Good Attendance ih the New Bloomfield Schools New Bloomfield, Pa., Nov. 2.—The New Bloomfield High school shows an average attendance of 99. The following attended every day during OEaOCIOEaoaOKXaOCXO STORE OPENS 8.30 A. M. 3OEaOOOEaOEaOCaOCXOOOBO CLOSES SATURDAY 9:00 p. MioOOBOaOBOB^ JJ Tomorrow, Saturday, Will Be the Big Day of this Great Sale of Manufacturers* Surplus Stocks! 2 "================ AT KAUFMAN'S i IW 1 r-— 1 'll ■■ ■ ■ ~AT KAI'KMAM'S M K CUD C| $25,000 Worth of ! rfSSfcJr-Cr&i, ajOßL'trßl iffillKtett SEVERAL HUNDRED PAIRS OF o H rUK J . Dependable Furs rejalT WOMEN'S AND MISSES' SHOES IK For Women, Misses and Children included in this Specially Purchased for This Sale JS © f AIT HIT MAGUS) AIIW 5R Values i Your $9.85 8 II crrrf The cWa^ the >v\ /A\ LJI I 11 U/m\U II P 'vlfe $3.50, $4.00, Choice U H jm ,1.35 JfiSS Per S (\\ 1^^ U IL- "O $4.50 & $5.00 I a, H h M£ wB K ii&i N1 TT in? women's and Misses' Sport Boots I jM&ksJ e w a e n 8 e t tte st a y?e dßß e (<5 TT )( TT TT 0$ C$ \lr Co* J®') U Bf Dull calf English sport shoes; 9-inch 5 M neckpieces. Sasj II If !✓ J 7' 'i • |" gl SI it 111! IA\ 111 Q height; :iolid leather ooles; new military (9 fi y „4VsCHsff.SaSfi"i3S® ——, —, =ma l 1 _ Vb Women's and Misses-Button Q O SS c ;.a;'r , ° r * 1 pr\A TO | Over 25C0 New Models pAA TC | I. Boots '' Surplus Stock Sale Prices. V-* V-J /"I. 1 • Ready For Saturday's Sale *& • U s Patent colt and dull calf button boots; |l U ' v gfwL SST.OJS to 5515.00 p* rwi i • D_ .. o. l P1 • I I i , , high cut model; kid top; Goodyear welted A big assortment of mostly I* llie 1 ailonng rretty styles Charming Colors Large Assortments aoles; perforated vamps; leather Louis w ** t n £ll "ft™ WOMEN'S AND MISSES' COATS , WOMEN'S AND MISSES' COATS Extra Special serviceablc "itOftC H £1 mSBm&WSffiMHN Barrel and Pillow shapes. The Worth up to *7.r.0. A J PJ ¥* \ i iJL Worth I'p to 111.00. A/ PT f- Your Choice *..UO H| h 9HPHr S.¥E£: ;v:s -" 3 $4.75 4cM j® — —. M . . Mn © HUDSON SKA I. MUFFS A fashionable selection of the new Fall mix- O/ * \ „An attractive choice of the new Fall Kersey Shoes Solid WOmenS ana MISSCS IMOVeKy fc- Sfl JxMSWmi Surplus Stock Sale Prices ture coats in a variety of colors: Green, Brown, M A f \ S ,at 2 ln uV* r i ays ' ? X i f. J Brown8 ' ?'" e8 . an< J soles; sizes T-, 55 WsaWR aio Blue an( l Black. Plain and "belted mod- /l \ Blacks. Plain and belted models with velvet HUto2 Sur- Boots (p% Jpiy..>U to els with velvet and button trimming. /'/ \ trimming and large convertible collars. "™ l " '• °" r Mpr Hudson Sonl Neckpieces in /( Is I l/\ 7 fy \ piuo oio c k — Sale ® ur J" us Stock WOMEN'S AND MISSES' COATS /■Jtfj , * j\J Jfl WOMEN'S AND MISSES' COATS Sale Special. Ca f f '^ay^bu^k' 1 © f ((l ( J \*IAPIKru-s BUCK AM) RED FOXES Worth up to fia.BO. (t>A *7P V )4 7 •N \\ Worth Up to d|l Of A 1 4Q imitation tips; flexible soles; leather Louis u g SurpUis Stock Sale Prtes, Surplus Stock Sale^ Prices 2V" , .' ,^ 1^ tK tb!!. /D J //vjP^SaJT'imucE° CK heels; all izes. $2.85 il Ofnn.oo and *05.00 4.) to }f54{).00 SAi,js, piticb *r AT 71/f\ra i At $55.00, a fur cape of Beautiful muffs and neck- „ A pleasing collection of Velour and Kersey I / IKB I Jv yy ~A n ex( iuisite treat in Fall faslUons: Velours, k'f broad widtli, cut to collar nieces all nicelv iined A largo Suits in plain and belted models. They are fur, // I //I tJI ft /VyV J> el^ 'sey and Cheviot Coats in Brown, Green, TTT . 1 jl shape to fall about the Sarietv to choose froni button and velvet trimmed. All the wanted / / 1 F IVC? Navy. Black and Burgundy. WOmenS and MISSeS l/M .! 1 V shoulders. At $06.00 a lux- to moose 110 m. colors: Brown, Black. Blue and Oxford. /,/ SSSt&Tp/1 // '/ \\ . TT- 1 i- , r.i 1' / M U uripus length of 80 inches SPBCIAI-S —— /// / / / U \ WOMEN S AND MISSES COATS Hlgfh Grade Shoes / y and a width of 10 inches, Black Manehurlan Wolf Set at i AMD ffliT? / I \ _ /T? pN'l / © straight effect. Lined with fia.oo. WUMIiiN a AINU Mlooao CUAI b / // / \ Worth lip <0 $82.50. (hn A F* A OH anrl <6fi <;A Valine A: VM* / SJ beautiful P?au de Cygne. lcd Manvliurian Wolf Set at Worth up to $10.50. d* 1 A M * lSO °- SURPLUS STOCK Jk]4 75 / / >/ X' \ ' l \ SALBPIUCK # O f.nna I SALE PRICE f V (f I Si OUT WOMEN now; very stylish; all sizes; the I pfl f,~jb ; SALE PRICE ylwt I w j j// / J / \ SURPLUS STOCK SALE PRICES, biggest bargain on record. ■ I f. V* 1 \ ,44 J A good looking showing of Velour, Kersey, L.-J/ / / /fltf/ 1 Ak m m n N /hn j n ... ... ** A t -rntniln" -3 Bolivia and Cheviot Coats ill Taupe, Green, Navy, /T <4# ' / MK&3& / \ ißßflMiMll |/| /IT Q; 7 Q 1 Flrnt Floor U \ ."T iBB-u/ M TO+m X Brown and Burgundy colors. Tastily trimmed (( M\ , JHgi tO I *+. I J lO tQAt, i J S O-t, tlffflfflWr if I Y J*** 2 - STtw with fur> pll ' sh and keramie. Large collars— *•# T* *' " f* - KJB C V II \ plain and belted models. ™ e c "" ltr ant ' f " r tri "" n< " l - fa?t Up to $3.00. Surplus M H as turbans roll sailor and sailor shapes, with lovely trim- OvM* 700 SlllU // 1 /iYT ArHt / V\\ /\ 0/\/\r\ hams. A dandy line in sLsi Stock al- OS W3 mings of fur, gold lace, flowers, etc. \ZVCI I Uvf kjlillo // / (/ Al/IJI / M OvAF ROO lIPPSo.yo, s4.yo and $5.95 jssaaasftALFPw $7.50 / 111 yK women's and MISSES- dresses 21c sia.. w % cSffi 2 U An Expert Millinery Corps nt Your Service. A smart and chic lookiru? collection of Navy J /'////,/ I V VS st'lT' 7 C o 8 to 16. 01 Q 1 ld d mode C is wurconve^tibi^cXrV: 6 ' ateßt ' ' U // | f /////SSB PKic™f* / D Girls'WASH DRESSES, GIRLS' PLAID WOOL |J DTTr ... ______ —' | I I I 111 II A dainty array of Serge and Silk Poplin Worth Up to $1.50. Sur- SERGE DRESSES: ft - vr KAUFMAN'S Women S & Misses SUITS dA Tl - ■ Worth Up to $1450 I 1 l and belte(l models with plain and pleated skirts. plus Stock Sale rf Worth Up to $5. Surplus M A Wonderful Surplus Stock Sale of SURPLUS STOCK SALE PRICE, v**' ' J JL N l° mc are prett ' y trlmmed with plald Bllk - Price 1/OC Stock Sale (f0 Ar\ OvvonueilUi ourpius OIOCK oaie Ot A prettv assortment of Poplin and Whipcord /MR Sgf —IT^-^//////WOMEN'S AND MISSES' DRFSSFS f p ric - || tirnmrMlC 1*74101-0 „ Suits in the desirable colorsl of Navy, Black and /// LU IS j. J ////// WUM & AINU Mls>&lS.b UKbbilib All new Fa „ p i aids and iTICe .. .. VU.Ti/ MH Wf)lvlr.l\l S WAISTS ANH RI 01T5117Q Oxford, Newest belted models with braid and A'J J I I /////// Worth U to $0.50. p< /\ plain ginghams in all the A stylish assortment of the dft) DL.UUOLO button trimming. // _ A/_ / i U/'////suill'l US sroriv lk / *%ll latest models. Fast colors. new Fall models in plain and S 1 . _ gjj \\ X// Mi i Piiirw *P • •Jl/ l jlald Colors. Sizes 6to 14. M O W • p OUS w rettyWaists $12.00 WASH DRESSES. OIRLS" Xlwwool D Womens Fancy Waists Women's Wai!t: SURPLUS si OCK SALE PRICE, X v ... , Oreen and Rrown colors. White and Champagne iw nrf i TT W.. i ft 44. Worth up to SI.OO. shades an r „,., || M ■ AT KAUFMAN'S , _ O g HOSIERY One Thousand Winter Coats For Girls 2to 16 Years in This Big Sale of Surplus Stocks GLOVES D J COrdU " y St 8 W™49c~7~ #n\ Rw*\l[ lk Km / m W° me „' s Chamoisette U Made of fiber siik lisle; garter , Plush , Ww Wz§ IILi I Plush GLOVES 8 err n Si if Li J -jl ifr snsr?~.9 8 8 gm S 6I <* €& 4) s 9i ®p. D 93c •.. • GI I L !,' C °^ TS CI T °on SGIRLS ' COATS PLUSH COATS GIRL COATS PPER C °" TT • Ik MB *k | U and brown. Paris point and Bilk S est shades. All lengths. V J \m I*JI I* J H IB BB Hlfe & H9a afß M r.tltchlng. P — SKrO> " K ' oo,t = KAUFMAN s-second *B+ U ■llllllllllllll fII M H KtaX KAUFMAN'S—Second Floor FIRST FLOORr= M dcaomomoßoaocaoE STORE OPENS 8.30 A. M. ocaocaoßoaonooonoEaoccLosEs SATURDAY 9:00 p. MaonoDOooßOnJ FRIDAY EVENING, the month: Helen Bernhelsel, Mabe Black, Esther Brenner, Mary E. Clouser, Oeraldine Eckerd, Bessie Ferguson, Eleanor Ferguson, Vera Frey, Mary Hair, Ellen Keller, Clara Keller. Ruth Logan, Olive Meek, An nie Myers, Edna Myers, Gertrude Reeder, Dorothy Robinson, Sara Sheaffer, Catharine Tressler, Verda 3l Welcomer, Leroy Dromgold, Lynn . Dromgold, Eugene Gantt, Herman s Heston, Ralph Magee, Archie Stew -1 art, S. Frank Tressler. The Rev. J. 1 Thomas Taxis is the teacher. The grammar school report also i gives an average attendance of 99. L The following pupils attended every day during the month: Mae Barnett, HA RRISBURG TELEGRAPH i Thomas Bower, Roscoe Black, Stan ley Hair, John Lupfer, Blanche Asklns, Evelyn Bower, Laura Bar nett, Edna Brlner, Esther Garber, Margaret Kline, Lavlna Black, Ora Clegg, Violet Meek, Marie Myers. Pern Mteckley, Mary McClure. Sara Kline, Myra Sheaffer, Blanche Tress ler, Mary Weeter and Clara Camp bell. WOMAN FALLS AGAINST STOVI Marietta, Pa., Nov. 2. —Miss Su san Porrey, of Conoy township, was' badly burned yesterday when she fell against a rod hot stove. Her arms are badly burned. She saved herself from striking her faco by grasping a tea kettle. KILLKD -BY FALL FROM WAGON Marietta, Pa., Nov, 2.—Levi Kray blll, aged 66, one of Lancaster coun ty's leading gardeners, died from paralysis Tuesday night, following a fall from a wagon several hours before his death. He is survived by his wife, several children, and a number of brothers and sisters. NOVEMBER 2, 1917. BOY SCOUT OFFICERS Middleburg, Pa., Nov. 2.—The Bov Scouts held a meeting in the school house on Tuesday evening and elect ed these officers; Dr. J. G. Sallade, scoutmaster; Harvey Hare, assistant scoutmaster, and treasurer. Carson Stahlnecker. COUNCIL MEMBER ELECTED Middleburg, Pa., Nov. 2. At a meeting of the council of Emanuel Lutheran Church Wednesday even ing. G. M. Shindel was elected a member to succeed the late G. Al fred Schoch. Mr. Shindel WUB also elected treasurer of the church coun cil. ' 5