10 SDeatbs ROSE—Mrs. Elizabeth Rose, aged 84 years. Funeral services will be held at her late residence, 411 N. Second street. Monday morning *uly 23. at 11 o'clock. Relatives and friends in vited without further notice, inter ment, in' Harrisburg cemetery private. Lost and Found LOST Bunch of keys Saturduy morning, somewhere between Harris street and Market street. Return to 214 Reily. Help Wanted —Male COLLECTOR—Experienced, wanted. One who can furnisn first-class refer ences; must furnish a bond; steady position and good salary to right party. Apply at Livingston's, 9 S. Market Sq. WANTED —Working foreman, who thoroughly understands treeing and repairing patent leather; also edge trimmers, goodyear stitchers and staple lastssis. Apply or write A. S. Krelder Co., Lebanon, Pa. SIENOGRAPHER Wanted for a construction office, a young man about 20 years old. Apply to H. KOPPERS CO. Care Bethlehem Steel Co. Steelton, Pa. AN INTERESTING PROPOSITION for any young man musically Inclined with ability as a salesman and a few thousand dollars to invest, t urther particulars by appointment. Address W6742, care Telegraph. WANTED Experienced leather cutters' at once. Also learners, by hour or piece work. Good wages either way. Call Steelton Glove Com pany, 709-7-11 South Second. Steelton. WANTED—Six boys to woik in vegetables and orchards for one week. TaKe Kockville trolley and apply to the trucker. Beaufort Farms, Lingles town Road. WANTED A good, steady boy to learn the tinner's trade with a reliable firm. A splendid opportunity for the rignt boy. Address P. O. Box 43. DO YOU WANT a position for life, with big pay, short hours and sure advancement? Then work for uncle Sam. My free book, DK, 372, tells how to get an appointment. Earl Hopkins, Washington, D. C. WANTED —Young man experienced in driving trucK or pleasure car for private party. Fair salary to start ioJiowuiß to mucn higher position. Permanent position to the rignt kind ot man. ivliust know the city as well as have good character. Address T6B6U, care of Telegraphy WANTED—Boy to assist In cutting room. Harrisburg Apparel company, new factory, Sixtn and Herr streets. WANTED Loom fixer, experienced on box looms running crepes and plaids. Give reference and wages ex pected. Twister foreman to prepare work for entererte and twisting ma chines; must be willing to WOIK and know how to prepare wire harness. Give reterence and wages expected. Manhattan Silk Co., Buffalo, N. Y. WANTED—By large concern, bright voung man to type reports and act as a supply stenographer; good wages and a cnauce for development anu ad vancement; describe experience fully, address is U6741, care Telegraph. WANTED —Man to work in wash room, sl4 per week. Apply Sanitary Family Washing Co., Sixteenth and Elm streets. ' WANTED 5O able-bodied men toi piece work. Experienc ed truckers can earn $75 to syo per month. Must be able to read arid write. Apply in per son only to agent of Pennsyl vania Kailroad Company at Di vision Street Transfer, P. K. R. Lo., Harrisburg, Pa. WANT—Young men to team auto mobile business, to become practical mechanics and chauffeurs. We give our students u chance to make money at the rate o( 20c per hour between class hour.*. We guarantee to pay you 30c per hour as soon as competent. SSO In cash required. Auto Transporta tion School, 27-29 North Cameron street. We have several positions open for young men between 16 and 20. Common school education essential. Apply to SWIFT & COMPANY, Seventh and North Streets. WANTED One or two young men to work about Auto Garage, driving and repairing of all kinds. A chance to learn the automobile business. Must be prepared to pay SSO tuition. Auto Transportation school. 27-29 North Cameron street. Bell 1710. WANTED Platen fressmen and feeders. Apply Foreman Job Printing Department, The Telegraph Printing Co.. Harrisburg. Pa. LABORERS WANTED AT ONCE. LONG JOB. WITH UOOD WAGES. AP PLY PENN-H ARRIS JOB. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT. NEL SON AND LEWIS. Houses For Sale NEW BUNGALOW Eighth St., New Cumberland, near trolley line. Two-story brick (built in 1916) with six rooms bath steam heat and electricity fron.t back porches. Lot 80x105 ft. to 10 feet rear alley Excellent gar den. Possession In 30 days A bargain at the price $3,000 BELLEVUE PARK Twenty-first St. and Park hill Lane. Plot 60x125 ft., improved with a three-story stucco dwelling modern throughout; eight rooms. An attractive proposition from every viewpoint. Miller Brothers & Co. Member Hbff. Heal Unliite Hoard HEAL ESTATE Insurance Surety Honda Locust and Court Streets SATURDAY EVENING, NOW IS TIE TIME 10 RENT THAT COTTAGE Help Wanted —Male TWO HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS WANTED Two more enterprising Harrisburg high school students wanted Immedi ately to take orders for Philadelphia Pubric Ledger during big "Glrard in Germany" campaign, otners making big money. Send name, address an<* references to Sales Manager, 218 Pub- Ledger Building, Philadelphia. WANTED Middle-aged man to drive a wagon. Must understand care of horses. Chas. S. Bux Bottling Works.' 820 Market street. ABSTRACTERS OR SEARCHERS of real estate tite by a title company in a large city in Ohio. State age, experience and salary expecteu. Address D 6743, caro Telegraph. WANTED Mechanical draftsmen over 25 years of age who can detail from layouts. Electrical experience not necessary. Permanent positions and every chance for advancement of fered to the right men. Address Chief Clerk Engineering Department, Westinghouse Electric and Mfg. Co., East Pittsburgh, Pa. MAN Middle-aged man wanted to work In ice cream factory; steady work. Apply at Walker's, 409 North Second street. WANTED—White boy, 16 years old, for light work. Apply to Donaldson Paper Company, 113-115 N. Second street. WANTED—Two men in bottling de partment. Good wages. Steady work. Apply Fink Brewing Company, Forster street. WANTED Two wagon drivers. Good wages. Steady work. Apply Fink Brewing Company, Forster street. Teachers wanted for grades and high schools, especially manual train ing and commercial. Positions wait ing. National Teachers Agency, Phil adelphia, Pa. WANTED Laborers. Apply M. H. Baker & Co., Plumbing and Heat ing. 1330 Derry street. WANTED Tweuty-Ove wood choppers, by the day or cord; also several collers. Apply to J. A Seidel. darysville. Help Wanted—Female YOUNG LADY Wanted to answer telephone and do other clerical worK. Prefer one having experience on typewriter. Apply by letter UNITED ICE & COAL CO. Forster and Cowden St. $20.00. v.-eekly made writing names for mail older houses, no canvassing, particulars i- ee. The Guido company, Memphis, Tennessee. Responsible corporation wants re liable woman in every town to act as representative. Good pay. Spare time. Capital and experience unnecessary. Duchess Company, Dept. 97, Minneap olis. Minn. $125 weekly. Something new saves 50 per cent of gasoline for auto mobiles. Nearly every call a sale. Money back guarantee. Stransky Mfg. Co.. Pukwana, S. D. SOLDIER—Sailors need socks. Goad money made at home knitting hosiery. Machines furnished on time. We pay lixed rates for making the goods. Wheeler, Inc., 337 Madison, Chicago. $25 DAILY EASY introducing greatest household money saver just invented. Reduces high living cost. S>±ves its own cost first 10 minutes. No talking necessary. Sells itself. Every housekeeper demands it. Re tails $2.00. Your commission sl-.10. samples free. Ovee Mfg. Co., Louis ville, Kentucky. WANTED Experienced sewing machine operators, also learners to sew canvas gloves. Wages $6 per week to begin. Call Steelton Glove Company, 709 South Second street, Steelton, Pa. FIVE bright, capable ladies to travel, demonstrate and sell uealers. $25.00 to $50.00 per week. Railroad fare paid. Goodrich Drug Company, Dept. 720, Omaha, Nebr. PATRIOTIC WOMEN for Civil Ser vice positions urgently needed to handle great rush war work. Exami nations every week. Splendid pay foi clerks, typists, stenographers, etc. I will prepare you tor the examination at reduced rates to meet this emer gency. Help America win. Write for tree booklet, QJ, 372, Earl Hopkins, Washington, D. C. WANTED—A woman. Plaza Hotel. A FORMEK STUDENT ENROLLED her daughter with us on Monday. Something to be proud about, and one ot tile highest recommendations any school could have. HARRIS BURG SHORTHAND SCHOOL, 31 North Second street. WANTED—A white woriian for day's work, 3 days a week, none but a steady woman need apply. Writje. to Mrs. G. J. Coloviras, Camp Hill, Pa. Bell Phone 4639-R. WANTED—At once. A white girl for plain cooking. Family of two. Call at 2432 N. Second street, or phone 4187. WANTED—Reliable white woman as housekeeper for widower with chil dren. Good home to . right person. Apply T6BSS, care Telegraph. TOBACCO STRIPPERS, experienced, wanted- at once, for binders and wrap pers. Apply to C. L. Boak, 229 Broad street. WANTED Young ladies to learn the automobile business. Day and Night Classes. Will give practical training in driving and repairing au tomobiles of all kinds. Apply at once. Auto Transportation School, 27-29 North Cameron street. Bell phone 1710, Dial 3060. RELIABLE WOMAN WANTED for laundry office. Address, In own hand writing, to G., 6790. care of Tele graph. WANTED Vampers, top stitchers and cutters for women's, misses and children's shoes. Steady work. Good prices. Apply Harrisburg Snoo Mfg. Co., Vernon street. Harrisburg. WANTED Weavers and Learnera. Apply Silk Mill, Corner North auu Secand Sta. Help Wanted— Male and Female WANTED MEN—-WOMEN—-Gov ernment clerks. Hundreds war va cancies. SIOO.OO month. List posi tions lice. Franklin Institute, Dept. ! 109-F, Rochester, N. Y. j CIVIL SERVICE examlnatlqns soon. Men and women desiring government clerkships, departmental, postoflice, railway mall, customs, stenographer, write for free particulars to J. C. I Leonard (former government exam j iner), 561 Kenois Bldg. Washington. WANTED—Men and women can vassers to sell Perry guaranteed trees, shrubbery; no Investment. Year 'round employment. We pay you weekly. Perry Nurseries, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED MEN—WOMEN—Gov ernment clerks. Hundreds war va cancies. SIOO.OO month. List posi tions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 409-F, Rochester. N. Y. j Agents Wanted * | Snappy Rapid Sellers. Demand enor mous. $5.00 daily easy. Complete | outfit to men and women workers. Act I quick. Crofts & Reed Co., Dept. A. Chicago. AGENTS FREE CATOLOG AND SAMPLES, new goods quick sales, big profits, make $5 to $25 daily, no ex perience, world's greatest specialties. Cruver Co., Jackson &. Campbell, Chicago, 111. I Energetic men, old or young in every city and town make $lO a day selling to every automobile owner, trunk and bag owner and every home. No experience required. Circular free. Write the Auto Monogram Co., Desk 4, Niagara Bldg., Newark, N. J. I've a new line of Soap, Extracts. Toilet Goods, Perfumes, Etc., for agents. 100 per cent, profit. Sample free. Write quick. Lacassian Co.', Dept. 55, St. Louis, Mo. Four dollars an hour. No delivering, i Take orders for raincoats $3.98. Write for details. Comer Mfg. Co., 154 Carpet street, Dayton, O. TAILORING AGENTS Woolens have gone up 100 per cent. We bought a year's supply before the ad vance. Showing large assortment fine materials on which you can take orders Men's Made to Measure Suits and Overcoats, lower than your com petitors. We want live agents. Others make SIOO per week on our line. Why not you? Write for sample outfit. Leeds Woolen Mills, Chicago, 111. Salesmen Wanted SALESMEN—Write for list of open ings and how to obtain them. City or traveling. Address nearest office. National Salesmen's Training Associa tion, Dept. 244. Chicago, New York and San Francisco. SIDE LINE MEN—Do you want a real one that one order a day will pay you $9.00. No samples to carry. Some thing new. Write today. Cantield Mfg. Co., 208 Sigel St., Chicago, 111. SALESMEN—Do you want a real live up-to-date side line? Especially good for small towns. Commissions paid same day merchant acknowledges receipt of goods. Pineer Novelty company, 1306 Wells St., Chicago. SALESMEN to travel on commission selling retail trade. Shirts, underwear, hosiery, ladies' and children's dresses, waists, skirts, general merchandise. Samuel Mfg. Co., 503 Broadway, New York. Situations Wanted —Male WANTED—Boy, 13 years old, wants work of any kind about house. Apply to 1328 N. Seventh street. WORK—Young man desires work on farm; has haa some experience. In quire at 1609 Susquehanna street. Situations Wanted —reniale WANTED—A position as house keeper in a respectable family. Ad dress 649 Camp St., City. WANTED—Day's work. 11l S. Blueberry. Phone 616-J. WANTED—Colored girl, aged 13, wants work ot any kinu about house. Apply to 1328 N. 7th street. HOUSEWORK—Young lady wishes position; does not care to lake full charge of cooking. Address Hural De livery, Steelton, Anna Smith. WORK —Young girl desires work in mornings only. Call Bell 3647-W. WASHING—And ironing wanted by colored woman. Call or write to 352 £>. Cameron street. DAY'S WORK—Young woman de sires day's work of any kind. Apply 1615 Wallace street, WANTED—Days work. 1615 Walnut stregt. A lady desires a position to keep house tor a widower. Please call or address at 1845 N. Seventh street. WANTED—Day's work or general housework by settled woman. Call or address 1915 Logan street. WANTED Teacher and steno grapher wants position as companion to elderly person. Address F., 6734. care of Telegraph. Rooms For Rent LARGE front room, second floor; pleasant for man mid wife; aiso smaller room ou se-or.d floor open en pcrtico; convenient to bath. 117 Pille street. BRIGGS STREET. 402—Nicely fur nished, airy rooms, ladies or gentle men, rent reasonable, conviences. FOR RENT—Two rooms. Furnished for light housekeeping. Rent reason able. Apply at 329 S. Front St. FOR RENT Large; furnished, corner, front room; bay window; run-, ning water; moaern conveniences; use of phone. sul North Front street. NEWLY-FURNISHED ROOMS In new apartment; electric light; city steam; rent reasonable; second floor front room; also a back room. Apply 209 Chestnut street. LARGE COOL ROOMS, consisting of livingroom and bedroom, twin beds, running water; also other desirable rooms; central location. Dial 5775. 129 Walnuts-street. THREE ROOMS FOR REN'I sepa rately, unfurnished. Hates, $1.25 to $2.00 per week. Call 912 North Third street. Bell phone 385J, SIXTH STREET. N„ 718 Nicely furnished rooms; also parlor and com municating bedroom; suitable for two gentlemm. Bell phone. NICE, cool, corner, cozy apartment; 3 rooms; well ventilated; strictly pri vate; cabinet rangfc and water in kitchen; bay window in front; bal cony in rear; gas. Terms reasons hie. Inquire on premises, 1323 WtlltM street, or phone 779 M. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Large, airy, outside strictly private, single or communicating kitchenettes. Stoves furnished free. Laundry, phone and bathroom privileges. Weekly pay ments. Dally inspection Invited. 429 broad street. METROPOLITAN ANNEX Clean, furnished rooms; hot and cold water: phone. Kates, $3 per week and up. 518 Market. a the Subway Entrance. Board and Rooms 311 WALNUT Centrally located. Excellent board and rooms. Rooms with board or without. Apartments For Rent 209 STATE ST. A newly-furnished* front suite; livingroom, bedroom and bath; city st;am; electric, hot water system; telephone. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished apart ment, 3 rooms. Use of bath. Private back entrance, porch, electric lights, all conveniences for light housekeep ing. Adults only. Phone 2488 J. WALNUT ST., 204 An apartment with 6 rooms and bath; balcony and dumb waiter at the rear; city steam. Apply to E. Mather on premises. FOR RENT —First floor apartment. Apply 1409 North Front street. FOR REN'I Apartment, contain ing two rooms, hot and cold water, furnished up-to-date. Apply 24 North Fifth street. SECOND ST.. 1700 Five and alt rooms with porch; most pleasant and open sv v ruun4ings in city. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH! YOU CAN FIND A TENANT for any desirable property one who will pay and stay. It's still an advertising tack just as it was before the war and just as it will be afterward. Real Estate For Sale ] LOTS containing over three-fourth of an acre; good soil; elegant loca tion; 5 cent fare from Harrisburg. These lots are unusually attractive; get in touch with us for further par ticulars. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE No. 684 Schuylkill street 6 roms bath gas electric lights—steam heat—weather stripped window shades included — hardwood flors. Price, $2,400. Bell nealty Co.. Bergner Building. FOR SALE —At Earlington. Camp Hill Borough, Cumberland County, Pa., two choice elegant lots on Harvard Avenue, near Girard; each measur ing 30 by 120 feet. Address Box 236, Latrobe, Pa. BUNGALOW WITH FIVE ROOMS on plot 86x125, which is offered for sale at $1,700 close to trolley. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. ON 6th St., HILLSIDE (adjoining New Cumberland). 2 story brick and stucco bungalow; 8 rooms and bath; electric light; steam heat; tire-plice; large porcnes; 20 truit trees; lot, 100 X 330; chicken house. This property is practically new; located one square from car line. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. YOU ARE OVERLOOKING a cheap property at 1812 Penn street—brick house rooms bath, etc. Price very low. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. WILL EXCHANGE one good, first class 6-cylinder Hudson car for piece of property. Apply to C. A. Fair, Enst End Mulberry Street Bridge, Harris- ] burg. Pa. $3,200 WILL PURCHASE a frame, house practically new on a plot 90x 190 variety fruit two chicken houses large stable located at New Kingston. Bell Realty Co., Berg ner Building. $3,100 WILL PURCHASE a double frame dwelling which is now renting at $25 per month lot, 40x100—drive alley on the rear. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. ONLY SMALL AMOUNT of cash needed to buy 1542 Walnut Street; balance as rent. H. G. Pedlow, 3 S. Thirteenth. FOR SALE—A plot of ground 62x 80 feet on trolley line and bordering on Conodoguinet creek, 5 cent fair. Fine for summer cottage. A. W. Swengel, 219 S. Thirteenth street. FOR SALE—Pleasant house with 4 rooms on first floor, porches and side ent'Atnce, at 1615 Swatara street. Cheap. A. W. Swengel. 219 S. Thir teenth street FOR SALE 2020 North street 2Vt-story frame; 7 rooms and bath; all modern conveniences; cement cel lar; front and rear porches; just fin ished in up-to-date style. Apply to H. M. Barnhart, 1809 Boas street. FOR SALE —No. 353 S. 13th St. A good 3-story brick house with all im provements can be bought for S3OO less than the original price. A. W. Swengel. 219 S. Thirteenth street. NEW SINGLE HOUSES—AII mod ern improvements; steam heat; large lots; little cash needed. H. G. Pea low, 3 S. Thirteenth street. NEW JERSEY acreage bargain; $2 cash, $2 monthly, buys two acres fine land; full price S3B (only sl9 per acre). Vail, 1480 Broadway. New York City. YOU ARE OVERLOOKING a cheap property at 1812 Penn street —brick house 8 rooms bath. etc. Price very low. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. $3,200 WILL PURCHASE a frame house practically new on a plot 90x 190 variety of fruit two chicken houses large stable located at New Kingston. Bell Realty Co., Berg ner Building. FOR SALE No. 684 Schuylkill street 6 rooms bath gas electric lights—steam heat —weather- stripped window shades included— hardwood floors. Price, $2,400. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. 122 N. Thirteenth street 3-story solid brick, all Improvements, resi dential section, now vacant, a bargain. IRWIN M. CASSELL 1444 Regina Street. HOMES FOR COLORED FAMILIES Brick house, 8 rooms and bath, all Improvements, front and back porch, in tine residential district In Allison 11111. Three-story brick, 8 rooms, can be bought for $1,300. Small amount of cash needed. LINCOLN REALTY CO.. P. O. Box 349. FOR SALE One of the finest su burban homes In Central Pennsylvania near trolley line—close by Harris burg. Modern in every respect. De lightfully located. Beautiful grounds. Garage—chickenhouse and other out buildings. Price is attractive. A. C. Mead. Eighth Floor Union Trust Build ing, Harrisburg, Pa. Spend that vacation out in the open; use of the Camping Tents Free; join our Tent Colony at Pertflx; Free Tents to immediate purchasers of Mountain Side Park lots; prices 75 cents to $2.50 per front foot; easy terms to suit; full possession when first payment is made; mysek' and rep resentative at our Perdix land office every day including Sunday. Both phones. A. C. Young, real estate, 34 N. Second street. BOARDINGHOUSE Centrally lo cated, doing a very good business. Reason tor selling, leading town. Ap ply to Mrs. A. L Piatt, 222 Chestnut street. City. SEVERAL CORNER HOUSES Suitable for business, centrally locat ed. Cheap and easy terms. Apply 1190 Walnut street. Bell phone 2412 R. FOR SALE 9 room brick, Eight eenth and Derry street, all conven iences. Also 9 room brick house, all conveniences at Cloverly Heights. Easy terms. Charles Davies, 204 Calder building. EDGEMONT Two lots, 40x120. Price. $125.00 each. Easy terms. Wal ter L Dowhower, 21 North Fifth street. Both jDhnnaa. Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE— 1H Washington street, corner River alley, two-aud-one-haif story frame; eight rooms and bath; all conveniences. Corner Bridge and Eighth streets, tlkwood, 2U-story frame; eight rooms and bath; all conveniences. The above properties will be so?d at a bargain. Apply Keeney & Simmons, New Cum ber'and. , THREE-STORY BRICK, all im provements, 10 rooms and bath, on corner Eighteenth and Apricot; good location; nice yard and terrace. Very suitable for apartment house. For price and particulars apply to 1190 Walnut street. Bell phone 2412 R. FOR SALE —Dwelling house and store room combined at Port Trever ton, Pa. Suitable for club house or business, located along State High way. Address S. P. Stelfen. Port Trevorton. Pa, OBERLIN, PA.—A frame house with lot 36 by 140 feet. Also a large ploc of ground, 18 acres or more. Finely located, very desirable for homvs. The trolley line extends along one side of it. Further Information from the East Harrisburg Building and Loan association. Meets Friday evenings at No. 7. N. Thirteenth street. City. Real Estate For Rent FOR RENT—New three-story brick house; all modern conveniences; front and back porches; located 2047 Penn street, near Maclay. Possession at once. Apply 2036 Green street." Mountain cottage, furnished; 13 miles from Harrisburg by railroad and two miles Irom station. Call G. W. Weaver. 814 N. Front street Steelton. Bell phone, 33-W; Dial, 9638. FOR RENT—Storeroom and offices on Third street, near Market. N. K. Oyster, 15 S. Third street. FOR RENT By aay, week or month, a delightful riverside cottage, with wide porches and running spring water. Jonas B. Reist, Agent, 327 South Front street. FOR KENT Store 332 Broad Street' $20.00 Store 252 Hamilton Street *12.00 Store 504 Market Street $125.00 CHAS. ADLER, 1002 NORTH THIRD STREET. FOR RENT—Entire building; large, fine storeroom, two roomy apartments, all conveniences, slaughterhouse butcher shop in rear, corner Dauphin and Fourth streets, opposite Kelker Street Markethouse. Former proprie tor accumulated a fortune running general market and grocery store. A. C. Mead, Eighth Floor Union Trust Building, Harrisburg, Pa. Real Estate For Sale or Rent HOUSES at File/i and Curtin streets, Nineteenth-and-a-Half and Greenwood. l Fred C. Miller, 213 Wal nut. Bell phone 797 W. Real Estate Wanted We have a purchaser for small house, 6 or 7 rooms and bath. Din coin Realty Cq., Bo* 349. WE have several reliable colored prospects who wish to buy homes with the latest Improvements. Ad dress Lincoln Realty Co.. P. O. Box 349, Harrisburg, Pa. LET me sell your farm land. No matter what kind, size or location. I'll find a buyer if the price is right. Apply 1190 Walnut street, Harrisburg. Bell phone 2412 R. SMALL STOREROOM between Kel ker and Woodbine streets and Third and Seventh streets. Modest rental. Give details !n latter ,t" T., 6740, care of Telegraph. Cottages SEVERAL COTTAGES FOR RENT by day, week or evenings. A very de sirable and convenient place for an outing. Telephone, bath, electric .light, etc. Call 912 North Third street. 1 Bel 1 phone 385 J. Farms Wanted WANTED A Farm not over 15 miles from Harrisburg. Improved real estate given in exchange. A. C. Mead, Eighth Floor Union Trust Co. Build ing, Harrisburg. Pa. F arms FOR SALE —164 acre Dauphin county farm. A money maker. Bank barn, 100x45 feet, 2V4 story 10 room house and all necessary outbuildings. It's a dairy farm, or a truck farm, best of fences. Pleasant location. Running water at barn. Mi of purchase money can remain at 5 per cent. See Charles Davles. 204 Calder building. Bell 4377. FOR SALE York. Cumberland and Dauphin County Farms, from 4 to 200 acres, at the right price and on reasonable terms. Some located on State roads and trolley lines. For further information apply 1190 Wal nut street, Harrisburg. Bell phone 2412 R. HERE'S the most In a farm for $1500; situate on the State Road four miles east of Llnglestown. C. B. Care, Care's Grocery, Linglestown, Pa. Dial 37-Y. Offices and Storerooms FOR RENT—Established dental of fice, centrally located in a modern and up to date building in Lancaster, Pa. Rent reasonable. All dentists are very successful in this prosperous county, the garden spot of America. Address the Realty Company, 48 N. Queen street. Lancaster. Pa. STORE ROOM FOR RKNT Bl4 North Third street. Medium size, beautifully finished tnd located along street enr lino of center business dis t. let. Now ready for occupancy. Ap ply L Minter, 110 North Second street. Both phones. FOR RENT 320 Broad street, large storeroom with shelving, good show windows and large, cemented basement. Centrally located to best market In city. Inquire 1631 North Second street, or phone 779 M. Wanted —Miscellaneous PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR H. E. SCHRIVER .. #1; North Third street. Bell 386 J. BAGS WANTED Second-hand Bags, burlap, scrap bagging and twine. Write for prices, liichmond Bag Company, Richmond, Virginia. "WAR PRICES" We pay the highest cash prices for scrap Iron, rags, rubber, paper and metals, etc. "Both phones. LURIA IRON & STEEL CO.. 22-24-26 N. Cameron St. WANTED One or two Electric Motors for direct current. 220 volts. Speed about 400 R. P. M. Ad dress Superintendent, The Telegraph Printing Co.. Harrisburg. Pa. For Sale—Miscellaneous FOR SALE—Peach baskets and wood covers. Direct from factory. Kinzife Apgar & Bros., Califon, N. J. A second hand Reeed go-cart in good condition. Price reasonable. In quire at 2013 Swatara street. FOR SALE—One gasoline range, with oven in good order_ Call 130 Locust street. Harrisbrfrg Stencil Works. FOR SALE—Scotch collie dog. Very ?entle. For sale reasonable. 1928 N. rd St. FOR SALE—Floor show case, 5 feet long, in good condition; price *ISOO. 1423 Third street. ONE 1915 Harley-Davldson Mo torcycle, electrically equipped; a bargain. WEST END ELECTRIC & CYCLE CO., Green and Maclay Streets. FOR SALE Unredeemed watches and diamonds at prices lower than can be bought wholesale. CHAS. ARONSON, Reliable Jeweler and Broker, 422 Market Street. FOR SALE Housenold goods. Leaving town. Must sell. New furni ture at great sacrifice. Call any time after 9 A. M. 601 Boas street. SASHES At Gable's, 111-117 South Second street; 5,000 sets of new sash,- Bxlo, 12 L painted and glazed, |1.50 per set. All other regular sizes; doors and shutters, all sizes. ONE 1917 Henderson Motorcyle, fully equipped, sligthly used, will guarantee. A bargain. WHiST END ELECTRIC & CYCLE CO., Green and Maclay Streets. HORSE—AIso wagon and harness for sale; horse was used on delivery route; reason for selling, buying truck. Inquire 622 Emerald street. 1916 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE, electrically equipped, good con dition. WEST END ELECTRIC & CYCLE CO., Green and Maclay Streets. FOIt SALE—I seven-passenger, 6- cylinder Haynes. Apply Bell ONE 191F Inuian Motorcycle, fully equipped, tlrst-class condi tion. WEST END ELECTRIC & CYCLE CO, Green and Maclay Streets. ONE wroughtiron fence for sale. Can be bought at a reasonable price. Apply 2114 Moore street Dial 6821. FOR SALE—Two 9100 Cumberland Valley Telephone Co. & per cent, bonds. Address Box A. 4947, care of 'ielegraph. FOR SALE Two Bargains—One Dorsey Impos ing Stone, with furniture and form luck complete. One Texas Imposing Stone, with Letter Boards and Sort Drawer*. These two pieces of Printing Office furniture are in first-class condition, and If you are a Job Printer or a Newspaperman, don't overlook this opportunity to secure real bargain*. Superintendent, The Telegraph Print ing Co.. Harrisburg, Pa. Bargains In Ty[Mwrlters. All makes, second-hand and rebuilt. Bought, ex changed, rented and sold. Geo. P. Til lolson. 206 Locust. Opp. Orpheum. FOR SALE, at Game's, 111-111 South Second street. Lawn Fence. Field Fence, Gates, Poultry Netting, Building Hardware, Plaster Board. Upson Wall board, Compo-Board, Doors, Sash, Shutters. Moulding*, Porch Posts, Pump*, etc. HORSE One sorrel horse for sale cheap. Apply at Walker's, 409 North Second street. FOR SALE 4O-H.-P. Horizontal Ideal engine; drive wheel, 6 ft., 14-inch face; in splendid condition. Will be told at a bargain. Inquire Star-Inde pendent Building, or address P. O. Box 816, Harrisburg, Pa. EXTRA SPECIAL Roses and Car nations, 60c per dozen. Keeney s Cul- Rate flower Shops, 810 North Third street. 320 Market street. PAINT! PAINTI PAINT! .At Oable's. 111-117 S. Second street. 6,000 Uallons New Era Ready Mixed Paint. Also full line of Acme Quality Paint. Largest Stock of Ready Mixed Paint In Harrisburg. For Rent —Miscellaneous FOR RENT Large front room. Suitable for two gentlemen or man and wife. One single room. 17 N. 6th street. Business Opportunities DRUG STORE ON PROMINENT cor ner for sale old and well-establish ed business. Also several other busi ness propositions that might interest you. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build ing JULY 21, 1917. Business Opportunities A REAL OPPORTUNITY awaist the grst live wire drug clerk who wants to get into business for himself. Good stand—terms can be arranged. Bell Realty Co, Bergner Building. Buy Amalgamated Oil 2 cents share. Pay half cash let your dividends pay the balance. Make your money do double duty. Twenty producing wells. Let earnings pay half your stock. Stock issued to you now. Write for particulars. Amalgamated Oil Co, 1101 Colcord Bldg, Oklahoma, Okla. A $10,000.00 OPPORTUNITY UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY for man of business ability to secure agency tor wonderful farm tractor attach ment for Ford cars. $10,000.00 easily made in next six months on small in vestment. v No risk. Write for par ticulars. FARM TRACTOR COMPANY Fond du Lac, Wis. Oil Stock SI.OO share—Big acreage; great developments in progress. Don't delay. May make 100 tor one. Write for particulars. Better wire $lO. Galloway. 1001 Colcord Bldg, Okla homa, Okla. WANTED Manufacturers agents, to handle the "Master Spark." new est and greatest auto accessory, pre vents all spark plug trouble, makes old plugs new and lasts as long as the car. Every owner or dealer a pros pect, some capital needed. You can clear $2,000 this season. S. & S. Elec tric Co, 2136 Indian Ave, Chicago, 111. FOR SALE The entire equipment and all privileges of a well-known park. Located along trolley and steam lines. Doing a big business. Picnics daily. Merry-go-round, box ball, alleys, etc. Good reasons for selling. Interested parties call at Chickies Park, Columbia. FOR SALE OR RENT Flour and feed mill in Elizabeth town. Lancaster county. Electric Powir. Great opportunity for an ac tive man. Address J. G. Forney, Lan caster, Pa. FOR SALE AU'.omoo.lle Kepair Shop and Garage. Owner desires to sell on account of entering U. S. ser vlce. Address Box R. 6715. care of Public Sale WILL SELL at Public Sale at Court House, Saturday afternoon, July 28, 1917, 2 P. M, three- two-and-one-half story frame dwellings, 1113, 1115, 1117 James street. Terms and conditions will be made known day of sale. M. MARZOLF. FOR SALE The Board of Commissioners of Pub lic Grounds and Buildings will offer at Public. Sale in front of State Capi tol Building, at entrance fourth and State Streets. Harrisburg, Pa, at 10 o'clock A. M.. Julv 28. 1917, the follow ing buildings and structures upon the premises within the boundaries of the proposed extension of Capitol Park in Eighth Ward. City of Harrisburg: Fourth Street, Nos. 125-143. Southeast Corner, Fourth and North Streets (Old Keeley Institute;. North Street, Nos. 503-505. South Street, No. 707. North Fourth Street, No. 103 (Citizens Fire Engine Company House), also No. 519 (Mt. Vernon Hook & Ladder Company House). The purchaser shall pay to the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania through the office of the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings, Har risburg, Pa, by certified check or Unit ed States currency, the amount at which thg said building or bdildlngs and structures are awarded to them, as follows: A cash payment of 25 per cent, shall be made on day of sale and the balance before entering upon the property to remove the material pur chased. In all cases where the premises are unoccupied possession will be given the purchaser immediately. Where the premises are tenanted possession will be given immediately after the prem ises are vacated. The Commonwealth will not be responsible for any dam age to property after possession Is given. Purchaser shs'l stte at time of their offer the time required to re move the buildings and material after being given possession by the Com monwealth, which in no case shall be longer than 60 days. All building refuse shall be carted away from the premises by the purchaser. All foun dation walls must be taken down and removed at least three feet below level of tl.e street. The Board of Commissioners of Pub lic Grounds and Buildings reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. The work of removal shall be performed under the direction of and to the satisfaction of the Superinten dent of Public Grounds and Build ings. NOTE: The sidewalks and street pavements are not to be removed by purchaser of buildings or structures under this schedule. By order of the Board. GEORGE A. SHREINER, Superintendent. LLOYD W. MITCHELL, Secretary. Musical VIOLINS, MANDOLINS, GUITARS, BANJOS, Band and Orchestra Instru ments promptly and carefully repafr ed. OYLEIt'S, 14 South Fourth street. FOR SALE A lot of unredeemed violins, mandolins, guitars, banjos, and a tew victrolas. N. Brenner, 1315 North Third street. Instructions WANTED—To tutor children, 5 to 14 years old, once or twice a week, in make-up or advanced studies. For further particulars, address Kollin Godfellow, 6U9X. care Telegraph. Lleaners ana Dyers GOODMAN'S SANITARY STEAMING, Cleaning, Pressing Works. Repairing. Work guarauteed. Call and dellvei. Both phones. N. Sixth Street. SEND your clothes to EGGERT'S CLEANING ANL DYEING WORKS, 1245 Market street. We call and de liver. Beth phones. Where To Dine vfyell STOUFFER'S RESTAURANT Hume cooking served to Busi nessmen and Ladies in sepa rate diningrooin. DINE WHERE BEST COSTS LESS Where cuisine is an art and eating a pleasure. Manhattan Restaurant. 317 Market street. Shoe Repairing NEW, UP-TO-DATE SHOE REPAIR SHOP Now open at 230 Strawberry street. JOS. GORDON, PROP. Our shop at 1820 North Third street will also be continued. Bell 938 W. SHOE REPAIRING Other fix 'em; we rebuild 'em. Your phone uders promptly attended to. Elite Shoe Repair Co, 14 S. Dewberry avenue. , Business Personals LUNG TROUBLE—Learn of a re markable discovery, known as Car boido, that was used with wonderful success at Cliff Dale' Camp. Convinc ing proofs free. American Dispensary Co, Dept. A, Indianapolis, Ind. . QUININE — Look out for tnat grippe feeling, likely to catch you this changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE PHOSPHO-QIJININE will slake It off. If taken In time. Gross Drue Store, 119 Market street. WHITE DETECTIVhi AGENCY Trustee Bldg.—All kinds of detective work handled —one eye always open. BELL PHONB #. Business Personals BRINO your Phonograpn and Vlo trola to Stauller Music House, 1213 North Third street. If It needs repair ing. We guarantee our work. Open every evening. CONT RACTOR AND BUILDER— fig-' timates furnished. All kinds repair work. H. W. Hummer, 1423 Liberty. Bell 4420. UPHOLSTERING —And turniture re pairing, mattresses renovated and cushions of all kinds made. S. N. Cluck. 320-326 Woodbine street. Phone 1317 J. GENERAL ROOFING and Spouting stove and furnace work; roof painting a specialty. We guar antee all work. Apply 2114 Moore, or call Dial phone 5321. Mac W ILLIAMb CONSTRUCTION CO., Builders and Contractors. House building uur specialty. Job woiif look ed after carefully. Dial 3705. OFFICE, 2150 NUhl'H FIFTH STREET. SPANGLER PLANING MIIX CO.— Mill wurk of all kinds. Estimates cheerfully given. 824 North Seventh street. REMOVAL NOTICE J. D. BKENNEMAN. FLORIST. Now located at 10 S. Market Square. TO MERCHANTS 1 Boost your Bualness with ADVERTISING FLYSWATTERS, FANS. Good assortment. Orders promptly tilled. MYERS MANUFACTURING CO.. 2d Floor, -d and Cumberland Sta., Call Bell Phone 1677 R. Money to Loan MONEY TO LOAN oi. Real Estate security in any amounts and upon any terms to suit borrower. Address P. O. Box 174, Harrisburg, Pa. MONEY advaLMG to nouseiceepers at legal rates; business confidential. Profit Sharing Loan Society. Spoooer Building. 9 North Market Square. ' WE LEND MONBI in compliance with Act of June 17, 1916, to individu als in need of ready cash; small loans a specialty; business confidential; payments to suit borrower's conveni ence; positively lowest rates In city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO, 132 Walnut Street. LOANS—IIS TO S3OO If wittiuut uunk creuu and pressed for funds with which to meet immediate necessities, consult this licensed, bonded, supervised institution, financ ed and managed by local peo ple. CO-OPERATIVE"; LOAN & INVESTMENT CO, 204 Chestnut St. Harris bum, Pa. MONEY TO i-OAr aT LEGAL KATES—On furniture, real estate and endorsed notes. Licensed by the State and under supervision of the Banking Department. Equitable In vestment Co, Inc., Second Floor, S North Market Square. Established 1904. ■ Financial WANTED—S2SOO at 5 per cent, first mortgage on S6OOO Third street prop erty. Call Bell Phone 2705. Undertakers SAMUEL S. FACKLER, t'UNEKAL DIRECTOR. 1312 Derry St. BELL 1956. DIAL 2188. Hauling and Moving BLUE LINE AUTO TRANSFER Piano moving a specially. Hauling. Square dealing our policy. 917-A Capi ta l_St :: _J3 ; Storage STORAGE—4I9 Broad street, house bolu goods, merchandise. Private rooms, sl-$3. Wagons, 75c month. D. Cooper & Co., 417 Broad St. Both phones. STORAGE —Fireproof and non-flre proof warehouses. Private rooms for Household goods. $1 a month up. Har risburg Storage Co, 437-446 S. 2nd St. STORAGE ln brick building, rear 408 Market. Household goods in clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. P. U. Diener. 4UB Market street. Motorcycles and Bicycles MOTORCYCLE BARC — Ma chines from {SO upwards. _ asy pay ments. Pay as you ride. See us. Save money. DAYTON CYCLE CO, 912 North Third Street. INDIAN MOTORCYCLE—AIso Thor and Harley-Davldson for sale cheap; just been overhauled; all twin cylin ders and in good condition. C. H. Uhier, Seventeenth and Derry streets. WANTED MOTORCYCLES, BICYCLES We will pay you good prices for your second-hand Motorcycles, Bl cycles, or parts. Bring them in *ad let us make you an oiler, or drop a postui and buyer will call. See us for B!,. Bargains In Motor cycles and Bicycles. Easy terms. Pay 1 au you ride. DAYTON CYCLE CO, N. Third St. Bell 385 J. BICYCLE BARGAINS Easy pay ments. Pay as you ride. Machines from SIO.OO upwards. Come here— save money. Guaranteed repairing. DAYTON CYCLE CO, 912 North Third Street. Garages SHAFFER'S GARAGE. 68 South Cameron. The most commodious and up-to date garage in the tit?. Live or dead storage. Prompt and courteous atten tion to customers. We never close. Agency for Haynss and Maxwell cars. Miller Auto Co, proprietors. Both phones. BLACK'S GARAGE—Live and dead storage: new fireproof building; full lino of Tires. Accessories. Repair shop . next door. 203-206 S. Seventeenth St. CAMP CUKTIN UAKAGB SEVENTH AND CAMP STREETS Large brick building equipped with, bust facilities for storage and care of cars. Repairing by experienced me chanics. All work guaranteed. Let v.a uuote prices. BELL PHONE 1093 J. WM. PENN OARAGE, 304-6 Muench street. Limousines for funerals, parties and balls; careful drivers; open day and night. Bell 46*4 Automobiles A new 4-passenger Pilot Chummy roadster. Inquire at 618 N. Second street, can be seen at Keystone Gar , agre, Susquehanna street, near Forster street.