Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 17, 1917, Page 18, Image 18

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Demonstration in Southern
Dauphin Township Three
Days in September
* In an effort to stamp out and con
trol wheat moth and bean weevils In
■Dauphin county, H. G. Nlesley, Agri
cultural Extension Representative,
will hold demonstrations In the
southern towr.ships of Dauphin
county, September 11, 12 and 13.
The wheat moth came into Dauphin
county from Lancaster, and thus far
has only been found in the southern
Many thousands of dollars' worth
of stored grains, beans and peas are
lost annually in Pennsylvania from
attacks of insects. This injury can
ho largely prevented by fumigating
these products in accordance with
the following directions:
Carbon bi-sultide is the standard
material for fumigating. It is a col
orless liquid which vaporizes Jl>on
exposure to the air, giving off a gas
which is heavier than air. This gas
settles down into the grain, display
lng the air, and is fatal to all insect
life without injuring the grain for
either human consumption or seed
purposes. It may be obtained from
druggists or wholesale drug dealers
nt a price varying from about 11
cents to 35 cents per pound (pint).
It is essential that the grain or
©♦her products to be fumigated be
placed in a tightly closed room, bin
or other receptacle. For small
amounts n. barrel or tight box is
ouito satisfactory. All cracks or
knot-holes in the floor or sides or
the room, bin or receptacle should
he covered over to prevent the gas
from escaping. If n, barrel or other
vessel with an open top must be
used, it can be made fairly tight bJ
placing blankets or canvas tightly
over the top, providing the bottom
end sides are airtight. Fumigating in
an open crib is a waste of time and
wiaterial. „
Fumigate on \\ arm Day
Fumigate only on a fairly warm
day when the temperature is 60
degrees F. or above. The Insects are
more active on warm days, and are
more readily k!iled then, than on
cool days when they arc not active
and breathe but little.
For about 1,000 cubic feet of
epace (or 800 bu.) use from five
to eight pounds (or pints) of carbon
hi-sullide, depending upon the tight
ness of the bin or receptacle. If it
Js not airtight or practically so, or
If the temperature is below 00 de
grees F., use a much larger amount
of carbon bi-sulflde; there is no dan
ger of using too much. For a tight
barrel an average dose of about one
half teacupful is sufficient if the
top of the barrel is tightly covered.
The jcarbon bl-sulflde may be
poured directly upon the grain or
seed without injuring it for planting
or seed purposes. For fumigating
large amounts of grain in the bin
saturate burlap sacks or cotton
waste and shove these into the grain
a foot or two below the surface; in
this way the gas, will diffuse more
thoroughly through the grain. For
deep bins apply the material to the
center of the bin by pouring it down
through a pipe which has been push
ed down into the grain. After the
material has been poured down into
the pipe pull out the pipe. Leave the
bin or receptacle closed for from
twenty-four to thirty-six hours.
There is sometimes danger from the
Infested grain heating after being
fumigated if the infestation has
been serious; therefore, shift the
grain by shoveling It over, and air
It out.
Carbon bi-sulflde is highly inflam.
mable; therefore, mlce the applica
tion in daylight and do not bring
fire or flame of any kind (such as
from a lighted match, pipe, cigar or
lantern) near the gas. As little as
possible of the gas should be breath
ed because, although it is not neces
sarily fatal to human life, it is apt
to nauseate one if very much of it
Is inhaled.
Grow More Wheat
Is Timely Advice
Now is the time for every farmer ,
to think about increasing his wheat
acreage, as well as yield.
It is a patriotic duty as well as
a business proposition to increase
the wheat acreage for next year.
The government has Insured the
farmer two dollars for his wheat
next year, therefore, why not in
crease the acreago and yield.
Now is the time to order your
fertilizer. Don't forget the use of
lime is very important where clover
eeed is to be sown.
Where no manure has been applied
hefore seeding, or where the applica
tion has been very light, a moderate
application of . manure during the
winter will be very profitable, not
only will it increase the yield, but
acts as a protection against winter
killing. Where a liberal supply of
barnyard manure is used or a heavy
sod plowed down, apply from 250
to 350 pounds of sixteen per cent,
acid phosphate. The manure fur
nishes the nitrogen and potash and
if supplemented with acid phos
phate, a well balanced fertilizer is
the result.
If your soil is lacking in nitrogen,
the application of a 2-10 fertilizer
should give good results. It will pay
to buy fertilizer this fall even if
prices are high.
Plow land early and work down to
a good, firm, well pulverized seed
bed. Where wheat follows corn or
potatoes, the land can be well pre
pared by thorough discing, or spring
tooth harrowing. Don't sow wheat
on a loose soil. Get It firm and cam
Don't forget the Importance of
good sead! Sow a variety that has
done well for ycu or your neighbor.
Make arrangements for clean seed,
free from weed seed. Wheat yield
can be greately Increased by careful
lanning of the seed, blowing out all
shriveled grain'., thereby having only
the plump healthy grains.—Dauphin
County Farm Bureau.
North Second
, Street, corner of
Walnut Street,
over Rose's the
new home of
Removed from
18 N. Third St.
Dives, Pomeroy ' " y
See These New Smart Velvet Linen and Cotton Dresses Dainty New Styles of
Turbans at $2.95 and $3.95 Final Clearance Blouses to Show You at
A splendid showing of stvlish inexpen- u i . (fo -4 r\ r*
XirnW Regular $14.50 and sls $1.95 / *ssrk\
Scotch shape with soft tam crown. These f* n rTYl£> r)/c W1 f) CiCl / j \ Fashioned of sheer voile, ha- / \
are shown in rose, navy, Copenhagen, \jtll II lC I 110 ,$ 1 U .1/1/ Jf tistf and rep in fetching new de- S /jflwlW I
brown, red, purple and green, at c- r ir *a i a t i . / KJilfi ?/ !' \ signs. Feminine interest should J
Q : <*.> o- < Sizes range from 36 to 44 and the colors are almost / v \ . . .. , , ~ V V/\ll i. SJP/'LA /
and SM.tfo V tf\ , , . i_ . \ center in this bevy of new blouses V \iLMf M\ /
J . ,\ as complete as we have shown at any time this sea- SmWs&W f\\L \ , . .... "louses y
Scores of new velvet hats in sailors, tur- /N. son < r \ 1 so res h and inviting and so at
bans, rolling brims and smart tailored ef- , I / / r- j j r • J- I. i „ LU | tractively priced. . W
t * t * • . , / / Every garment is reduced for immediate clearance q Jglmati fl \\ V oiie iinn- P .io f , .. , , in
fects featuring the new soool crowns and 11/ / I •' i. HfllttVl |!i H „ K n ' ' f f ont trimmed with imltaUon Venise lace inser
... & \ V / beginning to-morrow. • IBV MBW tlon embroidery an<l pearl buttons, deep collar trimmed with lace
slanting crowns with tassel, at .. $3.95 \ v \ M MIWP " r*a .'/ , Insertion and lace edge, lace trimmed cuffs ... Si r
- 4 114.R0 and SIB.OO linen dresses in one-Diece and coat styles: rose. \ IHHM
Fine veHet hats with ribbon crowns in green, gold, blue and red ta *. grey and green; sizes 36 to 44. 410 00 \ HhP'! / wlth hanfl embroidery and lace trin?med cuffs £-
Pelt hats in many shades at $1.05, 2 95 and $3 50 *12.£0 linen dresses in one-piece box plaited style with cape col- V 1 W_-r-r>- -*fT collar and cuffs linished with picot edge and narrow black'ribbon
Volour hats in finest sport colors 83 05 %4 '% iars and cults of white organdie, sizes 30 and 38. to Cfl \ ifHHfeIVJ R .\ U V „ , S . 05
p.. ' Special JO.OU \ Ikl 14 vC° 0n r f pp waists. semi-tailored styles, convertible collar Collar
JJHes, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor, Front $16.50 linen and voile dresses in green, lavender and Copenhagen, \ button-piece and cuffs linished with scalloped edge.. .. SI 05
with large sailor collar, finished with black stitching and fljl nOO \ J %\\TT /\\ Dives Pomerov stpwarl i i-i
broad patent , eftther be , t Bizes 3g tQ 4 , Spectal AU.UU \ Uf V#J>/ U ome.oy & Stewart—Second 1. loor.
__ $12.50 plaid voile dresses in blue and white, made in plaited style 4 , y)
Th e New Dress Fabrics For FlneCottonVoilesHalf Price
r all m Many Styles Hundreds of dresses in fresh new pereales, ginghams and madras are priced at made^eLusVSfprifrth^^H^^
Shipment after shioment of new colored drrss fronrls 1<? mm- Percale house dresses in stripe patterns with Stripe Madras dresses with separate belt; two higher prices next season prompted US to act when we
' , dIlCr Snlpment OI nCVV colorea arcss g° oas 1S com- , onK and Bhort sleeves; coltar and cllffß trimmed inverted pockets and finished with white madras, had the opportunity. This permits US to Sell ,T™IW oC
mg in for early fall buyers—making the showing most at- with piping; sizes 36 to 46. Priced at embroidered collar and cuffs; sizes 36 to 46 at 53.50 jrrade 36 inches wide in sevrntv fiv P r. 3 tt,r„ o ' ir, I
. ~ ... . . ... $1.20 and 51..50 $6.50 stripe voile dresses in rose and white with ® wiue, in seventy n\ e patterns, at .. . 13y 2 <J
tractive With rich new patterns and shades. Porch dresses of gingham in stripes and plaids, sailor collar and girdle of rose; sizes 36 to 44. ruU„~ Ajj j' rr -i • T-. •
Mt ,„ .. „,^ >l . , the styles include fitted waist line and plaited ef- Special, $3.50 UlllCr AltrClCtlVß VOII6S 111 FITXC DrPW Cnlinrtc
Fine all wool sorge in new fall shades, yard SI.OO fects . Sizes 36 to 46, at $2.00 I Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor C • L " tbS
Wool poplin, all wool, 40-inch, best fall shades, yard $1.25 0 0 , . . , o •!->• i sc w />Y e R vo "e. 36 Inches 59c voiles, white crounrt,
VroncU serge, all wool, splendid showing of fall shades, 42-lnch, . C yn o rd. B !^ e '-
ri°" f K f ! ;! ,0 "' ~g" ' ~CW ShmleS ' ynr,l • : Wh,te POP,,n and Hncne " klrt H S skirt?'ln r ed ne or an g d dine®' sk^of'V Plaids^nd^guT^
French twill sorgo, 44-inch, browns, Burgundy, navy, myrtle and with a full gathered back and styles with large patch pockets medium and large sizes. Spe- SV IS, fancy plaids. Harvest Sale Price, yard, ...20c
midnight blue, yard $1.50 inverted or natch Dockets- sizes trimmed with white pearl but- cial $2.08 Hnrvpst
Silk poplin in twenty fall shades, 40-inch, yard $1.50 4 _ , , . l ? ns: sizes 25 to 36 ' Sl 4 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, ' " 14e'l0c and ''V- Harvest woven colors.
Wool jersey cloth, heather mixed fabric, yard, $3.50 25 to 38 " SpeClal 8t SI - 25 at sl " #S Second Floor - Kiddie cloth for boys^sufts
>lJxo<l burolla, a rich woolen coating yanl, 93.50 ( " ! „ ( l rom P e J S ln ne stripes and grounds and colored stripes
Rayonncr velour a beautiful fatirlc mixed with threads of color T-i-1 rx4- i-i "V T 4- TUT n-I x-n, <- Price yard 68 arvest Sale r(i ....16c
and the finish of velour, 54-lnch, yard $4.05 JUSI W lit ll 10U W dLYII 111 XIOSISrV wh^^oun^w^Xiri^hi"'"
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor. " lng styles. Harvest Sale Price. shades, yard .I .? ™. . " 6 2 0 c
— Qnri T lYm PrWP?I I* Anderson - and D." AJ C wider''airThe^^ding
CvllvA ll>w4.V-/J- VV C/Cv-L Anderson ginghams in fancy shades, vard 49c
"XT 1 1 A 1 T7l plaids, checks, stripes and plain Poplin silk and cotton," '36
iN ew -T Ell 1 xxl3l3cll*ol £/ 01* Our stocks have been so complete that even though summer is fast slipping past there is shades ftso, 30e and 0c inches wide, half silk, yd, ,80c
still excellent choosing in summer hosiery and underwear for the whole family and many Dives Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor
J_T_ _ savings to take advantage of.
l/llvi aJKXKJj WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR 35c white cotton ribbed union suits, short sleeves |)1 T Q 114"! Ag /-v-p O-i Ht" 1 AtTACi
White cotton ribbed vests, fancy lace yokes, 15c knee length 20c U.U>li vlCio UJ_ k3lll\. vJTIOVCO
Dainty knit goods in all stvles that are essential to baby's , White cotton ribbed vests, sleeveless, extra large MEN'S HOSIERY
, . slzes loc 18c cotton hose, seamless, white and black, \/ TTTV . IjV,. rpi TTT _
comfort this fall and winter. Uuite the most complete show- White cotton ribbed union suits, sleeveless, knee l2V4c l\ 111 l\A/M P (Ir I VV OQV 1
, i J f i 4Cn.- length, lace trimmed, 50c Silk lisle hose, seamless, black and white. 18c ■ LI " v *" "X J. JLIV_/Ix T T vZ/Cv-L
ing we have ever had lor early outhtting. White lisle ribbed union suits, sleeveless, knee Silk hose, seamless, black and white, ! ,35c i,__ *u i c , . ,
" with nr hino tri m min.. ~A,. . Qft „ - . R length, regular sizes, eoc; extra sizes ooc % CHILDREN'S HOSE ' v * e Know tie makers of these silk gloves and know the
deques in all White orwith P Vnk orWue tHmming ' ° . CffILDREN'S VESTS AND PANTS rSbbef k'' ht ; excellence of the goods they put in their gloves. That com
-65C, 85c, SI.OO, $1.25 to si.os whlt cotton rtbbed vests and knee Si,k ~sle fine rlbbed bose ' black - wb 'te and tan bination of quality, and skilled workmanship in elove mak-
Whlte, pink an.d blue sweaters or white with pink and blue trim- Each 1- Ac lvoMii'v'c Jlnfir 35c ; ncr natnmllv _ c . , , " . ®
mings, SI.OO, $1.25, $1.50 to f5.00 MEN'S UNDERWEAR Thread hose Soned ..... R naturally gives assurance of style and service
Crocheted Afghans in all white or white with pink or blue trim- White cotton ribbed union suits, long and short white and colors ' < o<i Two-clasp silk gloves, white and black double flneer tini
mings, $2.05, $3.50, $3.05, $5.00 sleeves, ankle length, SI.OO Boot silk hose fashioned foot hisrh
Silk Caps with dainty trimmings 50c, 75c, SI.OO $1.50 to $2.50 Egyptian cotton ribbed union suits, short sleeves. • S Two-clasp washable chamoisette gloves In white ° St 'nr.
Slips and short dresses in nainsook with embroidery yoke lace ankle length SI.OO F j b re silk hose lisle toDs ieami™ hi„T ' h Two-clasp washable chamoisette gloves In white with nm
edge trims neck and sleeves 50c, 75c, *I.OO, $1.25 to $7.50 White nainsook athletic union suits 42c white seamless, black and broidery o 8.0 es in wnite witn black em-
Short flannel petticoats with muslin body 50c BOYS' UNION SUITS Lißle hose, fashioned feet," 'high' "spliced 'heels° ' T wo-clasp washable leatherette gloves in 'white,'' natural' and
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor White cotton union suits, sleeveless, knee length, black and white pongee ...$1.50
250 Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Second Floor
' / -
Hundreds of These Men's Sale of Whittall Rugs
Shirts Should Go Out in Closes To-morrow j|gg yas
Discontinued patterns of Whittall Rugs which we will
To-morrow s Sale un,il s,ore closing tomorrow night at spe " More Than 5 000 Pipppq nf
The Men's Wear Section is taking advantage of the Au- v.!,. gp.. _ 1 119,11 JT ICCCS 01 UeCOrateCl Lllina
gust Harvest Sale to get stocks in spic-and-span condition spjcl. ill 3, SDeCial PurCha.SP ("if A CTAnfcj'
for autumn, and in the clean-up are a host of excellent offer- • 8 .3xi0.6 feet, 174.78 value Spe- . ®®P* EL . S OS T. CtOC U1
• • rial s6l 50 reet, ♦56.00 value. Special, pj -i y • •
inssinshir,s Sample Lines and Clean-up Lots
SI.OO Fulton negligee shirts, Blue chambray work shirts, WHITTAIJL'S ROYAT, WOR- BQI n , t t,-, En , * 3 ' > - 00 -L-iVyCKJ
Hvesl d SalfVcr.! 4 .. to .9c Price, tO . HarVeßt S 4sc CESTER WILTON RUGS- cial,' . :. $ . V . $3i P .?o This is the most important sale of china we have had in many months. The china is
$2.50 fibre silk shirts soft C9c b i ue " ohambray " Bport 9x15 feet - SBS 00 va,ue " 6x9 feet - * 23 75 valuc " Spc 2i, a o ' 00 rade decorations in floral sprays, conventional borders, gold bands, mon
weaves CU and stripes Harvest shlr tß. Harvest Sale Price, 48c 9xi2 feet, $61.75 value. Spectal, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, ograms and initials; some are lined with coin gold, some in colors and blight gold. Some
Sale Price ' $1.85 MEN'S PAJAMAS $51.50 i Third Floor. idea of the assortment—
stripe sport shirts, broken lots. all* m frog S trimmed' • 7-inch dinner plates at 10c 84 covered dishes, for, two pieces 20c
Grocery Economies For Saturday
to "IT"' Harvest'SaVe Price?M.lo ' harvest* 1 Sale Your choice of Fels Naphtha. I Full cream cheese, lb 30c " nd bU . tt * l pl " tes at s<: Made of good quality cowhide strong pin
Striped percale shirts, coat P. rp Harvest Sale Ivory, P. &G. Naphtha Soap, iO I Smoked shoulder, nice and .SJ? coupe soup plates at 10c frames, heavy walrus grained with sowed corners
styles, laundered cuffs, i ,Ice 1 - 00 bars for 57c i lean, lb., 23c 1056 dessert saucers at 5c and checked lining. Double pockets. 17 inches and
69e and 79c; ; MEN'S NECKWEAR Lenox laundry soap, 10 barn j Lean sugar cured hams lb. O Jo uxal , veg * ?, ? 8 at inches.
SI.OO Panama, rep and pop- 50c tub ties in four-in-hand tor 49c ' 27 c IR dishes at COWHIDE BAGS AT $3.8 and $4.50•
lin negligee shirts, sizes 14 to 17. , styles panel stripe and embroid 10 bars Wo °' soap, ...... ,50c | Hires root beer bottle ...13c , n 'i c Black long grain efTects, with brass locks and
Harvest Sale Price 79c ; £££"^ n P d a s if ar Sail Price 100 ,b " baff fanulated sugar, Kaffe Hag pack 25c ?' •••; 10c catches, cloth lined sewed corner,- d
WORK SHIRTS est Bale Price, sß.ttß White Dove flour 85c ,J® ?'°'. elr .e d bu dishes at 10c 16 Inches $3 -, 0
Amoskeag blue chambray! 25 ctub ties four-in-han'd 25 lb. bag granulated sugar Gold MedtU fioud 00c • .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 'lB 'nches, ' ;;; gJJ
| f V for HarVeßt . , Sale . . PH . C . e -. tc F-h Diamond creamery s but- 3 £ g?avy boats at'|ioS clasps and
Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store D ,ves. Pomeroy & Stewart. Basement "° C 1? !n° IS ! nc !? e "
oi rim soup piates at 10c 17 inches !!
-jm nr y •* % Divas, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement
Mm s andYoungMen sFancySpring Many Fi „ e individual Pieces to Be
andSummerSuitsinaFinalClearance Had at a Saving in the August
$13.50 Suits reduced to SIO.OO $25.00 Suits reduced to $18.75 ~i vv\ ifi tha Qlol/^
t $15.00 Suits reduced to $11.75 $28.00 Suits reduced to $22.75 ± UlllltUltJ Odlc
SIB.OO Suits reduced to sl3.7*> $30.00 Suits reduced to $23.75 , . 4 t , . , „ ~ . •. .
$20.00 Suits reduced to $15.75 $35.00 Suits reduced to $28.75 ° u stock has been wdl suppl,ed Wlth brown
$22.50 Suits Reduced to $17.75 All sizes; regular 33 to 42; stouts 37 to 46 fibr u e chai f and u rockers j ever sl " ce th L e y became the vogue WgHHH|
in home furnishing, and special purchases for the August WjMi
In this wind-up of the season s stock of fancy spring and summer suits are Sale made the showing still more attractive.
many styles and patterns—coats with full belts, belted backs, pinch backs, plain cn „ r :„i on Km „ck u • j t £HL:}..
English models and conservative three-button styles. At these prices are represented - th . P , . f ! rs a f rockers
savings that may not occur again for a long time. Wl ' h w u ld , e arm /: T™ '° n °" Sp " ng foundation
and upholstered in beautiful rose pattern tapestry. v
Palm Beach Suits Clearance of Boys' Spring FineßedroomSuites.SpecialPrices
Regular $8.50 Palm Beach and Cool Cloth QTirl SnTYIYYIQY* O •"
CtllU. OUIIIIIIcI OtllLo old tvor y bedroom suite of four pieces, bureau, chiffonier and M
Suits. Special at $6.95 to,l <* table and bed. August Sale Price $74.00 J]M
Full range of sizes in the lot from 8 to 18 • , Four-piece Amercan walnut bedroom suite, all dovetail construe
r tion and special finish. August Sale Price $71.00 fpy
R^V<2 , Sulfa y ? arS T . Kour-piece dull mahogany bedroom suite, well Mahogany beds, $0.95, $8.25. $10.50 up to Sl 50
Dvy b VV dbll OUIIS $5.00 Suits at- #3.95 and flnlßhed - Bheraton deslsn ' . AuK "Vl"oo Speclal box sprinK fitted wlth cotton mattre.s
$2.50 crepe cloth and linene wash suits in $6.50 Suits at $4.95 Three-piece mahogany suite, chair, 'rocker and pads ' August Sale Price $22.50
£7 en c ' 4. davenport bed, imitation brown Spanish leather. Colonial hall clocks in August Sale
Stripe patterns in green tan, brown and black suits at !fa.!l.> mattress included. August Sale Price $62.50 Price $35 00
sizes to 8. Special at 59 $8.50 Suits at • $6.95 ovlr h stu e fted eC wl^ Pe cha : ir
v • " y , SIOOD Suits at ()' davenport. August Sale Price, $07.00 hogany. August Sale Price ..*12.95
' Two-piece llvlngroom suite, chair and settees all- Six-foot golden oak extension tables. August
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor, Hear. ® vor tapestry upholstering. August Sale Price, Sale Price $9.00
, • • I , $35.00 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor
'AUGUST 17, 1917