Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 05, 1917, Page 14, Image 14

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The Women's Aid Society, of the
Harrlsburg Hospital, will meet to
morrow afternoon, at S o'clock, in the
manager's room.
NOTICE is hereby given that an ap
plication for pardoh will be made to
the Board of Pardons on Wednesday,
the loth day of December, A. D. IJl<,
by George A. Kedsecker at its meeting
which will be held in the Supreme
Court Boom at Harrisburg. lennsyl
vania, at 10 o'clock on said day. at
which time any and all persons in in
terest may attend if they see proper
so to do. ,
The undersigned Trustee, pursuant
to order of the Court of Common
Pleas of Cambria County, Pennsyl
vania. sitting in Equity, will o£f er a t
public sale at the Court House in the
Borough of Kbensburg, County of
Cambria State of Pennsylvania, on
Saturday, the 10th day of December,
1917, at 11 o'clock. A. M., all the prop
e t>. lights and franchises conveyed
to it bv j?aid Dale Light, Heat & Pow
<•; Companv. uv mortgage bearing
dalo the tlrst day of September, A. D.
1916, and recorded in the Recorder s
Office of Cambria County, Pennsyl
vania, in Mortgage Book Vol. so,
page 30, to-wit:
"L. All that certain piece, parcel
or lot ot' land situate in the Township
of Stonycrcek, County of Cambria
and State of Pennsylvania, bounded
and described thus:
BEGINNING at a post on the north
el lv side of a certain road thirty
three (33) feet in width at a distance
of two hundred and ninety-eight and
two-tenths (29S.L' feet (by a course
north sixty degrees (00 cleg.) seven
minutes (7 min.) east, being from a
certain corner of lands of Samuel J.
Horner and George 10. Daniels and be
ing the southeasterly line of
roadwav where the same intersects
the lands of Samuel J. Horner and
George W. Daniels: thence north ten
degrees (10 dog.) west forty-three
and three-tenths (13.3) feet to a post,
through other lands ol' (jeorge lv
Daniels: thence by the same north
twenty-four degrees (34 deg.) thirty
minutes (30 min.) east three hun
dred and forty and five-tenths (040.5)
feet to a post; thence by the same
south sixty-five degrees (65 deg.)
thirtv minutes <3O min.) eaft sixty
flve (051 feet to a post on the north
rrlv side of u private road, twenty
five (25) feet in width; thence by the
northerly side of said private road
south twehty-four degrees (34 deg.)
thirty minutes (30 min.) west three
hundred anil twenty (320) feel to a
post, corner of said private road and
the aforesaid thirty-three (33) foot
road; thence by the aforesaid thirty
three (33) feet road south sixty de
grees (60 deg.) seven minutes (i
min.) west sixty-nine and two-tenths
<69.21 leet to the place of BEGIN
NING. Containing eight-four <B4)
perches. Being part of a larger tract
of iand conveyed by tlie Cambria
Iron Company by deed dated the 2Bth
dav of July. A. D. 1904. and recorded
in 'the office of the Recorder of Deeds
in and for Cambria County, in Deed
Book, Vol. 170. Page 432. to George
E. Daniels.
Excepting and -reserving, therefrom
the coal and mining rights heretofore
reserved by the Cambria Iron Com
pany in the aforesaid dcy d to George
E. Daniels. Being the same lot or
piece of land granted and conveyed
to the said Dale Light, Heat and I'ow
er Company by the said George E.
Daniels and Maggie, his wife, by deed
dated the second day of February,
A. D. 1905, and recorded in the of
fico for the recording of deeds in and
for the County of Cambria aforesaid,
in Deed Book, Vol. 172, page 301.
Also all that certain vein or seam
of coal, known as tiie "Limestone
vein;" Beginning at a corner oi' lands
of Dr. A. N. Wakefield and Jacob
Jacoby, thence along other lands of
Jacob Jacoby and Frank J. Hornick;
thence along line of land of Frank J.
Hornick to adjoining line of Cambria
Iron Company (now Cambria Steel
Company); thence from common
point of lands of Frank J. Hornick,
Cambria Steel Company and other
land of said Dale Light, Heat and
v Power Company, along line of Cam-
V bria Steel Company northeast, it be
ing an extenson of line along land
of Frank J. Hornick to a point, cor
ner in common with Cambria Steel
Company and Dr. A. N. Wakelleld;
thence along lino of property of Dr.
A. N. Wakefield in a southeasterly di
rection to point, corner of land of Dr.
A. N Wakefield and other property of
Jacob Jacoby, the place of beginning,
containing seven (7) acres, more or
less. Being the same seam or vein of
Coal granted and conveyed to the said
Dale Light, Heat and Power Company
by deed of Edgar H. Wise and Scliell,
his wife, dated the 29tli day of De
cember, A. D. 1906, and recorded in
the aforesaid office in Deed Book,
Vol. 191. at Pane 471, together with
all the milling rights and privileges
as mentioned and contained in thf
aforesaid deed of Edgar H. Wise and
wife to the Dale Light, Heat and Pow
er Company for said seain of coal.
11. Also all real estate, buildings,
power houses, shops, offices, plants,
works, machinery, engines, boilers,
dynamos, motors, generators, fixtures,
apparatus, pumps, reservoirs? wells
mains, pipes, standpipes, tubing,
poles, wires, overhead constructions,
underground pipes, conduits, subways,
structures, substructures, superstruc
tures, stations, substations, tools, in
struments. equipment and appliances,
materials and supplies, horses, carts
and wagons owned by the said Dale
Light, Heat and Power Company, and
wherever situate; and also all busi
ness and good-will, rights and con
tracts to sell or furnish light, heat
and power, whether by electricity or
. steam, and all rfghts. and consent's to
construct and maintain lines, mains,
wires, subways, pipes, and conduits for
conveying electricity or steam foranv
purpose through, under and over the
streets, alleys, ways, lands, lanes,
squares, parks, and public places in
the Township of Stony Creek and
Borough of Dale, all in the County
of Cambria and Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, or in any of the coun
ties. township*, boroughs and cities
situate in the . Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, now procured, held,
owned or enjoyed by the said Dale
I.ight, Heat and Power Company; and
all contracts and agreements with
said counties. townships. boroughs
and cities situate in said Common
wealth relative to or for the light
ing of the streets, alleys, wavs, lands,
lanes, squares, parks and public
places, procured, held, owned or en
joyed by the said Dale Light, Heat
and Power Company: and all corpor
ate and other franchises including the
franchise to be a corporation, mu
nicipal ordinances, licenses, agree
ments. contrncts, rights, easements
lights of way. lease and leasehold in
terests. grants, privileges and immu
nities, and all other property of every
kind, nature and description now in
any way owned, possessed or enjoy,
ed by or in any manner conferred
upon or appertaining to the said
Dale Light, Heat and Power Com
fany, or held for the said Dale I.ight.
leat and Power Company and wher
ever situate and the- reversion and
reversions, remainder and remainders,
tolls, incomes, revenues, rents, issues
and profits thereof: and also all the
estate, right, title and interest, prop
erty, possession, claims, and demands
whatsoever, as well in equity as in
law. of the sad Dale Light, Heat and
Power Company, and any and everv
part thereof; provided, however, thai
this particular description shall not
bo construed to be exclusive, it being
intended that all property, of everv
kind, nature and description. ni*w
owned, acquired, possessed, held or
enjoyed by or for the said Dale Light
Heat and Power Company, or in any
manner conferred upon the said Dale
I.ight, Heat and Power Company, or
appertaining to the property and sub
ject to the lien of said Indenture of
Mortgage, wherever situate, shall be
L offered.
Terms and conditions of sale to be
known on day of offering
Harrisburg, Pa.
Harrisburg, Pa.
Ebenaburg, Pa. 1
Woman Suffrage and
Prohibition Face Congress
By .Issuciattd Press
Washington, Dec. 5. —Outlining a
legislative program In the House to
day, Democratic Leader Kltchln said
legislation should bo confined as far
as possible to appropriations and
war measures, but that woman suf
frage and prohibition constitutional
amendment*, he expected, would he
taken up and voted on before the
Christmas holidays. Ho said conser
Treasury Statement
COMMONWEALTH OF I'KNNSVI.- Commonwealth Trust Co.,
VAMA THKAOIKY DKPAHT- Harrlsburg . . 2.16,3t>4 19
MhiVl'. Diamond National Bank,
Statementof Amount in the Several Pittsburgh, ...... .... 585,871 80
Funds at Close of Business, November Farmers & Mechanics Na-
Tii 1917 tional Bank, Philadel
l.rurrnl Kuid phia • • 583,646 16
Athens National Bank, Harrlsburg Trust Co.,
Athens SIO,OOO 00 Harrlsburg 260,109 16
Bank of Donora, Donora, 20,000 00 Quaker City Trust Co.,
Hertford fountv Trust Philadelphia, 416,0.14 40
Co. Bedford 25.000 00 Cash on hand 1,000,000 00
Brookville Title & Trust ■
Co., Brookville 5,000 00 Total Amount in General
Carnegie Trust Co., Car- * " nd so,oh-,500 82
I negle ......... 50,000 00 Sinking Fund
lnXna .° . " 10,000 00 Anthracite Trust Co..
C1 Mey n erda?e ional ""'"l*.' 30,000 00 ArXba"ld° Bank,' Archb'a'ld. 'iiooo 00
Ci fek,n^r tt L Uttnk : 90.000 00 10.000 00
Citizens 'i llle Ar Trust Co., * Bradloid National Bank,
Unfontown . . .?. 25.000 00 Bradford 15.000 00
Citizens irust Co.. Citizens Bank of Fayette
ClaHon ....... 15.000 00 City. Fayette City 20,000 00
r*l#arHlri \"*i tional Bank, Citizens State Bank, W ii*
CMearfield ■ -'O,OOO 00 liamsport 5,000 00
Conewango' 'Trust Co.. Commercial National
Warren 5,000 00 Bank, Bradford Ij.OOO 00
fnn-iv 'l'l-uit f'o Somer- Commercial Trust Co..
set . 10,000 00 llarrisburg 5,000 00
, ' Trust Co. Colonial National Bank.
HarrVsburg . . ■... 15.000 00 Conncllsviiie 25,000 00
Citizens Bank, Freeland,. 20,000 00 tarmera Bank, Parks-
County Savings Bank, 'V'™' •••••••••• 0.000 00
Seranton 100,000 00 farmers & Traders Na-
Cltfzens Bankinir Co Oil tional Hank, Westfleld, 10,000 00
Citizens Banking 0.. Un flo Fredonia Natlonal Bank ,
Carnegie National Bank, Fredonia. ... ... ...... 5,000 00
Clymer National Bank, r- Cr < eSS °w V" V ' 'ii' 'i/ '.500 (K>
rivmer .. . 10,000 00 First Natlonal Bank.
Pinion Bradford 15,000 00
Pittston . .' 15,000 00 First National Bank.
FaVt Em'l Savings & Carnegie u,OOO 00
' Trust Co., Pittsburgh,. 50,000 00 ' y N Tr ee* *' Uanli> in 000 00
Farmer!'. Ai Mechanics Brry „ff®f lo,ooo 00
Trust Co., West Chester, 65,000 00 rraieton Bank,
Farmers & Merchants wiV . '£" ■"
Bank. West Newton. •• . 10,000 00 ri £?' ville Bank,
Farmers & Merchants Na- v.ha '' i" a' ' i,' '
ftonal Bank, .Tyrone, .. 5,000 00 If' afi^'l 5 tional Bapk, . ftnfn nn
I''rmirs Miners Trust Mansfield 10,000 00
I Co Punxsutawney 15,000 00 First National Bank.
Farmerj NafionaT iiunk. Montgomery . 10,000 00
Canton . 5,000 00 first National Bank,
Fayette Title * Trust Co.. Wibnington, '' j ' 5 °°° 00
] I'niontown 50,000 00 I' >st National Bank,
' Federal Trust Co.. Phlla- P tton :, ■•••\ •■■ •• 13.000 00
! deinhia 5,000 00 first .National Bank,
I Frankford Trim Co state College 5,000 00
Philadelphia 5,000 00 First National Bank,
I Freenort Bank of Kree- Susquehanna 30,000 00
port Freeport 10,000 00 Grange National Bank,
National Bank, Patton ~ ... . 10,300 00
* Montrose 15,000 00 F 'rst National Bank,
First Nation-U Bank Meshoppen 20,000 00
i "au.asr .. M .. .. °°-:
\ "&'• - m SSUJ^T\ .>=~..
I 'lilack Lock"" ... .' 10,000 00 U Monacal . . Bank .' 5,000 00
I Fl ße t rwick' ltlonal 15an "' 10 000 00 Monongolieia Nationai
ri -e viiii'mii' Bank ' Bank, Brownsville 50,000 00
' ,TV T "0 000 Oft Miners & Merchants De-
Flri\ \Ttlonai' ''.Bank Bank, Portage... 5,000 00
l (Mlfton HeiShts "5 National Bank of West
-„ w drove. West Grove, ... 5,000 00
if ' -> ooti oft Pattison National Hunk.
i ,Dcr r y. •••:• -o.OOW Elk . land 10.000 00
rfu.hn.v Bank, 10 000 00 Potter Title & Trust Co.,
First National Bank Pitt/burgh 30,000 00
- .. ..
3 %£• ■S? 00 y5ug5n". ..........
• Uovriahnri onK. . a aaq 00 Sheraden Hank. Pitts
, Harrlsburg 4u.uuu uu K„ r -h tonnn no
j rj'sVlßt'.°" B .'. .. Bank : 5.000 00 Trust" Co./son,: '
| F ofypha^, tl ° nal .. Bank ' 10.000 00 iTrust ' Co.', " *
First National Bank, Tinia rJlUntv Vv'in<r U ' ' V ' '
I'ortaire 10 000 00 ™'°^ a <-°u.nt> Sa\ings & .
First National Bank. w lvne "3.000 00
<„vro 10 000 00 County ha\ ings
First 'Nationalßank ' Bank. Honesdale. ..... 25.000 00
r , ftftft oft Farmers & Mechanics Na-
Nafional ' Bank. M# ° °° nk '
Tyrone 10.000 00 P" la ' • : MlO 02
First National Bank. Ci _i,
Wellsboro 35,000 00 r °l a J A,'"° unl ,n s,nk " 1(!R1 11ft fto
First Kiton il Tlanl
Williamsport .' 30.000 00 ,inrae I'roteetlon and Propagation
' 'vnVu Natlona ' Bank, American National Bank,
First K - National • Bank, - M °° ° • Savin,,' * ,25 - o °° °°
Fi)st lkln Nationi i'' Bank '-'• 00 " "° Trust Co.. Kbensburg..' 35.000 00
•Turtle Creek, .. . 15.0ft0 00 Fl a^^la Trusl Co - '' h - , 0 00u 00
o „NTationttl Knnk ' -0 000 oft Kirst NationaV ' Bank, '
iriri? vHnV 'rl.nl,' • ?° BlairsvlUe 75.000 00
Bank. First National Bank,
NaHonai''' Bank Jessup 10,000 00
Plymouth Fans. L nion Trust Co.. Donora. 10,000 00
iPiri? '' n„k Union Trust Co. of Penna..
Pittston Bank, Harrlsburg 10,000 00
F,rat National Bank. ' Co ^ al Co., Pitts-
Trafford rity. ...... . • 10.00U i0 JU '° S.llo 47
in rat National Rank.
Intercourse 10,000 00 ' a
Hanover Bank of Wilkes- station Fund ni4 If. 47
Barre, AViikes-Barro, . . r.,000 00 a.ion Fund, ...... 314,110 47
HeVhts Ileposit >Bank. , 'v" nd
Wilkes-Barre 15.000 00 • t
Jeannette Savings & ohia " hiiadel- , ,
Trust Co.. .. 10,000 00 plllu *99,390 0 U
TrU " r . 0 .-. . I ' a : 75 000 00 Total /mount in Insur-
rotmty National i-'iiuh ' I'i r "• i t ° 3
Bank, Wilkes-Barre, . . 10,000 00 d Si ? Bounties
Lu/ern.. National Bank. Somerset ' ftftn no
Bank °° of Coatesl $ -°' oo<> °°
Willlaiis'port 10,000 00 p r Vvldenne ' Spm ' ' 2u ' 000 00
Lincoln Trust Co.. Scran- Providence Bank. Scran
♦ fltl fiA 000 Oft n * -.,000 00
Miirino Vflt'innni Ttnniv ' Diamond National Rank.
RHe! . . 25,000 00 Pittsburgh 107,926 07
Marlon Centre National Tr.lol i„
Ma" 'street* f '° '> of BoTn-'
Bank. S. amok In 10.000 00 t,pß, Motor r.m' ,18i! ' 9 - C 07
Miners Bank. Wilkes- Bank of North* Amulet.
Miners" Savings"'Bank. ' Dime"ltan , k h 'nV 'pit " ,20 ' 000 00
™ tston 100 000 oo 1 .° f .! ttßton : ] g 000 00
Metronolltan National Farmers Trust Co,, Car-
Bnnk. Pittsburgh 50,000 00 lisle 60 000 00
McDowell National Bank. „ „„ Fulton Nationai ' liank,
M. S i n 1 " 0 ?."!." O Vn'.'i; " -5,000 00 ILancaster 10,000 00
Middle City Bank, Phlla- Jenkintown National
delphia, •••••• •••••■• 50.000 00 Bank, Jenkintown 10,000 00
Nsnticoke National Bank, Third National Bank.
Nantlcoke, ...... 10.000 00 Philadelphia 25,000 00
National Bank of Jersey Union Natlonal Bank.
Shore. Jersev Shore. .. 10,000 00 Johnstown 10 000 00
North Philadelphia Trust Union Trust Co. of Penna..
< 0.. Philadelphia, •■••• 10,000 00 Harrishtirg 30 000 00
Northern Central Trust Union Banking & Trust
Co.. Williamsport. .... 50,000 oft C..„ Dußols. ....... . 10 000 00
Nszareth National Bank, Washington Trust Co.
Nazareth, •••••• 00 Pittsburgh 10,000 00
Oil City Trust Co., Oil Ilnrrishurg Trust Co.,
Cltv 10.000 00 Harrisburg 77 337 19
Peoples Bank of McKces- [
port. McKeesport, . .... 50,000 00 Total Amount in Motor
Pcon'es National Bank, Fund S'77 <ll
Mifflin, ...... ........ 1..000 00 Manurnctnrinar Fund
Peoples Nationai Bank, Commonwealth Trust
Monessen ••••;• la.ooo 00 fo.. Harrisburg $3E,064 03
Peoples National Bank, |
Stewartstown 15,000 00 Total Amount in Manu-
Peonles Pavings & Dime facturing Fund 535 064 03
Bank. Scranton Sa.ooo 00 Sf School Fund
Plymouth National Bank, _ Commonwealth Trust Co.
Plymouth 45,000 00 Harrisburg ' tc 010 f n
Peonies National Bank, ' ""
Mt. Pleasant 15,000 00 Total Amount in State
Beal Kstate Trust Co.. School Fund IS 352 fift
Trust ' Co.; ,o ' o3o 00 T " a , bo \f statement includes the
Philadelphia 50,000 00 2.?I nes °'.f Banks, Corporations and
n BRnk o 'Bed r Liot^ atl ° na ' 10,000 00 Fun^i " are depoaTted.* mones s of sai(i
Second National' Bank. ' the "safe keeping of by the h Mm Ut ® f ° r
Aitnnnn 10 OftO 00 . sate Keeping or the same.
Se. ond Nationni' Bank ' of ' jB "ve/by the*Stata Pe , nt " m
Frankford. Philadelohia. 5,000 00 u™ IVe " by the State on such de-
South Philadelphia State
Bank. Philadelphia. ... 10.000 00 STATK OF PENNSYLVANIA
Siinuehanna Trut 6 Safe City of Harrisburg.
Denosit Co.. Williams- Before me, Charles A. Snyder Au
port 30,000 00 ditor General, personally appeared
a wnrlhmore National Harmon M. Kephart, State Treasurer
Bank. Pwarthmore. ... 20,000 00 who being duly sworn according to
Security Title & Trust Co., _ law, salth that the foregoing state-
York 25,000 00 ment is true and correct to the best
TTnion Trust Co., Pitts- of his knowledge and belief
burgh 75,000 00 • Sworn and subscribed before me
West Branch National this 4tli day of December, 1917.
Bank. Willia.msport, .. 20.000 00 HARMON M. KEPHART
West Side Bank, Pittston, 10,000 00 State Treasurer.
Tough Trust Co.. Con- CHARLES A. SNYDER.
nellsville 50,000 0.0 Auditor General,
Mellon National Bank. Published in pursuance of the pro-
Plttsburarli 100 000 00 visions of Section 11. Act or February
Corn Exchango National 17, 190 U.
Bank. Philadelphia. ... 319.749 12 CHARLES A. SNYDER,
Colonial Trust Co., Pitts- Auditor General,
burgh 475.725 99 Harrisburg. Pa. I
vation measures would be consid
Weist A. Grove, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Grant U. Grove. 215 Cumber
land street, has enlisted in the United
States Aviation Service. He left last
night for Columbus, Ohio, where he
will receive his equipment, and will
rejfort. later at Dallas, Texas, for in
structions. This young man Is a
graduate of Tech High School, and
also of the Pennsylvania Kailroad
school for apprentices.
Rallies Over Yesterday's Final Quotations Extend From
Large Fractions to More Than Point—Liberty
Bonds Yield Slightly
By Associated Press
New York, Dec. 5. —Wall Street. —
Stocks were moderately well sup
ported at the opening of to-day's :
trading, rallies over yesterday's final
quotations extending from large
fractions to more than a point in
important Issues. U. H. Steel gained
IV* points and leading rails were
substantially better, notably Union
Pacific and Reading. Utah Copper
and Crucible Steel also strengthened. |'
Shippings, sugars and tobaccos were;
heavy and Continental Can broke |,
five points. Liberty Bonds yielded |.
Prices moved in the customary
erratic manner during the first hour,
strong stocks reacting, while a few
backward issues hardened. The
market continued under the influ
ence of the President's message,
however, general unsettlem'ent de- '
veloping later. All gains were lost| (
and leaders touched variably under
vesterday's quotations. United States,
Steel fell 2 points to 87 and other i
industrials were equally heavy. Kails I
lost 1 to 3 points with specialties. I
Liberty 4's sold at 97.36 to 97.62 andj
the at 98.64 to 98.64. |
Chandler Brothers and Company,
members of New York and Philadel
phia Stock Exchanges 3 North Mar
ket Square, Harrisburg; 1336 Chestnut
street. Philadelphia: 31 Pine street,
New York —furnish the following
quotations: Open. 2 P.M.
Allis Chalmers 17% 17%
American Beet Sugar .. 72% 72%
American Can 33% 33 %
American Car and Fdy.. 64% 64%
American Locomotive SO 50
American Smelting .... 7372%
American Sugar 94 ?? ?
Anaconda 55% *
Atchison 83 8..
Baldwin Locomotive ... 54 .>3-ft
Baltimore and Ohio .... 46%
Bethlehem Steel (B.) ... 75% 73%
Butte Copper ... 16% 16-S
Canadian Pacific 131% 132%
Central Leather 62% 62%
Chesapeake and Ohio .. 46% 46%
Chi., Mil. and St. Paul.. 35% 35%
Chi., R. I. and Pacific... t7% 17%
Chino Con. Copper 41 40%
Colorado Fuel and Iron. 32% 32%
Corn Products 26% 26%
Crucible Steel 53% 51%
Distilling Securities 33% 32%
General Motors 86 86%
Goodrich. B. F 36% 36 Vi i
Great Northern pfd 90 89 %
Great Northern Ore subs 26 25% j
Hide and Leather 12% 12%
Inspiration Copper 42%
International Paper .... 24% 23 k
Kennecott Copper 31 % 30%
Kansas City Southern... 16% 16%
Steel I**'* "? !
Lehigh Valley 52% 53
Maxwell Motors 26% 26 j
Merc. Marine Ctfs 22% ""}?
Merc. Marine Ctfs. pfd.. 91%
Mexican Petroleum 76% 75%
Miami Copper 27% 2,% j
Mid vale Steel 41?* 41%
New York Central 68%
N. Y.. N. H. and II 27% 27%
Northern Pacific 83% 83 i
Pacific Mail 23 23
Pennsylvania R. R 44% 44% j
Pittsburgh Coal 43 43 i
Railway Steel Spring... 40% 40-;g j
Ray Con. Copper 22 21% |
Reading Railway •jf) 7 " Jj'
Republic Iron and Steel. 75 |4
Southern Pacific 80% 80 |
Southern Railway 24% 23% j
Studebaker 42 % 41 |
Union Pacific 110% 109 .
U. S. I. Alcohol 107% 107% |
U. S. Rubber 51% 50% j
U. S. Steel 88% 86 %
U. S. Steel pfd 107%
Utah Copper
Westinghouse Mfg 37% 3<%l
Willys-Overland 19 18% j
Police Seek to Stop Use
of Drugs by Both Sexes
Efforts will be made by the police
to break up the drug traffic in the
city as the result of disclosures
made by two colored men and a
white girl, dope, victims, who are
now in the county Jail, where they
were removed after recovering at the'
hospital from a drug debauch that
nearly took their lives last night.
James Trby and Edward Carter, 904
Cowden street, were in the hospital
last night raving with the effects of
too much dope, and Carrie Yingst
was arrested by Detective Speece, on
the charge of securing the drug.
It is said that the Yingst girl,
who is slightly over nineteen, is in
the habit or entering drug stores
and asking to be allowed to go be
hind the prescription counter to ad
just her skirts, and in so doing, pur
loins the drugs.
Third Street May Be Made
48 Feet Wide Along Capitol
City Commissioner Lynch stated
to-day the cost of the proposed j
changes and improvements on the]
eastern side of Third street from j
Walnut to North streets, probably I
will not exceed $16,000 for the city, j
provided an arrangement can be j
made with the Harrisburg Railways I
Company to pay for the paving be-1
tween its tracks when they have j
been moved to tlve middle of the ,
widened street.
The changes include widening the <
roadway to forty-eight feet, chang
ing the width of the sidewalk on the 1
west side of the street from eleven
to sixteen feet, moving the trolley 1
tracks to the middle of the road- \
way at a width of forty-eight feet, :
and replacing the eastern curbing, j
Congressman Fess Will
Address Institute :
Congressman S. I). Fess. who has j 1
made a number of addresses in the |
city during the last few years, will r
be the principal speaker on Friday j
evening and Saturday morning, at the 1 |
sessions of the city teachers' insti
tute. which will be held in the Tech
nical High School auditorium.
Superintendent F. E. Downes to
day announced the program for the J
institute. Both addresses by Con
gressman Fess will be on the war, 1
explaining the present international ! ,
situation and the part this country
must play to win the war. Because
of the need of the Ohio stateman in j
Washington, the Saturday session ot
the institute will begin one hour
Mrs. Israel Ellenberger, formerly i i
of this city, died yesterday at the; .
home of her brother, Irvin M. Hean, | 1
of Lebanon. Mrs. Ellenberger lived j
for many years at 204 Harris street, 1
and was actively interested in the j
work of Grace Methodist Episcopal
Church. W. G. Hean, manager of j 1
the Twentieth Century Shoe Com-' '
pany store, is a brother of Mrs. i
Ellenberger. Funeral services will j j
be held in Lebanon Thursday,
By Associated Pross
Philadelphia. Dec. 5. Wheat
Steady, No. i. rod. *2.21: No. 1. uotl.
red. $2.25; No. 2. red. $2.24; No. 2, oU.
red. $2.22; No. 3. red. $2.21; No. 3. soft,
red. $2.19; No. 4. red. $2.17: No. 4. b. ic.
red. *2 16. ,
Corn . Market nominal; No. 2,
yellow, $2.35<u Z.4U. No. 3. No . aim
So. 5. yellow nominal.
Oats The market is firm; No. -,
whitefl 80% ® 81c; No. 3. white, 79%
Bran Firm and higher; soft
winter, per ton. $ 14.50@46.00; spring,
per ton, $44.00@44.50.
Refined Sugars Market firm,
powdered. 8.45 c; tine granulated.
X 35c. confer tin tier.- A. 8.25 c.
Butter The market is unchanged;
western, creamery, extras, 49c; near
by prints, fancy, 53c.
Eggs Unchanged; Pennsylvania,
and other nearby firsts, freo cases,
$16.20©)16.60 per case; do., current re
ceipts, free cases, $15.90 per case;
western, extras, firsts, free caoen
$16.20@ 16.50 per case; do., firsts, free
cases, $15.90 per case.
Live Poultry—Steady; fowls, 21®)
24c; rooster, 18c; spring chickens,
20@24c; ducks, 24®26e; do., Indian
Runner, 20<g>22c; turkeys, 27@2Sc;
geese, 22®23c.
Dressed Poultry Firm; turkeys,
nearby choice to fancy, 35®36c; do.,
fair to good, 32®)34c; do., old, 34@36c;
do., western, choice to fancy, 34@35c;
do., fair to good, 32®p3c; do.,
old toms, 30@32c; do., old, common,
24®25c; fowls, fancy, 27@27%c; good
to choice, 25@26c; small sizes, 20®
24c; old roosters, 22c; broiling chick
ens, nearby, 28® 36c; do., western, 27®
28c; roasting chickens, western, 21®
26c; ducks, nearby, 22®28c; do., west
ern, 20®26c; geese, nearby, 22@25c;
geese, western, 22® 24c.
Potatoes Quiet, steady; New
Jersey, No. 1, per basket, 75®90c (33
lbs.); New Jersey, No. 2, per basket,
40®60c; New Jersey, per 100 lbs., $1.90
@2.10; Pennsylvania. 100 lbs.. $2.20®
2.55; New York, per 100 lbs., $1.90®
2.10; western, per 100 lbs., $1.75®
Flour The market is quiet,
but steady; winter straight,
$10.10®10.25; Kansas, clear. $9.75<W
10.20; do., patents, sll.oo® 11.40;
spring firsts, clear, spot, $10.50® 10.75;
spring firsts, clear, mill shipment.
$9.75@10.10; spring. bakers patent.
P9t, $11.50@1j.75; spring patent, mill
shipment, $10.65®10.95; spring, family
brands. $11.30® 11.8.1.
Hay The market is firm; tim
othy (according to lucatiun)
No. 1, large bales, $27.50®28.00; No. 1,
small bales, $27.50®28.00; No. 2, $26.00
@26.50; No. 3. $23.U0®24.5U; sample.
$19.00@21.00, no grade,
Clover mixed hay. L>leht mlxe-1
|26.00@26.50; No. 1, do., $25.00®25.50;
So. 2. do. 1 . $22.00® 23.00.
By Associated Press
Chicago, Dec. 5. Cattle Re
ceipts, 18,000; firm. Native beef steers,
$7.15@15.50; western steers, $6.25®
13.50; stockers and feeders, $6.10®
10.90; cows and heifers, $5.15® 11.40;
calves, $7.50® 14.25.
Sheep Receipts, 19,000; firm.
Wethers, $8.80®12.90; lambs. $12.50®
Hogs Receipts, 32,000; firm. Bulk
of sales, $16.90@17.35; light, $16.55®
17.30; mixed, $16.75®17.45; heavy,
$16.80® 17.45; rough, $16.75@ 16.85;
pigs, $12.75 ® 16.80.
By Associated Press
Chicago, Dec. s.—Board of Trade
Corn—January, 1.21 ; May, 1.19%.
Oats—December, 74%; May, 72%."
Pork—January, 47.25.
Lard—January, 24.52; May, 24.37,
Ribs—January 25,37; May, 25.35.
Shamrock Co. Organizes
Woman's Auxiliary
Members of the Shamrock Fire
Company had busy sessions Monday
and yesterday. In addition to the
election of officers, a women's aux
iliary was organized, with an enroll
ment of fifty members. These offi
cers were elected: President, Mrs.
Mary McClanaghan; vice-president,
Miss Ethel Miller; secretary, Miss
Mary Miller; treasurer, Mrs. G. Beth
el. The meetsings of the auxiliary
will be held on the first Tuesday of
each month The members' wiVes,
mothers, daughters or sisters are in
vited to join.
These officers were elected by the
company: President. J. 1,. Redman;
vice-president, Lewis Miller: record
ing secretary, Charles Wolford; treas
urer. Charles K. Low; trustees, J. H.
Moore, A .R. Haas and H. J. McClana
ghan; foreman. C. K. Ludwig; first
assistant foreman, Edward Metzger;
second assistant foreman. Martin Da
vis; delegate to the state convention,
Clayton Wenrick: alternate delegate,
Lewis Miller; delegates to the Cum
berland Valley convention, J. Weaver,
Herman Roemig, Uwrencp Robison;
delegates to the Firemen's Union. J.
L. Redman, Charles Wolford, Frank
Ellis: delegates to the Firemen's Re
lief. Charles Wolford, Elmer Hiney,
J. H. Moore.
Rapid Progress Being Made
on Postoftice Construction
Contractor Augustus Wildman has
done so well in the completion of the
federal building job that he is re
ceiving many compliments on every
hand. He expects to have all the
outside rubbish cleared away in a
few days and the sidewalk on the
south side of Locust street will again
appear to view after an absence from
sight for several years.
Postmaster Sites hopes to get
into the remodeled building early in
To Cure n Cold In One l)ny
Tablets. Druggists refund money if it
fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signa
ture is on each box. 30c.—Advertise
For Sale
Large tract, over half acre,
near main thoroughfares, east
of P. R. R-. on Herr, Sassafras,
and Twelfth streets.
Longest side (221 feet) faces
City Park.
Sewers, gas and water mains,
above highest floods.
City laws permit frame
Close to R, R. shops and
Trolley car barns.
For sale in one piece. No
Apply to
C. H. Orcutt
207 Cumberland Street
Harrisburg, Pa.
Fish to Reduce
Cost of Living
Aid of the state pure food authori
ties has been enlisted to see that the
fish from Lake Erie which the
Fresh Water Fish Association plans
to send broadcast over the state in
ten-pound lots to he 1p cut down
the price or lood reach the consum
ers In good condition. H. Hinrichs,
Jr., head of the fresh fish organiza
tion, who was here yesterday, said
that Erie and lake ports had a phen
omenal catch and that Immense
quantities of fish could be shipped !
over the state and bring down prices. |
Ho conferred with Commissioner ot 1
Fisheries Buller and Food Commis-!
sioner Foust and will put his plan I
into effect to educate the people to I
eat fish. I
State agricultural authorities de
clare that there are 334 poultry es
tablishments in Pennsylvania which
are carrying 500 hens this winter.!
They are urging that farmers who al
low hens to roost in trees should stop
it because it interferes with laying
of eggs.
State draft oflicers said here to
day that they did not know what
steps would be taken regarding the
Austrians now in the United States
Army camps and employed in muni
tions plant in the event that war is
declared on Austria. "The matter is
a serious one. We have many Aus
trians in the camp, Pennsylvania
having probably as many as any oth
er state. I can not say what will
be done," said Colonel Frank (i.
Sweeney. At the Department of La
bor and Industry it was said that as
to Austrians employed in munitions
plants the state would await govern
mental action.
The nante of the Town Meeting
party has been pre-empted for Cum
berland county legislative district by
J. W. Bailey, Samuel Bentz, B. D.
Benfer, A. A. Thomson, G. L. Dosh,
U. G. Epply and J. C. Gross, all of
The complaint against the Fishing
Creek crossing of the Pennsylvania
railroad was postponed by the Coun
try Club of Harrisburg late yester
day by filing of the new plan for the
Kx-Senntor Walter T. Merrick,
William Hatfield and Republican
Chairman C. A. Sheldon, of Tioga
county, were here to-day conferring
with Thomas A. Crichton, cashier of
the State Treasury, regarding politi
cal matters.
Insurance Commissioner Ambler
and Deputy McCulloch wet'e in New
York to-day relative to insurance re
ceiverships. Mr. Ambler expects to
hear from the Philadelphia under
writers relative to the increase in
rates in a day or so.
Senator George W. Sassaman. of
Reading, was among Capitol visitors.
Pardons recommended by the
state board last week and approved
by the Governor were issued to-day.
Secretary of Agriculture Charles
E. Patton, who was in Washington
to-day on food conservation matters,
will spend to-morrow in Philadel
Highway Commissioner O'Neil
spoke at Pottsville to-day before the
Schuylkill Motor Club.
Dr. H. li, Hull, associate eliief
medical inspector, returned to-day
from Clearfield county where he was
engaged in rounding up the small
pox cases. There are twenty-four in
the Blue Ball district alone and he
says the condition is serious.
The Board of Public Grounds and
Buildings has been granted permis
sion by the State Water Supply Com
mission to build a bridge in Tioga
Can Change Architect—The Attor
ney General's Department, to-day ad
vised Lewis S. Sadler, chairman of
the commission for erection of the
state institution for inebriates, that
the commission may select a. new
architect. The former commission
engaged an architect, but last winter
four additional members were named
who desire to employ a new archi
tect. It is held that the commission
mav make a change, but must pay
the first architect.
Appointed Judge Governor
Brumbaugh to-day appointed Judge
elect Robert B. McCormick. of the
Clinton-Elk-Cameron district, to fill
th>i unexpired term of the late Judge
Harry Alvan "Hall.
Want Flag Stop—The Public Serv
ice Commission was to-day re
quested by residents of Fortuna to
obtain a flag stop for that town from
the Reading Railway lines.
Must Run Trains—The New York
and Pennsylvania Railroad, whose
line in Northern Pennsylvania was
sold a few days ago, was to-day
ordered by the Public Service Com
mission to continue service until le
gally authorized by the commission
to abandon it. Complaints were made
that the company was about to with
draw trains without having made ap
plication to the state authorities.
Increases Filed—The Hyde Park
Gas Company, of Scranton; the liar
wood Electric Company, of Hazle
ton. and several Western Pennsyl
vania telephone companies have filed
notices of increase in rates with the
Public Service Commission.
Company Apin-als—The hearing
in the Fayette County Gas Company
complaints from Uniontown anil
Connellsville was canceled by the
Offices and
Store Room
For Rent
in the new
Lowengard Building,
210 N. Third St.
Modern Store Room, at
tractive display windows.
Store dimensions 22x100.
Offices, single and in
suites of two and three
rooms, including light,
heat and janitor service.
Ready for occupancy
December Ist.
H. and L. Lowengard
Courier Office,
320 Market St.
DECEMBER 5, 1917.
Public Service Commission to-day
because an appeal from a declßlon
of the commission In regard to In
terstate transportation of gas had
beon filed and application made to
have It aet as a supersedeas.
Telephones Cost More— The Craw
ford Mutual Telephone Company, of
tiprlngboro and vicinity; Meadvilie
Telephone Company and Fallowlield
Telephone Company, I-tnesville. and
tile Plain Grove Telephone Company,
of Volant and vicinity, have filed no
tice of increase of rates effective
January 1.
Orthodox Jewish Rabbis
Adjourn After Banquet
The semiannual convention of the
Union of Orthodox Rabbis of United
States and Canada adjourned last
night after a banquet held at the
home of Rabbi Silver, 629 Boas street.
Twenty-three rabbis were present.
Discussions of welfare work for the
Jewish soldiers, and aiding war suf
ferers, were features of the various
sesions. A ten-million-dollar fund Is
being raised by the Orthodox Jews
for war work. Julius Rosenwald, a
Chicago philanthropist, has agreed to
Direct etvice on fut twin-screw
steamer* bom New York to
HAVANA A S?c'u°r
Sailings every Saturday
MEXICO SAllncs" 111 |l
To Progreso, Vera Cruz and
8 Tampico. Frequent calls at
■ Nassau, Bahamas. Literature
B & full information on request.
S. H. CO.
J Foot of Wnll Street. New York
9 Or any Railroad Ticket Office
jj, or Authorized Tourist Agency
VIWUW \fVi "* Third and Cumberland Sta.
1 I (It, Hell Phone 1577-R.
j D. B. Kieffer & Co's. \
j 15th Annual |
il Closing Out Salej
<; o£ 200 licad of acclimated Western and West Virginia i
!> Horses, Colts and Mules. 2
At Public Sale On
ii gffeA* Friday, Dec. 7, 1917, \
ij BESn at 9.30 fl. M.
! At Middletown, Pa. J
|! .We will sell the following live stock: 1 carload of extra 2
!j good big rugged and all purpose Western Horses and Colts, £
<; shipped direct by W. M. Grove. These horses range in age £
from 3 to 6 years and weigh up to 1,600 lbs. each; 1 carload *
j I of West Virginia Horses and Colts, bought by C. G. Grove. *
j! of Martinsburg, \V. Va., consisting of good big feeders, all J
!> purpose, carriage and fancy driving horses and colts, ranging £
!; in age from sucking colts to 5-vear-olds; 150 head of acclimat- >
j; cd and commission Horses and Mules, consisting of good big £
finished draft horses, general purpose horses, \vagon horses, *
farm chunks, single line leaders, carriage and fancy driving |
<> horses. These horses arc all broke to all harness and city ob- $
Ij jeets and range in age from 4to 10 years. Our 57 Variety $
! Kind and Commission Horses and Mules of all ages and $
j! faults from a real good thin horse to the high dollar kind. J
!l Mules—will have a lot of all kinds of mules, ranging in age J
!; from 2 to 15 years, consisting of good big mated teams, sin- >
;! gle mules and a lot of unbroken Missouri mules; also some #
j! good smooth, fat marc mules, suitable for the Southern trade, j
Jl Don't forget the dav and date, Friday, December 7, 1917, J
j! at 9.30 A.M. * 2
D. B. Kieffer & Co. I
;! P. S.—We can use any amount of Horses for this sale 2
!j weighing from 1,050 to 1,300 lbs., ranging in age from 5 to 2
<j 10 years, standing from 15-1 to 16-1 hands high, and must >
j; be sound; suitable for the U. S. Government. Bring them
; in; we will buy them from you or sell them for you. j,"
i *
The young lady in this picture is seen winding
silk from skeins to the bobbins. •
This is the operation making ready for the knit
ting. .
In the Winding Department of the Moorhead
Knitting Company, the work is simple, clean and
"A Good Place to Work"
Moorhead Knitting Mill
Makers of for. Men and iSSfemenj
give $1,000,000 of thia amount, pro
vided the remainder la contributed by
Orthodox Jewa of the nation and of
Canada. An appropriation of $3,000
for destitute rabbin In the war zone
was made, and It wan resolved that
a contribution be made toward the
support of the Rabbinical College, of
New York City.
~ -\
Board Of Trade Building
For Rent
Religious Services
Commonwealth Trust Co.
Reading Transit
& Light Company
6 per cent Secured Notes
Due August 1, 1919
Circular on request
Bonbright & Company
437 Chestnut St.,
New York Boston Detroit
London Paris Chicago