22 mm COMPETENT OFFICE HELP? USE TELEGRAPH WANT ADS. IDeatbs 1 STBVICK May 24, 1917. Flank K. j Stevic.V, in Ills Sith year. Funx.a! services will be held at his j lav home. 516 Caldev street. on Monday afternoon, at 2 o clock. to which relatives and friends are In vited without further notice. In terment private, Harrisbuig ceme D*II II On MEV 26. 1911# Wheeler, wife of Stephen A. D. Barr, acred 53 year?. . n Funeral on Monday afternoon, at - o'clock, from Boas Street U. B Church. The relatives and friends and all organizations of which she was a member are invited to at tend without further notice. Bod> ran be viewed Sunday, from 3 to o P. M.. at her late residence, 26. Herr street. SLOUGH Mrs Hanna S. Slough, wife of c. A. Slough, died at her home, Thursday evening, at.11.15 o'clock. 1715 Revere street, Clo\erl> TTeisrhts. aired 36 years. Funeral services Monday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from her late resi dence, the Kev. A. K. Hangen of ficiating'. Relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. Resolutions LADIES' AUXILIARY TO THE BROTHERHOOD OF RAILROAD TRAINMEN _ PRIDE OF WHITE BLOCK LODGE, NO- 411 Harrisburg, Pa.. May :22. 1911. RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT I Whereas, God in His infinite wis- | dom has for the first tunc entered , our midst and taken u S.i£o I kind and loving sister. llattie Eli:sa-. beth Fernsler. While the members of | this Auxiliary sincerely raou ™. i loss of our beloved sister. we wish , to console with the bereaved famllj. who we know have lost a and loving wife and mother; be It Resolved, That while we must bow , in huitfble submission to the decree of i His divine will, we hope that in his sreat mercy He will help us see the light of His divine wisdom; be it ; fU Reso r ived, That we extend our sin- " oerc sympathy to the bereaNed iam ily in this, their hour of deepest soi j'ow, and recommend them to tne ( Great Comforter of all Sorrows, the God that we all serve. Although her chair is vacant, And we cannot see her face. We know that up in heaven "God's" awarded her a place. EDITH M. LANDIS. j< Resolved, That a copy of these reso- ; lutions be sent the family, a copy | spread on the minutes, a copy pub- t lished in the daily papers, and that , our charter be draped for a period of | thirty days. ———==== i In Memoriam IN VIEMORIAM IN sad. but loving remembrance ot our u.ar daughter. Susan M. Ellen- . berger, who left us so suddenly ono ■ year ago 10-day. A precious one from us has gone, A voice we loved is stilled. A plat e is vacant in our home Which never can be tilled. HER PARENTS AND SISTER. I I Lost and Found I IJOST Large Caraeon pin, be-! tween Delaware street and Macla> j Street Station, and Sixth and Seventh I Streets. Liberal reward if returned |: to 611 Pefter street. LOST —Large market basket! filled with geraniums. Taken j froni the front of Lttley's l'low-ji er Shop. You may keep the blowers, but please return the j basket. Uttley's Flower Shop, , 321 Walnut street. ' Help Wanted—Male WANTED An experienced steno- ] grapner and clerk to act in capacity ot private secretary. Liberal salary, j Apply by letter to P. O. Box 566. , WANTED Young man. with gome , knowledge of stenography and type- , writing. Good opening with Whole- , sale House and opportunity to learn the business. Apply in person or by letter to lvingan Provision Company, 421 South Second street, Harrisburg, , Pa. - AMBITIOUS MAN can make a valu able business connection with the pub lishers of The Book of Knowledge, 'i his is not an ordinary selling propo- . sition, but an exceptional opportunity to represent a nationally known edu cational system and earn a liberal in- j come. Natural business ability, not i necessarily business experience, is the , principal requirement. Aplicants give | references in applying. Address Pub lisher, The Book of Knowledge, De- j nekla Building, Eleventh and Market streets, Philadelphia, Pa. . BOY WANTED Boy, about 16 years, wanted to work around fac tory. Good pay and opportunity foi j advancement. United States Mattress Co., Twelfth and Herr street. WANTED Able-bodied, young Iran for general work about store and to help in delivery. Brown & Co.,' 1217 North Third street. WANTED Men over 20 yeaiß of age to receive train ing, with pay, and become Me chanical Machine Adjusters. Upon completion of train ing. to be assigned good posi tions, with excellent opportu nity for advancement, in our branch offices located in all large cities in the United States. Apply in person, or by let ter, to M. A. Seely. Elliott- Fisher Company, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED Platen pressmen and feeders. Apply Foreman Job Printing Department, The Telegraph Printing Co., Harrisburg, Pa. LABORERS WANTED Good wages, steady worl- and chance for advancement, pply Central lion & Steel Company. / i FOR RENT 1631 N. Six Hi St *3O 1810 Mulberry St., (furnished), 938 2710 Wouillann St., (July J) .. *35 7143 >. 17th St., 3 s. b., 9 r. b„ 940 APARTMENTS 218 I.orunt St., 4 r. b *3O 1 30 S. 4th St., 4 r. b *37.50 82 It. 3d St.. (June 1), *3A and S4O I 204 Loeu*t St., 3 r. b MO j SIBIRHAN HarameUtonn—2V& s. b„ Br. b., 930 j SUMMER COTTAGES COT*—"BrightblU" furnished, 900 i Perdlz—"Philada," furnished, 940 | STORE ROOMS Franklin Building ... 914 and 917 622 Relly St *ls ,231 N. Second St., 22x100 .... 9100 206 N. Second St., 20x130 .... 91541 Miller Brothers. ftCo. Member Hbf. Real Estate Board REAL, ESTATE Inaarance Surety lloads I.of nit and Court Streets , , - ' '• - '• V-' i\;-. 1 •" "■ - ' . • 1 ' 'r '' ' 'FRIDAY EVENING, HAimiSBURG TELEGRAPH MAY 25, 1917. | Help Wanted —Male 1 WE have several positions open for young men between the ages of 16 I and 20. Good wages and splendid chances for advancement to willing and competent workers. No tritlera need apply. Ask tor Office Manager, Swllt Company, Seventh and North streets, 8 to 12 and 2 to 6. SEVERAL men for inside work and drivers for milk routes. Steady work for reliable men. Apply Pcnna. Milk Products Co., 2112 Atlas street, or Herman Fry, 321 Mariay street. PA PERU ANGERS WANTED s3 per day. Apnly G. M. Moore, SIS Capital. YOUNG MAN l6 to 18 years, to make himself generally useful arounu store. Apply any time. lU3U Market street. SHOE CLERK Must be thoroughly experienced and furnish excellent relerence. Fine posi tion to right man. Apply I'., 6623, care of Telegraph. WANTED Reliable man, who is able to collect and canvass. We pay guaranteed salary and commission. Apply iua Walnut street, Room 17. WANTED Middle-aged man to work In stable at night. Apply Cohen : Livery, 117 South Tnird street. I CANVASSERS Several good men, I with newspaper experience. Gtiaran- I teed salary lor several sober, Indus- | trious men. Attractive proposition. I Adress S., 4991, care of Telegraph. | | WANTED —25 laborers. Apply S. W. Shoemaker Son, Seventh and ! I Harris. ! 1 ! WANTED SALESMEN TO SELL IWI.NUUVV DISPLAi PROPOSITION |TO LOCAL MERCHANTS. ADDRESS 15... 5775, CARE Of TELEGRAPH. LABORERS WANTED ! Twenty-ninth below Derry St., I'. &. R. Bridge. James McGraw Co., Contractors. WANTED Drivers for bakery de- j livery wagons; must have experience. I Apply STANDARD BAKING CO., fentn and Market streets. I'OUNG MEN WANTED Govern ment Railway Mail Clerks. 97r month, aaniple Examination question —free. Franklin institute, Dept. 40t-D, Uo chester, N. t. WANT—Young ineti to learn auto mobile business, to uecome practical mechanics and chauffeurs. We give our students a chance to make moiiej at tie rate of 2Uc per hour between (.lass hours. We guarantee to pay you Hue per hour as soon as competent. suo in cash required. Auto Transport*- | tion School, 27-29 North Cameron ireet. j MECHANlCS—Patternmakers, tool- ! makers, all-around machinists, -die j sinkers, trimmer die makers, lathe, planer, simper, boring mill hands, etc., on tool work; steady work at good wages, to capable man; give full par ticulars first tetter. Box 85, Detroit, Mich. WANTED 5O able-bodied men for piece work. Experienc ed truckers can earn $75 to S9O per month. Must be able to read i.nd write. Apply 111 per son only to agent ot Pennsyl vania Railroad Company at Di vision Street Transfer, i J . R. R. Co., Harrisburg, Pa. ~j Help Wanted-^-Female WANTED A woman for general 1 housework; no washing; smau lain uy. Apply 6fa North .front. I WANTED Girls to feed job j presses. Permanent positions. Appiy air. Bemheisel, The 'lelegrapn Punt ing Co., Harrisburg. I AMBITIOUS WOMAN can make a valuable business connection with the publishers of The Book of Knowledge, this is not an ordinary selling propo sition, but an exceptional opportunity to represent a nationally known edu cational system and earn a libei-. in come. Natural business ability, not necessarily business experience, is Lie principal requirement. Applicants give relerence in applying. Address Pub iisuer, The LOOK ot Knowledge, be nekla Building, Eleventh and Maraet streets, Philauelpma, Pa. WANTED Girls. Apply at once. Keystone Laundry, 620 Harris street. GIRL USHERS Wanted at Ma j jes'.ic Theater. I WANTED—SALESLADIES TO SELL j WINDOW DISPLAY PROPOSITION | ITO LOCAL MERCHANTS, ADDRESS I S„ 6776, CARE OF TELEGRAPH. GIRL For general housework. Small fam ily, In an apartment.' Call ! Bell 20&8 R. j WANTED White woman for gen eral housework, every day from 12 | o'clock, Sunday from 10 till 2 o'clock, and two evenings. Apply 103 South I street. WAITRESSES WANTED Experienced, white wait resses. Steady employment and good wages. Apply at. once. CUNNINGHAMS, Walnut and Court Streets. I STENOGRAPHER—ThoroughIy ex- i perienced and accurate stenographer, iur office work. None others neeu ap ply. 10l Telegraph Building. STENOGRAPHERS, bookkeepers, 1 typists and clerks who want office employment, to register with the Em ployment Department of this school; no charge or obligation. The Office Training School. 4 South Market Square. THE GOOD SAMARITAN HOS PITAL, LEBANON, PA., offers to young women of Superior Education, Qualification and ltetincment, a three years' course in both practical and theoretical instruction in general nursing. Nurses receive an allowance of SB.OO for the first year, SIO.OO for second year and $12.00 for third year, it is an 85-bed Hospital with an Ideal location and all modern equipments land nurses' home. For further infor n-itlon apply to the Superintendent. WANTED Experienced sewing I machmo operators to make ladles' and children's wear. Easy work. Best pay. Apply Harrisburg Apparel Co., over City Star Laundry, State street. I WANTED— Vanipers, top stitchers and cutters for women*, misses and children's shoes. Steady work. Good prices. Apply Harrisburg Shoe I Mfg. Co., Vernon street, Harrisburg. ■ ' ■ . • , • • ; WANTED Weavers and Learners. Apply Silk Mill, . Corner North and Second Sis. i'f ■ Help Wanted — Male and Female i I MEN AND WOMEN WANTED i everywhere to start u business of theii own. Pays from 175.00 to SIOO.OO • monthly, Brains and energy the only 1 capital required. Call ana see Max well H. Hite, The Auctioneer, 902-904 I Market street. Harrisburg. Salesmen Wanted WANTED, STOCK SALESMAN A ' proposition that Is selling now; best 1 of direct leads furnished; big com -1 mission, only. Address Room 203, U'lß Chestnut street, Philadelphia. MR. EXPERIENCED SALESMAN, Why not get into a paying business of your own? Business will require about S2OO. Reply confidentially con sidered. Address S., 6706, care of Tele j graph. At SALESMAN WANTED to take 1 side line far reliable manufacturing concern In city. Address V., 6624, care of Telegraph. Situations Wanted — Male WANTED Young, white man, 21 years of age, desires a position of any kind; can furnish best of reference. Address F„ 6707, care of Telegraph. WANTED P. C. P. graduate j wants relief work of any kind. Call 1 Bell phone 30U6R. Situations Wanted—Female WANTED Position to do general I ! housework, In private family. -Ap ply 32ii Cherry street. SITUATION WANTED A young, white gIU wishes a place in a small family. Address L., 6627, care of Tele graph. WANTED Girl, 15 years old, would like to have work between school hours. Apply 706 North Sev enth street. ! WANTED Refined, middle-aged ; woman would like to keep house lor [ widower; no objection to adult fam ily; in or out of city; reference ex changed. Address A. M. E., care of Telegraph. WANTED Woman would like po sition as chambermaid, or housework in small family. Mail only to S. G., 621 Kelly. WANTED Washing and ironing to do at home, and also day's work of any kind. Apply at 1115 North Cam eron street. City. Rooms For Rent ! FOR RENT One furnished room ! on second, also one on third floor; all j conveniences. Appl 1511 North Sixth j street, or call Bell phone 3671 W. [ FOR RENT Two rooms for light housekeeping. Call Bell phone IiO3M. FOR RENT Furnished suite, with j running water and all modern con veniences; also large single room; cen tral location; gentlemen only. Apply 324 North second street. 1 SECOND FLOOR front room; one or two gentlemen. Bell 4047 R. ROOMS Completely furnished'for light housekeeping, with running water and bath; good location. Apply 120 North Seventeenth street, Harris | burg, Pa. i FOR RENT—Nicely furnished, large, I light front rooms, single or ensuue. I Bell phone. Address North Sixtn ! street. j TWO unfurnished rooms, suitable 1 for light housekeeping; excellent loca | tion. Apply 1506 Stale street, City. I ROOMS Suitable for light house -1 keeping, furmslicu or unfuruisiied; use of phone and bath; private family; parK district; half block from .Reser voir car line; or will furnish singly to suit ohe or two ladies or gentle men; references required. Address W., 5111, care of Telegraph. LARGE, well furnished front room; lour windows; all conveniences and use of phone. Apply 110U Green street. FOR RENT One second tioor flont and two rooms in rear ot build ing, lurnished or uiuuruished. Ono leopeclaoie parties need apply. Rent very reasonable. Apply 321 Reily. Board and Rooms ROOMS FOR RENT with running water in rooms, wun first-class ooaru by meal, day or week. Meal XicKeis. 11101 North second street. Rooms —Board —Wanted i ■ CAPITOL EMPLOY'E, who travels, I wishes two unturmsiied rooms 111 j nice neignborhood. Auuress 11., u654, care of reiegiapn. ROOM AND BOARD WANTED for two rehned ladies with private fam ily, uptown; references exenanged. Ad tuiess W., ul' l3, care uf leiegiapn ui- I nee. Apartments .tor Kent FOR RENT l9Ol Market street, second floor apartment. Apply at .viarKet street. ONE housekeeping apartment; en tire second lloor; electric light and rias. loit Bri'gs street. -vfrs. H. I Henry. APARTMENT FOR RENT llO North second street, next to Y. M. C. A., third-story lront, lour rooms, batn, UHCK porch, iroul and back entrance; city steam lieai auu hot water tur nisheu; everything lirst-class and up -10-uate; reauy tor occupancy June 1. Apply B. Minier, first iiuor, ilo iSortn oucoud street. Both phones. ! FOR RENT—Apartment in Com memul .trust Company Builaing, !]U22-li2l North Thud street. Six looms. All conveniences. iu pui month. SECOND ST., 1700—Five and six looms with porch; most pleasuul and 'open surroundings in city. WELL-FURNISHED APARTMENT, four rooms and bath; all con veniences, including kitchen cabinets, gas ranges and use ot laundry; refer ence exchanged; no children; corner house. 342 south Sixteenth street. FOR RENT—Walnut stret. No. 132, second lloor rear apartments, three looms and bath, city steam. Posses sion April I. Apply to Commonwealth 'xrust Co. NO. 1417 VERNON STREET Five rooms, first lloor; all improvements; gas; steam; electricity. Apply IL'OB Chestnut street. Bell phone #24. 107 SOt-i'H FRONT STREET—Fust Floor Apartment; containing six rooms and bath; hardwood tloors; open fireplace; ail modem improve ments. Apply within to V. Lome Hunnnel. Apartments Wanted WANTED By refined couple, without children, nice, light, five or ■ six-room apartment. Must be well located. Address P. O. Box 163. Real Estate For Sale 345 S. FOURTEENTH STREET 8 rooms bath improvements lot, 20x150 ft. drive alley In rear. Will be sacrificed If sold soon. H. G. Pedlow, 3 South Thirteenth street. Want to Sell Your Business? No need to continue in a line you do not like or which is not paying you. Many a man can run a SIOO,OOO business, but couldn't make a corner grocery store pay. Get into the line of business to which you are adapted. The Business Opportunities col umns of TELEGRAPH Want Ads will help you. Call Beli 4100 or Dial 2135. Real Estate For Sale | ——————————— |. FOR SALE Regina Street, No. 1 10.l y-room frame house with all i improvements; side entrance; frame shop and drive alley in rear. Rented at $27 per month. Price, $2,900. J. E. , tipple, 1251 .Market street. r 0 . 31 FORSTER STREET 7 1001ns " —lot. -oxl2o ft.—is offered at $1,600. 1 Inspect it. H. G. Pedlow, 3 South 1 Thirteenth street. | FOR SALE I ON EASY TERMS , $2,800 — 610 Boas St. (improvements). 1 $2,700 — 623 Boas St. (improvements) I *4,000 637 Boas St. (improvem'entsi 1 $4,500 602 Forster St. (Impr i $6,000 333 Broad St. (Impr.J. $3,600 —222 Kelker St. (Impr.). I S2,SO0 —1635 Wallace St. (Impr.). I ♦ 1,1)00 —1230 N. Seventh St. (Impr.) I SI,SO0 — 100 N. Tenth St. (Impr i ♦ 1,600—1330 Wallace St. I $1,050—1407 Currant St. 3,500—ia26-l2s-l30 Elizabeth St $3,300 — 308 Cumberland St. ilmnr 1i ] $2,750 — 307 Muench St. (Impr.) ' 'll $2,100 430 Muench St. ' $1,600 —1705 N. Fourth St. )- CIIAS. ADLER, 1002 NORTH THIRD STREET. '< FOR SALE AT MECHANICSBURG I* A nice, nearly-new residential prop- M trty, modern, good-sized plot, two I' lire-proof garages facing on alley on 11 fear. Modern, lully-equipped chicken house, fruit trees, garden, etc. This! 1 place, a very desirable home, can be : uougnt at low cash price, or will ex change on a farm. A. C. Mead. Eighth Floor Union Trust Building, Harris-' burg Pa. ~ " "ll FOR SALE Frame house; 6 rooms,) j bath and all latest improvements; Hill ! section; paved streets. Rents for sl6. J Price, SI,BOO if sold at once. Apply : 37 South Front street, Steelton. 1930 SWATARA STREET Eight " rooms and bath. Lot, 30x120. Im provements. '52,400. Irwin M. Cassell, 1444 Regina street. EDGEMONT Two lots. 30x120. Price, $125.00 each. Easy terms. Wal ter L. Dowhower, 21 North Fifth street. Both phones. FOR SALE £322-2324 N. Fourth ! Street, 3-story bricks, finished In < chestnut and cypress; 9 rooms and i bath; cemented cellar; water; gas and 1 electric light; large front porches; I steam heat. Lots, 20x120 each. Drive 1 alley in rear. These properties are I exceptionally well built and linished. BRINTON-PACKER CO., Second and Walnut Sts. 1 — 1 FOR SALE Chestnut Street, No. 1 1931 New steam-heated house, with 1 side entrance and 20-ft. street in rear. 1 cannot be duplicated at present price. 1 Open for inspection. Price, $3,960. J. 1 E. Gipple, 1261 Market street. t NEW BUNGALOW FOR SALE at Camp Hill 7 rooms and bath gas electric light hot water heat cemented cellar best hardware and fixtures plot, 50x160. Bell Realty ■ Co., Bergner Building. j BUSINESS PROPERTY in new feec- " tion for sale—corner store room with large brick dwelling. Grocery stock ' and fixtures can be bought at inven- J tory. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Build- ! inf. FOR SALE Nos. 43'J and 441 Broad , street two dwellings with store ' loom in each, also large warehouse on ' the rear. Good business property. " Atut be sold to settle an estate. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. jj TAKE one more look at No. 23 J 1 North Seventeenth street. Owner | leaving town, will sell at a right ' price brick house all improve- " ments good location. Bell Realty I Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE Derry St., No. 1540 ; 1 3-story brick, steam-heated house; all 1 improvements. Lot, 20 by 180 ft. Garage on rear. Price, $4,7 50. J. E. GIPPLE, 1251 Market Street. ! FOR SALE BRIGGS ST., 271—1f. you want a nice awelling in a desirable neigh borhood. inspect this one. Price, $3,500. . CAMP ST.. 637. S. W. Corner Jelfer son This property, 3-story brick, 8 rooms and bath, all improvements, I, lot, 23x96, has been reduced $600.00. Price. $3,200. ELLERSLIE ST., 2348 214-story 1 brick and stucco dwelling; all im provements; lot, 18x110. Price greatly reduced. FIFTEENTH ST., N., 240 3-story brick corner dwelling; 10 rooms; bath; all improvements. This prop- 1 erty is in the best of condition and a bargain at the price, $3,675. NINETEENTH ST.. 718-720 lf you want an investment Inspect these two dwellings; 2 1 ,4-story frames, built 1 in pairs; 7 rooms; rents for $ll.OO 4 each. Price, each, $1,250. SECOND ST.. N., 1410 3-story , brownstone and brick dwelling; 9 . rooms; bath; all Improvements; lot, ! 18x113; suitable for garage. Price, $6,800. SECOND ST.. N„ 2830-2832 2V4- story brick and stucco dwellings; built in pairs; 8 rooms; bath; all Im- . provements. Price upon inquiry. TWENT V-FIRST ST., S„ 918 , Wholesale confectionery business 2\ 4 -story frame semi-detached dwell- , lng; 8 rooms; bath; Improvements; lot, 20x115. Warehouse 15x19 In rear; also a garage 16x20; 7-passenger au tomobile and a one-ton truck. Busi ness is paying good. Owner must quit on account of health. Price upon . inquiry. WEST FAIRVIEW . COTTAGES Two frame cottages , along creek. A delightful place to spend the summer; fishing and bath ing. Get off car at Falrview Avenue. - Prices, S2OO and $250. BACKENSTOSS BROS., Russ Building. Member Harrisburg Real Estate Board FOR SALE Plot corner Fourth and Woodbine atreeta. Very desirable for building purposes. Price Is right, A. C. Mead, Eighth Floor Union Trust Building, Harrisburg, Pa. Real Estate For Sale BUNGALOW AND HOME SITES on River Front, and other scenic loca tions, Washington Heights, Camp Hill, West Fairview, Enola and Oak Lane. Easy terms, $lO down, $5 monthly, icharles Davies, Room 204 Calder Building. Oflice open till 9 P. M. Bell 4377. Dial 4280. FOR SALE Suburban home on trolley line near Colonial Club. De lightlul location. One acre of ground, fruit trees, garden, hot bed, chicken houses up-to-date in every particular, will accommodate 1,500 chickens. House modern, nearly new, steam heat, electric light, hardwood iloors, etc., running water. Will consider exchange. A. C. Mead. Eighth Floor Union Trust Company Building. Har risburg, Pa. FOR SALE Several desirable building plots, both in city and su burbs. Bungalow sites, desirable farms close by. A. C. Mead, Eightn Floor Union Trust Building. Harris burg, Pa. HOUSE FOR SALE 3130 Main street. Penbrook, near Progress. Cheap to good buyer. For information inquire 1847 State street. FOR SALE—II 4 Washington street, corner River alley, two-and-one-half story frame; eight rooms and bath; all conveniences. Corner Bridge and Eighth streets, Elkwood, 2H-story frame; eight rooms and bath: all conveniences. The above properties will be sold at a bargain. Apply Keeney i. Simmons, New Cum berland For Exchange EXCHANGE Broke Beagle, 4 months' pup; violin and case; on 16- gaug'c shotgun or chickens. Ross Lehman, East Locust street, Meclian icsbuig, Pa. 1 Farms Wanted WANTED A small farm, of about 10 or 30 acres, soil adapted for truck ing, in Y'ork or Cumberland county, not more than 9 miles from Harris burg. Address X, 6625, care of Tele graphy Farms TWO in Dauphin County, one of 100 acres, the other 167 acres. Very pro ductive iron and limestone soil. All in good condition. Price and terms right. Also two Cumberland County farms of a 110 and 162 acres. Charles Davies. Room 204 Calder Building. Bell 4377. Office open till 9 P. M. THE McCOY FARM 15 acres; good productive soil for all purposes; good 11-room house; other buildings; fruit; on State road; 4 miles east of Linglestown; including teed and tools; price, $2,450. "Why" the house and garden alone are worth more to any one. C. B. CARE, Care's Store, Linglestown, or 409 Market street. Harrisburg, Pa. Real Estate For Rent FOR RENT No. 227 South street; three-story brick house, with eight vooms and bath. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR RENT Seven-room house, all improvements, lor S2O per month. Bin yard. Apply at Good Service Shoe Shop, 1631 Market street. FOR RENT Three-story brick dwelling. 11 rooms, all conveniences, furnished, from June 1, No. 227 Herr street. Apply at premises. FOR RENT A desirable house, seven rooms, electric light and a gar den, West Fairview, along river, fhone 3604J or 980 M. J. GRANT KOONS, 401 S. Thirteenth St., Harrisburg, Pa. 1 DWELLING part of Conservatory of Music, 607 North Second street; 9 rooms and bath; rent, $43, including steam heat. CHAS. ADLER. ' FOR RENT 1712 Market street, 10 rooms, brick house, bath, sun par lor, gas and electric light and hot water heat; possession June 1. Rent, S4O. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. 1810 MULBERRY ST, (Furnished House), 2Vi-s. b„ 6 r $35 MILLER BROS & CO. FURNISHED COTTAGE at Aque duct, can be rented fur the season. Good condition. Two Iloors, large porches. Immediate possession. Ap ply I 100 North Front street. Real Estate For Sale or Kent CAMP HILL SUBURB New bun galow; modern improvements; 7 rooms; lot, 60x175 feet; West Chest nut street. Apply J. F. Hempt, Camp Hill. Dial 6646. NORTH FTF'I'H STREET HOMES— Located at 2316-17-18-20 North I Paint. Largest Stock of Ready Mixed Paint In Harrisburg. FOR SALE, at Gables. 111-117 South Second street. Lawn Feno, Field Fence, Gates, Poultry Netting. Building Hardware, Piaster Boaru, Upson Wall Biu WUKTH FIFTH STHtihT. WHITE DETECTIVE AGENCY Trustee Hid*.—All kinds of detective woik Handled —one eye always open. BKLL PHONE 43ii>; UPHOLSTERING—And furniture re pairing, mattresses renovated and cusnions ot all kinds made. S. N. i Cluck. 320-826 Woodbine street, Phone QUININE —Look out for that grippe reeling, likely to catch you this changeable weather. OUK LAXATIVE PHOnPHO-QUININK will slave it off if taken in time. Gross .Drug Store ll'j Market street. Shoe Repairing SHOE REPAIRING Others fix 'em; we rebuild 'em. Your phone orders promptly attended to. uilite Shoe Repair Co., 14 S. Dewberry avenue. J. GORDON—SHOE REPAIRER Shoes called for and delivered; or worn uone while ycu wait. Address 1820 North Third atreet. Ueli phone 2642 J. Dial 6SUS. Undertakers SAMUEL S. FACKLER. FUNERAL DIRECTOR, 1312 Derry St. HELL 11)56. DIAL 2188. Cleaners and Dyers GOODMAN'S SANITARY STEAMING Cleaning, Pressing work. We do all kind ol repairing. All work guaran teed. Call and deliver. Both phones. 1306'/& North Sixth street. SEND your clothes to EGGERT'S CLEANING AND DYEING WORKS. 1245 Market street. We call and de liver. Both phonea. Hauling and Moving FOR HIRE—'At -ton Auto Truck. Quick service. Long or short distancea. Rates reasonable. Also jitney iur niie. Call Hotel Victor. Roth phones. BLUE LINE AUTO TRANSFER Piano moving a specialty. Hauling. Square dealing our policy. Ul7-A Capi tal St.. C. V. 6897, Bell 852 W. NATIONAL TRANSFER CO. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general hauling. H. \V. Lathe, Manager. Eighth street and R. R., New Cumberland. Bell pnone 3029 J. Storage STORAGE —Fireproof and non-fire proof warehouses. Private rooms for household goods, $2 a month up. Har risburg Storage Co., 437-445 S. 2nd St. STORAGE ln brick building, rear 408 Market. Household goods in clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. P. G. Diener, 408 Market street. STORAGE —419 Broad street, house hold goods, merchandise. Private rooms, sl-$3. Wagons. 75 cents month. I). Cooper & Co.. 417 Broad street. Both phones. Money lo Loan MONEY TO LOAN AT LEGAL RATES —On furniture, real estate and endorsed notes. Licensed by the State and under supervision of the Banking Department. Equitable In vestment Co.. Inc., Second Floor. 3 North Market Square. Established 1904. LOANS— *l6 TO 1300 If without bank credit and pressed for funds with which to meet immediate necessities, consult this licensed, bonded, supervised institution, financ ed and managed by local peo ple. CO-OPERATIVE LOAN & INVESTMENT CO.. 204 Chestnut St. Money to Loan I MONEY advanced to housekeepers I at legal rates; business confidential. Profit Sharing Loan Society, Spooner Building, 9 North Market Square. MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate security in any amounts and upon any terms to suit borrower. Address P. O. Box 174, Harrisburg, Pa. Automobiles ELECTRICAL GEAR SHIFT CAR. 6-cyllnder, 46-H.-F. Touring car, wire wheels, one spare; starter and lights, Pullman. Price, $500.00. A harguiu, or will exchange. W. W. Brcndllnger, Derry Church. Fa. EXIDE BATTERY SERVICE All makes of batteries recharged and repaired; work guaranteed. Auto repairing; electrical work a specialty. EXCELSIOR AUTO CO 11th and Mulberry Sta. REO AUTOMOBILE, 1914 model, tor sale, been overhauled lately; good running order; electric lights, sell i starter, etc. Owner needs money. | Price tor quick sale, |37i>. Call 912 .North Third street. OLD AUTOMOBILES We make a specialty in buy ing of Old Automobiles lor dismantling purposes. All pai is of some makes and some parts of all makes always on nand. LUUIA IRON & STEEL CO., 22-24-26 N. Cameron Street. Both phones. PILOT CHUMMY ROADSTER. 1917 model. Manufacturer's price, $1,200. uur price, 1,100. Call 912 North Third street. Bell 385 J. CURTIS A. STOUGH I Dealer in all kinds of second-hand i cars. Autos bought and sold. Ford cais a specialty. 82 South Cameron street. Bell 3688. OVERLAND USED CAR DEP'T. ROADSTER —Model 81, repaired, overhauled and guaranteed. .$525 11ERFF-BROOKS —G-cyl. touring; overhauled; bargain at s3iu PULLMAN 1916, 5-passenger touring; overhauled, electric lignts and starter $475 These cars are now on our show room lloor and we will gladly demonstrate same. THE OVERLAND-HAR RISBURG CO.. 212-211 North Second Street. EVERETT I9IS. in good condi tion. Price reasonable. A bargain. Stoiafte. repairing, oils, gas, etc, Conover'a Garage, 13u4 Howard atreet. Bell 4340 J.