Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 02, 1917, Page 6, Image 6

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Eagle Company, of Mount
Wolf, Goes to Cold Springs
For Day
Industries Supplied From
York Haven Without Cur
rent For Several Hours
Mount Wolf, Pa., June 2.—Eagle
Fire Company No. 1 held its annual
outing at Cold Springs Park on
Memorial Day. The local band fur
nished the music for the occasion.—
The American wire fabrics was with
out power for several hours on Tues
day and was compelled to shut down
Its looms. A lire at the York Haven
power plant caused by the explosion
of a generator necessitated the shut
ting off of the power.—George A.
AVolf and C. S. Rohrbaugh. directors
of the American wire fabrics plant,
have returned from Chicago.—Wil
liam Linebaugh. who has been con
fined to his bed for several weeks,
is much improved.—Mr. and Mrs.
Edward MeSwirie, and son. Harvey,
and Jacob Behrenson, of Norris
town, were guests at the homo of
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schauer this
week. —William Engle and family, of
Sunbury, spent Memorial day in the
borough at the residence of Mr. and
Mrs. William Zlegler.—The T. P. fi.
C. E. of the United Brethren church
will hold its annual anniversary |
services in the church next Sunday j
night. Afprogrant of music and reri- |
tations will lie rendered.—Professor
and Mrs. E. E. Knauss and daugh
ters, Katharine and Sarah Elizabeth,
are spending several days at the
home of Mrs. Knauss' father, Henry
Wolf.—Mrs. H. M. Bower and son,
Henry Lloyd, were visitors to Union
Deposit the beginning of the weejf.—
Mrs. Ira B. Craley and daughters,
Emma and Katharine, left yesterday
for Starkey, N. Y., where they will
bo the guest of relatives.—Paul
Hartman and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
L,uffbarry and daughter, 3race, of
Philadelphia, have arrived here by
auto to spend several days with Mr.
Hartman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.
B. Hartman.
Steel and Conerelc Structures Will Make Total Floor Space
in Great Chocolate Plant More Than Forty Acres
Hershey, Pa., June 2. —Several
one-story sections of the chocolate
factory will be replaced by modern
six-story buildings of structural steel
and concrete. This new work is al
ready under way and when complet
ed there will be a number of rooms
and departments for refrigeration
and manufacturing purposes. The
large cocoa and sugar warehouse at
the eastern end is nearly completed.
These improvements will increase
the floor space to more than forty
acres.—M_ S. Hershey and John E.
Snyder were at New York City.—
J. C. McDonnell, of Philadelphia,
and George Trost, of New York City,
were visitors here. —Misses Anna
Lloyd and Mabel. Dunning attended
a houseparty at Mount Gretna.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Romig, Miss
Florence Romig and John Walters
were guests of Aaron Gingrich and
Memorial For Members
of Lewisberry Church
Lcwisburg, Pa., June 2. —The Rev.
Mr. Wilson to-morrow morning will
hold a memorial serice for mem
bers of the Methodist Church who
have diet) during the past year and
a half.—Mrs. Calvin Strayer, of Le
mo.vne, spent the week with her
mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Grove.—Mr.
and Mis. James Coble, of Bald Hill,
were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey Erney.—Miss Helen Wolfe
left this week for Hershey, where
she is employed at the park.—Miss
Rosaline Cline returned home from
a visit with her sister, Mrs. G. W.
Coov.er, at T.enioyne.—Mr, and Mrs.
Webster Millard and Mr. and Mrs.
Luther Sutton spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Sutton at Lemoyne.
-—Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hoy and
Mrs. Charles King, of Harrisburg,
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. S.
Hammond. —Mrs. Alice S. Hauck re
turned Monday to her home at Me
chaniesburg after a few days' visit
with her sister,. Mrs. W. S. Ham
mond.— Mrs. Sophia Erney, of New
Cumberland, is spending the/week
with her son, Harvey Erney.—James
G. Glessner, of York, and Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Glessner, of Harrisburg,
were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Ellis Hammond.—-Mr. and Mrs. G.
W. Coover and three sons, of Le
moyne, were Sunday guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Lewis Cline. —Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob Seltz and son, Blaine, of near
lillburn, and Mr. and Mrs. I>evi Wool
and children, of Bowmansdale, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. G.
Fetrow.—Mrs. F. J. Beistline is visit
ing at Harrisburg the guest of her
sister-in-law, Mrs. Mary Foster.
Miss Olive Lukens Gives
Shower For Miss Smowley
Mount Union, Pa., Jun6 2.—Miss
Olive Lukens held a kitchen shower
in honor of Miss Almcda Smowley,
who is to be married next month.
About fifteen girls attended.—The
Rev. S. S. Cornell has been selected
to preach the baccalaureate sermon
to the senior class of the High
School Sunday, June 17.—Miss Ruth
Taylor, music director of the public
schools, who was ill for some time, is
again at work.—C. H. Welch deliv
ered the principal address at a flag
raising ceremony at the High School
building on Wednesday afternoon. A
Tifteew-foot flag presented by the G.
A. R. men was raised.—The Rev.
Mr. Shannon delivered the address
at the cemetery after a parade of
the patriotic orders and the band. —
The Red Cross organization is plan
ning to run several motion picture
shows to raise funds. —The Boy
Scout band, of Saxton, gave a con
cert in the Shapiro theater Tuesday.
The proceeds went toward the piano
fund of the Lutheran Church. —Mer-
chants of the town ha\c announced
that they will close their stores at
6 o'clock three nights of the week.
—The clerks of the town held a
meeting in the High School building
Tuesday and organized themselves
for the purpose of getting better
working hours and closer co-opera
tion with the merchants.—.A recruit
ing office has been opened in the
Shapiro theater. Eight enlistments
were made the first day and every
day brings several more.
$5,000 PAID FOR
Grccncastle Man Had Fed Lot
of Fine Animals Through
Winter Months
Announcement Made of Mar
riage of Harry Rrunibaugh
and Miss Nina Pike
iireoiicastlc, Pa., June 2. G. J.
Rahauser, of East Baltimore street,
recently sold a herd of cattle which
he had fel through the winter
months for $5,000. —Miss Ruth llon
neberger, daughter of Mrs. Agnes
Henneberger, is one of the Philadel
phia nurses who has been accepted
by the Red Cross Society for work
among the allies. Miss Henneberger
expects to sail for Franco within
the next few weeks. —The class of
1916 of the Greencastle High School
has presented the school sl6 for
the purchase of books to start a li
brary.—Greencastle friends have re
ceived announcements of the mar
riage of Harry Brumbaugh to Miss
Nina Fike, of Confluence, Pa. The
wedding t#ok place May 12. Mr.
Brumbaugh is a son of M. J. Brum
baugh, near town. He was gradu
ated from the Grencastlo High
School and Dickinson College. For
several years he was principal of
the schools at Bristol, Pa., but he is
now with the Curtis Publishing
Company.—Misses Grace Rendelman
and Ethel Martin, of I,os Angeles.
Cal.. are guests at the home of P.
X. Ttrumbaugh.—Jacob StovcT cele
brated his 80th birthday on Tfday.
Mr. Stover was one of California's
"Forty-niners."—Al'iln Morganthall,
Jr., entertained a number of his lit
tle friends Wednesday afternoon at
his home in honor of his eighth
birthday.—Mrs. Annie M. Bitner Is
home from a A>lp throrfrh Canada.—
Mrs. Emma Bolton, of Baltimore, Is
a guest at the home of Arthur
Reeves. —Invitations have been is
sued for the marriage of Frank B.
Conn, of Greencastle, to Miss Fan
nie Edith Shapiro, of Baltimore. The
wedding will take place to-morrow
at the home of the bride-to-be.
family at Jonestown on Sunday..—
Miss Olive Thomas visited friends at
Duncannon.—Work of the Red Cross
at this place is progressing splendid
ly. The membership is nearly 300.
Miss Florence Painter, of Middle
town, was the guest of Mrs. D. U.
Swartz.—Miss Agnes Beck, of Myers
town, was the guest of Miss Myrtle
Hershey.—Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Bach
man and several children, of Allen
town, visited friends here.—Mrs. R.
F. Vonneida was callffld to Rebers
burg, Center county, on account of
the death of her mother, Mrs. T. W.
Walker.—Miss Anna Belton visited
at. her home at Duncannon.—Mrs.
Mapne Pike and daughter, of Read
ing, were guests of William Pike.—
Miss Anna Slair, of Talmadge, was
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Mum
ma. —Miss Mary Walsh spent sev
eral days at Philadelphia.
Young American Class of
Wiconisco Church on Outing
Wiconisco, * Pa., June 2. The
Young American class of the Calvary
Evangelical Sunday school left Tues
day for Sand Springs where they will
spend several days camping and
fishing.—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fos
ter spent a few days at Harrisburg.
—Mrs. Clara Boyd, of Chester, is
visiting Mrs. Ed Wiest.—Clara Rowc
Is spending several days with rela
tives at Enhaut.—Miss Ruth Wynn
is home from a visit to Tremont. —
Mrs. Ellen Mogg and son, David, of
Philadelphia, are spending several
days with D. D. Phillips and fam
ily.—Misses Mildred Koppenhaver
and Amelia Seip attended tho Red
Cross festival at Elizabethvllle on
Wednesday.—Mrs. Mary Samuels
and daughter, Miriam, returned to
their home at Philadelphia on Thurs
day.—Miss Mary Schoffstall, of Har
risburg, was the guest of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. William E. Schoff
stall, Wednesday,—M. E. Bailey is
home from a visit at Wilmington,
Del.—Guy R, Smeltz, of Northum
berland, spent the week-end with
town relatives. —Mrs. George Lau
rence, of Plymouth, is the guest of
Anna Morgan. Harvey Batdorf
spent Wednesday at Elizabethville. —
Richard and John Seip and
son, William, visited relatives at
Tremont on Wednesday.—Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Baddorff, of Philadel
phia. are visiting Mrs. Joseph Reis
batch.—Mrs. Rudolph Hirsch and
children, of Steelton .are visiting J.
M. Foster and family.—Miss Veronne
Dodd, of Annville, is the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Richard Dodd.
Junior Mechanics Give Flag
to Tower City Schools
Tower City, Pa., June 2. —The flag
given by the Junior Order of Me
chanics to the schools was presented
by Mr. Unger and accepted by Prof.
Keal. The speaker for the occasion
was the Rev. Mr. Nichols, of Potts
vllle. Other numbers on the program
were recitations and songs by pupils
of the various grades and the high
school.—At a meeting of the School
Hoard it was decided that the schools
would be closed on June 12 instead
of June 27. The teachers will re
ceive pay for full month and they
are requested to lok' after the pupils
during the Chautauqua week, from
June 13 to June 18, inclusive. —Lu-
ther Horn and Robert Long went to
Pottsvllle yesterday to be examined
for the army. Several other young
men of town have decided to enlist.
—Mrs. Ira Hoffman snent a day at
Pottsvllle.—Mr. and Mrs. Moyer an
nounce the birth of twin boys on Sat
urday.—Miss Margaret McNulty is
slowly recovering from an operation.
—Mrs. Smith and daughter, of Phil
adelphia. are visiting relatives here.
—Russell Henry, of Mlllersburg,
spent several'days with his parents
here. —Mrs. Albert Erdman enter
tained Mrs. Marsh, of Philadelphia,
and Mrs. Bufllngton and daughter, of
Lykens.—Mr. and Mrs. Jacoh Martz,
. of Wllllamst'own, spent a day here.
Hummelstown Girl
Has Never Missed Day
in Entire School Life
ro • '■
Hummelstown, Pa., June 2.-—Miss
Sylvia Cassel, who will be graduated
| from the Hummelstown High School.
I June 19, has an enviable record of
attendance during her schcol life.
Sho has never missed any time at all.
She attended , the schools of Lower
Paxton township of which her fa
ther, Wilson J. Cassel, Is a director,
I during the period of going through
the grades; then attended the Lin
glestown High School for one year
and has spent three years in the
Hummelstown High School, entering
hero at the beginning of her sopho
more year.
A brother Joseph Cassel, is also
In the senior class of the Hummels
town High School, he being one of
the boys who has gone on a farm
nt the suggestion of the State De
partment. Ho also will be graduated
this year.
! A younger sister, Sarah, in the
> sophomore class, also has a good
| record of attendance, her slate being
> perfect until an attack of grip during
| the past winter broke her attend
-1 ance. The fourth child of this fam
ily Alice, who will enter the fresh
man class of the Hummelstown High
School in September, never missed
a day during her eight years of at
tendance in public schools.
Visit Son at Military
Camp at Harper's Ferry
Halifax, Pa., Juno 2. —Mr. and
Mrs. O. R. Shope, Mrs. M. E. Behn
and Guy Clemson autoed to Harper's
Ferry on Sunday and visited the for
mer's son, Leslie Shope, who is en
camped there with tho faculty and
students of the Staunton Military
Academy.—George W. Tobias, of
Highspire, spent over Sunday at
home with his family.—H. S. Pot
ter and Funk G. Pottiger have been
elected as delegates to represent
Washington Camp No. 576, P. O. S.
of A., at the county convention on
Saturday, June 9.—Mrs. Earl Paul,
of Lykens, visited town relatives this
week.—Charles Williams, of Lykens,
spent Sunday at the home of
and Mrs. Jacob Nice.—Mrs. Jacob
j Shutt and daughter, Ruth, and Han
j nah Shilder spent Sunday at the
1 homo of Reuben Deiter, near Carson
ville.—Harry Lebo spent Sunday
with his mother, Mrs. Uriah Lebo. at
Matamoras. —Daniel, Peter and Em
ma Lebo and Mrs. John Snoke spent
a day in Clark's Valley.—Mr. and
Mrs. C. C. Poffenberger and chil
dren, of Marysville, were week-end
guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
H. H. Kline.—United States Gauger
G. W. West fall, employed at
Sehellsburg, spent the week-end at
home with his family.—Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Smith and children, of Sun
bury, were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Llddick over Sunday.—The
Rev. A. I. Collom was at Marrlsburg
o\er Sunday.—Mrs. Frank Motter
spent Sunday at the home of her
son. Scott Motter, who is ill.—John
Miller spent Sunday at Liverpool,
Perry county.—Mrs. Lewis Wagner
and daughter. Miss Esther Wagner,
of Matamoras, spent Monday at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. H. Stew
art Potter.—-Miss Annie Blever, of
Palmyra, spent Sunday at tho home
of her mother, Mrs. Mary Blever.—
C. A. Cratzer, of Atlantic City, N. J.,
spent Sunday with his father, John
Cratzer. —Miss Ruth Tobias, of Mil
lersburg, spent Sunday at the home
of her mother, Mrs. George Tobias.
---Mrs. Charles Bailetts and son,
Enrl and Marlin, spent several days
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
'Bowman, at Speecevllle.—Mr. and
Mrs. Harry C. Hamilton, of River
side Drive, New York, spent Sunday
at the home of his mother, Mrs. Jane
Hamilton.—Mrs. John Clirismer and
daughter, Miss Blanche Chrismer, of
Union Deposit, stiont Sunday at the
home of Mrs. Mary Biever. —Miss
F!o Koppenhaver. of Harrisburg.
spent the weke-end at the home of
her brother, Samuel Koppenhaver.
Several Trains Annulled
on S. R. & W. Railroad
Dunrannoii, Pa., June 2.—A
change of schedule went into effect
on the Susquehanna River and West
ern railroad on Monday. All Sunday
trains \vre discontinued and the
week-day train arriving: hero at 10.30
a. m. was also annulled. The after
noon Jrain arriving here at 4.50 p.
m. has been changed to 4.42. The
morning train that formerly arrived
here at 7.55 has been changed to
R o'clock.—Mrs. Charles Lenker, of
Sunbury, was the guest of friends
here on Wednesday.—Harry Wahl
has returned to his home at Altoona,
after a visit to his father, F. E.
Wahl.—John Bayer, Jr., and family,
of Harrlsb.urg, spent Wednesday
with his father, John Boyer, Sr.—Mfr.
and Mrs. Blake Harper, ofCham
bersburg, visited the former's sister,
Mrs. W. H, Richter, on Thursay.—
Mrs. William Perry, of Lucknow,
visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John A, Mutzebaugh, during the
week.—The membership of the local
unit of the Red Cross Society now
number 536.—Miss Edna Holland is
visiting relatives at Lebanon.
Elizabethvllle, Pa., June 2. —The
Wiconisco Telephone Company has
a number of men constructing a new
line near Tremont.—The Rev. S. L.
Rhoads continues ill at his homfe in
Broad street.—The school boacd has
decided to remodel parts of several
rooms and make some outside re
pail's.—Dr. C. F. Kelter, of Philadel
phia, spent a! day with friends here.
—Mrs. Laura Kelter and son, of
Mlddleburg, arc guests of her sister,
Mrs. H. it. Hassinger.—M. H. Zer
flng gave a music class recital at
Hegins on Saturday evening.—Mrs.
Charleß Sturm, of Cly, Pa., spent
several days with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Dcwin Bechtel.—Miss
Mechanicsburg Troop Takes
Part in Memorial Day
• Parade
Two Companies Plan Social
Entertainments For Purpose
of Raising Funds
Mecliaiiicsbiirg, Pa.. June 2.—80y
Scouts of Mechanicsburg made their
first appearance in uniform in a
public demonstration on Memorial
Day in the parade. The Rev. B. -D.
C. Baer is scout master and Robert
H. Thomas, third drill master.—
1 Plans are made for festivals to be
I held by the Washington Fire Com-
I pany on Saturday evening, June lt>,
and the Citizens' Fire Company on
Saturday evening, June 30.—This
evening a festival will be held by the
Order of Independent Americans.
The Singer band will furnish music
for the occasions.—On Thursday
evening the Trindle Spring Mite So
ciety met at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. David W. Beelman and an en
joyable program was given.—A large
representation from Melita Dodge
No. 83, Knights of Pythias, will be
present at the past chancellors' meet
ing at Carlisle, Juije 3, at the True
Friends' Dodge room.-—Mrs. Percy
Martin and daughter, Miss Sara, of
Harrisburg, spent Wednesday among
Mechanicsburg friends.—Miss Delia
H. DeVenney and Miss Helen Har
rold are home after a trip to Phila
delphia.—-Miss Helen Cocklin has
accepted a position with the Elliott-
Fisher Company, of Harrisburg.—
Miss Hattie Hopple spent Tuesday
at Dlllsburg.—A pleasant session of
the Aid Society of the First United
Brethren church was held on Thurs
day evening. Following an interest
ing program, the lime was spent so-,
daily.—Mr. and Mrs. John Stauffer,
Miss Naomi Herr and Miss Mame
Mowery, of Dancaster, were visitors
at tlie home of Mrs. Elizabeth Mum
ma, South Market street. —Miss Dile
George returned to her home at
Harrisburg after spending several
years here.—Mr. and Mrs. William
Rhinehart and family, of Patterson,
N. J., motored to Mechanicsburg and
spent the week with relatives.—Mrs.
C. Gray, of West Fairview, spent
Tuesday with Mrs. M. E. Zinn.
Bluebird Club Guests
of Miss Myra Famer
Millerstown, Pa., June 2. The
Bluebird Club was entertained by
Miss Myra Famer.—Mrs. D. A. Sny
der, who had spent the winter with
her daughter, Mrs. Charles Pike, at
Washington, D. C., returned home
Thursday. She was accompanied
home by Mr. and Mrs. Pike, who will
visit William Bollinger and family.
—James Kipp and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Grant Patton, of Harrisburg;
Mr. and Mrs. Jorn Brinton, of Camp
Hill, and Harry Kipp and family, of
McAllsterville, spent Memorial Day
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
C. Kipp. George Heinbaugh and
family, of Altoona, were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor over Sun
day. Miss Margaret Bollinger, of
Millersville Normal School, spent the
week-end with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. D. Bollinger.—Edgar Ulsh,
of Philadelphia, is visiting his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Ulsh.—Miss
Carrie Wolfe, of York, is visiting her
sister, Mrs. George Heisey. Mrs.
Hulda Knight and son Harold, of
Duneannon. spent Sunday with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Banks Page.—
William Rounsley and H. Blumgar
dener, of Penbrook, were guests of
William Rounsley on Sunday.—Miss
Sara Hogentogler, pf Flouts Valley,
spent Sunday with Mrs. Oliver
Wright.—Mr. and Mrs. Amos Stoufer,
of Thompsontown, spent Sunday with
his aunt, Mrs. Fannie Marshall. —
William Spangler and Mr. and Mrs.
John Spangler attended the Spangler
reunion at Rebersburg on Wednes
day.—Mrs. Dollie Renner and chil
dren, of Altoona, visited her father,
Peter Attic, this week.—Mr. and Mrs.
Vernon Tabh and son, Vernon, Jc.,
left Wednesday for Norfolk, Va.,
where they will visit Mr. Tabb's par
ents.—Mr. and Mrs. C. W. of
Newport, were the guests of the for
mer's brother, D. H. Wednes
day.—Mrs* George Hov/e and daugh
ter, of Newport, and Miss Jean
Thompson, of Harrisburg, were
guests of James Rounsley and fam
ily.—Misses Margaret Elizabeth
Felty, Emily Stahl and Elizabeth
Bohr are visiting their parents at
Hiedsburg.—Mrs. William Rowe, of
Harrisburg, visited the latter's father,
William Spangler, on Saturday.—Mr.
and Mrs. Knouse. who had been
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Abble Dong,
have returned to their home in
Juniata county.—Mr, and Mrs. Roy
Patton and daughter Ethel, of De
moyne, were week-end guests of Mr.
and Mrs. John Deitrlch.
Miss Sadie Buchar's Class
Hikes to Conewago Creek
Manchpstor, Pa., June 1. —The
Sunday school class, taught by Miss
Sadie Buchar took a hike to the
Conewago creek on Wednesday
morning, where they spent the day.
Those in the party were: The Misses
Almena Reachard, Estella Bell. An
na Kauffman, Edith Dieiz, Sarah
Dietz, Rebecca Gladfeltcr, Edna
Frys'.nger, Pauline Gross, Esther
Dandis. Margie Schriver, Daisy Hart
man and Sadie Buchar, all of Man
chester; Margaret Eiseohart, of
York, and Mildred Henry, of York
Haven.—Jesso Gladfelter, who had
been spending the past ten days with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Gladfelter, left to-day for Philadel
phia.—Mrs. Howe and children, Rus
sel and May, of York, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Welgie.—
Mrs. Guy Wogan, of Carlisle, was
visiting her parents, Dr. and Mrs.
H V. Gress, on Sunday.—Rudy Good
is confined to his home by illness.—
Frank Dietz, of York, spent Sunday
with his brother, Charles Deitz.—-
Miss Theda and Miss Fannie Jacobs
are spending the week-end at Dan
caster visiting friends.
Stella Weaver spent Tuesday with
friends at Dykens.—Miss Nan Hem
perly, of Harrisburg, spent several
days with H. H. Weaver and family.
—Joseph J. Harwitz was a Sunday
visitor at Harrisburg.—Ellsworth
Grove and Forest F. Forney spent
several days at Millmont. —John K.
Beitsfleld spent a week with his
daughter, Mrs. Uhler, at Harrisburg.
—Mr. and Mrs. Ira M. Hoke and
Mrs. M. A. Miller attended the fu
neral of a relative at Harrisburg, on
Monday.—Assessor John H. Bona
wltz and his assistant, Earl K.
Romberger, will enroll all the young
men on Tuesday in the Daniel build
ing.—Mrs. Samuel Hosterman has
returned from a visit to Rising
Moclianlosburg, Pa., June 2.—Three children of Washington Heights
who were present every day during the term of school which ended on
Tuesday are: Lillian and Robert Mc.Moniglo, aged 8 and 6 years, respec
tively, children of Mr. and Mrs. William McMonfgle, and Edna Vogel
song, aged 8 years, daughter of Mrs. Martha Vogelsong. These little hon
or pupils attended the first and second grade school of Washington
Heights, taug-lit by Miss Edna R. Springer, of Mechanicsburg.
Another of Balsbaugh
Family JU With Typhoid
Huiiim<-| H <own, Pa., June 2.—George
Balsbaugh is seriously 111 with ty
phoid fever at his home east of town.
The Balsbaugh family moved to the
old Fox faun auring the spring and
shortly afterward their son Edward,
a freshman in high school, and social
other people who had assisted in tiie
moving were stricken with typhoid.
Edward is now convalescent, and his
father is ill of the same disease. An
old well on the place has been blamed
for the disease.—Frank Buser of Phil
adelphia visited his brother, Grover C.
Buser, this week. Miss Rena Knabe
Sunbury. Dr. H. W. Gass and
family left to-day for York, where
they will attend the convention of
the American Medical Congress.—
David G. Hesw and family, of Ijewis
town, are visiting relatives |er.e. —
Mrs. Margaret Bullock is visiting
relatives at Philadelphia and Car
neys Point, N. J.—Mrs. Mary Smith
crs and son, of Harrisburg, are visit
inK relatives here and at Shamokin.
—Mrs. R. C. Thurston and son
Ralph, of Sunbury, are visiting Mrs.
Frank Steese at Harrishurg.—John
R. Jones has returned from a visit to
Nebraska.—Joseph Fecker, ex-presi
dent of the Six-County Firemen's As
sociation, is visiting at Harrisburg.—
Mrs. Robera Charles is visiting at
Pittsburgh.—Miss Margaret Artley,
ot Harrisburg, visited Mr. and Mrs.
M. G. Fahrlnger here this week.—
Mrs. S. S. Coldren, of Millersburg;
Mrs. Roy Coldren, of Harrisburg, and
Mrs. Herbert Rowe, of Ingleby, are
visiting Mrs. Harry Coldren.—Miss
Rachel Kline and Miss Catherine
Nies, of Harrisburg, visited Miss
Myrtle Bussler.—Mrs. Mary Brown
nd Mrs. M. Vought are visiting at
Utillinspcr.—Mr. and Mrs. Harry B.
Zearing, of Harrisburg, were guests
at ahe home of Mr. and Mrs. J.
Frederick Neagley.—John Look, of
Linglestown, bought a carload of fine
cows in this section last week.— Ed
win H. Spicher S. B. Boyer
transacted business at Seven Stars
the latter part of the week. —Misses
Maud and Cardie Shiffer, of Hern
don, paid a visit to their mother on
Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pike
and Mrs. Amanda Bechtel, of Steel
ton, spent the week-end with friends
in this section.—Daniel J. Miller was
at Harrisburg on Saturday.—Mr. and
Mrs. Samuel Weaver, of Halfway,
were entertained at the home of
their son, Edward Weaver, here, on
Pillow. —The Rev. S. P. Brown, of
Independence, visited friends here
on Tuesday.—William Messner, of
Harrisburg, is visiting his father,
Michael Messner. who is ill.—John
and Edgar Emerlck and families, of
Shamokin, spent Sunday at the home
of Mrs. Sarah Witmer.-'-Mr. and Mrs.
H. J. Moyer and daughters, of Har
risburg, spent several days here last
week.—Dr. and Mrs. Edwin C. Boyer,
of Johnstown, art visiting the for
mer's father, William Boyer.—Miss
Verna Lahr, of County Line, is
spending several days with Miss Lot
tie Dockey.—James E. Snyder, of
Harrisburg, spent Sunday at home.—
Omega Bowman, of Millersburg.
spent Sunday with his family here.—
Mr. and Mrs. John Weist and Mr.
and Mrs. Emory Bowman and son, of
Shamokin, visited at William Bow
man's home on Sunday.—Mrs. Ma
bel SchretTler, of Herndon, spent
Wednesday with her parents hero.—
James T,abr and sister, of Dalmatia,
spent Sunday at the home of John
Bobb. —Mrs. Lizzie Bohner. of Sha
mokin. is viMting her nephew. Pro
fessor C. L. Grim.
liinglestown.—Mr. and Mrs. John
Wert and Mrs. Frank Hutter, of
Harrisburg, were the guests of Mr.
Mrs. Annie Smith. Mr. and Mrs.
George Thompson, of Harrisburg,
spent Sunday as the guests of Miss
Eliza Buck. Mrs. Maria Zimmer
man nnd grandson, of Harrisburg,
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Aus
tin Shaner Tuesday. Mrs. Spotts
and daughter and Mrs. Whistler, of
Harrisburg, werethe guest of Mr.
and Mrs. C. B. Care on Sunday.
Frank Hoke and Edward Buck, stu
dents at Gettysburg College, are at
Fort Niagara officers training camp.
—M4ss Edna Barnhardt, of West
Falrvlew; Miss Edith Convis and
Benjamin Glass, of Harrisburg. visit
ed Mr. and Mrs. John Belstline on
Sunday. Mrs. Susie Baker and son
Kenneth spent the week with Mr.
and Mrs. David Baker at Hummels
town. - Mr. Bennet and Miss Ben
net, of Harrisburg. were guests of
Mrs. Lillie Pittman on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. John Geyer and daugh
ter, Miss Ruth, of Middletown. were
recent guests of Mrs. Rpbccca Baker.
Miss Mollie Lingle and Miss Doro
thy Mehring, of Harrisburg, spent
Sunday as the guests of Mrs. G. W.
Shriner. Miss Elizabeth Kramer,
of Harrisburg,-was the guest of Miss
Mary Seller Sunday. Miss Salome
Feeser, of Harrisburg, was the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. Miles Bolton on Sun
day. Miss Catherine Martin. Miss
Reah Reight and Miss Ethel Peace,
of Harrisburg, visited Miss Jessie
Beistline, on Sunday. Mr. and
Mrs. Cloyd Holland, of Harrisburg,
and Mr. and Mrs. John Brightbill, of
Oberlln, spent Sunday as the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hicks. Miss
Alice Gingher and Miss Margaret
Shriner, of Harrisburg, were guests
of Miss Marion Smith on Sunday,
Mrs. Harriet Seibert and grand
daughter, of Harrisburg, ware recent
guests of Miss Mallnda Seibert.
Jacob Schlosser and son, of Florida,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W.
G. Zimmerman,
of Harrisburg spent Memorial Day at
her bungalow here, —Miss Violet Gin
grineh spent Memorial Day at Gettys
burg—Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Rohrer
spent Wednesday with their daughter,
Mrs. Ezra Hershey, at Hershay.—F. IX
Blessing and family motored to Get
tysburg and Hagerstown on Wednes
day,—Miss Margaret Gaus of Harris
burg spent Sunday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Reed.—Miss Alice
Whltmore of Hagerstown, Md., Is vjs
iting Miss Edith McCall.—Mr. and
Mrs. J. Bandis Strlckler entertained
Charles Bloom of Sunbury for several
days.—Mrs. Edward Sanders spent
Tuesday in Lucy
Fetterman of Fountain Springs is
spending several weeks with her son,
Emory and Mrs.
James Slough entertained Mr. Slough's
Blain. —The Rev. E. V. Strasbaugh
attended the annual meeting of Car
lisle Classis, which convened this
week at Carlisle. —Professor and Mrs.
B. H. Rhinesmlth ate here from
Ridgway on a visit. Mr. Rhinesmith
has been principal of the Ridgway
township high school for ten years.
—C. M. Bower, a member of the
State Board of Agriculture, attended
a convention held at Dußois, Pa. —
Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Blstline, who are
touring the United States, started for
their home at Pocatell®,' Idaho.—W.
F. Hall Is home from State College.
—Mrs. E. P. Miller and two daugh
ters. Miriam and Chloe, of Plain
field, are at the home of her father,
11. H. Kelt. Mrs. Kell has been
brought home from tho Harrisburg
Hospital. Professor Newton Ker
{■tetter has been re-elected principal
of the Blain high school.—Miss La
rue Shope, of Lancaster county, vis
ited friends here.—Miss Ruth Knox
is visiting her sister, Mrs. Albert Seil
hamer, at Harrisburg.
Middlcburg.—Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Callahan, of Lewistown, spent sev
eral days with Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Moyer.—Mr. and Mrs. J. Edward
Kaldeman and children, of Harris
burg, were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Aaron Stahlnecker. Mrs. Sarah
Marks and Mrs. John Amig, Lewis
town, visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. A. D. Gougler on Thursday.—
Mr. and Mrs. Winey Custer, of Mil
ton, spent Wednesday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Specht,—
Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Marks, of Lewis
town, visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. Calvin Schoch this week.—
The Thimble Club was entertained at
the home of Mrs. A. F. Gilbery.—
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Fryer spent Sun
day at Altoona.—Mr. and Mrs. Wil
iam Shindel, of Shamokln, were
guests of the former's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. G. M. Shindel, over Sunday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Yeager, of
Northumberland, spent a day at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. P S. Ritter.—
Mrs. O. K. Pellman, of Mifflinburg,
spent several days with her mother,
Mrs. J. F. Stetler. —Mrs. D. A. Kern
visited relatives at State College this
Willinnistown. Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Mutchler and children, of Sun
bury, spent several days with Mrs.
Mutehler's mother, Mrs. Sara James.
—Mrs. Frank Fellow, of Harrisburg,
spent Wednesday in town. Mrs.
Herbert Quinn and son, of Kingston,
are at the home her parents. Dr. and
Mrs. G. M. Stites. —Miss Agnes Hoff
man, of White Rock, is spending
some time with her parent* Mr. and
Mrs. Alexander Hoffman. —Miss Ve
needa Llewellyn and Miss Martha
Fry, of Harrisburg, are guests of
their parents here. Mrs. William
Shoemaker, of Reading, is spending
the week with her aunt, Mrs. Charles
Haller. Mrs. Sohopp, of Halifax,
was a recent guest of her sister, Mrs.
William Michaels.—Jesse Lewis, of
Reading, spent several days with his
mother here, -r- Fred Fromme, of
South Bethlehem, is on a brief, visit
to his parents.—Mr. and Mrs. Ed
ward Ebersole, of Harrisburg, spent
Memorial Day with her mother. Mrs.
Samuel Dewalt. —Mrs. John Wright,
of Harrisburg, is spending the week
with her sister, Mrs. Allen Row. —
Ferd Koenig and daughter, of Read
ing. were visitors at the home of his
parents.—Mrs. A. W. Kalnes and
daughter, of Lykens, spent Memorial
Day with town friends.
Thompson town. Mr. and Mrs.
Ihra L. Dlmm and daughter. Miss
Mildred, of Bala, and Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Dlmm, of Philadelphia, mo
tored here Saturday a"nd were guests
of Mr. and Mrs. A. P/*Dlmm in Kurtz
Valley. Mrs. Israel Tennis and
Mrs. David H. Spotts spent the week
end with Mrs. Joshua GI-OBR at the
Aqueduct. Mrs. Spotts will visit
friends in Harrisburg before return
ing home. Mr. and Mrs. George
Smee, of Lewistown; Miss Katharine
Smee and Mrs. Katharine Dyer, of
Harrisburg, were recent guests of
Mrs. W. R. Long. Mrs. Lottie Rip
man, of Harrisburg, was a guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Thompson.
—A county Sunday school rally will
be held In the Lutheran Church Sat
urday, June 9. Mr. Reel, a State
Sabbath school worker, ,wlll be pres
ent. Mrs. Emma Blstllne and
William BJstllne spent the week-end
at Baltimore, A son was born to
Mr. and Mrs. F, D. Gross Thursday,
May 24, George Sherman, a stu
dent at Conway Hall. Carlisle is
home for the summer, \— Mr. and
Mrs. A, Z. Shirk and son, of Reading,
spent the week-end with Mr, and
Mrs, John Keagle. The Rev, and
Mrs. D. B, Trelbley, A, P, Dlmrr.,
Misses Margueretha and Marion
Dimm, Pearl Haldeman and Edith
Krug attended the county Sunday
school convention at East Waterford.
—Harold Haines, Albert Bishop and
Emory Roland, who Joined the
United States army, have gone to El
Paso, Texas. Miss Lizzie Tyson
was In Mifflin on Saturday,
JUNE 2, 1917.
Large Number Go Into Serv-j
ice at Forts and Training
Three Young Girls Disappear
FrAn Their Homes Sun
day Evening
Lykens, Pa., June 2. —A number
of Lykens young men have enlisted
and are now at different forts or
training camps. Among those who
left in tho last few weeks are Byron
Williams, Pai4 Kinley and Robert
Swab.—Carl West, employed by the
Susquehanna Coal Company, as a
civil engineer, will leave next week
to join the aviation corps.—Miss
Mayme Beidenmlller went to Balti
more, on Saturday, where she was
married to Dr. Bruce Geistwhite,
formerly of Lykens. Dr. Geistwhite
will soon leave for France for serv
ice in the medical corps.—Misses
Pauline Fettenhoff, Verna Palm and
Mary Grimm disappeared from their
homes here on Sunday evening and
have not since been hea4d of.—Miss
Lillian Herner has returned from a
short visit at Harrisburg.—Many of
our citizens, including the band and
the Jr. A. A. baseball club spertt
Memorial Day at Berrysburg, where
a pageant was held by the patriotic
orders.—When the Senior cluss of
Lykens High school holds com
mencement It will set a record for
the largest class ever graduated
from the school.
Waynesboro, Pa„ June 2. Miss
Edna S. Miller, daughter of Mr. an.d
MAS. J. K. Miller, and Dr. I. S.
Sittions, a well-known physician of
Elizabethtown, Pa., were married at
the Presbyterian Church here yester
day morning by the Rev. J. M.
Rutherford. The bride Is a graduate
of the Methodist Hospital, Philadel
phia, and has been superintendent
of the Milford, Del., hospital for the
past year.
Largest Class' in History of Gettysburg High School to
Graduate Next Week; One Enlists in the
Aviation Corps
Gettysburg, Pa., June 2.—High
winds blew Earl Kling, 4-year-old
son, of Mr. and Mrs. William Kling,
of near New Oxford, into a mill race
and the lad was almost drowned.
He was playing along the race with
an older brother when the accident
occurred and he was in the water
about ten minutes before he was
missed. The brother summoned the
father and the little fellow was taken
from the water almost lifeless. It
took a physician several hours to
resuscitate the child, but he has en
tirely recovered.—The largest class
in the history of the Gettysburg
High school will be graduated next
Thursday evening, thirty-seven young
people receiving their diplomas. Two
of them have discontinued, how
ever, one to enlist in the farm army
and one listed in the aviation corps
and is now in a training camp in
Texas. The annual banquet of the
alumni association of the school will
be held the evening following the
commencement.- —The plot in the
Evergreen Cemetery in which John
Dauphin Minister Returns
From Presbyterian Assembly
Dauphin, Pa., June 2. —The Rev.
Robert Fulton Stirling has returned
home from a trip to Dallas, Texas,
where he attended the general as
sembly of the Presbyterian Church.
—Lawrence Smith, principal of the
Dauphin schools, has gone to his
home at Hanover, where he will
spend the summer.—Mr. and Mrs.
William Dreher and children, Wil
liam, Jr., and Rose Mary, and Mr.
and Mrs. A. C. McKee, of Harris
burg, spent the week-end with Mr.
and Mrs. Frank J. Wallis. —Miss An
nie M. Webner, who spent several
months at her home in Elizabeth
ville, has returned to Dauphin.—
Miss Carrie Elizabeth Gerberich, a
student at Miss Hart's school. Phil
adelphia, returned home on Friday
to spend the summer with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Freeman C. Ger
berich.—Mrs. Edith Spayd and
daughter. Miss Elsie Spayd. were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey C.
! Forney on Memorial day.—Miss
Sarah Margaret Hawthorne spent
the week-end at Camp Hill.— Miss
Eleanor Kramort, teacher of the pri
mary gtades of the borough schools,
left here on Monday for her home at
York Springs, where she will spend
the summer. —Miss Mary Cleckner
and Miss Etta Kolbenschlag, of Har
risburg, spent several days with
Mrs. Alfred Warner at her bunga
low on the mountainside. —Mr. and
Mrs. Mahltn Fishbaugh and daugh
ter, Miss Grace Fishbaugh. of York,
motored here on Memorial day and
were the guests of Mrs. Fishbaugh's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Ege.
—William Bell Clark, of Philadel
phia, spent Tuesday with his par
ents, Dr. and Mrs. William Patter
son Clark.—Ralph Solders and
Charles Weigel, of Steelton, were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Shaffer. —Mrs. Charles Sellers has
returned homo from a visit to Cleve
land and Youngstown and other
parts of Ohio.—Dr. Maurice E. Heck
and .daughter, Barbara, of Jackson
ville! Florida, were recent guests of
'Dr. Heck's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George W. Heck. Dr. Heck has en
listed in the United States army and
will soon leave for Panama.—
Charles Brlekor, of New York City, j
Is visiting his ftither, John Brlcker.
-'-Mrs. E. T. Bradenbaugh. bf Mll
lersburg, was a recent guest of Miss
Cora S. C'ofrode. —Miss Ruth Bell,
who spent several weeks with her
aunts, the Misses Bell, of Stony
Creek Valley, has returned to her
home In Harrlsburg.—Mrs. Samuel
Eclcert and daughter, Edith, of Har
rlsburg. spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Nlmrocl Smith; —Miss Cora S.
Cofrode spent Memorial day at
Marysville. - William Sheridan, of
Harrishurg, spent Sunday with Ray
mond Long.—Mr. and Mrs. John
Wenrick and children, Joyce and
Dorothy, of Harrlsburg. snent Mem
orial da,y with Mr, and Mrs, James i
Mrs. George W. Missemer
Sends Word That She Will '
Gome Home Soon
Old Men Catch Big. Carp at
Snyder's Dam Near
Mount Joy
Mount Joy, Pa., June 2.—A dis
patch has been received at Mount
Joy from Shanghai, China, saying
that Mrs. George W. Missemer and
two children will sail on July 1 for
the United States and will spend
some time here with Miss Bertha Mis
semer. She will come by the Pacific
ocean route, regardless of subma
rine dangers. This will be Mrs. Misse
mer's fourth trip across the Pacific,
which takes a month's time to sail
ten thousand miles.—John Loraw,
8 4 years old, caught a twelve-pound
carp at Snyder's dam and Jacob
Garber, aged 81, caught an eight
pounder in the same place.—Mrs.
Clarence Stott and son, Bruce, of
Chicago, are visiting friends In town.
—George Bachman, of Harrlsburg,
is a visitor here.—C. F. Schneider, of
Palmyra, was the guest of J. R.
Missemer, on Thursday. Edgar
Hagenberger, Benjamin GrOff, Jay
Klugh, Albert Myers and Lee Ellis,
will leave to-day for Newton Ham
ilton, where they will work at a
munition plant.—Harry L. Boyce, of
Philadelphia, spent Sunday with his
brother, Clifford L. Boyce.—Misses
Mamie Klugh, Coatesville, and Alice
KliiKh. of Harrlsburg, spent Mem
orial Day with their parents,. Mr.
and Mrs. Harry E. Klugh—Miss Liz
zie Klorey, of Old Line, was the
guest of her cousin, Miss Bertha
Missemer.-—Mr. and Mrs. Harry C.
Knouse and daughter, Myra, of PaX
tang, spent Memorial Day with the
family of J. R. Missemer.—Miss
Joanna Miller is spending a week
with friends at Middletown.—Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Kemmerly spent Sun
day at Columbia.—Mrs. Harry C.
Schock, Mrs. Jacob H. Zeller, Mrs.
Annie Schlegelmllch and P. Frank
Schock, spent Thursday at Grant
I Burns, the citizen hero of the battle,
will be dedicated June 7. J. W.
Johnston, of Rochester, N. Y., has
financed the improvements made to
the plot and has endowed it so that
it will always be well kept, and ha
and Captain A. D. Reed, a member
of the Seventh Wisconsin infantry
during the Civil War, in whose com
pany Burns fought, will participate
in the exercises.—Herbert A. Bream,
a son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bream,
has joined a force of American en
gineers who will sail for France in
about two weeks. Mr. Bream will
receive a lieutenant's commission. ' I
Since completing his college course,
seven years ago he has been engaged
in bridge construction work and will
be especially fitted for the duties of
the engineering corps abroad.Two
Gettysburg boys will enter the train
ing schools of the country to be pre
pared for service. Joseph T. Morris
has been ordered to report at West
Point Military Academy on June 14.
and C. William Duncan has already
gone to the naval academy to take
the entrance examination thero.
Sons Come Home For
Father's 84th Birthday
Mifllintown, Pa., June 2.—Carl
F. Espensehade and Frederick Es
penschade, Jr., of Pittsburgh, and
Ralph Espenscrade, of Newvllle,
were at their home here to help their
father, Frederick Espensehade, Sr.,
celebrate his eighty-fourth birthday
on May 31. —Henry Wagner, who
has been suffering from a stroke flt
his home for some time, was taken
to the Lewistown Hospital.on Tues
day.—Mrs. Anna Fasick,' of Altoona,
visited at the home of Oliver Dif
fenderfer on Tuesday.—Mrs. Howard
Kirk and son, Edwin, are here
packing their household goods to
move to Harrisburg.—Mrs. Stewart
okeson, of Johnstown, Is visiting rel
atives here. —Miss May McCiellan re
turned to her home in Mifflin Tues
day after completing a term as
teacher in the Altoona public scfVaols.
—Samuel Wagner returned home
Sunday from Philadelphia, where he
was at the University Hospital for
treatment for his eyes.—John K.
Robison, son of Colonel Robison, of
this place, left Monday for Cleve
land, Ohio, to enter training in the
naval reserves. —J. Howard and Wil
liam Neely, sons of Mr. and Mrs. J.
H. Neely, have enlisted. The for
mer is at the officers' camp at Fort
Niagara, N. Y., while the latter has
entered the aviation corps and is
now at Princeton, N. J. —The Gen
eral Thomas Mifflin Chapter of the
Daughters of the American Revolu
tion met at the G. A. R. Post room
on Monday to repair the large flag
which was carried in the parade May
30. Three additional stars were
sewed on It. ,
Millersburg People Buy
Bonds at Post Office
Millersburg, Pa., June 2.—People
are beginning to buy Liberty Bonds
through the local postofflce. A num
ber have been sold and other appli
cants are asking about them every
day.—Charles Shott, who was oper
ated on for appendicitis several
weeks ago at the Harrisburg Hos
pital and who after the operation
was seized with pneumonia, is said
to bo improving.—Robert Bender, a
clerk in the Pennsylvania railroad
freight offlce, Is 111 with diphtheria
at his home in Moore street—Mrs.
Charles Sausser, of Union street, is
the champion potato grower In this
place, she having spud stalks in her
garden more than a foot in height
and about to burst Into bloom and
expects to have new potatoes of her
own raising about the middle of
June.—Edward E. Long, who has
been ill with rheumatism for the
past six months, was taken to the
Sunbury Hospital for treatment this
week.—Out-of-town veterans o'f the'
Civil War, members of the G. A. R.
Post of this place, who spent
Memorial Day here were. J. E. Lam
bert. of Carlisle; F. P. Senbold and
William Sites, of Harrisburg.