HARRISBURG TELEGRXFH ' JANUARY 7, 1918. HEN LOOKING FOR MOMS, MAI TIE. TELEGRAPH WANT ADS LOST AND FOUND | 1 r*ST Woman's brown fur neck piece on one of Hill or Third street ears. I liberal reward if returned to 2035 Logan street. „ i ~sT Ladv's leather pocketbook, between Fornwald's. 1807 North Third street, and Fifth and Muench streets. Saturday afternoon. Return to 190b , . North Fifth street. Reward. IjOST Black leather pocketbook, within two squares of T e cl JJ u £®} School. Suitable reward if leturned to Telegraph. 1 .OPT On Market or Second street, from an automobile, a large patent leather traveling bag. Finder will please, bring to Telegraph Office for reward. ________ IN SIKPOriOSS BECKUEY'S - BUSINESS COLLEGE And CIVIL. SERVICE SCHOOL "The School of Quality. Gives Individual Instruction. Gregg Shorthand Touch Typewriting, Book keeping, Accountancy. Ailthmetic, English. Penmanship, Salesmanship ltates Reasonable Bell ÜbbsJ. Day und Night School A leat. ENTER ANY TIME, i) N. Market ten. Chas. R. Becklty. A TRAINING THAT SECURES Di rect Results for young men and wo men as Stenographers, Typists, Book keeDers etc. YOU want that. kind. No atfvance in tuition. Call and see us or write to-day. TIIL. OlllCL TRAINING SCHOOL. 121 Market Street. > YOUNG MEN WANTED —To learn the automobile business; can place n to IB at a salary of SI,BOO a year. It is impossible to get chauffeurs now. therefore we must insist o*t young men learning the automobile trade, one fuil course of instruction is $0, guaranteed to please you; enroll now. Auto Transportation School. North Cameron street^ HEX I' WANTED —MALE EXPERIENCED FIREMAN WANTED For River Coal. Apply SUPERINTENDENT, HARRISBURG LIGHT & POWER k. Hrnl Mutate Uonril REAL ESTATE ißsuranre Surety Honda l.octint nnd Court Street* HE ill' WANTED—MALE WANTED Truck driver, at once. Address U., 6451, care. of Telegraph. WANTED Toung men over seven teen years six months of age to learn Telegraphy at P. R. R. School of In struction. Apply Room 17, Pennsyl vania Railroad Depot. GOOD MACH INISTS- Lathe, planer, floor and bench hands. Steady work. Good wages. Plenty of overtime, and bonus. Apply at once to Har risburg Foundry and Machine Works, Harrisburg, Pa. SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN WANTED We re quire the services of a local Specialty Salesman, to sell our complete line of butchers and grocers fixtures, con sisting of computing scales, refrigera tors, meat slicers, fireproof account registers, safes, electric meat grind ers and coffee mills. All goods sold on a lease contract, if necessary. The Howe Scale Company, 806-808 Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa. HELP WANTED —FEMALE WANTED Girl to do housework. No washing. Small family. Apply 419 Pine street, Steelton. WANTED Middle-aged widow or maiden lady for housekeeper in small family. Address Box A, 6454, care of Telegraph. WANTED White girl to act as chambermaid. Apply 222 Chestnut street. HOSIERY KNITTERS AND LOOPERS WANTED Also learners over 16 years of age. Best working conditions. High w ages and bonus paid weekly. APPLY AT ONCE. NEW IDEA HOSIERY CO.. S. 14th AND MAYFLOWER STS. WANTED Bookkeeper and steno grapher. Good chance for advance ment. Address E., 6450, care of Tele graph. SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS An Exceptional Opportunity. Owing to the great demand for our products, we tire pre- j paring to increase the manu- I t'acture of same, and are tak ing on Sewing Machine Opera tors. The Inexperienced will I be paid while learning. Owing to the high efficiency of our machines, together with good light, ventilation, sanitary appliances and safety devices, which are second to no factory, operators are able to make good money, plus a bonus every pay day. POSITIONS ARE PERMANENT. Inquire at office. BLOUGH MANUFACTURING CO. Relly and Fulton Streets. WANTED 12 girls. Apply Silk Mill, cor ner Second and North streets. HELP WANTED—MaIe and Female WANTED. CANVASSERS men or women, for house-to house canvass. Those having magazine or newspaper ex perience preferred. See Mr. Beck, Room 1, the Telegraph Building Annex. Call be tween 8 and 10 or after 4 P. M. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE GOOD Steady man desires imme diate work in any of the following capacities: Storeroom clerk, salesman, elevator operator, bicycle repairman, watchman .or other inside work. Care ol' E. C. Howard, 401 Patriot Bldg. ! Bell phone 1383. CHAUFFEUR Young man desires position as driver of a truck or pri vate touring car; can drive any kind |of machine. Address "E. M. F, 2021 1 North Sixth street. INSIDE WORK Man wishes job of any kind. Apply at 1648 Walnut street. GROCERY CLERK Desires posi tion; has eight years' experience clerking. Address Box 15, Camp Hill. A YOUNG, married man, with I twelve years' experience, desires posi tion as bookkeeper or office manager. Can handle correspondence. Address Box E, 6777, care of Telegraph. MAN to Beat Carpets is far In ferior to renting a Hoover Electric Cleaner. Inquire of Mr. Martin 3318 J. Leave your number if he isn't in. SITUATIONS WAVl^l>—FemaltT" WANTED Young woman wishes position doing practical nursing, or companion to lady. Address E„ 6803, care of Telegraph. WANTED Woman wishes em broidering and stamping to do at I home. Call Bell phone 435 J. WANTED White woman wishes position as cook in .a private family; j can furnish best of reference; good ; wapes. Address F., 6804, care of | Telegraph. WANTED Family or piece wash ing to do at home. Inquire 1230 North Front street. •" LAUNDRY WORK Middle-aged colored woman wants laundry to take home, or maid in private family; can i lurnish ' reference. Apply to 1704% Walnut street. LAUNDRY WORK Wanted by colored woman, or in private family, by day or week; best of reference. Ad dress "M. 5.." 667 Brlgg3 street. CLERICAL WORK Experienced girls wants clerical position in busi ness office. Can furnish references. Call at 210 South Thirteenth street, or Bell phone 4390 M. HOUSEKEEPER— Middle-ageff wo man, with three-year-old child, de nires position In private family; can l'urnlsh reference. Apply to 60 North Sixteenth street. HOUSEWORK —Colored woman de sires general housework without washing, for a small family; can fur nish referaence. Inquire at 128 Lin coln street, Steelton, Pa. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe GIRL STUDENT Desires work mornings and evenings for room and board. Apply School of Commerce. 15 South Market Square. Both phones. A WOMAN to clean house Is far In ferior to renting a Hoover Electric Cleaner. Inquire of Mr. Martin, 3318 J. Leave your number If he isn't In. BOARDERS WANTED WANTED One boarder In private family. All convenienCas. Good Board. Apply 1506 State street. WANTED Two gentlemen board ers in private family. Good home. Call 1316 Penn street. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT A second floor front room, comfortably furnished, for gen tlemen; steam heat; telephone. Good home in private family. Reference. Inquire 1612 State street. TWO bright, airy, well-furnished rooms on thirl floor, for light house keeping, with use of bath and phone. Apply 1606 North Third street. FURNISHED ROOMS in an apart ment for rent—gentlemen only. Ap ply 209 Walnut street. Ring bell No. 2. or phone 392 R. LARGE, well-furnished second floor bedroom for rent; all conveniences. Bel' Phone. Women must not apply. 1109 Green street. FOR RENT Room In private fam ily. , on Third street, >about three 06 S * rom Marke t- OWI Bell phone METROPOLITAN ANNEX Clean, iurnishod rooms, hot and cold water, PiiPl? - .Hates, S3 per week and up. i Market, at the Subway Entrance. APARTMENTS FOR RENT TWO-ROOM APARTMENT Two blocks from Capitol; steam heat; elec tric lignts. References. 911 North Sixth street. APARTMENTS WANTED WANTED February 1, by family of three adults, a five-room apart ment, with bath. Address H., care of Telegraph. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOMES FOR COLORED FAMILIES Consult the Lincoln Realty Co., Har risburg, Pa. 2 ACRES, improved by a good 2V6- story brick dwelling; 9 rooms and at tic; chicken house; hog pen; tine ap ple orchard; variety of other fruit. Property located one-half mile from ear line at Euola. Price, $3,000.00. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Wal nut streets. • MODERN brick house, on Green street. Improved. All conveniences. Fine locality. Will sell at a bargain. Address L. M., 2226 North Second street. FOR SALE A fine residence in the village of Landisville, Lancaster County, Pa., situated on the Harris burg and Lancaster pike, six miles within the latter place. A frontage of 120 ft., lot back 125 ft., convenient to trolley and steam cars, electric light, cellar heat, concrete walks, good well of water by the door. Call on the owner, D. D. Saunders, Landisville, Lancaster County, Pa. FOR SALE—No. 28 South Fifteenth street three-story brick house 8 rooms and bath gas 1- electric light furnace heat. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE No. 1522 Swatara street three-story brick house with all Improvements light from three sides. Inspect it. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. *2,850 WILL PURCHASE No. 520 Curtin street three-story brick dwelling, with 8 rooms and bath—gas -—furnace drive alley on rear. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. $2,500 WILL PURCHASE No. 441 South Fifteenth street brick dwell ing. with 7 rooms and bath gas furnace cemented cellar. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. $2,000 WILL BUY either 1935 or 1937 State. Side entrance. Lot runs through to Walnut street. H. G. Ped low, :l South Thirteenth street. PENBROOK 2640 Canby street— 2li -story frame. Lot, 25x90 ft. Is offered at $1,200. H. G. Pedlow, 3 South Thirteenth street. A LICENSED HOTEL PROPERTY FOR SALE in a business town Lan caster county. Cheap and on easy terms. Full possession April 1 Ap ply C. H. Corder, 1190 Walnut street Harrisburg. Bell 2412 R. FOR SALE Good business Realty proposition. $5,000 cash required A P. Uoranz, 1225 Norm Sixth street Also have some good inveslme'nt propositions in Real Estate on easy terms, HOUSES FOR SALE Cheap houses on the Hill; also houses in Steelton, Highsplre. Pax tang. Progress and Edgemont. Cheap and easy payments. Prices, $1,400 up. C. H. CORDER Real Estate and Insurance. Rent* I Collected. Bell 2412 R. 1190 Walnut Street. Harrisburg. J. E. GIPPLE, —REALTOR— FIRE INSURANCE RENT COLLECTING | 1251 Market St. Bell phone 4259. Member Harrisburg Real Estate Board i REAL ESTATE FOR RENT 1914 BELLEVUE ROAD FOR RENT —Furnished house; 7 rooms and bath; steam heat. Immediate possession Address Box K, 6806, care of Tele graph. FOR RENT Stables and wagon sheds; one for 40 horses, one for 15 horses, or one for 25 horses; from April 1. J. S. Sible, 256 Herr street. ! TWENTY-NINTH AND DERRY I STREETS New houses lO rooms j and bath electric lights steal* I heat. Call J. W. Kline, 1322 state Bell phone 3612 W. ' FOR RENT Brick houses, with all improvements and steam heat J. Gipple. 1251 Market street. REAL ESTATE—For Sale or Rent 1* OR RENT OR SALE l2-room frame dwelling, located on Paxtang avenue. Paxtang, one-half square from car line; all modern improve ments; large lot; garage and chicken house; immediate possession. Urin ton-Packer .Co., Second and Walnut streets. HOUSES AND GARAGES at Fifth and Curtin streets. Fred C. Miller 31 North Second. Bell phone 307 J. ' REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED Family moving to Harrisburg wants small, furnished house, or furnished apartment. Must have at least throe, sleeping rooms. Central location desired. References given. Possession wanted at once Address, giving location, number of rooms, etc., Box 1, 6805, cure of Tele graph. ♦ If you read the advertisements of a store you KNOW THAT STORE you know when to visit it, and why your visit to it will PAY YOU. Is not such knowledge VALUABLE? FPU SALE—MISCELLANEOUS FOUR sets single harness; one double; one single wagon; one wagon, convertible, single or double. In A 1 condition. Gardner & Baptistl, Third and Chestnut streets. BOOKS —Several libraries for sale, books in fine condition, at average Drice of 10c; cost many times more. Aurand's, 925 North Third. i / HERE are a few extraordinary bargains for any one in the printing business who can make use of them; 1, Danniels Planer. 1 Saw and Trimmer. 1 Danniels Steam Trap. 1 Oil Filterer. ' 1 Gas Metal Pot. 1 Hickok Ruling Machine. 2 Model X Linotypes. If you can use ony of the above, drop in to see us. The question of piice and terms can be easily ar ranged. The TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO., Printing, Binding, Designing, Photo- Engraving, Die Stamping and Plate Printing, Harrisburg, Pa. CALKS —CALKb—CALKS Diamond, Giant Grip, Green Bay, Red Tip, Blizzard, Rowe Ring Point, Rowe Junior. Black Diamond and Al ways Sharp, at Gable's, 111-117 South Second street. BARGAINS IN TYPEWRITERS SIO.OO up. Reasonable terms for traded and rebuilt typewriters all makes bought—sold—rented and ex changed. Geo. P. Tillotson, 206 Locust street. A LOT of unredeemed silverware at bargain prices for Xmas. Apply N. Brenner, 1315 North Third street. Eastern LILIES 52.50 per dozen. Keeney's Cut-Rate Flower Shop, 810 North Third street. FOR SALE Stock of Merchant's Ice Com pany, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania for sale. Can be bought below par. Room 203 Commonwealth Trust Company Building. BLOCK baby coach, white enameled, in excellent condition, and one 9x12 rug. Apply 1623 North Second street. ONE BAY HORSE, 9 years old. for sale. A 1 delivery horse. Conrad P-ros., 415 Broad street. $3.00 DOWN and $3.00 per month buys a Beautiful New Rex Typewriter. $3.00 down and $5.00 per month buys an American Cal culating Machine. $4.00 down and $7.00 per month buys an American Add ing, Listing and Statement Ma chine. It costs nothing to investigate. R. V. MONTAGUE. 204 North Second Street, Harrisburg, Pa. * BEDROOM, diningroom and living room furniture for sale. Apply 88 North Eighteenth street. FOR SALE, at Gable's, 111-117 South Second street. Lawn Fence. Field Fence, Gates, Poultry Netting Building Hardware, Plaster Board Upson Wail Board, Compo-Boaid, Doors, Sash, Shutters, Mouldings Porch Posts Pumps etc. SASH At Gable's. 111-117 South Second street, 5,000 sets of new sash, Bxlo, 12 L painted and glazed, $1.75 per set. All other regular sizes, doors and shutters, all sizes. FOR SALE One second-hand steam boiler—capacity. 2,200 ft. in good condition and a bargain. b M. H. BAKER & CO., Heating and Plumbing Contractors, 1330 Derry St. Both Phones. FOR SALE Unredeemed watches and diamonds at prices lower than can be bought wholesale. CHAS. ARONSON, Reliable Jeweler and Broker, 422 Market Street. BUSINESS PERSONALS I _J LAWYER wants to form partner ship in Harrisburg. Have had large experience in trial cases. Practiced under both common law and code sys tems. Address F., 6776, care of Tele graph. CONTRACTOR AND BUlLDEß—Es timates furnished. All kinds of re pair work. H. W. Hummer, 1423 Lib erty. Bell phone 4420. KEYSTONE IKON AND METAL CO deals in steel, rags, rubber, metals and papermill supplies. Broad and Wal lace. Also salvage from Are and wreck Call Bell phone 936, Dial 3043. INCOME TAX REPORTS Prepared, t/ • H. E. SCHRtVER, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT & AUDITOR ' 61-62 Union Trust Bldg., Harrisburg, Pa. RELIABLE ELMCTRIC A NT) LOCKSMITH SHOP GKNIORAL REPAIRING. 1303 N. SIXTH ST. BELL 3995. DIAL 58u4 BUSINESS PERSONALS QUININE —Look out for that grippe feeling, likely to catch you this I changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE i PHOSPHO-QUININE will stave it off if taken in time. Gross Drug Store, 119 Market street. Diamonds Bought for Cash; appraisers for estate. P. 11. Capian Co.. 206 Mkt. FOR RENT Hoover Electric Suction Sweepers. Day or hour. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call MARTIN, 3318 J. If not in, leave your call for me Mac WILLIAMS CONSTRUCTION CO., Builders and Contractors, House building our specialty. Job work looked after carefully. Dial 3706. OFFICE. 2150 NORTH FIFTH STREET. UPHOLSTERING And furniture repairing, mattresses renovated and cushions of all kinds made. S. N. Cluck, 320-326 Woodbine street. Phone 1317J i BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED Man with $1,500.00 to take half-interest in one of the best paying businesses in Harrisburg. Ad dress Box E, 5600, care of Telegraph. ORCHARD DEVELOPMENT COM PANY now being formed. Takes over growing orchard paper shell pecans. Interest paid on investment while de veloping. Positively no water in or ganization. Strict investigation in vited. Anyone, meaning business, if proposition is as advertised, will be convinced by addressing Lock Box No. 452, Harrisburg. Pa. FOR SALE, CHEAP Laundry doing good-paying business, in near by town. Reason for selling, ill health. Inquire Box K, 6445, care of j Telegraph. LUNCH ROOM FOR SALE Good location, doing good business. Rent ! reasonable. Good opportunity for I right man. A. P. DORANZ, 1225 N. Sixth St. Phone. ■ Member Harrisburg Real Estate Board SEVERAL BUSINESS PROPOSI TIONS FOR SALE that should Inter est you confectionery business and also cigar and pool business. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. : POOL ROOM Doing a good busi ness. Consists of 3 tables and all . equipment; two show cases, one wall • case, cash register, ten chairs and I stock. Call for particulars. A. P. DORANZ. . 1225 N. Sixth St. Phono. Member Harrisburg Real Estate Board FINANCIAL WE would like to borrow SI,OOO on I good real estate security. Address Mortgage and Bond Dept., P. O. Box 349, Harrisburg. Pa. Hauling and Moving BLUE LINE AUTO TRANSFER Piano moving a specialty. Hauling. Square dealing our policy. 917-A Capi tal St. C. V. 5897. Bell 862 W. OFFICES ANJ> STOREROOMS ' FOR RENT A suite of two rooms. . facing Market street. Apply to Com ■ monwealth Trust Company, 222 Mar ket street. : MARKET STREET STORE FOR RENT , - BEAUTIFUL NEW DAYLIGHT STOKE, 504 MARKET ST. * | CHAS. ADLER, 1002 North Third Street. 1 : $12.00 STOREROOMS Nos. 248 and 252 Hamilton street, near ' Third. Suitable for barbershop, tailor, 1 poolroom, etc. Good location. I CHAS. ADLER, 1002 North Third Street. Musical FOR SALE A Victrola, In class condition. Also 28 pieces of the latest music. A party with reference can arrange part cash, rest to suit buyer, or have use of same for stor age. Address J., 6455, care of Tele graph. FOR SALE A Columbia machine, in first-class condition. Also a nice selection of music. Cheap to quick buyer. Call, after 5:30 P. M., 2746 Penn street. Penbrook, Pa. TALKING MACHINES promptly and carefully repaired by an expert only. OYLER'S. 14 South Fourth street. "PIANO" —$95.00 will buy upright piano, mahogany case and good make. Guaranteed flvo years. Call, or ad dress, J. W. Miller. 1819 Derry street. IF you can't find that copy of Cen tury Sheet Music anywhere in town, try Stauffer's, 1213 North Third street, or Bell phone 3242 J. Ovar 2,000 num bers in stock. All the popular hits in stock as well. IF you can't find that Record for your Talking Machine anywhere, try Stauffer's, 1213 North Third street, or Bell phone 3242 J. IF your Talking Machine needs re , pairs. Just call Bell ph< .ie 3242 J. An expert will be at your service at once. Or bring machine to 1213 North Third street. AUTOMOBILES OVERLAND USED CAR DEPARTMENT JANUARY SALE 40 oars, overhauled, repaint ed, looking and running like new, will be offered this month. Make your selection now and buy at January price for Spring- Delivery. Pay a small deposit and we will give you FREE STORAGE until Spring. OVERLAND TOURING, special starting and lighting system; reflnished dark maroon, black trimmings. Cost new $1,650. Sale Price, $575, OVERLAND ROADSTER. in splendid mechanical condi tion; reiinished, tires like new. Sale Price, $575. OVERLAND TOURING. 5-pas senger, electric starter and lights, slip covers and extra equipment. Sale Price, $560. OVERLAND TOURING. 5-pas senger, electric lights; over hauled and repainted. A lino easy-riding, roomy car. Sale Price, $425. WILLYS-KNIGHT, 5-passenger touring, wire wheels, spot light. Repainted, tires like new, motor better than ever. HUDSON TOURING, reflnished and in good mechanical con dition. STUDEBAKER, small 5-passen ger touring, electric lights and starter. / CADILLAC ROADSTER, roomy, powerful, in fine shape. Equip ped with Cord Tires. CROW-ELIvHART TOURING, lots of power. A splendid light car at one-half cost. THE OVERLAND-HARRISBURG CO., 212-214 NORTH SECOND ST. OPEN EVENINGS. BOTH PHONES FOR SALE Good truck body, ex tra large, for 1 or 1%-ton truck, with curtains and top full length of body. Price, $60.00. West Fairview Garage, West Fairview, Pa. Both phones. OVERLAND, Model 85, enclosed; de mountable top; reflnished like new; also Overland 758 touring. Crispen Motor Car Co., 311 South Cameron street. FOR SALE—I9IO Model, NATIONAL "Highway Twelve" cylinder, seven passenger Touring Car. Run only one thousand miles. Same as new. Ex ceptional Bargain lit $950. Only CASH offer considered. Two new extra tires, tubes and rims includnd at re. duction, if wanted Write John M Geddes, 331 High street. Wiiliamsport," AUTOMOBILE OWNERS FREE! FREE! To familiarize the public with our New Visible Gasoline Dispenser being the only one in the city, and to give you a chance to test oui Lubricating Oils as well, we will Give Freo 1 Quart of Our Lubricating Oil with your purchase of 5 gal. of Gasoline accompanied by this Ad. This offer is good only to January 10, 1918 CYCLE & AUTO SUPLY CO C. A. SPRENKLE, MGR., 107 Market Street, Harrisburg, FOR SALE —• Five-passenger, six cylinder touring car. Good condition Also Ford delivery car, panel body. Inquire Federick's Garage, Front and Forster streets. WE SELL AUTOMOBILES in con signment and charge only 5 per cent No storage charges if car is not sold Auto Transportation School, 27-29 N Cameron street. OLD AUTOS | Wanted; used, wrecked or oldtimers, in any condition. See me before sac rificing elsewhere. Chelsea Auto Wrecking. A. Schii'fman, 1021 Market street. Bell 3633. POULTRY AND SUPPMES WANTED—YOU TO TRY DR. HESS POULTRY PAN-A-CE-A FREE. Go to any of the dealers below and get a free trial package, enough for 12 hens for two weeks. It will prove to you bet ter than all the talk in the world that Pan-a-ce-a will keep your poultry healthy and make your hens lay. DR. HESS INSTANT LOUSE KILLER kills lice on poultry. Quick and sure. Guar anteed. FOR ROUP use Dr. Hess Roup Remedy. Get your free trial package of the Dr. Hess Poultry Pan a-ce-a from any of these dealers: HARRISGURG —Walter S. Schell, 1307 Market St.; PENBROOK—Geo. H. Haverstick, 2569 Main St.; ENOLA Enola Market Co., J. R. Harkinson; WHITE HILL—J. W. StoufCer; WEST FAIRVIEW LB. Cranford; PAX TONIA—E. Seltzer; LINGLESTOWN— O. B. Leese. Cleaners and Dyers FALSE ECONOMY lt Is certainly "false economy" for men of business to neglect their clothing. Our Clean ing and Pressing Service means bet ter Impressions on your trade. Eggert's Cleaning and Dyeing Works, 1245 Market street. Both phones. Call and deliver. GOODMAN'S does cleaning, repair ing. dyeing, pressing the better way. A trial will convince you. Call and deliver. Both phones. 1306% N. Sixth. GARAGES ACCESSORIES AND REPAIRS YOUR leaky Radiator repaired by an expert. Your motor troubles reme died. Rex Garage, 1917 North Third street. IF YOUR RADIATOR LEAKS bring It to us. We'll repair it. We also repair lamps, fenders, etc. HARRISBURG AUTO RADIATOR, WORKS. 806 N. THIRD ST. BELL PHONE, BRING your car to us. Experts on ignition and carburetor troubles. Highest grade repair work. LEMOYNK AUTO SHOP, Lemoyne. Both phones. WE can store two more automo biles. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North Third. FARMS WANTED A Fruit Farm. Give location and price. Address Box A, 8807, care of Telegraph. FLORIDA We will build your home on rich farm near Jacksonville, at only $5.00 monthly. Write Jack sonville Heights Co., Jacksonville, Florida. "8-ACRE FARM of Middletown 2O acres clear tim ber, good buildings, large poultry house, tfell and cistern water; ail kinds of fruit; place for trucks and poultry. 11. E. Albert, Middletown. No. 2. FARM FOR SALE 165 ACRES 7O acres fields, 95 1 acres woodland; % mile from Carson ville; large brick house; good bank barn; summer house; spring house; hog barn; implement barn; chicken house; other buildings; ail medium grade; along main road; best water— well; what surprises us is: These days ot Ford automobiles and many other makes, almost as good—that you can purchase all this property for $2,000. A field of good wheat goes in. C. B. Care, care Geo. Twig. 409 Market street, Harrisburg. FOR SALE I have from 1 to 200-acre Farms. Some along trolley line. All have good buildings, orchards, spring and running water, from 5 to 10 miles to Harrisburg. Apply to C. H. Corder. 1190 Walnut street, Harrisburg. Bell 2412 R. j WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS Diamonds Bought for Cash; appraisers for estate. P. H. Caplan Co., 206 Mljt. S. SNEIDMAN WILL. PAY highest prices for second-hand clothing, shoes, furniture, or carpets. Trial will convince. Bell 2899 M, 1116 Cowden. MAX SMELTZ Second-hand furniture bought and sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call Bell 1381R or Dial 5847, or drop a pos tal to Max Smeltz, 1016 Market street. Will call, city or country. CLOTHING. SHOES, FURNITURE— Bought at highest cash prices and sold reasonable. S. Refkin, 407 Broad street. Bell phone 2860. WE BUY all kinds of disc records. N. Brenner, 1315 North Third street. MORRIS SAYS save money biiying I new and second-hand furniture here. High prices paid for furniture. Morris Schmertz, 1030 Market. Bell 3971 R. WM. PENN GARAGE 304-6 Muench street. Limousines for funerals, parties and balls; careful drivers; open day and night. Bell 4564. REX GARAGE. 1917 North Third street, is the place to store your car for the winter. An up-to-date repair shop under our pergonal management just opened. Money to Loan WE LEND MONEY in compliance with Act of June 17, 1915, to individu als in need of ready cash; small loans a specialty; business confidential; payments to suit borrower's conveni ence; positively lowest rates in city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO., 132 Walnut Street. MONEY advanced to housekeepers at legal rates; business confidential. Profit Sharing Loan Society, Spooner Building, 9 North Market Square. Storage STORAGE—Fireproof and non-fire proof warehouses. Private rooms for household goods, $2 a month up. Har risburg Storage Co., 437-445 S. 2nd St. STORAGE—4I9 Broad street, house -1 hold goods,merchandise., Private rooms sl-$3. Wagons. 75c month. D. Cooper & Co.. 417 Broad St. Both phones. STORAGE. BROAD AND WALLACE STS.—Household goods and merchan dise. Private rooms, $1.50 to $3.00 per month. Keystone Iron and Metal Co., Broad and Wallace streets. j STORAGE —ln brick building, rear j 408 Market. Household goods In clean, I private rooms. Reasonable rates. P. I G. Diener, 408 Market street. Undertakers RUDOLPH K. SPICER, Funeral Director and Embalmer, 511 North Second Street. Bell 252. Dial 3145. SAMUEL S. FASKLER, FUNERAL DIRECTOR, 1312 Derry St. BELL 1956. DIAL 2188. MOTORC<3LES~ANn RiriYrTT.ir.a~ BICYCLES • On easy terms, pay as you ride. Guar ! anteed repairing; trade here, save | money. Get a square deal. New manage ment, H. F. ESTERBROOK. | Dial 4990. 912 North Third St. I Money to Loan PRIVATE LEGAL R A.TE LOANS S *ls TO S3OO FOR LONG OR SHORT TIME I ON FUKNITURE. REAL ESTATE, OR GUARANTEED NOTES. PAYMENTS MONTHLY OR WEEKLY CO-OPERATIVE LOAN CO.. 204 CHESTNUT STREET. UNDER STATE SUPERVISION. Where to Dine Well STOUFFER'S RESTAURANT. Home cooking served to Busi nessmen and Ladies in sepa rate diningroom. TEGAL XQTICES LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION on the estate of Mrs. Carroll S. Gould, late of 2234 North Second street, Har risburg, Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted to M. Clyde Sheafer, to whom all persons indebted to said es tate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands will make known the same without delay. M. CLYDE SHEAFER, Post Office Box 688, Harrisburg, Pa. NOTICE THE annual meeting of The Tele graph Printing Co., for the election of director? and transaction of other business that may properly come be for the meeting, will bo held at the office of the company. 216 Federal Square, Harrisburg', Pa., Monday, January 14. 1918. F. R. OYSTER, Secretary. NOTICE Letters of Administra tion 105 Locust Street. FARMERS' MARKET COMPANY A meeting of the Stockholders of the Farmers' Market Company, for the purpose of electing Five Directors and transaction of such other busi ness as may Be presented, will be held at the office of the Company, Room No. 9, 28 North Third Street, Tuesday. January 8, 1918, between 10 and 11 o'clock A. M. DANIEL M. DULL Secretary, THE MILLERS MUTUAL FIRE IN SURANCE COMPANY, HARRIS BURG. PA. NOTICE The Anual Meeting of the members of this Company will be held at the office of the Company. Kunkel Building, on Thursday, Janu ary 17, 1918. The election of a Board of' Directors for the ensuing year will take place between the hours of two and three o'clock P. M. on said day. B. K. HUNTZINGER, Secretary. — ELECTION OF DIRECTORS The anual election for nine direc tors of the Merchants National Bank of Harrisburg, Pa, will be held at the banking house, 1228 North Third street, Tuesday, January, the Bth, 1918. between the hours of 10 A. M. and 1 P. M. H. O. MILLER, Cashier. Pennsylvania State Highway De partment, Harrisburg. Pa. Sealed pro posals will be received at said office until 10 A. M.. January 22, 1918, when bids will publicly opened and sched uled and contracts awarded as soon thereafter as possible, for the recon struction of the following: Two pieces of either One Course Reinforced Con crete or Bituminous Concrete on a Concrete base pavement 15,050 and ' 13.750 feet in length in Erie County. 1 two pieces of vitrified block pavement 2,065 and 4,700 feet in length in Clear field County; 39,340 feet of either Bituminous macadam on Telford base or reinforced concrete pavement in Somerset County; 21,426 feet of either One Course Reinforced Concrete or Bituminous Concrete on a Concrete base pavement In Allegheny County; and for the grading and drainage of 6,707 feet of roadway in McKeart County. Bidding blanks and specifi cations may be obtained free, and plans upon payment of $2.50 per set. upon application to State Highway Department. Harrisburg. No refund for plans returned. They can also be seen at office of State Highway De partment, Harrisburg; 1001 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, and 904 Hartle Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. J. D. O'Nell, State Highway Commissioner. NOTICE is hereby given that an ap plication will be made to the Governor ✓ of the State of Pennsylvania, on January 29, 1918, by William T. Shields, J. W. Starns, Walter S. Wil liams, Frank E. Cullins, Mahlon A. Govens, Lucius Turner. W. L. Winston, and Jacob Edwards, under the Act of Assembly cf the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to pro vide for the Incorporation and Regu lation of certain Corporations," ap proved April 29, 1874, and the supple ments thereto, for the charter of an intended corporation to be called "PROGRESSIVE WAGE EARNERS' BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIA TION," the character and object of which is to conduct a building and loan association according to the laws relating thereto, and for these pur poses to have and possess and enjoy all the rights and privileges of the said Act of Assembly and its supplements. J. ROBBIN BENNETT. Solicitor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned duly appointed Auditor to make distribution of the bal ance as nhown by the account of Charles H. Wagner and McClellan •T Koomes, Administrators of tha es tate of Mary Williams, late of the Borough of Penbrook, Pa., deceased, will sit for tne purpose of his ap pointment at his ofllee, 1 North Third street, Harrlsburg. Pa., on Monday. January 21. 1918, at 2 o'clock P. M,, when and where all persona Interest-. Ed may attend. QBOROB F. L.UV& , Andlto*, j