1; With Pan-Germans in Ascendancy, Serious Wrikes Occur in Austria Where lOOjDOO Quit Wort fch HARRISBURG ifSPli TELEGRAPH M J" otar-2fnscpens(nt r I LXXXVII- No. 18 14 PAGES RUSS BODY DISSOLVED BY L ASSEMBLY QUITS AFTER BRIEF AND STORMY SESSION Constituent Assemblage in Existence Only a Few Honrs and Dispersed TROOPS STAY ON GUARD Workmen's and Soldiers" Congress Will Succeed the Former Body Russia's constituent assembly had been in existence only a few hours before it was dissolved early Satur day by the executive committee of the Congress of Workmen's and Soldiers' Delegates. It is reported it will be succeeded by the Work men's and Soldiers' Congress, which has been supporting the Lenine gov ernment. Dissolution came after the Bolshevikl adherents had been defeated in attempts to gain con trol of the assembly. l'olsheviki troops now guard the deserted assembly meeting place end Premier l.enine announces he wili not permit the delegates to re assemble. Whether the Social Revo lutionist majority will submit to the Boleheviki orders without protest is not yet clear. Strikes in Austria With the Pan-Germans in the po-1 litical ascendancy in Germany, there are serious strikes in Austria. More than 100,000 workmen have quit v/ork in the vicinity of Vienna as a protest against Germanism and in favor of' peace.. The Vionna corres pondent of one German newspaper (.ays the Austrian strike movement] demands a speedy peace with Rus sia and has grown too strong "to be stemmed by force." Warships Even Score British warships finally have evened the score with the former German warships Goeben and Bres- Jau. In an action at the entrance tc- the Dardanelles Sunday the Bres lau was sunk and the Goeben, suf fering serious damage, was beach ed. The British losses were two n.onetors, one commanded by Vis count Broome, a nephew of Earl Kitchener and whose fate is un known. The former German ships have been the mainstay of the naval defense of Constantinople since they found refuge there from pursuing British and French vessels at the opening of the war. Much damage had been done to Russian transport# and supply ships in tho Black Sea by the two vessels. Raids Are Frequent Increased artillery and aerial ac tivity on the western front has been accompanied by more frequent raids by both sides. There have been no attacks in force, however and there is little to indicate any serious break in the winter inactivity. On the Italian front there has been only artillery fighting, most marked in the Monte Asolone sector and along the Piave. Sixteen German airplanes were brought down Saturday in France by French and British airmen. Entente warships have bom barded Ostend. one of the important German submarine bases on the Bel gian coast. Gas Masks Are Useless; Secretary Baker Rejected Advice of Nation's Experts Washington, Jan. 21.—The news that 200,000 gas masks, manufactured for the use of American soldiers in France, have been sent back as abso lutely worthless is not a surprise to those who have been familiar with inside conditions in the "gas section" of the service. "Secretary Baker, months ago, re jected the patriotic offers of experts in the use of chlorine gas and gas protectors, lie did it because he said It was not a wise thing to grant too Trv&ny commissions as officers to civil ians. He did It In the face of knowl edge that one of tho disasters in the British army was caused by gas pro tectors that did not protect and Eng land was forced to employ practical men to take charge of its gas divi sion. Tho breakdown in our gas protect ors and the circumstances surround ing it parallels the thing that hap pened In England. START THIS WEEK By saving your first quarter toward A BABY BOND You will be helping Uncle Sam and YOURSELF You ought to do it. All Non-Socialist Papers Suppressed In Russian Capital By Associated Press London, Jan. 21.—The Tauride Palace, In which the Constituent Assembly met, was closed on Saturday and a notice was posted on the doors stating no one would be admitted, says a Reuter dis patch from Petrograd. The officer commanding the guard said the Congress of Soldiers' and Work men's Delegates would meet there. Other dispatches tiled in Petro grad yesterday say the Bolshevikl were hunting out tho suporters of the Constituent Assembly. The correspondent of the Exchange Telegraph reports the suppression of all Non-Socialist newspapers, with Red Guards scouring Petro grad for editions containing re ports of the first session of the assembly, these being destroyed. UKRAINIAN RADA NAMES MEMBERS TO PEACE PARLEY Three Delegates From Body Controlled by Bolshcviki Will Attend Conference By Associated Press Petrograd, Sunday, Jan. 20.—The! Ukrainian Rada of Kharkov, con trolled by the Bolshevik! and a rival of the Rada of Kiev, has designated three delegates to go to the confer ences at Brest-Litovsk. The delegates came to Petrograd to-day and con ferred with the Bolshevikl authori ties, who extended the mrecognition and sent them to Brest-Lltovsk with instructions to confer with the other Ukrainian delegates and determine who actually represents the Ukraln lnc. "Only fifteen Ukrainian members out of a possible one hundred attend ed the opening of the short-lived con- | stltuent assembly." List of Business Places That May Remain Open Published by Administrator Philadelphia, Jan. 21.—State Fuel Administrator Potter has announced a lipt of those places which are not expected to close. Coincident with the publication of this list. Mr. Pot ter issued a statement, with the cap tion "Patriot or Slacker?" in which he calls upon all patriotic citizens of Pennsylvania to observe the day. That no confusion will arise to-day over the closing order, Mr. Potter made a complete list of establish ments, offices and mercantile houses which are exempted from the edict. His latest announcement is as fol lows: Dr. Garfield's edict prohibits the use of fuel in all places except the following to-da.v, unless otherwise | exempt: Physicians' and dentists' offices. Hospitals, homes for the infirm and aged, all charitable institutions. Public utilities. Dealers in foodstuffs until 12 o'clock noon. Drug stores (for the sale of drugs only). Theaters and motion picture houses (will be closed Tuesdays). Trolleys, trains and newspapers on holiday schedule. Federal, state, county and muni cipal buildings. Banks and trust companies. Blacksmith shops. Hotels, clubs and restaurants (must not serve liquors.) Offices connected with fuel distri bution. Offices of manufacturing plants having special exemption permits only. The fuel administration empha sizes the ruling that small stores must not use any fuel or have any heat, although they are located in a dwelling where people live. The dwelling portion may be heated, but the store must close. Only One Edition of the Telegraph Today THE HARRISBI'RG TELEGRAPH, in compliance with (lie fuel orders of Pr. (>nrflcl f * £ J MAINTAIN EXPECTANT ATTITUDE X *|| W<"" hington—The allies are maintaining m expectant attitude on the western front, Secretary I3akcr stated to- i| X day in his weekly war review, while recent events in X 4 Russia have greatly increased strategic freedom for .he *l* X central emoircs. X 1 I J NIGHT PASSED QUIETLY T V London—"The night passed quietly,'' the war office *l* At M X rr i> rti "We captured a frw prisoners in patrol en- L counters." *l* A MUST CONSERVE WATER g T Harrisburg—Commissioner Hassler to-day issued .. T * public :otice to all residents of the city calling attention ■•§►' xj to the penalty provides for unnecessary wasting of water. § The la-.v gives the water department power to turn off +T X wat*r, strike off all paid water rents and recharge the Z T amounts, chaige $2 for a new pertr.it and have the vio- .£&■ L later fined $5 and costs. Prosecutions c.r< planned unless * I J* ' * f wasting of water :s stopped. ¥ t §• SEEK. TO DISSUADE-STONE 4t * T, Washington—Many Democratic leaden: including ■ T Postmaster General Burleson conferred with Set at * ♦ 4* c '" *i : dissuade him from dcliv-rn- J . | k ► S* first planned to deliver .he speech last Thursday VjlSft has J * Jt > X jured by falling glass. X 4 ARTILLEHY .FIRE ONLY J frtris —"Aside from the usual artillery tire there is X nothing to report," says to-day's war office communi- <§o T 4 cation X ij STORES ORDERED TO CLOSE T A Harrisburg—Three United Cigar Stores which "were <| T open for business this morning using no heat were ordered to clarc at once by Ross A. Hickok, fuel adminis- A' 0* j jt# tratcr after he -had been notified. Managers and clerks J IT turned off all the h?r.t and wore heavy clothing whilf T 1 T ! *7* doing business. ! " 4> 4 X 4 X T MUCH COAL ON WAY TO CITY ' 3 T 4 1 Harrisburg—Ross A. morning announced ? that 34 cars of anthracite are on the way to Harrisburg . V 4* over the Pennsylvania lines. Fifteen cars of bituminous, t and four cars of anthracite were diverted for coal ;on- ** T* sumption yesterday. Four cars of bituminous were * • **?* *> diverted to-day. Some of the dealers are selling bitumi- l T nous and anthracite coal mixed to-day. Mr. Hickok hr **. 4 definitely announced that he will publish the names X dealers who refuse to co-operate with the fuel commission. J £ f STOCKS FIRM AT OPENING * ► *s* *► % Ntw York—Wall Street—Stocks were firm at the X opening of to-day's market, but trading was materially rc * | S atricted by the new government regulations. Coppers, * ► X oils and obscure war specialties were the strongest X features, their rise extending from large fractions to 2 1-2 * <4 poim-j in the case of Mexican Petroleum. U. S. Steel and , , X kindrei -ouipments were moderately better but shippings * * were heavy and rails almost 'entirely neglected. ► X . Libert).' :.rst 4'-, sold at thr new low rprorrl nf ¥ , 1 M ARM AGE LICENSES *[ I'ldnnril 11. Mlnruiir nml Urrthii 11. ImhofT, Mlddletonn) Krneit H t , 1.. Smith and Usui* A. Madlaon. Slroltoni f'ornrllua T. Helaler, I'blla ' drlphln, and Hannah M. I.rnkrr, MlllrrxhurKt (.'hnrle* W. Ituah, * * flrownavllle, and Harriet CI. IHIIrr, niu< Hnlli llonard C. Flemlnv. Trout Run, und Mamie A. Arrlaan, I'hllndelphla; Lcnli Strallo and T Cnrrle Dnnlap, Harrlaburc. I > * i a. a a a a a a a a a ti as .. at t f i i I 1 ' ill E l t — v t'V lllCivv