WANT ADS AM "SHORT CUTS" ACCOMPLISHING fIX IESULTS I Deaths x DENNIS On Tuesday morning, April 2, 1918, Charles H. Dennis, aged 69 years, 7 months and tlays. . „ Funeral on Friday atternoon, at - o'clock, from his late residence. No. 1413 Regina street. Relatives and friends are invited to attend with out further notice. EICHELBERIiER Mrs. Mary Eich elberger, on April 1, 1918, wife of /fy. H. \V. Eichelberger, at her home, ill Camp Hill, aged 61 years. Funeral on Thursday, at 2 o clock. Interment at St. John's Churcn. Shiremanstown. Pa. The relatives an 4 friends are invited to attend without further notice. BE ATT v —William J. Beatty, on April 2, 191S, at the residence of David Martin, Jr., aged 74 years. Funeral on Saturday, at 2 oelocK, from residence of David Martin, Jr., 3527 Rutherford street, Paxtang. Pa. The relatives and friends are invit ed to attend without further notice SHOOK Died, on April 2. 1918, at her late residence, Mrs. Annie Kremer Shook. „ Funeral on Friday. April 5. at - o'clock P. M., rroni Oak llill, Green castle. Pa. The relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. = CARD OF THANKS CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the many friends for their sympathy and many kind nesses offered and extended during the illness and death of our daughtel, Helen. j MR. AND MRS. WM. H. CHRISE-] MER. MRS. J. CLYDE RO Hit ICR wishes to thank the many friends and fra ternal societies for their kindness during the recent bereavement of lier husband and for the beautiful designs, sent to him at his deani. , INSTRUCTIONS BUSINESS EDUCATION Thf, SCHOOL OF RESULTS — the OLDLfeI and BEST RECOGNIZED LEADER -the ACCREDITED INSTITUTION - invites you to investigate its claims, and solicits your patronage upon the basis of what it HAS done and is NOW doing. School of C minerce and Harrisburg Business Conege, Iroup Building, 15 South Market square. Both phones. INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg Shorthand. Typewriting, English < Bookkeeping, Penmanship, Aritn., etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL YEAR Enter any time. Bell 694 R. THE OFFICE TRAINING SCHOOL 121 Mkt. St. Chas. R. Beckley. Prin. Merle E. Keller, Mgr. LOST - AXDFOU X D LOST A little white dog. Answers to name of "Billie." Reward if re turned to 215 Miiench street. LOST ln Dives, Pomeroy & Stew art's store, a small brown traveling bag, bearing initials H. S. S. on each end, containing teacher s roll book. Return to Telegraph Oftice. LOST A gold French bracelet, on Walnut or Sixteenth street. Rewaid if returned to 1862 Walnut street. HELP WANTED—MALE: WANTED Man to work around warehouse. Huber Mfg. Co., 19 South Tenth street. WANTED Competent chauffeur, over thirty years old, with testimo nials, good wages, for Packard trucks, by Fink Brewing Company, 312-20 Foster street, City. PAPER BOXES Experienced man for llobbs Under on small work. Week or piecework. Philadelphia Paper Box Co., Seventeenth and Ridge avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED Stationary engineer to operate engine and have oversight of boilers. Apply Hummelstown liro'Vvnstone Co., Waltonville. I'a. WANTED —Several boys to carry routes In central part of city. Apply Harrisburg News Agertcy, 108 Chest nut.'street. WANTED Bright, 16-year-old bov to learn to operate multigiapli. Apply Employment Bureau, lourth floor. Bowman & Co. WANTED Boy with some experi ence in printing or press work. Splcn ilid opportunity to advance in speci alty work. Apply Box 6812, care of I'elegraph. STENOGRAPHER 25 years of age, or older, for construction office. Apply 11. HOPPERS CO.. Coke Oven Watch Box, Steelton, Pa., Or Phone, Steelton 6S. WANTED Man for work on lawn ind garden. If you cannot give all >f your time for the work, part time* Vlll be acceptable. Apply Room 'lO3, •22 Market street, or 2205 Bellevuo load. COLLECTOR WANTED- -Energetic md "ambitious. Opportunity for ad •anewnent. Salary and large commis lion. Give age, experience, present ■mployment and full particulars. Ad- U., 6813, care of Telegraph. WANTED Men and boys for dis ributing from wagon. Light work. Daily pay. Apply 7:30. mornings, Vitmer's Livery, Blackberry street. SEVERAL canvassers with news iaper or similar experience. Perma nent work for those who make good, tpply K.. 7130, care of Telegraph. WANTED Ten good scrap iron abOrers. Apply Williams & Freed ian, Sixth below Hoffman's Woods. WANTED All classes.of mechanics, es pecially machinists. black smiths and rivet makers, on -Government work, in one of the largest ship yards. (Only mechanics beyond the draft age). Best wages paid. Add ress BOX 7132, Care of Telegraph. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE WORTH CONSIDERING TMt Delaware St. A 2-story flßme house with 0 rooms and btth—electric lights. Lot 1214x46 ft. Possession m ten days, 91500 1715 Keglnn St. Three-story brick and frame 8 rooms—bath and furnace. Lot 14x110 ft. to paved drive-alley r.'-100 2110 >. Fifth St. 3-story brick dwelling 8 rooms bath steam heat gas and electricity. L.ot 16x75 f(. Possession at once, #4500 1410 N. Second St. —3.story brick house 8 rooms bath fur nace - gas and electricity. i. o t 18x114 ft. to Dawton avenue. Pos session in sixty dayg_ *OBOO MILLER BROTHERS & CO. Member libit. Real Mutate Itonrrt Loruiit nnd Court Streets WEDNESDAY EVENING, HELP WANTED—MALE WANTED Two automobile me chanics. Apply Packard Motor Car Co., Front and Market streets. WANTED A boy, over 16, to learn wholesale optical business. Ap ply 25 South Third street. Capital Optical Co. TWO OR THREE young men. with brains, and not afraid to work, to make themselves useful in a large garage—not in draft age. Good chance and permanent positions to right parties. Boys from country pre ferred. H., 7125. care of Telegraph. WANTED Upholsterer. Apply to Newmark & Cown, 308 Broad street. WANTED—Good office man, must be able to use typewriter. Those without reference need not apply. The Atlantic Re fining Company, 2207 North Seventh street. STRONG BOY For work in wash room. Must be a hustler. sl7 per week. Sanitary Family Washing Co., Sixteenth and Elm streets. MAN To serve private family, in cluding driving car and caring for i lawn. Permanent position. Pleasant working and living conditions and good pay. Address, with reference, S„ 7131!, care of Telegraph. |. WANTED Young man to train to manage shoe store. Good salary while training. Advancement rapid. Apply Newark Shoe Store, 315 Market street. WANTED Men from 18 to 35 years old, to learn mattress linishing. Piecework, and can make from $lB to $33 weekly after learning. None but steady workers need apply. Will pay $lO week while learning. Should 1 make big money after third week. United States Mattress Company, I Twelfth and Herr streets. j YOUNG MAN A bright, intelligent, wide awake, well-posted young man of good personality, be tween the ages of 19 and 2.'! years, wanted. There is art excellent opportunity for one who can qualify; must be able | to furnish references. Apply to E. D. Thomas, > ELLIOTT-FISHER COMPANY, Harrisburg, Pa. i " ~ LABORATORY WORK Married man wanted at once, t Apply at ! ■ HARRISBURG GAS CO. FACTORY WORK Several young men; also two or three middle-aged men wanted for light work around factory. Apply immediately i to Mr. Frits, JACKSON MANUFACTURING CO., Fourth and Boyd Streets. WANTED A first-class Watch and Clock Repairer, also refracting Optician. Good salary. State experi ence and reference. Apply at once. Cohen Bros., Jewelers, 528 Penn Sq., i Reading, Pa. WANTED Young man to do pack ing- Twenty cents an hour and bonus. United States Mattress Co., Twelfth and llerr streets. MEN WANTKD to load stone, 29 cents per ton. Can earn $25 to $35 per week. Apply Paxtang Quarries, Pax tang. YOUNG MEN Wanted to adjust gas lamps; steady work; reference re quired. Apply to MR. FARNER, Harrisburg Gas "Works. PIPEFITTERS AND HELPERS V Wanted; steady work. Apply MR, FARNER, Harrisburg Gas Works. FREIGHT TRUCKERS WANTED Fifty whit# or colored able-bodied men wanted for trucking freight (piecework basis) at the DIVISION STREET TRANSFER, FENNA. RAILROAD Must be able to read and write. Take Rockville or Fourth street car to Division street. Apply in person to J. W. DENNIS, Agent. HKlil* WANTED—FEMALE WANTED Experienced sewing gills, for dressmaking; also appren tice girls. Apply 1821 North Second street. WHITE GIRL WANTED For up stairs work. Apply 5 South Front street. WANTED Girl to work in fancy goods store. Good opportunity for right girl. Call 1116-18 North Third street. WANTED Diningroom girl. Good wages to right party. Apply 1102 North Third street. GIRLS Several inexperienced gills wanted for permanent position. Apply Harrisburg Bag & Box Co.. 1550 Vernon street. WANTED Bright, young girl, familiar with multigraph work. Ap plications respected in strictest eon lidence. Splendid opportunity to ad vance into a responsible position. Ap ply 7129, care of Telegraph, or Bell 4038 J. WANTED White girl, at once, to assist in kitchen. Inquire Crisfield Cafe, 213 Chestnut street. SAMESLADY WANTED Sterns Cut Rate Shoe Store, 209 Walnut street. WANTED A girl for general housework in family of four; no wash ing oa- ironing. Apply at 1919 North Seconal street. WANTED Woman to learn mat tress finishing. Musi, lie tall and not over thirty years old. Piecework. Can learn from $lB to S3O weekly after i learnvng. $9 guaranteed to stuyt. I Unitepert will be ut your service at once. Or bring machine to 1213 North Third j street. VIOLINS, MANDOLINS, GUITARS. ! BANJOS Band and Orchestra Instru ] ments promptly and carefully jepair | cd. OYLER'S, 14 South Fourth street. i TALKING MACHINES of all kinds i repaired by an expert. All work promptly done and guaranteed. Call j Bell 2SO4R or 1504 Howard avenue. Hauling and Moving j AUTO HAULING Local or long- I distance. Furniture and piano moving la specialty. Blue Line Transfer, 917 I Capital street. Both phones. GENERAL HAULING AND FAST I EXPRESS SERVICE to nearby towns with auto trucks. Only ex-I perienced and careful drivers. Call i Bell 3320. or Dial 2265. j WE do all kinds of hauling—auto or ' team. Go anywhere. Rates Reason- i able. Phones., CONRAD BROS., Hi Broad street. Where to Dine Well STOUFFER'o RESTAURANT. Home ccolting served to Busi nessmen and Ladies in aepa- j ♦ rate dinlngroora. j \ = Storage STORAGE —Fireproof and non-flre proof warehouses. Private rooms for househunt goods, $2 a month up. Har risburg Storage Co.. <37-4 45 S. 2nd at STORAGE —41 Broad street, house hold goods.roerchandise. Private rooms sl-$3. Also hauling of all kinds. D, Cooper &■ Co. Both phones. STORAGE ln brick building, rear 408 Market. Household goods in olean. prlvaie rooms. Reasonable rates. P. G. Dlener. 40S Market street. Undertakers SAMUEL S. FACKLER, FUNERAL DIRECTOR, 1312 Derry St. BELL 1956. DIAL 2188. RUDOLPH K. SPICEIij " Funeral Director and Embalmer, 611 North Second Street. Bell 252. Dial 14S. WILLIAM PAGE. Funeral Director and Embalmer, 630 Boas St., Harrisburg, Pa. CONTRACT $75.00 FUNERAL. You can select from an octagon end oak nicely polished, black cloth or white embossed plush caskets, six sil ver handles, engraved name plate, cream or white satin lining and pil low. Outside case of pine. Embalm ing remains, draping door, laying out and dressing', use of my Funeral par lor to bury from, diluting services, hearse and two coaches. My service can be had Day or Night. Special attention given to Steelton, Carlisle and out-of-town calls. Licensed in New Jersey No. 181-A. Pennsylvania, No. 3998. Private Automobile Ambulance. OfflceßellPhone474BJ, Dial Phone 3907 I'OULTIIY AMI SUPPIJIKS 10,000 PURE BRED BABY CHICKS ready for shipment each week. Bailed Rocks, K. 1. Reds, sl6 per 100. White Leghorns, sl3 per 100. White Rocks, White Wyandottes, $22 per 100. Cash with order. Booklet free. E. E. Cooley. Box_D, Frenchtown, N. J. " PAINTING THE SUREST WAY Not to fail to make your roof water tight is to use HITE'S ELASTIC. Sold by Auc tioneer Hite, 902 Market. Cleaners and Dyers SAVE your clothes. Get them clean ed, pressed, dyed or repaired at Good man's, 1306% North Sixth St. We do it right. Phones. Call and deliver. EGGERTS CLEANING AND DYEING WORKS, 1245 MARKET ST. "SATISFACTION GUARANTEED." BOTH PHONES. CALL and DELIVER, APRIL 3, 1918. AUTOMOBILES USED CAR BARGAINS 1916 Maxwell Touring Car 1917 Maxwell Touring Car , Overland Roadster Chandler Touring Car Exceptional Prices. ANDREW REDMOND, Third and Reily Sts. Both Phones. FOR SALE Four-cylinder Oldsmobile, in line shape. 128 PAXTANG AVENUE, Paxtang, Pa. Bell Ptione 2463 J. EVERETT 30 Touring Car, in A 1 shape—new tires. A bargain for $250. A. Schlffman, 1021 Market. FOR SALE, CHEAP One Stanley Steamer. Can be seen anv time after 7 o'clock P. M. Keller, South avenue, Enola, Pa. OVERLAND 5-passenger, No. 69, for sale; in first-class condition, with sundries attachment; has been well taken care of; bargain for some one; price, S3OO. W. Marzolf, 447 Broad street. SPECIAL PRICES on Sterl ing Cord Tires this week only. Marker's, 1006 Market street. IIUPMOBILE 20, ROADSTER ln excellent shape. A bargain to quick buyer. Pullman Speedster, Roadster type; A 1 shape. Will be sold at a bargain. Ford Touring; recently overhauled; a bargain for $250. A. SCHIFFMAN. 1021 Market. BUICK 1914 Roadster, In good condition. Bargain for quick buyer. Call Bell 2916 J. FORD Touring Cars and Roadsters. All late njodels in first-class condi tion. Every car guaranteed. Call at 322 Blackberry street. FOR SALE Overland Delivery, Model 83, Panel body. New tires. A ; bargain to quick buyer for S3OO. A. Schiffman, 1021 Market street. , FOR SALE Five-passenger tour ing car in fine condition; good tires. 30-H.-P. A very dependable car. See j Owner, 1828 Park street. ONK CHALMERS 6-cylinder car for sale, in good condition, with two extra tires and tubes. M. P. Alleman, Royalton, Pa. 1915 FORD TOURING CAK for sale, $250. Perfect running order. F. R. Hurst, Linglestown, Pa. FORD-OVERLAND-CHALMERS For sale reasonable. Thoroughly overhauled. Try the Rex Repair Shop for your motor troubles, overhauling and radiator repair work after all others have failed. We will satisfy you. We have a man for either 4, 6 and 8-cylinder motors. REX GAR AG 13 & SUPPLY CO, 1917 North Third Street. AUTOMOBILE OWNERS Special Price on Kelly Springfield Tires. 30x3 Plain *16.76 j 31x4 KaVit Slip *34.52 32x3% " " $28.56 82x4 " " $35.64 83x4 " " $36.72 Special on Fisk Tires 36x4 Non Skid $32.56 . 35x4% " " $35.48 32X4 " " $22.88 Special on Goodyear Tires 4-33x4 Plain, $15.00 H. F. ESTERBROOK, Dial 4990. 912 N. Third St. FOll SALE Maxwell, 1917 Model —run 800 miles. The price is attrac tive. Address R., 7319, care of Tele graph, or Bell phone 203. MAGNETOS All types; and * Bosch high tension, Eismann. Dlxey, Splitdorf. Mea, Heray and different niukes of coils, carburetors, etc. A. Sehiffman. 1021 Market street. Bet 3633. FOR SALE Maxwell Roadster. j Two new extra tires. Fine running | order. Price, $240.00. Inquire Lingles j town Shirt Factory. "USED CAR BARGAINS" Overland Roadster, 1916. Cadillac Touring, 1914. Willys Utility 1-ton truck. 1000 Market St. Dial phone 3786. FOR SALE l9lO Chalmers Road* ! ster. Inquire Sunshine Garage. 83 South Cameron street. FOR SALE Ford delivery c&r, 1 Ford touring car, 1 Jackson touring car. 1 12-cyllnder Enger touring car, 1 Chalmers touring car. Cars will be sold at bargain to quick buyer. Hoff man's Garage, Seventh and Camp streets. OLD AUTOS Wanted; used, wrecked or oldtlmers. In any condition. See jue before aac ! rlflcirig elsewhere. Chelsea Auto j Wrecking. A. Schiltinan. 1021 Market I street. Bell 3633. GARAGES ACCESSORIES AND REPAIRS ' GET YOUR CAR OVERHAULED by i expert mechanics. We sell Ajax and Kelley- Springfield Tires. Give us a chance. Federlck'a Garage, Ray Held ! Carburetor Service Station, Forater, near Front. BRING your car to us. Experts on ignition and carburetor troubles. Highest grade repair work. LEMOYNE AUTO SHOP. Lemoyne. Both phones. IF YOUR RADIATOR LEAKS bring it to us. We'll repair it. We also repair lamps, fendqrs, etc. HARRISBURG AUTO RADIATOR WORKS, 805 N. THIRD ST. BELL PHONE YOUR leaky Radiator repaired by an expert. Your motor troubles reme died. Rex Garage, 1917 North Third street. WM. PENN GARAGES 304-6 Munech street. Limousines for funerals, parties and balls; careful drivers; open day and night. Bell 4564. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES WE BUY old bicycles, coaster brakes, and frames. Call Dial 4990. Esterbrook. 100 BICYCLES We will buy 100 SECOND-HAND BICYCLES fur CASH. We also buy FRAMES, COASTER BRAKES and ANY PAKTS OF BICYCLES. We will also buy SECOND-HAND MOTORCYCLES or PARTS. See us for BARGAINS in BICYCLES and MOTORCYCLES. GUARANTEED REPAIRING. TRADE HERE—SAVE MONEY. C. A. SPRENKLE, Cycle and Auto Supply Co., 107 Market St. "The" New Store With Better Service." Bell 38a J. Dial 3590. 13 Dies While on Way to Visit Sick Brother While on her way to Loyalton to visit her brother, James Miller, who is seriously ill, Mrs. Sarah L. Nov inger, 141 Curtin street, Penbrook, became ill and died on Monday night at Wiconisco from pneumonia. She was 64 years old. Surviving: her are two sons, Joe E. Novinger, in service in France; James D. Noving er, in service at Camp Hancock; two daughters, Mrs. G. H. Weidman. city, and Miss Edna L. Novinger, at home, and her husband, James H. Novinger. Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home. Burial will be made in Shoop's Church Cemetery. "MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES BICYCLES. BICYCLES. New and rebuilt bicycles at very at tractive prices; guaranteed repair ing; come here and get a square deal. H. F. ESTERBROOK. 12 N. Third Street. Dial 4890. BICYCLES TO HIRE ' DAY OB WEEK. DAYTON CYCLE CO., 12 N. 3rd ST. DIAL 4990. BICYCLE REPAIRING BY AN EXPERT. ALL WORK GUARANTEED " DORY SHANER WITH ANDREW REDMOND 1507 NORTH THIRD ST. PUBLIC SALE WHAT HAVE YOU FOR SALE? What do you want to buy? I am at your • °rvice. AUCTIONEER HIT, . 902 Market. W. H. BISHOP will sell, for storage and other charges, at Broad Street Market, Saturday, April 13. at 7 A. M. >i all charges are not paid and goods removed before day of sale, one lot of household goods belonging to Harve and Lizzie Bricker. By order of W. H. Bishop. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE Letters Testamentary on the Estate of Clara J. Hershey, late of Steelton. Dauphin County, Pa., de ceased, having been granted to the undersigned, residing in Bethlehem, Pa., all persons indebted to said Es tate are requested to make immedi ate payment, and those naving claims will present them for settlement, to „ GRACE HERSHEY HOLTON, Or to Executrix. H. L. DRESS, Attorney, Steelton Trust Co. Bldg.. Steelton. Pa. EXECUTORY NOTICE Estate of Rebecca L. Miller, late of Harrisburg, Pa. Letters testamentary upon the es tate taforesaid have been granted to the undersigned, residing in said city. All persons having claims or de mands against the said estate will make known the same, and all persons indebted to said estate will make payment, without delay, to JOSEPH F. MILLER. H. O. MILLER, CHARLES C. CRAIGHEAD. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the estate of Sadie E. Snyder, late of the Borough of Camp Hill, Cum berland County, Pennsylvania, de ceased, having been granted To the undersigned by the Register of Wills of said county, all persons indebted to said estate are requested payment, and those naving claims to present the same without delay, to VIOLA MAY SHIPLEY, Executrix, Or Camp Hill, Pa. B. F. UMBERGER, her attorney, 108 N. Second Street, Harrisburg, Pa. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Dau phin County, ss: IN the Orphans' Court of said Coun ty, on the 26th day of March, A. D. 1918, on motion of S. Duncan Wylie, Esq., the Court grant a rule on the heirs and legal representatives of Annie Davis, late of Williamstown Borough, Dauphin County, deceased, to appear in open Court, to be held at Harrisburg, in and for said county on Tuesday, the 18th day of June next, to accept or refuse the Real Es tate of said deceased, according to the valuation thereof made, or show cause why the same should not be sold. You are therefore hereby notified to be and appear at said Court at 10 o'clock A. .M.. of said 18th day of June, 1918. at | Harrisburg. to accept or refuse the Estate at the said valuation made, or show cause why the same should not be sold. Harrisburg. March 27, 1918. W. W. CALDWELL, Sheriff of Dauphin County, Pa. To Charlotte Morgan, one of the heirs of said deceased. NOTICE Letters of Administra tion on the Estate of Earl H. Thomas, late of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned residing in Morris. Pa.. R. D., 1, all persons Indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settle ment. AGNES M. THOMAS, Or to Administratrix. I. P. BOWMAN. i Attorney-at-Law. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals for the erection and construction of an Inter-County 1 reinforced Concrete Bridge will be veceived by the Commissioners of the County of Cumberland, State of Penn sylvania, until 4 P. M.. April 20, 1918. also by the Commissioners and Con troller of the County of York, State of Pennsylvania, until 10 A. M., April 22. 1918, and publicly opened at the office of the York County Commis sioners at 11 A. M. of the same day. One Reinforced Concrete Twin Arch Bridge over Yellow Breeches Creek at Lantz's Mill on road leading from Bowmansdale to Pine Town. Two spans 65 ft. 0 in. each-15 ft. 0 in. wide overall, 13 ft. 0 in. rie with wing and parapet walls as shown on plans. Bidders for this bridge must sub mit with their estimates a plan show ing the methods they intend to use in reinforcing same, which must meet the approval of the Commissioners and Engineer. Specifications and plans may be seen and proposal blanks obtalnew at the offices of the County Commis sioners and Controller in the Court Houses at Carlisle and York, Penn sylvania. No bid will be received unless a certified check for the sum of 10 per cent, of the bid payable to County Commissioners of the Counties of York and Cumberland is enclosed with each bid or deposited with either board of County Commissioners or Controller before 10 A. M. of said day as a guarantee If the bid is ac cepted a contract will be executed by the bidder within (10) ten days after notice of award of contract. Each bid must be sealed and ad dressed to the Commissioners of the County of Cumberland, Carlisle, Penn sylvania. or the Controller of the Couflty of York, Pennsylvania, an.l endorsed on the outside of the enve lope containing It, (Proposal for the erection of a Concrete Bridge). The Commissioners reserve the right to re ject any or all bids. By order of the Commissioners of the -Counties of Cumberland an.i York this 25th day of March, A. D. 1918. D. G. BISHOP. A. E. SIEBER, L, H. BREHM, Commissioners of the County of Cum berland. Attest; JOS. H. BEATTIK. , Clerk.