Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 16, 1917, Page 15, Image 15

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I v; =— —_
A DANDY Marathon Roadster body,
|rlth mohair top und slip cover—gas
lank In rear, convertible windshield,
IVIII sacrifice for $25.00. A. Schtftmun,
17-29 North Cameron street. Bell
Iftone 1710, Dial 3060.
Dealer In all kinds ol' second-hand
tars. Autos bought und sola. Ford
irs a specialty.
82 South Cameron street. Hell 3588.
WHAT make ot used car du you
rant? We have hundreas of cars
Jsted —at the price you want to pay.
kddress "Autos," care of Telegrapn.
WANTED Automobiles for parts,
wrecked or old-timers, anywhere
Highest prices paid. Phone, write or
irlng car. Chelsea Auto Wrecking. 27-
i 9 Nortn Cameron stteet. Bell pnouo
,710, Dial 8060. A. Sclutfman.
1916 6-40 Chalmers, 7-passenger;
Ifke new. Reasonable.
1916 Reo; 6-passeiiger. Completely
tverhauled. Like new, $475.00.
1914 Ford. $240.00.
1913 %-ton truck. $250. Big bar
1916 6-passenger Haynes; new
aint; new tires. Snap at SI,OOO.
68 S. Cameron St.
REO AUTOMOBILE. 1914 model, for
ale; been overhauled lutely; good
unnlng order; electric lights, self
tarter, etc. Owner needs money,
•rice for quick sale, $375. Call 912
iorth Third street.
CADILLAC 1913 model, in A 1
onditlon. Price, SOOO for quick sale.
Cadillac Delivery car; overhuul
d and painted. s6ou for quick sale.
JOS. ALBERTS, 108 Market St.
clnd. If you cannot sell vour car, why
lot consign It to or exchange it witn
is for a better one. Our cnarges for
eliing are 5 per cent. only. No storage
barges if car is not sold. AUTO
'ARTMEN'f, 27-29 North Cameron
WANTED, TO BUY Second-hand
'Old Roadster, or ottier light car.
lust be In good condition with good
irej-, etc. Give price and full details
n ttrst letter. Address Box L. 4979.
are of Telegraph.
FOR RENT Fireproof garage—
-3.00 per month, located on Sassarras
treet. between Penn and Green. Ap
ly 201 Herr street. Bell 525 J.
ge space for rent", immediate posses
ion at $5.00 per month. W. H. Eby.
5 L'nion Trust Building.
Expert repairing on all kinds of i
utomobiles. Pullman Service Station.
82 South Cameron street. Bell 355&.
BLACK'S GARAGE —Live and dead ,
torage; new fireproof building; full
ne of Tires, Accessories. Repair shop ■
ext door. 203-205 S. Seventeenth St.
04-6 Muench street. Limousines for
unerals, parties and balls; careful
rivers; open day and night. Bell 4564.
'ourt and Cranberry streets; storage
•j day or month; moderate rates; 24-
.our service; repairs, gas, air.
Large brick building equipped with
est facilities for storu.au and care of j
ars. Repairing by experienced me
lianlcs. All work guai anteed. Let us
uote prices. BELL PHONE 1093\V. i
Motorcycles and Bicycles
ONE Twin-cylinder Indian, rebuilt, '
ewly painted. Good tires. With j
indem, SIOO.
One Twin-cylinder Indian, 5-H.-P., [
r ith clutch, S6O. Easy payments if
One 1916 Dayton, with side-car, j
ke new, $250. See this big bargain
t once. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North
hird street.
Indian. 7-H.-P., Twin. 3-speed, elec- :
ric equipped, rebuilt, a baigain, $175. j
Harley-Davidson, 11-H.-F., 3-speed, I
iectric equipped, with speedome- j
>r, SIBO.
Excelsior, 16 model, two, 3-speed, j
lectric equiped, with speedome- |
;r. $175.
Curtis, 7-H.-P., Twin, magneto and
iutcii. not rebuilt. $25.
lEAGY BROS.. 1200 ,N'orth Third St. ,
nd Harley-Davidson for sale cheap,
jst been overhauled; ull twin cylin- '
ers and in good condition. C. 11. |
hler, Seventeenth and Derry streets, i
nd see our selection before buying
asy payments if desired. Dayton |
ycle Co., 912 North Third street.
elect from; prices from slo up to sls,
isy terms; pay while you ride. Day-
En Cycle Co., 912 North i'hiiu street.
on-akld, 5x37, slightly used, $6.50; I
ne Q. D. non-skid, 4HX:I6, almost;
ew, sl2; Goodrich S. S., Afiti-skid, i'o
85. $8.00; two Firestone Q. D , plain i
•ead. 4x32, $5.00; one set wheels with
emountable rims, complete, size 4 4x I
4, $5.00.
R. H. Steering-gear, complete. $4.00 !
Galv. Tank, 120-gal. cape., new.sß.oo
top and side curtains for 1913
Reo, good condition $5.00 i
Windshield $4.00
Presto Tank y SB.OO I
ssortment of Auto Cushions, up
holstered. Will sell cheap.
Prune Ave. at Mulberry. Dial 4523. j
FOUR practically brand-new 32x3',j
res with tubes, t non-skid and 2
lain tread. Will sell for $30.00. A. j
chlffman, 27-29 North Cameron
treet. Bell phone 1710, Dial :;u6o.
our batteries charged and repaned
y a practical repair man. Satist'ac
on guaranteed.
912 North Third St.,
Bell phone 385 J.
uaranteed at reasonable prices. Call
nd give us a trial. Good Service Tire
0., 1019 Market street.
We allow for old otrcs, regardless ot
and condition; for—
-30x3, $2.10:
32x3H. $2.30; 33x4, $4;
36x514. $7.30.
►ther sizes In proportion. Wealnvlte
ou to investigate our proposition.
0.. Wlllard Service Station, Fourth
nd Chestnut streets.
>n Ave. Ford owner's service station,
•pairs, accessories. Flat rale on Ford
tpalrs. Work gua:anteed. Bell 401.
BRING your car lo us. Experts on
roltlon and carburetor troubles.
Ighest grade repair work. LEMOYNE
UTO SHOP. Lemoyne. Both phones.
ICE; general auto repairing and sup
lias. Battery recharging, Faul D.
MMV. lilt James street.
Accessories and Repairs
! GOODYEAR. Portage .4 Flsk Tire*,
i Storage, Ua, 1)11, Air. Never closed.
| Hex oarage, I VJ 7 North Third.
VULCAN IZINO Tires and Tubes
rebuilt. Work guaranteed. Auto Sup
plies, Accessoiies and factory seconds,
west End Service Station. 1717 North
-sixth street Hell phonp
Legal Notices
ESTATE of Kira S. Meals, late of
Third ftiul North streets, Harrisburg,
Dauphin County. I'a.. deceased. All
persona Indebted to said Estate are
requested to inako Immedlato pay
ment, nud those havlriK legal claims
will present them without delay. In
proper order tor settlement, to
Ad ininlstrator,
276 Briggs Stroet.
Or to Ills attorney,
Harrisburg, Fa., April 24, 1917.
testamentory on tho estate of Mrs.
Eleanor E. Brown, late of Harrisburg.
Dauphin County, Fu., deceased, having
been granted to the undersigned, re
siding In Harrisburg. Fa., all persons
Indebted to said estate are requested
to make Immediate payment, and
those having claims will present rhem
tor settlement.
1416 N. Second St.. Harrisburg, Fa.
Estate of Jessu B. Fast deceased,
on the above estate having been
granted to the undersigned, all per
sons indebted to the said estate are
requested to make payment, and those
having claims to present the same,
without delay, lo
27 North Seventeenth Street,
Or to Harrisburg, I'a.
217 Chestnut Street,
Harrisburg. Pa.
In the Court of Common Pleas of
Dauphin County No. 292 June
Trim. 1917.
NOTICE Is hereby given that appli
cation will be made to the übove
Court on 21st May, 1917, at 10 o'clock
A. XI., under the Corporation Act of
1874 of the Commonwealth of Penn
s- lvanla. and Its supplements there
to, for the approval of an amendment
and alteration of paragraph six of the
charter of the William Penn Highway ;
Association, tho character and object
of said amendment und alteration is
to Increase the Board of Governors
from fourteen members to twenty-two
The proposed amendment and al
teration Is now on lilu in the Pro
thonotary's Oftice.
Solicitor. !
UOfi Telesrraph Building,
Htirrisburg, Fenna.
' SEALED PROPOSALS for the sale
|,.f waste pap< r, for the y-ar ending
May si, 1918, will be received by the)
Superintendent of Public Grounds and i
Ituildlngs bis oftb e In the State
(Capitol Building. Harrisburg, Pa., un
it il o'clock noon of Tuesday, June!
.12. 1917, at which time the proposals j
will be opened and published in the I
l Reception Room of the Executive De
partment at Harrisburg.
Bidding blanks and all necessary in
formation can be obtained at this
Deputy Superintendent of Public ,
Grounds and Buildings.
By virtue of certain writs of fleri |
facias, levari facias, liberari facias, j
venditioni exponas and alias vendi- I
tloni exponas, issued out of the Court j
of Common Fleas and Orphans' Court I
ot Dauphin County. Pa., and to me di
rected, 1 will expose ul Public Sale or ■
Outcry, at the Court House, in the |
city of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, i
Pa., on Thursday, June i, 1917, at 2 j
o'clock P. M., the following real es
tate. to wit:
No. 1. "All that certain messuage. ]
tenement and tract of land situate in
South Hanover township. Dauphin j
county, Pennsylvania, and bounded j
und described as follows:
Beginning at a post and corner of
land now or formerly of George Base
hole: thence by land now or formerly .
.if Albert Landskrone, south three anil i
one-lialf degrees east eighty perches
to a stone; thence by lands of the j
same south seventy-four and one
fourth degrees west forty-nine !
perches to a stone; thence by lands <
now or formerly of John Hense north }
three and one-lialf degrees west
eighty-three perches to a stone: I
thence by lands now or formerly of ;
George Basehore seventy-four and
one-fourth degrees east thirty-three
and five-tenths perches to a chestnut
oak; thence by the same north eighty- I
live and three-fourth degrees east fif
teen and two-tenths perches to the |
place of beginning: Containing twen- |
ty-four acres and seven-eighths of an |
acre strict measure; having thereon,
erected a brick dwelling house, large j
frame barn and necessary outbuild- j
For title see the deed to S. 11. Zim- j
merman dated Dec. 28th, 1916, and re
corded in the Recorder's Office in and .
for Dauphin County in Deed Book I
"M," Vol. 16, page 578.
Sold as the property of Frank Au- i
fang with notice to S. If. Zimmerman i
and Franz Joseph, terre tenants, de- |
fen'da nts.
iWILMAM M. HARGKST, Attorney)!
No. 2. "All that two-story frame ,
house and lot of ground, situated on
the east side of North Second street. ,
and Known as No. 1319, in the City of*
Harrisburg, County of Dauphin and
State *f Pennsylvania, bounded and l
described as follows, to wit:
Beginning at a point on the east
side of Second street, above Say ford
alley, lhence in a line at right angles 1
with Second street, fifty-two <52) j
feet, more or Jess, to a post, thence In
a line parallel with Second street,
eleven <U> feet, more or less, to
post, thence in a line parallel with !
Sayford alley, fifty-two 5-> feet.;
more or less, to Second street, and
thence along Second street, eleven
ill > feet, more or less, to the place of
Sold as the property of W. D. Mark- I
ley, defendant.
(\VII,I,IAM M. HARGKST, Attorney)!
No. "All that certain lot or piece
of ground, lying and being in the j
First Ward of the City of Uarrisburg. |
bounded and described, as follows:
Beginning on Tuscarora street, sv- j
enty-six 176) feet and six I <sl inches!
from the corner of Race street, to the |
center of a three feet wide alley; .
thence along Tuscarora street, thirty
loo> feet to property now or lately of
Charles Buclier. thence in a straight
line to property now or lately of Hen
ry C. Buck, thence along said property ■
towards Race street, twenty-nine *2!* ;
feet, more or less, thence in a straight <
line towards Tuscarora street, twenty- {
six feet, thence at right angles
toward Race street, one foot and six j
inches to the centre of said three feet I
alley, thence along the centre of said
alley, to Tuscarora street, the place of j
beginning." Sold as the property of '
W. H Kohler. agent defendant.
<BKIDM:MAN K- Ill'l.U Attorneys)
No. 4. All that certain herein de- j
scribed lot of ground being nunibeiedj
with the No. 4 in tiie general plan of
I the new extension of the village of
Jacksonville, in the county of Dau
phin. and State of Pennsylvania,
bounded, limited, and described as fol
lows, to wit:
Beginning at a point in public i
| rood corner of lot No. 5, owned by I
I Aaron Wllbert now Jesse Sheet/;'
thence by line of said lot north C-' I
degrees east to an alley? thence by I
line of said alley south 70 feet to cor I
ner of lot of said t. W. D. Knders; i
♦hence bv line of said i?. W. D. Knders.
being lot No. S. Mouth 62V* degrees
west to a corner of said lot No. in
public road leading Fisherville;
thence by said public road north 7i
feel to the place of beginning; ''on- i
taining about 6,000 sii'iare feet of j
land, be the same more or leas, being
lot No. \ in the new extension of the
village of Jacksonville.
For title see Deed Book "V," Vol.
1 page HI S.
All that certain heroin described
tract of land being three lot. Not. 1,
„ s at r,„r. s rt ° f iot n °- b (p * rt ° f
F H 11 . #V keen gold by John
n'lKtrlih ? J V' keon Township School
extension ?S n,ral pUn of tho
*'Z- ille.i now "VXrlV"** of J " ck -
ScrlUe i. fouow, d ; t „ l wl't?" 1 Rml de "
n'"w!! ln ifos'KrrjltflMflr°K l aeor l K :
No tl || „,!S Kcrstetter, being tot
erv'illc W? ,lc .E°f)?. lea<,ln ff to Flsh
>n ani'i| *• 2 ort . h '.? 6 to ■ eorner
alon* sdS* oi, ot "r h V rch lot J thence
along satfl church lot 99 feet and
ffrv? 105 . f " nt ra * to 2s>
' in ihA IN" , thßn ? outh 90 feet
iJ- i f: c „ r tf r of lot of George )[um
of l -. l u W dei? r,tetter i thon °o by said
inn<~ n i ""Wees went to place of be
| ginning, containing 10987V4 square
i feet of Innd, jnore or less,
i For title 4 e deed book "O," Vol.
1-1, page *51.1
| All that Ureln described lot of
ground numbVed with the number
three in th guieral plan of the new
extension of tfy village of Jackson
-1 vUle. Count/ <A Dauphin, and State
| of PennsylvanlaAl>ounded, limited and
I described as 'ollxws, to wit;
Beginningat anoint in public road
leading to FlshervHi e; thenco by said
public road north keventy feet to a
point In nata road; tfcknce rant by lot of
John F. Helt, to a ten \, o t alley; thence
south on line of 4 alley, seventy
feet to a corner of Et\,|i Zimmerman
now Ira Snyder; theni south sixty
two and one-half (legr&p west to tho
place of beginning, coffining about
sixteen thousand squaroV oe t a { i ftn d
be the same more or lei; being lot
No. 3 In the new extensloAof the vil
lage of Jacksonville. \
For title see deed book "V" vol. 13
page 320. \
All that, certain lot of ground with
the necessary buildings thereof erect
ed, situated and lying in tin village
of Jacksonville, County of Bkuphin
and State of Pennsylvania. bonded
and described as follows, to wit;
Fronting 60 feet on the road lead
ing to Flshervllle, known as l>ont
•street, and extending In depth goo
feet, more or less, to an alley; bound
ed on the north by property of John
F. Helt, east by an alley, south by
property of Jesso Sheetz, west by pub.
lie road leading to Fishervllle, known
as Front street.
For title see deed book "Y," Vol. 13,
page 309, Sold as the property of Isaac
A. Kerstetter,, defendant.
(STROH, Attorney)
No. 3. All that certain piece'or parcel
of land situate in the Cit.v of Harrlsburg,
Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, bound
ed and described as follows: beginning
at a point on the northern aide of
Relly street at the line of property
now or formerly of the estate of John
Kgenrloder, deceased, said point being
efirhty-flve (S6 feet east of the east
ern side of Logan street; thence
northwardly at right angles to Reily
street, along said property of John
Egenrleder Estate seventy-eight (78)
feet to n point; thence eastwardly by
parallel with Reily street along the
property now or formerly of Annie
Cohen, twenty t - JA) feet more or less
to a point: thence southwardly at
right angles to Reily street, seventy
eight (TS) feet to Relly street; and
thence westwardly along Reily street,
twenty feet to the place of beginning;
having thereon erected a frame dwell
ing house No. 328 Reily street. For
title sec deed book "M." vol. 16. page
296. Sold as the property of Joseph X-'.
Kgenrieder. defendant.
(STROUP AND FOX, Attorneys)
No. (i. All those two certain tracts
or pieces of land situate in Dykens
township, in the county of Dauphin
and state of Pennsylvania, bounded
and described as follows, to wit:
First. Beginning at stones by land
of the estate of Abraham Ernest:
thence along said land 20 degrees
east .'.B perches and 4-lon of a perch
to stone; thence along the said land
north 78 degrees east -0.5 perches
to a white oak tree; thence along the
same south 20 S degrees east 39.6
perches to stones; thence along land
of Andrew Kngeiberd south iG de
grees west 42." perches to a black
oak; thence along land of \Vm. Weist
north 19' i degrees west S3 perches
to a tree: thence along the same land
south S5Vs degrees west 41.2 perches
to stones: thence along the same
north 43 degrees west 34.5 perches to
stones; thence along the same north
17 a i degrees east 32 perches to stones,
thence along land of Jonas Umholtz
north 80 degrees east 65.04 perches to
stones, and the place of beginning.
Containing 34 acres, 117 perches of
land, more or less.
Second: Beginning at the first,
which is bounded by lands of Short
Mountain Coal Co., the heirs of Jacob
Coleman, George Kmerick and for
merly by land of Joseph Umholtz;
containing 39 acres 51.27 perches of
land and marked "A" in the diagram
of said lot or piece of ground, also
a certain piece or tract of woodland,
situate in Dykens township aforesaid,
hounded by lands of Short Mountain
t'oal Company. Joseph Umholtz and
on the othev two sides by other lands
of the said George Kmerick. contain
ing 27 acres and 119.9 perches; also a
certain piece or tract of timber land
situate as aforesaid, bounded by lands
of Short Mountain t'oal Company, by
land of Joseph Umholtz, and on the
other two sides by lands formerly of
George Kmerick. containing 21 acres
4S;B parches and marked •'C" on the
said diagram: also a certain piece
or tract of woodland situate as afore
said. hounded by lands of Short Moun
tain t'oal Company, by lands former
ly of Joseph Umholtz and on the other
two sides by lands formerly of George
Kmerick, containing 23 acres 4.3
perches and marked "D" in said dia
gram: also a certain piece or tract
of woodland situate as aforesaid,
hounded by the Short Mountain Coal
Company, by lands formerly of ,To
stph Umholtz and on the other two
sides by land formerly of George Km
erick: containing 28 acres 98 1-5
perches and marked "K" on said dia
gram: also a certain piece or tract
of woodland situate as aforesaid,
bounded by lands of the Short Moun
tain Coal Company and land formerly
of Joseph UnihoHz and land formerly
of George Kmerick and Daniel Stine,
containing 40 acres 129.76 perches,
marked "F" on said diagram. The
said lots or tracts of land remaining,
and containing 126 acres more or less.
Sold as the property of Evkens Realty
Company, defendant.
(tV. K. lIKYERR, Attorney)
No. 7. All that property situated In
the borough of Dauphin, Dauphin
county and state of Pennsylvania,
consisting of three (31 lots or pieces
of ground, bounded anir described as
The first thereof starting at the
corner of Ra"e street (formerly Swa
tara street), thence north along Krle
street (formerly llarrisbtirg and Mil
lersburg turnpike), one hundred and
one feet (101) to land of David Hoff
man: thence west along said land of
David Hoffman about eighty feet (80)
to land of the Northern. Central Rail
way: thence south along said land one
hundred and one feet (101) to Race
street; thence east along said street
about eighty feet (80) to Erie street,
the place of beginning; thereon erect
ed a thtee story hotel, bakehouse, etc.
The second thereof adjoining Erie
street, fronting oil the north on Race
street, hounded by a millrace on the
south and the Northern Central Rail
way on |he west, being about eighty
feet (80) front on said Race street
arid about twenty-two feet (22) on
said Erie street. I
The third thereof lying on the east
side of Etie street, adjoining the pub
lic road leading up Stony Creek, and
the millrace, and being about two
hundred feet (200) long by twenty
two feet (221 on said Erie street hav
ing thereon erected a large frame
stable, etc. Sold as the property of
.Tone Sellers, defendant.
(I. P. BOWMAN. KKKD. Attorneys)
Xo. 8. All those certain two !ors or
pieces of ground situate in the Kiglitll
w a I'd of said Harrisburgr.'boundd ami
described as follows, to wit: Be
ginning on the southern line of State
street, eighteen feet westward from
the southwest corner of TToerner and
State streets, thence in a line at
l-iirh' angles to S/Hte street eight v-six
(SO feet more <jr less to the line of
a ten feel wide alley, thence west
ward forty six MO) feet along the
northern line Of said nllev to line
of lot of Frederick R. Smith, thence
northward along the said line of lot
of Frederick It. Smith
fe| more or less to State street;
tlience eastward along the southern
line of State street forty-six (Ifii
f"pt to the place of beginning. For
title sec Deed Hooks Vol. "W," Xo. 11,
page 141. and Vol. "K." No. 12, page
2M, and Will Book "S," nag* 9. Sold
as the property of W. Adin Rupp and
Kate D. rtunn defendants.
(I P. BOWMAN. RRKD. Attorneys)
No. 9. AH that certain lot or piece
of land situate in the Thirteenth ward
of tlie City of Uartlsburg. Dauphin
county, Pennsylvania, .hounded and
described as follows, to wit:
Beginning a a point on tlie norlli
c:'n line of Kllerslie street sixteen
(ISI feet i*sstwsrdly from the not-lh
lui corner oX EUersli# and Garfltld
streets! thence northwardly at
angles to Kllerslle street one hundred
and ten feet to Hyndlcate street;
thence eastward!/ along eald street
eighteen feet to line of property No.
2534 Kllerello street; thence south
wardly along said line through the
center of the partition wall between
said property and property herein
described one hundred ten feet to Rl
lerslle street! thence westwardly
along the northern line of Kllerslle
street eighteen feet to the place of
beginning. Thereon erected a tirlck
dwelling hjuse, No, 3331 Kllerslle
For title see Deed Book "O," Vol. 18.
fago 263. Sold as tho property of C.
'rank I.eonn&rd with notice to Mary
C. Kogarty and Rose C. Fogarty,
terre tenants.
(B. W. JACKSON. Attorney)
No. 10. All those certain three ad-
Joining lots of land situate In tho
City of Harrlsburg. In the County of
Dauphin and state of Pennsylvania,
bounded and described as follows, to
wit: Beginning on Balm street, at
the line of lot No. 06, now or late of
Mary Alberson, and running thenco
along Balm street, southwardly forty
eight (48) feet to line of lot No. 62.
on the plan of lots laid out by l>avtd
Mumma for Charles 11. Docker; thence
west along the line of said lot. at
right angles with Balm street rorty
elght (48) feet more or less to land
now or late of the Haehnlen estate;
thence north along the line of said
land forty-eight (4S) feet, more or
less to line of said lot No. 66; thence
east along the line of said lot forty
(40) feet more or less to the place of
beginning. Being lots 63, 64 and 65
on the plan aforesaid.
Improvements, a three-story frame
dwelling house with tin roof, which
house is about 24 feet fronting on
said Balm street by about 38 feet deep,
and Is now known as No. 144 Balm
street. Sold as the property of Rev.
Solomon Porter Hood, defendant.
Seized and taken into execution and
to be sold by
Sheriff's Office, Ilarrisburg, May 16,
Conditions of Sale—The highest and
best bidder to be the buyer.
Terms—The purchaser shall be re
quired to pay $50.00 of tile amount of
his bid when the property shall have
been knocked off to him under $500.00;
.above that amount ten per cent, of the
purchase money, and the residue be
fore the confirmation of sale by the
|Court. If the purchaser fails to corn-
Ply with the terms of sales the prop
erty will be resold at his cost.
Personal Investigation
|The Editor of oar Invcatineßt Sum
insry ban Jusf returned from a two
(weeks' (our of Inspection of tk
i His observations and conclusions,
as sat forth in a special report Jut
Supplementing this, we bay*
prepared an sx24-mcb DrocUre,
containing about fifty half-ton*
pictures descriptive or the pe
troleum Industry In Oklahnm.
| which is equivalent from an In
structive standpoint ;o a
and of Immeasurable value to in
vestors Interested in Cosden Oil *
Gas, 3tnclair Oil & Refining,
Okmulgee, Oklahoma froduclna a
Refining. Sequoyah Ossgi-Ilominy
and other active dlvtrt%>j paying
oil companies. •
Copy SwH on Request.
Specialists In Dlvldentl-raj-tK 0 U
Miners Hank Bids.
Wilkes-Bar re. Fa.
Bell Phone 1488.
W. H. G
General Agent Globe
Indemnity Co.
Representing' Ten
Standard Companies
11. 1,. IIITRKI.EY, Manager
Room 205 Bergncr lltiilriing
First Lien 6%
Gold Bonds
Tax Refundable in Penna.
Free From Normal Income Tax
Well secured by
property and pro
tected bv substan
tial and depend
able earnings.
A direct obliga
tion of the United
States Public Ser
vice Co.
To Yield Over 6 Per Cent.
l>eM*rl|>(ive Circular on Hequent
William P. Bonbright & Co., Inc.
>li linger
437 Chestnut St.,
I Mew York lloston Chicago
Detroit l.ondon Purls
William P. Bonbright & Co.
| ' Bonbright & Co.
I Non-greasy Toilet Cream—Keeps
t'.e Skin Soft and Velvetv in
Hough Weather. An Exquisite
Toilet Preparation. 26c.
HI \. Third St.. and P. R. It. Statlaa
- —tr—-
iCbas. H. Mauk"
Leaders Rise Appreciably Over Yesterday's Final Quota
tions; Foremost Features Average Advances of a
Point; Rails Not Materially Altered
By Associated Press
New York, May 16.—(Wall Street)
Less restraint ivas observed at the
opening of to-day's market, most lead
ers rising appreciably over final quo
tations of the previous session. Indus
trial Alcohol, Shippings, Crucible and
Bethleheny Steels and Republla Iron
were the foremost features at aver
age advances of a point. U. s. Steel
gained a large fraction and some of
the less prominent equipments were
moderately higher. Ralls were not
materially altered and tractions seem
ed Inclined to throw oft their recent
depression. A decline of 3H points In
Associated Oil was the only note
worthy setback.
A letup In the pressure against
rails and tractions and an advance
in rubles caused a general covering
of shorts In the forenoon. U. 8.
Steel led the advance rising 1 % to
118. Meanwhile independent steel
and Iron shares rose 2 to 7 points.
Superior Steel featuring that group.
Among specialties the movement was
irregular. Sugars lost more ground,
Alcohol reacted almost 2 points and
Pullman as much. Gains of 1 to 2
points in General Electric, Central
Leather, Baldwin Locomotive, U. S.
Rubber and Mexican Petroleum were
well maintained. Rails also dis
played greater firmness. Bonds, in
cluding United States governments,
were heavy.
Chandler Bros. & Co., members
New York and Philadelphia Stock
Exchanges, 3 North Market Square,
Harrlsburg: 1338 Chestnut street,
Philadelphia; 3 4 Pine street, New
York, furnish the following quota
New York, May 16.
Open. 2 P. M.
Allis Chalmers 24 25M
Amer Beet Sugar 90 7 ' 90
American Can 42% 44
Am Car and Pound... 66 66%
American Locomotive 66 68
American SmelUng ... 97 V 4 99
American Sugar 109 109%
Anaconda 77 M 78%
Atchison 99ij 99 Ms
Baldwin Locomotive .. 55% 57%
Baltimore and Ohio .. 68% 68%
Bethlehem Steel 131 131
Butte Copper 4 3 43
Canadian Pacific .... 158% 159%
Central eLather ... 84 85%
Chesapeake and Ohio. 56% 56%
Chi. Mil and St Paul.. 70% 72
Chino Con Copper ... 53% 53'%
Col Fuel and Iron .... 45% 50%
Consolidated Gas .... 105% 105%
Corn Products 23% 24%
Crucible Steel 66% 67%
Distilling Securities .. 16% 16%
Erie 23 23%
General Motors ...... 105 105%
Goodrich B F ... 49 49
Great Northern pfd .. 103% 103%
Great Northern Ore su 31 32%
Inspiration Copper ... 55 56%
Interboro Metropolitan 9% 9%
Interboro Met pfd .... 52% 52%
Kennecott Copper .... 44% 44%
Kansas City Southern. 3 9 19%
Lackawanna Steel ... 86% 87%
Lehigh Valley 61 60%
Maxwell Motors 50% 50%
Merc War Ctfs 27% 27%
Merc War Ctfs pfd ... 79% 79%
Mexican Petroleum .. 89% 90
Miami Copper 39 *39%
Midvale Steel 56% 58
New York Central .... 87% 88
N Y. N H and H 38 38
NY, Ont and Western 21% 21%
Northern Pacific 100% 100
Pennsylvania R R. .. . 52 52
Railway Steel Spring.. 48 48%
Ray Con Copper 28% 28%
Reading 85% 87
Rep Iron and Steel ... 81 82%
Southern Pacific 90% 91%
Southern Railway ... 24% 24%
Studebaker 88 88%
Union Pacific 133 134
V S I Alcohol 126% 126
V S Rubber 54% 54%
111 S Steel 117 IIBT2
U S Steel pfd 117 117
Utah Copper 112% 113%
Va- Carolina Chem ... 43 43
Westtnghouse Mfg ... 48% 49%
Willys-Overland 27% 27%
New "Dope" Bill Out
of Health Committee
Pennsylvania's proposed new j
"dope" law, a combination of sev- 1
eral bills, was reported favorably by |
1 the public health and sanitation;
committee of the House to-day. ,
The bill forbids "the possession, j
1 control, dealing in. giving away, de- j
livery, dispensing, administering,'
prescribing and use" except under
a few exceptions of any narcotic
drug. Physicians, dentists and vet
erinarians must keep records of all
prescriptions for "dope" and they
cannot prescribe for addicts except
under the directions o fthe State 1
Department of Health. The penal
ties for violations are high, for any- j
one found illegally trafficking in the
drugs is liable to ,-v $5,00 fine of five
I years in jail. Violators of other
provisions of the bill are subject to
$1,000 fines.
Captain Henry M. Stine, county
commissioner, 21 South Font street,
fell yesterday afternoon at the Har
rlsburg Country Club grounds, injur- ]
I ins his left hand. An X-ray will be
i taken to determine whether any
bones have been fractured.
9 Out of 10 Cases Pain and
Soreness in Back Not Due
to Kidneys, But Muscular
Rheumatism or Neuritis.
Stop drugging. So many people
think they have kidney trouble and
stfert right in taking drugs, which
does more harm than good. Don't
hesitate and suffer; get a jar of Cam
phorole and while applying you will
wonder what became of your imag
ined Kidney trouble. The remarka
ble success of Camphorole is due
to the scientific combination of oil
of wintergreen. menthol, camphor
ar.d other valuable ingredients. The
medical profession and medical pa
pers testify to their grea{ curative
Recommended for Lumbago, Neu
ralgia, Croup, Hay Fever, Headaches,
Pleurisy and Broncho Pneumonia.
At all druggists, 25c and 50c jar.
By Associated Press
Philadelphia, May 16. Wheat
No market.
Corn Market lower; No. 8, yel
low, $1.78®1.79; No. 4, yellow, $1.76®
1.77; No. 5, yellow, $1.74®1.76.
Oats The market is lower;
No. 2, white, 80® 81c; No. 3, white, 78®
Bran Market dull; soft winter,
per ton. $43.50®44.50; spring, per ton,
Refined Sugars Steady; pow
dered. 7.60 c. tine granulated. 7.60 c;
confectioners' A, 7.40e.
Butter—Market firm and higher;
western, creamery, extras, 40®41c;
nearby prints, fancy, 43c.
Kggs Market firm and higher;'
Pennsylvania anu other nearby mats
free cases, $10.65 per case; do., current
receipts, free cases, $10.42% per case;
western, extra, firsts, free cases, $10.65 ,
per case; do., firsts, free cases, $10.35
per case.
Live Poultry—The market is steady;
(owls. 24®. 25c; staggy roosters,
ni®2oc. olu roosters, lti(il7c; spring
chickens, 33@38c; ducks, 17@21c;
Beese, 19 ((f) 22c.
Dressed Poultry The market Is
steady; fowls, fancy, do.,
good to choice, 25825%c; do., small
sizes, 22 <t(> 24c; old roosters, 21c;
roasting chickens, western. 23®28c:
broiling chickens, western, 20®32c;
broiling chickens, nearby, 50(<66c;
spring ducks, nearby. 23®25c; do.,
western, 22(if)24c; geese, nearby 19
®2lc; do., western, 18®20c; turkeys,
fancy, large, nearby. 32®33c; do.,
western, fancy, large, iz®3ilc; do..
western, fair to good, 30® 31c; do.,
common, 24®27c; uo.. old loins. 2a®
Potatoes The market Is steady;
Pennsylvania choice old, per bushel.
$2.7541)3.25; New York, per bushel,
$2.75® 3.25; Maine, per bushel, $2.75
®3.25; western, per bushel, $2.00®
2.25; Jersey, per basket, $1.50 m 1.7 a;
Florida, new, per barrel, $10.00@11.00.
Flour Market dull and lower;
winter straights. $1:i.50®14.00; Kan
sas, clear, $13.00@13.75; do., straight,
$13.75® 14.50; do., patent. $14.50®15.25;
spring firsts, clear, $12,50® 13.00; do.,
patent, $12.50® 13.00; do., favorite
oraiuls, sls.7sitt 16.50.
Hay Choice, scarce and firm;
No. 1 large bales, $21.00®21.50; No. 1,
small bales, $21.00® 21.50; No. 2, SIB.OO
©19.00: No. 3. $14.00015.UO; sample,
slo.oo® 12.00. ,
Clover mixed—Light mixed. slß.oo®
19.00; No. 1, do., $17.00®17.50; No. 2,
do., $14.00® 15.00.
By Associated Press
Chicago, 111.. May 16. Cattle
Receipts. IS.000; steady. Native beet
cattle, $!i.50®;:!.70; stockers and feed
ers. $7.60® 10.4U; cows and heifers,
$6.65® 11.60; carves, $9.75®11.25.
Sheep Receipts. 10,000; strong.
Wethers, $12.35 ® 15.15; lambs. $15.10
Hogs Receipts, 25,000; unsettled
at about yesterday's average. Bulk of
sales, $16.00® 16.30; light. $15.15®
16.25; mixed, $15.65® lli.40; heavy,
$15.65® 16.40: rough, $ 15.65® 15.80;
pigs, $10.50® 14.50.
By Associated Press
Chicago, 111., May 16., — Board of
Trade closing:
Wheat—Jflly, 2.20; September. 2.07.
Corn July, 1.52%; September,
1.44 'i.
Oats —Julv, 65; September, 56.
Pork—May, 38.50: July, 38.65.
I.ard—July, 22.75; September. 22.85.
Ribs —July, 20.77; September. 20.93.
Capitol Hill Notes
Conscience Fund. State Treas
urer Kephart to-day received a check ,
for $3,000 from the Rev. Joseph H.
Stringer, a Pottsville priest, who
stated that he. sent it to the treasury
as a "conscience fund' payment for
a parishioner.
Chambcraburg; Justice. S. A.
Small was 10-duy appointed a jus- |
tice of the peace for Chambersburg. 1
Complaint Filed. The Public
Service Commlsioner to-day received ]
a complaint from the Grove Elertric j
Company that the Eastern Pennsyl
vania Light, eHat and Power Com
pany was encroaching on territory. I
Ex-Member Here. Ex-Repre
sentative Carey Schuck, of West- j
moreland, was at the Capitol relative
to highway appropriations.
Nelson Case Up. The applica
tion fora rehearing of the John Nel
son murder case from Wyoming was
presented to the Board of Pardons
London. May 16. —Photographers 1
were forbidden to take pictures of
the scenes incident to the dedicatory
set vices at St. Paul's Cat hedral in
honor of the entry of the United
States into the war, a fact which j
has aroused the indignation of news- ,
papers and photographers. Press j
photographers who attended the |
ceremonies 'were placed 011 their |
honor not to take pictures of any
feature of the service, either inside
or outside St. Paul's cathedral. The
only picture of the King and Queen
was secured by an amateur photog
rapher who was concenled behind a '
chimney on the roof of a building |
along the parade route.
Mexico City, May 16.—Export of I
crude oil from the Tampico field in |
March exceeded those of the next
largest month in the history of the
k (teld bv over 500.000 barrels. It
amounted to 2,587,000 barrels.
Former Vivien Gould
to Nurse Rumanians
• ...
I vi*
Lady Decjes, th<> former Vivien
CJould. daughter of Mr. land Mrs.
George J. Gould, of New York, is to
go to Romania with a British hos
pital unit, according to reports from
London. l.ad> 1>..,1cs Is n ninmlfor or
the Scottish Women's l^osultsd.
MAY 16, 1917.
A Jk ( 1 >
*DAV STAR It r 1
t' •*%. 'Winiiiii 11 iniiwtaBtaiwwwßMMMMMMiMwsaawwwi avisaw wmmtzmmM
In order to servo her country as her husband and son are doing. Mrs.
Allen Potts, noted horsewoman, of Gordonsvllle, Va., will sell her stable of
thoroughbreds and tender her services to the Government. Mrs. Potts is a,
well-known figure in horse show circles and has ridden nianv hlue ribbon
winners. Her husband. Major Allen Potts, will have charge of the training
cilnip at Petersburg, Va.. where 30,000 men will be trained, lie son is a.
student at the Virginia Military Institute and will soon enter the army. Tho
photograph shows Mrs. Potts and her blue ribbon winner, Day Star 11.
German Socialist Leader
Says Revolution Must
Follow Kaiser's Course
Berlin, via, London, May 16.—The
Socialist leader. George Ledeour, de
clared in the Reichstag to-day that It
was imposible for Germany to win a
war of subjugation and expressed the
conviction that a revolution must
happen in Germany as It had happen
ed in Russia.
"We shall propose a constitutional'
comittee," he said, "to take prepara
tory steps in the direction of Intro
ducing a republic in Germany."
A significant feature of the session
was the introduction into their re
marks by Philipp Scheldemann, the
Socialist Democratic. leader and
tieorge I.eclebour. Independent, with
references to a possible revolution in
Germany. Ilerr Scheidemann Intimat
ed that If the British and French
renounced the idea of annexation and
Germany insisted on annexing terri
tory. (here would e a revolution. This 1
resulted in indignant repudiation hy
a large section of the house, and Herr
Scheldemann hastened to say it had
not gone so far as that yet.
Herr I-edeour, however, declared
that a public must soon be establish
ed in Germany and that this party
would propose that a constitutional
committee Jake preparatory steps in
that direction.
Architects of State
Endorse Licensing Bill
The annual convention of the
Pennsylvania State Association of
Architects was held at the Bolton
Hotel yesterday, delegates from each
of the chapters in the state being
The bill recently Introduced Into
the Legislature, providing for the li
censing of architects, was endorsed.
The association pledged itself to
conduct an investigation among the
presidents of the thirty-seven uni
versities of the United States con
ferring degrees in' architecture, on
their attitude toward conducting
more popular lectures.o ntlie subject
of architecture and on other ways
pnd mens calculated to mako archi
tecture a part of a liberal education.
New officers are: Albert Kelsey,
president, Philadelphia; Frederick A.
Russell, vice-president, Pittsburgh;
W. A. Plack. secretary, Philadelphia,
and M. J. Kast, treasurer, Harrls
Men's Bible Class Is
Using Planing Mill to
Make Articles For Bazar
The "Men of Memorial" to se
cure money for the purchase of a
be used by the Men's Bible
.Class, are going to have a bazaar at
which articles made by the-men will
be for sale.
Prof. J. F. Reese of Technical
High School is chairman of the com
mittee in charge and the man have
been busy manufacturing articles for
the affair. Earl Spangler lias placed
his planing mill on North Seventh
street at the disposal or the commit
tee and they have been busy there
making ironing boards, sleeve
boards, swings, etc.
The fair will be held in the annex
of Memorial Lutheran church Fri
day evening, and a varied list of ar
ticles. including porch and window
boxes, porch swings, wash benches,
ironing boards, sleeve boards, tab
ourets, shirtwaist "toxes, fishing rods,
salt boxes, etc., will be on sale.
The House reconsidered and then
defeated the Maurer bill to allow
second and third class cities to en
gage in dairying and farming. The
Walker bill providing that the state
might condemn road building ma
terial along roods was defeated after
a prolonged debate.
Mexico City. May 16.—The export
duty on dye woods from Mexico has
been reduced to five pesos a ton.
For Sale at a Sacrifice
The RICH WINE Summer Cottage
fine of the nicest summer homes round about Harrisburg.
Beautiful, healthful location,
cent view. Some of the best people as your neighbors—large
comfortable home—spacious porches. Fireplace In living
room, 5 bedrooms, bathroom, electric lights. Fine spring of
water on premises. 6 minute walk from trolley; 6c. fare to
Harrisburg. '
Soo This Property Don't Miss This Opportunity
Small Payments—Terms to Suit Purchaser
A pasago at arms between Speaker
Baldwin and Mr. Cox, Philadelphia,
enlivened consideration of the ball to
permit fox hunting In York county.
The bill was presented by Mr. Spang
ler, York, who has gone to
Niagara, and Mr. Hess, Lancaster,
called it up for him. Messrs. Phillips,
Clearileld; Doll. Huntingdon; Clark,
York; Davis, Cambria, and others
fought the bill and Speaker Baldwin'
urged its passage as a compliment to
the absent member. The bill got 84
votes, or 20 short. The clash occurred
when Cox objected to a member be
ing recorded.
Headache Depression?
Headaches and depression may be
due to several causes. Perhaps yours
mystifies you? May be kidney and
bladder disorders is the cause? If
so, yoti surely want relief and res
Indiscretions in eating and drink
ing bring on such troubles very grad
ually, sometimes—at other times
will bring the desired benefit if such
symptoms are present as these: If
the secretion that passes is highly
colored, strong of odor, insufficient
or too copious, followed by pain,
burning, irritation, smarting, etc. If
chills or fever come and go, if the
head aches, the eyes burn and gen,-
eral discomfort and nervousness be
siege you.
No secret, not new, just right and
true. Sold by all druggists.
School of Commerce
Troup Building; 15 So. Market Sq.
Day and Night School
Bookkeeping, Short linnd, Monotype,
Typewriting: mid I'eninnniihlp
Bell 48S Cumberland 430.1
Office Training School
Kaufman Bldg. * S. Market Sq.
Training That Secures
Salary Increasing Positions
In the Office
Call or send today for Interesting
booklet. "The Art of Uettlnic Along
in the World." .Bell phone 649-R.
Harrisburg Business College
A Reliable School, 31st Year
329 Market St. Iffirrivburg, INI
Do You Neglect Them
Fitted £
Right wffiEP' n
Thorough eye V > I f
examination S \
methods. High grade work at
low prices.
Eyesight Speelnllnt
I The Most Efficient
Constipation Medicine . I
vascaßAyal Pilll
I Because Cheap, Pleasant ■