ADVERTISE YOOR USE! CAR M SALE.. YGU CAN EASILY SELL II IN MEMORIAM r MEMORIAM , ; IN sad. but loving remembrance of Thomas James McCllntock. .Tr.. who departed this life so suddenly one >eai j ago to-day. , A vacant place is left Since James has gone away. Your heart so sad and lonely Is with deepest sorrow tilled. In this time of great distress. May the thought of comfort tome to , That somewhere the clouds are Somewhere your loved one is waiting # in heaven for you. . May you kiss the rod and hear cross, for Cw£>d knows Best. MR#. D. A. BEBD_ ' INSTR U BUSINESS EDUCATION SCHOOL OF RESULTS• the MjW.|T and BEST ItECOGMZW' VMV.L_ —the ACCREDITED INSTITUTION invites you to investigate Its claim and solicits your patronageupon th basis of what it HAS done and i- NOW doing. School oKomm 6 Troup Harrisburg Business college, _ Building. 15 South Market Square. Both phojes. __ INDIVIDUAL. PROMOTION Gregg Shorthand. Typewriting. English Bookkeeping. Penmanship. Aril .. „ DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALU ItAK Enter any time. Bell 694 K. THR OFFICE TRAINING 121 Mkt. St. Chas. R. Merle K. Keller. Bus. Mgr. LOST AND FOUND LOST—H. 11. S. 'II class pin. '"j*'*!? on back. M. M. J., between Roses. Store and Post Office, or Fourth street car. Return to 515.1 alder trt*. t. . LOST Roll of bills, containing between forty and dollars. Dropped Saturday or where in Harrisburg or slfeelton. Re ward for return to Telegraph Ofnie. DOG LOST Part Collie and part Shepherd, tan and white. Answers to name "Jack." Reward if returned to Ervin Brownagle. 6Q.> showers nue. i LOST *—i3old Chambersburg Hos pital pin. 1010. Bertha B. Sellers en graved on back. Return to 16-0 street- ——== HELP WASTED —MAI.E _______ - % A YOUNG OR MIDDLE-AGED MAN as hotel night clerk. Hours, II P. M. : to 7 A. M. Steady position, with chance for advancement. Address, in own handwriting, statins experience and giving; references. Box B. iIUJ. care of Telegraph. ) ' WANTED Five young men to go to, Cleveland, Chio, with manager of local Automobile Firm to drive cars back to Harrisburg. Must be competent, careiul driv ers. Sec Mr. Church at once. Hupmobile Sales Corp. 103 Market St. I i | TOOLMAKERS Highest wages to first-class men on high-grade jig, fix- > turo and die work. Out of town. Transportation paid. Strictly up-to- j daie shop. Call at Metropolitan Hotel: Mr. Kohr. ' BOOKKEEPER WANTED For, position in bank. Good chances for i advancement. State age and experi- j ence. Address "Banking." P. O. Box i 507. Harrisburg. Pa. HOSIERY*— Young fellow, 14 to IS years of age. mechanically inclined, to operate and learn to repair hosiery machines. Apply New Idea Hosiery '■ Co.. Fourteenth and Howard streets. WANTED A man to help in pack ing and shipping department. Apply Harrisburg Burial Case Co.. 160 South Tenth street. WANTED A good shoe repair man. Good wages. Steady employ ment- Apply at 225 South Thirteenth. after 6 P. M. WANTED One first-class barber. Apply at The Tile Barber Shop. 15 North Market Square. COLORED BOY for porter work around store. Apply Ladies' Bazaar. . 8-10-12 South Fourth street. EXPERIENCED MEN' and 1 boys for sole leather department. Apply to Dfcvine and Yungel Shoe Mfg. Co., Sixteenth and State streets. SALESMAN WANTED An opportunity for a first class salesman to connect with one of the large tire manufacturing companies with a branch in this city. To those who can qualify, an advancement to branch manager is assured. No pikers or soft-snap ! men need apply. ' All communications held in strict confidence. Ad dress Box 54884 care of the Telegraph i WANTED Competent chauffeur, over thirty years old. with testimo- J nial*. good wages, for Packard trucks. I by Fink Brewing Company, 312-20 ! Forster street. City. COUNTER MAN Wanted. im- j mediately, at Stouffcr's Restaurant, 4 North Court street. . j WANTED A colored boy. Apply : 1210 North Third street. j $2200 j; ! will buy a home in North Lemoyne. \ J \ The house is fitted with sanitary 1 plumbing and a good furnace, and is lighted by gas. The first floor ! I is .light and roomy, and the four 1 heilrooms will accommodate a\ liifge family. The lot is 35x110 ft.'' ' —large enough to raise your own! green vegetables. Possession at' any time. See us about It at once, i Miller Brothers & Co. Member l regular ► commercial lines. Our factory op erates six das s per week, elgnt hours per day on three shifts. Piece workers. after learning the work, which takes from one to two weeks, are able to earn from $3 to $5 per day and better. Wo have a Housing Department which will assist our ap plicants in securing rooms at the lowest rates. We also need a large number of girls, ages 21 to 35, for steady, profitable factory employment. Apply in person or communicate with Factory Employment Oftice. The Goodyear Tire &. Rubber Company, Akron. Ohio. HELP WANTED—FEMJVLE SEVERAL quick crocheters wanted at once, on boudoir caps. Positively ino canvassing Stamped envelope for : particulars. Mrs. Meixell, 515 Lycom i ing street, Williamsport. Pa. WANTED Experienced dining room girl. Address A., 3615, care of | Telegraph. WANTED Girl to assist with general housework. Family of adults. No heavy work. 121 South street, street. MAID For general housework, i Good wages to competent person. Ap ply 119 Pine street. GIRLS WANTED Apply Keystone Printing and Binding Co., 2 Aberdeen street. EXPERIENCED SALESLADY WANTED Must be experienced in waists. Steady position. Good salary. Apply to Fleur-de-lis Blouse Shop, 41" •Market street, about 9 o'clock. WANTED Middle-aged white wo man, or reliable girl, to assist in gen eral housework. Bell phone 774 M. ALTERATION HANDS Experienced alteration hands wanted to work on women's suits, coats and dresses. Apply at once at KAUFMAN'S UNDERSELLING STORE HOUSEKEEPER Will consider widow needing a home. Fair wages. Full charge. Address K.. 7111, care . of Telegraph. WANTED A girl or woman, to dj housework. Good wages, pleasant , surroundings and home privileges. Apply 1907 Manada street. Bell phone 3257 J. WHITE tIIRL for general house work: must be able to cook; small family; reference required. Call even ings. 229 Forster street. | WANTED Several bright girls. Apply HARRISBURG SILK MILL EXPERIENCED and refined 1 diningroom girt wanted. Ap ply Manhattan Restaurant, 317 Market street. j WANTED ! Sewing Machine operators to make ladles' and children's wear. Also fold ers and trimmers. Easy work, and best pay. Learners paid while learn ing. 47 guaranteed the third coneecu live week of learning. After tbe.t I piecework. HARRISBURG APPAREL CO, New Up-to-date Factory. Sixth and Herr Streets. SALESMEN WANTED SALESMAN - - Company making a representative line of Stoves, Ranges, Boilers and Furnaces has opening for j experienced and aggressive salesman jto cover Central Pennsylvania. Ad dress Box H, 7053. care of Harris- I burg Telegraph. HEM" WANTED—MaIe and Female EXPERIENCED young man or girl, for clerk in grocery Btore. Good op portunity. Reference required. Ad dress S.. 7005, care of Telegraph. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE WANTED Young man would like to have position driving light'deliv l er.v truck or Jitney; can ciye refer ence. Address, or apply, 17'36 North j Fifth street. j SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE 1 BOOKKEEPER - STENOGRAPHER —Man 32 desires position; ten years' experience; able to take charge: A 1 | reference; 118.00. Address Y., 7105. care of Telegraph. j. WANTED Position as chauffeur, > by young mart with three years' ex . perience; can give references. Address '(Y.. 7106. cure of Telegraph. i —- ~ j WANTED Middle-aged man de t | sires work of any kind, preferablv in . side -work. Address 1120 Christiana t j street. Ask for Joe Hubert. WANTED Situation bv a middle ; aged, married man, experienced in I store clerking; also several years' ex i perience as bookkeeper. First-class . j recommendation from former em i ployer. Nothing but permanent work ? considered. Address No. 33t South . Washington street. Mechanlcsburg, Pa. - ; WANTED Whitewashing cellar. 5 j cleaning, and odd Jobs, by experienced > I and reliable man. Charles Summers, . 314 Mulberry street. SITUATION S WA N TKD—Vw^.i. • i WANTED Position as chamber ■ maid, or work by the day. Call, or ■ | address, 658 Calder street. WANTED Woman wishes dav's - work or housework of any kind. A~p . | ply 302 South Second, first floor. ; STENOGRAPHER Young woman t wishes position as stenographer with ' reliable concern. Good qualifications I I Address Box P, 710S, care df Tele ! • graph. ROOMS FOR RENT ■ 1 203 NECTARINE STREET—About ' b'beks east of Mulberry Street k j Bridge, large front room, first floor; , all conveniences. Apply at above ad ' | dress. . i .TWO unfurnished rooms for rent. ; None but particular couple need ap ply. Rent reasonable. Call Bell phone | ISOOM. FOR RENT Two unfurnished i rooms, on Penn street near Maclay. All conveniences. Reference requir ; ed. R„ 7104. care of Telegraph. FOR RENT At 1324 North Sec ond. one or two large furnished rooms; all conveniences; suitable for young . I couple or gentlemen. Call after 4 >; p. m. A LARGE, first floor room, sitting room and bedroom combined, running . 1 water. Apply evenings after 7, at : i 129 Walnut. Dial 5775. I —— NORTH SECOND STREET—Large, • | well-furnished bedroom, third floor ; front, with private family; steam ■ I heat; use of bath and phone; gcutle ,' men preferred. Bell 4406 M. II FOR RENT Large, third-story , j front room, furnished or unfurnished, for gentleman; reference required. I Apply at 231 Maclay street, between > 7-8 evenings. Bell 1463 M. i TWO light, airy, well-furnished ! rooms, on third floor, for light house keeping. with use of bath and phone. Parties with children need not an- I ply. 1606 North Third. LARGE, well-furnished front room • second floor, in private familv. Fine ; location. Terms reasonable. Gentle- I . ; men only. 209 Harris street. UNFURNISHED, good-sized room 1 strictly private; elderly narty pre ferred; stove furnished free; also! ' laundry, phone and bathroom priv- . [ ileges. Inquire 429 Broad street. i FURNISHED ROOM—Business sec-I tion. with board by the week or meal, i I Businessmen's luncheon from lj to I 1:30. Address 113 Locust. BOARD WANTED ■ WANTED Private family to take | children to board. Country or subur . ban horaf preferred. Address P. O. Box 405, Harrisburg. Pa. ■ 1 ——— —_____ WANTED Furnished room and board, with private bath, for gentle -1 man and wife, in private family. Ad dress P. O. Box 302, Harrisburg. i APARTMENTS FOR RENT ' i FLAT FOR RENT—Entirely equip ped for light housekeeping; use of . bath and phone: no children. Apply . 1 1302 North Third street. 1210 NORTH SIXTH ST. Third - floor apartment; 4 rooms and bath. . Rent. $25.00. Chas. Adler, 1002 North i Third street. APARTMENT FOR RENT With ; modern improvements. 1315 North ! Third street. ; ' APARTMENT FOR RENT Two rooms, with bath, heat and lights. Ap . ply Esterbrook, 912 North Third . | street. APARTMENTS WANTED APARTMENT WANTED Five rooms and bath, by June 1 or July 1, ' uptown. No children. Address L. 7107, care of Telegraph. COUPLE desire two or three rooms, with private bath and kitchen, cen .trally located. Address S., 7056, care of Telegraph. REAITESTATE tXJR SALE ' , BIG BARGAIN IN PENBROOK - i REAL ESTATE 2736 Boas street . Penbrook, will be sacrificed to quick . buyer for $1,600. Shade trees i n front, fruit trees in yard—lot, 180 feet - deep. Reason for selling, have left > I town. M. J. Sheaffer, Agt.. Penn street, t | Penbrook. Pa. i HOUSE FOR SALE, 2332 North Sixth street 3-story frame; lot 20x - 120 feet; 15 ft. alley. Apply g. ■n . 1 Kreider, 249 Wyoming avenue, Enola I ; Bell phone. FOR SALE Three house? in - Steelton. Rented at SIO.OO each. Price SBOO each, or the three for $2,200 All in good repair. Also vacant house in Highspire. Possession at once ■} rooms. C. H. Corder. 1190 Walnut ( street, Harrisburg. Bell 2412 R. • TWO HOUSES—S9SO.OO. Rent for | $12.00 per month. Apply at Store, 1117 ; Nifrth Third street. I 1168 MULBERRY STREET, corner I Summit, is on the market for a rea j sonable offer. Occupied by owner. H jO. Pedlow. 3 South Thirteenth street! • I IF you are after a good corner prop i erty. look at 11 Prospect street. Just • I north of Market at Nineteenth street ; Occupied by owner. H. G. Pedlow 3 1 South Thirteenth street. CORNER PROPERTY FOR SALE— ■ I No. 622 Peffer street all Improve ! rnents large lot. suitable for gar ages. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Build j Ing. 1 I DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR ! SALE No. 602 North Sixteenth *! street 8 rooms all Improvement) 1 i and very desirable location. Bell • Realty Co., Bergner Building. r 1— > | FOR SALE AND NOW VACANT • No. 23 'North Seventeenth street ■ brick dwelling 8 rooms and bath gas furnace. Oet the key and in -1 speet it. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner 51 Building. . I NO. 1729 STATE ST. Brick dwell • !ng - 8 rooms -i- bath gas elec ■ | trie light steam heat lot, 17x103 ito drive alley. Price right. Bell ' Realty Co., Bergner Building. - LOOK AT 414 HUMMEL ST. For ?! $3,200; occupied by owner. Possession - in less than 30 days. Small- amount •J of cash needed. !> rooms, bath, steam i heat, drive alley In rear. H. G. Ped- I low, 3 South Thirteenth street. HXRRISBURG tmfe TELEGRAPH ij| IF YOU HAVE AN APARTMENT j!' TO RENT you have an advertising ;! " 11 ■ problem of the regular sort—to be work |; ed out in "the regular way." That is the ;!! classified advertising way, and* through 111 ijl it a majority of the apartments are rent ed. It never costs over-much—often so j|j' ||l little that the expense hardly counts. ! Jj| j j I wwwwwmwwwmwMiMiW REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HUNTER ST.. 1421 Brick. 7 - rooms, bath, all improvements, paved ■ I drive alley in rear. Price, 12,400. H. ' j G. Pedlow, 3 South Thirteenth street. ' | 177 N. 15TH ST. 3-s. brick and ■i frame. 7 r. and bath: atmospheric iheat; all imp. Price reasonable. Irwin |M. Cassell. 1 444 Regina St. ! NO. 1720 NORTH STREET FOR ' i SALE At very reasonable price ■ i brick construction all improve ments vacant after April 30. Bell ! Realty Co.. Bersrner Building. BARGAIN Eight-room brick, cor ; j ner Sharon and Swan, Paxtang. Built ' | for home, best throughout. Fruit | trees and shrubbery. Owner lives 1342 i Beach street. Lakewood. Ohio. CAMP HILL Home on two level ! acres; all conveniences: 10 mintites' walk to street car; view of Capitol ';uid city from front porch; variety of fruit; $1,200. W. H. Yingst, Long street. Camp Hill. Pa. HOUSES AND LOTS Easy pay i ment plan. See ine before you buy. 1). A. Caley, Room 70S. Kunkel Bids. ' Bell 589. J. E. GIPPLE. -REALTOR FIRE INSURANCE RENT COLLECTING 1261 Market St. Bell Phone 4259. : Member Harrisburg Real Estate Board FOR SALE Two frame dwelling houses. 320 and 322 South Fourth street 6 rooms bath large hack vard newly painted. Apply ;'JI6 South Fourth street, Steelton. Pa. I NO. 1816 ZARKER ST. I- Brick I house 7 rooms bath gas ! electric light furnace—porch front j rear balcony. Bell Realty Co., Berg i ner Building. j HOMES FOR COLORED FAMILIES > dwelling. Price. $l,lOO. Balance pay las rent. Lincoln Realty Co.. 1129 Sev- I enth street. | BUILDING LOT AT CAMP HILL— Corner, 50x160 ft. Also lots at Oak ' Lane, near Government buildings. Very cheap. Apply at once. C. H. Reorder. I}9o Walnut street. Harris -11 burg. Bell 2412 R. ; HOUSES of all kinds in city and I suburbs, from 51.000 up. Terms easy. Pay as rent. C. H. Corder. 1190 Wal j nut street. Bell 2412 R. i ~ ~ FOR BEAUTY AND EXCELLENCE BUY ONE OF THESE ' NORTH SECOND STREET HOMES r 1 Located on North Second Street at Seneca stone construction— -8 rooms 2 baths marble shower hardwood floors first and second iloors stone fire ; place glass enclosed porch 1 lot 27x160 feet to Penn Street— room for garden and garage. Convenient terms of payment ; may he arranged, j Sample house open for inspection. C. L. LONG. Builder and Owner. Kunkel Building. HarrUburg. j. ; FOR SALE Well-lo cated Building Lots in the Tenth Ward. Near two trolley lines. Splendid opportunity for builder or for factory sites. For full particulars address 0.. 3211. care of Telegraph. ' I I REAL ESTATE FOR KENT ' I FOR RENT 2',-i-st3ry house on 'East Market street, Highspire; elec . I trie and gas lights, including 5 lots ' for garden use. Apply Columbia Elec j trie Co.. 1253 Market street. SMALL, well-furnished house for i rent; 8 rooms and bath. SSO per . ! month. No. 110 Walnut street. In , | quire Miller Brothers & Co. i ' FOR RENT Warehouse. Cowden i street near Market. Elevator. P. R. R. siding. Possession at once. Suit ■ able for any business. Reasonable ' i rent. Apply C. F. Gohl, Bell phone ■ • 899 M. ■ f j 1015 NORTH FRONT —ll rooms ■ 1 baths steam heat immediate . i possession. Communicate with Mrs. •|D. E. Dismukes. Bell 672 J. 1559 J. BAKERY FOR RENT Best stand in the city. 217 Broad street. Apply ; to Mrs. Orth. 219 Broad street. REAL ESTATE—For Sflc or Rent ; i HOUSES AND GARAGES at Fifth .'and Curtin streets. Possession of I Fifth street houses about July 15. i 1918. Fred C. Miller. 31 North Second. ' Bell phone 307 J. ' 1818 NORTH THIRD STREET—De- I sirable tenant with reference. Apply ; A. P. Daranz. 1225 North Sixth street I - • REAL ESTATE WANTED ! WANTED. TO RENT —An Bor 9- roomed house. Will pay $35 to SSO j per month. Call 3573 Bell. WANTED, TO RENT Suburban I i residence having improvements. No I children. Address W.. care of Tele graphy IADY wishes to buy small prop i erty. with improvements, in good ; condition. Or will exchange beautiful suburban home. State full particu lars. Address "Suburban," care of j Telegraph. ~ I OFFICES AND STOREROOMS - . l! FOR RENT - In the Commonwealth Trust I Company Building, large, * :! roomy offices. Apply to ' j COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO, - | 222 Market Street. : ! 1 JOR RENT Storeroom. 504 Market street. - j Storerooms, 248 and 232 Hamilton street $12.00! t I REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE, CHAS. ADLER, 1 ! 1002 N. THIRD STREET. Member Harrisburg Real Estate Board FARMS 1 FOR SALE Five-acre farm. 4 : miles west Harrisburg, Cumberland County. Close to large creek. Fine ■ fishing, boating and swimming. 7- rooni bungalow, steam heat, electric lights, large porches. Tenant house 1 on place, 7 rooms, bank barn, etc. Lots of fruit and berries. One acre woodland. Three minutes' walk to trolley line. 5c fare to Harrisburg. Easy terms and payments. Possession at once. C. H. Corder, 1190 Walnut street. Harrisburg. Bell 2412 R. j FARM FOR SALE —lB miles west | I of Harrisburg, Perry county; 61 acres; i' about 25 acres under cultivation, with I' i meadow, balance young timber; spring • } water at house and barn; t\Vo-and-a- j" ■ half-stor.v log house, bank barn and | I other buildings; all kinds of fruit and I ; i farming implements, for $1,500. Pos- ! ! session at once. For further informa- j tion write Mrs. H. W. Shuff, Duncan- i : non. Pa.. R. D. 3, Box 56. j 74-ACRE FARM, near Dillsburg. | ! I will sell farm, with tools nad stock, j 'I or will sell farm alone. Possession at | M once. Will consider trade on large i ' I larm. C. H. Corder, 1190 Walnut street, Harrisburg. Bell 2412 R. ' I FARMS of every description from ■! 1 acre to 200 acres each Some close ; to trolley and railroad. Some easy • i terms. C. H. Corder, 1190 Walnut | street. Harrisburg. Bell 2412 R. ; FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS ! BOYS' KNEE PANTS that give I , wear. The kinil worth while buying, j William Consylvan, 1117 North Third I street. 1 FOR SALE A carload of Watson I I dump wagons. Also a few slightly j used wagons. Apply Albert A. | Thumma, Lemoyne, Pa. FOR SALE —• 1 small American j steam boiler, with 275 feet of in-inch I pipe, a bargain; 1 120-gallon gasoline | storage tank. Crecent Garage, 232 i South street, Harrisburg. RUMMAGE SALE For the benefit of the Boyer Joy-Giving Car. at 1010 I Seventh street, to-morrow, Saturday | I afternoon and evening. Clothing, shoes and dishes solicited. Will call for the things. Bell phone 1702 J. SS—FIREWOOD—SS | i 3 cord, ready for use, stove, fur ! nace or fireplace. DELIVERED FREE, j Call Bell 1390 or Dial 3573. | FOR SALE —• Gasoline hoist, 1V ton Garford truck, 6 ft. big and little i > oncrete mixer, wheelbarrows and a j lot of old lumber of all kinds. Apply I to 45 West Curtin street. Penbrook. j FDR SALE Photographer's out .lfit; also one manuel pipeorgan, 4 "(stops; also reed organ with foot ped ! als. Apply 252 East Water street, | Middletown, Pa. FOR SALE NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS. Total 1 adders, with detail strip and all im provements, from $125.00 to $965.00. ; • Vlail card or phone. N. R. Black, 105 i " Market street. Harrisburg. Pa. "I BARGAINS IN TYPEWRITERS ! r $lO 00 up. Reaaonaoie terms fori 1 traded and rebuilt typewriters all " makes bought—sold—rented and ex- I changed. Geo. P. Tillotson. 205 Locust , " street. i UPRIGHT PIANO, slightly used, 1 • in excellent condition. For price and ) s inspection apply at premises, 209 • South Front street. Harrisburg, p a . Bell phone 323 W. FOR SALE, at Gable's 111-117 i South Second street. Lawn Fence. . , Field Fence. Gates. Poultry Netting. Building Hardware. Plaster Board, • I Upson Fall Board. Compo-Board, I i Doors. Saah, Shutters, Mouldings, r I Porch Posts. Pumps, etc. ; FOR SALE Unredeemed watches j and diamonds at prices lower thao can be bought wholesale. ! CHAS. ARONSON. Reliable Jeweler and Broker, . i 422 Market Street. WANTED—MISCEJXANEOUB :l i CLOTHING, SHOES. FURNITURE— " Bought at highest cash prices and ■old reasonable. S. Refkln, 407 Broad street. Bell phone 2860. • MAX SMELTZ "" Second-hand furniture bought and sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call Bell 1381R rr Dial 5847, or drop a pos tal to Max rimeltz, 1016 Market street. Will call, city or^country. - Diamonds Bought for Cash; appraisers ) for estate. P. H. Caplan Co.. 2m. Mkt. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for a 7 i kinds of empty barrels and junk. Call ) Bell phone 4275. B. Abrams & Son. • 824-832 North Seventh street MORRIS SAYS save money buying • t.i)ew and second-hand furniture her* I High prices paid for furniture. Morris 1 Schmcrt*. 1030 Market. Bel' 3971 R. f CASH PAID for Books. Novels and j Magazines. Aurand s 924 N. Third St ! BgSIXKSS OPmiXCNniES POOL ROOM Dolnf a good bust* ness. Consists of 8 tables and all I equipment; two show cases, on* wall | cos*, cash register, ten chairs and stock. Call for particulars. A. P. DO KAN Z, U25 N. Sixth St Phone. | Member Harrisburg Real Estate Board ■ - | BUSINESS PKRSONAJLS i NEW AND USED SINGER SEWING | MACHINES FOR SALE Repairing !of all makes of machines. Joseph • Earhart, 620 Curtin street. Both {phones. Write or phone. ! RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED ; Single edge, 26c Uoz.; double edge, S6c doi.; old style, 26c each. Gorgas Drug | Store, formerly at Henry Gilbert ana j Sons. RELIABLE ~ ELECTRIC AND LOCKSMITH SHOP ! GENERAL REPAIRING 1303 N. SIXTH ST., BELL 3995. DIAL 5854 ! Diamonds Bought for Cash; appraisers 1 , for estate. P. tL Caplan Co.. 21)6 MkL | aOININE —Look out Toi that grippe ing. likely to catoh you this ! changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE PHOSFHO-QUININE will stay* It off ,If taken In time. Gross Drug Store. ; 11# Market sU-et. * Money to loan WHEN YOU NEED MONET ' : To meet Immediate necessities, always ■ consult this reliable, licensed .bonded Institution chartered under Penna. laws and tinanced by local people in I 1809 to save borrowers from extortion. Co-operative Loan & Investment Co -201 Chestnut Street. We sell W. a a and Thrift Stamp*. | MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate ! security in any amounts and upon any I terms to suit borrowers. Address P. O | Box 174. Harrisburg, Pa. | MONEY TO LOAN AT LEGAL RATES On furniture, real estate and endorsed 1 notes. Licensed by the State and un ! der the supervision of the Banking ! Department. EQUITABLE INVESTMENT CO- It North Market Square, Established 1804 I j WE LfiND MONEY in compliance , with Act of June 17, 1916, to lndlvldu i ttls in need of ready cash; small loan* a specialty; business confidential* payments to suit borrower's conveni ence; positively lowest ratea In cit*. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CCjL Musical PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED by a skilled tuner only. Oyler's. 14 South Fourth street. IF your Talking: Machine needs re pairs, just call Bell phone 3242 J. An ; expert will be at your service at once | Or bring machine to 12ia North Third ; street. TALKING UAChl.Nlilb promptly and iSttrelu'ly repaired oy an expert only.' OYLER'S, 14 South Fourth street. ; TALKING MACHINES of all kinds ' repaired by an expert. All work promptly uoco and guaranteed. Call I Bell 2SO4P. or 1604 Howard avenue. j Mauling una ...oiuig MOTOR TRUCK HAULING Local or Distant U) or (2) Ton Trucks Freight or Furniture. Weaver & Son' Steelton and Harrisburg. Both phones! GENERAL HAULING of all kinds Quick service. Two motor trucks | Call Bell 1390, Dial 3573. i AUTO HAULING Local or long-* distance. Furniture aud piano moving I a specialty. Blue Line Transfer, 91/ ) Capital street. Both phones. j HEAVY HAULING—FuIIy equipped for furniture, freight and piano raov ling. No distance too far. Careful I driver. Bain and dustproof body. J. E. Gruber's Truck Service. ! lrvtta Aungst, Manager, Hershey, Pa. j Hell phone 15R-6. i GENERAL HAULING AND FAST ! EXPRESS SERVICE to nearby i towns with auto trucks. Only ex i perienoed and careful drivers. Call I Bell 8320. or Dial 2266. WE do ail kinas of hauling—auto or : team. Go anywhere. Rates ltea*on • able. Phones. CONRAD BROS,, tii | isroad street. 1 UOHSKh AND CARRIAGES ONE CARLOAD of Virgiina horses, weighing from 1,050 to 1,300 It>s„ at I 149 Soutn Cameron. John C. Witmer. HORSE FOR SALE Apply Fisher ; Bros., 100l_Capltal street. Storage STORAGE Private rooms for household goods in fireproof ware house. $3 per month and up. Lower storage rates In non-fireproof ware house. Harrisburg Storage Co., 437. 445 South- Second street. STORAGE —41* Dioau street, nouae ' uoiu goods,merchandise. Private ioouia ' 91-93. Also hauling of all kind*. D Cooper & Co. Both phones. STORAGE ln brick building, rear 40k Market. Household goods In oleau. : private rooms. Reusouaole rate* p | G. Diener, 408 Market street. *~U uilcr takers ■ RUDOLPH K. SPiCER, Funeral Director ana Euibaimer, 611 North Second Street, j Bell 262. Dial 8146. WILLIAM PAGE, Funeral Director and Embalraer. 630 Boas St., Harrisburg, Pa. Bell 4748 J. Dial 3807. SAMUEL S. FACKLEa! FUNERAL DIRECTOR, 1312 Derry St. BELL 1961. DIAL JUL POULTRY ANDSCPPLaKs ™ INCUBATOR. flreless brooder and small chicken pen. Also fountains and hoppers. |6.50 takes it i all. Inquire 1610 Chestnut street. Cleaners and Dyers SAVE your clothes. Get them clean -1 ed, pressed, dyed or repaired at Good man's, 1306 Vi North Sixth St. We do it right. Phones. Call and deliver. EGGERT'S CLEANING AND DYEING WORKS. 1245 MARKET ST. "SATISFACTION GUARANTEED." BOTH PHONES. CALL and DELIVER. PAINTING = THE SUREST WAY Not to fail to make your roof water tight is to use HITE'S ELASTIC. Sold by Auc tioneer Hlte, 902 Market. AUTOMOBILES USED CAR SALE We have a few used cars for sale at big bargain prices; all in A 1 con dition. One-ton Ford truck. One-ton Republic truck. 7-passenger Studebaker Hix. 8-passcnger Parten Palmer. MONN RROF . Star Uarage 13th and Thompson fits- APRIL 19, 1918 j_ :! HUPMOBIL.K 20. ROADSTER ln | buyer bargain to quick 'i Ai P i' man £P.^ e<, " ter - Roadster type; shapp. Will be sold at n bargain. ! A - faCHIFFMAN. 1021 Market. 1916 PULLMAN, In A 1 shape. New i^,V 8 l. be sold Rt once- A. Scliiff man. 1021 Market street. TOURING CAR. 1916 MODEL., • tires. No better engine on road. Ad dress 1818 North street. Dial 2243. FOR SALE Ford. 1914 Model, in first-class condition. Must be sold at °r ce .'.r Fully equipped. Ap ply -.1-21 North Cameron street. CADILLAC TOURING CAR Elec trically equipped. Good tires and in I tine condition. A bargain to quick!: buyer. A. Schiffman, 1021 Market I 1 street. AM leaving town and have a Chev- I rolet touring. October. 1917. Has been | i £. un . miles, and has four new I Goodrich tires. Very reasonable and ' good buy. I, E. Bender. 202 Reily street. ' | | 1915 FORD Touring. demountable rims, Yalo lock, good tires. 1286.00. Maxwell Roadster, line running order, $250.00. HORBT, Llnglestown, Pa. DEFIANCE TIRES 4,000 MILES . ??X3 N S 913.80 30* i. Plain $13.00 30x3* N. 8 ..*18.75 . X 4 N. 8 J 26 . 76 I X* § *29.85 ■ 3? i £• 5 *30.15 , 34x4 N. b *31.90 MARKER S. 1006 Market St. , FOR SALE Cadillac delivery in A 1 condition. Will be sold at a bar gain to quick buyer. A. Schiffman. 1021 Market street. OVERLAND 5-passenger, No. 69 for sale; In flrst-class condition, with sundries attachment; has been wall taken care of; bargain for some one; I price, *3OO. W. Mareolf. 447 Broad street. I FOR SALE Two truck Ford units, of one-ton capacity. Will At Ford, Maxwell or Chevrolet. Will sell at less than distributor's cost to quick buyer. Inquire of Myera Ac cessory House, Cameron and Mul* - berry streets. i FOR SALE l9l* Chalmers Road > eter. Inquire Sunshine Oarage, 8* ; Couth Cameron street. > LET US SELL your car for cash i Cycle & Auto Supply Co., 107 Market t street MAGNETOS All rypes; 4 and * Bosch high tecslou, Ektmann, Dixey, Splltdorf. Mea. Homy and different ' makes of coils, carburetors, etc. A. i Schiffman. 1021 Market street. BeL **. FOR SALE A Dodge touring i car, excellent condition; set of new . : tires; fully equipped; run less than II !',OOO miles. Address P. O. Box 496, j Steelton. Pa. i j OLD AUTOS i Wanted; used, wrecked or oldtlmers. iln any condition. See me before sao ' riflciug elsewhere. Chelsea Auto i I Wrecking. A. Schiffman. 1021 Mai kat ; | street. Bell 3633. \ \ OVERLAND -HARRISBURG COMPANY ! SPRING SALE OF : "PEDIGREED" USED CARS Completely overhauled and in fine mechanical condition and reflnished. Each car an exceptional offer and of vital interest to the man who wants . i a good, dependable car for a j modest sum. OVERLAND TOURING , I CAR—roomy 5 passenger, I electric light and starter; paint good, tirea fair, excellent me -1 chanical condition....;. *495 OVERLAND TOURING CAR—7 passenger, six cylin der, retinished and overhaul ed, fine mechanical condition, j wire wheel equipment—one : | extra wheel. A very exception 1i al offer. OVERLAND BIG FOUR DEMONSTRATOR—has never i been sold, guaranteed us good as new, reflnished. WiU be : sold for less than dealer's cost. HUDSON TOURING CAR —repainted and overhauled, tires line, looks and runs like new. For less than half orig inal price. OVERLAND TWO PAS - i SENGER ROADSTER mo j tor like new. Reflnished. Light -! economical car and easy rid ing. Very big bargain. STUDKBAKER TOURING " CAR - five passenger, fine | finish, tires fair, overhauled, electric light and starter. Will be sold for *475 • I THE . j OVERLAND-HARRISBURG CO., ■ | 212-214 North Second Street. s j Open Evenings ; AUTOMOBILE OWNERS " Special Price on Kelly Springfield Tires. *ox3 Plain *16.7* *lx4 Kant Slip *34.52 *2x3 ft " " *28.56 *2X4 " " *35.64 *BX4 " " 136.72 Special on Fisk Tires 36x4 Non Skid *32.56 35x4*4 " " *35.48 82x4 " " *22.88 Special on Goodyear Tires 4-38x4 Plain, *15.00 H. F. ESTERBROOK. • Dial 4990. 912 N. Third St. j EXIDE BATTERY SERVICE All makes of batteries recharged , and repaired; work guaranteed Auto repairing; electrical work a specialty. " EXCELSIOR AUTO £ BATTERY CO. ; llth and Mulberry Sts. 1 FORD Touring Cars and Roadsters. All late models in flrst-class condi tion. Every car guaranteed. Call at 322 Blackberry street. FOR BALE Five-passenger tour ing cat* in fine condition; good tires. • 30-H.-P. A very dependable car. 8e 3 Owner, 1828 Park street. ; FORD-OVERLAND-CHALMERS 1 For sale reasonable. Thoroughly > overhauled. Try the Rex Repair shop - for your motor troubles, overhauling and radiator repair work after all E others have failed. We will satisfy you. We hve a man for either 4. t and 8-cylinder motors. REX OARAGE * SUPPLY CO. 1917 North Third Street. GARAGES ACCESSORIES AND REPAIRS BRING your car to us. Experts oa 1 ignition and carburetor troubles. Highest grade repair work. LEMOYNE . | AUTO SHOP. Lemoyna. Both Sfconaa. GARAGES ACCESSORIES AND REPAIRS YOUR leaky Radiator repaired by an expert. Your motor troubles reme died. Rex Garage. 1917 North Third street. CARR'S GARAGE, formerly Feder lck s. All kinds of auto repairing. Ajax tires and nuplies, Rayfleld Car buretor Service Station. Both phones. All work guaranteed. AUTOMOBILISTS Cut your tire expense. Buy factory seconda. Ask me for prices on any standard make. Dial phone 5938. H. L Enders, Auto Supplies, 239 South Camaron street. WM. PENN GARAGE ~ 304-6 Munech street. Limousines for funerals, parties and balls; careful drivers; open day and night Bell j 48*4. j MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES j FOR SALE Twin Indian, two* i speed, cradle spring, in At shape. Ap ply to 26 North Third street. Room *5. WE BUY old bicycles, coaster brakes, and frames. Call Dial 4990 Esterbrook. BICYCLES. BICYCLES. New and rebuilt bicycles at very at tractive prices; guaranteed repair ing; comu here and get a square deal H. F. ESTERBROOK. 912 N. Third Street. Dial 4990. • BICYCLES TO HIRE DAY OR WEEK. ...DAYTON CYCLE CO.. 912 N. 3rd ST. DIAL 4999. MOTORCYCLE TIRES. 28x3, sec onds, *9.00, while they lust. Cycle A Auto Supply Co., 107 Market street. BICYCLE REPAIRING BY AN EXPERT. ALL WORK. GUARANTEED , DORY SHANtfB ANDREW KEDMOND __ 1507 NORTH THIRD BT. PUBLIC SALE WHAT HAVE YOU FOR SALE? What do you want to buy? I * m at your service. AUCTIONEER HITE, 902 Market. LEGAL NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR STATE SUPPLIES Board of Commissioners of Public Grounds and Buildings, Harrlsburg, * Martin G. Brumbaugh, Governor. S Sn y de ". Auditor General. H. M. Kephart, State Treasurer. In compliance with the Constitution and tho laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the Board of Com missioners of Public Grounds and Buildings invites sealed proposals, in duplicate, for contracts for furnishing such supplies for the Executive Man sion, the several departments, boards and commissions of the State Govern ment as described and below such maximum prices as shown in the schedules for the year ending the 31st day of May. A. D. 1910: Schedule A: Paper and envelopes. Schedule B; Typewriters, adding. J£ s 5 ln , B duplicating machines! mwf S General office supplies, nlin? cards and eases, desks, etc Schedule D: Engineering; and la boratory supplies, tfchedule E: Books. Schedule F: Brushes, soaps, moDs brooms, and cleaning; supplies. genera?"hardware! B '" l *' upholßterin - Schedule H: Conservatory supplies. Schedule I: Lumber, general repair ing, hauling, etc. niS edule ,. J: Plumbing and power plant supplies. As the various classifications of the schedule will be bound in pamphlet rorm for the convenience of the bid ders, it is therefore desired tUat in requests for pamphlets the parties In dicate the section desired by reference to the above letters. No proposal will be considered un less such proposal be accompanied bv L c ? rt i fled chec K to the order of the State Treasurer, or by a bond in such rorm and amount as may be prescrlb- w,? Boar d of Commissioners of Public Grounds and Buildings (in structions contained in each sched- Proposals must lie delivered to the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings on or before twelve (12) o clock, meridian, Tuesday, the four teenth day of May, A. D. 1918, a t which time proposals will be opened and published in the Reception Room of the Executive Department, Harris burg. and contracts awarded as soon thereafter as practicable. Blank bonds and schedules contain ing all necessary information may be had by communicating with the De partment of Public Grounds and Buildings, Harrisburg, Pa. By order of the Board. GEORGE A. SHREINER. Superintendent. L W. MITCHELL Secretary. In the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County: Sitting In Equity, No. 607 Equity Docket. In Re Partition of the Estate of Mary Schell. Between Ephraim 11. Schell and Marv Schell, his wife, Morris Schell and Sadie Schell, his wife, Chas. Schell and Mary J. Schell, his wife, and .Tohn H. Schell, Mary Gleason and , Richard Gleason, Sadie Brenneman and Wm. 11. Brenneman, Clayton Schell Nellie Schell. Albert Schell, Harry Schell, Defendants. NOTICE Is hereby given to the above-named parties that by virtue of a decree of Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, bearing date the 25th day of March, A. D. 1918, Victor Braddock, Esq., tho Master named in said Decree to divide and partition • the land described In the bill filed in the above-stated case, to wit: All that certain lot or piece of land situate in the Township of Swatara! bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the west ern lino of Twenty and One-Half street forty feet distant In a south erly direction from the southern line of Brookwood street and running thence In a westerly direction paral lel with Brookwood street one hun dred and fifteen feet to Washington avenue; thence In a southerly direc tion along the eastern line of Wash ington avenue twenty feet to a point; thence In an easterly direction paral lel with Brookwood street one hun dred and fifteen feet to Twenty and One-Half street; thence along Twenty and One-Half street twenty feet to the place of beginning. Being lot No. 58 of Block "M" In Plan of Ewing and Dunkle. Recorded in Plan Book "A," page 96. And being the same premises which Joseph E. Rhoads and wife, by their deed bearing date the 2d day of April. 1892, and recorded In. Deed Book "O," Vol. 8, page 296, granted to Mary Schell. and to value the same and to ascertain the amount to be charged thereon for owelty of partition, and If .the land cannot be conveniently di vided into as many purparts as there are parties to award and allot the amount or sum to be paid or secured to be paid to them respectively, and the time when such payments shall be made and the purparts out of which the same shall be payable, and If the land cannot be divided without prejudice to or spoiling the whole then to value and appcalse the aame' will perform the duties imposed upon him by the said Decree on the prem ises above described on Saturdav June 1, A. D. 1918, at 10 o'clock A. M ' at which time and place the said par ties can attend If they think proper VICTOR BRADDOCK . „ in Petition. April 12. 1918. 1 i * W. W. CALDWEIJj. Sheriff of Dauphin County, Pa. 21