IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A ROOM LEI' A WANT AD HELP YOU Deaths >IITH Zacharias Smith, on Thurs day, August 30, 1917, at 216 Fulton street, aged 62 years. Funeral on Saturday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, from the home of James Walker, Edgemont, Fa. The rela tives and friends are invited to at tend without further notice. LOST AND FOUND The party that was- seen taking iat express wagon from Broad street arkethouse on Saturday, better re in it to avoid trouble. 1315 Bartine reet. * LOST 520.00 bill in gas office, ednesday afternoon, at 5 o clock, ill the gentleman that found the me bring it to Forney's Drug Store id receive suitable reward. LOST A pair of noseglasses, with ain and button, on Monday, August , in shopping district or between ntion and Herr. Reward if returned Room 173. State Capitol. LOST Monday, August 13, 1917, rge, lady's face camec. breastpin, an 3 heirloom and a relic, 011 Market reet. or in the following stores: venty-Five Cent Store. Kaufman 3, iwmau's, Kresge's Five and Ton nt Store, or D., P. &S. Finder lib ally rewarded at 1011 North Third reet. Bell phone 188. CARD OF THANKS MR. THOMAS BUTLER AND FAM- Y. 269 Sassafras street, desire to ank their neighbors and friends for e kindness shown them during their ■ent bereavement hy the death of fe and sister. MR. THOS. BUTLER. HELP WANTED —MALE 1 FORTY LABORERS want at once. Thirty-five cents r hour and carfare. Apply nited States Aviation Build- j g, Middletown, Pa., and ask; r Herre Bros., Plumbing and j eating Contractors. I I iO Y WANTED A boy over 16 is J nted at Kreidler's Grocery, Second 1 Walnut streets. IVANTED Boy, about 18, as iper in store room of plant. Reply own handwriting, giving refer :es. Address "X," Box No. 394,, I risburg. Pa. VAN'IIED Competent anil reliable II to work in calendar factory. Per -1 "lit position and good chancte for incement. Apply Myers Manufac ■ing Co., second floor, 1125 North: ird street. j VANTED Experienced collector. ' ply Collins Co., 34 North Second eel. I VANTED An errand boy. '6 11s old. Regular employment, ply Courier, 320 Market street. WANTED 5O able-bodied :n for piece work. Experienc truckers can earn $75 to S9O r month. Must be able to id and write. • Apply in per i only to agent of Pennsyl nia Railroad Company at Di ion Street Transfer, P. R. R. Harrisburg, Pa. lELP WANTED Young man to rk 111 drug store. Apply Buehler's, North Third street. IEN WANTED Trained opera tor Turret Lathes. Milling and • w Machines. In answering, state lerience. Address Box R. 6302, care Telegraph. VANTED Six first-class plumb , at once. Apply Herre Bros.. 417 iglin street, Riverside. Pa. I'ANTED Blacksmith accustom to sharpening steel; also plant tnian, to take charge of machinery stone crushing plant. Conewago p Rock Co., Conewago, Pa. /ANTED Salesman wanted In :hint department. Apply at office General Superintendent, Steelton re Co., Steelton. Pa. i'HITE BOY WANTED. AT ONCE— • permanent position. Age about years. Apply, with references, to ob Tausigs Sons, Jewelers, 420 ket street. OUNG MAN Between 16 and to learn a stood trade. Good waives lie learning. Call Bell 4838, Dial ), or 404 North Second. iV A N TED Draftsmen, th experience in the design Switchboards, Controllers, cuit Breakers, etc. Address, ief Clerk-Engr. Dept., West house Electric and Manufac ing Company, East Pitts "gh, Pa. . x 'ANTED Two men of live-sell abilit.v, to handle exclusive propo •in: $25 a week salary guaranteed, fe H„ 6109, care of Telegraph. "ANTED An experienced chauf to drive Ford delivery car; must e good reference and be familiar II city. Apply S. S. Pomeroy, Mar- Square. 'ANTED —Young men to learr. 1 business and become practical 'hank's and chauffeurs. Auto nsportatlon School. 27-29 N. Cam -1 street. ABORERS WANTED Steady k, good wages and chance for ad cement. Apply Central Iron & 1 CoiTIDHnV Real Estate For Sale | ! ouses at Fair Prices •-•YA.'I JEFFERSON ST. A pleasantly situated two-story ick house with seven rooms th and furnace. I,ot 15x100 ft. | lOta HEMLOCK ST. Rented at sls a month; price, .SOO. Three-story brick nine oms bath furnace K" d electricity. Lot ISXS3 ft. HI MM EI, ST. Ij To be sold at a very reasonable)) ure three-story brick house | eight rooms bath and furnace, t 14 '4x117 ft., 10-ft. side und 11 nr iille.vN. 310 Ml JLBEKRY ST. !i _ Lot ft., improved with a ! l-room frame house that is! nted at S2O a month. What Ixj! ur best offerf l sizes. Bargains in Typewriters. Ail makes, - second-hand and rebuilt. Bought, ex changed, rented and sold. Ged. P. Til- 1 lotsoa, 206 Locust. osp. Orpheum. £ | FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS I KINK BABY CARKI A Third street, 325 Market street. I FOR SALE Unredeemed watches and diamonds at prices lower than can be bought wholesale. CHAS. ARONSON, Reliable Jeweler and Broker, 422 Market Street. FOR SALE, at Gables, 111-117 | South Second street. Lawn Fence Field Fence, Gates, Poultry Netting, Building Hardware, Plaster Board, Upson Wall Board, Compo-Board, Doors, Sash, Shutters, Mouldings, Porch Posts, Pumps, etc. FOR SALE Baling press, iron wheelbarrow, oak railing and counter, cash register, imposing stone, etc. In quire oftice Star-Independent, South Third street. FQR SALE Two Bargains—One Dorsey Impos ing Stone, with furniture and form rack complete. One Texas Imposing Stone, with! Letter Boards and Sort Drawers. These two pieces of Printing Office j furniture are in tlrst-class condition and if you are a Job Printer or a ! Newspaper man, don't overlook this ; opportunity to secure real bargains. ! Superintendent, The Telegraph Print- i I ing Co.. Harrisburg, Pa. BUSINESS PERSONALS C. H. CORDER! ~ Real Estate and Insurance. Farms a Specialty. Rents Collected. 1190 Walnut St., Harrisburg. Pa. A. ABRAMSON went .together with the Reliable Rag and Metal Co., and are interested in all Junk, Leather Shoes and Empty Barrels. Call us up and we will call for it. 1107-1109 North Seventh street. QUININE—Look out for that grippe feeling, ilkel.v to catch you this changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE I PHOSPHO-Q UININE will stake it off ! If taken in time. Gross Drug Store, | 119 Market street. M. H. BAKER & CO., Plumbing and Heating Contractors, 1330 Derry street. Both phones. WHITE DETECTIVE AGENCY Trustee Bldg.—All kinds of detective work handled —one eye always ouen. BELL PHONE 4399. UP.HOLSTERING And furniture' I repairing, mattresses renovated and I ! cushions of all kinds made. S. N. | Cluck, 320-326 Woodbine street, j Phone 1317 J. B LSI NESS PERSONALS LURIA IRON & STEEL CO. deals in steel, rags, rubber, metals and papermill supplies. Broad and WalV lace. Also salvage from lire and wreck. Call Bell phone 936, Dial 3043. RELIABLE Locksmith and Electric Shop j We make KEYS of any style at i special prices. Locks repaired. I Electric light and bell wiring and repairing. All kinds of sharpen ing and general repairing. 1303 North Sixth. Bell 3995, Dial 5854. Mac WILLIAMS CONSTRUCTION CO., Builders and Contractors. House building our specialty. Job work i looked after carefully. Dial 3705 OFFICE, 2150 NORTH FIFTH STREET. SPANGLER PLANING MILL CO.— Mill work of all kinds. Estimates I cheerfully given. 824 North Seventh ' street. , BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SHIRT FACTORY FOR SAfcE ln ' Goldsboro, Pa. Only reason for sell ing—owner comes under selective j draft. Doing paying business. Ad dress Box 42, Etters, Pa. FOR SALE Old-established res taurant and confectionery store of S. M. Straub, located on Bridge street, opposite New Cumberland National Bank, New Cumberland, Pa. Will sac rifice to quick buyer. GOOD OPENING for live represen tatives in your territory. Chance to make 100 to 200 per cent, on small in vestment. Write for full information. The Federal Development Co., Alli ance, Ohio. FOR SALE Grocery store in a flourishing country town doing good business A good bargain to quick buyer. Apply to 67-S, care of Tele graph. RESTAURANT Doing fine busi ness, for sale. Excellent location; good reasons for selling. For particu lars write to ti. D. Yoder, Prop., Lewis town. Pa. Cleauvi* and Dyers GOODMAN'S Sanitary Steaming, Cleaning. Pressing Works. Repairing work guaranteed. Call and deliver. Both pnones. 1306% N. Sixth street. SEND your clothes to EGGERT'S CLEANING AND DYEING WORKS, 1245 Market street. We call and de- , liver. Both phones. , 'Hauling and Moving BLUE LINE AUTO TRANSFER Piano moving a specialty. Hauling. Square dealing our p01icy.,917-A Cao ltql St. C. V. 5897. Bell 852 W. 1 Musical WE BUY. SELL OR EXCHANGE all kinds of talking machine records at ; 1213 North Third street, Harrisburg. - Pa. Open Evenings. PIANOS TUNED A/JD REPAIRBD I by a skilled tuner only. Oyler's, 14 , South Fourth 'street. < AUGUST 31, 1917. | 'Musical bOR SALE - A lot of unredeem violins, mandolins, guitars, bantoi, and a few victrolus. N. Brenner, laiu North lhird street. Monej to iiOan MONEY TO LOAN* AT~LEOAL KATKS —On furniture, real estate und endorsed notes. Licensed by the State and under supervision of the Banking Department. Equitable In vestment Co., Inc., Second Floor 3 No nil Market dquure. Established WE I.ENU MONEY In" with Act ot *J!ine li, 11>15, to individu als in need of ready cash; small loans a specialty; business confidential • payments to suit borrower's conveni ence*; positively lowest rates in ciiv PEN fib V LA' AN J. A INVESTMENT Cu' 132 Walnut Street. ' LOANS —$15 TO S3OO~~~ If without bank credit and pressed for lund* with which to meet immediate necessities • consult this licensed, bonded' supervised institution, ilnanc ed and managed by local peo * P ' e " CO-OPERATIVE LOAN & INVESTMENT CO 204 Chestnut St., " Harrisburg, Pa. MONEV advanced to housekeeoeia at legal rates; business confidential Prolit Sharing Loan Society, Snootier Building. 8 Nortft Market .Square. Shoe Ki'imiriiijf "" SHOE REPAIRING . Othera ilx ein; we rebuild em. Four' phone orders promptly attended to Elite Shoe Repair Co., 14 S. Dewberry avenue. NEW, UP-TO-DATE " SHOE REPAIR SHOP Now open at 230 Strawberry street JUS. GORDON. PROP. Our shop at 1820 North lhird street will also be continued. Hell 938 VV. Dial 55537 Storage STORAGE— 419 Broad "stmjt houae bold goods, merchandise. Private rooms. sl-13. Wagons, 75c month. D. Cooper & Co., 417 Broad St. Both phones. STORAGE —Fireprooi and non-tire proof Private rooms tor household goods. $2 a month up. Har rlsburg Storage Co, 437-445 S. 2nd St. STORAGE ln brick building, rear 408 Market. Household goods In clean, private rooms. Ueasonable rates, p O. Diener. 408 Market street. Undertakers < RUDOLPH K. SPICER. Funeral Director and Embalmer. 511 North Second Street. Bell 252. Dial 3145. SAMUEL S. FACKLER. FUNERAL 1312 Derry St. BELL 1950. DIAL 2188. Where to Dnie Well STOUFFER'S RESTAURANT ' Home cooking served to Busi nessmen and Ladles in sepa | rate diningroom. DINE WHERE BEST COSTS LESS Where cuisino is an art and eating a pleasure. Manhattan Restaurant. 317 Market street. ( : I - J AUTOMOIMLES OVERLAND USED CAR DEPARTMENT Only a few used cars left. And they are the best on' the market. We have been taking over in exchange for new cars only cars that are in first-class condition and that is why we can stand back of anything we say about a used car. We have overhauled and refinished these cars and they are j offered at bargain prices. 117 Overland Roadster. 1917 Overland Touring. 1916 Willys Knight Car. 1916 Overland Touring Car. 1916 Overland Roadster, 1916 Jackson Roadster. Pullman Roadster. j PAYMENTS CAN BE ARRANGED. THE OVERLAND-HARRISBURG CO., 212-214 N. 2nd St. Open Evenings. * FOR SALE Ford Runabout, 1917 Model. Demountable rims.* Goodyear tires. 424 Market street. OLD AUTOS Wanted; used, wrecked or oldtimers, in any condition. See me before sac rificing elsewhere. Chelsea Auto Wrecking. A. Schiffmann, 1021 Mar | ket street. AUTOS FOR SALE Maxwell Mascott, A 1 shape $275 Ford Light Delivery, panel body, in fine condition S3OO 1916 Chalnier-40. like new $950 1915 Hudson. 5-passenger, latest equipment. This car Is a big bargain at SSOO MILLER AUTO CO.. 68 South Cameron Street. Both Phones. I * 1913 AND 1914 TOURING FORDS I always 011 hand from $250.00 to | $275.00. All Good. Call Horst", Ling lestown, Dauphin County, Pa. ) FOR SALE A Vim delivery car, I slightly used. Price reasonable. Call 1 Bell phone i'25J or 882J-1. | USED CARS, tliorougnly overhaul ed, for sale here. Rex Garage. 1917 j North Third street MOTOR CAR OWNERS | Have your carbon removed from your car by an experienced carbon burner. Prestolite procoss. Rates reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed DAYTON GARAGE Bell phone 385 J. 912 N. Third St. SECOND-HAND Motor Trucks -for sale cheap. Good assortment, with either solid or pneumatic tires Come early, make your selection. Inter national Harvester Co. of America. Truck Department. 619 Walnut street EXIDE BATTERY SERVICE All makes of batteries recharged and repaired, work guaranteed. Auto repairing; electrical work a specialty. EXCEI.SIOR AUTO & BATTERY CO. lltb and Mulberrv Sts. AUTOS FOR SALE 1917 Briscoe 5-passenger; fully equipped. Will sacrifice f0r....5560 1913 Buick 5-passehger. In fine condition . ..S.IOO Partln-Palmer Runabout Fully equipped, with self-starter and elec tric light. Must sacrifice at once. Grant Runabout SIOO Mitchel Roadster $175 Cadillac—s-passenger $230 Kline—s-passenger S2OO 1915 Maxwell With brand-new starter ' s;jgo Oakland—s-passenger, 6-cylinder, $530 Chalmers—6-cylinder $530 16-passenger Modein Truck Will sacrifice for $690 to-day. Also 1916 Henderson Motorcycle, with side car, 4-cylinder. In fire>t-class condition. Must be sold at once for 285 1914 Ford—ln line condition S2BO Several other bargains. Must be sold at once. Auto Transportation Exchange 27-29 North Cameron Street. Bell 1710. Dial 3060. WE SELL AUTOMOBILES on con- i slgnment and charge only 5 per cent. No storage charges if car Is not sold. 1 Auto Transportation School, 27-29 N. Cameron street. CHALMERS Model 2, 1914: 7- iissenger, 6-cyllnder, touring car tor ale; self-starter; electrically equip ped; two extra tires and tiTbes: slip covers for all seuts and side cur tains; machine very little used; bar gain to quick buyer; will demonstrate; V?'' once to Excelsior Garage, 1021 Market street FOR SALE—I9I6 6-cylinder Mitchell far- In good condition. 127-Inch wheel base. Price reasonable. Can be seen at City Garage. Inquire at 9 North Front street. FOR SALE A Ilupmoblle deliv ery truck, in Al condition; has Just been overhauled; will sell at a bar gain. Apply at Federich's Garage. 1-orster, near Front street. FOR SALE llupmoblle Touring cai, lute model, with lots of extras. OuiiraHteed absolutely perfect 1423 I nira street. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES' BICYCLE BARGAINS Easy pay- J" ents- .,A^ ay as y° u rlde - Machines from SIO.OO upwards. Come here save money. Guaranteed repairing. DAYTON CYCLE CO., FOR SALE 1916 Harley-Davidson motorcycle, with side car. Cheap to quick buyer. Apply to 1110 North Seventh street. MOTORCYCLE SALE Clearing Sale of all Used, Rebuilt Motorcycles. 1914 Excelsior, two-speed, was $125.00. Reduced to SIOO.OO 1916 Dayton, three-speed, was $200.00. Reduced to $175.00 17 Model Excelsior, three speed, electric, was $210.00 Reduced to $175.00 1916 Sygnet delivery oar, at tach to any motorcycle, was SIOO.OO. Reduced to $50.00 All Motorcycles Guaranteed aB rep resented. Demonstration given. Cash or Terms. HEAGY BROS., 1200 North Third St. Open Evenings. MOTORCYCLE BARGAINS Ma chines from SSO upwards. Easy pay ments. Pay as you ride. See us. Save money. DAYTON CYCLE CO.. 912 North Third Street GARAGES BLACK'S GARAGE—Live and dead' storage; new fireproof building; full line of Tires, Accessories. Repair shop next door. 203-205/j. Seventeenth St CAMP CURTIN GARAGE Seventh Street, Around the Corner of Camp Street. Storage by day or month. Open day and night. Prompt service. Expert mechanics. Repairing guaranteed. A trial will convince you that our work and price Is right. Bell 1093 J. WM. PENN GARAGE 304-6 Muench street. Limousines fop funerals, parties and balls; careful drivers; open day and night Bell 4564. ACCESSORIES AND REPAIRS REPUBLIC TlßES—"Prodlum" pro cess, wonderful tensile strength; un even wear eliminated; reduced chip ping and cutting. Good Service Tire Co., 1019 Market street. ONE 1914 Ford, one 1917 Mota truck for sale. Also general repair ing work properly done and guaran teed. Also storage, at the SUNSHINE GARAGE. 82 South Cameron street. BRING your car to us. Experts on Ignition and carburetor troubles. Highest grade repair work. LEMOYNE A TITO SHOP. Lemoynn. Both phones. LEGAL NOTICES PROPOSALS Office of the Board of Commissioners of Public Grounds and Buildings. Harrisburg. Pa. SEALED PROPOSALS will be re ceived by the Superintendent of Pub lic Grounds and Buildings, Harris burg. Ptt- until twelve o'clock noon, Tuesday, September 11, 1917, for fur nishing all material and labor requir ed in the reconstruction of Barn de stroyed by tire July 21, 1916, on the property of the State Lunatic Hos pital, located near Harrisburg, Dau phin County, Pa., as called for in the plans and specifications prepared un der the direction of the Board of Com missioners of Public Grounds and Buildings. Plans, specifications and bidding blanks may be obtained by prospec tive bidders on application to the Su perintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings, Harrisburg, Pa. A certified check drawn to the order of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia in the sum of Five Hundred Dol lars ($00000) must accompany each proposal. Proposals and checks must bo envelopes marked "Pro posals for Rebuilding Barn at State Lunatic Hospital, Harrisburg, Pa." GEORGE A. SHREINER, Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings. LLOYD W. MITCHELL, Secretary. LICENSE TRANSFER NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that an ap plication will be made to the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace of Dau phin County on Tuesday, September 4. 1917, at 10 o'clock A. M„ or as soon thereafter as said Court shall be in session, for a transfer of the retail liquor license now held by Gertrude W. Brandt, known as the "Baldwin House," Nos. 373 and 375 South Front Street. First Ward, Steelton, Dauphin County, x'a., to Howard F. Morris. HOWARD F. MORRIS, " Applicant for Transfer. CHARTER NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that an ap plication will be made to iflie Gover nor of Pennsylvania on September 10, 1917, by C. K. Deen, R. S. Coover and Edward Bailey, under the Act of As sembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to provide for the Incorporation and regulation of certain corporations," approved April 29, 1574, and the sup plements thereto, for the charter of an intended corporation to bo called "THE WITMAN-SCHWARZ CORPO RATION," the character and object of which is buying and selling, trading and dealing in all articles of food, confectionery, groceries, wood and willow wake, hardware specialties, and general merchandise ,and for these purposes to have and possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of the said Act of Assembly and Its supplements. BEIDLEMAN & HULL, Solicitors. Pennsylvania Public Service Com mission, Harrisburg, Pa. Seaiedt pro posals will be received at said office until 10 A. M., September 20, 1917, when bids will be publicly opened and scheduled, and contract awarded as soon thereafter as possible, for the construction of a steel bridge, with concrete abutments and concrete ped estals for steel supports, situated on Main Street, Butler Borough, Butler County, over the Cofioquenessing Creek and the tracks of the B. & L. E. R. R. and G. & O. R. R. The main span will be 125 feet with 5 approach spans on the north and 6 on the south, making a total length of 687 feet. The roadway to be 28 feet wide and two sidewalks each 5 feet wide. Bidders may secure proper blanks upon per sonal application or written request to the Public Service Commission. Harrisburg. Pa., and plans may be seen there and If desired may be ob tained upon payment of two dollars per set. No refund for plans return ed. Plans may also be seen in the office of the State Highway Depart ment. Harrisburg, Pa., 904 Hartje Building, Pittsburgh, Pa.; 1001 Cheat nut Street, Philadelphia, Pa., and Franklin Trust Co., Bid#.,. Franklin, fa. 17