4 m ' * - rr ■ 7 MONDAY EVENING, - HAHRISEURG mmg£ TIMGRAPH JANUARY 21, 1918. Y. W. C. A. Notes J Safety In Terms of Service," was the subject of the second in the t-crles of lectures which are being fiiven on Sunday at 6 o'clock ves pers at the Y. W. C. A. by Mrs. Harold H. Baldwin. Interesting ac counts of what the women of I ranee are doing now for their country were told. The Information comes direct from Y. W. C. A. sec retaries in France and much of It iias never been published before. D he women of France are sacrificing their all for their country. Mrs. Baldwin stated that one particular woman in France who had been .surrounded by servants all her life vent into a French hospital to curry candy and cigarets to the sol diers. She saw the needs of the fcoldiers and herself furnished nine ty-six comfort kits for the men at the front. She was instrumental in having many French castles turn ed Into hospitals. Many similar in t lances of what French women are doing were given by %Irs. Baldwin. PAUL'S January Clearance Sale Of High Grade Shoes FOR MEN AND WOMEN I ;| Goods Reduced 10 'Jo \ Broken Lots 1-3 and / *1 If you need Shoes be sure to buy jL them from us as we not only give yon a big saving on the prices but "5V give you shoes that are well made, Yte?v from factories that only make good /* \ shoes. HI \ 1 Tills store la full of bargains.. *+> V \ 1 * ' Here are a few of the lots we make mention among the many you can procure. Men's Bostonian Heavy Tan Winter Shoes. Stylish lest. $9.00 value. Sale Price •• ••• •; •• *' _ Women's E. C. Burt Combination of Kid High Heel -aco CE 0Q Shoes. SIO.OO value. Sale Price ._ * „ Women's E. C. Burt Tan Calf Lace Shoes. Low Heeio, Qj) AA to C $8.50 value. Sale Price ••• •• • (S „" . LaFrance and E. C. Burt's Patent Leather Shoes. 16, §3,90 $6 and $7 values. Sale Price ••; • - _ . _ Women's Black Kid Lace Shoes, High Heel, Sole, $o and $6 values. Sale Price ° _ Lot of Small Size Ladies' Shoes; sizes 2% to gj 0Q iPftiliL'S shoe store ffSS The Harrisburg Conservatory of Music Will re-open Monday, January 21. All pupils will please report at the usual time for lessons. Prospec tive graduates of the class of 1918 are requested to report promptly in order that work may he resumed without delay. „ ... Mrs. Edwin J. EJecevee, Directress Let Us Furnish Your Office Every office to be efficiently conducted should be properly equipped. Our close study of the requirements for the mod em office has fitted us to ll be of the best service to The- cost will be rock j i| "stock" office furniture in ==S== 3 l ar S e shipments and place —D our or< j erß f ar { n advance. .. 11 We are the largest dis [i tributors of office furniture a in this section of the state. 54-inch Roll $0Q.50 Flat Top Oak $0A.50 60-inch Flat SOO Top Desk .. itO Desk Top Desk &0 Golden Oak finish, well made throughout, completely ap- A value In a good oak An exceptionally large desk pointed interior, heavy double desk-—Top Is 48 inches long, and splendidly constructed pedestal base. Sp°lendWly ffiSS. draW ° rß ' Doubl6 pedestal drawer large center drawer®. 54-inch Roll $00.50 Fla , T Quar . s„_ $ „_ Top Desk.. OO d Qk _ , Solid Oak sin.so Excellent desk, thoroughly lerca uaK WeSK . . Vprfiral Filo 1•/ well made all the way through, Thls deak lg 64 , nches , ong VCrUCaiTlie . quartered oak bed and writing an(l has large pedestal drawers. This file is composed of four top wooa Dox pigeon hole com- each side and center drawers. drawers and can be added to in partments. any nutn ber desired. 66-inch Quartered SOA Solid Oak Type- $C Oak Desk 01/ writer Table v Finest construction and com- A most useful and much vWjrTi i *" I plete in all details. Extra heavy needed article. This style can TI M ftS fJ?.i i J wood box files. Index drawers be folded up and put out of the j;| Wi Eg /■ and special document safety way when not in use. S3 fi /JL box. Double base. Filing cabi- OT §g 7 >fj net in right-hand drawers. Extra Heavv OaU tO *7* Vk P>l i 1 " *JT Large center drawer. Double IlCdvy VJdK J, Id Vtt 1 gfl flfl nj pedestal drawers. Costumer £ Vtt .WJOiLL jji A , _ . . . _ Well made and excellently ' Oak Revolving SQ*SO finlshed - Heavy metal hanger*. V" /^l Office Chair ... O Office Tables Best construction and a type i>> _ _ - J£alue_to_JU)o__ _ -li J^S£ p JSLii22L O Red price tickets will be displayed at our Tuesday Sale on gp a'l g00d.4 sold at Tuesday's spe ial prices. i New Satin and Straw Hats For Immediate Wear at 1.441 1.66| 2.6613.66 1 for this Tuesday's special selling; showing the very newest and popular ideas. All Velour Hats On Tuesday 1 1.00 I 1.88 I 2.88 I |y Actual Value >2.98 I Actual Valuo 3.88 | A**"* l Value 5.98 Feather Turbans and Feather Hats Final Price 1 1.88 2.88 3.88 S m Value to t.t# —IS-!—— m | All Children's Trimmed Hats 1.00 I 2.00 I' |jj Choice of Stock to i .§ Miss Harriet Manley, of Chicago,.' is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Mor ris Hubert, of Pertn street, for two I weeks. TETLEYS f India and Ceylon TEA J Its Goodness Makes Permanent ONE LITTLE TEASPOONFUL MAKES TWO CUPS 2Popular Coffees Here are two coffees, very popular among people who want good coffee. Why are they popular? Because of their fine flavor and rich aroma. They are carefully blended from the finest beans and fresh roasted daily. Try a pound or both. Then see which you like best. ; Golden Roast Coffee, 30c lb. —has rich aroma and fine flavor. Every pound cup-tested to maintain its good quality. Packaged in moisture-proof package that holds In Its fine flavor. It is as good as most 35c coffees. Old Favorite Coffee, 25c lb. —is melld-w and tasty. Popular for its flavor and economical price. Four cents Is saved by packaging it In stout, moisture proof bags lined with glasserine. As good as most 30c coffees. Take this advertisement to \*i ) V, ' ' your grocer. Get a pound of *< tf '., botli Uicsc coflees. Then sec 'n'flVADtT' II which you like best. o**' I j'gggß. H. Lyon J|p|' Harrisburg, Pa. / IMr. and Mrs. Anthony Webster went home to Ha,rriman, Tenn., thi morning, after a week's visit among relatives in this vicinity. 5B