16 'BABY'BONDS ARE SELLING RAPIDLY IN HARRISBURG Mail Carriers Pleased With Results After Three Days' Work I Letter carriers, city and rural, will be the prime missionaries in selling "baby" bonds and thrift, cards for the government campaign to raise a new war fund of $2,000,000,000, is the opinion of Postmaster Frank C. Sites who stated .this morning that the sales had been heavier than was expected. Coupled with this ihe government will depend greally on newspaper publicity, for tt.e pub lic appears to be singularly ignorant of the value of the investment. More than $2,000 of tlie bonds have been sold, it was said. "When the vast population of this country understands accurately," de clared Mr. Sites, "I am of opinion that this system will become sp popu lar that it will be permanent. Tlie Liberty Bond campaign had a hard time getting started, but when the public appreciated what a splendid investment it is the campaign fairly whirled. Of course it was patriotic in the people to support this so liberally but X would not cal it a sacrifice by any means. Financial men understood instantly that it was a superb investment and the poorer population will pretty soon see that this one is equally good. "The mail carriers were jubilant to-day for they had already begun to arouse the people along their various routes. These men are all enterprising and they know every man, woman and child, so that their canvassing will go right to the spot. I predict that the baby bond will become tremendously popular, lor with the thrift card, it fills a long felt want, the ready and lucrative means to save small sums. It is also likely that many persons of means will buy the limit, SI,OOO worth. N'o one can purchase more than SIOO worth at one time, but there is noth ing to hinder a man from patron izing various localities until he has accumulated to tlie value of $1 000 Even this, however, will not prevent the poor man from getting his share All Harrlsburg mail carriers were provided with supplies of stamps yesterday and sold them widely." Greatest precautions have been taken to insure and protect buyers of these certificates from loss. They are issued in the name of the owner, his or her name and address being written into it. To protect the owner in case It should be lost or stolen, provision is made by which the certificate can be registered. When this is done, it is payable only at the particular post office where registered. Upon giving evidence ot the loss of a registered war savings certificate, the owner shall be envitleo 1o receive payment of the amoun lor which it shall have been register cd. The amount which can registered is, of course, the sum or sums which have been paid on it that is from $4.12 up to $84.40. In case one is lost and found the liama and address serve to carry It safely back to the owner. All post masters are required to take even means to get lost certificates back to the rightful owners. The regis tration right makes it absolutel • certain that no one can lose a c£.r tificate and thereby auvtsMn loss. And registration givo? no more trou' le than to go to the nearest post office and have the stamps canceled and the certificate reg.stered. Then nil risks are 11 Prv !e S^ni. Plan For Reception at Y. M. C. A. on New Year's Plans for the social activities at the Y. M. C. A on New Year's Day will be arranged by the social work commit tee, which will meet to-morrow even ing, at 7:30 o'clock. "The Power of the Consecrated Life" will be the subject of an ad dress to be delivered by Dr. W. A. Granville, president of Gettysburg College, in Fahnestock Hall. Sundav sifternoon. at 3:30 o'clock. The meet ing is the second of a series of men's mass meetings, under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. Special music will be furnished by the Stevens Memorial Male Chorus, and William Boyer will sing several baritone solos. A reception will be given the sol diers from the Middletown Aviation 1 amp, Friday evening. Special pro gram of interesting features has been prepared. I WAS SCARCELY ABLE TO BE ABOUT "Was Miserable Night and Day." Says M. 1.. Collins. 1118 Cumberland St., Harrisburg, "I was bothered with bad headache which made me mis erable night and day. "I often had nervous and dlzzy spells ami many sleepless nights, it was a dreadful condition to be in. "My stomach gave me a lot of 1 rouble with gas and nervous indi gestion, no food agreed with me. "I wits so worn out that I was scarcely able to be about, and this state of affairs had me worried. "I had heard a lot about Sanpan, and decided to try it, and in a short lime it drove out my ailments. "My headaches left, nerves got steady, could sleep well, my stomach got fine and food agreed with me and everything came out great." Sanpan is being introduced at Keller's Drug Store, 405 Market St., Harrisburg, where the Sanpan man is meeting the people.—Adv. EDUCATION A I, School of Commerce AND Harrisburg Business College l'ronp Bulltllns. 1.1 So. Mnrket Square Thorough Training in Business and Stenography. Civil Service Course OUR OFFER—Right Training bv Spe cialists and High Grade Positions You Take a Business Course But Once; the BEST is What You Want Fall Term Day and Night School. Enter any Monday. Bell 485. Dial 4393. The Office Training School Kaufman Bldg. 121 Market Street. Training That Secures. Salary Increasing Positions In the Office. Call or send to-day for Interesting booklet. "The Art of Getting Alone the World." Bell Dhone SO4R. • ' , : WEDNESDAY" EVENING, StewartO S Handbags of Seal and Morocco Johnny Wanted Every Toy I|| j||) Many Novelty Designs For Gift Giving S? V vUvW He CouW Find in Santa > s Catalog ig •n w °°d box * 75c- and 8- jsSSVj X/ X 8-inch frames 81 -ft I or mushroom shaped shades, ROOM DOMES 6% American Flag Drums 25c tf^Vr; ?7 C V r , ames • 2.50 Wifh tw r o o niwtrir r Mahogany finished floor lamp 10-inch Boy Scout Drums 98.- f$J&! 12-inch frames '. ; .$3.00 to $3.08 P . 5 9. 98 andards. fitted with two lights. Aluminum toy tea sets, 26 pieces. Special $1.25 SpsSl UwS Genuine Morocco handbags, 10-inch frames ...... "" s, 7.u* , jyygffij? Genuine goat handbags, 12-inch frames .... S7OO and Polychrome verde green, Shades for floor lamp stand- 1 Mechanical trains, eight sections, circular track, spring motor engine, tender 'urattcVn Genuine goat seal handbags, 10-lnch frames, double handles SO.OO ' copper and antique gold, are, ards in new shapes, with fringe an< * lwo cars * $1.50 (nflrVil kPSVm . $12.50, $15.00, SIB.OO to $30.00 anfJ go)d tinsel," in colors, To ° l chcsts - for American boys .' 08c MjP$V7 U?%!ks _ Table lamps with hand painted $5.00, $0.50, SO.OB to $25.00 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor. ACGrif'S' KomnQ r + C r\-p XXTf\S\ decorations, in green and sun- Dining room domes for gas or Kemnants ot Woolen A Charming Gift to a Woman mm IrStrZ> I I O H O Kltinn ! glass; solid cast frames. | XMiTj/J SSI urebb raoncs ,£?X SSSS \Zjrnji . in gold, brass or ivory; complete IVORY DRESSER LAMPS X Li J lAIIICo f J- UllCl \\ U.ICI O, OUI/llttO IflftsEM iwo weeks accumulation of short lengths of serge, broadcloth, * or electricity, $5.00 and SO.OO Shades of white silk decorated /CjVjw rfeijlw 1 , ' Desk lamns finisher! in ! with blue birds, butterfly and Djer Kiss Perfumes $2.25 and $2.75 WHIM 1 JM oa.mg, and pop,™ makes ,t poss.bl* for yo„ ,o ril savings of „„ y , 8 .5 ££ | parr„u. e l ertrt c,-. ii'! 11!!!! I1!;!!:"'."".mS"ami' 'iiZ H 10 to 40 per cent. Mahogany finished dresser i $3.08, $3.00 and $.>.08 Tanty's violet, lilac and rose perfumes $2.00 untl $4.00 SfgSJf lamps with silk shades; in blue, Mahogany finished table Djer Kiss Toilet Water 81.75 yrWu) >ards regularly $4.50. , 6% yards grey poplin; regularly rose, yellow or brown, complete lamps, complete with silk Mary Garden Toilet Water $3.50 \sSbßict Thursday only s3.#o ! $11.16. Thursday only $9.40 ' or elet> tricity, shades. Roger and Gallet Toilet Water $1.25 WWVy 4% vards gabardine- regularly 5 i" 3 yards Burgundy serge;' reg'u- $2.25, $3.25 to $7.50 $1.50, $5.50, SB.OB and SIO.OO ™ udn . ut T*, Vlolet To,l j !t Water SI.OO . ' reguiarij i ar i v 1933 ThuriHnv nn iv ... 1 Piver's Florayme and Azurea Toilet Water SI.OO $12.19. Thursday only, $9.50 31/ yards browii coatinir- recnilnriv L ■ Mahogany finished bases with J Melba Toilet Water in Violet, Lilac and "L,ov Me" 75c, yards wistaria serge; regularly $9.75. Thursday only '. .. . $7.95 single light, $1.08; double lights, SACHETS vyriiS WgtW 16.76. Thursday only, $6.40 r 5 yards serge; "reguiarly ' $S.*75. • W SS-98 Djer Kiss Sachet CmWj/ 6'.a yards na\-y serge; regularly Thursday only, $3.25 'llVllinilllllinWFT ■ Solid mahogany lamps, with two Mary Garden Sachet $l5O 18.25. Thursday only $6.95 siloT Thursd r lronly. ,f; J 4 yards navy serge; regularly SB.OO. ! 2% yards Burgundy serge; regularly MMR MB / ART GLASS LAMPS Garden of Allah' Sachet .7-° hursday $6.90 $5.50. Thursday only $1.60 JRhuKS 22 inclles high; hexagon shaped PACKAGE C.OODS .. _ WiWI v U onlv rge: 7w i larlv TOuL'Tnni?''* 1 YFJi shades; amber or ffreen iirt Perfumes and Toilet Waters in fancy boxes 25c, 50c, 75c and SI.OO 6 yards blue poplin; regularly $lO. 2% yards green poplin;' regu'larlv t finished in old brass and black; M Tone^Waters'Hsoa^'prrfnmp ! n n n!" e p„ b ° Xeß: . Thursday only $7.50 $5.25. Thursday only, . $4.25 ~ 4 equipped for gas or electricity, $0.50 Djer Kits Veglui Ld Talcim Powder " *IV!" rQV/ff Dives. Pomeroy A Stewart, Street Floor Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement Hudnut's Soap, Talcum Powder and Toilet Waters 1i ]i . 1 s{.'so — _J Dives, Pomeroy and Stewart, Second Floor foSigP H Beautiful Gutmann Child Studies •SrrSrSSSS' A Dainty Basket of Flowers H PopU.ldr Gift Pictlircs And Selections Can Be Made With More Leisure ! Iheres a gift thought that means giving something dif- Mov fSSS "Mighty Like a Rose" and "A Little Bit of Heaven" are "' Your Benefit • , of lasting beanty-something that is its §fi§ two of the best selling pictures produced by this clever artist. To Shop 111 the Morning owncieer) C 11 istnias messenger. H o,h 'Z'!''. r ,"° te , d T™ " e ~ k „ . The Store Will Be Open Only 4 Evenings Before Christmas 1 Fl ° W " ® ft Sh ° P ol,cr * >"" unlimited variety {£§ y>o®) Daddy s Coming,' "The Butterfly," "Message of the Rose, - & i of floral a-iftc !ti ri < • . "Dreams Come True,'' "Home Bnilders," "Tlie Wedding March." & U c 'loners, baskets and vases. For K_Xsfs-*L Double Bktvsiiig," "To Love and to Cherish," "Caught by the I instance— W~ r ~ ~ """ Pw " The Belber Trade Mark on Traveling Goods j ""12Z W Mahogany and gilt frames ..$2.50 ; Carnations, Jonquils, Tulips, ! r me-not A/.ale.is Em PABBISH WCTIRES "" Is an Absolute Guarantee of First Quality Nasturtiums ' Dahlias Marigolds I Max field Parrish is perliaps the most artistic of popular modern PWWLRS AT 6c Buttercups Orchids U2^£ , )J painters. His imagination is accurately and masterfully portrayed - Look Oil page 64 of this Week's issue of the Saturday Evening Post and Apple Blossoms .. Tulips , ™,° r " ons SKSJfW in these two pictures: , .... ° . Poppies I'LUWWih AT 12c— HrC^*\ ' "DINKEY BIRD" "AIK CASTLES" then see our window display. \oull be interested in this suggestion when FIiOWERS AT 100 j Hyacinths Japanese sprays Handsomely froml to harmonize with rich tones to pictures. - VOU &° t0 make U P y OUr & ift list - Chrysanthemums B '° S PHmroses | N^urti,.^ 01 cferaniums SSH $5.00 .. . , Phlox Geraniums Cat Tails I Sprays of Red Leaves kJwVy "Old.Masters'* in oak frames at $2.25 and $2.50 FiPInPT T*PflHpl 1 Tift Ftflfl*: * i Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor, Front vyyj§ ' Nnttlng, D.nldson and Thompson liand-oolored nature scends, L,CIUCi 'ttC/ClticC/ JD Liy O C\, OUIt . dpeClCll „ 60c to *B-50 (Vk f Genuine cowhide traveling bags, I Genuine cowhide bags of heavy toUs-JRI Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor, Front. J 18-inch size, in black with heavy $16.50 weight smooth leather, made in /~"11 ' 1 X 1 Special | walru s Brain, full size frame; . J three pieces; leather lined; extra I i M T*l SliTI £1 Q . I I Y*\7 " [check linen lining. Special. I heavy frame with lift catches, IMJiQI [Genuine cowhide traveling bags, I either brown or black. , . ... rv PTYI "H 51 Yt!"G 1 $7.50 of fine quality long grain leather, J "C popularity of the Jewelry section is increasing daily, UfcSS* 13 laCK JLJr6SS VtOOUS o . I H c . a ? d five-Piece double I Traveling bags in black or brown and the stock is correspondingly greater. '-9M31 SW - e In,- VJWUVAO Special, pockets, linen lined, with leather ; cowhides; three and five pieces. Inexpensive jewelrv worth giving- mffl yards Santoy; regularly SS./ r Thursdav nnlv llining. [of extra heavy lianci boarded La Vallieres . n< r . u , #l Rn HxjTJI 2 in ' SIO.OO I 18-inch cowhide traveling baps. Snecial | stock leather or linen lining; I orkPtn anrl Phkina ?S C am ! ff"? MK yards Cre P e J regularly s4.do. Thursday only .. $3.00 • , Iln1 ln br t> w "' splendid gift thought Special. heavy hand sewed framcs . solid UngeHe *L25 KgSjj yards Gabardine; regularly $10.93. Thursday only, bpeC,aL ' for a man ' 1 brass lift catcheß " 'g®PiST. 5j?8.40 Other bags in calf, cowhide and walrus $22.50, $25.00, $27.50, $30.00 and $:<5.00 Cameo n brooches f 5 °' ' < ' < n,, SKSj&J $3.35 Scarf pins 59c, SI.OO and $1.25 CmHM fcCSS 214 vards Coatinp-- reo-nlarlv <510(Y1 1 no Suit cases of cowhide leather $0.98 to $25.00 ' inks V:" 50c and SI.OO ferxcj mSSK *-oanng, regularly S>IU.UU. 1 hursday only, SO.OB ! Waldemar chains and knives 81.98, $2.50 and $1.25 PfMvA NlfcWH 5 yards serge; regularly $3.75. Thursday only ' S3 25 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. i Cuflf links and stick pins, in sets $1.50, $1.75 to $2.50 Hrjsxy/ vJM 2yards coating; regularly *IO.OO. Thursday only, 111111! sol9B | Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. 5 yards serge; regularly $3.75. Thursday only $3.25 Grrrerie-> fS7VTo->^> 2% yards satin cloth; regularly $7.19. Thursday only $' Pecan half meats, % lb 55c ards $6.00, s<..>9 t $12.00 ROUND SCALLOPED TABLE large medium and small shapes trimmed handkerchiefs, with my initial in the corner; silk hose, bath robes, kiu Wm ;f a % v y r s ' nn ll'Z T i"'®? with na 7°, w ribb T and .f t mall / r pompons gloves> and such thjn that J need bad , for J have sort f J t n supplics 2\3 yards SO.OO, s<.oo to SIB.OO 70-inch size $295 or stitched on edge with gold thread 0 _ J ; " 2x3V4 yards SB.OO to $12.00 72-inch size, all linen .!!.$!oo small chin chin turbans of panne velvet I'Ull low this past year. K?y) 2x4 yards $12.00 to $24.00 81-inch size, all linen, $6.00 to SB.OO trimmed on edge with iridescent beads. wE^nl 2Ux2% yards . .$5.50, $0.50 to $15.00 QUILTED TABLV P*ns Ilroad brim mushroom sailors In taupe Votl kIIOW, Santa, I WOUld like tO liaVC yOU talk tllCSe tilings OVei" Wltll liSSllia Napkins to match— | V ADS satin with light (fre.v facing, trimmed with . . *l,l T 111-I * , .. . ISLWH 22 and 24 inches, dozen, Taped edge, in all sizes. two wool tassels or silver embroidered Illy folks. And by the Way, 1 WOlllcl like to Say that if yOU do get ally OI WjTfo $7.50, SB.OO, SIO.OO, $12.00 to stß.oo 54x54 inches ..$2.25 pnnne velvet hats with smartly these things for me, that they be rat her modest and retiring in pattern, for Odd dozens of Irish linen napkins 54x63 inches $2,59 rolled brim nnd-soft crown trimmed with r , >. . . , •. 1 „ .... (/fp*T? I °t extra quality—• 54x72 inches s:t.oo military rosette of narrow ribbon. don t Want to COlTipCte With tile boys in noise making. 20-inch size $3.50 to $4.50 54x81, inches .". .$3.39 Snnd J' ol,)rc<, sa J ,n J ats " ,th h l"'l' '®c dtfbsl 22-inch size ..$5.00, $.oo to $12.00 54x90 inches r'ibbon'anlPsmaif bright oraament. narrow Thank you Mr. Santa Claus, and I hope you will have jilcnty of things 24-inch size SB.OO to $12.00 , 54x108 inches $1.50 Mushroom hat of sand broadcloth, brown ', , ... ... A . . . ' , . • . VsOCa.jlf. 26-inch size $12.00 to SIB.OO McKay table pads and leaves in a satin facing, crown embroidered In long to gO arOUlld here at llOllle With Uiaiiy tilings for OUl' brOtliel'S, SOUS and |)lvps ' ,omcro >' & Stewart. Floor. HMmifeBURO TEEBGRXFH DECEMBER 5, 1917.