MANY PRIZES FOR CHILDREN WHO SELL XMAS SEALS Businessmen Get Back of the Movement Aimed at Rav ages of Tuberculosis The boy or girl selling the great est number yof Red Cross Christmas Seals between December 14 and 21 will win a handsome gold watch. V* The boy and the girl selling the second highest number of seals will BETTER THAN CAIM Thousands Have Discovered Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are aHarmless Substitute Dr. Edwards* Olive Tablets—the- sub stitute for calomel—are a mill bat sore laxative, and. their effect on the fiver ia almost instantaneous. They are the re sult of Dr. Edwards s determination not to treat Ever and bowel complaintymth cakjraeL His efforts to banish it brought cot these little olive-colored tablets. The pleasant little tablets dothe good that calomel does, but have no bad after effects. They don't injure the teeth like strong liquids or calomel. They take hold of the trouble and quickly correct it. Why cure the liver at the expense of the teeth? Calomel sometimes plays havoc with the gums. Sodo strong liquids. It is best not to take calomel, but to let Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets take its place. Most headaches, "dullness" and that lazy feeling come from constipation and a disordered liver. Take Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets when you feel "loggy"and "heavy." Note how they "clear"clouded brain and how they "perk up" the spirits. 10c and 25c a box. All druggists. i^%g TWt USTBUMtWT Of QUALITY 'j| %ancra ? <| CLCAR AS c- J . |rt '] ET a Christmas V present that will X prove a treasure for JJ H The Sonera's magnifi- A] T PHKM cent-tone (which won V| \t M highest score at the fro \ BUU | Panama Pacific Expo- I] 0 sition), the Sonora*B elegant "bulge" fch J> design lines, the .Sonora's many JJ VI valuable and unique features make yj IA the Sonora the ideal gift. if 1 Hear the Sonora first Y SSO $55 S6O SBS $lO5 sllO $l4O T\ srt! &nuora fihananraph &alpo I 2 GaowiaE. Bmr.HTSOM, PrnicUnt J| k* 279 Broadway - New York A] Ask your dealer to show yon the Sonora. Tj Bjr If lie hasn't it, write us direct. '.■ ! i-:iii:-:: l ;: I CALIFORNIA ] 3 Here is America's ideal climate combined P with scenic and social attractions which (j draw thousands of winter visitors. You, L too, should go. Be sure to travel via the ij SUNSET ROUTE New Orleans San Antonio Lot Angeles San Francisco n Ran your trip byway of New Orleans, 1 thence by the famous Sunset Limited and n other splendid trains through the golden 0; Southwest. Ask for literature about the ?jj thrilling motor trip over the Apache Trail The Interstate Commerce Commission said in its decision in a recent rate case: "The carriers were clearly within their rights in bring ing these matters to our attention when they did . . . Their action is an added evidence of the farsightedness and sense of responsibility in the performance of their duties toward the public with which so many of their officials are managing and administering the affiidra of their respective properties." I SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES F. T. BROOKS District Freight & Passenger Agent I L j NC& I I Cheatnut at lflth Philadelphia l n . A Man'* Gift From a Man's Store 111, || WEDNESDAY EVENING, each receive a 18.50 Thrift stamp. The gold wntull will be given by Joseph K. White, 8431 North Front street, uh un additional Inducement to the children of llarrlnburft to make a new high record for this year. Announcement of the prizes wa made this morning by D. D. Ham melbaugli, general chairman of the Christmas Seals committee. These prizes, are In addition to the threo handsome pictures - which will be given to the three schools selling most stamps. In addition, William Strouse has offered a complete uniform to the Boy Scout selling most seals, which means that thore will be a lively con, test between members qif the twenty odd camps which are pledged to the work. Seals were sent to the country district schools to-day and will be taken to the Harrlsburg schools to morrow ready for the sale to start Friday. Sales to the general public began to-day In some of the stores, but will not become general until to-morrow. Sunday has been set aside as Tuberculosis day and ministers of the city and districts are being ask ed to preach a sermon on the sub ject or at least announce •'he cam paign from their pulpits. Fraternal organizations, banks and industrial establishments are joining in the work, which 'means the creation of a fund with which to fight tuber culosis both in Harrisburg and throughout the country. Busy Bees Are Holding Food Sale at Camp Hill The Busy Bees Society of the Cam p Hill Methodist Episcopal Church, have arranged to hold a food sale in the social rooms of the church I-'riday, December 7, afternoon and evening. [ This is the season for the annual i supper and bazar of the Busy Bees, I but owing to the unusual war condi | tions, it will be omitted this year. A table for fancy work and gift novelties, aprons and caps, will at tract buyfcrs, and ice cream," cake and coffee will be served. Housekeepers may purchase their homemade cakes, ! pies, meat loaves .". He added, however, that ho did not mean to discourage legitimate trad ing In Government securities. Mr. McAdoo expressed the hope that additional funds to be raised during the balance of the year be by bond Issues rather than by taxation, say ing: "It Is my earnest conviction that the general economy of tho country should be permitted to readjust Itself to the new revenue laws before con sideration should be given to the Im position of additional tax burdens." Of the possibility that interest rates on future Liberty bond issues might be raised, the Secretary said: "If a situation should develop where the Government could not sell convertible and partly tax-exempt bonds upon a 4 per cent, basis, it would, I believe, become necessary to seriously consider further revenue legislation. In my judgment an in crease in the rate of interest of such bonds would be extremely unwise and hurtful." • DO YOU WORK INDOORS Then you need a winter tonic to keep up your blood-strength and nerve-force. For fifty years physicians have prescribed CCOTT'C Jenulsion J because it is a true food and an active tonic, easily digested and free from alcohoL If you are run down, if night finds you tired and sleep is not refresh ing,' get Scott'* Emulsion today. You Mood It* TTI Scott & Bowne. BloomficUl, M. J. 17-31 11