4 Letters From the Front EMBRYO FLYER LEARNS MUCH IN AVIATION CAMP BEFORE GOING TO FRONT Walter J. Shaffer, of Dauphin, from whom letters have been printed by the Harrisburg Telegraph previously, writes again and tells of his experiences in Paris and in the Camp D'Aviation Militaire, where he is completing instruction in flyng preparatory to joining the Lafayette escadrille at the front. Camp D'Aviation Militairi Avord, Cher France Thursday, Aug. 2. 'l7 Dear Mother:— I've been trying to find time to write to you for several days, but busy. Gee whiz! Nothing but collect junk ever since I landed. 1 had bet ter start at Paris, for lots has hap pened since that time. I'll begin with Monday, when wo went down town to finish our shop ping. (I say we because, two or three of us generally traveled together.) Moral support, so to speak in caso our sig,i language gave out, this time we tried the subway, and not know ing how to ask for first-class tickets we took what was handed us, which happened to be second-class. Tho subway system is very extensive and has two classes; the difference be tween the two being that one stands in the second-class and sits in first. Open the doors yourself and you can get oft while tho train is in motion. Well we got down fawn all right, got our chocolate and then it began to rain. And my, oh my! how it did rain! Naturally, taxis and even horse cabs were at a premium immediate ly: as for the subway, it would have taken an expert football player to force a way then to the ticket win dow—and we had to -be at head quarters before 7i p. ni., for our tickets and other red tape. 6.45 came and we were still rambling, or rather, slopping around in the rain trying to find some vehicle. Money Talks Finally, wo saw a lonely horse cab ambling across a big square. A man had already hailed him but we were faster runners and although we couldn't talk French, the five l'ranc note we offered him talked plenty good enough to secure the cab. I'll never forget the blank ex pression on the disappointed patron as we drrrve off in triumph. Fortun ately we had written the address, so all we had to do was show it to the cabby. Just got there in time. Needless to say we were the last of the bunch to show lip. These French officials are very slow or rather, tbe red tape makes them that way, because I No. 2510 New Double Grip PARIS GARTERS No metal can touch you 35c per pair. Comfortable—Service* able —Long-wearing. Others at 50c. Single grips 50, 35 and 25c. Themmeßflßisisontheback of the shield. Look for it. ASTEIN & CO. Foonded!lßß7 Chicago New York - CARTERS! J rjSuK ' No metal M L v|ls^ can 'ouch you^' —_—- • News From rwt Home How easy it is for you to h4 Nj have the HARRISBURG / j r j TELEGRAPH sent to your it soldier son, brother, husband Jbl /• I or sweetheart every day and how deeply h%'ll appreciate this token of your love No matter where he is ift /*! * tlle Arm y or Navy, in Train * \J7 Cam P or at the Front \r Uncle Sam will see to it that ___ he gets his mail. Call, Write or Phone Tlie TELEGRAPH, one Directions For month, 45c. o>. B °^."„p W Tl * T f L EGRA p H, three regiment months, $1.35. aon lß o°f T ra ; l i? d in" 3 %i The TELEGRAPH, six United States. months, $2.50. fact 1 r£** * M-J- I J/j y>, Walnutta Hair Stain 33c PRICESCOMFI V WO InulVSc S l , *>T-CfcCC, ,., B, IW,W JJJ and Ice Cream Sodas in the \si J? l. J 2* city, aud we can prove It to you. _ £ * * S A J l.° Miracle . SATURDAY - SPECIALS tML&Z6C&7I£* """""" " "" m * Peach Sundae ........ 10c *y * T w* ... . - . GSAA■■■■:: A 300MAHKET-ST. - 306 BROADIST. **£Ls£F Week-End Candy Special Sale-Saturday Only it'fz SnCCialS Remember, no matter how long others advertise, you can always GET IT AT CMRK'S for the same Lower All the Week, r or lower. Everything marked down to the last notch. NONE SOLD TO MSALERS. NO C. O. I). , ORDERS. NO MAIL ORDERS. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. Note that 6 1 Preparedness Chocolate, 39c these are regularjroods, and not overpriced goods io appear as bargains. LOWER ON SATURDAY. Cigars _....... T / n J ,, ' „ LOWER ALI j WEEK. Gen. Hartranft Lady Gladys Chocolates, 39c ——_■ • • cigars ....... R FAR ,HITEANDBLUECHO S; Patent Medicines TOILET SPECIALS . JHH£9C R Italian Bitter Sweets ... 39c Usoline Oil 20c Daggett & RamsdcU's Cold Carmen Face Powder ... 2c ° 8 ' *** lM %3 Ladv Georgia 39c n#ll ' g Catarrh " c „ c J? un U V, J llc * Counsellor !.*!!■ " WOI & 1 Hum, a lnt SBc Calox Tooth Powder 17c BIG SPECIAL ON 10c I 111 K ( HIIPP ~ Westplial's Auxillator 59c Pond s Vanishing Cream 15c CIGARS V/ "11CC Mentholatum S4c piexo Greascless Cold Cream, 17c Creme do Meridor 15c We have mnrte n hns r>f Sloan's Liniment 15c Melbaline Face Powder 25c Creme Dc Meridor 20c Moja Cigars .. .> *J _ friends with this delicious oof- Limestone Phosphate l#c Mclba Face Powder 50c Pompeian Massage Cream ..27c J Henrietta iwOC fee—reifular customers who Tonsinlte, 50c size 2#c Arthurs' Lilac Toilet Water, 59c StiHman's Freckle Cream ...27c 7 Ben Mirza Clgarsj ime Imck again and again, i lmD . 14n Cur *tlve Skin Soap 17c Aubry Sisters' Greascless Cream > ' and bring their friends with Alexander s Lung Healer .... 14c pbnolive Shampoo 31c 10 c i. them. We couldn't do It Ift- Mayr's Stomach Remedy ... 54c Pinaud's Lilac 57c Aubry Sisters' Cold Cream .. 10c with Inferior coffee, lb. Sanl Mush 18c El Rado 29c Scnreco Tooth Paste 15c SPECIAL SAIF v M Eagle Brand Cond. Milk ...... 18c Cutex Manicure Set 19c Mennen's Shaving Cream .. 17c " Hood's Sarsapartlla ...57c Cutex Cuticle Remover 17c Milk of Magnesia 18<; TOOTH PASTES Cutleura Ointment 38c Dorin's Rouge .. 38c Mary Garden Talcum ......45c m_'i . i n_ __• _1 _ l'>eezone Corn ...24c Mary Garden Face Powder ..73c Creme Elcaya ~..83c Kaiphctao Tooth I%ste ......16c X OlieX OPeCiaiS ' cc Mint ' or corns 84c Djer-Kiss Face. Powder 39c Othine for Freckles 59c Euthymol Tooth Paste ...... 15c * • Cal. Syrup of Figs .........26c Azurea Pace Powder 89c Euthymol Tooth Paste 15c Colgate's Tooth Pasto .... 2Sc Satin Skin Cold Cream 15c Krtler's Catarrh Remedy 75c I.a Blache Face Powfler 32c Colgate's Talcum 15c Lyon's Tooth Paste 16c Satin Skin Rose Tint 15c Doan's Kidney Pills 39c Pcbecco Tooth Paste 33c Sage and Sulphur B7c Sanltol Tooth Paste 16c Pompeian Night Cream 15c Sal Hepntica 72c Kolynos Tooth Paste 19c Mulslflcd Cocoannt OH ..!...30c Pebeco Tt>oth Paste' 33e Oriental Cream 91.05 Horlick's Malted Milk 92.75 Swansdown Face Powder ....9c Danderine 300 Pond's Extract Tooth Paste, 15c Amtjnlzcd Cocoa Cream .... 45c Bortlcn's Malted 69c Florayme Fn<;c Powder #4c Barbo Comp 29c Scnreco Tooth Paste 17c To Map Out Plans For Recruiting Boys . Working Reserve Here , The committee composed of Dr. C. B. Fager, Professor Howard Dibble, Headmaster A. E. Brown, Profossor C. S. Davis and Professor F. E. Sham baugh, who are in charge of the Boys Working Reserve, will hold a meeting Saturday Will Be a Busy Day At The Wm. Strouse Store Saturday Will Be the Last Day \ of Our Summer Sales C', All Clothing For Men and Boys V i^) —All Straw Hats—Underwear " \ IJI LJ —At Startling Reductions These Prices Are the Final One Days' Offerings 6 Men's Suits at Greatly Reduced Prices sls Suits are sll.so Palm Beach Suits $5.95 $lB Suits are sl4.so Your Choice of Any S2O Suits are $16.50 $lO and sl2 Suit in the House $25 Suits are s2l 50 Saturday Only at S3O Suits are $24.50 55.95 Boys' Clothes Any Straw Hat For School at Money Savings in Our House $5.00 Suits are ... $4.25 50 Cents $6.50 Suits are $5.50 That Sold For $4, $3 and $2 $7.50 Suits are ..... . s6.2s Saturday Only Fall Neckwear Panamas $3.65 Is Ready 5O Cents that sold for $5, $6.50 & $7.50 As a Tribute to Our Friends THE WORKINGMEN, OUR STORE Will be closed LABOR DAY The New Store of Wm. Strouse, Harrisburg to-nigfct at the University Club to dlscu3S plans and outline the work that they will follow in the recruiting of boys. As the boyß are not badly needed in farm work they will very likely be given other work in the city. They will be paid for their services at the m# rate that other workers are re ceiving. The idea of the Reserve "is to organize the young men of the county so that they can be called up on when needed. Dr. Fager is eager to ge.the machinery of the organiza tion under way so that the boys can be enrolled at once. The New Store of Wm. Strouse AUGUST 31, 1917 Dies From Injuries Sustained in Fall From Top of Gigantic Stack William Maxwell, who fell from a ninety-two-foot stack while at work. Sunday evening, died this morning at 5 o'clock, at the Harrisburg Hospital. Maxwel! was employed as a workman in the construction of the giant stack which is being erected for the Harrii burg Light and Power Company. H was badly injured, and that he escA{ ed Instant death in his headlong fllgt to the earth was considered mlraci lous by his fellow-workmen. The address given by Maxwell as h home is Vancouver. British Columbi It is thought that his mother resid< at Mollne, Mich., and a telegram wa sent her, notifying her of the youil man's death. Very little is known Maxwell's family, and it is possibl that the word will not reach the rlgl parties. The coroner will hold an inquest 1 place the blame for the Occident.