Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 25, 1917, Page 24, Image 24

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State Highway Commissioner
Secures Agreement in Build
ing Some Highways
Highway Commissioner Black has
entered into an agreement with C.
H. Shockey, William J. Glessner and
Joseph B. Miller, commissioners of
Somerset county, for the construc
tion of an improved highway, ap
proximately eleven and one-half
miles in length. This road extends
through Brotherton and Berlin to
Under the terms of the agreement
the local authorities are to pay one
half of the cost or construction.
Work is to be commenced as soon as
appropriations for the current year
are made available for this purpose
by the present session of the Legis
11. C. Wasson, A. E. Lilly and M.
G. Beatty, commissioners of Craw
ford county; C. Victor Johnson, for
merly a member of the Legislature
from Crawford county, and F. G.
Altenberg, clerk to the Crawford
County Commissioners, were In con
ference late yesterday with State
Highway Commissioner Black and
Chief Engineer 'William D. Uhler
, upon the question of the Crawford
, county link In a continuous route
from Pittsburgh to Erie. Mercer
. county has indicated its preference
tto build this road from Xew 'Wil
i mington, through Mercer and Green
ville, to the Crawford county line,
j near Adamsville. Erie county has
I indicated that it would prefer to
meet Crawford county on the road
.through "Waterford to Cambridge
? Springs. This leaves Crawford coun
ty to connect by a road through Con
' neaut I.ake, Meadville and Saeger
' town with Cambridge Springs. The I
'Crawford County Commissioners in- I
' dieated their willingness to con- |
' struct the road on a fifty-fifty basis. |
Former Judge J. Sharpe Wilson
• and R. R. McGeorge, representing
'the Crescent Portland Cement Com
pany, accompanied the delegation
, and offered a contribution of $2,000
a mile toward the building of the
proposed road, providing the work
were commenced the present year.
Able Businessmen
Offer Aid to Hoover
Washington, May 25. Offers to
serve without compensation In the
national food administration were re
ceived in great numbers to-day at
the Administration offices opened
* yesterday by Herbert C. Hoover. Xo
names were made public, but It was
; said a surprising number of promi
' nent and able businessmen were
among the volunteers.
Mr. Hoover, who agreed to act as
\ food administrator on the condition
\ 1 that he and most of his aids serve
I without pay, will select the men who
1 • are to work with him without delay,
\ and will proceed with organization,
* to be ready to start work as soon as
Congress passes the food bills. To
day ho went over details at a con
ference with President Wilson.
$25,000,000 U. S. Rifle
Order Placed For War
Philadelphia, May 25. Contracts
I for 1,000,000 army rifles, estimated
f to cost about $25,000,000, are being
t closed with three concerns by the
! United States government. About
half of the order goes to the Midvalo
Steel and Ordnance Company, the
rifles to be manufactured in the big
special plant at Eddystone. The re
f mainder divides between the Win
i Chester Arms Company and the old
Remmington concern.
The orders are placed on a basis
of cost of production, plus a percent
age for profit to the manufacturing
concerns. What the percentage will
be has not been determined yet.
Berlin Denies Holding
Americans as Captives
By Associated Press
Berlin, May 25. —The foreign of
fice to-day emphatically denied as
sertions alleged to have emanated
in the United States that Germany is
intentionally holding Americans de
sirous of leaving the country. Their
departure, it was explained, was de
layed solely by official routine which,
in view of existing circumstances,
was naturally slow of motion, even
. subjects of neutral countries as well
as Germans desiring to cross the
frontier, being without exception
called on to secure permission from
the police and military authorities.
Fargo, X. D., May 25. A basic
price of $2.50 a bushel at northwest
• crn terminals was agreed on to-night
as the figure the Government would
be urged to guarantee for the 1917
wheat crop at the meeting here of
northwestern grain growers. Reso
t lutions were adopted urging the
j Government to prepare itself to
* "seize and operate, whenever, and
t wherever necessary, all transporta
tion agencies, terminal elvators and
; warehouses," and to prohibit all
i trading in futures, "not as a tempo-
I rary war measure, but as a perma
i nent Government policy."
By Associated Press
Thibodeaux, La., May 24. —Bowie,
i a lumber town near here, was prac-
Mically wiped out late to-day by lire
f which originated in the Bowie Lum
| ber Company's plant and, fanned by
J a brisk wind, spread rapidly into the
! residence section. Property damage
lis estimated at $1,000,000. An em-
I ploye of the lumber. company died
(from burns. About thirty million
J feet of lumber and a sawmill were
■ destroyed. One hundred dwellings
which housed most of Bowie's one
r thousand Inhabitants were razed.
New York, May 25. Because of
(lack of sufficient surgical dressings,
'newspapers are being used on the
I battlefields of France to stop the
: wounds of many soldiers, according
to a cable message received by the
American Red Cross. ,
The situation is described as very
I serious. Rather than bleed to death,
rthe soldiers, It Is said, run the risk
fof gangrene and other Infection by
! tiring the newspapers. An appeal is
, made for Increased supplies of dress
| "
Buying a Marriage
License Life
| Preserver
| Read it in Doathrichs ad
page IS.
1 1 'I- II 1 ■' -■ x 111 •' fWV'W.IW %II I. 1 .
Dives, Pomeroy & SteiJart
Begins To-morrow Morning & Nothing Good to Report
An Event Embracing Values Not to Be Overlooked iSI About Moths But-
In the first place we consider them to be the best looking dresses for afternoon and semi-formal oc
casions that have been presented at any time within a year. Everyone of them is chic and smart, pos- Dailltv Gifts For the —there is a lot to say in commendation of these
sessing lines that are not to be found in the average run of ready-to-wear garments. J those
Produced by a maker who cuts up only the choicest and newest weaves these specially priced groups represent a s-y • yy j , Hags
value that scores of women will want to enjoy. . ' (TIVI (rrnr/linfp Auto coat sc,nt 51.50, 51.65 and $2.00
$35.00 to $49.50 Values Priced at $25.00 to $30.00 ! , ' W U
Georgette Crepe Meteors Fancy Taffetas Crepe de Chines They need not be expensive just some other preventives—
Many of the dresses are lower in price than their regular wholesale cost—and all of them are extraordinary value. useful little trinket, a fan, a neat bag or belt lender toe
$37.50 white chiffon taffeta dresses, made in o Russian blouse and vest of white Chantillv lare tho olrirt mndo with ,' IM . c • , • , , • . , Cedar chips, pkff ioc
style with collar, cuffs and skirt trimmed with broad bands of blue form a deep flounce. ' A sufficient merit to express your interest Ceclarall, pkg 10c and 25c
R n ed"ed te to POlkail ° tßilk - $25.00 biue Voulard'are ßße , madV With in the successful termination of the re- Screen DOOrS
$37.50 dresses in navy and green hair line stripe taffeta; the waist lar and sleeves of Georgette crepe, ftill plaited skirt with a draped rinirnt's nilblic school mreer X JKJKJI Q
is made with a sailor collar an.d sleeves of Georgette crepe and panel of Georgette crepe trimmed with black and white ton An cipiem s puuiu. av-nuui micci. Natural finish varnished screen doors, all sizes
Georgette crepe vest trimmed with small silk covered buttons; the silk fringe. Reduced to ipOU.UU with necessary hardware $1 °5
skirt has a deep shirred yoke of Georgette crepe. $25 00 *42.50 crepe meteor dressM in tan/made with a deep plaited There's a fund of such appropriate Natural finish, selected lumber,'two coats var-
Reduced to • tunic trimmed with a band ot Georgette crepe; large pointed collar •*.. • t /- jo i.- _ nish. all sizes, with necessary hardware ....91.50
$39.50 Crepe de Chine dresses in white, black and pearl grey in and sleeves of Georgette crepe *Vid broad crushed girdle t\f\ gifts in our .Leather UOOdS section— Adjustable window screens
a one-piece model, with Georgette crepe sleeves; large sailor collar of Persian silk. Reduced to PiU.UU briefly hinted as follows 25c ' 30l '' S5c ' ,sc ' ' IOc Ul 75c
A Season-End Sale of Cloth Suits , Women's Dresses and Wash Skirts For White gauze fans, hand painted and spangled, For the Laundry
tmrl rentes Momnwol Tkr,, T fancy an(l p,atn bone stlcks 50c to $5.00 Galvanized tubs 85c to $1.50
ana _ Memorial Day Outing's Fancy combs and pins, newest shapes, mounted Cedar tubs $1.1 to $1.98
Scores ol garments in styles that are the season s latest Anderson gingham dresses in styles that are as cleverly with rhinestones pearls beads and colored stones Wash boards—
developments arc lowered in price to effect a quick clear- designed as the more elaborate and more expensive silk 25c to SSOO Single zinc boards 2o
ance. Values not heretofore equaled are presented in richly frocks and they will be found to be anion- the most Gros dc I ' ondre silk drawstrin K ha K 9 . in dainty ,\'.\,\\\ \ \\\\\\\\\\
tailored suits and coats. practicable dresses that will be shown this vcir colors and finished with tassel $4.00 to $4.50 Clothes line, yard,' 3c';'3s-foot hank 10c
The materials are the finest spring woolens and the sizes Lovely styles beautifullv made in -ill ci,'n ' tisr rn Gros (ie Londre beat, ed and embroidered draw- Clothes wringers $3.08, $1.50 to $5.50
are complete for misses and women Wash skirts 'in des abe materials are lli™" h s,rlnp ba * s * IOO * 42s w *f bolle "-
r, J c i- nA , i . ana "n , . tic. II a Jit materials are being shown in Combination Pongee and Gros de Londre silk Tin 75c to sl.lO
Regu ar suits reduced to $18..0 our separate skirt section for Memorial Day outings. The bags with silk tassel $3.50 Galvanized $i is to *i.m
Regu ar 530.00 suits reduced to #20,.00 styles are uncommonly good and the prices are very mod- Silk bags in sport colors st.oo Copper > im to *'" B
Regular suits reduced to crate. Choose at Sl OO Egyptian Paisley strap purses and handbags Prvi-iminf 1-Tnlrlov*o
Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Second Floor. Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Second' FlooV * $1.25 to *O.OO -DOUqUei XlOlaerS
Kid belts in white and colors with ivory buckle Cemetery bouquet holders of heavy tin, well
and trimmings $1.50 painted 10c
Brown Fibre Rockers, $3.95 I New Lingerie Waists ~
These are attractive, well-made 0 1 1 H/T * 1 "1 • Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart-Street Floor, Front W Omeil S OUmmer
rockers for interior or porch use. ktfIIOCKS 8,11(1 MlfmiPC: yt
They are strong and comfortable IVllUUltJb HOS ICFU
and at this price arc an excep- V"' I pr L°® ready 'or to-morrow. Made of sheer
tinnal value f,„. I oll ® trimmed with touches of handwork, fine tucks, lace or embroid- IVXtJII o kjIlU"0 VY iUIi Silk lisle hose with spliced heels and toes in
" d • Is I ® r yj"® er, i ons; la r ge colIar of all over embroidery, finished with bla<-k and white 50c
iij' I /-II • 1.1 j i or collar of self material and trimming of hand em- White cotton hose with fashioned feet and
Windsor Chairs broidery, lace insertion and lace edge ... $1.95 r]TT 1 O 7 spliced heels and toes :ic
... . , . . . 1 Middy blouses in all white or with colored collar imi /.nfra f T / D Ci /P C Silk lisle outside seamless hose, with spliced
Mahogany Windsor chairs, at COIOrCd co " ar and ± CUslU.il OUtC O heels and toes; in white and black .5c
Mahogany' g'a.'eleg Vable°s WtM&M Smieks"' $2.95 to s3is ' blLek S whUe" 86 BP " CC<I heC " :,9c
$12.50 ,0 $19.50 Sm ° CkS ' WHh Co, ° red . or in new color combination. pQn a if of sh . y soles slfkletmle'ss hose with 'spliced' heels and
Old IvoriJ Pieces Dlvcs ' Pomcroy & stewart - Sei ' on<l **><>*■ '° ° and you forget you are stepping out in new t °^H I \\^ C b o i l |k r Uot d |l'e with' iisie tops and•fash'ion
f a ncy cretonne "up li o?st e r g,° '59.50 1 _ shoes - They are comfortable right from the ° d Pomeroy & Steward,'sire'e'tFioor.' ' s9 °
... The Test of a Comet's „ iG . Men's Summer
If| . Shapeliness '
— Four-piece old ivory bedroom
t) SU ftL-I Vij".:. • $08.50 Vojr need only look at a corset to decide whether the stvlo and iron 01,-.,.- O White piadras athletic shirts and drawers; shirts
Bedroom Six-piece old i\ory bedroom eral appearance pleases you. • . > g - IVLGn S feIIOGS \jL sleeveless and drawers knee length, Each, ....50c
t-, .. '\f\ at •• 'J"' But it is onlv after several wepUa r.f v.„ „ r , Egyptian balbriggan shirts and drawers; shirts
Furniture ory WOO b o| a S n( | s , -n quality shows whether its materials and workmanship Le what™™!! Dark ,an cor<l ° ca,f 8hoe!, and r:; ' ords wlth tan with short sleeves and drawers are ankle length.
Bureaus chiffoniers and „ ' ' o'SSnlS'to°gWe and and the correct p'aclng fibre welted soles and rubber heels $1.50 open 'mesh union suiti with sho'r't'sleeves
Princess dressers, i„ golden Hall Clocks \merican Idv11 BlaCk kidßkln Bh ° eS a " d oxfHrt]s ' narrow and and ankle length 50c
oak, mahogan>, birl s-oye •' aa> c 0 sets, sl.<K) to s:t.oo broad toes, oak leather welted soles, $3.00 to SO.OO Cotton grey mixed union suits with short sleeves
?\" P -!n ' a iVil'.- S r 9 io® An Mahogany hall clocks, in Co- D - p - &s - Special Corset to $s Dull cal f sktn sh oes in button and lace styles. and ankle length 50c
$3-50 values. spe ial, $->.OO lonial patterns, 8-day movement Warner's Rust Proof C orsets SI.OO to $3.00 full toe lasts with oak leather welted soles. ..3.50 White cotton athletic shirts and drawers.
_J 935.00 Reniro Belt Cnrqpfs - #.x A Eacn, 50c
iliibo ueii corsets $2.00 to $5.00 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor, Rear. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Floor.
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Third Floor. Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. !___
Shirts week-End When a Young Man Selects His Suit
That Every Business Grocery News rr U *r\ *f*
Man Will Wpar It s a Compliment to the Store That Outfits Him
A" ACI 11 VY 111 V V Cut Sliced pineapples. In halts 40c *
°l,!r '"i r ' C ''' ,clmc( ! . 1 . 5 , c siz ® liKht , and sweet mixed pickles. Voung men have tastes that not all clothes makers can cater to. It is with pardonable pride there- ZT^-v^
fhem fit, f everyone o dark meat tuna tish p , n t ,0c f ore , that we note we arc selling more and more suits to young fellows. That means we have the stvles
erouns—- faultleSS, >/ S P cc,all >' priced Sour pickles, doze" 0 ! Heeker's flour, $1.!5 and pattterns that capture their fancy.
Rcd beans in cans, 1 " 0 i 1081 Hir mp, Our stock embraces the finest suits designed and tailored in America for "chips of the old block."
New negligee shirts of oxford stripe 13c i Fresh supply of Jello, Such famous specialized lines as "sampeck" and others—clothes that are an artistic triumph at— l\^
P sardines, Whole Carolina rice. Mf Q /T/) OP 1 Q (H* O/l (^O/T
plain peicales, with soft fold and launder- Kippered salmon, can lb IOC jk / A r\(/ JK //l Jk //V JK /// \/S I/M // \
cd cuffs. Special value at SI.OO
Special Blend cofne* ' Evaporated apricots, f 9VP 9VP )VP / flirt I \
o:,lr- ctrm if i pound . C0 .20c po " nd - ....23c Notice any group of well-dressed young fellows and you'll find these k f \ \
oilk stripe novelty and fancy weave mad- Pure cocoa in ouart Hotel mushrooms, arc the stvles thpv wMnW !*L HS =r=bi' IfiWT A I 1 \
ras with stiff and soft fold cuffs ... #1..0 jars, .?.!. Q 23c i im " orted - ca I , ?,"Z g , ] 1 £ 9\lA\W\ \ Lzj\
Juicy California lem- meaty prunes, Medium dark and light grey cassime res. .1
Negligee shirts with soft fold and laun-> on 2; d° z ®n. .......ic pound 17c Plain green, blue and brown flannels. *• I /
dered cuffs of stripe madras; poplin and Jar^at. o^'. . " U . .35c | for'wc Blue serges and unfinished worsteds. jfV. ( \ A
percale cloth; sizes 14 to Special, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —Basement. Grey Scotch tweeds and mixtures. r*j( u h i) 1 'it 1
Percale shirts, in hair line and cluster T AofUnv.7f+-7p T/U PI , r Blue and brown Herringbone stripe woolens.
stripe patterns 59<> L<eatnerette & Kid (jrIOV3S Fancy grey, brown and green mixtures. lilfv /
shapes in point W.shable Fi.0,..., g ,oves, in M " °SL?Z t-JfIA I
XM Two-clasp siik cloves' wiVh donbie fiiiKtr straight out and out hnghsh cuts and others are not so pronounced in eut. j 1 I
Men's and Boys' Belts 1
Lined and fabricoid black belts, in sizes Imported leatherette gloves, in grey, U 1
26 to 50, at 35* white, natural and pongee. Pair ... #1.50 IWO 1 TOUSer OUIIS tOY JdOVS I \ I I
$5.00, fjgrft-
Finer grades in lined and tubular stvles. Two-clasp French kid gloves in black T . . vn l
> 75c to #1.50 with white or white with self and black fancy Scotch tweeds, Scotch mixtures, blue serges and unfinished J1 IT)/M £3 f/j
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Men s store. embroidery. Pair #52.25 worsteds, ovcrplaids ill green, brown and tan. shadow stripe worsteds and y yjj U
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor, Rear. (r