Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 13, 1917, Page 8, Image 8

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Strikers Asked to Work
While Commission Acts :
By Associated Press
Washing-ton, Dec. 13. George W.
Itiawson, secretary of the Minnesota
(State Federation of Labor, to-day
telephoned the strikes in St. Paul and
Minneapolis to return to work in view
of the order for an investigation by
the President's Labor Commission.
Lawson said that if he could set his
message through to St. Paul and Min
neapolis he would get the strikers
back to work by 1 o'clock this af
ternoon. He took his action on the
basis of a telegram Secretary llaker,
as chairman of the Council of Na
tional Defense, sent to President Wil
son's Labor Commission now in the
West, instructing the body to stop in
Secretary Baker, after conferring
with the President, sent the tle-
Kram to Secretary Wilson, of the De
partment of Labor, now with the
commission in San Francisco.
The gift for all the family—a J
You can have a Columbia
Grafonola Outfit sent to your A
home (or anywhere you say) and $9
on Christmas morning if you wish,
for only a small initial payment. O
Balance can be paid, at your con- Jf|
venience after the Holidays.
We have outfits that will jL
just fit your pocketbook and on |p
special Christmas terms.
|& Call in and get our special Christ- m
2p mas record lists, or send us your name and m
wni address and we'll mail these lists to you,
jjHM Our Talking Machine Department 8^!
Is Open Evenings Until Xmas.
I Miller and Kades |
7 North Market Square
T ATini e*
yV Reduso
® Effect an Astonishing
Transformation in
Wearing a properly fitted W. B.
Reduso Corset you appear a
younger woman —hips, bust and
abdomen reduced 1 to S inches,
yon look 10 to 20 pounds lighter.
You can wear more fashionable
style?; you are no longer STOUT
and you get Satisfaction and
Value at most moderate price.
You never wore more comfort
able or "easy feeling" corsets.
Lace Back Reduso Styles.
No. 721. Low Butt, Brocade, price $5.00
No. 703. Medium Bust, coutil, price 3.50
O Lace Front Reduao Style*.
The Cortet illustrated, No. 720, No. 0741. Low Bmt. Coutil. price $3.50
• price $3.50, shows how it reduces No. 0731. Med. Butt Q>utii. price 3.50
a Stout figures to youthful lines. No. 0740. Low Bui, Coutil, price 5.00
TATTE NUFORM.. B , ack -J tor
mm K® mp<SFT<; Slender and Average rigures
W ABM* tunatia give the . new . forTO .., tlle figure
▼ogoe of the moment. Inexpensive, faultlessly fitting. W, B. NUFORM
CORSETS are unequalled for Comfort, Wear and shape-moulding.
Models for all figures. Price sl. to $3.
AB D~W. WEINGARTEN BROS., Inc., New York Chicago
A Man's Gift From a Man's Store X
! i| Wra. Strouse '''Ml
Patriotic Prayer Service
For Soldiers and Nation
Patriotic prayer services are be
ing held each Friday in the Pine
Street Presbyterian Church. Tlie
announcement for to-morrow's serv
viee follows:
"The Friday afternoon service o£
prayer for our country has become
one of the most helpful efforts of
the Pine Street Presbyterian Church
to take ils part in the world conflict.
This mooting, which is but half an
hour Jong, is set at 5.15 o'clock in
order that men and women may drop
in on their way home from work for
at least part of the service.
"The meeting is undenominational
and every one is as!ed who carries
in hih heart a ourden of national or
personal needs. Men are particu
larly welcome, especially those of
ch-aft age, whose turn may soon come
to take their part in the great strug
gle for freedom."
Councilmen Arc Impressed
With Disposal of Garbage
in Wilkes-Barre
llarrisburg officials after an in
spection trip through the piggery at
Wilkes-Barre returned to the city
so favorably impressed with the
suet ess of the method that it was
stated to-day the contract for gar
bage collection and disposal will
probably be awarded next Tuesday
to Mapy Brothers, at the bid of
t2'I.OUO a year.
While it cauid not be learned cf- j
that such action was con-j
sidercfl remarks by a -lumber of,
tho commissioners indicated the i>ig- j
S?rv disposal plan is favor-ad inoro j
than the reduction proposition. • |
According to city officials who in
spected the Wilkes-Barre piggory, It!
is not a nuisance and is under care- j
fui management. It is understood j
if the contract is let to Hagy;
Brothers provisions will be included •
similar to the ones in force in I
City Keeps Record
The contractor in that city keeps j
a complete record of all the houses
in tho city from which garbage is
collected. Wagons similar to the
ones used here are sent over the.
various districts the drivers -heck-.
ing up on each collection. The gar- i
bage is then hauled to a central sta- !
tion at the edge of the city, where ;
it is assorted and all cans, paper, j
other refuse and rotten garbage Is
picked out. The garbage is thevi j
iilled Into cans, loaded on large j
ti ucks and hauled to the piggery |
three miles from the city. At the
piggery it is dumped into a largo |
tank, thoroughly steamed, emptied j
to a large platform and drained. It
is then fed to the hogs.
The Harrisburg officials were the j
guests of the Wilkes-Barre Chamber '
of Commerce at a noon luncheon 1
yesterday. A big membership
drive for the chamber is just clos
ing in that city. Mayor Daniel L.'
Keifter and Commissioner Gross
made short addresses while the other j
officials who took the trip were in- |
troduced. They were Commissioners
Fred L. Morgenthaler, William H. j
Lynch, City Engineer M. B. Cow- i
den, City Clerk K. Boss Seaman, |
City Assessor James C. Thompson
and commissioner-elect Charles W. |
Burtrett. The party returned late
last, evening.
It was reported in city official}
circles to-day that early action will j
be urged in Organizing the ash and j
garbage supervision bureau and pro-j
viding for municipal ash collections. I
So far no dclinite arrangements to'
provide for gathering ashes and
refuse have been considered by,
council although Commissioner]
Lynch, of the Highway Department, ;
has repeatedly urged completion of!
plans for this work, as provision !
must be made in the budget for both '
the garbage contract and municipal |
ash collections.
Municipal Band Honors
Members in U. S. Service
i Tho members of the Municipal
j Bund of Harrisbuag met last evening
I at their hall, 225 Market street, to
do honor to those of their organiza
tion who have joined the colors.
The fine musical program was ar
ranged by the director, Frank Biu
menstine, and during its execution
there was presented and unfurled a
service flag containing nine stars, for
the following:
SergeanJ D. M. Clark, leader of the
Eighth Regiment Band: Sergeant Jul
ius Cohen. Sergeant Harry liunkle,
Corporal .R. K. Robinson, Corporal
I George Roberts. Private George
i Shutt, Private John Shaffner, Private
Stewart Askins und Private Dwight
\V. Jerauld.
While these boys all left as mem
bers of the Eighth Pennsylvania Band
and are still regarded as members ot
this organization, they are now at
tached to the One Hundred Twelfth
Regular Infantry headquarters.
The flag was the gift of Ira Rom
berger, of Romberger Brothers, and
in the absence of Mr. Romberger, a
tilting presentation speech was made
by AV. W. Burrls, treasurer of the
Municipal Band, and tile flag was ac
cepted and unfurled by Director Blu
menstine while the members played
the "Star Spangled Banner." A letter
of appreciation was ordered, sent to
j Mr. Romberger for his gift.
Spain Will Protest
j Bombardment of Steamer
' By Associated Press
Madrid, Wednesday, Dec. 12.
Premier Alhucemas announced to
day that tho Spanish government
was preparing an energetic protest
to Germany regarding the bombard
ment of the Spanish steamer Claudie
by a German submarine.
The Spanish steamship Claudio,
Premier Alhucemas announced Mon
day, was attacked by a German' sub
marine which lired upon the steamer,
killing eight sailors and wounding
others. The Claudio was able to
make port under her own steam.
Mount Hope Company
Sells Property as Junk
By Associated Press #
Pottsville, Pa., Dec. 13. Forced
out of business because its coal land
worked out. the Mount Hope Coal
Company, at St. Clair, Pa., sold its
property to junk dealers. The own
ers of adjoining tracts containing
plenty of coal refused to lease.
Because of the Importance of keep
ing up the coal supply at present the
Mount Hope Company appealed to the
Federal Fuel Administrator. It is
claimed, asking that the Government
lend its influe#e to keep the colliery
j working, but the appeal was not act
ed upon. The colliery shipped 75,000
tons of anthracite annually.
American Engineers Have
Thanks of Field Marshal
With the American Army in France,
Wednesday. Dec. 12.—(8y The Asso
ciated Press).-—Field Marshal Halg,
commander of the Britisli forces In
France, has expressed to General
Pershing, in a letter, his thanks for
the assistance given by American
Army Engineers around Gouzeaucourt
on November 20.
_ <
Eld red B. Smith, or. 1712 Reglna
itreet, will louve this evening for
Troy. N. Y., to enter the Urdnaneo
branch of the Fnited States Army.
Mr. Smith carries with him a special
letter of Introduction from Washing
ton and ts an expert machinist. He
was formerly connected with the
Bethlehem Steel Company at Steulton.
★★★★★ ★ ★ "★
Nine of Our Boys Enlisted In the Service
tThis Announcement Was Not.Ordered to be '
The Boys of The Wm. Strouse Store Obtained
This Space From Our Advertising Manager, who
agreed to devote it to the message printed herein.
Wm. Strouse
F. E. Wood
Thank You,
Mr. Strouse • nl
We, the Boys of your store, the old standbys, realize that you are the Wr
foremost clothing .merchant in Harrisburg.
All the clothing salesmen in the city will appreciate, along with us, the Heist Culp
Closed Evenings Movement
which you have inaugurated for th e clothing stores of this city. I
It Was A Big Move On Your Part
It proves, beyond argument, that you are striving now as you have
done since you entered the clothing business, years ago, to place the
clothing business.
On A High Plane of Endeavor W
We sincerely appreciate and deeply feel concerned that you have
G. O. Day
Kept Our Store Closed Evenings
■This Week jf \
and we are doubly certain that the public in general, and especially our s£****
own customers, will look to the WM. STROUSE STORE as the lead- $
ing clothing store in town and perhaps, in this entire section of the %* , V
The Bond of Friendship * i 2"
between all the boys in your stora is stronger than ever, and is reflected r '~'jmMS?
in the service we are all giving the public.
No store could have a better general, no store could have better * M p erns ] er
methods, no store could give better values. •
We are glad to sign our names to this announcement. '
iwrjoxt. 9Uv-cL_ C
. Geo. Stark
They are not here to speak for them- jfl - JM ppTP^-^i
selves, but we are sure that they would ... flj
sign t° X^ S a " nOU "^^ ient ' |BB
(Motor Truck Co.) aH
Louis Stein (Aviation Corps) £
• Charles B. Snyder Jr. (Governor's Troop) H
Albert Michaels (Signal Corps) wt
Earl Yeager (Co. I, 8h Regiment ) ,
■I. C. G. Fry D. P. Jeffries . R. P. Hampton ,
DECEMBER 13, 1917: