Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 04, 1918, Page 6, Image 6

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Installation Exercises Con
ducted by Past Commander
H. L. McLaughlin
At the annual business of I
Caliler Post. No. 31. , Vet ® rans ,.„° r
Foreign Wars, held Wednesday e>e""
inK. the following oCTieCB were in
stalled by H. 1.. McLaughlin, pabt
commander: . r .
H. D. Myers, past commander, L. A.
RaiTensberger. senior vice-commantt
er- K 1- Wagner. Junior vice-com
inander; R. A. Fulton, quartermaster,
O. E. Lvter. officer of the day, J. K.
Heist, chaplain; H. A. Douglas, sur
geon. 11. L,. Roberts, guard, C. it.
Burg, sentinel; J. G. Sheaffer H. L.
Mclaughlin. C. H. Burg, trustees,
Charles A. .leftries, adjutant, b. H.
Forbes, quartermaster, sergeant, .
A. Douglas, sergeant major; u A.
Raffensberger, H. L. McLaugh lin. col -
or bearers; J. K. Relst, patriotic in-
St Auxiliary of the post
also held their installation the same
evening The following officers weie
installed; ~
Mrs. Alice Burg, president, Mrs,
.Tulia Forbes, senior vice-president.
Mrs. Mabel Myers, junior vice-presi
dent; Mrs. Elizabeth Relst. treasurer;
Mrs. Ross A, Fulton, chaplain; Mrs.
Klsie Wagner. conductress; Mf, si-
Charles ItalTcnsberger, Mrs. I'. B. il
son. color bearers: Mr?. Charles Jef
fries. secretary; Mrs. ('. K. I>yter,
guard; Mrs. Francis Mrs.
F. B. Wilson, Mrs. Ross A. Fulton
Howard L. Calder Post is in a very
flourishing and good financial condi
tion. After the installation cere
monies were porfornif <1 addresses
were made by the following mem
bers; Retiring Commander Jonas K.
Reist, thanking the members for their
support during the past year; the
newly-installed commander. H. D. My
ers. was then presented to the post
for his address which was followed
by addresses frcr.i O. A. Itaffensberg
er, E. L Wagner. C. A. Jeffries, R. A.
Fulton and others.
Mrs. R. A. Fulton, the retiring pres
ident of the Indies' Auxiliary, made
a brief address, followed by Mrs.
Alice Burg, the newly-installed presi
dent. and others. Major W. C. Mc-
Farland, of the Grand Army Republic,
won the prize given by the ladies,
and made a short address, thanking
the ladies. Patriotic Instructor H. I. ~
McLaughlin, gave n very interesting
address on "Our Boys at the Front,
and on the Future Prospects of the
Veterans of Foreign Ware." The La- |
dies' Auxiliary then invited the post
and members of the Grand Army Re- '
public to refreshments of hot coffee. ,
pickles, sandwiches and smokes. A
very interesting evening was spent
listening to war stories, etc. All mein- |
bers of the post are requested to at- i
tend these meetings the first and
third Wednesdays of each month. Let >
every member help make this year
one of the best in the history of
Calder Post and the Ladies' Aux- i
Calder Post and the Ladies' Aux
iliary have bought Liberty Bonds and
contributed to the Red Cross. Also
made contributions to the two motor
ambulances bought by the Veterans
of Foreign Wars and presented to
the Medical Department of the United
States of America to be used at the
front. The post has several mem- i
bers in the service, some of whom |
are now in the trenches "somewhere ;
In France."
Sec. Daniels Declines to
Give Information Regarding
Loss of Army Transport
Washington, Jan. 4.—Secretary j
Daniels declined to-day to disclose
any Information regarding the in |
v quiry into the loss of the American |
♦.rnu' transport Antilles, recently !
tortlSfl6V(l with considerable loss of
life. Only meager details of the loss
have been made public. Admiral
Benson yesterday told the House
Naval Committee it was due in part
to the convoy arrangements. It is
known that following an investiga
tion Rear Admiral William B.
Fletcher, formerly in charge of the
American convoying forces in
French waters, was recalled to the
United States. There appears to l)e
some question here as to the num
ber of war vessels furnished to him
for convoy by Vice Admiral Sims.
There is no available official record
to show the recall of Admiral
Fletcher *-was connected with the
Secretary Baker. In the War De
partment. apparently takes the same
position as does Secretary Daniels
in regard to of officers from
important posts. He has made no
explanation as yet of the recall of
Major General Sibert. .commanding
the first division of American troops
sent to France and has requested
that no speculation as to the reason
behind the recall of high officers
be indulged in. So far as known,
however, the only purpose of the re
quest is to protect the feelings of
the individual officer and not the
• •encealnient of military information
that might be of value to the enemy.
Livingston's, 7 and 9 South Mar
ket Square, began their mid-winter
clearance of men's, women's and
children's winter apparel yesterday
morning. Apparel pf every descrip
tion is entered in the event. Full
particulars regarding items and
prices will be found in the store's
announcement on another page of
this paper.
John Inglefritz, who gave his ad
diesi as "somewhere in Cameron
s,lee !" was complainant in a hear
ing • gain st Rose Coakley, Rose Cole
man and James Jones, inmates at
14 Cowden street, In police court this
afternoon. Inglefritz alleges that he
lad .S2OO stolen at the house. The
trto was arrested last night.
A false alarm called five comanies
to Walnut and Balm streets last eve
ning. Residents of the neighborhood
attributed the alarm to boys were
were coasting in the vicinity.
Increases strength
Kb fill Illl] of delicate, nerv-
I I Mil ous, rundown
M IflAI JDB People 100 per
in ten days
stances. SIOO for-
MHfeHHIV! Per fuH explana
tion In large article soon to ap
pear In this paper. Used and
highly endorsed by former United
States Senators and Members of
Congress, well-known physicians
and former Public Health officials
Ask your doctor or druggist about
Clear ih- Voire—t| U |<-kl? relieve
Boanrneu, Cragki, Sore Threat,
Hronrbltla 4 Urrsdtls—pleaual.
ly flavored touehee— Wle the Box.
Gorgas Drug Stores
Chas. H. Mauk > B^ h H st '
/ 1
Your Money „ ™® Onr Policv -Do ItßpHpr I Hel P the I Bmit n ~1 ||t
Cheerhlly Relanded \ K. of C, Drive rUUL.y. £7Q /t- Deiier | JJ 0 f q ]) r ive Bigger Vqlat. |||
! \ ' v f • 1 y M K
S : This Sale Has Action! ||
\ H means that the people have confidence in it
n *s*</ nC * means that Men and Boys are buying their Clothes HERE.
Jffil \ I
:|S l' I IJ\ \\ Men are buying clothes. Boys are buying Cf Would a few dollars in a sale compensate us I||
If: |mil -j 1 ■'/ 1 i\\//\ y\ clothes. And they are buying liberally. f° r false statements made for gain? Not |i:|
I 7 I iffii 111 I I ,■■ W They KNOW Wm. Strouse's cut price sale is _ . , |||
?: / •' 11- ffi wl i; Aft II 'v: p\ . • TL Lrvrktw.i . *l' 1 nis sale is conducted on the square-deal li ?
i HI llm Ijlgll //a , |}t i\\ ? enwne - They KNOW that every statement basis. The old price tickets are on the gar
| i 11- P ®v|C\\S | | |l/ji ' jjjfA h ' \\ *** ° Ur announcements is accurate. ments where they were in the first place. The ||l
11 j!i lit ? k.V I iijj :/■& &;U l\ And they know that every statement made cut prices are ACTUAL. The old prices were lit
Ijj jm j ! 'X x HI r®BS jj j ft within our store is accurate. fair , prices P ri . ces naturally are lower ||
I I 1 \t\ * y/fk H• Ii it ®I How do they know these things? Experience ,
1 " mli 'ffij&k |iS \WL ill Vi % with our store and our methods of merchan- This is not a newspaper story, a sale m words. ||
3*f Ml ri /MX&k IS ill WL fit 1 dising has taught them. fl This is a REAL, ACTIVE, ACTUAL CUT I
'i: Eli ll \ JIIMI 'MI i fir U . , , CJ PRICE SALE and you can profit a heap by it |f§
* II //wfOyQk. ifcf fflii fill Could we afford to abuse such confidence. _ if you avail yourself of the opportunity we
' liifi ' You can answer that yourself. are placing in your hand, now. i|;||
|| i l' 15£2 SiiitsandOvci-CTats-i 9.50 25^ Suitsandovercoals 91.50 ill
<? llmnw.il j i n M 38 * > /Cl
|| liiilH,'' 'H i| ; ; 18'°° Suits and Overcoats 1 y1.50 9S- 00 Suits and Overcoats QQ.SO 11
11 > It: B > |||
jgn| ffifcYv Suits and Overcoats 30™ Suits and Overcoats 24- 50 1
22' X. Suits and Overcoats 0.50 Suits and Overcoats 28- 50 1
Boys-This Great Sale Helps You, Too |
f| And helps YOU in the BIG WAY it helps the men—because you are the _ |
i* MEN of the FUTURE and YOUR interests are OUR interests ALWAYS
1 boys* suits
r.OO Suits, Overcoats and . Ofi Q. 50 Suits Overcoats and fmm M ,
|| jj 9 J * :!||
P;() Suits, Overcoats and c%r* "1 AOO Suit s, Overcoats and /x f) _ iTTS TlTl \ illl
| Mackinaws g.25 Mackinaws g.25 I i
17.50 Suits Overcoats and qj- -j 0.50 Suits ' Overcoats and qp- [
I* Mackinaws /1A Mackinaws | |
1 i rt.oo Suits, Overcoats and OC
V-]' y When a boy buys his clothes at
I ilD m Mackmaws >\d (fj Wm. Strouse's he is proud to say ,0
II The New Store of Wm. Strouse~Ever New—3lo Market Street I *
| ( ® II
\ I
JANUARY 4, 1918,