Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 05, 1917, Image 12

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Final Drive For Recruits to
Be Made Here Next
Recruiting officers, under Lieuten
ant Lesjier, are making preparations
for the grand drive before the close
of the time limit in which they can
enlist selective service eligibles. The
biggest thing planned is a meeting of
the citizens of llarrisburg to take
jilace in Chestnut Street Auditorium
next Tuesday evening. At this meet
ing there will be a number of speak
ers who will set forth to the draft
eligibles the advantages of enlisting
rathe.r than waiting for the ruling of
the draft board. The speakers will
emphasize the opportunities open to
skilled mechanics to advance during
their terms in the service of Uncle
• Sam. The formation of lighting units,
especially for the dying service, will
be discussed by all the speakers. The
members of the lted Cross will attend
the meeting in a body, the gallery be
ing reserved for them.
Two of the speakers announced for
the evening are the Rev. Dr. George
Edward llawes, of the Market Square
Presbyterian Church, and Sergeant
John K. Blake, who will "scuss the
various phases of Army life. \ num
ber of other speakers will be announc
ed later.
Lady Gives Simple Home Kccipe
Tliat She Vscd to Darken Her
Gray Hair
__ •
For years I tried to restore my
Kray hair to its natural color with j
the prepared dyes and stains, but
none of them gave satisfaction and :
they were all expensive. I finallyl
ran onto a simpe recipe which I j
mixed at home that gives wonderful i
results. 1 gave the recipe, which is
as follows, to a number of my
friends, and they are all delighted j
with it. To 7 ozs. of water add a]
small box of Barbo Compound, 1 oz.
of bay rum and >4 oz of glycerine.
These ingredients can be bought at
any drug store at very little cost.
Use every other day until the hair
■becomes the required shade. It will
not only darken the gray hair, but
make it soft and glossy. It IS not
sticky or greasy and does not rub off. i
If the purchaser of this
brand of hose is not satisfied
with the wearing quality, re
turn then> to us and get a new
pair for them.
1117 N. 3rd St.
Surest Cough Remedy
Made from Globe Pine
Easily Made at Home. Very Economical
Especially Good for Children
Procure two ounces of prlycerine and a
half ounce of Globe Pine Compound
(Concentrated Pine) from your drugget.
Jt Mix these with six heaping
- tableapoonfuls of granulated
-3Kjfc *ugar in half a glass of water.
Take a teaspoonful as often as
necessary to give relief. Be sure
, to get Globe Pine Compound
(Concentrated Pine). No other
answer the purpose in this
I formula which conies from eminent
medical source and makes the
mos * effective, pleasant and
prompt-acting remedy for coughs
and colds affecting the bronchial tubes
or throat. As can be seen it contains no
harmful drugs and may be used freely.
Toris Rheumatism Treatment
Gives Prompt, Lasting Results
Mix together one ounce of Toris Com
pound ; one ounce of Syrup of Sarsaparilla ;
half pint of Simple Elixir. Take a table
apoonfuj four times daily. Adv.
l'er<*olntor t stuvfs, ffrills, water
heaters, ownette*, loonier*, hot
IIIIIIN, iiiuMMiitfe vibrator*. luiir
dryer*, neulm; machine motor**,
and —well jUMt *tep in mid we %vi 11
he fflntl to hh them.
Chas. H. Mauk * U oth 1
flo PP. N. A™ ST.
Free Lecture on Christian Science
Of Syracuse, New York
Member of the Board of lectureship of The Mother Church, The First
Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass., under the auspices of
First Church of Christ, Scientist, of Harrlaburg, will lie delivered in
SUNDAY AFTERNOON, December 9, 1917, at 3.15
Plan For Community Camp
Discussed and Commit
tee Is Appointed
At the bi-monthly meeting of the
Scoutmaster of H&rrisburg Boy
Scouts, it was decided that Boy
Scouts will assist in the sale of
Christmas seals, the sale to begin
Friday, and continue until Decem
ber 22. Three prices for the high
est sales will be given by William
Strouse and Company.
Discussion of plans for a com
munity Scout camp was a feature of
the meeting. A committee will be
appointed to investigate and present
a detailed report.
Scoutmaster Edward Manser will I
be master of ceremonies for the Boy J
Scouts rally to be held in thej
armory Monday night. The cere-1
monies open at 7.30 and continue
until 9.15. Following the rally in
the armory, the st'outs will parade
down North Second street to Mar
ket street, where they will disband.
Monthly rnjlies will be held during
the five winter months.
U-Boat Sinks British
Steamer Apapa With
Loss of 80 Passengers
London, Dec. s.—The British |
steamer, Apapa has been torpedoed i
and sunk, according to the morn
ing papers. Eighty passengers and |
the crew of the vessel perished.
About one hundred and twenty pas
sengers were saved. It is reported
tl'.at the submarine fired on women
and children in open boats.'
The British steamer Apapa, ac
cording to the Daily Mail, was near
in:; home after a two months' voy
age when she was torpedoed without
warning. The lifeboats were manned
immediately and all would have been
rescued but the submarine fired a
second torpedo while the women
and children were being lowered to
the boats, causing the ship to sink
immediately with eighty passengers
and the crew.
Another report says tliat forty pas
sengers and thirty members of the
crew were lost and that the sur
vivors were landed on the west
More Election Expense
Accounts Are Filed
James G. Miles, acting treasurer
of the Democratic County Commit
tee to-day filed the expense account
of that organization. Receipts from
a number of candidates for election
and other leaders in the party to
talled 11498 while the expenditures,
largely in small items to individuals
was $1066.fi5.
E. C. First, treasurer of the Non
partisan Committee, also filed an
account, showing receipts of $448.50
and expenditures $445.90. Charles
W. Burtnett, commissioner-elect, in
his expense account stated his ex
penses were $248.74.
Gen. Clement Back to Camp
After Trip to Battle Lines
Camp Hancock, Augusta, Ga„ Dec. ■
s.—Major General Charles M. Cle
ment returned to-dy to his division,!
the Twenty-eighth, formerly the Na
tional Guard of Pennsylvania, after
an absence of eleven weeks.
The entire division, nearly 30,000
men, turned out in review. With
the commander was Colonel King,
chief of staff, and Captain Boal, his
aid. No comment was made con
cerning the trip along the French
front made by General Clement.
Brigadier General F. W. Stillwell,
who commanded the division during
General Clement's absence returned
to his brigade, the Fifty-fifth.
2,000 Philadelphia Police
Threaten to Resign in Body
Philadelphia, Dec. 5. Declaring
the conditions under which they arc
working .ire intolerable, members of
the Patrolmen's Benevolent and Pro
tective Association, at a series of
meetings yesterday at lG2ti Arch
street, threatened t. resign from the
force in a body unless the of
which they complain are remedied.
Officers of the association declare that,
they have assurance of the co-opera
tion of 2,000 of the city's 3,250 blue
coats in such a move.
The association demands all police
men be paid an annual salary of sl,-
400, and that the police department be
taken out of polii ics.
saiqoo mq jtm jaajp? am jo JUOJJ
jo yt.iu Xutfdiuoao-B jsniu Kjuapuail
You can't think clearly when
your head is "stopped up" from .
cold in the head, or nasal catarTh.
i TryKondoris
to clear
your head
| (at no cost to you)
i 50,000,000 have used this 29-year-old re
| medy. For chron'c catarrh, sore nose,
coughs, colds, sneezing, nose-bleed,etc.
\ Write us for complimentary can, or buy
tube at druggist s. It will benefit you
/our times more than it costs.or we pay
money br.ck. For trial can free write to
KOIBOI MM. CO., Mumnin, Mm.
Head of the Military Mission
Acted Without Instructions
From State Department
Washington, Dec. u. —lt was
officially declared to-da>*'at the State
Department that both Lieut, Colonel
Judson, head of the American mili
tary mission in Russia and Major
M. C. Kerth. temporarily military at
tache, at the American embassy,
acted without instructions from this
government in presenting communi
cations to the Bolsheviki government
on the attitude of the United States
in the effort to effect separate peace
and armistice with Germany.
Ashton D. Peace, After
15 Years, Retires as
Secretary of Club
j®*-*-* *,. ,
1 '
The Harrisburg Republican Club,
at the conclusion of another very
successful and prosperous year, is
| preparing for its annual election.
I At the business meeting this week
|much regret was expressed over the
declination of Ashton D. Peace to
stand for secretary for another
twelve months. Mr. Peace, an offi
cial of the Central Iron and Steel
Works, has been unremittingly faith
ful as secretary of the club for fif
teen years and he might have had
thq office for as many more had he
chosen. He has been both popular
and efficient and has seen the club
grow from a very small beginning to
be one of the influential Republican
clubs of the state. He declined re
election for tne reason that he had
not the time for it. due to increased
I duties with the steel company.
The nominations follow: Presi-
I dent, Edward Falter; vice-president,
I Charles Tress; secretary, David Her
bert; trustees, (three to be elected)
Herman Geiger. Harry Morton, W.
{ D. Block, A. Demma. B. K. Murry,
IT. B. Rockafeller and Grant Moore;
i membership committee, Miller
1 Wiley. H. Hisenberger, H. J. Wilson,
IC. Richardson. H. Barnes.
Program Complete For
Organization of Women's
War Aid Committee
Announcement was made to-day
of the complete program for the
organization meeting of the Harris
burg Chapter, Daughters of 1917,
National War Aid, which will be held
Friday evening at 8 o'clock in
Fahnestock llall, in the Y. M. C. A.
Speakers of the evening will be
the Rev. Henry W. H. A. Hanson,
pastor of Messiah Lutheran Church
and John H. McCandless, "who will
give a talk on "Civilian Relief
All women who have registered
as members of the chapter and all
others who are eligible are urged to
attend. Those who desire to register
on Friday evening are requested to
come from 7 to 8 o'clock.
One of the best film dramas of the
war "Kor the Freedom of the World"
will be shown at the Colonial theater
next Wednesday, Thursday and Fri
day as a benefit entertainment to
raise funds for the liarrisburg chap
ter. Tickets are now on sale and
may be purchased from members ot
the organization committee.
Colored Girls Are Given
First Aid Lessons For
Red Cross War Work
Harrisburg's first class for first
aid to the injured, in which colored
girls are students, was organized last
evening at the Wickersham School
Building. Dr. Crampton is instruc
tor of the class, which is being held
under the auspices of the locsjl Red
Cross chapter. Twenty-one students
were enrolled last evening. Vacancies
are held for four additional students.
If colored girls and women who wish
to enroll as members, will com
municate with Miss Esther Poper,
president of the class, they will be
given the necessary information and
credentials. The class will meet
Friday evening at 7.30 o'clock in
the Wickersham school building.
Main Walk Along Plaza at
Waterworks Reconstructed
One of the best pieces of work of
the Department of Parks during the
present year is the reconstruction of
the main walk at the pumping house
plaza. Not only has the walk itself
been put into permanent shape, hut
the planting and the general sur
roundings have been materially im
It is the hope of Commissioner
Gross to complete the riprapping from
a point south of Hamilton street to
Hardscrafoble next spring. Consider
able filling is now being done from
Hamilton street northward to com
plete the grade from the top of the
embankment to the line of the rip
rapping along the slope. This will be
planted with the opening of spring.
A meeting of the Flower Guild, of
the Harrisburg Hospital, is scheduled
in the board room to-morrow after
noon, at 2 o'clock.
To get the genuine, call for full name
for signature of E. W. GROVE. Cures
a Cold in One Day. .10c.—Advertise
Use M c NsU'b Puln Exterminator—Ad.
Many of tlie queer habits and man-
nerisms of the Arab people of a little
colony in Asia are shown in Mme Pe
trova's latest Paramount picture. "Ex
ile," native teachers or tutors sitting
cross-legged on the ground as they
study queer books of parchment
paper; beggar children in the streets,
and the custom clapping the hands
three times to summon servants.
Mme. Petrova herself, being a noted
traveler, was able to supply many of
the little "atmospheric" touches nec
essary and with the marvelous direct
ing of Maurice Tourneur, the produc
tion breathes the very spirit of Asia.
Camp Hill Fire Company
Reorganizes and Plans j
to Buy Motor Apparatus
Camp Hill, Pa., D£<\ s.—At a
moating of the Camp Hill tire com
pany last evening officers wore elect
ed and plans made lor working joint
ly with the borough in equipping the
department with motor-driven lire
apparatus. For some time this com
pany has not been progressing in its
work due to the lack of interest in
its members.
Last evening's meeting was well
attended and thirty members were
taken into the company. Interest
in the activities of the company had
dropped so low that what few mem
bers attended to the affairs of the
organization asked 'council to take<
over the property. Council in tak- 1
ing action on the matter requested
that the fire company committee get
the majority of the company mem
bers to sign a petition showing their
willingness to make this move. This
resulted in stirring up enthusiasm
among the members and the meet
ing last evening was the culmination
of the campaign.
At the meeting speeches were
made by R. E. Calrill, if. W. Walters.
C. W. Irwin, M. 6. King. Howard
Sigler, the Rev. Raymond Ketch
ledge, pastor of the Presbyterian
Church; Elmer S. Mills and other
It wan decided to test the fire alarm
system every Saturday at noon. Oifi
cers elected were: President, R. E.
Cahill; vice-president, C. \V. Irwin;
recording secretary, G. W. James;
financial secretary, J. E. Holler;
treasurer, E. G. Naylor; trustees, M.
R. King. S. Hubertis, the Rev. Ray
mond Ketchledge and Howard Sig
Many Austrians Will
Become Alien Enemies
By Associated Press
Washington, Dec. s.—ln anticipa
tion of a declaration of war on Aus
tria, Department of Justice agents
to-day were laying plans for the ar
rest throughout the country of
scores of Austro-Hungarian subjects
suspected of being enemy agents.
Many of these men have been under
surveillance for months but lack of
definite evidence prevented their in
With the adoption of a war reso
lution nearly a million Austrian sub
jects in the United States automati
cally became enemy aliens ami
i amenable to President Wilson's re-
Icent order requiring registration of
aliens and restricting their activi
| Telephone Operators to
Form French Unit
By Associated Press
Washington, Dec. 5. A unit of 150
telephone operators, able to speak
both French and English, for imme
diate service in France, will be form
ed under the direction of the Army
Signal Corps, it was announced to
day. *
The operators. enlisted for the
duration of the war, will be given al
lowances of quarters and rations ac
rorded Army nurses in addition to the
pay and also will wear the same uni
Father John's Medicine
For Dangerous, Obsti
nate Colds. No In
jurious Drugs.
Never wait for a cold to
wear off—it wears away the
lungs instead. Neglected
colds often lead to pneu
monia. Father John's Med
icine gives prompt relief
from colds and throat trou
Guaranteed free front alcohol and
nerve-destroying drugs upon which
many modi Incs depend for their
temporary effect, and which are dan
gerous, Ix'caiisc tliey weaken the
body and allow the disease to get a
deeper hold.
Friday night and Saturday, matinee
and • night "Out—Somewhere,"
benefit the Sunshine Society.
Wednesday, matinee and night, De
cember 12—"Ix>ve o' Mike."
"Pretty Baby," Mimical Comedy Tab- 1
Ltfist three days "Fashions a la
Carte," with Hugo Jansen.
To-day and to-morrow Constance
Talmadge in "Scandal."
Friday and Saturday Mae Marsh in
"Sunshine Alley."
To-day Douglas Fairbanks in
"Reaching for the Moon."
To-morrow, Friday and Saturday
Mme. Petrova in "Exile."
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
William S. Hart in "The Silent Man."
To-day and to-morrow —"The Retreat
of the Germans at the Battle of
Arras," official war pictures; also
"The Fi&ht Trail."
Thursday Ethel Clayton in "The
Dormant Power."
Friday and Saturday William S.
Hart in "The East. Haul;" also "The
Painted Madonna."
This is the last opportunity for local
theatergoers to see the biggest show
ever presented on
"Pretty I!ab>" the Majestic stage,
nt the Mujestle The piece is in two
acts and seven
scenes, and the whole'production is
sumptuously mounted and presented.
There is a big chorus, one that Is
strong on good looks, and their cos
tumes are beautiful. Jimmie Hodges
is the principal "cutup" in the show,
and is of that droll sort, very much
similar to Raymond Hitchcock. He
gets fa*niliar with the audience at his
first appearance, and remains more or
less so until the final curtain. Mr.
j Hodges is not only a great favorite
when it comes to laugiimaking, but
1 lie is one comedian in twenty who pos
sesses a lyric tenor voice.
"Fashions a la Carte," with Hugo
Jansen, the well-known fashion de
signer, will be the leading feature
the last three days of the week. This
is a style show of unusual splendor
worked out along musical comedy
lines. Other acts on the bill are "The
Broken Mirror," a novelty comedy
sketch, featuring the Schwartz Broth
ers; Holmes and Buchanan in "Songs
of To-day and Yesterday;" Lewis and
Chapin, presenting a comedy song and
patter skit, and Bollinger and Reyn
olds, in a sensational wire-walking
The feature at the Colonial Theater
to-day and to-morrow will be a screen
presentation of Cosmo
' "Sennilnl" nt Hamilton's great serial,
'the Colonial "Scandal." in which
Constance Talmadge
blossoms fort,h as a Selznick star. One
, of the strongest roles ever brought to
the screen, is portrayed by this young
1 actress. As the Mountain Girl in Grif
fith's "Intolerance," Miss Talmadge
burst upon the world of moving pic
tures with great brilliance. In "Scan
dal" she is entrusted with a role that
: gives her splendid opportunity to dis
play her talents as an emotional
actress, and at no time is there a ten
dency for her to overact. Miss Tal
madge is gifted with a very pleasing
personality, and this, together with
' her versatility as an actress, is certain
" to win her a prominent place among
the famous screen stars. A notable
. cast has been selected for this picture.
To-day will positively be the last
day that llarrisburg motion picture
lovers as welt as
"The Hetrrnt of any man or wo
■ the Germans," man who wants to
at the VletorlH really learn about
the actual condi
tions of the war, can see the official
war pictures, "The Retreat of the Ger
mans at the Battle of Arras." These
pictures tell a story which mere
, words cannot possibly convey and
give one a more intimate idea of the
tremendous task that lies before us to
. win the war and guarantee the na
. Hons, both gieat and small, rights
j and privileges the Hun has trampled
down in this deadly conflict. In these
pictures one witnesses how thorough
ly the Germans practice their theory
' of frightfulness and destruction.
• tanks in action, observation balloons
• at work, shells bursting in the center
[ of cities and in fact practically every
. phase of the war Is shown. To-day
another interesting part of "The
Fighting Trail" is presented. For
Banish Gray Hair!
Don't look old and gray—don't
fall behind in procession.
Bring back a natural, even color to
your hair in a perfectly healthful,
simple way by using guaranteed
Q-ban Hair Color Restorer.
You ought to have beautiful
hpir; dark, lustrous and silky. Q-ban
is all ready to use—money back if
not satisfied. Sold by Geo. A. Gor
gas, and all good drug stores, 75c
per large bottle. Try Q-ban Hair
Tonic: Liquid Shampoo; Soap. Also
Q-ban Depilatory.
Hair Color Restorer
Used to I'eel So Tired and Miserable
But She's Bright and
Happy Now
"Words cannot tell you how hap
py I am ot-er the return of my
health and energy." cries Mrs.. S.
Ziegler, of 539 Rockland street, Lan
caster, Pa., whose happy smile con
firms her words of praise for Tan
lac. the master medicine.
' [ waa a sufferer from nervous In
digestion for over a year and all that
time everything I ate caused me
pain. K?n cold water would dis
tress nie and when I did force a lit
tle food down, such quantities of gas
would form that I would have a
heavy feeling in my stomach dnd I
would have paing in my back and
around my heart, that were so bad
sometimes I though't X would die.
"I had awful headaches, too, and
I was so nervous I couldn't sleep or
rest and would get up feeling so tired
and without any energy or ambition.
"Finally X started taking Tanlac
and It gave me almost immediate
relief and now I have so improved
that I can eat anything with a rel
ish and never suffer a bit afterwards.
I sleep soundly every night and wake
up fresh and rested and I haven't
had a sign of a headache in weeks."
Tanlac the famous reconstructive
tonic, is now being Introduced here
at Gorgas' Drug Store where the
Tanlac man Is meeting the people
and explaining the merits of this
master medicine.
Tanlac is also sold at 'the Gorgas
Drug Store in the P. R. R. Station;
In Carlisle at W. O. Stephens' Phar
macy; Elizabethtown, Albert W.
Cain; Greencastle, Charles B. Carl,
Mlddletown, Colin 8. Few's Phar
macy; Waynesboro. Clarence Croft's
Pharmacy; Mechanlcsburg, H. F.
ißrunhouse. —Adv.
DECEMBER 5, 1917
to-morrow, Ethel Clayton In "The
Dormant Power." ( ,
To-day ia the last opportunity to see
Donglas Fairbanks in "Reaching lor
the Moon." The picture
Doußlns is a series of laughable
t-'MlrbnnkH events, dafnanding much
nt the of the energy of
Regent the star, inclluding the
climbing of a high castle
wall, from which he plunges into the
canal below. This is one of the most
elaborate Fairbanks pictures to date,
and entailed the building of several
large sets, including a Venetian vil
Starting to-morrow for a three-day
engagement, Mme. Petrova, famous
Russian dancer, will appear for the
first time in llarrisburg in "Exile." a
red-blooded story deriving its title
from the name of a town or colony—
a Portuguese settlement. As Claudia,
wife of Perez, she falls in love with
the young American engineer who is
endeavoring to better conditions in
the lonely colony. In a furious fight
with the natives, the American saves
the life of the girl, and with the death
of her husband the pair finish out
their own span of mutual happiness.
Splendidly produced and beautifully
| acted.
Handy For the Soldiers
Useful gift, the Singer No. 20
price $3.50. Made by the Singer
Company. They do perfect work.
Put up in boxes 6x6, and are a
ready sale at all Singer Stores.
Perfect Hemstitching
By an expert operator at the
Singer Store. Prompt attention.
Terms reasonable.
Everybody \Vunts Sinner Machines
The work is good and strong, like
the soldier boys, and they use the
"Singerjl'" The Ked Crqcs, the
schools, sewing factories, and dress
makers use them. The Singer Com
pany donates a good portion of the
cash price on, the sale of each ma
chine to all charitable institutions.
Call at their store for information,
and see the different styles for
Christmas presents.—Adv.
Refutes Charge That
Vatican Is Unneutral)
London, Dec. .*. Cardinal Hourno,
Archbishop of Westminster, has com
municated to the Morning: Post a
statement from Cardinal Gasparri, the
Papal Secretary of State, answering;
the Post's accusation that the Vatican
was implicated in disruptive propa
ganda in Italy *md is unneutral.
Cardinal Gasparri declares the ac
cusation is an "atrociouiicalumny," and
■aya the Hierarchy and clergy in Italy
have jciven the most open and most
generous help to the country's cause,
and have received unreserved praise
from the Italian Parliament and Gov
Bmatism, neur tis
Soothes and Loosens Up
Those Stiff, Rheumatic
Joints, Reduces Inflam
mation and Drives Out
Don't suffer with I.umbago, Rlieu
i matism. Neuritis, pleurisy, Neuralgia
j and Congestion. Here is the quick
est and surest relief. Pain is an easy
thing to stop. Get a jar of CAM
PHOROLR from the nearest drug
store, and while you are applying
it you will wonder where the pain
has gone. The remarkable success
of CAMPHOROIJE is entirely due to
Wintergreen, Menthol and Camphor,
pjrepared in a synthetic way to give
results. It is well known that the
medical profession and medical pa
pers testify to their great curative
properties. Dr. Brigadell, Manufac
turer, Atlantic City, N. J.
U ' Tm CM
ODr. Ferdinand Kinr. New York Physician and
Medical Author, tells physicians that they should
N prescribe more orfank iron—Nuxated Iron—for
their patients—Says anaemia—iron deficiency— is
the creates! curie to the health strenfth riulityand
beauty of the modem American Woman.—Sounda
warninf arainst use of metallic iron which may
Injure the teeth, corrode the stomach and do far
more harm than rood; adviiea use of only nuxated
iron, taken three timea per day after meala. It
Hill increase the itrenfth and endurance of weak.
• nervous, run-down folks loft** in two weeks time
in many Instances. DiiftmtJ by s/l g;d drugging
1 BSv/st&
Clear <hr Voice—Uulckl? relic*.
> Hoarseness, Coughs, More Throat
Ilronehltls anil l.tarynitrltls—pleasant
ly flavored touches—S!se the Hoi.
Gorgas Drug Stores
To-day For tlic I.SMt Time
OF Alt It AS**
The Official War Picture**.
1 Alfto "THR Fl<iHTl\(i THAU/'.
Adult*, Mat., isc j Rvcn., I'.tc.
> C'hihlrvi lOc to 411 SIIOM*
Your I.aat Opportunity to See
The Tabloid Musical Come. y.
I Pretty t.lrls (ionrous Cos
tumes Clever Comedians Spe
cial Scenery.
A Special Ynndevlllr Hill For the
I.ast Three IJays of This Week
Headed by
"Fashions a la Carte"
1 Another lll K Fashion Show With
Glee Club Plans For Trip
to Camp Meade Y. M. C. A.
Members of the Pennsylvania
Railroad Glee, Club will leave at
noon Saturday for Camp Meade. The
local organization has been secused
for a concert for the soldiers under
the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. An
interesting program has been ar
ranged. Several officials of the
Philadelphia division will be the
guests of the club on this trip. It
is i robable the Harrisburgers will
remain in Baltimore over Sunday.
By Associated Press
Pokin, Dec. 5. Rebels from Hunan
province are being engaged heavily
by Government troops near Chung
king. The foreign consuls there have
telegraphed they have made every
preparation to protect foreign lives
and property, should the Government
| troops be defeated and Chungking at
Diabetes Sufferer
to Die by Friends Now
Back on Job
Warner's Safe Diabetes Remedy
produced astonishing results for Mr.
Friquct who had given up In despair.
Following is a voluntary and as
tonishing statement from Mr. Jules
Friquet, of 511 West First Street,
Los Angeles, Cal. This certainly is
evidence of the beneficial qualities
of Warner's Safe Diabetes Remedy
anl more convincing than anything
we could say. Read this:
"This letter is the best proof that
I am still alive. Your medicine is a
miracle to me. My weight was re
duced from 157 to 114 pounds when
I left the hospital. I left there Aug.
6th in despair. Hundreds pf people
that knew me said 1 would never
live to return to my studio. After
leaving the hospital, I saw your
"Ad." in the paper. T began its use
land at once commenced to improve,
|| Wm. Strouse ~m
j 10c & 15c Showing in 10c & 15c
i —in— I
l Don't miss this, the greatest Fairbank'a production.
$ To-morrow, Friday and Saturday 5
5 Famous Russian Actress in $
\ " EXILE" f
J 1011 Mill never know the real depth of lime. Petrovn'* art until S
S you Nee lier In "Kille." \ou will Hint lier CiiM'iniitiUKly fickle, divine- j
# ly devoted. lie NUre to Nee her. J
Lewis J. Selznick
of "Intolerance"
By Cosno Hamilton
Municipal Band Dance
Wednesday Evening, Dec. sth
8,110 to 11.00
Ladies 15c. Gentlemen 35c.
jk 1 iv | ■ Benefit Robert Dlsbrow Lloyd
Orpheum Theater , 15
Out-So mew here Saturday Matinee, 2.15 I
I*rlces—.2s, .50, .75, SI.OO, $1.50. Box Office Now Open.
■■■■■' 1 ' ■ ' " mm lm m I m f
ORPHEUM—Tomorrow e t ~
Jean Bedim's New Cyclonic Novelty
A Riot of fun and a bevy of pretty girls
¥ A ¥\¥ITC Any Seat You Want -g
JLi\IJIILIJ at the Matinee J.UC
Special Duty Engineer
Recovering From Injuries
Samuel H. Ressler, 1602 North
Third street, special duty engineer
on the Middle division of the Penn
sylvania railroad, who -was injured
sometime ago, is recovering slowly.
He is able to be about but will not
resume his duties for at* least two
weeks. Engineer Ressler while direct
ing special 669, fell from the engine
at Thoinpsontown and broke his arm.
During his absence William D. Bow
ers, 194 7 North Seventh street, Is
special dut yengineer.
Joliet, Ills., Dec. 5. All of the thir
teen convicts who escaped from the
State Penitentiary here early last
Monday morning, have been captured,
except one. a negro, who was serving
a life sentence for murder. He is
said to have been located in an aban
doned coal mine near Carbon Hill, and
reports from the posses searching for
him early to-day say his capture is
expected shortly.
and now everybody is saying to me
that 1 look better than ever before.
I tip the scales at 132 pounds and
I am back working again to the as
tonishment of all. i reel splendid
and people say 1 am looking better
every day. 1 must tell you that every
word I have writtei. is true, and I
can prove it by hundreds that knew
of my condition. Jules
West First Street, L,os Angeles, Cal."
Warner's Safe Diabetes Uemedy Is
made from a formula tried and test
ed and used with remarkable results
during the past 40 years. As the
name indicates, Warner's Safe Dia
betes Remedy is absolutely safe and
is made solely from herbs and other
beneficial ingredients.
Sold by leading druggists every
where. Sample sent on receipt of
ten cents. Warner's Safe Remedies
Co.. Dept. 266, Rochester. N. T.