Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 30, 1918, Page 7, Image 7

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fcZvery Church in the City Will
Have Special Services
For Easter
Virtually every church in the city
will celebrate the resurrection of
the Divine Son, with special services
to-morrow. In every Catholic church
of the city, services will be held
during the day, in recognition of
Easter Sunday. Singers will sing the
old Easter carols and melodies, as
well as the newer songs.
In Protestant churches, special
services will be held, with special
musical programs appropriate to
the occasion. "The Palms," "Hos
anna," "The Holy City," "Christ
Arose" and other beautiful old songs
will be sung by soloists, and congre
gations will sing the magniticient old
hymns that their fathers and moth
ers sang before them.
The past week, Passion Week,
services were held in many of the
Ifarrisburg churches. In the Ca
thedral, Good Friday, "Three Hours'
Asonv" was observed at the time it
is thought Christ luing upon the
cross. Prayers, supplication and
psalm-singing constituted this serv
ice. In many of the Protestant
<'hurches. Passion Week was ob
served with a series of evening serv
ices with special sermons dealing
with the last week of the life of the
Easter morning, the Lenten sea
son closes and there is rejoicing be
cause Christ has arisen. In celebra
tion of the victory over material life,
Ibese special services of rejoicing
are held.
Will Conduct Services
in St. Paul's Baptist
The Kev. Dr. J. A. Pinson. pastor
of the Salem Baptist Church of Jen
kintown, will open a two-week
evangelistic campaign in the St.
Paul's Baptist Church Sunday morn
ins, April 7. Dr. Pinson has con
ducted campaigns in twenty-three
states and religious workers in the
city are anxiously awaiting the open
ing of the services. Prayer ser
vices will be held each evening from
7 to 8 o'clock and will be lead by the
Rev. E. J. Manning and the Rev.
J. B. Baldwin.
Dr. Pinson will preach on the fol- \
lowing subject during his campaign j
in the local church:
"The Three Essentials in a Good j
Witness." "The Power of Choice," j
"Holy Ghost Power," "The Question !
of the Ages," "The Power of the I
Gospel," "The Soul and its Value," j
"Royal Friendship." "The Foe. The
Fight, the Flight," "The Good Re-!
suits Obtained From Immediate De- \
'•ision and Action," "Sowing andj
Reaping," "The Divinity of Christ asi
Testified b yWitnessea from Three]
AVorlds." "The Midnight Prayer j
Meeting." "Evekiel's Vision of Dryi
Bones," "The Christian's Duty to]
God and His Country." .
Special Service During
Next Week at Market Sq.
Beginning with Sunday morning.
Market Square Church will hold its
f ervices according to the official ]
turning ahead of clocks. The Snn-|
day school will meet at 9.45 by the
new time, and so on throughout the
day. Special services will continue
every evening except Saturday;
through the following week, with j
the Rev. E. C. Reeves, D. D., ofj
I'learfield, Pennsylvania, preach
ing. 1
Subject of address to men only by
Formerly President of Dickinson College
Fahnestock Hall, Y. M. C. A., BEC °^ s LOCtBT
Sunday, March 31st, 3.30 P. M.
Trombone Solos by Mr. Meredith Gernvcr
Bethlehem Lutheran Church
Green and Cumberland Streets
10 O'CLOCK A. M.
Reception of New Members and
Holy Communion
AT 7.30 P. M.
The Holy Communion and
An Easter Cantata
The New Life
Everybody Welcome All Seats Free
The Time In Aeeordlne to tlie Xew Law, Effective
Sunday, March ill.
X> & & & fi
"The Church With The Chimes"
Christ Is Risen
[\ Halleluiah!
EASTER gladness echoes round the
Rejoice with us at 7.30 to-morrow
• evening. t
Zion Choir will render a special Easter
praise service. Mrs. E. J. Decevee, choir
leader, will be assisted by Mrs. Arthur
H. Hull and Mrs. Robert B. Reeves.
Holy CoTnmunion Service at ' 10
X A. M- A large attendance will be A
/ I present. Arrange to come early. L—X
Zion Lutheran Church
South Fourth Street, below Market
Rev. S. W. Herman, Pastor
&a£ a M
- --j;*' - ' *
,Endeavors From Fourth St.
Church of God and Market
\ Square in Contest.
Christian Endeavors of the
; Fourth Street Church of God are en
! gaged in a lively contest with the
Market Square Presbyterian Society
to last for ten weeks. The object is
not so much in the winning of the
contest by either society as the in
jection of new life and the addition
of new members and the reinstate
ment of old members into the aciive
work of each society. The contest
started off with a vim and both rivals
are striving to the utmost to cro-s
the tape with the highest score.
Points are being given for new mem
bers. testimony and prayer in tne
services, attendance at midweek
prayer meeting of the church, for
visiters oresent. etc.
The Fourth Street Society is aim
ing and expects to become in the
near future, one of the Five Thou
sand Superior Societies of the world,
a state of efficiency in the endeavor
wcrld that, entitled the society meet
ing the conditions to place a silver
seal on their efficiency certificate.
Tlio society has almost secured 'ne
necessary number of credits for the
sdver seal, and their active and
hustiing president, Harold E. Eckert,
with his livewire committeemen, are
positively determined to "go over the
top" by midsummer.
The work of the comrades of Mie
Quiet Hour and the members of the
Tenth Legion is helping materiat'y
in the campaign, and the special mu
sical features of the Sunday evening
.nettings and the constant offering
of the best speakers in the gospel
work to be had in the city make
their - ervices particularly attractive.
The result of this contest will oe
.mncunced within a few weeks. Tne
Winning society will be entertained in
a social by the loser.
Lawson Laverty, a livewire endaa
v-r worker, will have charge of tne
services on Sunday evening, assisted
Iv Mif.s Anna Dugan. The topic,
'Letsons From the Risen Chri.i.s
Forty Days," will be discussed.
C. E. Notes
Keystone Leaguers will shine some
night, delegates will shine,
C E. convention will shine all right,
won't that be fine.
Endeavorers in Chestnut Street Hall
will meet.
Fifteen hundred general delega.es
to greet.
On September twenty-five—twenty
Arrangements are being made for
the second general convention of the
Kevstone League and Sunday School
Federation of the United Evangelical
Church representing the >'° u n&
people's and Sunday school work of
iht entire denomination, to be he-a
in the Chestnut Street Hall, this
city. September 25-29.
Th program will include a num
ber of prominent platform speakers
and many endeavor workers. A big
junior demonstration will occupy
considerable time at several sessions.
The Rev. W. E. Peffley, B. D., of this
city, is the general secretary of the
managing board, and assistant editor
of the Evangelical Endeavorer. lie
is one of the high-lights in the en
dea-or work of the denomination.
At the first convention, held in Chi
cago, 900 delegates were in attend
ant. The aim for this convenl'on
will be 1,500 delegates. The Eastern
Pennsylvania Conference will have
1.000 delegates at the convention and
will, in all probability, challenge the
ether nine conferences of the church
in sending large delegations.
• 1
I♦. V|
■RiapvK MM
Enthusiastic endcavorers of the
Second Reformed Society are in a
contest with the Westminster Pres
byterian Society. The contest will
begin with the first Sunday in April
and close with the last Sunday In
May. The membership has been or
ganized into groups and each group
v/il. work under the direction of cap
tains. The following are the ap
pointments: Membership, Misses Ida
Hull, Clara McCarroll. and Kathleen
Kenniedy; attendance, Miss Mabel
DeWalt; visitors, Miss Mary Lewis;
offering, George Satchell, Charles
Blessing and Howard Selsum: Penn
sylvania Bulletin, Miss Myrtle Sow
The British Floating Christian
Endeavor workers has been visiting
American troops at the docks in
England, in one meeting twenty
five men accepted Christ, while four
teen entered their names for prayer.
About four hundred asked for gos
pels or Testaments.
"Lessons From the Risen Christ's
Forty Days" will be the topic for
discussion nt the C. E. services in
many societies to-morrow.
St. Mathew's Lutheran Endeavor
ers will hold a sunrise prayer serv
ice to-morrow morning at 7 o'clock-
J. A. Musser will have charge of the
! A gospel team composed of en
| deavorers have been holding evan
gelistic meetings in every society in
j Fresno county, Cal.
I Bethlehem Lutheran Christian En
deavorers will hold a sunrise service
on Sunday. The study will be T.es
j sons From the Risen Christ's Forty
: Days." Miss Susannah Burd, pres
ident of the society, will conduct the
meeting. Special music will be ren
dered consisting of a duet by Misses
Helen Carson and Louise Yingling,
and a solo by Miss Brown. This so
ciety has the unique distinction of
being the only society in the city
that has women only in the list of
officers and committees. The list con
tains twenty-three names and a
standing invitation is extended to
! men to visit the society. The officers
j are as follows: President, Miss Su
! sannah Burd; lirst vice-president,
j Miss Mabel Wilbar; second vice-pres
i ident, Miss Florence Mark ward; re
cording secretary, Miss Minnie Tit
tle; corresponding secretary, Miss
Annie Sell layer; treasurer, Miss
Katherine Matchett; pianist, Miss
Mary Miller.
The Disciples' great campaign to
organize 2,400 new societies in twen-
I ty-four weeks did not quite atta'n
the goal in the time specified. The
! time was extended a little, and the.
! latest figures show 2,329 societies as
a result of the work done.
At the Park Street United Evnn
-1 gelical Society Mrs. W. E. Rickert
| and Mrs. William Seilhamer will
I conduct the service on Sunday even
Many endeavor societies will hold
early morning Easter services with
special programs to-oiorrow.
Miss Mary Hammelbaugh will
make the program interesting at the
j Westminster Presbyterian Society on
'Sunday. A special invitation is e\-
j tended to all persons interested in
J Easter services.
The societies of the South, which
are trying to raise $15,000 this year
I for missions of the various denomi-'
| nations, by February 1, had reached
. more than one-third of this amount.
The Derry Street United Brethren
I Y. P. S. C. E. will hold services at
' 7.30 o'clock to-morrow morning,]
Easter Sunday. An interesting pro
| gram has been prepared with special 1
music and an orchestra to accom
pany the songs. All members and
; friends are urged to attend to com-
memorate the memorable occasion.
Christ Lutheran Christian Emlea-j
vorers will hold an Easter service!
i to-morrow. Ross Gruver will have 1
| charge of the meeting.
Miss Edna Hoover, a prominent]
| w r orker in C. E. circles, will speak
j at the Easter meeting of the Pine j
I Street Presbyterian Society to-mor
! row evening.
At the Market Square Baptist So- 1
j ciety on Sunday evening, Miss Lil-I
lian Free will conduct the service. |
Miss Mildred Donmoyer, a livewlre
: endeavor worker, will speak at the I
Harris Street United Evangelical So-.i
j ciety on Sunday evening.
I Covenant Presbyterian Endeavor-1
j ers will observe Easter with a ape- j
j cial endeavor service. Miss Eiea
j nor Eby will be the leader of the
j meeting.
The Second Reformed C. E. So
! ciety will hold a rousing meeting to
j morrow. William H. Cocklin will be
i the speaker and leader at the serv
Frank Updegrapli will have charge
of the endeavor service at the First
Church of God, New Cumberland, on
Sunday evening. Many special fea
tures have been arranged for C. E.
work during the coming months.
Grace —The Rev. Dr. Robert Bag
nell. 10.30, "The New Sunrise;"
7.30, "Does Death End All."
! Saint Paul—The Rev. William
Moses. 10.30, and 7.30, Services;
1.45, Sunday School.
Camp Hill—The Rev. Joseph E.
Brenneman. 11, "The Resurrection;"
7.30, "The American Sin;" 9.45, Sun
day School.
Epworth—The Rev. J. W. Deaver.
11, Special Easter Service; 7.30,
"Victor Eternal;" 10, Sunday School.
Fifth Street^ —The Rev. Edwin A.
Pyles. 10.30, "Risen With Christ";
7.30, Cantata by the Choir; 2, Sun-
Contributions at
an to Go to Building of
Easter will be celebrated by an
I all-day program in iiion Lutheran
| Church. The first service w(ll be at
I 10 o'clock, at which time additional
I members will be received and the
sacrament of holy baptism will be
administered to little children. The
I Holy Communion will then be ob
! served. The church chancel will be
beautifully decorated with Easter'
j flowers. The pastor will be assisted
by the Rev. Dr. H. C. Holloway, and
the Rev. Dr. C. S. Bauslin. Through
out the day the pastor will admin
ister private communions to the
"shut-in" of the congregation. At
the Sunday School hour appropriate
niuric will be used and the Easter
address will be made by William
Earnest. The offering will be given
to the Board of Church Exten
sion, for the erection of churches.
At the regular evening service, the
choir will render an Eastr Praise
program, assisted by Mrs. Arthur
Hull and Mrs. Robert Reeves. Miss
Fry will render solos upon the harp.
The Holy Communion will be offer
eel at 7, in the lower church. On
Monday afternoon, the annual elec
tion for vestry men will be lield a
The nominees are trustees, W.
Dnmer Harris; elder. Dr. K. 10.
Campbell; deasons, P. G. Dicner, W. |
J. Janes. H. H. Nissley and F. D. j
Steer. The annual report of the \
treasurer, 11. K. Felix will be made
on Monday evening. All the regular j
meetings of the various organiza- \
tions will be held during the week, j
On Wednesday evening, the annual
congregational reception, for new I
members received during the year ;
will be held with a most pleasing :
program. Since January Ist, the I
vestry has approved of 90 new mem- !
hers to be received into communi- •
cant membership, 78 of them will be ,
received (luring this Easter season, i
Since April Ist, 1917 about 225 !
members have been received into
this historic church. Next Sunday
a most interesting Patriotic Service
will be held, at which time Serv
ice Flags will be presented, and a
program of addresses and songs of
a patriotic character will be of
Pine Street—The Rev. Lewis Sey-
Jmour Mudge, D. D.; The Rev. H. H.
. j Baldwin, Assistant. 10.30, "The
i Power of the Resurrection;" 7.30.
| "The Command of the Conqueror;"
: 1.40. Sunday school.
. 1 Division Street Chapel—The Rev.
,| H. H. Baldwin. 3. Sunday school;
! 4.15. Vesper Service, "The New
• Life."
, | Bethany—The Rev. Jehu M. War
, den. 7.30, "The Power of His Res
, j uj - rection;" ft, Sunday school,
i Market Square—The Rev. Qeorge
Edward Ilawes, D. D. 11, "Waiting
,jfor the Risen One From Heaven;"
7.30, Special Easter Musical Pro
Camp Hill—The Rev. A. Ketch
pledge. 11, Sacraments of Baptism
[and the Lord's Supper; 7.30, "Eas-
I ter Greetings from the Risen Lord;"
: 9.45, Sunday school.
Jmmanuel—The Rev. H. Everett
I Hallman. 10, Sacrament of Lord's
Supper; 11.15, Sunday school; 7.30,
I "The Easter Message."
I Covenant—The Rev. Harvey
i Klaer. 10.30, "Easter Thanksgiv
ings;" 7.30. "A Coffin in Egypt;"
I 2, Sunday school.
Westminster—The Rev. E. E. Cur
. tis. 10.30, "A Risen Lord;" 1.45,
!j Sunday school: 6.30, "A Manly
, Man;" 7.30, A Stereopticon Sermon.
,[ St. John's—The Rev. G. W. Hart
j man. 10, Holy Communion; 7.30,
"The Life Immortal;" 9.30, Sunday
I school.
| Reformed Salem —The Rev. Ellis
. IN. Kremer. 10.30, Holy Commun
| ion Services: 7.30, Sunday school
I Easter Festival Service.
Fourth —The Rev. Homer Skyles
I May. 10.45, The lloiy Communion
and Address; 7.45, The Holy Com
munion and Sermon; 9.30, Sunday
I school.
| Harris A. M. E. Zion —The Rev.
| It. L. Briscoe. 10.45, "The Resurrec
tion of Christ, Its Importance and
; Results;" 7.45. Easter Program,
i Wesley Union—The Rev. F. H.
Alle.vne. 10.35, "The Mystery of an
Empty Tomb."
Bethel—The Rev. Dr. H. H. Coop
-1 er. 10.30, "The Resurrection of
I Christ:" 7.30, W. H. Bland, Jr., will
I give an organ recital, and at 8 P.
I M. the choir will rejider an Easter
I cantata, "The Resurrection and the
: Life."
Sixth Street —The Rev. Joseph
j Daugherty. 10.30, Communion Ad
dress; 7.30, "Easter Thoughts; 1.45,
| Sunday school.
1 Otterbein—The Rev. S. Edwin
! Rupp, D. D. 10.30, Holy Oomraun
■ ion: 7.30, "I am the Resurrection;"
i 2, Sunday school.
St. Paul's. Wornileysburg—The
i Rev. A. B. Morner. 10.30, "Easter
j Morning Lesson;" 7.30 "The Walk
j to Eammaus;" 9.30, Sunday school,
i Trinity, New Cumberland —The
! Rev. A. R. Ayres. 10.30, "The Res
j urrection of Jesus the Christ;" 7,
J Easter Cantata by the Choir; 9.30,
Sunday school.
First —The Rev. Dr. W. E. Daugh
erty. 10.30, "Resurrection Revela
tions;" 7.30, Special Music by Choirs.
Derry Street —The Rev. J. A. Ly
i ter. 10.30, preaching; 7.30, preach-
I ing ; 2, Sunday school.
I State —The Rev. H. F. Rhoad.
| 10.45, "Victory Over Death;" 7.30,
I The Choir will render a Cantata;'
| ft.3o, Sunday school.
I Harris Street —10.30 and 7.30,
| Services; 9.30, Sunday School.
Park Street—The Rev, A. E. Han
gen. 10.45, Holy Communion; 7.30,
Communion and Easter Cantata by
Church Choir; 9.30, Sunday School.
Maclay Street —The Rev. Dr. Wm.
S. Houck. 11, "Rolling Away the
Stones;" 7.30, "A Jew of Jericlio
Saved;" 9.45, Sunday School.
Camp Hill —The Rev. Chas. O.
Huston. 10.30, "The Resurrection;"
7.30, "The Authority For Observing
Three Ordinances." i
Fourth Street —The Rev. William
N, Yates, D. D. 7, Sunrise Easter
Services: 10.30, "The World's Con
queror"; 7.30, "Rising With Christ";
1.40, Sunday School.
Penbrook —The Rev. Jay C. Forn
crook. 10.30, "The Risen Christ;"
7.30, Easter exercises by the Sunday
School; 9.30, Sunday School.
Nagle Street—The Rev. Elmer E.
KaufTman. 10.30, "The Feast of the
Resurrection;" 7.30, "An Important
Question;" 1.30, Sunday School.
Qreen Street—The Rev. H. S. Her
shey. 10.30, "Now Is Christ Risen
From the Dead"; 7.30, "The Dead in
Christ Shall Rise First;" 2, Sunday
. \
Dr. Reed Will Talk
at Y. M. C. A. Meeting
9P r
Dr. George Edward Reed will ad
dress the men's mass meeting in
Fahnestock Hall, Robert B. Reeves,
general secretary of' the Central Y.
M. C. A., has announced. Dr. Reed
will speak on the subject. "Playing
the Game/' His address will be pe
culiarly appropriate to the Easter
season. He is a speaker worth while
Special music will be furnished by
Meredith Germer, who will play sev
eral trombone solos. Mr. Germer is
a member of the Technical High
school orchestra, and a fine musi
Dr. Reed was formerly president
of Dickinson College, and was a
former state librarian. He is a man
of wide experience and broatf knowl
edge. ij
Boston Christian Scientists
Send Much to Soldiers
About 29,500 articles were prepar
ed and sent to enlisted men and war
refugees liy the Comfort* Forward
ing Committee, conducted by the
Christian Scientists of fhe Boston
district and located at 32 8 Boylston
street, Boston, during the first three
months of the committee's work.
Among the goods forwarded were
16,000 knitted articles and comfort
kits, 5,500 articles of new clothing
for French, Italian. Belgium, and
Serbian refugee children, and about
8,000 selected second-hand or re
made articles of clothing.
One American ship has been sup
plied with enough knitted goods,
totaling 3,500 pieces, to equip all the
sailors on board. A large number of
the knitted garments and other
comforts have been turned over to
the different war relief associations
in Boston, which are in direct com
munication with the people of their
respective countries. notably the
British, French. Italian and Belgian
associations. Some of the recruits
front Boston for the British and
Canadian forces were supplied with
knitted articles before they left
A feature of the* Comforts For
warding work which
has brought splendid results is the
"unit system" of preparing new gar
ments for refugee children. Ten of
the committee were lirst instructed
in the making of a model garment,
each of the ten instructed ten others
and the latter became captains of
teams of ten others whom they in
turn instructed. Two groups of
team captains meet at the commit
tee's rooms every day to receive in
structions and material for use by
themselves and the members of their
respective teams, who work at lei
sure moments at home. Thus 1,110
I sewers are banded together for this
particular part of the committee's
program and they are turning out
an average of over 1,000 garments a
week. In this work, they have been
greatly assisted by one of the patrio
tic manufacturing companies of Bos
ton, which offeree} and has under
taken to do all the cutting required
for these garments.
An Easter sunrise service will be
held to-morrow morning at 0.30
i o'clock in 'lmmanuel Presbyterian
I Church, Sixteenth and Liberty
streets. Miss Alice Lewis will be
the leader of the meeting. A song
service will be a special feature.
Special musical are being
arranged for th occasion.
Augsburg—The Rev. A. M. Sta
mets. 10, Holy Communion; 7.30,
Holy Communion. Cantata, "The
Easter Allelulia": 2, Sunday school.
Trinity—The Rev. R. L. Meisen
helder. 10.30, Communion; 7. Eas
ter Entertainment by Sunday School;
2, Sunday School.
Memorial —The Rev. L. C. Man
ges, D. D. 10.30, "The Triumph;"
Holy Communion; 7.30, sermon by
the Rev. Edmund Manges, of York;
2, Sunday School.
Trinity, (lamp Hill —The Rev. Dr.
E. D. Weigle." 10.30, Holy Commun
ion; 7.30, Holy Communion; 9.30,
Sunday School.
Zion, Enola.—The Rev. M. S.
Sharp. 10.30, Holy Communion;
7.30, Musical Program; 9.30, Sunday
Messiah —The Rev. Henry W. A.
Hanson. 10. Holy Communion and
Reception of New Members; 7.30,
Easter Cantata, "The Story of Eas
ter," by Stultz.
Zion—The Rev. S. Winfield Her
man. 10, Baptism of Infants and
Holy Communion; 7.30, Praise Serv
ice by Choir: 1.45, Sunday School.
Calvary—The Rev. Edward H.
Paar. 11. "But Now Is Christ
Risen;" 7.30, Easter Service by the
Sunday School: 10, Sunday School.
Redeemer —The Rev. Myrone E.
Shafer, B. D. 10, a class of twenty
five young people will be confirmed,
and the Sacrament of the Lord's
Supper; 7.30, "From the Depths to
the Heights" and Holy Communion;
9, Sunday School.
Tabernacle—The Rev. Millard
Osmore Pierce. 11, "The Resurrec
tion of Christ;" 7.30, "I Know That
He Lives;" Baptism will be admin
Market Street —The Rev. W. S.
Dunlap. 10.30, "An Easter Message;"
7.80. the Ordinance of Scriptural
baptism will be observed; 11.30,
Sunday school.
Second—The Rev. Albert Joslah
Greene. 10.30, "The Problem of
the Empty Tomb;" 7.30, "A Timely
Warning For the Disciples of Jesus
Christ;" 12, Sunday School.
St. Paul —The Rev. E. Luther
Cunningham. 10.30, "The Risen
Christ, the 'Life of the Christian
Church;" 7.30, Easter concert by the j
Sunday School; 18.30, Sunday
Soitg and Story Celebration
Through the Entire
Easter Day
The Stevens Memorial Methodist
Episcopal Church, will celebrate
Easter Sunday with a festival of
song and story throughout the en-
Me day. An Easter Message is to
be given by the Girls Chorus of the
Epworth League, under the direc
tion of Ross K. Bergstresser, quite
early to-morrow morning, at ti.3o
i> clock. This meeting Is open 1.0
everyone. Many will attend. Easter
service of praise will be held in the
•Sunday school room at 9.30. Begin
ning at 10.30, the Quartet Choir is
scheduled for social Easter music,
hollowing the musical program. Dr.
Clayton Albert Smucker will preach
Oil "Easter Certainty. In the after
noon, at 2 o'clock, the Sunday school
hour will be in charge of Al. K.
Thomas. An Easter Service of un
usual interest is to be given in the
evening, at 7.30 o'clock, by the Sun
day school. This program in its
presentation will be patriotic. It is
divided into three parts as follows:
f art I—Calvary; Part ll—The Eas
.V St P. ry: Part Hl—New Life for
the Nations. A group of many
young folk in a recitative exercise
speak in 'T'he Gethsemane of
the Nations." in the second part,
the grand processional led by the
Junior and Intermediate Depart
ments of the Sunday School will tell
_ an(i song. "How and Why
C-hrist tHe Lord Is Risen To-day."
The following climax program is the
third part of the service: Recitation
Exercise. "Christ at Work in the Na
tions"; Hymn, "Crown Him with
Many Crowns"; Address, "The Liv
ing Christ Among the Nations"; Re
citative Exercise. "Christian Voices
of Prophecy," Hymn, "All Hail the
Power of Jesus' Name."
To-morrow morning-, at .30, t.he
Epworth League of Stevens Memorial
Methodist Church, will hold its an
nual Easter service in the league
room. It will be known as a home
circle Easter service this year, with
Miss Myrtle Schell as hostess.
Ross K. Bergstresser will direct the
song service and the Epworth League
Girls Chorus under Air. Bergstress
er's direction will sing several Easter
A quartet composed of Mrs. Walter
Rankin, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Storey
and Mr. Bergstresser will sing Mere
dith s "Before Thy Throne We Kneel."
Praise Service Tomorrow
Night With Mrs. Edwin
J. DeceVee Leader
The choir of Zion Lutheran
Church, "The church with the
chimes," Fourth street below Mar
ket, will give its annual Easter
praise service Easter night at 7.30
o'clock. William Bretz will be at
the organ.
The choir, which is under the di
rection of Airs. E. J. Decevee, is very
fortunate in having two of the city's
best-known singers as soloists for
the occasion, Mrs. Arthur H. Hull,
soprano, and Mrs. Robert B. Rdfeves,
contralto. Another delightful fea
ture of the program will be a harp
solo by Miss Le Nora Fry, and she
will also play a harp obligato too
Manney's beautiful anthem, "Heark
en Unto Me," which has never been
sung before in Harrisburg.
Fine Organ Numbers
The organ numbers for the morn
ing service at which the Holy Com
munion will be administered are:
"Resurrection Morn." by Johnson:
"Communion," by Torrvbelle, and
"Marche Romnlne," by Gounod. The
musical program for the. evening
praise service is most attractive. The
church chimes will be played by E.
A. Ivepner before the service, which
will begin with Merkel's Pastoral as
the organ prelude. Berwald's "Jesus
Lives," will be sung by the choir
with incidental solo for Mr. Zarker,
tenor. Mrs. Arthur Hull, soprano,
will sing "With Verdure Clad," from
Haydn's "Creation;" "Hosanna," by
Granier, will be given by Mrs. Rob
ert Reeves, contralto. The offertory
will be "In Moonlight," by Kinder,
followed by the "Invocation" of
[ Snoer, written for the harp and
played by Miss Le Nora Fry. The
choir will sing, "Hearken Unto Me,"
by Manney, written with harp
obligato and incidental solos for
Miss Nellie Bennett, contralto, and
Mrs. Decevee, soprano. The organ
postlude will be a March in B flat,
by Silas.
At the Christ Lutheran Sunday
School, special music of a high or
der will feature the service. An in
strumental trjo made up of Harold
Walsh, violinists; Margaretta Ken
nedy,! violinceilist and Margaret
Vaughn, harpist, will furnish sev
eral numbers. " They will also play
accompaniments for Katharine
Dubbs, soprano, and Louise Baer,
contralto. These young ladies will
each sing a solo and will also sing
an Easter duet.
Cantata at Bethlelioni Lutheran
The quartet and choir of Bethle
hem Lutheran Church will sing a
cantata at the evening service to
morrow, entitled "The New Life,"
by James H. Rogers, the solo parts
being taken by Mrs. W. K. Bum
baugh, soprano: Mrs. H. L. Hertzler,
contralto; Mr. J. P. Gibson, tenor,
and Mr. Roy Mathias, bass.
The services at this church will be
held at 10 30 and 7.30 o'clock ac
cording to the new law which goes
into effect to-morrow morning.
Morntog—Prelude. "Resurrection
Morn," Johnston; anthem, "Hos
anna," Granier; offertory, "Prayer,"
Ijoret; postlude, "Easter Day,"
Evening—Prelude. "Easter Son,"
Bartlett: cantata, The New Life,"
James IL Rogers; offertory, "Sur
sum Corda," Hailing; postlude,
"Jubilate Deo," Silver.
Bethesda Mission—John Fulton,
Superintendent. Meetings every
night at 8 o'clock. Good singing—
Short Testimonials.
Associated Bible Students—"The
End of the World Is Here —Millions
Now Living Will Never Die," will be
the subject of a startling lecture
delivered by one of the local elders,
3. Berean study, 1.45.
Hummel Street—The Rev. A. K.
Hoilinger, 11 and 7.30, Preaching:,
9.46, Sunday School.
' A
MARCH 30, 1918
Musical Program Will Be
Given at Evening Ser
vice To-morrow
The services on Easter Day at St.
Andrew's Episcopal Church, will bo
'• °'' owa: Holy Communion; 11,
Morning Praper, Holy Communion
~s f Tm on on the topic: "Who
Sna'l Roll Away the Stone?"; 3.30,
Ohiklren's Festival; 7.30, Evening
Prayer and sermon on "The Risen
Life. '
The principal numbers of the mu
sical program will be: in the morn
ing, "Christ Our Passover," bv
Schilling; "Te Deum in B Flat," by
Thomas; and Offertory Anthem, "He
Is Risen," by Simper; and in the
evening: "The Day of Resurrec
tion," by Spence. In addition to
these special features, there will be
the following hymns: "Welcome,
Happy Morning!"; "Jesus Christ Is
Risen To-Day," "Angels, Roll the
Rock Away!" and "At the Lamb's
High Feast We Sing," in the morn
ing; and in the evening will be sung
'The Strife Is O'er, the Battle
Done," "Jesus Lives!" and "Alleluia!
Alleluia! Hearts and Voices Ileav'n
ward Raise."
Dr. Mudge to Preach
on Easter Sermon Themes
The Power of the Resurrection" is
the subject upon which Dr. Lewis S.
Mudge will preach at the Eastjer
morning service in the Pine Street
Presbyterian Church. All of the mu
sic will be pervaded with the Easter
?.?!■■• ", n< J t,le Church quartet will be
assisted by a large chorus.
In the evening Dr. Mudge will
(, e i a ? . ,inal sermon of aeries
which has been attracting such larire
congregations: the theme for the ser.
Conqueror " 6 " Tlle Command of the
••tTJI and chorus will sing
n JI ,P eath ' 11 cantata by Harry
i, „ 2 hh ? 1Ie >' u P°n which the chorus
has spent much time in practice.
•Following the evening service Mr
Henry McCormick. Jr.. will conduct
orfalT,fi,d?ng. ICe the B ° yd M " m "
V'e "Ml Lord's day the Sacra
ment of the Lords Supper will be
commemorated at the Pine Street
corned U " d " Cw memb ers will be wel-
- Church of Christ—ll and
i..10 subject: "Reality;" testimonial
meeting, Wednesday, 8. Free read
ing room, Kunkel Building, 11.30 to
o; Saturday 11.30 to 9.
'"■' BM Third and Pine Streets
W j Easter Sunday, March 31, 1918 \% ?,
r | / Preacher, Rev. L. S. Mudge, D. D., Pastor. \:V I
10.30 A. M.
i:n*(or Music by Qunrtct and Choru
7.30 P. M.
and i; j
The Beautiful Easter Cantata | i ;
Rendered Ily
The Church Quartet and Selected Chorus % f
An Easter Welcome to You j *
"" "•-•••" ' i ' ' ''''**: *** '**•*•** • ]
St. Stephen's Church
North Front Street, Near Pine
Easter Day
March 31, 1918
7 A. M., Holy Communion.
11 A. M., Holy Communion and Sermon:
"Christ, The Desire of Nations"
3 P. M., Sunday School Service.
Music at 11 O'clock
Communion service in E Flat Eyre
Anthem, "In the End of the Sabbath" Targett
7.30 P. M.
Evening Prayer & Musical Service
Anthem, "Christ, our Passover'' Schilling
Piano and organ, "Serenade" Widor
Organ, "Easter Offertoire" Loret
Violin, Piano and Organ, "Ave Maria" Gounod
Anthem, "As It Began to Dawn" Vincent
Miss Alice Marie Decevee, Pianist. Dr. Reed, Violinist
Alfred C. Kuschwa, Organist and Choirmaster
Seats Free All Welcome
First Baptist Church
Second and Pine Sts.
AT 10.30 A. M.
AT 7.30 P. M.
Pastor of Grace M. E. Will
Preach on "Does Death
End All?"
Dr. Robert Bagnell, pastor of Grace
Methodist Church, will pleach on
"The New Sunrise," on Easter Sun
day, at. 10.30 o'clock. In the evening,
7.30 o'clock. Dr. Bagnell will preach
on "Does Death End All?" Special
Kaster musical selections will be ren
dered by the Grace Church ohorus
choir under the able leadership of
Professor John W. Phillips. The
church auditorium will be most ar
tistically decorated with KasU;r flow
ers and greens which will add great
ly to the spirit of this Kaster oc
The various departments of the
newly departmentalized Sunday school
will have special Easter programs
in their vorious departments. The
special feature of the teen age de
partment. will be to have a pne
hundred per cent, attendance at this
spt'chU Kaster Sunday School ses
sion. Ihe teen ago department start
ed four weeks ago with righty-two
per cent, attendance and last week
reached an attendance of ninety per
cent., and the officers of this teen
age department have great hopes of
attaining a one hundred per cent, at
tendance this Sundav.
u4 T i le Leaguo will celebrate
Students Night at 6.30 o'clock in tho
£p worth league room, with Robert
Seita of Yale University in charge
of the meeting.
Address on Missions
at Sixth Street U. B.
• H .? ly Communion will be observed
in the Sixth Street United Brethren
tnurch, the Rev. Joseph Daugherty,
pastor, on Sunday morning and even
ing. At these services the rite of
baptism will be administered, and a
class of new members will be receiv
ed into the fellowship of the church.
A special Easter offering has been
arranged for, and the same will be
devoted to the various benevolent in
terests of the denomination.
evening theme, "Easter
Thoughts. Easter music will be a
feature atr all the services of the day.
At the Sunday School session in tlie
afternoon. George Troup will deliver
ail address on "Missions." Our irreat
orchestra will play, and appropriate
Easter selections will be sung.
The day will begin with a sunrise
prayer and praise service. At 10
o clock the Sacrament of the Lord's
Supper will be administered. At the
evening service the pastor will preach
a suitable sermon and receive the
catechetical class into church mem
bership. The choir will sing a can
tata entitled "The Easter Alleluia."