. - f -- V#* ■ . .- •• MONDAY EVENING. < mautISBDRO tSBBW TEEEGK3CPH JANUARY 21, 1918. II TABES COAL 10 GET HEAT AN® TELEGRAPH WANT A®§ TO GET RESULTS' CARD OF THANKS MRS. WILLIAM H. ETTER AND FAMILY wish to express their sin- ! cere thanks to their many friends who 1 ;o Kindly extended their sympathy, i services and floral tributes in their 1 recent bereavement of their father and husband. They also wish to ex tend & thousand thanks to the boys of " the Pelpher Line for their kindly re membrances. IMS'I-ftUOI'I.ONB BECKLEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE And CIVIL SERVICE SCHOOL "The School of Qua"ty." Gives Individual Instruction, Gregg Shorthand Touch i'ype writing, Book keeping, Accountancy, Arithmetic, English, Penmanship, Salesmanship— Rates Reasonable. Bell 36SSJ. Day und Night School All Year. ENTER ANY TIME. 9 N. Market Sq. Chas. R. Beckley. A TRAINING THAT SECURES Di rect Results for young men und wo men as Stenographers, Typists, Book keepers, etc. YOU want that kind. No advance In tuition. Call and soe us or write to-day. THE OFFICE TRAINING SCHOOL 121 Market street. j- YOUNG MEN WANTED To learn j t the automobile business, can place 12;, to 16 at a salary of SI,BOO a year. It 1 Is impossible to set chauffeurs now, therefore we must insist on young j, men learning the' automobile trade; ; one full course of instruction is >ou;j guaranteed to please you; enroll now. Auto Transportation School. 2t-29 ; North Cameron street. " HELP WANTED —MALE - WANTED Short-order cook. Ap- ' Mf A lva Restaurant. I ■' WANTED, '" • AT ONCE. SIX BOYS OVER 1 YEARS OLD. IS APPLY _ . < CYCLE AND AUTO SUPPLY CO.. j I 107 MARKET ST. | I SALESMAN Experienced, to sell J complete line of fire protection equip- j r luent in nearby Pennsylvania tc-rrt lory and to malte headquarters in t I llarristiurg. Give full particulars and , i salary desired. S. F. Hayward und , c company, 104 North Eighth street, = Philadelphia. Pa. . WANTED One or two more men - to work in garage and auto school. You can earn sl3 to sls per w-eek. i Auto Transportation School, 20-27 I North Cameron street. j t WANTED Expert Box Spring maker. Good opportunity. United i States Mattress Co., Twelfth and c Herr streets. - MEN WANTED to load stone. 27 He t per ton. Can earn $25 to $35 per ( week. Apply Paxtang Quarries. Pax- , t tang. WANTED j c A bright. Intelligent, wide awake, well-posted young man about 25 years of age. Must bo able to furnish refer- i ences. Address BOX E, 772. i MACHINISTS WANTED Competent, roundhouse machine and erecting shop hands, for modern i shop. No labor trouble. 50 cents perl hour. Nine-hour day. Time and one-1 •alf for overtime. V APPLY TO F. P. PFAKLER, BALTIM RE AND OHIO R. R. CO., r CUMBERLAND. MD. a BOY" WANTED Will be allowed - one day a to go to extension: school. Good pay to right boy. In- ; 1 quire 1838 N -rth Sixth street. 1 AUTO TOP TRIMMER—First-class - man wanted to make Tops. Apply • Keystone Auto Top Co., 1019 Market] i street. • | < HELP WANTED —FEMALE HOUSEKEEPER WANTED—Y'oungj' woman to keep house for working.; man. This is an exceptional opor-1 tunity for the right person. Box No. | ill, Cly. Pa. WANTED A housekeeper, who . can do plain cooking. Small family. ' Apply 1621 North Sixth street. I SALES PEOPLE !< WANTED 50 experienced sales people wanted at once. Apply Tuesday morning, at 8:30. GREENES Fourth and Market Sts. WANTED Reliable white girl for j general housework. No washing, j ' Good wages. Apply first house on i Second street above church at Second!' and Emerald streets. j : STENOGRAPHER WANTED Competent and experienced stenographer wanted. Must ' be able and willing to do . ' clerical work. Good chance , ■ for advancement. Apply to > Office Manager, SWIFT & CO., Seventh and North Streets. j i HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Re- , spec table, middle-aged colored woman | wanted as housekeeper. Inquire W„ 1 i C 770. care of Telegraph. WANTED lOO families to buy Blankets on 25c week payment. Send | name and address and blankets will; be delivered. Address Box M, 6499, ; care of Telegraph. j WANTED Girls for laundry work. Apply Palace Laundry. 2103 , Logan. GIRLS l6 years and upward \ wanted for steady work. Apply to Shearer Mfg. Co.. 30S Hamilton street. . HOSIERY KNITTERS AND LOOPERS / • I WANTED Also learners over It years of age. Best working conditions. High wages and bonus paid weekly. APPLY AT ONCE. NEW IDEA HOSIERY CO.. 9. 14th AND MAYFLOWER STS. 1 HOUSES FOR SALE i * 1821 Berryhill 3-story brick—J <8 rooms bath furnace. Lot* < 2 14x100. Room for garage .. *2.*oo£ * IMMI X. Fourth 2-story brickj I J —7 rooms bath furnace —SI 2 gas and electricity. Lot 15.5x101, #; s 931 Grren 2-story brick and* I 2 frame 5 rooms 2-story, 16x20,# . 5 brick building. Lot 20x171, 93, | P. Doranz, 1225 North Sixth street, i Also have some good investment ; propositions In Real Estate on easy j terms. j SEVERAL CORNER HOUSES for ! sale cheap and on easy terms. Apply i to C. H. Corder, 1190 Walnut street, I Harrisburg. Bell 2412 R. J. E. GIPPLE, —REALTOR— FIRE INSURANCE RENT COLLECTING | 1251 Market St. Bell phone 4259 Member Harrisburg Real Estate Board i REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT Storeroom in property number 1821 N. Fourth St.: elegant business loca tion; room equipped with counters. ! I shelves and bins; rent very reasonable, j 12-room, tingle frame dwelling, with | all modern improvements, located on j I'axtang Ave., Paxtang; large lot; Im mediate possession. Market St., Camp Hill; 2% -story, single brick dwelling; 7 rooms and bath; all improvements; rent, $30.00; i immediate possession. Four and five-room apartments at 1 1821 N. Fourth St. BRINTON-PACKER CO., Seccnd and Walnut Sts. Storeroom, 5 4 Market Street j Storerooms. 248 & 252 Hamilton 1 Street $12.00' I Dwelling, 1122 N. Second Street, corner Cumberland, 10 rooms and bath $40.00; CHAS. ADLER. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE, 1002 N. THIRD STREET. 1 Member Harrisburg Real Estate Board i | FOR RENT Brick houses, with all improvements and steam heat 1 l J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. ============================ • REAL ESTATE—For Sale or Rent HOUSE? AND GARAGES at Fifth ! and Curti. treets. Fred C. Miller. 31 I North Second. Bell phone 307 J. OFFICES AND STORKROOMS 1 FOR RENT Storeroom and dwell | Ing in Dillsburg, Pa., situated on pub ! lie square, opposite Dillsburg National i Bank. Possession given immediately. I Inquire of R. S. Ciark, Dillsburg, Pa. FARMS ' FLORIDA We will build your home on rich farm near Jacksonville, at only $5.00 monthly. Write Jack i sonville Heights Co., Jacksonville, ! Florida. FARMS WANTED' Let me sell your farms; no sale, no charge; no matter where at or what size, I will sell it for you; I also have I city and suburban prfoperty to ex : change on farms. C. H. Corder. 1190 Walnut street, Harrisburg. Bell ( 241°!R- 211 ACRES BOO fruit trees, 40 acres young timber; 3 miles N. E. of Harrisburg; wil' sell part or all of ! farm. Apply 1700 North Second jstreet FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Stove In good condl ! tion. 203 Nectarine street. IT WILL PAY you to look Into the Underwear problem. It's in same class las coal. Consylman & Co., 1117 North | Third. VULCANIZER FOR SALE One i No. 8 Tire Vulcanizer of the latest Haywood pattern; Hand tools; Air Bags and about $30.00 worth of re- I pair material. Has been used for only ' b operations. A bargain for quick tuyer. Address John Hengle, Shrews | bury. Pa. EASTER LILIES 53.00 per dozen ' Keeney's Cut-Rate Flower Shop, Blu | North Third street. BOOKS—Several libraries fcr sale. : books in fine condition, at average price of 10c; cost many times more, j Aurand's, 925 North Third. FURNITURE FOR SALE Four piece ivory porch set and two ma hogany chairs. A good bargain. Apply t'29 North Third street. $3.00 DOWN and $3.00 per month buys a Beautiful New { Rex Typewriter. $3.00 down and $3.00 per i month buys an American Cal culating Machine. $4.00 down and $7.00 per month buys an American Add ( ing, Listing and Statement Ma chine. It costs nothing to Investigate. R. V. MONTAGUE, 204 North Second Street, | Harrisburg, Pa. ~ FOR SALE Stock of Merchant's Ice Com pany, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania tor sale. Can be bought below ; par. Room 203 Commonwealth ; Trust Company Building. j : HERE are a few extraordinary ' bargains for any one in the printing [ I business who can make use of them: I 1 Danniels Planer. • 1 Saw and Trimmer. 1 Danniels Steam Trap. " 1 Oil Filterer. 1 1 Gas Metal Pot. *! 1 Hickok Ruling Machine. • j 2 Model' 1 Linotypes. If you can use ony of the above, - i drop in to see us. The question of 1 price and terms can be easily ar • ranged. sj 1 lie TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO., • ; Printing, binding. Designing, Photo | • Engraving, Die Stamping and Plate Printing, Harrisburg, Pa. " '! Who Reads Classified Advertising? The rich man, poor man, the businessman, the housewife, in fact everyone w v ho reads at all. Why? Because they have learned the fact that the little want ads hold a multitude of opportunities for any one in every walk of life. No matter what the nature of your ad there is always some one that reads it who is intrested in what you have to offer, and the classified columns of the Telegraph is the surest place to offer it, in order to get one hundred percent results. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS CALKS —CALKS—CALKS Diamond. Giant Grip, Green Bay, Red Tip, Blizzard, Rowe Ring Point. Rowe Junior, Black Diamond and Al ways Sharp, at Gable's, 111-117 South Second street. BARGAINS IN TYPEWRITERS SIO.OO up. Reasonable terms for traded and rebuilt typewriters all makes bought—scld—rented and ex changed. Geo. P. TUlotson, 205 Locust street. FOR SALE, at Gable's, 111-117 South Second street. Lawn Fence, Field Fence, Gates, Poultry Netting. Building Hardware, Plaster Board, Upson Wall Board. Compo-Boaid, Doors, Sash. Shutters, Mouldings, ' Porch Posts Pumps etc. | SASH At Gable's. 111-117 South' Second street, 5,000 sets of new sash, Bxlo, 12 L painted and glazed, sl.7a per set. All other regular sizes, doors I and shutters, all sizes. FOR SALE One second-hand 1 steam boiler —capacity, 2,200 ft. In i good condition and a bargain. M. H. BAKER & CO., Heating and Plumbing Contractors, 1330 Perry St. Both Phones. FOR SALE Unredeemed watches and diamonds at prices lower than can be bought wholesale. CHAS. ARONSON, Reliable Jeweler and Broker, 422 Market Street. 1 WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS Watch Our Prices for Empty —BAKU ELS — Oils, $1.50; Vinegar and Molasses, $1.10; Sugar, SOc. Highest prices for all other Junk. RELIABLE RAG AND METAL CO., 1107 N. Seventh St. Bell 937, Dial 4232. S. SNEIDMAN WILL PAY highest prices for second-hand clothing, shoes, furniture, or carpets. Trial will convince. Bell 2599 M, 1116 Cowden. CLOTHING, SHOES, FURNITURE— Bought at highest cash prices and sold reasonable. S. Refkin, 407 Broad i street. Bell phone 2860. , W E BUY all kinds of disc records Highest cash prices paid. N. Brenner! I 1315 North Third street. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all kinds of empty barrels and Junk. Call Bell phone 4275. B. Abranis & Son 824-832 North Seventh street. Diamonds Bought for Cash; appraisers for estate. P. H. Caplan Co., 206 Mkt. ] MAX SMELTZ ~~ Second-hand furniture bought and sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call Bell 1381R or Dial 5847, or drop a pos tal to Max Smeltz, 1016 Market street. Will call, city or country. MORRIS SAYS save money buying new and second-hand furniture here High prices paid for furniture. Morris Schmertz. 1030 Market. Beil 3971 R. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CONFECTIONERY BUSINESS FOR SALE Good location, modernly equipped and well worth buying. Price reasonable. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR RENT Barber Shop in At lantic City, 15x40 ft., on main street on direot line from station, $l5O per year. Splendid opportunity. Address Box F, 6801, care of Telegraph. WANTED Man with $1,500.00 to take half-interest In one of the best paying businesses in Harrisburg. Ad dress Box E. 5600, care of Telegraph. LUNCH ROOM FOR SALE Good location, doing good business. Rent reasonable. Good opportunity for right man. A. P. DORANZ. 1225 N. Sixth St. Phone. Member Harrisburg Real Estate Board POOL ROOM Doing a good busi ness. Consists of 3 tables and all equipment; two show cases, one wali case, cash register, ten chairs and stock. Call for particulars. A P. DORANZ. I 1225 N. Sixth St. Phone. I Member Harrisburg Real Estate Board Br SIN ESS PERSON Al^ WHY WORRY ABOUT COAL?— Burn coal oil in your cook stove, beater and furnace. Freo demonstra tion. 902 Market. KEYSTONE IRON AND METAL CO. deals in steel, rags, rubber, metals and papermill supplies. Broad and Wal lace. Also salvage from fire' and wreck. Call Bell phone 936, Dial 3043. QUININE —Look out for that grippe feeling, likely to catch you this changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE PHOSPUO-QUININE will stave it oit if taken in time. Gross Drug Store, 119 Market street. RELIABLE ELECTRIC AND LOCKSMITH SHOP. GENERAL REPAIRING. 1303 N. SIXTH ST. BELL 3995, DIAL 6864. CHANGE your coal stove Into a gas range. Burn common coal oil. Freo demonstration. Market street. Diamonds Bought for Cash; appraisers tor estate. P. H. Caplan Co.. 206 Mkt. INCOME TAX REPORTS Prepared t-/ H. E. SCHRIVER, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT & AUDITOR, 61-62 Union Trust Bldg Harrisburg, Pa. MacWILLIAMS CONSTRUCTION I CO., Builders and Contractors. House ( building our specialty. Job work looked after carefully. Dial 3706 ! OFFICE. 2160 NORTH FIFTH I STREET BUSINESS PERSONAIjS UPHOLSTERING And furniture repairing, mattresses renovated and cushions of all kinds made. S. N. Cluck, 320-326 Woodbine street. Phono 1317 J. Money to Loan • PRIVATE LEGAL RATE LOANS sls TO S3OO FOR LONG OR SHORT TIME ON FURNITURE, REAL ESTATE. OR GUARANTEED NOTES. PAYMENTS MONTHLY OR WEEKLY CO-OPERATIVE LOAN CO.. 204 CHESTNUT STREET. UNDER STATE SUPERVISION. MONEY advanced to housekeepers at legal rates; business confidential. Profit Sharing Loan Society, Spoor.er Building. 9 North Market Square. WE LEND MONEY in compliance with Act of June 17, 1915, to individu als in need of ready cash; small loans a specialty; business confidential; payments to suit borrowers conveni ence; po-itively lowest rates in citv. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO.. 132 Walnut Street. Musical COLUMBIA MACHINE FOR SALE— In first-class condition. Also 62 pieces of music. A party with reference can arrange part cash, rest to suit buyer, or have use of same for storage. Ad dress Y., 6466. care of Telegraph. PROFESSOR GONZALEZ AND WIFE, teachers of Piano, Clarinet, Cornet, Saxophone, etc. Bargains in Musical Instruments. Repairing. Orchestra Music, 10c a copy. 926 North Sixth street. WILL EXCHANGE large cabinet machine and fifteen double disc rec ords for good, upright piano. Address 0.. 8040. care of Telegraph. NEW PLAYER PIAJCO 5390.00 Ten dollars first payment. H. G. Day 1421 Derry street. Dial 4560. TALKING MACHINES promptly and carefully repaired by an expert only jOYLER'S, 14 South Fourth street IF your Talking Machine needs re pairs. just call Bell phone 3242 J. An expert will be ut your service at once. Or bring machine to 1213 North Third street. Hauling and Movlnft BLUE LINE AUTO TRANSFER Pianj moving a specialty. Hauling Square dealing our policy. 917-A Capi ta 1 : _j£^._£S97 l _Bell_£s2W Where to Dine Well STOUFFEP'c, RESTAURANT. Home cooking served to Busi nessmen and Ladies In sepa rate dlnlngroom. Storage ! STORAGE—Fireproof and non-flre ! proof warehouses. Private rooms for household goods, $2 a month up. Har risburg Storage Co., 437-445 S. 2nd 6t. STORAGE—4I9 Broad street, house hold goods.merchandise. Private rooms sl-$3. Wagons, 75c month. D. Cooper lAi Co., 417 Broad St. Both phones. ! STORAGE, BROAD AND WALLACE STS.—Household goods and merchan , disc. Private rooms, $1.50 to $3.00 per ; month. Keystone Iron and Metal Co., ! Broad and Wallace streets. STORAGE ln brick building, rear 408 Market. Household goods in clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. P. G. Diener. 408 Market street. Undertaken WILLIAM PAGE, Funeral Director and Embalmer, 630 Boas St., Harrisburg, Pa. Bell 4748 J. Dial 3907. RUDOLPH K. SPICER, Funeral Director and Embalmer, 611 North Second Street. Bell 252. Dial 8145. SAMUEL S. FACKLER, FUNERAL DIRECTOR, 1312 Derry St. BELL 1956. DIAL 2188. Cleaners and Dyers GOODMAN'S is the right place to get your clothes cleaned, pressed, dyed or repaired. N. Sixth St. Both phones. Call and Deliver. EGGERT'S CLEANING AND DYING WORKS, 1245 MARKET ST. "SATISFACTION GUARANTEED." BOTH PHONES. CALL and DELIVER. AUTOMOBILES ~ ~ ~I9iy~CADI LLAC FOR SALE CHEAP. CALL AT FEDERICK'S GARAGE. FRONT AND FORSTER STREETS. AUTOMOBILE OWNERS compare our prices on Automobile Chains: 28x3 —52.80; 30x3 —52.90 30x3%—53.10; 32x3% —$3.10 32x3%—53.15; 34x3% $3.36 31x4 —53.45; 32x4 —53.50 33x4 —53.60; 34x4 —53.70 34x4%—53.89; 35x4 —53.80 36x4 —53.95; 35x4%—54.05 36x4%—54.20; 37x4%—54.50 DAYTON CYCLE CO., 912 North Third Street. Dial 4990. AUTOMOBILE OWNERS SAVE MONEY! Special for 15 Days Only: Havoline Oil, barrel lots, gal 37c One-half barrels, gal 38c 10-gallon lots, gal 40c 5-gallon lots, gal 46c if you furnish the can. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 N. Third Street. Dial 4990. SEVEN-PASSENGER touring body, finely upholstered, mohair top, side curtains—fit any standard ciiaMjs. Will sell for $35.00. A. SchlfTman. 1021 Market street. Bell $633. AUTOMOBILES WE SELL AUTOMOBILES In con signment and charge only 5 per cent. No storage charges if car is not Bold. Auto Transportation School. 27-29 N. Cameron street. OLD AUTOS Wanted: used, wrecked or oldtlmers. In any condition. See me before sac rificing elsewhere. Chelsea Auto Wrecking. A. Schiffraan, 1021 Market street. Bell 3633. GARAGES - ACCESSORIES AND REPAIRS YOUR leaky Radiator repaired by an expert. Your motor troubles reme died. Rex Ga"-Hge, 1917 North Third street. MAGNETOS All types; 4 and 6 Bosch high tension, Elsinann, Dixey splltdorf, Mea. Kemy and different makes of coils, carburetors, etc. A. Schlffman, 1021 Market street. Bell 3633. WM. PENN GARAGE 304-6 Muench street. Limousines for funerals, parties and bails: careful drivers; open day and night. Bell 4564. REX GARAGE. 1917 North Third street. Is the place to store your car for the winter. An up-to-date repair shop under our personal management just opened. BRING your car to us. Experts on Ignition and carburetor troubles. Highest grade repair work. LEMOYNE AUTO SHOP, Lemoyne. Both phones. WE can store two more automo biles. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North Third. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES NEW AND REBUILT BIKES at prices to suit your pocketbook. Pay as you ride. Guaranteed Repairing. The new store with the better ser vice. Both phones. C. A. SPRENKLE, Cycle and Auto Supply Co., 107 Market Street. MOTORCYCLES FOR SALE at great bargains. One Indian, twin, 1913, worth $135.00, for SIOO.OO. Excelsior twin. 1913, worth SIIO.OO, for $90.00. Ten other motorcycles for sale greatly reduced. Dayton Cycle Co.. H. S. Es therbrook, 912 North Third street. Dial phono 4990. LEGAL NOTICES NOTlCE—Letters of Administration Testamentary on the Estate of Mary E. Hicks, late of Harrisburg, Pa.. Dau phin county, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned re siding in Harrisburg, all persons in debted to said Estate are requested to make Immediate paymc-t, and those having claims will present them for settlement. WILLIAM G. HICKS, Administrator. In the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania No. 732 January Term, 1918 Re Taking of land in tho Ninth Ward, of the City of Harrisburg, by the School District of the City of Har risburg. for school purposes. To: All owners, lien creditors and persons otherwise Interested In the lands taken: YOU are hereby notified that the vie ers appointed by the Court In the abc e proceeding to view and examine the premises taken by the School Dis trict of the City of Harrisburg and to estimate and determine the dam ages, if any, sustained by the Owners by reason of the taking thereof, will nieet upon the premises on Saturday, January 26. 1918, at 10 o'clock A. M„ when and where you may be present and be heard, if you so desire. The property so taken by the School District of the City of Harris burg comprises property of Anna S. Simonetti, Maurice Price Simonetti, Delia May Simonetti and John C. Orr, Trustee in Bankruptcy of Homer R. Simonetti. Bankrupt, owners or re puted owners, fronting 68 feet on Walnut Street and 185 feet on Fifth Street, and property of Mary Ann Nagel, John F. Nagel, Ida C. Nagel, Mary A. Nagel and Susan Nagel, own ers or reputed owners, at the corner of Fifth and Strawberry Streets, fronting 25 feet on Fifth Street and extending back 105 feet along Straw berry Street. M. W. JACOBS. Solicitor for the School District of the City of Harrisburg. $38,000.00 SCHOOL BONDS OF THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF HARRISBURG. PA. SEALED PROPOSALS will bo re ceived by the Board of School Direc tors of the School District of the City of Harrisburg, Pa., until Friday, Feb ruary 1, 1918, at 3:30 o'clock P. M, for the purchase of oil or any portion of $38,000.00 4V4 per cent, coupon bonds of said School District. Thqy will be issued, in denomina tions of $1,000.00 each, bearing date of January 1, 1918 and maturing $8,000.00 January 1, 1923; $2,000.00 each year from January 1, 1924 to January 1, 1928; both Inclusive; and $1,000.00 each year from January 1. 1929, to January 1, 1948, both inclusive, with the in terest payable on tho first day of January and July of each year. The principal and interest will be payable at the office of the Treasurer of the Harrisburg School District, Harrisburg, Pa„ and the bonds will be free of state tax. Each proposal must be accompanied by a certified check, payable to the order of the Treasurer of tho School District, Harrisburg, Pa., for two (2) per cent, of the par value of the amount of bonds bid for. Bonds will be ready for delivery, March 1, 1918, and bids must include the payment of accrued interest to the date of delivery. The right 1s reserved to reject any or all bids not deemed to be in the In terest of the School District. By order of the Board. D. D. HAMMELBAUGH. Secretary. No. 121-123 Chestnut Street, Harris burg. Pa. $403,000.00 SCHOOL BONDS OF THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF HARRISBURG, PA. SEALED PROPOSALS will be re ceived by the Board of School Direc tors of the School District of tho City of Harrisburg, Pa., until Friday, Feb ruary 1, 1918. at 3:30 o'clock P. M„ for the purchase of all or any portion of $403,000.00, 4% per cent, coupon bonds of said School District. They will be issued In denomina tions of $1,000.00 each, bearing date of Jhnuary 1, 1918, and maturing $53.- 000.00 January 1. 1923; $14,000.00 "anu ary 1, 1924. and each year thereafter to and including January 1, 1948. The principal and interest will be payable at the office of the Treasurer of the Harrisburg School District, Harrisburg, Pa„ and the bonds will be free of tax. At the general election held Novem ber 7, 1916, the School District was au thorized to increase the indebtedness of the District $1,250,000.00 by a vote of 6,556 In favor and 4,296 against. Each proposal must be accompanied by a certified check, payable to the order of the Treasurer of the School District. Harrisburg. Pa., for two (2) per cent, of the par value of the amount of bonds bid for. Bonds will be ready fo delivery March 1, 1918, and bids must include the payment of accrued Interest to date of delivery. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids not deemed to be In the Interest of the School District. By order of the Board. D. D. HAMMELBAITOH. 121-123 Chestnut Street, Harrisburgr, PtL LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE THE following ordinance was duly passed by the City Council and stgned by His Honor, the Mayor, on the 15th day of January, 1918, and Is pub lished as directed by Article 6, Section 7, of the Act of Assembly approved June 27, 1913: AN ORDINANCE Defining garbage and dead animals, providing rules and regulations for the collection and disposal thereof and penalties for the violation of the same, and repealing Common Council Ordinance No. 67. Session of 1907, entitled, "An ordinance pro viding rules and regulations for the collection and removal of garbage, dead animals, miscellaneous refuse and ashes, and also authorizing the Sanitary Committee or Board of Health to adopt and promulgate ad ditional rules and regulations, and providing penalties for tho viola tion of the same," and all other or dinances, or parts of ordinances. In conflict herewith. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Council of The City of Harrisburg. and it Is hereby ordained by authority of the same, That the term "Garbago" wherever used in this ordinace means tho refuse from animal and vegetable matter after It has been used or pre pared as food for man (night soil ex cepted), and all refuse animal and vegetable matter after It has been used as food for man, Including all kitchen and table wastes of animal or vegetable nature such as vegetables, meats, llsh, bones, fat and other ordi nary kitchen wastes resulting from the preparation of foods. Tho term "garbage" does not include house and store rubbish, ashes or floor sweep ings, nor ashes from wood or coal, nor miscellaneous refuse, viz: broken glass and china-ware, paper, grass vine or tree trimmings, straw, -xcel slor, rags, bottles, tin cans, shoes and other like refuse or waste matter. The term "dead animals" means all dead animals and parts thereof not Intend ed to be used as food for man. Section 2. The occupants of dwell ing houses, apartments, tenements and all other privato houses, and tho pro prietors of boarding houses, hotels, restaurants, and the occupants of all other places where garbage is accu mulated, shall provide or cause to be provided, and keep or cause to be kept, at all times, for the use of such premises, a sufficient number of re ceptacles to contain all garbage which may accumulate on said premises during the usual Interval between the collections of garbage therefrom, and shall keep such receptacles at all times water tight, free from freezing and in good repair. Each receptacle shall bo metallic, have a tight cover, and be provided with one or more handles. No person, firm or corpora tion shall use for the reception of garbage any receptacle having a ca pacity of less thfcn threo (3) or more than ten (10) gallons. Each person, firm or corporation aforesaid shall cause all garbage from his, her, their or its premises to be deposited in the receptacles provided for that purpose, and no substance other than garbage, as herein defined, shall be deposited in any garbage re ceptacle. No more water shall be al lowed or permitted in garbage than naturally accumulates from table re fuse. Each person, flrm or corporation aforesaid shall cause such receptacles to be kept covered afrall times and to be placed and remain, between tho hours of 6 o'clock A. 51. and 6 o'clock P. M., of each day, or while the col lection is made from his, her, their or Its premises, in such position upon the street level as to be easily ac cessible to the garbage collector. No garbage receptacle bhall be kept or placed at any time upon or in fire escapes, basements, subways, cel lars. streets, alleys, sidewalks or other public places. All private alleys and passageways necessary for the collection of gar bage must be kept free from obstruc tion. viz: cans, ice, snow, etc., and all other accumulations, by the owners or users thereof. The contractor shall be required to furnish to the bureau of garbage and ash inspection, or the Superintendent of Public Safety, immediate notice up on a regular adopted forri of the fail ure of the occupant of any premises to have garbage ready for collection on tho day set for such collection, or the placing by such occupant in the garbage receptacle of any substance except garbage as herein defined. If these rules are not observed by the occupants of premises, as afore said. the contractor during the period of such non-observance shall be re lieved from making the collection and shall report the matter In writing to the Bureau of Garbage and Ash In spection, or the Superintendent of Public Safety, upon the prescribed complaint cards. Section 3. All dealers In vegetables, fish, oysters and fruits, and the pro prietors of slaughterhuses and butcher shops shall deliver or cause to be delivered at the garbage dis posal plant all decayed vegetables, fish, fruit and offal in water-tight metal receptablea/with closely fitting lids, and such delivery shall be made before such refuse or offal becomes ir. anywise noxious or offensive. Section 1. The owners, proprietors, agents or servants of any public mar ket or market place shall collect the garbage of each market or market place on every day the same Is open, immediately after the closing of the same, and shall put such garbage In an accessible place to be collected by the garbage collectors. Section 5. No person, firm or cor poration, except the one who has the contract with the City of Harrisburg therefor shall be permitted to carry, convey or transport through the streets, alleys or public places of the City of Harrisburg any such garbage or dead animals, without being sub ject to the penalties hereinafter pro vided. except such dealers in vege tables, fish, oysters and fruit, and the proprietors of slaughterhouses and butcher shops, who convey the same to the garbage disposal plant. Section C. The collection of garbage must be made every sixth day (Sun day excepted), during the months of November. December, January, Febru ary. March and April, and every third day (Sundays excepted), during the iemaining months of the year. In case of hotels, restaurants and such other places as the City Bureau of Garbage and Ash Inspection, or the Superinten dent of Public Safety, may consider necessary, garbage collections shall be made dally (Sundays excepted) throughout tho year. % Section 7. The contractor, before beginning the collection of garbage shall determine, with the approval of the City Bureau of Garbage and Ash Inspection, or of tho Superintendent of Public Safety, upon what days of the week said collection - ! will be made In various localities, and "hall furnish said Bureau or Superinten dent with a map upon which the dis tricts collected from on different days shall be clearly defined. If during the progress of the work the contrac tor shall wish to change the days up on which collections are made in any district, or change the form or ex tent of any district, he may be al lowed, with the approval of said bu reau or superintendent, to make such changes, after having filed with the said bureau 6r superintendent an amended map of the district upon which all of the districts are desig nated, and after having delivered to each householder a new amended card notice as provided for. Section 8. The contractor shall pre sent cards, giving his name, address nnd telephone number, designating upon what days the collector will call In a special locality, a copy of hlch card shall be left at each and every building o apartment In the city where garbage Is collected, and a sup ply of said cards shall be kept at the office of said bureau or superinten dent. Section 9. All collections shall be made between ix o'clock A. M. and ■lz o'clock P. M, except In tie cue 13 _ liEGAIj NOnOEg of hotels, markets, and other places from which daily collections are to be made, as authorized by said Bureau or Superintendent, when such collec tions shall bo made at any hour agreed upon between the contractor uitd tho proprietors of such places. Section 10. The City Buroau of Garbage and Ash Inspection, or the Superintendent of Public Safety, shall * mrorco the maintenance of proper re ceptacles, placed at suitable places on the premises. and prosecute all per- M sons violating- any of the provisions of this ordinance. Section 11. Any parson who shall remove, damage or destroy any re ceptacles referred to In this ordi nance. or deface or remove the street >■ number or name, shall be subject to 1 the penalties herein provided. Section 12. It shall be unlawful for any person to dispose of, throw or place any garbage or dead animals in f.ny street, alley or other public place, or upon any private property, with er owned by such person or not. for the placing or vess Is or recep tacles by the owner or tenant. Section 14. No person shall ob struct, delay or Interfere with the freedom of the garbage collectors while In the performance of their lawful duties. Section 15. All violations of this ordinance, or of the terms of the con tracts with the garbage contractor. I shall be reported to the Bureau of Garbage and Ash Inspection, or to the Superintendent of Public Safety, and It shall be the duty of said Bureau or Superintendent to investigate, or cause to be investigated all com plaints. and to prosecute all offender" against the provisions of this ordi nance. Section 16. The said Bureau, or Superintendent, shall cause to be printed so much of the rules and reg ulations contained in this ordinance as shall sufficiently inform the occu piers of premises of their duties In reference to the collection and re moval of garbage, and such printed rules and regulations shall be deliv ered and served upon each of the premises from which garbage is to ba collected. Immediately upon the pass age and approval of this ordinance. Section 17. Any person, firm or corporation, violating any of the pro visions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof before the Mayor or any alderman of the city, be sub ject to a fine of not more than twen ty dollars for each offense, and In de fault of the payment of said fine, and costs of prosecution, shall be Impris oned in the Jail • ' Dauphin county, for a period not exceeding thirty days. Section 18. This ordinance is de clared to be urgent and necessary for the Immediate preservation of the public, peace, heajth and safety, and rhall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Section 19. That Common Council Ordinance No. 67, session of 1907, en titled "An ordinance providing rules and regulations for the collection and removal of garbage, dead animals, miscellaneous refuse and ashes, and* also authorizing the Sanitary Com mittee or Board of Health to adop>- end promulgate additional -ules and regulations, and providing penalties for the violation of the same, ' and all other ordinances, or parts of ordi nances in conflict herewith, bs and the same are hereby repealed. Passed the City Council January 15. 1918. D. L KEISTER, Mayor. Attest:— R. ROSS SEA: IAN. City Clerk. LETTERS OP ADMINISTRATION on the estate of Mrs. Carroll 8. Gould. late of 2234 North Second street, Har risburg, Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted to M. Clyde Sheafer, to whom all persons Indebted to said e- _ tate 'are requested to make payment, and those having claims or, demands i will make known the feame without delay. M. CLYDE SHEAFER, Post Office Box 68S, Harrisburg, Pa. PUBLIC SALE Notice la hereby given that the un dersigned, wili, at 11 o'clock A. M., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1918, At tho Harrisburg Freight Station of PHILADELPHIA & READING RAIL WAY CO., 9th and Market Sts..Tiarrisburg, Pa.. Expose to Sale at Public Auction, the hereinafter mentioned property, upon which it has alien under existing laws for the costs or expenses of carriage, storage and labor bestowed thereon: ONE CAR BITUMINOUS COAL, received in C. & E. I. 89188 X, Car B. & O. 39581; consigned to Bethlehem Steel Co.. Steelton, Pa. The above-mentioned property 1s stored at Paxton Street and P. A R. Ry„ Harrisburg, Pa., where it may be examined, if desired. If sold, it will be subject to removal from place of storage at purchaser's expense. TERMS CASH. W. J. WILSON, Freight Claim Agent, Philadelphia & Reading Railway Co. NOTICE is hereby given that an ap plication will be made to the Governor of the State or Pennsylvania, on January 29, 1918, by William T. Shields. J. W. Starns, Walter S. Wil liams, Frank E. Culllns, Mahlon A. Govens. Lucius Turner, W. L Winston, and Jacob Edwards, under the Act of Assembly cf the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to pr.o vlde for the Incorporation and Regu lation of certain Corporations," ap proved April 29, 1874, and the supple ments thereto, for the charter of an intended corporation to be called "PROGRESSIVE WAGE EARNERS' BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIA TION," the character and object of which is to conduct a building and loan association according to the law* relating thereto, and for these pur poses to have and possess and enjoy all the rights and privileges of the said Act of Assembly and Its supplements. J. ROBBIN BENNETT, Solicitor. , NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEALED PROPOSALS will be re ceived by the Superintendent of Pub lic Safety, Room No. 12, Court House, Harrisburg, Pa., until 10 o'clock A M.. Saturday, January 26, 1918, for the Collection and Disposal of Ashes, Rub bish and Miscellaneous Refuse In the three (3) Ash Collection Districts, for a period of 15-27-39-51 or 03 months beginning February 1, 1918, in accord ance with specifications on file in the office of the Superintendent of Public Safety. All bids must be sealed and endors ed "Proposals for the Collection and Disposal of Ashes, Rubbish and Mis cellaneous Refuse, and said bids ad dressed to the Superintendent of Pub lic Safety, Room No. 12, Court House, Harrisburg, Pa. Bidders are requested to submit separate bids for each of the several Ash Collection Districts as outlined in the Specifications. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. SAMUEL F. HABSLER, Superintendent of Public Safety. TRANSFER NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that ap plication will be made to the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace of Dau- ' phin County, on Monday, the 4th day of February, A. D. 1918, at 10 o'clock A. M., for the transfer of the retail liquor license of George Gilbert for the Lynch Hotel, located at 325 Ver beke Street, Harrisburg, Pennsylva nia, to Frank F. Selss. of Harrisburg. Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, and that the papers for that purpose are on file In the office of the Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions, at Harris burg, Pennsylvania. WICKERSHAM & METZGER, Attorney* for Frank W, Cetos.