6 Informal Surprise Party For Mrs. Geo. W. Thomas Mre. George W. Thomas, a recent bride, who before her marriage was Miss Ruth Collins, wo* given a de lightful post huptlal surprise by her toother last evening at the Collins nonie, 1141 Derry street. Mrs, Thomas received many love ly gifts for her new home and a pleasant evening with muato and eongs were enjoyed by tho guests. Those Invited to meet Mrs. Thomas. Jr., wej-e: The Rev. S. Win- Held Herman. Misa Agues Foils, Miss Mary Felix, Mr. and Mrs. Henry K. Felix, Henry S. Felix, Miss Mary Chad wick, Mrs. Luther R. Konnedy. Mis* Slgrld Andersen, Samuel Etter. Miss Rutli Ktter, Frank Manley, Miss Violet Redman, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hrenisholta, Mlso Rhoda. Gilbert, of "Waynesboro; Mrs. William E. Col lins, Sr., Mian Mary Unger, Miss Anna Margaret Unsor, Miss Ruth Oraver, Mr. ' and Mrs. Oeorge W. Thompson, Richard K. Felix. Miss Irene E. Collins, Robert E. Dough erty, Mr. and Mrr. William E. Collins, Jr., Miss Florence Ingram and Fred erick Ou Lyte". Mrs. Qeorgw Douglass Ramsay, of Locust street. Is couj-ng home Satur day after a stay of six weeks at Bay Head. N. J. I i I MisrJeaime Pratt Pupil of Wm. H. Sherwood WILL RESUME PIANO I I forte Teaching at 1 t 219 West State Street SEPTEMBER 17 i ! I ST. SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, September 13 YOUNG U -a LIVER, lb/.. liC. SAUERKRAUT, Q at OC LEAN POT -I Q ROAST AOC BONELESS c*(\ RUMP 4iUC CLUB STEAKS QQq HONEY CUR- QP7 ED HAM ... £t'i C 56 Markets in Principal Cities of 14 States Mulu OlTloet Chicago, 111. I'nt'klng I'lßuts; I'coria, 111. —I Required ij © $ i'hc coming of each new season serves but to em- M ||y phasizc our supremacy for exclusiveness of patterns |1 as well as to prove our superiority for value-giving. All'the new season, colorings are shown together pjgj with a host of styles totally different than any dis- p| fej played elsewhere here for variety quality and §! ill] distinctiveness in draperies of every description. j|| Yard Goods i| Marquisettes at per yd.. 25# and up S Laces and Nets at per yd., 250 and up § P] Cretonnes at ]+.. per yd., 250 and up

chool tattler, Alice Sug gett; music, orchestra. HAS YOUR FAMILY WASH 3EEN DONE THIS WEEK ? ,j,. U t we can accommodate you. BtdcH Phone us at once and your order ___2? will have our prompt attention. Our $1 eTwcruL P°? '"clinics enable us to have It ~Jtl r - L buck to you Saturday. ygQ Household Linen* washed and TZXan* ironed with the greatest care and ■ "W neatly folded with the edges square. ELLIS LAUNDRY SERVICE Bell -1570 STEELTON DELIVERIES Dial 48I> Mrs. M. Pfuhl Froehlich's SCHOOL OF MUSIC 203 STATE STREET . HARRISBURG, PA. A complete graded course of instruction in the study o Piano, Pipe Organ, Theory, Harmony and History of Music Diplomas Upon Graduation TERM OF 1917-1918 BEGINS SEPTEMBER 10, 1917 For terms and further information apply in person or tr mail to the above address. Mehlii and Other Pianos W'|H Victrolas sls to S4O( C. 7>\. Si&ler, Inc. Pianos Victrolas Z/OLfff T; A TVT o lQ f **iSBU*G &U/LO/MO. .nd.ou *>e*&4. Boys Make Bonfire Then Call Firera Several boys playing near the dt In the Tlctnlty of Nineteenth i Holly streets, early last evening, al building a large bonfire for their c amusement, turned in a fire alarm order that the Are department oo extinguish the blaze. Earlier in day boys turned in a false alarm fi the box at Cameron and Magm streets. FIREMEN'S UNION MEETS The monthly meeting of the H rlsburg Firemen's Union was held 1 night in the Hope enginehouse. 0 routine business was transacted.