24 CONFISCATION IS NOT FEARFD HERE Bankers Say American Hold ings in Germany Are Neg ligible by Comparison New York.—Wall Street in gen eral was not inclined yesterday to feel alarmed at the possible confisca tion of American property in Ger many. The consensus of opinion among the bankers is that the amount of American property in Germany is so small when compar ed with -German holdings in this country as to ba negligible, and that any act of coniiscation by the Berlin government would have but little ef fect in America. A number of American industrial concerns as well as private banking interests and trust companies have maintained branches and affiliations in the territory of the Central Pow ers. In well informed quarters the importance of this was minimized, and it was said that as far as the pri vote banking affiliations were con cerned there was not a great deal to worry about. "The amount of American prop erty in Germany at this time is so small in proportion to the amount of German property in this country as to be negligible," said a prominent banker. "Nothing the German gov ernment could do to such American property as there is over the,re would have any serious effect here, for the simple reason that there is not enough of it. As far as American bank balances are concerned it is quite generally acknowledged that they have been written down and amount to nothing in comparison with the German balances here." Another man who is a close stu- dent of foreign affairs and before the breaking off of diplomatic rela tions was in close touch with Ger man financial affairs said: "No one needs to feel apprehen sive about the American property now in Germany. It is well safe guarded by the millions of dollars worth of German property in this country. "Why the Kaiser himself has pri vate interests in this country which amount to between $3,500,000 and $5,000,000. The Kaiserin is credited with owning somewhere in the neighborhood of $500,000 worth of American securities, and other mem bers of the reigning house are re ported to hold about $7,000,000 more. "In addition to this the Kaiser had extensive land holdings in Can ada, which were transferred to an American syndicate after the out break of the European war. In ad dition to the holdings of the Hohen zollerns just take into consideration the number of Americans in Ger many—a scant three or four hun dred—and compare that number with the number of Germans in this country who own property here and have bank deposits in our banks. It would bo almost suicidal for Ger many to take action against our properties when the retaliation here could be so much more far reach ing." Bishop Sees War Cause in Lack of Church Unity Philadelphia, Nov. 23.—Bishop Rhinelander, in one of the most stir ring addresses delivered before the conferences of th Provincial Synod of th Protestant Episcopal Province of Washington, said yesterday after noon, in his opinion the war was brought about by the disunited con dition of Christianity. "The world was plunged into war," he said, "because the Church of God was broken into fragments anl the world was ripe for the work of the devil." Closer church union is coming as a result of the struggle, he said, and warned his hearers that if the Church fails to measure up to the re quirements of the men of the Na tional Army when they return from tlie trenches they will go elsewhere and "set up a Christian fellowship for themselves." The bishop defended the war with Germany as being biassed of God. and criticized those who declare that all wars spring from the devil. He said, "There is a war that comes of God, just as there is a peace that comes of the devil." HAVE POl'R SONS IN ARMY Snook Family Is Well Represented Mrs. Snook Works for Red Cross Sunbury, Pa. .Nov. 23.—Four sons of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Z. Snook, of I.ewistown, are in the service of their country. Two, Edward Snook, who has already served four years, and Jefferson Snook are at Camp Han cock; Guy Snook is in the coast ar tillery and Vincent Snook is at Camp Hancock, Ga. The mother, in addition to giving up her sons, spends part of each day working for the Red Cross, and Kathleen Snook, her little daughter, at a recent birthday party, declined presents, but asked the guests to bring money, which she turned over to the Red Cross fund. Sour Stomach Mi-o-na Puts the Stomach in Fine Shape in Five Minutes If your stomach is continually kick ing up a disturbance; you feel bloated and distressed; if you belch gas and sour food into the mouth, then you need Mi-o-na Stomach Tablets. Mi-o-na stomach tablets give In stant relief, of course, but they do more; they drive out the poisonous gases that cause fermentation of food and thoroughly clean, renovate and strengthen the stomach so that it can readily digest food without artificial aid. Mi-o-no stomach tablets are guar anteed to end indigestion, acute or chronic, or money back. Tnis means that nervousness, dizziness and bil iousness will disappear. Druggists everywhere and H. C. Kennedy sell Mi-o-na.—Advertisement. Miller'® Antiseptic Oil Known Aa Snake Oil WUI Positively Relieve Pain In Three Minutes Try it right now for Rheumatism, Neuralgia. Lumbago, sore, stilt and swollen joints, pains In the head, back and limbs, corns, bunions, etc. After one application pain disappears as If ty magic. A new remedy, used internally and externally for Coughs, Colds, Crouu Sore Throat. Diphtheria and Tonsi li t Is. The oil is conceded to be the most penetrating remedy known. its prompt and immediate effect in reliev ing pain Is due to the fact that It penetrates to the affected parts at once. As an Illustration pour ten drops on the thickest piece ot sole leather and It will penetrate this suo stance through and through In three minutes. >ccept no substitute. This great oil Is golden red color only. Every bot tle guaranteed; 25c, GOc and 11.00 a bottle, or money refunded at Geo A Qprgas' drug store.—Advertisement. FRIDAY EVENING, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart — ' ** The Flower Gift Shop Gift Pictures These two Christmas features have invaded the millinery section, giving it a holiday interest that otherwise it would not obtain. The Flower Gift Shop is the most attractive of its kind ever seen in Harrisburg, offering a great variety of beautiful decorative flowers, artistic baskets and quaijit vases as inexpensive gifts. The Gift Pictures show an uncomparable line of beautiful Nuttings. Davidsons and Thompsons and hundreds of other popu lar subjects from 60c to SIO.OO. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor Front. Thousands of Gift Handkerchiefs From Switzerland, France and. Ireland We had many a fear that the handkerchiefs which we pur chased over a year ago for distribution in this Christinas sea son might go down before the submarine menace, and now that they are all safely here on our shelves we have a pride in them that we believe you will want to share. Thousands of them are ready—from Switzerland, France and Ireland—so you'll want to put handkerchiefs on your gift list before you jot down any other suggestions. Appropriately boxed in sets of three to a dozen 0 ready services. In all sizes at SIO.OO. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. ( Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Market Street Section. Vigorous Style in These j . Handsome Overcoats College and High School boys as well as business men who like their clothing to reflect the dash and vigor of / youth are finding just what they want in these splendid new Overcoats styled by four of America's foremost de- I|i Mn- signers of clothes fashions for men — "Wpyy Hickey-Freeman FW | \ August Brothers / \ \ \ Hirsh-Wickwire N I "Sampeck" that have more swinging style, more TrpnrK Dvprrnato freedom of action and giv< greater pro ercoat tection from the weather than any coat yet designed. Trench coats a*re the dominating style—and our Trench Coats are the hit of the season. $15.00, $20.00, $25.00, $30.00 $35.00 English Coats—sls.oo, SIB.OO, $20.00, $25.00 Conservative Coats .... $15.00 to $50.00 _ The Men You Know „ How do you judge them ? • \ By their appearance the kind of clothes they wear. wf " | What kind of an impression do your jn Jl\ clothes make ? LL~ Dress up! Step out in a new suit. English Suits .... $ 18.00 to $30.00 Trench Suits .... $22.50 to $30.00 Conservative Suits $15.00 to $40.00 • Jtj x ' Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor, Rear NOVEMBER 23, 1917. Serviceable Furniture A Gift Hint Fourth Floor Dependability is built right into every angle and there is a quality note about each piece that is unmistakable. Mahogany library tables In William and Mary designs, regularly $22.50. Special $18.75 Fumed oak library tables, 26x42 inches, $7.50 522.50 Mahogany Library Tables $10.95 Fumed oak Library Tables with back shelves. Specially priced, $9.50 Martha Washington Sewing Cabinets $7.95 Smoking Stands of Mahogany $1.25 Mahogany gate leg tables 812.50 Fumed oak and mahogany tea wagons, $12.95 Golden oak tea wagons $10.05 Inexpensive Practical Gift Hints In Stamped Novelties for Embroidering Stamped night gowns in sleeveless and kimono styles. 65c, 75c, SI.OO and $1.25 Philipino night gowns stamped on silken batiste, . . .SI.OO aiul $1.50 Philipino night gowns in flesh and white with double net yoke and sleeves . $2.50 Fudge and Pantry aprons, stamped on lawn, batiste or linen, sc aiul SI.OO Work aprons, stamped on lawn with enough material for working, 19c and 25c Hemstitched and scalloped pillow cases, 05c and 75c Pillows and library scarfs in tan jmd brown, 59c to $1.50 18-Inch centers, stamped, . ... t . 10c Hot rolls and biscuit covers stamped on linen 39c Turkish and linen towels in guest and bath size 25c to 75c Chenile for making tams, in all colors. Skein, 20c and 75c Khaki, grey and navy knitting worsted. Hank 00c to $2.25 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor Children's and Boys' Underwear White cotton ribbed fleece lined union suits; sizes 2 to 16 years, 75c Children's white velastic cotton fleece lined union suits; 2 to 12 years, 75c; sizes 14 to.ll> years Ssc Children's white merino union suits; sizes 2 to 12 years $1.25; sizes 14 to 16 years $1.50 Boys' heavy grey velastic cotton ribbed union suits; fleece lined, 8 to 12 years, 75c; sizes 14 to 16 ye?.rs ." 850 Boys' heavy Jaeger cotton fleece lined union suits; sizes 30 to 34, at 750 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor Of Course Women Will Want to See These New Winter Hats ' * They are so refreshingly new and distinctive. A new millinery regime has been inaugurated since the Fall openings, and these new modes express the hat fashions that have been evolved for the midwinter season. Panne velvet is the foundation of many of the shapes and trimmings, show the lavish use pf furs in edg ings and bands, fur pompons, gold stitching and tassels, gold and sil ver net and lace shapes include turbans, chin chins, sailors, pokes, jix tricornes nad flared effects at back \T\ Scores of smart styles fresh from the if \ Vew York designers at • A k $1.05, $5.05, $0.50 $0.05, $7.50 and SIO.OO / A f\ Feather turbans and hats—some edged / / "1 I with fur $3.95 and $4.95 I 1 f /j A splendid assortment of new hots at f ' v ( /,' $1.95 and $0.50 \ • ; • N 1/ > Several tables of fine velvet hats at- d: / / tractively priced at . . .$1.95, $2.05, $3.95 J UNTRIMMED HATS REDUCED r j 1,-^ Our best untrimmed velvet hats that were $8.50 and SIO.OO reduced to $0.50 All untrimmed hats that were $3.95 and $4.95 reduced to $1.95 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor • I Winter Gloves For Men & Boys For Street, Driving Sc Motor Service Men's tan kid gloves with self or silk • embroidered back. Pair $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 Men's grey suede and Mocha gloves. Pair, $1.75, $2.00 and $2.50 Men's grey suede silk lined gloves. Pair $1.50 Grey washable chamoisette gloves. Pair .. $1.15 and $1.25 Lined kid gloves in glace and suede finish .. $1.50 to $3.75 Boys' lined kid gloves. Pair 69c, 75c and $1.50 Boys' silk lined kid gloves. Pair $1.25 and $1.50 Union Made Overalls, $1.39 Fast color blue denim apron overalls in sizes 38 to 50. Double stitched, with two-seam leg and seven pockets. Special, # * $1.39 Women's Cardigan Jackets Sleeveless cardigan jackets, in black and grey, $1.50 and $1.95 Grey and black cardigan jackets with sleeves 250 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Men's Store. Groceries of Good Quality; Sugar and Cornmeal 2Yi pounds granulated sugar and 5 pounds oven-dried corn meal, Saturday 050 Wrigley's sand soap 8c Sugar cured hams, lb 32c Grandma's laundry soap, 10 Ked Cross Bouillon cubes, 23c ( bars 55c Breakfast blend coffee, 2 lbs.. Empire soap, 10 bars 50c jgc 10 bars Ivory soap 59c Maracabo blend coffee, lb., 30c; Takhoma Biscuits fic 2 lbs 55 c Assorted box Sunshine cakes. Fagle milk, can SOc Pilgrim evaporated milk, can, Portugese figs, lb.. Jsc 13^c Candied citron, lb 29c j Pecan nut meat, halves, %- Klgin creamery butter, ... 49c pound fts c Blue Valley Creamery butter. Whole cream nut, meats, V - r.Oc pound 40c Lean smoked shoulders, lb., 27c J Burham's clam chowder, 10c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement.