USE TIE TELEGRAPH WHEN YOU MiYE SOMETHING 10 SAY TO HOME-SEEKERS | Deatbs ■telatlves and * r< Wednesday Hi tend funeral aervloes " frTw ANTED to load ton. Can earn $- to , * 0..$ Apply Paxtang Quarries. Pax man for soda ■Vai 1 " On, ■ ■ K,'J. r "A.y SSSkW'Dn*'**%. A Second street. AND LABURKHS WANT i K.Steady work. Fisher Bros.. 100. | street. WANTED 100 Common laborers. H. HOPPERS CO.. I care of Bethlehem Steel co.. I Coke Oven Plant, Steelton, Pa. ' j fcfoVS Boy. making big money, ■brary and shower bath mstaiieo. ■mfortable rest room. Opportunity Hivrd as messengers. estern uui ; ■WXNTKU—Two experienced auto Migtrstown, Md. Bell phone 883. i R^ANTED—First class con .* Huki't street. Sunbury. Two experienced me °"sou th^ P Came"cm — Two men for ware- H>use work. Apply at ° nc ®-„) Vlt " Kn Uros.. 40 North Tenth stiett. — Bakers, one first and second-hand on cakes and roUs. ■,„ V at once. Sheaffer s Baker>, 90j Third street. — A bev for general of ■i work to learn typewriting busl- | Apply Remington Typewriter! Walnut street. j — A collector. Perma- position. Apply Collins Co.. 34 Second street. II Twenty-five ~ wood- Hoppers. by the day or , co , rd A f 1 !"? Hvt ral coilers. Apply to J. A. beidel, TAILORS men wanted on ladies' ■id men's work. Apply at once to J. M. Bloyd, Supt. — A chauffeur and a ■axon driver with city experience. Brewing Company. iorster __— ■ WANTEB—One or two young men ■ work about Auto Garage. driving ■ d repairing of all kinds. A chance ■ learn the automobile business. Hu.n be prepared to pay soo tuition, ■uto Transportation school. 27-Z# H"i'th Cameron street. Bell 1.10. ■ \VASTKD Man to drive by the or for half day. Cadillac cars. give reference, exeprience and Bases expected. Address 8., 6250, ■IF of Telegraph. ■"WANTED 5O able-bodied Hien for piece work. Ex perienced truckers can earn $75 H > S9O per month. Must be able H} read and write. Apply in Hcrson only to agent of Penn sylvania Railroad Company at H)ivision Street Transfer, P. Jt. R. Co., Harrisburg, Pa. — A position and home for man between ages of 16 and 24. sood education required. Mail ap- to J., 6249, care of Tel(*fifraph. ■ WANTED An experienced auto at once. Apply personal- Federick'a Garage. I PLUMBERS I Two first - class plumbers at once. Apply to HERRE BROS. I 417 Vaughn Street, City. I FOR SALE I LOW-PRICED HOI SES THAT MEKIT ATTENTION I 1815 North St. three-story house 8 rooms bath furnace. Lot 20x110 ft. to a ft rear alley. Property In ot- by the owner and Ih In :Hi;ood condition. I 2235 JelTrrson St. A 2-story — 7 rooms bath gas furnace. Lot 15x100 ft. An \ ninnll house In n plrnalnK : Hivrntlon. I 1544 I'ark St.—A modern home a icood, retildentlal ueitchhor- Hboufi 3-story brick 8 rooms ■ —bath steam heat gas and ■ electricity. Lot ft. l6 - Hft. rear alley. I 121 Hummel St. 3-atory brick —S rooms bath and furnace. ■ l.ot 14x117 ft. Corner property) HlO ft. side nnil rear alleya. ■Miller Brothers & Co. I Member llbx. Heal Katate Board HISAIi ESTATE Hlnturanot Surety Bonda l.oeuat and Court Streets TUESDAY EVENING, HARHISBURG TELEGRAPH ' SEPTEMBER 25, 1917. HELP WANTED—MALE WANTED Boy, over 18. to le&ru phuto-engraving. A good opportunity to learn a good trade. Apply to Photo- Engraving Dept.. The Telegraph Print ing Co. WANTED—Stenographer In rail road office. Apply in own hand writ ing. State age. present position: sal ary expected; experience, etc. Address i Box 6257 care Telegraph. WANTED Young men to learn auto business and become practical mechanics and chauffeurs. Auto Transportation School. 27-29 N. Cam eron street. COLLECTORS WANTED First class proposition for experienced man. Only those who have a lair knowledge of collecting need apply. Salary and commission. Apply by letter, giving reference. Box J., 5924, care of Tele graph. AGENTS WANTED ln Harris burg and vicinity to solicit orders for men's clothes from factory direct to wearer, at wholesale prices. Refer ences required. P. O. Box 522, Phila delphia., Pa. COLLECTOR WANTED Good salary and large commission. Give age and experience, if any. Address C.. 6137, care of Telegraph. MEN Wanted for platform work and drivers. AMERICAN EXPRESS CO. WANTED Pennsylvania daily, with job shop, wants competent fore man. Good town in which to live. Must be able to handle men and make up forms. Address U„ 6363, care of Telegraph. — SALESMAN for high-class news paper and rural magazine proposition. Guaranteed salary and liberal com mission to live man. Give age, previ ous experience in detail and other quantisations in letter, which will be confidential if desired, to B„ 6214, care of Telegraph. WANTED Two or three stock salesman on a new and unusual proposition. Liberal advances to men of proven ability. Address R.. 6219, care of Telegraph. HELP WANTED—FEMALE WANTED Girls. not under 16 yeais of ag"?, to learn the trade of cigarmak ing. Pay $6.00 a week to learn. Experienced girls earning upward to $20.00 a week. Apply at HARRISBURG CIGAR CO.. No. 500 Race Street. | ALTERATION HANDS | Experienced ladies wanted in alter ing women's coats, skirts and dress es; good positions. Apply at once to J. M. Lloyd, Supt. KAUFMAN'S UNDERSELLING STORE STENOGRAPHER AND BOOK KEEPER High-grade, young wo man wanted. Good pay for an eflici ent person. Apply Belgrade Knitting Mills, New Cumberland. WANTED Experienced waitress. Good wages and good home. Hotel Hopp, Milftlinburg, Pa. WANTED A young girl to ad dress envelopes and work in store. Apply Collins Co., 34 North Second | street. WANTED—Housekeeper and nurse I girt. References required. Apply 2133 #>orth Second street. WANTED—A young lady clerk. Ad .dress X 6254, Evening Telegraph. WANTED Experienced chamber maid. Apply St. James' Hotel, 405 Market street. WANTED Girl for general house work. Call 2108 Brookwood street, or Bell phone 365, WANTED Girl for housework. One that is able to cook. Call 20 -North Fifteenth street. WANTED Waitress for board- I inghoeise. One with experience pre f lerred. Apply 1246 Market street. I WANTED Middle-aged woman for i housework. Reference required. Ad dress K„ 5923, care of Telegraph- WANTED A woman who can cook and do general housework' ref erence required. Apply Mrs. G. D Ramsay, lul Locust street. WANTED A refined woman for housekeeper by a man with two chil dren. Apply K„ 6234, care of Tele graph. WANTED Woman who can do Plaiu cooking. Apply J. s. W., care of lelegraph Office. WANTED—Young woman to act as assistant in dental office. Address D 5907, care of Telegraph. " WHITE cook wanted. Apply Piatt's Boarding House. 222 Chestnut street. OPERATORS on power sewing ma chines. Steady work. See our new building. JENNINGS MFG. CO.. v 2012 North Fourth street. WANTED Weavers and Learners. Apply Silk Mill, Corner North and Second Sts. HOSIERY Knltlvrs ana Loopers wanted. Steady work and good pay I Aply at once to New Idea Hosiery Co Fourteenth and Mayflower streets i iiarri at urg. j GIRLS to feed Platen presses. Ex perience not necessary. Apply Fore man. The Telegraph Printing Co., Sec ond Flour Telegraph Builuing Annex, | Harrisburg, Pa | HELP WANTED—MaIe and Female I Our school will ue open all summer. Special opportunities for those "who I wish to start early or for those who I have unfinished work to do. Lists of students holding positions sent on re quest. You should look over this list carefully and see where our students are employed. Fall term begins Tues day, September 4th. Harrisburg Shorthand School. 31 N. Second street. WANTED—Man and wife for butler and cook, must be experienced and have good references. Good home' good wages: two in family. Address J6253, care Telegraph. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE Chauffeur; experienced white man 1 wishes position to drive private car or truck. Strictly temperate. Ad dress, C-6255, care of Telegraph. WANTED—Situation as janitor for store or department house, understand steam heat. A No. 1 references from [last employer.—Dial phone 4231. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE WANTED by young man with ex perience, position us stenographer or bookkeeper; reference will be furnish ed. Address Q-6266, care Telegraph. SITUATIONS WANTED—Fciuule~ WANTED A colored woman wishes position at housework or day's work. Apply 1943 Ruby street. WANTED By a colored woman, day's work of any kind. 1217 North Seventh street. COLORED woman wants washing and ironing or day's work of any kind. Call, 1412 Williams street. WANTED A position as matron of school or institution by woman with eight years' experience; best possible references. Address E. D. S„ 379 West Louther street. Carlisle, Pa. POSITION WANTED By a re spectable, middle-aged woman doing housework for a widower. Address W„ 6261, care of Telegraph. WANTED Truck driver wishes position; experienced. Call, or write, 1621 Fulton street. WANTED Young woman desires position as stenographer; has had ex f'erience; references can be furnished f desired. Address S., 6260, care f Telegraph. WANTED—By a white woman, Wednesday and Thursday cleaning Call at 1638 Fulton street, or call 5796 Dial phone after i p. m. WHITE WOMAN wishes position as housekeeper or nursing. Apply 'O4 Race street. W" ANTED Women want day's work. Apply at 1707 North Sevent'h street. WANTED —Practical nurse desires position as child's or invalid's nurse. No objection to light housework. Ad dress 0-6252, care Telegraph. WANTED—W r ork s second girl. Apply Ruth Williams, 1412 North Sev enth street. WANTED—Day's work by ctftSred woman. Apply, 1412 North Seventh street. BOOMS FOK BENT 118 SYLVAN TERRACE Furnish ed rooms for rent; conveniences, rent reasonable; front, second floor room, near bath for 1 or 2 gentlemen t: —o, centrally located; write or call to Mrs. Edw. Rise. NICELY furnished second floor room, suitable for one person. Will serve breakfast if desired. Call 104 South Thirteenth street. FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms, suitable for light housekeep ing; use of bath and phone; good lo cation. Apply 635 Emerald street. SECOND FLOOR rooms for rent; newly furnished; centrally located; Bell phone. Apply 923 North Second street. FOR RENT Bl9 Third street, three furnished rooms, single or en suite. Heat, electric light and use of bath. No children. Call Wednesday. FOR RENT One room, suitable for oftice or shop, at 320 Brlggs street. Apply 800 Capital street. 410 NORTH STREET Front fur nished room for rent, with running water in room; use Bell phone; suit able for two persons. SECOND lloor furnished room for gentleman, 703 North Second street. SECOND ST.. 1700 Five and six rooms with porch; most pleasant and open surroundings In city. METROPOLITAN ANNEX Clean, furnished rooms, hot and cold water, phone. Rates, $3 per week and up. 518 Market, at the Subway Entrance. ROOMS WANTED ' YOUNC couple desire two or three furnishea or unfurnished rooms. No children. Reference given. State price. Address 0-6258. WOMAN wants one or two furnish ed rooms; light housekeeping; ground lloor; suburbs. Not beyond 5-cent fare limit; ten minutes walk no ob jection; modeiate in price. Address R6251, care Telegraph. APARTMENTS FOK KENT JUST COMPLETED Beautiful Belvedere Apartments, 711 North Second street. Fire and sound proof; hardwood finish; city steam; hot water; electric elevators; laundry and all modern conveniences. Apply 1815 North Front. Telephone 875 R. APARTMENTS WANTED WANTED Small apartment for elderly couple, or small house; reason able rent. Address E., 6247, care of Telegraph. REAL ESTATE FOR SAI.E HOMES FOR COLORED FAMILIES 1210-12-16 Cowden street, 1128 Wal lace, 1108 Cameron and 1119 North Seventh. All can be bought on easy terms. LINCOLN REALTY CO., Box 349. LOTS FOR SALE At Oak Lane, near Aviation Plant. Also lots at Camp Hill, Penbrook, Paxtang, Edge mont and Lingiestown Extension. Ap ply to C. H. Corder, 1190 Walnut street, Harrisburg. TWELFTH STREET, 1505—9 rooms and bath; all improvements; lot, ?2x 105 feet; variety of fruit; outbuild ings; price, $2,200. H. G. Pedlow, 3 South Thirteenth street. CHESTNUT STREET, 1616 9 rooms and bath; all modern Improve ments; rental, $25. Can be bought for $2,650. H. G. teenth street. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION can be had of 1821 Market St.; good 3-story brick dwelling; all modern improve ments; can be bought with a small amount of cash, and a bargain price. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Wal nut streets. 20 N. 16th street; 10 rooms and bath; large side lot; improvements; at a bargain. Irwin M. Cassell, 1444 lle gina street. HOUSES FOR SALE In city and suburban, both large and small. Some 10 per cent, investments. C. H. Cor der, 1190 Walnut street. Bell 2412 R. 231 KELKER ST.; 9-room brick dwelling with all improvements; side entrance; large and well lighted rooms; offered at the right price for this desirable location. Brinton- Packer Co.. Second and Walnut streets. WE are offering a good 2 V4-story single frame dwelling with all mod ern Improvements, located on Dale Ave., Washington Heights, one square from car line, at a price of $2,360.00. Only a small amount of cash neces sary to purchase. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. SEVERAL NEW HOUSES FOR SALE Brick construction equip ped with all modern conveniences. In cluding steam heat three porchea— lot, 1614x100 2O-foot street on rear. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. $3,250 WILL PURCHASE a brick house with 7 rooms and bath gas electric light steam hc_t porches lot, 17HX100 drive alley on the rear —.possession October 1 1917. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Build ing. STEAM-HEADED DWELLING FOR SALE Brick with 9 rooms bath —gai electric light porch front. Price, $3,600. Bell Realty Co., Bcrg ner Building. The successful merchant realizes that YOU KNOW VALUES, that you know usual prices, that you know qualities and brands of goods. He ad vertises TO YOU in the knowledge that you will test his offerings in the light of WHAT YOU KNOW J REAL ESTATE FOR SALE $1,050 WILL PURCHASE a frame house with fine finished rooms, cellar, garden, grapes. l>ot. 20x110 with workshop and drive alley on rear. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. PUBLIC SALE of valuable Real Estate TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1917, At WILLIAM KLINES HOTEL, known as the RAILROAD HOUSE, In GOLDSBORO. YORK COUNTY, P..„ the undersigned will expose to public sale, all that certain tract or piece of land, situated in Londonderry Town ship, Dauphin County, Pa., being known as SHELLEY'S ISLAND, con taining 148 acres, more or less. The improvements thereon consist of a large combination Stone and Frame Dwelling House, large Bank Barn, 2 large Tobacco Sheds, Corn Barn, Wagon Shed and other necessary out buildings. Sale to begin at 2 o'clock P. M„ on Tuesday, September 25, 1917, when terms will be made known by the un dersigned. HEIRS Of Annie B. StaufTer, deceased. JOHN K. WISSLER Auct. M. E. MUSSER. Attorney. I FOR SALE North Fifteenth j street, No. 177, 8-room brick and frame house with bath, steam heat and electric light. Drive alley in rear. Price, $2,850. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. FOR SALE Sylvan Terrace. No. 110 Modern 3-story brick house, side entrance. Price reduced to $3,000 if sold before October 1. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. FOR BALE Dwelling 107 Chest nut street. All Improvements. Imme diate possession. N. K. Oyster, 15 j South Third street. EDGEMONT Two lots. 30x120. Price, $125.00 each. Easy terms. Wal ter L. Dowhower, 21 North Fifth street. Both phones. riEAL ESTATE FOR REM 7 FOR RENT New 7-room house, with finished attic; large yard and porch; all modern improvements. 1723 Forster street. Apply at 716 North Eighteenth. Rent, $30.00 per month. FOR RENT First and third floor; electric light; steam heat; possession October 1. Apply evenings, after 4:30, SI North Seventeenth street. WELL-FURNISHED HOUSE 9 ! rooms, 2 baths. Seven minutes t j Square Trolley passes house. Imme [ diate possession. $75.00 per month to April 1, longer if desired. References exchanged. Address Box 9032, care of I Telegraph. FOR RENT Two housed, and two for sale, at Riverside; all improve ments. Inquire of E. Moeslein, 42' North street, of 600 A Boas street. FOR ftENT House and store room, 2001 North Sixth street. Apply to Robert A. Enders. Camp Curtin Trust Company Building. REAL ESTATETvANTED" WANTED House on Hill, seven [or eight rooms; bath, electricity, steam or hot water heat. Address L., 5922. care of Telegraph. HOMES FOR COLORED FAMILIES We have several prospects who wish to purchase homes, preferably on the Hill. All communications and prices treated confidentially. LINCOLN REALTY CO., P. O. Box 349. REAL ESTATE —For Sale or Hem HOUSES'AND GARAGES at Fifth and Curtin Blreets. Fred C. Miller, 213 Walnut. Bell phone 797 M. LOTS LOTS FOR SALE Buy your Garden Spots now. Don'' wait until Spring. I have lots at Oak Lane, Camp Hill. Paxtang, Penbrook and Lingiestown Extension. Cheap and on easy terms. C. H. Corder, 1190 Walnut street. Bell 2412 R. OFFICES AND STOREROOMS STOREROOM FOR RENT, 814 N. Third St. Medium size corner room city steam free electric ! light, and everything in first-class i condition, including the use of large cellar. Rental, $20.00 per month. In quire L. Minter, 110 North Second •street. Both phones. FOR RENT STOREROOM 33 2 BROAD STREET. STOREROOM 252 HAMILTON ST. STOREROOM 504 MARKET STREET. CHAS. ADLER, 1002 NORTH THIRD STREET. WANTED —MISCELLANEOUS ~S. SNEIDMAN WILL PAY higheßt prices for second-hand clothing, shoes, furniture, or carpets. Trial will convince you. Drop card, or call Hell 2899 M, 1116 Cowden. WANTED Small National cash register, Harrisburg Directory for 1917, good bookcase; also books, all kinds. Aurand. 913 North Third street WANTED Disc records. If you are tired of your old records, we will buy them. -J*. Brenner. 1316 North Third street. CLOTHING, SHOES. Bought at highest cash prices and sold reasonable. $. Refkln, 407 Broad street. Bell phone 2860. MORRIS SAYS save money buying new and second-hand furniture here. High prices paid for furniture. MorrU Schmertx, IPSO Market. Bell 3971 R. SECOND-HAND FURNITURE BOUGHT AND SOLD. I pay highest cash price*. Phone Bell 1381R, or drop postal to Max Smeltz, 1016 Mar ket street. Will call, city or country. /' FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS BAKERY IN NEWPORT doing established business of Iy. barrels dally, for sale cheap to quick buyer. Rea son for selling. 111 health. In auirft I* M. Blatzer, Newport, Perry County, Pa, FOR SALIC—MISCELLANEOUS l''Oß SALE Forty shares of Com mercial Trust Co. stock. Apply H. L. Mehring, 1410 North Sixth street. EASTER LILIES 52.00 per dozein. Keeney's Cut-Hate Flower Shop, 81U North Third street, FOR SALE—Work horse; good <"at block. Having closed my working sea son at Perdix, 1 will sell at best offer. Horse can be seen here in the city. If not sold by Thursday, will let to re sponsible party for keep during the winter. Apply to A. C. Young, 34 North Second street. Both phones. Bargains in Typewriters. All makes, second-hand and rebuilt. Bought, ex changed, rented and sold. Geo. P. Tli lctson, 205 Locust. Opp. Orpheum. FOR SALE. CHEAP Flemish oak diningroom suit, large round table, buffet, six chairs, originally cost $176; one- porcelain lined re frigerator. No. 21 South Twenty-flrst street, near Market street. Call even ings. FOR SAL>E English Setter (fe male). Well broke. Apply, after 5:30, 28 South Chestnut street, Penbrook, Pa. BOOKS Aurand's Book Store is moving from 913 to 1125 North Third street. Big Bargains in books during removal sale. Open evenings. FOR SALE One 6-ft. glass floor case. Apply 1412 Market street. SASH Gable's, 111-117 South Second street; 6,000 sets of new sash, Bxlo, 12 L painted and glazed, $1.60 per set All other reguiilr sizes; doors and shutters, all sizes. FOR SALE Unredeemed watches and diamonds at prices lower than can be Dought wholesale. CHAS. A HON SON, Reliable Jeweler and Broker, 422 Market Street. A NUMBER OF VISIBLE machines taken in exchange on the sale of Rem ington Self-starters, at a bargain. ;.Call, or phone, REMINGTON TYPE. WRITER COMPANY. 119 Walnut street. FOR SALE One pair of mules, $176, one pair of horses, SIOO. Apply Ezra L. Williams, Huntsville, Pa., or at 513 South Thirteenth street. PAINT! FAINTS PAINT! At Gable's, 111-117 S. Second street, 5,000 Gallons New Era Ready Mixed Paint. Also full line of-Acme Quality Paint. Largest Stock ft Ready Mixed Paint in Harrisburg. FOR SALE, at Gables, 111-117 South Second street. Lawn Fence, Field Fence, Gates, Poultry Netting, Building Hardware, Plaster Board, Upson Wall Board, Compo-Board, Doors, Sash, Shutters, Mouldings, Porch Posts, Pumps etc. FOR SALE Bird dogs, English betters. Pedigreed stock. Young and pretty. In line shape and ready for fall hunting. Call at 54 North Thir teenth street. TWO BROOD SOWS heavy with pigs. Also a lot .of shoats. Will be sold cheap. Inquire of D. C. Nelson, New Cumberland, Pa. R. F. D„ 1. FOR SALE Forty head of sheep. Most all ith lambs. A good invest ment to hold six months and resell. Price, $650. M. O. Swartz, Hummeis town. Pa. FARMS FOR SALE Farm one-quarter mile from Huntsville, Pa. Good build ings; running water; large orchard; $45 per acre. Apply S. A. Floyd, 513 South Thirteenth street. 51-ACRE FARM located 2% miles south of White Hill; 5 miles from Harrisburg; good buildings; soil in elegant condition; 250 fruit trees. An unusual bargain at $3,400.00. Brinton . Packer Co., Second and Walnut ) streets. FAHM BARGAIN " 88-aere Farm in Cumberland Co., o'n State Road, 7 miles from Harrisburg. Level and smooth. Good soil. Good buildings. All good fences. Orchard. Easy terms. 5 per cent. C. 11. CORDER, 1190 Walnut St. Bell 2412 R. WANTED A Farm not over 15 miles from Harrisburg. Improved real estate Riven In exchange. A. C. Mead. Eighth Floor, Union Trust Co. Building, Harrisburg, Pa. FARM FOR SALE 2B to 30 acres, for $2,700; one-half hour from Ling lestown; good, level ground; good house and barn. A small amount down. Also 50 other farms. Call at 107 Chestnut street. BUSINESS PERSONALS WANTED Men and boys to come and inspect our line of suits, over coats, Mackinaw coats, sweaters, un derwear, hats and shoes. We can save you 25 t6 35 per cent. Call and be convinced. OUTLET CLOTHING CO.. 23 North Fourth Street. Across from Y. W. C. A. Open Evenings. RELIABLE Locksmith and Electric Shop We make KEYS of any style at special prices. Locks repaired. Electric light and bell wiring and repairing. All kinds of sharpen ing and general repairing. 1303 North Sixth. Bell 391)5. Dial 6854. i THE services of an expert cabinetmaker are offered by Saltzglver, 223 North Second street, for the rebuilding, re storing and reflnishlng of both antique and modern fur niture. QUININE— Look out for that grippe feeling, likely to catch you this changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVF FHOSPHO-QUININE will staveit off if taken In time. Gross Drug Store.' 113 Market street. BUSINESS PERSONALS ELECTRIC VACUUM SWEEPERS— New, hiuli-Bibilu machines, for rent, day or hour. Second-hand 'machines bought and sold. Mr. Martin, Bell 1132. A. ABRAMSON went together with the Reliable Rag and Metal Co., and are Interested In all Junk, Leather, Shoes and Empty Barrels. Call us up and we will call for It. 1107-1101* North Seventh street. CONTRACTOR AND BUlLDEß—Es timates furnished. All kinds of re pair work. H. W. Hummer, 1423 Lib erty. Bell phone 4120. WHITE DETECTIVE AGENCY Trustee Bldg.—All kinds of detective work handled—one eye always ui/bti BELL PHONE 439. LURIA IRON & STEEL CO. d*ah> in steel, rags, rubber, metals and papsrmill supplies, Broad and Wal lace. Also salvage irom lire and wreck Call Bell phono 936. Dial 3043. UPHOLSTERING And furniture repairing, mattresses renovated and cushions of all kinds made. S. N. Clue.*;, *320-328 Woodbine street. Phone 1317 J. M. H. BAKER & CO., Plumbing and Heating Contractors, 1330 Berry street. Both phones. j Mac WILLIAMS CON BTRI/CT ION : CO., Builders and Contractors. House building our specialty. Job work 1 looked after carefully. Oial 3705 OFFICE. 2150 NORTH FIFTH | STREET. SPANGLER PLANING MILL CO.— Mill work of all kinds. Estimates I cheerfully given. 824 North Seventh | street. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOIt RENT Large, modern gar age. centrally located, with lot of equipments for sale. Garage contains toilet rooms, heat plant and is mod ern. Address 6364, care of Telegraph. FOR — Modern, money-malc ing RESTAURANT in good town. Ap ply to WILLIAM S. POORMAN, Notary, Real Estate and Insurance, No. J5 Chestnut St., Palmyra, Pa. FOR SALE All machin ery and shafting necessary for equipping flrst-#lasa planing mill, including a 25-H.-P. ! motor. FOR RENT Building and yard corner Seventh and Forster streets. About 8,000 square feet iloor space In building. Yard as large. Best location in city for Warehouse or Factory. In quire J. E. RHOADS, Cowden and Forster Streets. A GOOD BUSINESS AND REALTY PROPOSITION 55,000 will place you in a position to purchase a four story building, six apartments und large storeroom; city steam heat; elec tric elevator in building; modern im provements; cold storage plant; fix tures, stock a IK* good will. For full particulars apply to A. P. Dorat'z, Room 3, 18 North Third. Cleaners anil Dyers GOODMAN'S Sanitary Steaming, Cleaning, Pressing Works. Repairing work guaranteed. Call ara deliver. Both phottti= most* N ''.xth street. SEND your clothes to EGGERT'S CLEANING AND DYEING WORKS. 1245 Market street. We call and de liver. Both phones. Musical PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED by a skilled tuner only. Oyler's. 14 South Fourth street. VIOLINS. MANDOLINS. GUITARS, BANJOS, Band and Orchestra Instru ments promptly and carefully repair ed. OYLERS, 14 South Fourth street. WE BUY, SELL OR EXCHANGE all kinds of talking machine records at 1213 North Third street. Harrisbuig. Pa. Open Evenings. Hauling aod Moving BLUE LINE AUTO TRANSFER Piano moving a specialty. Hauling. Square dealing our policy. 917-A Capl tal St. C. V. 681)7, Bell 852 W. Money to Loan MONEY advanced to housekeepers at legal rates; business confidential. Profit Sharing Loan Society, Spouner Building, 'J Nofth Market Square. MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate security In any amounts and upon any .terms to suit oorrower. Address P. o Box 174, Harrlsburg. Pa. MONEY TO LOAN AT LEGAL RATES—On furniture, real estate and endorsed notes. Licensed by the State and under supervision of the Banking Department. Equitable in vestment Co., Inc., Second Floor, 3 North Market Square. Established 1904. LOANS—SIS TO S3OO With prices on coal, pota toes and other necessities ad- I vancing and the charges on small loans fixed by law, now Is the time for honest work ing people to take advantage of a financial institution of this kind and save money. You will not sacrifice one iota of your self-respect by con sulting us. CO-OPERATIVE LOAN & INVESTMENT CO.. 204 Chestnut St. WE LEND MONEY in compliance with Act of June 17, 1915, to Individu als in need of ready cash; small loans a specialty; business confidential; payments td suit borrower's conveni ence; positively lowest it tea in city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO.. 132 Walnut Street. Shoe Repairing SHOE REPAIRING Others fix 'em; we rebuild 'em. Your phone orders promptly attended to. Elite Shoe Repair Co., 14 S. Dewberry avenue. NEW. UP-TO-DATE SHOE REPAIR SHOP Now open at 230 Strawberry street. JOS. GORDON, PROP. Our shop at 3 820 North Third street will also be continued. Bell 838W, Dial 5553. Storage STORAGE—4I9 Broad street, house hold goods, merchandise. Private rooms sl-$3 Wagons, 75c month. D. Cooper ft Co.. 417 Broad St. Both . hones. STORAGE—Fireproof and non-fire proof warehouses. Private rooms for household gooos, $2 a .nonth up. Har risburg Storage Co., 437-445 S. 2nd St. STORAGE—In brick building, rear 4PB Market. Household goods In clean private rooms. Reasonable rates. P. G. Diener, 408 Mirket street. Undertakers RUDOLPH K. SPICER, Funeral Director and Embalraer, 511 North Second Street. Bell 252. Dial 8146. SAMUEL S. FACKLER, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. J 312 Derry St. BELL 1956. DIAL 2188. Where to l>lne Well STOUFFER'S RESTAURANT Home cooking served to Busi nessmen and Ladies In sepa rate dlnlngroom. Where to Dine Well DINE WHERE BEST COSTS LESS Where cuisine is an art and eating a pleasure. Manhattan Restuuiant. 317 Market street, ~~ AUTOMOBILES ' AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE HAYNES 1916 ti-cyiinder 3- passenger Cloverleaf Roadster. Will sell at right price. Cull Bell 838 for au appointment. Cadillac, 1916 runabout, good car; demonstration will show its class. A. R. Kreider & Bro. FOR SALE. 1916 Chalmers touring cur in excellent condition, two extra rims and tires. Price S7OO. Address M 6259, care Telegraph. FOR SALE Seven-passenger, six cylinder touring car. Only driven 3,700 miles. New tire, extra tire, pump. C. W. Irwin, Beil phone 3171J, i 'ump Hill, Pa. FOR SALE Paige Touring car, 1915 model, in first-class shape. Over hauled and painted. Will sell at a sacrifice. Inquire 1427 North Third. Bell 1479 J. THE gentleman who has purchased 5-passenger Ford car from Auto Transportation and Exchange Co., North Cameron street, Harrisburg, the latter part of August, is request ed to communicate with P. O. Box 58, Steelton, Pa., and receive valuable tools for the machine which have been left with the previous owner. 1916 OVERLAND ROADSTER, like new. Must sell for cash next week. Bell hone 1082 R. AUTOS FOR SALE Maxwell Mascott, A 1 shape $275 Ford Light Delivery, panel body, In fine condition S3OO 1916 Chalmer-40, like new $950 1915 Hudson. 5-passenger, latest equipment. This car Is a big bargain at SSOO MILLER AUTO CO.. ' 68 South Cameron Street. Both Phones. WE SELL AUTOMOBILES on con slgnment and charge only 5 per cent. No storage charges If car is not sold. Auto Transportation School. 27-29 N. Cameron street. 1914 FORD TOURING CAR and 1914 Maxwell Roadster. Both completely overhauled and good as new. Your choice. $225.00. Horst, Linglestown, Pa. • OLD AUTOS Wanted; used, wrecked or old timers, in any condition. See me before sac rnlcing elsewhere. Chelsea Auto Wrecking, A, Schiffmann, 1021 Mar ket street. Bell 3633. OVERLAND USED CAR DEPARTMENT Two Big Special Bargains 1916 5 passenger Overland tour ing car —with electric light and starter, refinlshed and guaran teed In A No. 1 condition. Big bargain for quick buyer, $560. Six-cylinder Overland 7- passenger, with extra equip ment Including slip covers. Will be ready to demonstrate "Sept. 22. This car, we've priced SIOO less than any car of this model heretofore. A deposit will hold It for you. Payments Can Be Arranged The Overland-Harrlsburg Co., 212-214 N. 2nd St. Open Evenings 1913 AND 1914 TOURING FORDS always on hand from $250.00 to $275.00. All Good. Call Horst, Ling lestown, Dauphin County, Pa. CHALMERS Mouel 24. 1914; 7- passenger; 6-cylinder, touring car for sale; self-starter; electrically equip ped; two extra tires and tubes; slip covers for all seats and side cur tains; machine very little used; bar gain to quick buyer; will demonstrate. Call at once to Excelsior Garage, 1021 Market street. EXIDET3ATTERY SERVICE All makes of batteries recharged and repaired; work guaranteed Auto repairing; electrical work a specialty. EXCELSIOR AUTO & BATTERY CO., 11th and Mulberry Sts. FOR SALE Second-hand delivery body for Ford car. Goodyear Tire Service Station. 1807 North Seventh street. Bell phone 1421 M. FOR SALE One 6-cyiinder, 7-pas senger Haynes. Will exchange for good runabout. Apply Bell 4667. SECOND-HAND Motor Trucks for sale cheap. Good assortment, with either solid or pneumatic tires. Come e: rly, make your selection. Inter national Harvester Co. of America, Truck Department. 619 Walnut street. GARAGES CAMP CURTIN GARAGE Seventh Street, Around the Corner of Camp Street. Storage by day or month. Open day and night. Prompt service. Expert [ mechanics. Repairing guaranteed. A trial will convince you that our work and price is right. Bell 1093 J. BLACK'S GARAGE—Live and dead storage; new fireproof building; full line of Tires, Accessories. Repair shop next door. £O3 205 S. Seventeenth St. WM. PENN GAKAGE 304-6 Muench street. Limousine. l ? for funerals, parties and balls; careful drivers; open day and night. Dell 4564. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLRS MOTORCYCLE BARGAINS lO machines, $lO to $25 below the regu lar prices. Housecleaning time. Easy i payments. Pay as you ride. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 Ntfrth Third' street. BICYCLE BARGAINS Save $5 to $lO on that bike. Housecleaning time. Bikes from $lO upwards. Easy payments. Pay as you ride. Dayton Cycle Co.. 912 North Third street. REX GARAGE. 1917 North Third street, Is the place to store your car for the winter. An up-to-date repair shop, under our personal management, just opened. REPUBLIC TlßES—"Prodlum" pro cess, wonderful tensile strength; un even year eliminated; reduced chip ping and cutting. Good Service Tire Co., 1019 Market street. BRING your car to us. Experts on Ignition and carburetor troubles. Highest grade repair work. LEMOYNE AUTO SHOP. Lemoyne. Both phones. LEGAL NOTICES ESTATE NOTICE Estate of Thomas J. Stewart, late of Norrlstown, Montgomery County, deceased. Letters testamentary on the above estate having been granted the un dersigned, all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make immedi ate payment, and those having legal claims to present the same without delay to PENN TRUST COMPANY, Norrlstown. Penna.; WILLIAM H. STEWART, Scotland P. 0., Pa. Or their Attorney. J. P. HALE JENKINS, Norrlstown, Penna. NOTICE Letters of Administra tion on the Estate of Margaret J, Relnoehl, late of Harrisburg. Dauphin County, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned residing In Harrisburg. Pa., all persons Indebt ed to said Estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement. NELSON A. REINOEHL Administrator, 801 Green Street. ONE OIL STOVE left by W. Miller at office, 429 Broad street. If not call ed for by Saturday, will be hold for storage. 11 Dr. Gregg Continues Epistle of Ephesians Continuing his series of services on the Epistle to the Ephesians at the Interdenominational Bible confer ence being held in the Kirut Bap tist Church, Dr Harris Gregg, of Chicago said: "The Bible, in. a very real sense, is the history of but two men, the llrst man, Adam, and the last man, the Lord Jesus Christ. The firßt man is dead, the last man is on the throne of God. "Apart from the Lord Jesus, hu man history is but the sad record of what the first man became, when bo became a sinner. When the first man met the Lord Jesus through his Jewish and Gen.tile seed, he put Him to death. God raised Christ from the dead, then beginning the new creation of God. All of God's ex pectations are In Christ for the first man and his sinful seed. All of God's expectations for this whole world are in Christ, for salvation, government, learning, commerce, society and pleasure. This afternoon at 3 and this eve ning at 7.45 the subject is continued at the First Baptist Church. LIG A L X< mCKS Pennsylvania State Highway De partment, Harrisburg, Pa. Sealed pro posals will be received at said office until 10 A. M„ October 9, 1917, when bids will be publicly opened and scheduled and contracts awarded as soon thereafter as possible for the reconstruction of 9.878 linear feet of Vitrified Block Pavement. 16 feet wide, situated in East Taylor Town ship, Cambria County, and 11,070 linear feet of Vitrified Block Pave ment, 16 feet wide, situated in Jack son and East Taylor Townships, Cam bria County, both on State Highway Route No. 52; 5,900 linear feet of Re inforced Concrete and Vitrified Block Pavement, 16 feet wide, situated in East Bethlehem Township, Washing ton County, State-aid Application No. 738, 19,318 linear feet of Vitrified Block and Reinforced Concrete Pave ment, 16 feet wide, situated in Cecil and North Strabane Townships, Wash ington County, on State Highway Route No. 108, and 16,852 linear feet of Vitrified Block and Reinforced Con crete Pavement, 16 feet wide, situated in South Fayette Township, Allegheny County, on State Highway Route No. 108; 11,857 linear feet of Reinforced Concrete Pavement, 16 feet to 20 V 4 feet wide, situated in Hanover Town ship, Lehigh County, on State High way Route No. 159; 5,800 linear feet of Vitrified Block Pavement, 16 feet wide, situated In Clinton Township, Butler County, State-aid Application No. 417; 6,537 linear feet of Reinforc ed Concrete Pavement, 16 feet wide, situated in Ablhgton, Upper Moreland and Upper Dublin Townships, Mont gomery County, State-aid Application No. 648; 7,857 linear feet of vitrified Block Pavement. 16 feet wide, situat ed in Cornplanter Township, Venango County. State-aid Application No. 681; 6,562 linear feet of Reinforced Concrete Pavement, 16 feet wide, situ ated in Moosic and Old Forge Bor oughs, Lackawanna County, State-aid Application No. 487 and No. 442, and 2,540 linear feet of Vitrified Block Pavement. 16 feet wide, situated in East Huntingdon Township. West moreland County. State-aid Applica tion No. 324. Sealed proposals also will be received until 10 A. M„ Oc tober 16, 1917, when bids will be open ed and scheduled and contracts awarded as soon thereafter as pos sible for the reconstruction of 13,007 linear feet of Vitrified Block Pave ment, 16 feet wide, situated in Manor Township, Armstrong County. State aid Application No. 397; 6,675 linear feet of Vitrified Block Pavement, 16 feet wide, situated in Somerset Town ship, Somerset County, State-aid Ap plication No. 739; 2,454 linear feet of Vitrified Block Pavement. 16 feet and 20 feet, wide, situated in Bellefonte Borough, Centre County. State-aid Application No. 456, ar.d 18,083 linear feet of Vitrified Block Pavement, 16 feet wide, situated in Morgan and Franklin Townships, Greene County, on State Highway Route No. 268. Plans and specifications may be seen at of fice of State Highway Department, Harrisburg; 1001 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia, and 904 Hartje Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. Full particulars and information on application to J. Denny O'Neil, State Highway Commissioner. NOTICE to property owners alonpr the linen of Brensinger street from Woodbine street to Forrest street, Or dinance No. 171, session of 1916-1917, and Sprague alley from Brensinger street to Turner street. Ordinance No. 170, session of 1916-1917. In accordance with the terms of Ordinance No. 883 File of Common Council, you are hereby notified to make all the necessary house connec tions contemplated by you "with the main sewer, gas pipes, steam heating pipes, water pipes or other mains," within sixty days from the date of this notice, and conduct the said serv ice pipes or sewers from the mains in the street to within the curb lines of said street. M. B. COWOEN, City Engineer. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that an ap plication will be made to the Court of Quarter Sessions of Dauphin Co'in ty on the 2d day of October, A. D. 1917. at 10 o'clock A. M„ or as soon thereafter as the said Court may be in session, for the transfer of the He tail Liquor license now held by Fred erick Lauster for the northeast cor ner of Third and Broad Streets in the Cltv of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, tb Harry F. Ecklnger. E. E. BEIDLEMAN, Attorney for Transferee. NOTlCE—Letters testamentary on the Estate of John H. Mcllhenny, late of the City of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned residing at 223 Walnut street, Harrisburg, Pa., all persons Indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate pay ment, and those having claims will present them for settlement. WILLIAM A. McILHENNY, Executor. MY wife, Josephine Weaver, hav ing left my bed and board without Just cause, I hereby notify all persons not to harbor nor trust her on my ac count, as I will not pay any debts contracted by her. (Signed) JAMES WEAVER. ' rVTTWTVV TTT"; ;Max Cohen ; I Sons and,; ► Company I 678 Briggs Street i ► Closed Wednesday on < ► account of Holiday. < i . a A ■ t . i The Commonwealth Building and Loan Association will open the 53rd series on MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 1 at their office IB NORTH THIRD STREET Money to loan each Monday Evening, j. T. w. MCLAUGHLIN, sec'y