Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 11, 1917, Page 3, Image 3

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Jnlawful Methods Being Used
by Some in This In
Washington. D. C.—The officials In
harge of the enforcement of the
'ood and Drugs Act are again calling
ttention to the practice of soaking
ried peas and dried lima beans until
hey have the appearance of the fresh
rtlcle and then canning them. Such
roducts are then in many Instances
old as the canned fresh article. Un
ess soaked peas and lima beans are
lainly labeled as "soaked" or in some
ther manner so as to show their
haracter, they are regarded as in
iolation of the Foods and Drugs Act.
There is no denial that soaked peas
nd lima beans are a wholesome arti
le of food. They are, however, ad
littedly inferior in quality to the
roducts prepared from the fresh
egetables. Furthermore, the dried
faf or beans may themselves be pur
hased by the housewife quite cheaply
nd while in the dried condition may
e commercially and satisfactorily
tored for future use.
The housewife will also do her bit
[i the conservation of our limited
upply of tin plate by soaking and
coking her own dried peas and lima
cans in the kitchen and thereby re
easing a proportional amount of tin
ans for for use in the packing of
erishable foods where they are
reatly needed.
Consumers are urged to read labels
f canned peas and lima beans care
ully in order to see whether or not
hey are getting a fresh or a soaked
ried product.
OWING to enlistments
we have positions
open in your county for
men to exhibit and sell
num Fuel Saving Utensils.
The high price of fuel
has increased the demand
for fuel-saving utensils.
During the last three
months our 1000 men aver
aged over $6.00 a day in
commissions. Wm. F. Sun
day, of Lebanon, Pa., and
60 other salesmen are mak
ing over $300.00 a month.
Write for Bulletin contain
ing names and sales rec
ords of entire force. Ref
ences required. Xo sajes
xperience necessary. Ap
ication must be filed be
. ire October 10th.
Aluminum ('nuking Vtensll C'o.
Dept. I*. New Kensington. I*a.
Offices in principal cities of
the United States and Canada.
In C."ada. write The Northern
Aluminum Company, Ltd., To
ronto, Ont.
low Fat Actress
Was Made Slim
Many stage people now depend en
ireiy upon Marmola Prescription
'ablets for reducing and controlling
at. One clever actress tells that she
educed two to four pounds a week bv
sing this new form of the famous
larmola Prescription and now. bv
aking Marmola Tablets several time's
year, keeps her weight Just right. '
ill druggists sell Marmola Prescrip- I
ion Tablets at "5 cents for a large |
ase. Or you can get them by send
ng price direct to the Marmola Co..
64 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich If ;
ou have not tried them do so. They I
re harmless and effective.—Adver
if He Drinks
POWDERS Secretly
Any mother, wife or sister can
top the Drink Habit, if she wants
o do so. Thousands of women are
lappy to-day, because they gave
heir husbands, sons or brothers!
Tescum Powders." The powders are'
asteless and harmless and can |be'
riven in either liquid or solid food, i
You take no risk as Tescum Pow
lers are sold under a steel-bound!
noney-refund guarantee by J. Nel
on Clark at SI.OO per box, or 6 box-!
s for $5.00.
| Cough Nearly Gone 1
in 24 Hours
j Thai's the vsnal experience with Q
) till* home-made remedy. Cost* X
little—try it.
Anyone who tries this pleasant tast
aq home-made cough syrup, will
uicklv understand why it' is used in
lore homes in the United States and
'anada than any other cough remedy,
'he way it takes hold of an obstinate
ouch, giving immediate relief, will
lake you regret that you never tried
t before. It is a truly dependable*
ough remedy that should be kept
andy in every home, to use at the
,rst sign of a cough, night or day.
Any druggist can supply you with
ounces of Pinex (60 cents worth),
'our this into a pint bottle and fill the
iottle with plain granulated sugar
yrup. The total cost is about 65 cent*
nd you have a full pint of the most
ffective remedy you ever used.
The quick, lasting relief you get from
his excellent cough syrup will really
urprise you. It promptly heals the in
lamed membranes that line the throat
nd air passages, stops the annoying
hroat tickle, loosens the phlegm, and
oon vour cough stops entirely. Splen
id for bronchitis, croup, whooping
ough and bronchial asthma.
Pine* is a highly concentrated com
ound or Norway pine extract, and is
amous the world over for its healing
fleet on the membranes.
To avoid disappointment ask for
unces of Pinex" with full directions
nd don't accept anything else. A guar
itee of absolute satisfaction or money
romptly refunded goes with this prep
ration. The l'ine* Co., it. Wayne,
WANT $1,110,000
j Methodists in Big Drive After
Funds •to Be Used in
Schools and Colleges
The Methodists of the Washington
and Philadelphia Episcopal areas are
in a gigantic drive for $1,110,000 for
their institutions of higher learning.
The three schools most concerned
with the movement are Dickinson
College, at Carlisle, Pa.; Williams
port Dickinson Seminary, at Wil
liamsport, Pa., and the Wilmington
Conference Academy, at Dover, Del
The board of education of the
Methodist Episcopal Church is also
in this campaign for endowment for
the white schools of the South, and
for a pension fund for emeritus pro
This movement is in commemora
tion of the four hundredth anniver
sary of Protestantism in America,
the one hundred and iiftieth anni
versary of the founding of the Meth
odist Episcopal Church in America,
and the golden anniversary of the
establishment of the Methodist Epis
copal board of education.
liaised S11),000,000
To date this nation-wide movement
has added $19,009,000 to the perma
nent funds of Methodist educational
institutions. The plan is to add $16.-
<IOO,OOO more by the fall of 191 S.
The educational jubilee will close its
activity officially at that time.
The campaign for the strength
ening of the Christian collegs had
i its inception before the world war
was thought a possibility. Ie began
| when there was a certain degree of
stagnation over a wide area of
church activity. Nineteen denomina
tions had representatives in a con
ference to confer together as to the
most vital step to take to give a
new impulse to Christian work and
Progressing Splendidly
The decision of that important in
terchureh conference was to the ef
fect that the best step to take was
to provide adequate endowment and
equipment for the church schools.
In accordance with that program the
Methodist Episcopal Church decided
to raise $35,000,000 for its institu
tions of higher learning. The Pres
byterian Church is well along with
its unit of $30,000,000. The Bap
tist Church is succeeding admirably
in raising its quota of $20,000,000.
The remainder of the nineteen rep
resentative denominations are work
ing hard to reach their goai.
Headquarters Opened
The central headquarters office has
been opened in this city on the fourth
floor of the Trustee building. To this
office will come the reports from the
area of Central Pennsylvania confer
ence and outlying districts. And from
this office will go out the campaign
literature, news items, etc.
Bishop Wilbur F. McDowell
met in this city with Dr. Mor
ris E. Swartz and the ministers
of the Harrisburg district a few days
ago to discuss the plans of campaign,
and to perfect the local organizaUon.
Similar conferences were held at
Altoona "with Superintendents Simp
son B. Evans and Emory M. Stevens, |
of the Altoona and Juniata districts, j
respectively, together with their min
The Sunbury and Williamsport
districts also lined up for these con
ferences. Superintendents J. B.
Stein and Horace L. Jacobs took the
leadership of the session of their re
spective districts. Every district su
perintendent is heartily in this great
program of nation-wide Methodism.
The work of organizing the sub
district groups jf workers is now in
progress and before many days the
hosts of Methodism will concentrate
their efforts upon the campaign for
their colleges.
Thus far in the drive for $35,000,-
000 not a single college, university,
or seminary campaign has been al
lowed to fail. It is expected that the
present campaign will run true to
Housekeeper Catches Rat at
Both Ends and in Middle
Marysville, Pa., Oct. 11.—For a
long time, Mrs. W. W. Acker, of
Greenwood township, had been both
ered by rats stealing goods from her
cupboards. Traps were set, but the
rodents were too sly, and all Mrs.
Acker's efforts were in vain. Not dis
couraged, however, Mrs. Acker se
cured a small box, placed a steel
trap at ea<<, end of it, some food be
tween, witn some fly paper covering
it. While preparing breakfast this
morning she heard a commotion in
the cupboard. Opening the door,
she saw a large rat, iirinly caught
with one foot in each of the two
traps. He had stepped into the box,
landed on the flypaper and in his
efforts co free himself had been
caught in both traps.
Halifax, Pa., Oct. 11.—Professor
D. C. Millard celebrated his eighty
seventh birthday anniversary at his
home in Front street on Monday, j
The day was spent by greeting his
many friends who called to see him 1
Professor Millard received many
postcards and presents. He was the i
borough's oldest public school teach- '
er and taught in the schools of the
borough for many years, but is now
living retired with his daughter, Miss
Carrie Millard at his home in Front
Mount Joy., Pa., Oct. 11. On
Thuisday evening, October 18, a
community meeting will be held in
the Quarryville opera house under
the auspices of the Bed Cross so
ciety. Colonel John M. Groft will
make an address and Miss Nona
Brown, of Lancaster, will tell what
Lancaster chapter has done. Pro
fessor Taylor and his male quartet
will furnish the music.
Rutherford Heights. Pa., Oct. 11.
—More than one hundred pupils
from Butherford schools have at
tended every day during the month
according to Principal R. E. Gruber's
report. The report shows an en
rollment of 186, with an average at
tendance of 171; present every dav
118; percentage of attendance, 90.
Twenty-seven visits were recorded
for the month.
Lewistown, Pa., Oct. 11. Fire
men's field day will be held here on
Saturday, October 13. It promises
to be the greatest ever held here
There will be a lot of sports and a
fine program has been prepared.
Companies and bands from out of
town will be present.
Halifax, Pa., Oct. 11.—Mrs. Wil
liam Daugherty, of Front street, has
a sweet pumpkin that she cut from
a vine on her lot last October. It is
still In as good condition as it was
a year ago.
linn—2mu united harrisbubg. THlßsday, October u, iot7. ~
rOtNIIKU ln7l
Strengthen our government by purchasing Liberty Bonds. We must win the war to secure the world's freedom
House Dresses
Brand new lot of gingham and percale house
dresses in stripes, plaids and solid colors.
S'ses 361 to I I full cut, well fashioned and
made. Friday Sale,
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
Sale of Electric House
Broken Lots to be closed
out at reduced prices
These dresses comprise light and dark color
ings in stripes, checks and plain colors .
Some with high neck and long sleeves—sizes
36 to 56 in the lot, but not every size to a style.
Friday Sale,
BOWMAN'S—Third Floor.
Rugs Rubber Stair
Tapestry rugs—in flor- Treads
al, conventional and all
over patterns seamless Made of 1-8 inch corru
—size 9x12 ft. Friday ted rubber-
Size 6xlß inches, .. .9^
$16.50 Size 7xlß inches, . . 11?
Size 9xlß inches, .. 13?
Axminster rugs —in
. , Rubber stair treads with
rich colors and patterns— , , f
r rubber nosings, fancy
slightly imperfect size 9 moulded patterns. Size
xl 2 ft. Friday Sale, 9xlß inches. Friday Sale,
$20.00 20c
BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor ! BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor
Women's Shoes
Women's high shoes—a small lot of odds and
ends of exceedingly high grade, in mostly small
sizes and narrow widths. Not exchangeable. Fri
day Sale, pair,
Women's white spats, high and low styles. Fri
day Sale, pair,
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
Velours and Men's Sport
Corduroy C i
Silk finish velour cords T . ~ „ .
, , ... ~ I'ootball, basketball and
heavy wale Alice blue ...
, ; n B gymnasium shoes in sizes
and Dußarrv Rose —M) A . o , t, ~ „ ,
. . 6 to 8 onlv. Fndav Sale,
inches wide, l-riday Sale,
yard. Pa,r '
$1.45 $2 - 25
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor
Velour plush in navy, j
black, white, cardinal and T
coral —36 inches wide,
limited quantity. Friday Silk Samples
hale, yfird,
$1.45 Drummers' samples and
* remnants of silks plain
White corduroy fall and fancy silks in a wide
and winter weight —thick range of colors and pat
and wide wale —36 inches terns— V/ 2 to 6-yards in
wide. Friday Sale, yard, length. Friday Sale, yard
89c 98c
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor BOWMAN'S—Main Floor
Friday Furniture Offerings
100 fumed oak tabourettes will be placed on
sale tomorrow morning at
You will have to v come early to procure one of
these fine tabourettes—
None will be sent C. O. D. anckonly two will
be sold to each customer.
Fumed oak buffet, colonial pattern, genuine
quartered oak. Friday Sale,
Golden oak extension table—extends to six
feet—solid oak construction. Friday Sale,
3-piece reception hall suite, finished antique
mahogany—rush seats on settee, chair and rock
er. Friday Sale,
BOWM4N'S—Fifth Floor.
Stamped Goods Flannelette Dressing Sacques
Night gowns stamped Gowns • Percale and flannelette
in four different patterns ~~ dressing sacques in sev
made in sizes 15, 16 Gowns made with square eral styles—light and dark
and 17. I'riday Sale, neck, in blue and white colorings. Friday Sale,
and pink and white stripes jq
Friday Sale,
... , , BOWMAN'S—Second Floor
Night gowns made up KUQ
in sizes 15' and 16
stamped in four different °wMAN's-second Floor M en * g (Jnderwear
patterns. Friday Sale, ~
59c White Union suits of medium
~ and heavy weight cotton,
BOWMAN'S—Second Floor Enameled Ware white and peeler color.
- Consisting of 4-qt. Friday Sale,
;overed cooking pot
Wnmpn' with bail or lon £ hand " ' $1.39
women 8 le; 2-qt. double rice or
cereal boiler; 2-qt. lip- BOWMAN's —Main Floor
Stockings Safe," 0^0 POt Friday
Women's thread silk 59c Knit Underwear
stockings - double soles, Women's underwear
high spliced heels, wide of bleached cotton> in
garter tops plain black Handkerchiefs medium and heavy
white and colors, seconds weight _ vests and pants
" a - % ae > P a,r . Odd lot of women's —long and short sleeves
*Q batiste and linen hand- —ankle and knee length.
• kerchiefs some with in- Friday Sale,
itials. Friday Sale, _
Women's plain black ' • 50c
and white cotton stock- 10c
ings with fibre silk boots, Children's heavy cotton
double soles and wide Boys' linen handker- union suits, cotton, fleece
garter top. I'riday Sale, chiefs, white with colored lined, peeler color—ages
P a ' r edge. Friday Sale, 6to 12 years, Friday Sale
25c 17c 59c
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor BOWMAN'S—Main Floor BOWMAN'S—Main Floor
1 Friday—the Week's!
j Bargain-Clean-Up-Day!
$ ~•>
t —Again the various departments come to the fore %
% with a list of strong underprice attractions. *
*? *
J —lncluded are odd lots, soiled merchandise of various I
| sorts, remnants, together with , %
! Special Low Price Purchases !
, <•> —————
| bought especially for Friday selling—to add more enthus- I
% iasm to the day's business and to offer our customers values f
I out of the ordinary—but please remember in good, reliable I
£ and seasonable merchandise only. t
x x
I Look For the Gree !
❖ —— •>
* A
****** **************************'i*****************#,,*.^},^^^^.'
Silverware Hallowe'en Brassieres
Silver mounted glass- Novelties Odd lot of brassieres in
vases', CO f?ower ng Various kinds of Hal- sp'endid models—lace and
pepper and salt shakers, lowe en novelties, sonic embroidery trimmed
marmalade jars, etc. Fri- which are slightly soil- bandeau and hook front
day Sale, Friday sale, models. Friday Sale,
39c 5c and 10c 39c
BOWMAN'S Basement j BOWMA.VB-Baaem.nt B OWMAN'S-Second F.oor
Dimity China Tea Sets Corsets
Checked dimity, for 17-piece richly deco
children s dresses an d rated Japanese china Pink coutil corsets, lon<>
FridTvlaL 'vaJd" ! ta Set ' consi , stin & of 6 hip, low bust model, near"
b riday hale, } ard tea cup and sau
1 e tea pot, sugar and J '
1) C creamer. Friday Sale, Q&r
BOWMAN'S—Second Floor set, *'**
$ 1 98 BOWMAN'S—Second Floor
.... ; BOWMAN'S—Basement '*■
Voiles 1— I
Jardinieres Men's Work Shirts
Fancy white voiles of
a superior quality —36 . Made of pottery a H eavy wcight QUti
inches wide. Friday Sale, s,z e that will hold a good u- ♦
yard, size flower pot-in sev- tlannC , Work r shirts in
eral color blends. Friday siz es 14 to \e]/ 2 . Friday
19c Sale > Sale -
BOWMAN'S—Second Floor 29c 59c
BOWMAN'S-Basement BOWMAN'S-Maln F.oor
Silk Gloves
An even 140 pairs of Turkish Towels Couching Cord.
S ''J Unbleached Turkish
a , f." c as P~T towels—especially adapt- Couching cord in yellow
double finger tips. Fri- ed for mechanics and rail- pink, purple, blue, green
day Sale, pair roaders size 18x36 in. and brown. Friday Sale,
Friday Sale, bolt,
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor 121/2 C | 3c .
BOWMAN'S—Second Floor BOWMAN'S—Second Floor
OCTOBER 11, 1917.
Scrim curtains, in Scrim in white, ivory
white, ivory and ecru and ecru plain band
—lace trimming 2 x /i fancy edges—36 inch
yards long. Friday Sale es wide. Friday Sale,
pair, yard,
SI.OO 20c
Marquisette curtains Cretonnes, in rich
hemstitched, in white, dark tones especially
ivory and ecru 2 1 / i suitable for bags and
yards long. Friday upholstering—36 inch.
Sale, pair, Friday Sale, yard,
$1.25 25c
Marquisette, in white, Remnants of scrim,
ivory and ecru—plain marquisette, cretonne
and fancy edges —36 and sunfast in desir
inches wide. Friday able lengths. Friday
Sale, yard, Sale,
BOWMAN'S—Second Floor.
Ribbon Remnants Men's Shirts
One-third off on an as- A Friday Sale of men's
sorted lot of satin, taffeta percale shirts with at
moirc and fancy ribbons tached collars— all neat
—4 to 7 inches wide. patterns and good color-
Also a lot of wash rib- ' n S s ' * riday Sale,
bons in the dot patterns,
One-half to one inch Ou\
wide. Friday Sale, yard, BOWMAN'S —Main Floor
Splendid line of black
Laces purses top strap and
back strap styles lined
Filet lace, 2to 4 inches with colored poplin, some
wide, in white and cream. with mirrors. Fn-
Friday Sale, yard, da y Sale >
8c 89c
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor BOWMAN'S—Main Floor
Hair Switches of Quality
€ Distinguished by unusual
fineness of hair and fulness,
these naturally wavy
switches are all that one
would desire in a hair piece
of moderate price.
Friday Sale lB - inch
switches, $1.95
Friday Sale 22 - inch
Friday Sale 24 - inch
switches, $3.45
BOWMAN'S—Third Floor.
' 1
Dress Goods _ Wash Goods
Striped and plain gala
-48 to 54-inch all wool tea cloth—27 inches wide
dress goods and suitings, Friday Sale, yard,
such as, whipcords, Bed- 1 <-,
ford Cords, gabardines, 11C
serges, etc., at savings Eiderdown cloth, beau
averaging a full third to tiful designs for house
a half. Friday Sale, yard, dresses, kimonos and for
children's clothes—36 in.
$1.48 i wide. Friday Sale, yard,
Batiste in light and
medium shades, 36 inches Braeloch ginghams
wide Friday Sale, vard, la j n b,ue ' P ink - ?P r > co ft
' and green, also striped ef-
CQ fects, 32 inches wide. Fri
*JC day Sale, yard,
Dark colored plaids, 22c
sopie with silk mixed—36 .
inches wide. Friday Sale. Cn nk,e c,oth °n
, . ' ental figures—3o inches
y a ' wide. Friday Sale, yard,
59c 22c
Balmacaan suiting -54 f er< ?' es ''"V c<)1 ? r t s
. . , . and white grounds with
inches wide wool mixed, neat stripes and figures—
Friday Sale, yard, 36 inches wide. Friday
Sale, yard,
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor BOWMAN'S—Main Floor
Friday Sale of Wall Paper
Papers suitable for bedrooms, kitchens, halls
and living rooms—floral designs and allover pat
terns. Cut out borders and binders to match.
Friday Sale, roll,
Rich effects for parlors, dining rooms, living
rooms and reception halls—matched borders and
binders from 50 a vard up. Friday Sale, roll
Kindly bring room measurements.
BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor.