James MeFadden. 1
Sr.—Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Garner'
and child and Miss l.omis, of Harris
burg, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W.
G. Zimmerman on Sunday. Miss
Minnie Raker is spendine the week:
with hgr'sister, John J. Guyer. Mid-i
dletown.— Robert Walker, of Harris-!
burg, was the week-end guest of Mr !
and Mrs. William J,utz.—Miss Jessie!
I.enker was a recent guest of frienos'
at Carlisle.—Mrs. Mary Failing
spent Sunday with friends at Alid
dletown. —Mr. and Mrs. Harry fir-1
1 is of Harrisburg, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rabuek.—Miss.
Marion Farllng of Harrisburg, was
the guest of friends here. —Edward
Uncle of Oberlin, was the guest of
his daughtf#, Mrs. John Reese on
Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs. Grant Early!
of Prnbrook. were the guests of Mrs.'
Sevilla hongenecker. Orpha Shrei
ner spent several days as the.
Kiiest of Afiss Dorothy Mehrinu At
Harrisburg.—Miss Elsie and Miss
Ruth Rierbower, Harry Rutz and
Ebert Sheto. of f'arlisle, and Mr.
and Mrs. Norman Ditlow of Harris-;
bugr. were the guests of Mr. ani
Mrs. Charles Koons on Sunday.
Pillow. Edward Bingamnn.j
Frank Snyder, Daniel Bohner
and Oscar Relchart spent Tuesday:
at Harrisburg.—William Boyer was
at Berrysburg on Tuesday.—Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Kauber end son John of
Elizabeth ville, visited her parents
here.—Miss T.eona Stine and a f.'rl
friend of Harrisburg, spent several
days; with her grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. B. J. Snyder.—lsaac andj
Frank Boyer were at Tower City on
Tuesday.—Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Moy-j
er of Harrisburg. visited her parents, i
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. I.oudenslager.!
—(;. M. Koppenhaver and family!
spent Sunday at Pinegrove.—E. M
Ruflington and George Hoke were at I
Harrisburg on Wednesday.
Ycagfrtown, Pa.. May 4.—Mr. and!
Airs. Russel Griffith end daughter l
Kathryn l.ouise. Airs. William Mr-
Mullen and Preston Griffith of Lew-1
istown, were recent visitors at (he
home of their parents. Mr. and Mrs.
George Griffith. —Airs. Kathryn
Ramsey of Altoona, is visiting her
sister, Afrs. James Rradley.—Mrs. j
John Austin nnd daughter Shirley
and grandson Glenn Austin of New
town. were visitors at the home o!"i
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Albright.—J.lrs.
William Fleishcr and daughter Sara'
' Anniversary Services of
Young People's Society
lj Morin. Pa., May 4.—The Young
1 1 People's Society of the United
i j Brethren church will hold anniver
. j sary services on Sunday. In the
'I morning the pastor will preach a
I special sermon on "The C. E. Move
ijment and the Young People." In
the evening a special program will
'he rendered. The address will be
i| delivered by S. D. Clark of Hershey.
'] —Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reyburn and
■ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kreiner of Lan
caster, were the guests of Mr. and
I Mrs. John Wachstetter on Sunday.—
H. H. Singer and family of Ephrata.
1 called on friend here.—Walter Niss
iey of Philadelphia, was the guest
1 of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L.
Nissley.—William Henry and fam
! ily. Miss Frances Beatty and Miss
j Emily Freymyer spent Sunday at
! Manheim. —The Rev. O. G. Rornig
spent several days at Lancaster and
New Holland.—Miss Amanda Sides
' visited friends at Columbia.—J. A.
. Miller of Jersey Shore, and Ephraim
Ebersole of Elizabethtown, were vis
-1 itors here.—Enos Wachstetter and
John AVitel left on Monday for
Camp Lee, Petersburg, Va.—Mr.
| and Mrs. Harry Eldridge of
1 non, are spending several days here,
j—jMrs. Harry Eichler and grand
daughter Frances Liggins spent a
j day at Philadelphia.—Mr. and Mrs.
j F. E. Waltz of Harrisburg, and Mr.
; and Mrs. G. J. Waltz of Steelton.
| visited friends here,: —Daniel Grimm
lof Millersyille, spent two days here
> wtih his daughter, Mrs. William
' Henry.
.oi HiiYrisburg. were recent visito-s
(at the home of her mother. Mi'-. Ir-!
\'in Burns.,- Setii S-ci.k anri L ivid!
Yeager left on Tue >.-i- y m "uin for
1 nited States \riny serv —} Ii
Hirshner oi ork county, :.■> ijnc.-i
ing a couple weeks with h • son,
Ralph.—Miss Mildred Guss. aft i i
spending three weeks with her aun:,
Mrs. R. T. Whitley, has returned to
her home at Selinsgrcve.—Mr. an l|
.Mrs. Ira Musser left on Thursday for!
Camp Hancock, Augusta, Ga., to vis
it t heir son Lewis.—Clo.vd Nede!.;
who was in the I'nited States Array
.service for several months, has re
turned home, not being able to on-!
dure the rigor of Army life.—Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Gemberling are
| spending a week at Selinsgrova.—
Miss Eleanor Johnson returned'
home on Thursday ljrom a viait
at Philadelphia.—Luth of
Lewistown, was a Saturday visited!
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hayes
Long. Mrs. R. Riden of Lewistown,'
and Miss Yerna Ulsh of Highland i
Avenue. w#re visitors at the home cC
Miss Janet Lesher, Sunday.
Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Straw
and family, of Carlisle, visit
ed at the home of Mr. J. H. Nickeyl
—Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gross of Cam
den, N. J„ spent Sunday with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elias Gross. l
—Parker Richwine of Harrisburn,!
: spent Sunday with his brother, Har
r>'. —The Citizen Fire Company will!
j hold their monthly meeting on Mon-!
j day evening.—Mrs. John Rauda
! maker and daughter Martha or!
Harrisburg. spent Sunday with
mother, Mrs. Levi Enck. —John
Trimmer of Newville, spent Sunday;
with his mother. Mrs. Mary Trim-!
mer.—Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Wyan
spent Sunday with Mrs. Wyan's,
. parents at York Springs.—Harper
, SCell, who has been at the State 1
Police Barracks at Pottsville. was
| called home by the draft board and
j left for Camp Meade, Md., last week.!
Bettysburg. Mrs. Mutch, of I
Kphrata, is visiting her sister An
nie Runk.—Mr. and Mrs. Mark Le
bo and child, Edward Weaver and
sister Hannah of Philadelphia, mo
tored to this place and spent Sunday
with relatives.—Commencement ex
ercises will be held Friday evening
in the Lutheran church. The town
; schools closed Tuesday.
Blgle*-viUe. Miss Mary Floto,
of York, is spending some,
time with relatives and friends.—'
Sterling Longsdorf of York, spent
'he weekend at his home.-—Mrs. Se
ivall Kapp and Miss Marie Mowerv
have returned home after a 'abort
visit at Harrisburg. -Paul Knou.-e
spent several days with his parents
here.-*-Gilbert '"line has been suf-'
fering from infection, the result of a
; scratch.
i Blain. Miss Mae Waggoner.
of Center, came home from
1 from State College, where she Is a'
student, to spend the summer vaca
tion with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Waggoner.—Frank Lupr'er.
who is a substitute postal mail clerk
on the Pennsylvania Railroad train
•from Pittsburgh to Erie, visited his
| father, Israel Ltipfer.- Miss Miry,
Reighard, a student of State Col
lege, came home to spend the sum
mer vacation with her father, the
Rev. J. r\ Reighard.—George i>
Martin, who was at the Lancaster
, Hospital for treatment Is improving.
-—lames C. Rickard. has returned
from a (rip to Harrisburg and Phila
delphia. and on his way home v's
ited his daughter, Mrs. A. R. Kernh
at Middletown. i
Two Slackers Who Were Ar
rested and Sent to Camp
Lee Go to Prison
Railroad Track Foreman Cap
j tures Crippled Hear Cub
in His Orchard
Tyrone, Pa., May 4.—Earl it. I
hi taker and Milton B. Gardner,
who in February were called out for;
the draft and failed to appear, after- j
wards being: arrested and sent to
! Camp in the custody of the po- 1
lice, were court-martialed this wek h
j and both were found guilty and sen-|
tenced to ten years in a military j
prison. The charge was desertion
i rom the Army. Both of them are |
religious fanatics.—Curtin Bryan, a
trark foreman for thri Pennsylvania!
I Railroad at Vail, three miles east of'
here, captured a young boar cub in i
j his orchard during the week. The
j little fellow had his leg broken, e\i-|
i dently by a trap, and navigated with]
great difficulty. Bryan,' at the re-!
| Quest of the warden, has taken
j Bruin to raiso until he is able to
! walk off for himself again.—Man-
agers of the "Komfy-Kit" t'und,|
which depends on contributions cti
| tirely of a voluntary nature, reportl
| this week that they have $481.50 in
j the fund, which assures a great
1 many more of the boys that are to
j go to war one of these indispensi- j
| ble articles.—Two marriages among l
I the younger set this week caused/
[ surprise to their friends. One was!
j that at St. Matthew's Roman Church !
| when Guard 1. Uodgers, of Altoona, I
and Aliss Mary Helen Keohane, ot'j
I Tyrone, were married; (he other l>e
| ing that of Lee W. Miller, of Ty
| rone, and Elizabeth A. McOullen.
j oi Bellefonte, which was performed '
|at Bellefonte. The latter couple. |
l : >fter a stop at Tyrone to greet '.ho
groom s parents, continued on to|
j Akron. Ohio, where they will live. —
Mrs. \Y. c. Vanscoyoo is visiting rcl
! atives in West Virginia, with Wheel-'
i ing as her chief stopping point.— I
: S. T. Reel, after visiting in Illinois'
] and Michigan, has returned to his!
| home here.—Mrs. A. L. Miller and
daughter, Alberta Miller, of the Gar
man Apartments, are spending the'
week at Schuylkill Haven.—Mr. Audi
Mrs. N. D. Runkle have again taken
i up their residence in Tyrone, Mr.
Runkle being the chief draftsman'
! for the Tyrone Division of the Penn
! sylvania Railroad.—Mrs. James F.'
i N'au is spending several weeks ut|
| Camp Lee, Petersburg, Va. where j
! her husband is stationed. —A d07.-nI
| "kids" of the outer wards were he-!
fore the squire this week for row
dyism on the streets and about;
Carlisle Minister Will
Deliver Memorial Address
Xwvvllle Pa. May 4.—The Ladies'
I Aid Society of the Church of God
i will meet at the home of Mrs. J. A.j
Clousa on Tuesday evening at T.'iO
1 o'clock. The Memorial Day ex- |
| ercises to be held at Newville, thel
Rev. F. R. Plummer of Carlisle. will!
deliver th"- address. B. Seitz Will
read Lincoln's Address at Gettys-j
bur.—The annual meeting of the
Newville Auxiliary of Carlisle Hos- j
pital was held at the home of Mrs.
Jwope on Monday. Officers for the
ensuing yeaV are: President. Mrs.
Gilbert Swope; vice-president, Miss
Bess secretary. Miss Belle I
Dunfee: treasurer, Mrs. S. E. Piper.t
Mr. and Mrs. John Koch and two
children, of Harrisburg, spent over
Sunday with Mrs. Koch's parents.!
Mr. and Mrs. D. D. McCoy.— Mr. and j
Mrs. E. M. Davidson and daughter,!
Sara Davidson, of New Cumberland.)
visited Mrs. Davidson's mother, Mrs.
Dunfee, in Big Spring avenue, for
several days.—Mr. and Mrs. John
Over, of Lehmaster, spent Sunday
with the former's parents, Mr., and
Mrs. W. B. Over.—Mrs. J. E.
lington and daughter. Susan Vir
ginia Skillington, of Hazleton, are!
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.|
C. D. Hartzell. —Mr. and Mrs. Frank!
Failor and children, of Harrisburg.
were recent visitors of Mrs. Failor'sj
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Harlan.!
—Mrs. William Kough. of Median-j
icsburg, spent several days with her
sisters. Mrs. Henrietta Borst Mild!
Mrs. Mary Gayton.—George D. Fry!
spent several days at Philadelphia.—|
Mrs. Catharine 'Graham and Missl
Belle Graham and Miss Belle Dun-!
fee spent a week at New York City.;
Dr. O. P. Stoey is suffering from!
blood poisoning. Miss Catharine!
Woodburn, of Philadelphia, is visit-1
ing her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. C.
Tower City, Pa.. May 4.—A patri-j
otic pageant given for three nights'
proved a success and netted the Bed !
Cross a large sum of money. Credit;
is-duc the efforts of Prof. Jones, who
directed' the children.—A party of j'
young people hiked to the Big!
Rocks, seven miles over the moun
tains. on Siindnv.— Mrs. Leo Bents',
attended her father's funeral in Wil- ;
liumstown this week. —Mrs. Hinkle
was a visitor at Elizabethville for
several days.—Charles Snyder and
Joseph Miller and the Misses .Jeani
Murray and Kathryn Cute iViotore.l
to Rranehdale and enjoyed a fiance j
'here on Monday night.—Mrs. Rath :
man motored to Loyalton with her
daughter and spent Sunday there.—
Miss Florene" Ludwig was elected
delegate to the convention of the
Woman's Home and Foreign Mis-!
sionary Society of the T'nited Evan
gelical Church at Reading, May 22.
—Miss Emma Lewis will represent j
the Mission Rand at the same con-j
Hhlppcnslmrg. Pa.. May 4.—The> i
Rev. W. H. Washtnger, of Portia nl,!i
Ore., ."-pent several days here.—Al
bert .Allison of Camp Meade. Md..
spent several days in town.—The']
Junior class of the high school willii
~ive a play in the Lyric Theater cnj<
May 24. The title of the play isli
"KatyDid." - Ford Feree. John <
Pechart. Oscar Hykes and J. Hum- '
wood left on Monday for Camp Lce.il
Petersburg. Vn —lsaac Hykes, of <
Harrisburg. stent Sunday in. town.;'
-Yesta Rrandt, a nurse at the Har- ■ 1
risburg Hospital, spent Sunday in:'
town —A sunrise prayer meeting! <
will he hrM !n the Messiah United I
Brethren r 'hurch to-morrow.—The'l
Philomathenn Literary Society of j 1
the normal school will hold It" on-
nual reunion on Friday evening.' 1
Mnv 10. The anniversary of the 10-! l
cnl Y. M. C. A. will be held to-mur- !
row evening.
MAY 4, 1918.
Civil War Veteran's Son
Serving in Regular Army
M.'irlcttii Pa. May 4.—Among the
many young men serving their coiln-
J try iu the present conflict is Horace
] Wisman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Adam
; Wisman of Marietta. This young
man has been in the service for a
number of years, belonging to the
Regular Army. When lie enlisted
I he selected the Cavalry, and is nov."
a member of Troop R, Third United
I States Cavalry, lie is now in France.
Service Flag Unveiling at
Lewisburg M. E. Church
l/o\vthri'ry, May 4.—A patriotic
j service will lie held in the Methodist
j Episcopal church tomorrow evening,
at "7:45 o'clock. The program fol
j lows: Hymn. "Faith of Our Fath
ers": prayer by the pastor, the Rev.
j R. R. Owens; Duet, "The Cross and
j The Flag." hy Mrs. J. H. Shettle and
j Miss HJvelyn Harlacher, with chorus
I by Ihc choir; Scripture reading; Of
i t'ertory and announcements; hymn,
| "Onward. Christian Soldiers;" Ad
j dress by T. J. Scholl of Meclianics
j burg; "The Star Spangled Banner;"
i Unveiling of the service flag by the
j pastor; solo, "Rock Gently, Old
Ocean" by Mrs. H. C. Hetriek;
I hymn. "America"; benediction by
| the pastor. The service flag of silk
! was made and presented to the
j church by the Misses Mary and Al
jda Bratten of Harrisburg. The flag
is in honor of Sergt. Rruee O. Neb
j inger. Corporal Raymond Stoneslf- j
j er and Private John H. l,eas, all of]
i 1 'amp Meade. Md. Miss Edith (Mine
] is pianist—The Rev. D. !<. Dixon. !
I pastor of the Methodist Episcopal I
| c hurch at Weatherly, Pa., and a
former pastor for three years, 1913-
! I"', of the local church, is spending)
the week with friends in the bor
ough.—The !,ewisbury High School J
students gave the play "Between
j The Acts" in the hall on Saturday
evening.—Mrs. W. G. Wilson has re-
I turned home from spending a few
days with relatives at Harrisburg.—
! Mr. and Mrs. Paul Reiff and son
i Robert of N'ew Cumberland, spent
j Sunday with the former's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Reiff. —-Mr.
land Mrs. Dean R. Hudson and
i daughter. Miriam Elizabeth and
! Mrs. Elizabeth C. Raird spent Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde H. Up
degraff of Harrisburg.—Mrs. Curtis <
Cooke and daughters Sarah and
Pauline of DUlsburg, were guests of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julius At
tieks.—Edwin Spangler. who is now
!at l/Ong Island. N. Y„ lately of
j Camp Gordon, Ga„ spent several
I days' furlough with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Spaugler.—Mr. and
j Mrs. Edward Hammond and Ren
j uett Hammond returned on Sunday
to their homes in Washington, af
; ter spending several days with their
! father, W. S. Hatnmod.—James F.
ciine returned on Thursday to his
home at Steelton, after spending
j spending several weeks with his
i brother and sister at the Clinc home.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Bratten
1 and son Frank of Harrisburg, were
| Sunday guests of Miss Clarissa
t Rratten.—Mrs. Mary Foster has re
-1 turned to her home at Harrisburg. I
j after spending a week at the Foster j
Patriotic Rally Service
at Roseglen M. E. Church
Diincaniion. Pa., May 4.—A pa- i
triotic rally service will be held in j
the Methodist Church at Roseglen. !
Sunday afternoon. May 12, at 2..10 ,
o'clock. At the same time the Ep-)
worth League will present a service
flag to the church with appropriate'
exercises." The Rev. Samuel Fox, i
pastor of the Methodist Church here]
will deliver an address and patriotic]
music will be rendered by the)
league. Mrs. John Shaffep and I
children, John and Margaret, of]
Aitoona, were receht guests of. her]
flu-other. Newall Trout, here.—James'
W. Holland, who has been confined!
to his home for several weeks withj
a severe attack of grip is able to be
about again.— Miss Ruth Bryant, i
who spent some time here at the I
home of her brother, B. T. Bryant,
has gone to Pittsburgh, where she
will live. —During the month of
April 3,500 articles wVre made in the
local Red Cross workroom and
shipped to headquarters at Harris-1
burg.—The Rev. William Willis j
Sholl, pastor of the Duke Street
M. E. Church, at York, and a form-!,
er pastor of the Methodist Episco-p
pal Church, spent Wednesday call-j
Ing on friends here.
Proceeds of Entertainment
Will Be Put in Bonds
Mount Union, Pa., May 4. Mer
chants of town have decided to close i
all stores at ti p. m. The new closing
hour started on Wednesday.—The i
Kisler schools held an entertainment
last The proceeds will be put i
iu Liberty Bonds.—The local post
office reported $2,000 worth of war
stamp sales on Tuesday as the best ,
day for the week.—The Boy Scouts
took a long hike on Saturday-—The (
public schools are planning to have
elaborate May Day exercises on i
Tuesday, May 7.—Wilbur Randis and 1
Herman Smith, both sergeants at
Camp Ree. Petersburg. Va., leff forh
camp on Tuesday after spending a ! ;
ten-day furlough with their parents j|
here.—The following young men!,
lift Tuesday from Mount Union to!!
go to Camp Ree. Petersburg, Va.:ij
Mohammed Shndy, William Sherman i
Horn, Eugene Rinker. Tony Dsnllle. j]
Mariano Terrlzzi. Gabrill TahidesM
and Charles Terrizi. j t
Beautiful Convalescent Robe
Sent From Irving
Y. W. C. A.
Mr. and Mrs. John Fuller En
tertain Bridge Club at
Mivluinicsburg, Pa.. May 4. —The
V. \V. C. A. of Irving College haw
have a beautiful convalescent robe,
with a large red cross on a white
square in the center, and presented
it to tlie local Red Cross, to bo went
With their next shipment of supplies.
—Mr. and Mrs. John Fallcr enter
tained the Evening: Bridge Club at
their home in West) Main street
on Tuesday evening. Mrs. R. M.
Middle and Murray R. Dick won
highest score. Refreshments were
served.—Dr. Campbell, president f-1
Irving College, Mrs. Campbell arid
fifty members of the student body of
the institution were In Carlisle on
Tuesday, attending Ihe funeral of
Kenneth 1,. Sleek, son of the lie".
Dr. A. R. Steck, president of the
board of trustees of Irving College.
—Miss Olive Taylor was hostess for
hrr Sunday school class of the Meth
odist Episcopal Church on Monday
evening at her home in East Main
street. A social hour was spent aft
er. the business session.—Mrs. David
Watts has returned to her home in
East Keller street after a visit to
her daughter. Mrs. Moflet, at Fred
erick. Md.— Mrs. William Diveler, or
Philadelphia, will be the princip.il
speaker at the annual thank offering
meeting of the Woman's Foreign
Missionary Society of the Methodist
Episcopal Church on Sunday eve
ning. May 1!>. She is a sister of
Mrs. Charles E. Umberger of South
Market street. —On Thursday 1 eve
ning a meeting of the Radios' Aid
Society of the Grace Evangelical
Church was held at the home of
Mrs. Charles Kunkel. Wist Simpson
street.—A pleasant session of (he
Sunday school class of which Miss
Anna Brownawell is teacher in the
Methodist Episcopal Church was
held on Thursday evening at the
home of Mrs. M. C. Dietz, In East
Main street, where an interesting
program was given.—William Davis,
in the National Army at Camp
Meade, Md., spent the weekend with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Da
vis. at the American House.—Hay
Clark and Richard Schafhirt were
visitors', at New York this week.---*
Miss Hlanche Eckels, manager for
many years of the Mechanicsburg
exchange of the Cumberland Valley
Telephone Company, resigned her
position, but will continue in tlie
service of the company in another
responsible position.— Miss 'da
Kast. an attorney, lias been ill from
overwork and confined to her home
in South Market street. —A meeting
of the Meehanlcsburg Bible and
Tract Society was held at the home
of Mrs. William Bobb. West Main
street, on Thursday evening.—Mrs.
Annie Koiler entertained the mem
bers of the Woman's Foreign Mis
sionary Society of t tie Methodist
Episcopal Church at her home In
East Main street on Thursday after
noon. Notice from the United
States Shipping Board has been re
ceived by Dr. 11. F. Rrumhouse that
his drug store will be made a re
cruiting station for the Sea Training
Three Sons of Upper End
Woman in U. S. Service
Wieonisco. Pa.. May 1. —Alva K.
Powell's departure on Tuesday with
1 the National Army -quota for Camp
j Ree. Petersburg, Va., makes ttie
third son Mrs. S. J. Powell has given
for service. Two arc already in the
service, one in the National Army
at Camn Meade. Md., the other at
Camp Cutter. Mich.- - Robert Min
nich. of Dickinson '"oilege. Carlisle,
spent the forepart "f 'lie week with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. \lin
niek.—Sergeant Clayton Matter, of
Camp Sevier. Greenville. S. C.. is
spending a short furlough with rela
tives here. — Dr. and "Mrs. I. A. Kcl
ter left on Thursday to visit their
j son, Warren Keller, in the National
' Army at Camp Uoton. Yaphank.
I V. Y.—Miss Mary Diefenderfer. of
' State College, is the guest of Mr. in I
Mrs. R. K. Diefenderfer. —Mrs. Ida
I Rombergpr and <>Co llartman. of
Klizabethville, called on 11. A. Kop
] penhaver Saturday Harper Wiest
and Alvn F Powell, who left Tne
; day with !••• National Army quot'i
] for Cai. i> Va.. were given a
farewell surprise rartv by the lar
] ter's mother. Mrs. Sara J. Powell, on
Monday evening. Miss Sara Bodes,
J of Shamokin. is visiting Mr. and Mrs.
: Edward P.oden.—M'ss Mary Hur
i man spent Tuesday at Harrisburg.—
] Benjamin R Howells, of Norris-'
, town, was tlie week-end guest ef
! Richard Howells and family.—"The
[ Captain of Plymouth." a comic op
eretta, will be presented for the ben
efit of the Junior Red Cross and '.lie
Public Library in the Wiconis >
High School room thU evening.
Juniata County Soldier Dies
of Meningitis inf ranee
Mlfflintown, Pa.. May 4.—On
April 29. Dr. George W. Sieber, of,
Allensvilie received news that his son
Ray 1. Sieber, Company E. Bth Bat
talion, American Rxipeditionary
Forces, had died of cebro-spinal
mengitis on March 20. lie was born
and raised in Juniata county, near
here. —Mr. and Mrs. T. M. M. Pen
nell and niece. Miss Helen Lewis,
have returned from Johnstown after
attending the Pennell-Glenn wed
ding.—Mrs. Ferd KeiffhofTer, of
Rewistown, spent Sunday with her
sister, Mrs. R. 1,. Auker. —At a con.
♦irqgationai meeting held in the
Rutheran Church on Sunday even
ing. the R.-!V. J. .-I. Shewell, of Ro
raine. Ohio, \",t" unanimously elect
ed -pastor In ti.e v-r.ee of the Rev.
Edward M. I/'or.'-'Hii, who resigned to
do Y. M. C. /. work at Camp Meade.
—Mrs. T. J. S.iott and daughter.
Miss Bertha, spent a day at Phlla
delphia.— Rieut. Edward Pennell,* of
Mi iutown, and Miss Ruth Glenn,
of Johnstown, were married at the
home of the bride on Saturday,
morning at 10 o'clock. Miss Riving
Remon has returned to her home m
Mifflin after a visit with her broth
er, Reon Remon, in Kast Orange.
N". J. Mrs. Rertha Helkes. of Mil-,,
lersburg. Is visiting her sister, Mrs.
John Warner. —Mr. and Mrs. Frank.'
Faslck spent a day at Harrisburg.
Miss Hazel Auker spent the week' 4';
end with friends at Philadelphia.- -j
Mrs. S. A. Ellis and daughter, Mr
Mildred, spent several days at Steel-.
lon - . . XI