24 MEN WHO ARE IN FRANCE SHOULD HAVE VERY BEST • Champ Clark Declares Best Is None Too Good For Brave Soldiers Speaker Champ Clark, one of the men of nationaf prominence con tributing to the fund to provide smokes for American soldiers "over there," has endorsed the movement in the following words: "I am glad to contribute to a Tobacco Fund because I believe our soldiers fighting in France to make the world safe for democracy should ha\'e the best of everything. Follow tin* Flag "Let American tobacco follow the flag. The boys want it. I am pleased to know that a fund has been started to supply them with tobacco and that T can help cheer them up and contribute in some small meas ure to their comfort and content ment by making a donation. "Tobacco was a boon to the sol diers who fought in '6l-'6R and to the boys who fought in '9B. It is going to be none the less of a boon to the boys of 1917. "With thousands of American sol diers going to France to fight and lay down their lives, if need be. 1 think the least the stay-at-homes can do is to keep them well supplied with tobacco." Grateful For Privilege Harrisburg Telegraph. Gentlemen: Enclosed please find the sum of one dollar (*1.00) which I will ask you to kindly add to the "Our Sol diers in France Tobacco Fund." Thanking you for giving me this privilege of doing a "bit," I remain Verv truly yours. MISS E. CELIA HINKL.EY, 2 2 South 20th Street. Harrisburg. Pa. Previously acknowledged ...$624.68 B. P. Clark 2.00 Mary Y. Mcßeynolds 1.00 1.. L. McClintock 100 E. Celia Hinkley 1.00 Total $629.68 State College Announces Winter Course For Fanners State College, Oct. 19-—Short | courses in agriculture and home eco nomics will be given this year at the Pennsylvania State College, be ginning November 13 and ending February 20. Extensive preparations are being made by the authorities to handle a big crowd of farmers and 'their wives who are expected to come here for twelve weeks of study. According to the heads of the School of Agriculture, profitable farming depends upon the applica tion of scientific principles to the production and marketing of farm crops. They have, accordingly, an nounced the following winter courses: I Take into consideration the I quality, style and fit, and the man of judgment will buy his Suit and Overcoat FROM Holman sls - S2O MARKET ST, Old and New Way Hyomei Ihr Latent Scientific Discov ery for the Treatment of Catarrh The discovery of Hyomei has wrought a wonderful change in the treatment of catarrh. Prior to a few years ago the medi cines ordinarily employed in the cure of this disease were nauseating drugs ind worthless tonics. In some in stances they may have been benefited, but the improvement was not last ing. Hyomei is no ordinary remedy. It is the only metiTbd of treatment that sends by direct inhalation to the most remote part of the air passages, a bal samic air that destroys all catarrhal germs in the breathing organs, en riches and purifies the blood with ad ditional ozone, and makes people well. A complete outfit costs but little and includes an inhaler, dropper and sufficient Hyomei for several weeks' treatment. Perhaps the strongest evidence that can be given to doubters, is the fact that H. C. Kennedy has so much faith in Hyomei that he sells every pack age under a positive guarantee to re fund the money if it does not cure. Now is the time to begin the use of Hyomei.—Advertisement. Snake Oil will Positively Relieve Pain la Three Minutes Try It right now for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Lumtago, sore, stilt and swollen joints, pains In the head, back and limbs, corns, bunions, etc. After one application pain disappears as if by magic. A new remedy used internally and externally for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Sore Throat, Diphtheria and Tonsilitis The oil is conceded to be the most penetrating remedy known. Its prompt and immediate eflect 'u relieving pain is due to the fact that it penetrates to the affected parts at once. As an Il lustration, pour ten drops on the thickest piece of sole leather and It will penetrate this substance through and through In three minutes. Accept no substitute. This great oil Is golden red color only. Every bottle guaranteed: 25c, 50c and SI.OO a bot tle, or money refunded at Geo. A. Gor gas' drug store.—Advertisement. FRIDAY EVENING, ' Dives,Pomeroy P_ The New Suits and Coats For Winter A Magnificent Display of New Have Real Youth in Every Line Millinery For Winter Styles at $25.00 to $45.00 of Unusual Worth Suits, (. oats and Dresses that arc representative of Autumn s most fashionable apparel are pre- Not so to-day, there is no season always the new has < \ sentcd in this mid-season showing at prices that will meet the critical inspection of every well-dressed fit 1 High-class models cut along lines that arc out q£ the ordinary, and new fur-trimmed styles of lux- The new models just unpacked join the wonderful dis jb urious materials are featured in sizes for misses and women. play of Winter Hats that had their formal opening this IjpK The New Colors week. There arc exquisitely trimmed creations for dress \* • } v \ niack - nav >' and brown poplin suits made with a C">/1 nn f4o xn ancl street wear—every shape that is fashionable and many \ / > !I'lP v f■ ! J* ' / \!\ plaited back and finished with broad belt and two large V-jOOIS 01 tp ,UU 10 \ j I f Ik \\ buckles; large cape collar of self material, collar and Cheviot coats in navy and brown made with n full daring novelties featuring the new effects in bead trimmings, I r¥)/ M\ I U 8 immed with bone buttons $22.50 back nnlßhpd with n broad stitched belt, large patch . . . \ I 1 W./I \ \\ Broadcloth, serge and poplin suits in green, brown, pockets and cape collar of plush 92<).00 novel feather ideas, fur handings and touches, embellish- \]/ I y 'l l\ r~ navy and wine; the back is box plaited with a broad Wool velour, broadcloth and cheviot coats in black, r , , , .. , , '\ \\\ C 7 j \ / belt t0 f ° rm a h ' Bh waist lino and large col'ar of ' navy, taupe, brown and green, made with a full gathered ments Ot gold and Sliver lace and flowers. / 111 velvet, $25.00 back, large cape collar and patch pockets of same . ... . , | material ... .. New model with soft brown velvet brim with Sailor of black paune velvet with soft fold on J Tyrol wool suits in blue, brown and green, made in a 11 ?-S.O crown of Perisan velvet, rihbon and beaver fur, #lO edge of brim. I sport style trimmed in heavy stitch'ing $35.00 Wool velour and Pom-Pom coats in brown, wine, New model with acordion plaited velvet hat. Small tricorne of black panne velvet with plalt- I . -> ~, . , , . .. _ t a upp an d cree n made with a nlalteH nr ir-itherd with soft ""ted brim and silver rose on top of jngs of grosgrain ribbon. I Chiffon broadcloth and wool velour suits In the new P ■. made wun a , laited or gathered back crown #io 00 Medium hat of Burgundy velvet, trimmed with I bustle model, in brown, taupe and navy, with Hudson targe collar of self material finished with a broad band New model In sand colored velvet with red fac- feather fancv. I / I seal collar or collar of self material $39.50 P $27.50 ing stitched in red and finished With red buckle', ITT i / I Wool velour and chilTon broadcloth su.ts In navy. green." wUh"! mode, in turban style with high black"?,- A ' CW POpUlaT P TICCU. HatS \ Js" T\ J taupe and brown, with inverted plaits in back and plain box plaited back, plain tailored front with cuffs and vet brim and crown of cloth of silver $7.50 Soft velvet hats with fi opp y brims in many Ft )\ I tailored front buttoning high to the throat, large cape large patch pockets, convertible collar of self material 71 /f f 7 „ „ 1 J r colors $2.05 and $3.95 ft collar of Hudson seal $15.00 lined throughout with a fancy Bilk lining, $30.50 I\CLU IVIOCICIS 0.1 yp4 ,t7t) * Large taupe sailors with tam crown and ta:j- A/ Silvertone cloth suits In green, taupe and navy, made °aupe?'the back p?aits' broad Small black velvet chin chin turban with gros Splendid variety of velvet sailors in black, brown W in a plain tailored model handsomely bound in black pointed belt, large cape collar, cuffs and inverted'pocket grain ribbon edging. • navy and purple $2.05 silk braid with a military collar $55.00 of seal plush $42.50 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor, Front. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor Women's and Children's Many Styles of Forest Mills I"Camp Dix Takes a Million"! Hosiery Underwear For Women . Good qualities of cotton, lisle and cashmere hosiery are Underwear that is noted for its perfect fitting qualities -L fllilK OJ J. fICIL ± COf)LC OJ li ClI ilb (Jlliy to be found in our ctocks at moderate prices. It took alert s P' cn did wear. merchandising to find these days of advancing prices all ne/kand alone- the line knee and ankle length, regular sizes. 75c: extra sizes, 89o'. . . f it ... . White merino vests and tights, medium weight, vests high neck command—rcadv for the supreme sacrifice. \\ hen you consider that the soldier s stipend WOMEN'S HOSIERY. and long sleeves, or Dutch neck and elbow sleeves, tights ankle Black cotton hose, seamless, spliced heel 25c sufind Z 2 lisle re.^ie'r .WW""'. Zts^o.^ 8 ' tlehU realizing the sacrifice he is willing to make when he says: "Here I am, Uncle Sam, with Burson lisle out size hose, seamless, black and white, . . .... .. . 3c lonK s i eeves Dutch neck ."nd'elbow sleeves" my life and mv money." Burson black cotton split sole hose, regular s'.ees, 350; extra length. Regular sizes, $1.25; extra sizes, $1.50. III And Cam p Dix have taken a mi,lion of the sccond Lihcrty Loan iJiacK tasnmere nost, ankle length. Regular sizes, $2.00; extra sizes, $2.50. > CHILDREN'S HOSE White silk and wool union suits, medium weight, high neck and . . . < e ± tt i c > 11 long sleeves, Dutch neck and elbow sleeves, and low neck, sleeve- Can you who stav at home in ease and comfort, turn a deaf ear to Lncle bams appeal: Fine ribbed cotton hose, seamless, black and.white 25c less, ankle length. Regular sizes. $2.50; extra sizes, $3.00. ... - ri . __ ... ... Black silk lisle hose, fine ribbed, black, tan and white. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Can you salve your conscience With a $.")0.00 subscription when Simple duty demands that BOYS' HOSE Bm ' s9c ; you multiply that subscription ten fold? SS HatS For T ilttlf l FplloW J t u t „ . Boys' Hat Section on the Millinery floor. Second floor. You can buy Liberty Bonds from any bank or trust company—on your own terms if Caps, tams. ra'h rahs, school hats, dress hats and novelties in mix- ... , , j jll i tures. serge, fancy weaves, velours and velvet. VOU Will, a dollar down and a dollar a week. A fine variety of styles for as little as 69c Women's Rath Robes.ss.oo ; — —- Seven attractive models in blanket robes trimmed witb I SWCatCtS NCWCSt StyleS C m^i':trden co " ar ' s,ctves and pocket ,rimme " jW Shown by the Hundred Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, second Floor. fWk This is a season of distinctive sweater styles and this is ' • " ie swca,ter stock that is most representative of these new *•' RmE modes. The variety of weaves and colors proves it, and t j the way the groups disappear is also proof that we are doing Pile Fabrics That Simulate thc sweatcr busine m , .-|. -p. n . i /->< \i - VWlltitf j}*. &&&& Coat sweaters in the newest creations in fancy and plain weaves. In Cx MVOTTQI lin O* hnvc AT thp in '* f' iftii ni * shawl and sailor collars, belted and plain waists, combination col li It; J. levcllliug X UIO Ul UIIC ucaouil r' Tili " - om and plain colors $4.98, $5.98, $6.50, $6.95 to $10.50 1 i '' " ' _ ' Z Z - ~ l] Plain and belted all wool coat sweaters, shawl collar, In the popu- Furs are much in demand for trimmings and among the I?, ]T I A Tf T[ IP v : lar colors .* s2.os to $3.50 new plushes shown in the Silk Section are these wanted ' UU" croods 111 HPJr xY 1 * Misses' coat sweaters, Bhawl and sailor collars, belted and plain & }.■■■ models $2.50, $2.08 to $5.50 Kerami, the newest plush effect in the rippled grey appearance, nicrr~-*'o>ir '• Children's coat sweaters In belted and plain models, combination 54 inches wide. Yard '. $16.50 colors and solid colors *1.50, SI.OB, $2.50 to SI.OB Sold in special stole lengths, 16 inches wide and 1% yards in Ml "L. ' ™"L. „ _ J] j "1 i „ BOYS' KVV EATKRS for.. . ... $9.75 highest priced custom tailor does not give a card,nal ' sl - 50 y ard uBea .. P . U8 ...'. 80 .'I'..? ua ..!..T!?*.i.l//f PpHimnie • and are shown in varied models. r lllC Oil itlllCOUlS A/To-n'c? Qni'hc 8 Mod e ls at SI.OO I 2 Models at $2.00 Taffeta petticoats in all the wanted Autumn shades and black. lVlt/11 O OLIIL/O 3 Models at $1.25 1 Model at $2.50 „ . , 1k nAtt( s2 ' 93 ' *iS o2 . 9 Models at $1.50 D. P. &S„ Second Floor Extra size silk petticoats $1.50 to $8.05 ♦ Ct> 1 r f\f\ i cm rr\ S\/\ Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor 1U .00 10 $50.00 English and conservative models in two and three-buttons in a lavish |loU.£>cll dlld vJlUCv^llt^o - TTT *• display of richest woolens. 25 lb. bag granulated sugar. Italian olive oil, pint, ... 40c 40 Styles °fWa is ts a t SI.OO Men's and Young Men's Overcoats B Voile and batiste waists, lace trimmed or in neat semi-taf- 1 ° 10 bars ivory soap 57c assirted paiti box rr, n, -o $15.00, $20.00, $25.00, $30.00 and $35.00 NewVode Blouses at $1.95, $2.50 ands2.9s . . ,„ 6 . un * nine . s !"^ r Voile blouses, trimmed with pretty laces, fine tucks, organdie em- . ' CnCn COatS, COatS and COnser\atlVe models in all the fine 18c Mrs. Schloser s products, such broidery panel and medallions; deep collar with trimmings of lace fabrics that distinguish this season's Overcoat Styles. 2 n, o"*®' 0 "*®' r ' Ch aroma ' lb - SJ® fresh sulmfv at* 1 insertion and lace edge; the more simple styles are made with con- n j i IDS., .................. ooi rresn nuppiy, at ... 10c anil 30c vertible collar $1.05, $2.50 and 52 05 • Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor, Rear . Pompelan salad dressing, bot- Jar tomato relish 20c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor tle D Potatoes, % peck 25c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH OCTOBER 19, 1917.