Deaths ! On Tuesday, November 13, ■ Georgo Wallet Toomey. agod ■ t;;, years, 1 month and 3 days. ■ Funeral on Friday afternoon, atJ ■ o'clock, from his late jeldence No Kensington street. Relatives ; t ikl friends are invited to attend ■ vMthout further notice. Interment, H private. WjMease omit flowers. j HhiT- Died, on November 12, 1917, Lebo, wife of Samuel at ■ White Hill. Cumberland count>. ia. I Funeral on Thursday afternoon, at I [ o"clock, from her late res dence. ■„t White Hill. Burial Dau gpi" t Wea ■ cemetery. Dauphin. Pa R attend ■ mill friends are invited to attenu ■ without further notice. . Miss Sara A. J. Rudy, of ■ progress. Pa., died November 'J. ■ in; aged 88 years. I Funeral services on Friday. Novelm- H 1...,• ill I*ll7. at 3 o clock P. M., at Mslioop's Church. Burial in Slioopis H i emetery. Relatives and friends are ■ invited to attend. — Charles Bewl3 Zim ■ mermati. ol 214 Peffer on Sat ■ 111-day. November, 10, IJI7. Hfc>eu ■ rears, fi months and -8 days. ■ l 'uiieral services on W ednesday ■ evening, at 8 o'clock, th ®, sa "? < r ■ ducted by the Rev. A. M. tarn ®*:.: ■ mi. body will be taken to Newport ■ Thursday morning, at H'tn robe with red plaid, on Dlllsburg ■ke between Dilsburg .a." d Merdstown. Liberal reward '' r ® l " rn to llarrisburg Telegraph Office. mi LOST Waltham watch in separate J ■..ld bracelet—without Initials. Sult- reward if returned to -4; i Maclay, ■Envelope LOST containing Hi. op Second street, between North Walnut streets. Fiuder return to North Third s-.reet. I ,;oLI WRIST WATCH LOST Be ■uth Capitol Building and Third and ■orih streets. Initials on watch, F. ■. W. Reward if returned to 180< H a rket street. ■T~POC K KTBOOK Handbag—yel- H w cloths26.oo, some change and key ■i purse, also gold signet ring, with- Hut initials. Return to U., 6003. care Hi Telegraph. I LOST A lady's purse in the Store ■r William Strouse or Dives, Pomeroy St> wart, or between these places ■nd the P. R. B- Station. Beward if H turned to tlio Telegraph Ofllce. HELP WANTED —MALE JsiKN WANTED to load stone. 27He ton. Can earn $25 to $35 per ■.eek. Apply Paxtang Quarries. Pax WANTED Bright boy to i H learn the printing trade. Apt ; ply Foreman, Telegraph Com posing Room. ■ wAVTIiD, MEN TO HUSK COKN Hpi' v to J. M. Ensminger, 1813 Derry or Ensminger's Farm. Hlgli- Pa. I WANTED Boy over 16 years old. Ho work in drug store. High school preferred. D. A. Buehler, 916 Third street. ■"begistered DRUGGIST WANT- onu over 31 years preferred. Wm. Smith & Co.. York. Pa. I WANTED Compositors, make-up Hnd stone men, $17.00 per week up; onotype keyboard operators, Jls per ■'cok; also man for folding machines. Hi 7 per week. Ideal working condi- Apply Employment Bureau, l'a. ■ SALESMEN Crowell Publishing ■o.'s own offer of four contracts per ■y, pays S2O per week. Apply Boom Spooner Building. I CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS Harrisburg soon. Men desiring positions, departmental, ■o°i office, railway mail, customs. for free particulars to J. C. (former Government exam- Kr.i'i. r,iil Kenois Bldg.. Washington. I WANTED Active young man to laundry wagon. One acquainted Hill preferred. Apyly between 7 nd 8 A. M. at Sanitary Family Wash- Co., Sixteenth and Elm streets. I WANTED A pie baker. Good to right party. Apply Phlladel- Quick Lunch. I WANTED One or two more men ■u work in garage and auto school. can earn sl2 to sls per week. ■ ut<} Transportation School. 25-27 tli Cameron street. ■ AN instalment collector—one with Salary and commission. at once. Frantz-Premier Dlst. 206 Court street. MEN WANTED In All Bailroad Departments. Fl ICEMEN. BRAKEMEN, YARDMEN, LABORERS Positions Open at PITTSBUBGH. WILMINGTON, CRESSON. See HIRAM McGOWAN SIMMERS, No. 204 Court Street (Alderman Hilton's Office). Call Before Thursday, Transportation Furnished. ■ REAL ESTATE FOR SALEI ■ 1012 Hemlock St. ■ ' SI7OO Rented at sls Three-story brick house with rooms, bath, furnace. gas\ electricity. Lot 18x83 feet ■S to 20 feet rear alley. Taxes about $25 a year. ■Miller Brothers & Co.* H Jlfmlier libit. Itenl Ealiite Hoard' ItEAL ESTATE liiourmicr Surety Honda \ ■} Locust und Court Street* V:'. - • " WEDNESDAY EVENING. titA.RJUBBURG TELEGRAPH NOVEMBER 14, 1917. Let a Telegraph "Fur Sale" Ad Sell loir AntomoUle HELP WANTED—MALE WANTED An ofllce boy. Inquire Remmlngton Typewriter Co., 11# Walnut street. WANTED Good, strong boya. 16 to 18 years old. to work Saturdays. In qulro Box H. 6008. care ot Telegraph. WANTED Painters, at once. Qohl & Bruaw, 310 Strawberry avenue. WANTED Five laborers, at once. Apply to Herro Bros., Government Aviation Building, Middletown, r'a. WANTED Expert mechanic in automobile repair shop. Apply Rex Garage, 1917 North Third street. WANTED Young men to learn auto business and become practical mechanics and chauffeurs. Auto Transportation School, 27-29 N. Cam eron street. "HELP WANTED—FEMALE WANTED lmmediately, lady waitress at StautTer's Restaurant, 4 North Court avenue. WANTED A white nurse girl. References required. Address H., 6772. care of Telegraph. WANTED A good girl for work on a farm near city. Good wages paid. See Mrs. E. E. Seifert, Saturday. •Stall 103, Broad Street Market. WANTED Woman for day's work scrubbing. Apply Keystone Laundry, 620 Harris street. WANTED Child's nurse; refer ences required. Apply 122 Woodbine street, or call Bell 948 W. WANTED Experienced dining room girls. Apply Manhattan Res taurant, 317 Market street. WANTED Experienced nook to also do housework in small apart ment. Apply Bell phone 557 R. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS in Harrlsburg soon. Women desir ing clerkships, post office, Govern ment departments, stenographers, write for free particulars to J. C. Leonard (former Government ex aminer), 561 Kenois Bldg., Washing ton. WANTED An experienced white girl for cook and general housework in an apartment; 3 in family; no chil dren; no washing; references requir ed. Wages, $6.00 per week. Bell phone 1658. WANTED Colored lady for clean ing in an office. Permanent position. Tall between hours 2 and 5 o'clock, at Dr. Phillip's dentist office at No. 320 Market street. (Over Hub Clothing Store). WANTED A refined girl for candy and ice cream parlor. Apply to Mr. Linn, Sixteenth and Walnut streets. I WANTED Middle-aged white woman, housekeeper; small family, all adults. Address P. O. Box .'ll4, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED Housekeeper. Plain cooking. No family washing. Apply for information at 1520 Fulton street. WANTED birls, not under 16 years of age, to learn the trade of cigarmak ing. Pay $6.00 a week to learn. Experienced girls earning upward to $20.00 a week. Apply at HARRISBURG CIGAR CO. No. 600 Race Street HELP WANTED——MuIe and Female TWO of our students received The Underwood Certificate making U0 and 65 words per minute. Our instruc tions and methods are the very best. All commercial subjects are thorough ly taught. Enroll with us now or September 4. Harrisburg Shorthand School, 31 North Second street, Har risburg. Pa. GOVERNMENT CLERK EXAMINA TIONS in llarrisburg November 14 $90.00 month. Hundreds wanted. Sample questions FREE. Franklin Institute. Dept 109-.1, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED —Mjn, women for Gov ernment war positions; thousands needed immediately; good salaries, permanent employment, liberal vaca tions, other advantages; we prepare you and you secure a position or we refund your money; ask for booklet OK free to citizens. Washington Civil Service School, 372 Marden Bldg.. Washington, D. C. Our school will be open all summer Special opportunities for those who wish to start early or for those who have unfinished work to do. Lists of students holding positions sent on re quest. You should look over this list carefully and see where our students are employed. Fall term begins Tues day. September 4th. Harrisburg Shorthand School, 31 N. Second street. WANTED, CANVASSERS men or women, for house-to house canvass. Those having magazine or newspaper ex perience preferred. See Mr. Heck, Room 4, the Telegraph Building Annex. Call be tween 8 and 10 or after 4 P. M. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALK POSITION WANTED Man. Jap able of ovenseelng manufacturing plant—taking charge of operation for contractor—or assisting in clerical position, open for proposition. Cor iespondence confidential. Address H„ 6397, care of Telegraph. WANTED An experienced cook wants a position In privato family. Call, or write, Mary Wyman, 007 Primrose avenue. WANTED Woman, with small boy four years old, desires position as housekeeper; no objection to children. Address 2030 Kensington street. WANTED—Washing for Wednesday and Thursday by colored woman. Hill preferred. Address 330 Brook street. WANTED Offices to clean. In quire Bell phone 3509 J. WANTED Place as dishwasher by white woman. No. 2 Cinder Row, City. BOOKKEEPER AND STENO GRAPHER l2 years experience; capable of taking charge; can furnish first-class reference. Address 2627 Bouth Third street, Steelton, WANTED ■ — Middle-aged woman wishes .position as dishwasher or chambermaid, or day's work. Apply 1426 Wyeth avenue. WANTED —Washing to do at home. Write, or call, 621 Muench street, DESIRABLE second floor, communi cating >ooms—or single rooms for gentlemen—use of phone and bath. Apply 231 Pine street. UNFURNISHED Single or com municating, with kitchenettes, for light housekeeping Strictly private. All conveniences, Stoves furnished free. Laundry, phone and bathroom privileges, liasy payments. Janltress service. Inquire 429 Broad street. Dally Inspection invited. BOOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Two rooms on third floor with private bath. Two furnish ed rooms on second lloor. All convenl ences. 80t> North Sixth street. FOR RENT Two rooms, second and third lloor front, also choice mid dle room, nicely furnished with the use of new and most complete bath room, sultablo for single gentlemen. For further Information apply 1426 North Second street. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT— All conveniences and use of phone. For information call Bell phone li!18M. FOR RENT Room In private fam ily in apartment on Third street, fac ing Capitol Park. For information call Bell phone 768 W. FOR RENT A very desirable front room on second lloor, In private family and good location. Gentlemen only. Apply 824 North Second street. FOR RENT Front room, all im provements, elaborately furnished, twin beds, use of phone and privilege of eating breakfast, ltetined district. Call Bell phone 3842 M, or call at 26 North Eighteenth street, Harrlsburg. METROPOLITAN ANNEX—CIean, furnished rooms, hot and cold water, phone. Rates, $3 per week and up. 518 Market, at the Subway Entrance. 1723 GREEN ST. Furnished rooms to rent on second and third floors; single and double; $2.00 to $3.00 per week; phone, bath and heat; references. LARGE, well-furnished rooms for rent, with city steam heat, one block from Market street, for gentlemen only. Apply 105 South Front. FOR RENT, UNFURNISHED ROOM —One large, second-story front room; light and heat furnished; use of bath. Apply 1803 State. ROOMS WANTED WANTED Three furnished rooms for light house Keeping. Some thing nice for two people. Centrally located. Inquire Box W, 6007, care of Telegraph. BOARDERS WANTED PRIVATE FAMILY desires two good boarders. All conveniences. 1506 State street. BOARD AND ROOMS BOARDING for one or two young men, with use of bath and phone, in a private family. Apply 212 Reily street. APARTMENTS FOR~RENT FOR RENT One apartment, "The Reynard," No. 208 North Third street; two rooms and bath; steam heat; con stant hot and cold water. Apply Com monwealth Trust Company, No. 222 Market street. APARTMENT FOR RENT 1212 Market street, fourth story, four rooms and bath, all conveniences, SIB.OO per month. Inquire L. Minter, 110 North Second street. Bell phone 4282, Dial 4195. JUST COMPLETED Beautiful Belvedere Apartments, 711 North Second street. Fire and sound proof; hardwood finish; city steam; hot water; electric elevators; laundry and all modern conveniences. Apply 1815 North Front. Telephone 875 R. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE SEE those new new single houses on a 50-ft. lot. Large livingroom, diningroom, kitchen on first lloor. H. G. Pedlow, 3 South Thirteenth street. $1,900 WILL BUY 406 Hummel St.— 7 rooms bath all improvements —side entrance. 11. G. Pedlow, 3 South Thirteenth street. MAKE me an offer for 363 and 365 South Eighteenth street. All improve ments. Terms to suit purchaser. J. M. Ensminger. 1813 Derry street. Bell 490 W. LOT FOB SALE 1159 Market street. It only requires SIOO.OO cash and the balance on time. Inquire L. Minter, 110 North Second street. Both phones. FOR SALE Or will exchange on City Property. Vacant Plot, 60x125, near Market street on South Cameron, right in the Auto Zone. For Sale or Exchange—Good busi ness stand and Residence property, P.vnes Corner, West Fairview. Store room and five livingrooms; large lot, 54x200 feet. For Sale Penn street. 2100 block. Snappy Porch Front, Modern three story brick. Will sell at a bargain or exchange on other property. What have you to offer? Better come in and talk it over. A. C. YOUNG, Real Estate In Its Entirety, Member llarrisburg Real Estate Board Both Phones. 34 N. Second St. FOR SALE 854 South Cameron streets, corner property, suitable for apartments. Price reasonable. Apply Oyster & Caley, Real Estate and In surance. 15 South Third street. J. E. GIPPLE, —REALTOR— FIRE INSURANCE. RENT COLLECTING. 1251 Market St. Bell phone 426#. I HAVE several houses for sale in the city and suburbs. Some 10 per cent. Invest ments. Some cheap and on easy terms. C. 11. Corder, 1190 Bell 2412 R. REAL ESTATE FOH REN'X HOUSE FOR RENT 322 South Fourth street. Steelton. Apply 31$ South Fourth street. FOR RENT Garage; fireproof; space for one car; rent, $3.00 per month. Apply D. M. Capin, 201 Hcrr street. FOR RENT No. 121 North Eigh teenth street; corner b'ick, steam heated house, with 10 rooms. Rent, $32.50. J. E. Gipple. 1251 Market street. REal^STATE—ForSuleorßcnt HOUSES AND GARAGES at Fifth and Curtin streets. Fred C. Miller, 213 Walnut. Bell phono 797 M. REAL ES'I'ATE~\VANTEI> YOU have tried the rest, now give us a chance to sell that house or lot. All business strictly confidential. Lin coln Realty C0.,.P. O. Box 349. Harrls burg. FOR SAIiE —MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Ono Michigan cash register. Price right. S. Refkin, 407 Broad street. FOR SALE A Colony Brooder— will accommodate 1,000 chioka. Also some fancy poultry. A. O, Mead. 11 Paxtang avenue. Paxtang, Pa. FOR SALE Typewriter—Under wood, No. 3. 14 inches—fine condition Phone J. F. Llngle, 235 Emerald street. PAINT | PAINTI PAINT " At Gable's, 111-117 S. Second street. 3,000 Gallons New Era Ready Mixed Paint. Also full line of Acme Quality Paint. Largest Stock of Ready Mixed Paint In Harrisbursr. FOR SAL.E Unredeemed watches and diamonds at prices lower than can be bought wholesale. CHAS. RON SOX. Reliable Jeweler and Broker, 42! Market Street. More People Have Money Than Ever Before Real estate sells most readily in a period when money is plentiful. Never before have the people earned so much money in wages and profits—and the right sort of advertising will find a buyer for your property! FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE, at Gable'*, 111-IX7 South Second street. Lawn fence. Field I-'enre. Gatea, Poultry Netting, Building Hardware, Plaster Board, Upson Wall Board, Compo-Board, Doors. Sash. Shutters, Mouldings. Porch Posts, Pumps, etc. FORD TOURING CAR AT BARGAIN Late model, special body, radiator and hood; one-man top; lights and starter; Stew art vacuum system; tank on rear: demontable rims; all good tires, one extra. First class condition. Will sell cheap to quick buyer. VELIE-IIARRISBURG CO., Sixth and Herr Sts. Bell 271 J. HERE are a few extraordinary bargains for any one in the printing business who can make us© of them: 1 Danniels Planer. 1 Saw and Trimmer. 1 4/ 2 -inch.x2}i-inch.x4-ft. \\ orth ington Pump. 1 Danniels Steam Trap. 1 one-qt. Detroit Lubricator. 1 one-pt. Detroit Lubricator. 2 Four-wheel Trucks. 2 Two-wheel Trucks. 1 Oil Filterer. 1 Wheelbarrow. 1 Gas Metal Pot. 1 Hickok Ruling Machine. 2 Model 1 Linotypes. If you can use any of the above, drop in to see us. The question of price and terms can be easily ar- r The eC TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO. Printing, Binding. Designing, Photo- Engraving, Die Stamping and Plate Printing, llarrisburg, Pa. BOOKS —12,000 new, old and rare books on all subjects, at low prices; open evenings; books bought. Bell phone. Aurand's, 925 North Third. FOR SALE Stock of Merchant's Ice Com pany, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, for sale. Can be bought below par. Room 203 Commonwealth Trust Company Building. UNREDEEMED overcoats for sale at N. Brenner's, 1315 North Thirl St. FOR SALE Furnishings of apart ment. By appointment (Bell phone °B7) before or on Thursday from 1 to 5. Mrs. G. F. Watt. Executrix. BABY CARRIAGE FOR SALE Pullman make —in good condition. Ap ply or phone, F. M. Young, 416 Wood tfine street. FOR SALE l9lB Calendars. Good selection. Orders promptly filled, job lots at Bargain Prices. Myers Manu facturing Co.. Second Floor, Third and Cumberland streets. Bell phone 1677 R. SASH At Gable's, 111-117 South Second street, 5,000 seta of new sash. Bxlo, 12 L painted and giazsd, $1.70 per set. AH other regular sizes, doors and shutters, all sizes. EASTER LILIES 52.50 per dozen. ICeeney's Cut-Rate Flower Shop, 810 North Third street. IS-H.-P. Farquhar boiler, used only six months; also 15-H.-P. Friek en gine. Price, $450.00. Apply N. M. Freck, Millersburg, Pa. FOR SALE The good-will and fixtures of the Campbellstown Hotel, Campbellstown, Pa. All new furni ture hot and cold water two baths electric light doing a good business. Can be leased. Present owner In poor health. Apply to J. E. Page, Campbellstown, Pa. BARGAINC IN TYPEWRITERS SIO.OO up. Reasonable terms for traded and rebuilt typewriters all makes bought—sold—rented and ex changed. Geo. P. Tillotson, 205 Locust street. LOTS PARK PLACE LOT HALE NOW ON B. F. Sheesley, Owner. Take Paxtonla or Llnglestown Car. Get off at Park Place Crossing, Lots 25x150 Feet. Prices from SSO to SSOO. 10 per cent down —balance In monthly payments, Liberal discount for cash. No Tax or Interest For Two Years, Sales Agent on Plot every day from 1:80 to 6:80, Call evenings at my office, 902 MARKET STREET, 7 to 9 P, M, MAXWELL H, HITE, Real Estate Auctioneer, 902 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa. FARMS 4-ACRES # miles from olty, 8 min utes' walk to trolley; 10-room house; 9-ft. porch all around house: large shade trees! abundance of fruit. This property has frontage of 750 ft. on old state road. If not interested in flrat class suburban home, save time and postage. Addraai Owner, 6004, ear* of Telegraph. FARMS FARM FOR SALE 12 acres. Bordering on Manada Creek, 4 miles east of Llnglestown. Buildings. House, Barn, 30 apple trees, 25 peaches, pears, grapes: Fields even. This farm has a beautiful from on the main road, beautiful farms ■ joining, school close, a very desirable property for $1,275.00. We can sup ply the most of tile money toward paying for this farm. C. B. CARE, 40 Market St., or Care's Store, Linglestown, Pa. A FARM of 127 acres in York Coun ty. 9 miles east of Dillsburg on pike $2,800, Irwin M. Cassell, 1444 Regina street. FARM FOR RENT on McCormick's Island, in the Susquehanna river north of Harrisburg. For further particulars apply to E. Z. Gross, su perintendent of Parks and Public Properties. Calder Building. Harris burg, Pa. ~~~ FOR SAX.IO 6-acre farm on public road, 4 miles X E. of Harrisburg, 10 minutes' walk Ito trolley and 5c fare to Market Square. The land lays nice to farm, with small bungalow on it. Good water. Good location. A bargain if sold soon. Apply „ C. H. CORDER, Bell phone 2412 R. 119i> Walnut St. Real Estate and Insurance. Rents Collected. FOR SALE l6O-acre farm, near Camp Hill. Twelve-roomed brick house, large bank barn; all necessary outbuildings; largo apple orchard, well watered. A 1 dairy, grain or truck tarni. Very productive soil. Chug. ' Davies, 204 Calder Bldg. Bell 4377. FOR SALE l2-acre farm, 8 miles from Harrisburg on State road. Prac tically level; orchard; good water seven-room house; outbuilding. Must be sold at once. C. H. CORDER. 1190 Walnut St. Bell phone 2412 R. FARMS—FARMS _ . , FOR SALE I have the farm you want to buy and the price will suit your pocket book. Anything from 2 acres up and from S6OO up. Now is the time to pre pare for that spring drive. Don't wait until spring. C. If. CORDER, 1190 Walnut Street, Harrisburg. Bell 2412 R. FARMS—FARMS WANTED If you have a farm to sell or to ex change for city property, talk it over , with me. I can handle it to your ad . vantage. C. H. CORDER, 1 1190 Walnut Street. Llarrisburg. Bell 2412 R. : ° IFICKS AND storerooms^ FOR RENI A suite of two rooms - facing Market street. Apply to Com monwealth Irust Company, 222 Mar : ket street. r STOREROOMS • Hamilton street, near Third. Now In . course of construction. Change to ■ suit tenant. CHAS. ADLER, 1002 Nbrth Third Street. ' MARKET STREET STORE 1 FOR RENT BEAUTIFUL NEW DATLIGHT 1 STORE. 604 MARKET ST I CUAS. ADLER 1002 Norfb Third Street. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS^ WANTED l-H.-P. Phose motor. M-H.-P. 1 Phose motor. S. G. SWEETSER .;i_.EC. CO 300 Cumberland Street. I j WANTED, MACHINIST'S TOOLS 'Large vise, small electric motor tin. and dies, drill press, bits. etc. CvclJ j (^lt^. uto SuPPly Co., 107 Market street! WANTED CASH REGISTER* FLOOR CASES, COUNTER inj SHELVING FOR CASH. Cycl. & Auto ; Supply Co.. 107 Market street 1 MAN WANTS general hauling wlih one-ton truck. Apply Federlch s Gar : age, Foister near l'ront. " : S. SNEIDMAN WILL PAY highest prices for second-hand clothing shoes, furniture, or carpets. Trial tiiii ■ convince. Bell 2899 M, 11m Cowdon J. COOPER & SON We make a specialty of and nnv high cash prices for old, wornout autos, Also buy rags, paper, rubber scraplron and metal. * Eleventh and Christiana Sts Between State and Walnut '' BELL 3971 W. '>IAL 4371. CLOTHING. SHOES. FURNITURE Bought at highest cash prices an* sold reasonable. S. Refklu. 407 Brond street. Bell phone 2860, "road MORRIS SAYS save money buvin*- new and second-hand furniture herJ? High prices paid for furniture. Morrii Schmerta, 1030 Market. Bell 397ih. WE BUY all kinds of dlso records N. Brenner, 1815 North Third street,' BAGS WANTED " Second-hand Bags, Burlap, Scran Bagging and Twine, Write for prices RICHMOND BAG COM'Y, Dept. Il" Richmond. Vs.. * MAX SMELTS flecond-hand furniture bought and d. Highest cash prices paid. Call Bell ISKIR or Dial 6847, or drop a pos tal to Max Smelts, 1016 Market street. Will call, city or country; BUSINESS PERSONALS QUININE—Look out for that grippe ; feeling, likely to catoh you this changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE PHOSPHO-QUININE will stave it oft 1 if taken in time. Gross Drag Store 119 Market street. HfSI.VFSS PERSON - AILS M. H. BAKER & CO., Plumbing and Heating Contractors. 1330 Derry street. Both phones. LURIA IRON & STEEL. CO. deal* In steel, rags, rubber, metals and pupermlll supplies. Broad and Wal lace. Also salvage from fire and wreck. Call Bell phone 836. Dial 3043. CONTRACTOR AND BUlLDEß—Es timates furnished. All kinds of re pair work. 11. W. Hummer, 1423 Lib erty. Bell phone 4420. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR 1 H. E. SCIIRIVER, 60-61-62 Union Trust Co. Bldg., Harrisburg, Pa. Systems Organized. . ELECTRIC VACUUM SWEEPERS— New, high-grade machines for rent, day or liouf. Second-hand machines bought and sold. Mr. Martin. Bell 1132 UPHOLSTERING And furniture repairing, mattresses renovated and cushions of all kinds made. S. N. Cluck, 820-326 Woodbine street. Phone 1317 J. C. VERNON RETTEW, Insurance —Real Estate—Alderman. 1911 DERRY STREET. Both Phones. MacWILLIAMS CONSTRUCTION CO., Builders and Contractors. House building our specialty. Job work looked after carefully. Dial 3706 OFFICE, 2150 NORTH FIFTH STREET. 1H SIM:SS Ol'l'OltTl NITIES WANTED Party to Invest about two thousand dollars to start good manufacturing business. Good fu ture. Factory ready to start busi ness. Address E.. 6297. care of Tele graph. GUN OWNERS lf you have a gun you want to sell, or convert into cash, see us at ouce. Dayton Cycle Company. 912 North Third street, Cleaners ami Dyers Goodman's sanitary steaming, clean ing, pressing and dyeing works. He pairing. Work guaranteed. Call and deliver. 1306 N. Sizih ©t ' Goodman's sanitary steaming, clean ing, pressing and dyeing works. Re pairing. Work guaranteed. Call and deliver. Both phones. 1806',i N. Sixth St. NOW is the time to get your tall and winter overcoat cleaned, dyed or pressed al Eggert's Cleaning and Dye ing Works, 1240 Market Street. Call and deliver. Both phones. Hauling and Moving j BLUE LINE AUTO TRANSFER Piano moving a -specialty. Hauling Square dealing our policy. 917-A Capi tal St. C. V. 6897, Bell 852 W. Musical PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED by a skilled tuner only. Oyler's, 14 South Fourth street. VIOLINS, MANDOLINS, GUITARS, BANJOS, Band and Orchestra Instru ments promptly and carefully repair ed. OYLER'S, 14 South Fourth street. FOR SALE PIANO. FINE CASK, SWEET TONE, PERFECT CONDI TION. REASONABLE FOR CASH. 619 KELKKR STREET. ELICKER, INDEPENDENT PIANO TUNER, Guarantees all work. 1319 N. Second St. Bell 727 R. WANTED To store almost new piano, with private family for the use, or will sell cheap, either for cash or time payments. Answer Box V, 6006, care of Telegraph. ALL kinds of talking machine rec ords bought, sold or exchangee!. High est cash prices paid. Repair work of all kinds done by experts at reason able prices. Stauffer's Music House, 1313 North Third street. Open Even ings. Money to Loon MONEY TO LOAN at LEGAL RATES—On furniture, leal estate and endorsed notes. Licensed by the State and under supervision jf the Banking Department. Equitable in vestment Co., Inc., Second Floor, 3 North Market Square. Establisned 1904. MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estato security In any amounts and upon any terras to suit oorrower. Address P. O. Box 174, Harrisburg. Pa. WE LEND MONEY in compliance with Act of Juno 17, 1915, to individu als in need of ready cash; small loans a specialty; business confidential; payments to suit borrower's conveni ence; positively lowest rates in city, PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO., 132 Walnut Street. MONEY advanced to housekeepers at legal rates; business confidential. Profit Sharing Loan Society. Spooner Building. 9 North Market Square. Shoe Repairing NEW. UP-TO-DATE SHOE REPAIR SHOP Now open at 230 Strawberry street. JOS. GORDON, PROP. Our shop at 1820 North Third street will also be continued. Bell 938 W. Dial 6563. Storage STORAGE —Fireproof and non-fire proof warehouses. Private rooms foi household goods. $2 a month up. Har risburg Storage Co., 437-4 15 S. 2nd St. STORAGE —419 Broad street, house hold goods.merchandlse. Private rooms sl-$3. Wagons, 75c month. D. Coopei & Co., 417 Broad St. Both phones. STORAGE In brick building, rear 408 Market. Household goods In clean private rooms. Reasonable rates, P. G. Diener, 408 Market street. I'ndertnkera RUDOLPH IC SPICER. ~ Funeral Dliector and Embalmer 611 North Second Street. Bell 252. Dial 3146 SAMUEL 8. FACKLER, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. 1312 Derry St. BELL 1956. DIAL 2188. Where to Dine Well BTOUFFER'S RESTAURANT Home oooktng served to Busi nessmen and rate dlnlngroom. AWTOMOBILKS FOR BALE Magnetoes all makes —. Bosch, Dixie, Etsemann, Hplltdorf, Different makes oS caruberators, twitches, colls, starters, generators and two O-voli storage batteries, Cut prices, A. BCHIFFMANN. Bell phone 3033. 10H Market St FOR J ALE Overland l commercial panel body.i 1916 model 83; In Al condition, Only gone 7,700 miles, Guaranteed. Will demonstrate. Hacrlfloe Price. 14H5.00. A. SCHIFFMANN. Bell phone 3633. 1021 Market St. WE SELL AUTOMOBILES on con signment and charge only 5 per cent. No storage charges if car Is not sold. Auto Transportation School, 87-ti N. !,Camsrn street. FOREIGN AFFAIRS AFFECT OPENING NEW VORK STOCKS Chandler Brothers and Company, members of New York and Philadel phia Stock Exchunges 3 North Mar ket Square, Harrisburg; 1336 Chestnut street, Philadelphia; 34 Pine street, New York furnish the following quotations: Open. 2 P.M. Allis Chalmers ........ 16% 16% American Can 32 31 % American Locomotive . . 50 48 v. American Smelting 72% 71 ! American Sugar ....... 92% #2 Anaconda 55 54% Atchison 84 % 83'., Baldwin Locomotive ... 53% 52% Baltimore and Ohio .... 53 % 51% Bethlehem Steel (8.)... 76 75',i Canadian Pacific 130% 130% Central Leather 61% 60 Chesapeake and Ohio .. 47% 46% Chi., Mil. and St. Paul.. 36% 35% Chi., R. I. ana Pacific... 18% 18 Chino Con. Copper 37% 37% Colorado Fuel and Iron. 32 31% Corn Products 26 25'£j Crucible Steel 52% 51% Distilling Secui itles .... 33% 32% Erie 11% 14% General Motors 81% 82% Goodrich. B. F -35% 33% Great Northern pfd. .... HIT* 91 Great Kbrtnern Ore subs 24% 24% Inspiration Copper 40% 10% International Paper .... 20 20 K2.40: NO. 3. No. 4. and No. 6, yellow, nominal. Oats Market steady; No. 2, white, 7-0% ® 71c; No. 3, white, ® 69% c. Bran Firm and higher; soft winter, j>er ton. 138.60©39.00; spring, per ton. 137.50 @38.00. Refined Sugars Market firm; powdered, 5.45 c; fine granulated. 8.3f.c; confectioners' A, 8.25 c. Butter—The market ia unchanged; western, creamery, extras, 45c; near ly prints, fancy. 45c. Eggs—Firm, higher; Pennsylvania, and other neariiy Firsts, free caaes. $15.00®15.30 per case; do., current re ceipts, free cases, $14.70 per case; western, extras, firsts, free cases, $15.00015.30 per case; do., firsts, free cases. $14.70 per case. Live Poultry—Steady; fowls, 20© 23c; roosters, 18® 19c; spring chick ens, 19@23c; do., ducks, 220)220; old ducks, 19®22c: turkeys. 24@26c. Dressed Poultry—Firm; fancy. 26 @26Vic; do., good to choice, 24®26c; do., small sizes, 19®23c; old roosters, 21c; broiling chickens, nearby, 20 0 36c; do., western. 28®30c; roasttnt, chickens, western. 21®25c; spring ducks, 26®28c; western ducks, 25® 26c; spring turkeys. 32®36c. Potatoes—Market quiet; New Jer sey. per bushel, $1.25® 1.40; do.. No. 2, per basket, 40®60c; New York, per bushel, $1.2501.45. Flour—Steady; winter straight, new slo.2f> <010,50; Kansas. clear. new. $9.76®10.25; do., patent, new. $10.76® 11.25; do., fancy, patent, $10.76®11.26; spring, first, clear, spot, $10.75®11.00; spring firsts, clear, new. mill ship ment, $9.75010.00; spring, patent, spot, $1.75012,25; spring patent, new. mill shipment, $10.55(9)11.00; spring favorite brands. $11.50012.25. Hay The market is firm with a good demand; tim othy (according to location). No. 1, large bales, $27.00®27.60; No. 1, small bales, $27.00® 27 50; No. L, $25.5t) 0 26.50; No. 3, $23.00fi)24.50; sample, $19.00® 21.00; no grade, sls.oofi) 17.00. Clover mixed hay. Light mix*-!. $25.50(0)26.60; No. X, do., $25.00®25.50; No. 2, do., $22.00® 23.00. CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated Press Chicago. Nov. 14. Cattle Re ceipts, 24.000; weak. Native beef steers. $0.85 ® 14.26; western steers. $5,800 18.80; Blockers and feeders, $5.65® 11.35; cows and heifers, $4.50® 11.65; calves. $6.75® 13.25. Sheep Receipts, 21,000; strong. Wethers, $5.70®12.80; lambs, $12.00& i 1C.65. Hogs Receipts. 32,000; unsettled. Bulk of sales, $17.30® 17.65; light, $17.00® 17.60; mixed, $17.05 017.70; heavy, $17.05® 17.70; rough, $17.05® 17.20; pigs, $14.0® 17.60. ________ In the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County No. 95 Common wealth Docket, 1900 Common wealth of Pennsylvania, Ex Rel. John P. Elkin. Attorney General, vs. Electrical Mutual Casualty Associa tion of Philadelphia. AUDITORS' NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned auditors appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Dau phin County. Pennsylvania, to p**4 upon the exceptions filed to the Sec ond and Final Account of Theodore W. Stone. Receiver of the Electric Mu tual Casualty Association, of Phila delphia, and to make distribution of the fund found to be In the hands of the said accountant to and among those legally entitled thereto, will sit for the purpose of their appointment in the offices of W. Harry Musser, Esq., Rooms Nos 1 and 2. in the Cam eron Building, 202 Walnut Street, Harrisburg, Pa., on Tuesday. Novem ber 27, 1917, at 2:30 o'clock P. M., when and where all persons interest ed may attend if they see proper so to do. W. HARRY MUSSER, JAMES S. ASHWORTH, Auditors. Harrisburg, Pa., November 5, 1917, November 14, 1917. BIDS FOR SEWER SEALED PROPOSALS will be re ceived by the Superintendent of Streets and Public Improvements at. his office, Room SO9 Commonwealth Trust Company Building. 222 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa., up until noon of Monday, November 26, 1917, for the construction of a SEWER in SCHUYL KILL STREET, from FIFTH STREET, to 165 feet east. Blank bids and specifications may be had on appli cation. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved. W. H. LYNCH. Superintendent. IN RE OPENING AND GRADING OF SUMMIT STREET FROM SOUTH ERN LINE OF MT. PLEASANT AL LEY TO NORTHERN LINE OF CHESTNUT STREET, IN THE CITY OF HARRISBURG, PENNSYLVA NIA. NOTICE Is hereby given that the undersigned Viewers, appointed by '.he Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County to ascertain and assess dam ages and benfefits which have accrued or may accrue by reason of the Im provement aforesaid, will meet upon the line of the Improvement and view the same and the premises affected thereby on Tuesday, the 27th day of November. 117, at 10 o'clock A. M.. when and where all parties In Interest may attend personally or by Counsel If they see fit. And the undersigned viewers will hold an adjourned meet ing in the Council Chamber in the Court House at Harrisburg. on the next succeeding day (Legal Holidays and Sundays excepted), at 10 o'clock A. M.. and continue the hearings un til all parties In Interest and their wit nesses who may attend shall have had an opportunity to be fully heard. EARL E. GFAEFF. E. CLARK COW DEN, PAUL O. SMITH. V lowers Northern States Power Company First & Refunding 5% Bonds Due April 1, 1941 ! Circular on request Bonbright & Company MORRIS WIBTAR STROUD, Jr. Manager 437 Chestnut St., Philadelphia New York Boston Detroit London Paris Chicago 13