Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 12, 1917, Page 16, Image 16

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Dr. Hawes Will Preach on
Special Subject; Session
to Meet
At the Market Square Presbyter
lan Church to-morrow morning the
Jtev Dr. George Edward Hawes, will
jpreach a Mothers' Day sermon on the
theme "Mother's Bible." The choir
\vill Bing "Blessed Bo the Lord," by
Parker. The evening sermon will be
"Making Jesus Christ a Conven
ience." . ...
The junior department of the
Sunday school of which Miss Rober
ta Orth is superintendent, will ob
serve "Parents' Day," with appro
priate exercises.
The Christian Endeavor prayer
meeting at 6.30 o'clock will be led
l>y Miss Bessie March. It will be a
iiuiet hour service, the subject being
"Fellowship With God." This will toe
meeting of special interest to the
.Endeavorers who are "Comrades of
the Quiet Hour," who have pledged
themselves to spend at least lifteen
minutes each day at some regular
time in quiet communion with God
and in meditation upon sacred
The Advanced Light Bearers will
hold the last meeting of the society's
year on Monday afternoon at 4.30.
Miss Dorothea Davis, the president,
■will lead the meeting, the theme for
fctudy being "Cuba and Porto Rico."
Session to Meet
The session will hold its monthly
meeting on Monday evening at 7.30
In the church parlor.
The Young Women's Missionary
Society will meet Tuesday evening at
7.45 in the lecture< room. Miss Ivy
Huber will read a paper on "The
Word in Siam and Laos." Mrs. Mel
"vin Menges, of Lemoyne, formerly
a missionary of the' United Evan
gelical Church, in Porto Rico, will
speak on "Our Island Neighbors."
At the prayer meeting on Wed
nesday evening at 7.30, Dr. Hawes
will speak on "The Theme of the
Bible." On Friday afternoon at 3, the
Women's Home Missionary Society
will meet with Sirs. J. A. Underwood
and Mrs. C. E. Fritcher as hostesses.
Mrs. W. T. Scheffer, the first vice
president, will preside. Miss Martha
Means will lead in the discussion of
the topic, "Porto Rico and Cuba."
Troop 11, Boy Scouts of America,
Scoutmaster Edward Manser, will
meet at 7. A beautiful regulation pa
rade flag will be presented to the
troop by Dr. Charles S. Rebuck,
father of one of the wcouts.
It is of the utmost impor
tance to plant the best quality
Seed Potatoes, grown espe
cially for Seed purposes, free
from disease, true to name,
bred to yield then you get
a crop worth while your
purpose of planting is to get
the crop so do not prevent
success of your very purpose
by planting ordinary potatoes
offered as seed potatoes you
cannot afford to risk your crop
this year of all years.
Wc Have Them Fop Yon
Walter S. Schell
1307-1309 Market Street
Harrisburg, Pa.
New Jersey
How Do You Spend Your Vacation?
Do you enjoy surf bathing, or is fishing
your hobby f Are you a keen golfer,
or would you prefer to go sailing?
Whatever your choice, there is no doubt
that you appreciate good weather,
genial sunshine tempered by bracing
breezes and congenial surroundings.
Come along, then, to Cape May County,
where these condition* are the rule
and spend your vacation either at
Wildwood Crest Ocean City Avalon
Cape May Sea Isle City Wildwood
SoathCapeMay Peermont North Wildwood
CapeMayPoint Stone Harbor Townsead'slnlel
or Strathmere (Corson's Inlet)
Cape May County offers ideal advantages to
the fanner. It will pay you to investigate.
For full information write to
f Clerk County Board of Freeholders
I Federal
|| Machine j|
Court and
Cranberry Sts.
! > We have just opened a General 11
!! Repair and Machine Shop at ! >
! > the above address. We are spe- ! >
! i cially equipped to do grinding, ! >
! > bicycle, automobile and general | >
! > machine repairing.
ij Your Patronage ij
City Will Send Big
Delegation to Convention
Bert E. Rudolph, president of tlio I
Philadelphia Christian Endeavor!
Union and his statT of officers are'
already making plans for the State
convention which will be held in
the Quaker City in July.
Between 15,000 and 17,000 dele
gates are expected to be present at
the convention. All local endeavors ,
will be well represented at the ses-;
sions. Arrangements are now on-1
der way by a number of societies in
the city to take large delegations to I
Philadelphia at the time of the con-'
Paxton—The Rev. Harry B. King.
11, "Obligations of Parents to Chil-)
dren"; 7.30, "Obligations of Children j
to Parents"; Sunday school, 10.
Pine Street—The Rev. Lewis Sey
mour Mudge, D. D. 10.30, "Thej
Model Father," Matthew 20:20. 7.30,1
"The Model Mother," John 19:27.1
1.40, Church Sunday school.
Bethany, Cameron and Cumber
land Streets—The Rev. John M.
Warden, pastor, will preach at 7.30,
"The Christian's Position in the
World." Sunday school at 9.
Division Street—Sunday school at
3. 7.30, evening service. Preacher,
the Rev. John Yates.
Market Square—The Rev. George;
Edward Hawes, D. D„ the Rev. :
George Snavely Rentz, assistant.!
Sunday school, at 9.45. 11, Mother's
Day service, "Mother's Bible," 7.30,!
"Making Jesus Christ a Conven-1
Camp Hill — The Rev. Raymcul A.
Ketchledge, will preach both morn
ing and evening. Sunday school at
Covenant The Rev. Harvey
Klaer, pastor, will preach at 10.30,
"The Christian and Amusements,"
and at 7.30, "Penknifing the Bible."
Sunday school at 2.
Immanuel—The Rev. H. Everett
Hallman, pastor, will preach at 10
and at 7.30, "I Can." Sunday school
at 11.15.
Calvary—The Rev. Frank P. Mac
kenzie. 10.15, "The Dispensation of
the Gospel." 7.30, "Songs of Deliv
erance." Sunday school at 9.
Westminster—The Rev. E. E. Cur
tis, pastor. 10.30, "Some Mothers of
the Bible." Sunday school at 1.45.
7.30, "An Important Phase of the
Liquor Question," from the point
of view of a physician.
Capital Street—The Rev. B. M.
Ward will preach at 12.30 o'clock.
Parent's Day program. Address by!
W. Justin Carter. Evening worship
at 7.30.
Otterbein —The Rev. S. Edwin
Rupp, D. D., pastor, will preach at
11, "Truest Friendship," and at 7.30,
"Our Present Duty." Sunday school
at 10.
First —The Rev. N, L. Linebaugh,
pastor, will preach at 10.30, "A
Mothers' Day Service," and at 7.30, |
"The Christlike Christian." Sunday
school at 1.45.
State Street—The Rev. E. A. G.j
Bossier, pastor, will preach at 10.45,1
"The Promise of Eternal Life," antt:
at 7.30, "The Barren Fig Tree." Sun
day school at 9.30.
Derry Street—The Rev. J. A.
Lyter, D. D., pastor, 10.30 and 7.30,
sermons by the Rev. J. T. Spangler,
of Lebanon Valley College. Sunday
school at 2.
Sixth Street—The Rev. Joseph
Daugherty. 10.30, "The Power of a
Godly Mother's Lite." 7.30, "A Life
Worthy of the Gospel." Sunday
school at 1.45.
Second —The Rev. Harry Nelson !
Bassler, pastor, will preach at 11
and at 7.30. Sunday school at 9.45. i
St Andrew's, Penbrook. The|
Rev. W. R. Hartzell, pastor, will I
preach at 10.45, "My Mother," and
at 7.30, "Prayer and Soul." Sunday
school at 9.45.
Reformed Salem—The Rev. Ellis
N. Kremer, pastor. 11 a. m. and 7.30
p. m. Sunday school at 9.4 5.
St. John's —The Rev. G. W. Hart
man, pastor, will preach at 10.45,
"The Sacredness and Responsibility
of Motherhood," and at 7.30, "Why
Jesus Went Away." Sunday school
at 9.30.
Fourth —The Rev. Homer Skyles
May. 10.45, "God".-. Army," Mothers'
Day observance; 7.45, "Approved
Unto God"; Sunday school, 9.30.
Maclay Street—The Rev. Dr. Wil
liam S. Houck, pastor, will preach at
11, "The Mother of Jesus Was
There," and at 7.30, "Three Times a
Day." Sunday school at 9.45.
Camp Hill —The Rev. D. S. Shoop,
pastor, will preach at 10.30, "Moth
ers' Day" sermon and at 7:30, "The
Stranger." Sunday school at 9.30.
Fourth Street—The Rev. William
N. Yates. 10.30, "Our Memory
Mothers." 7.30, "Our Mothers and
Our Country." Sunday school at 1.40.
Pleasant View—The Rev. George
W. Harper. Sunday school at 9.45.
10.45, "Our Mothers. 7.30, "God's
Great Woman."
Penbrook —The Rev. Jay C. Forn
crook. 10.30, George Reed will speak
on "Our Mothers." 7.30, "Did Christ
Wash His Disciples' Feet, to Wash
Off tho Dirt?"
Associated Bible Students—The
regular Berean study on "The Great
Pyramid of Gizet," will be held at
1.45 o'clock. The Sunday school les
son at 3 o'clock. Subject, "Jesus, the
True Vine."
Reformed Mennonites—Preaching
in Kinnard's hall, 303 Verbeke
street, at 10.30 o'clock.
Gospel Hall —10.30, "Breaking of
Bread"; 2.30, Sunday school; 7.30,
gospel preaching.
St. Andrew'e—Tho Rev. James F.
Bullitt. 9.45, Sunday school. 11,
morning prayer and sermon. 12.15,
Bible class. 7.30, evening prayer and
St. Paul's —The Rev. Floyd Apple
ton, pastor, will preach at 11 a. m.
and at 7.30 p. m. Sunday school at
10 a. m
Every Church Will Hold Spe
cial Services Commemorat
ing the Event
To-morrow every church in the
city will hold special services com
memorating the observances of
"Mothers' Day." Since Congress
passed the resolution In 19111 com
mending Mothers' Day for obser
vance by all national officials, which
was soon followed by a proclamation
by President Wilson, setting aside
the second Sunday in May as Moth
ers' Day, the move has gained much
headway among the churches, and
day ranks with other days of im
portance in the church world.
Children to Take Part
The Homo department and the
Cradle Roll of the Fourth Street
Church of God will attend the
morning service at the church to
morrow to assist with the Mother's
Day program.
The services to-morrow in Park
Street United Evangelical Church
will have reference to "Mother's
to-day ranks with other days of im-
Day. The chorister. A. M. Blaks,
is preparing Mothers' Day mu
sic for the Sunday School ses
sion and at 10:45 the Rev .S. C.
pastor, will preach on "Eunice, or
the Influence of a Godly Mother." A
quartet of mothers will render spe
cial music. The personal invitations
to mothers and their friends were
borne by fourteen young ladies of
the Sunday School.
"Fathers' Day" will be observed
in the Sunday School and congrega
tion Sunday, May 20, with appro
priate services. The morning ser
mon will be on "The Ascension."
and at 7:30 the sermon subject will
be "Like Father, Like Son."
The list of churches where special
services will be held is as follows:
Penbrook Reformed, Zion Lutheran,
Tabernacle Baptist, Market Street
Baptist, Paxton Presbyterian, Fourth
Reformed, Harris Street Evangelical,
Camp Curtin Memorial, Fourth
Street Church of God, Epworth
Methodist, Messiah Lutheran, Park
Street Evangelical. Fifth Street
Methodist, St. John's Reformed,
Westminster Presbyterian, Pleasant
View Church of God, Bethlehem
Lutheran, Sixth Street United Breth
ren, Market Square Presbyterian,
State Street United Brethren, Pen
brook Church of God, Maclay Street
Church of God and Immanuel Pres-
Grace Memorial Episcopal Church
w ill be the scene of a very interest
ing and practical sermon Sunday
morning. Dr. Robert Bagnell will
preach on "Thomas and His Doubts"
at the morning service which begins
at 10:30 o'clock. The evening ser
mon will be in Um with Dr. Bag
nell's previous evening sermors, the
topics of the four most important
ones being "The Meaning of the
War," "Doing Our Bit," "The Value
of Character," and his special ser
mon to young people last Sunday
evening on "The Bird With a Broken
Pinion." The topic for this Sunday
evening's sermon will be "The Burn
ing Bush."
The primary and Intermediate de
partments of Grace Methodist Sun
day School, consisting of the boys
and girls of the church between the
ages of 6 and 15, will have a flag
day program all their own to-mor
J. Horace McFarland, the super
intendent of these departments, on
Sunday, April 15, appointed Charles
W. 801 l a committee of one to have
charge of raising the money to pur
chase the flag and to arrange the
program for this special service. The
children have given enough money
to purchase a beautiful embroidered
silk flog, and the flag pole, em
blem and flagstaff have been present
ed to the children by friends of the
primary department. The flag will
be presented to the school in behalf
of the children by Dr. Robert Bag
A special feature of the flag day
service will be a patriotic address by
Representative Ramsey S. Black.
Special recitations by the children
and patriotic songs will be another
feature of this flag day service.
St. Paul's—The Rev. E. Luther
Cunningham, pastor, will preach at
10.30, "No Retreat." and at 7.30,
"The Only Way." Sunday school at
Second—The Rev. Albert Josiah
Greene, pastor, will preach at 10.30,
7.30, "The Work of Jesus Christ."
Sunday school at 12.
Market Street —The Rev. W. H.
Dallman. 10.30, "The Unity of the
True Church Continued"; 7.30,
"Mothers' Day"; Sunday school,
Tabernacle —The Rev. Millard Os
more Peirce. 10.30, "Meaning of
That Word, Mother"; 7.30, cantata
by choir.
The Rev. Harold Baldwin, of the
Princeton Theological Seminary will
be ordained and installed as the as
sistant pastor of the Pine Street
Presbyterian Church Wednesday
evening to succeed the Rev. J. S.
Armentrout, who resigned to become
one of the secretaries of the Depart
ment of Religious Education of the
Presbyterian Church. Members of
the Carlisle Presbytery will have
charge of the installation services.
Morning Prelude, Andante Con
Motto. Gleason; offertorle, "Spring
Song," Mendelssohn; solo, "Shine on
Our Pathway," E. H. Bailey; post
lude, Grand Choir In F, Salome.
Evening—Prelude, Andante In E,
Page; offertorie, "Melody in A,"
West; quartet, "Twilight," Fearls;
Morning—Prelude, Andante in C,
E. Silas; soprano solo. Miss Flora
Keeny; offertory, "Romance," Zlt
terbart; postlude, March Pontlflcale,
Evening—Organ selections from
second Sonata, Guilmant; choir,
"Great Is the Lord," Daniel Prothe
Fourth Street—The Rev. Jesse
Guy Smith. Bible school at 10. 11,
"Preparing For the Future Church."
7.30, "A Religion That Costs Noth
Captain Charles N. Stanley, of Los
Angeles, the converted comedian,
will have charge of a song service
which will be held at Tabernacle
Baptist Church Wednesday evening.
He will also make an address.
The Rev. Floyd Appleton, pastor
of the St. Paul's Episcopal Church,
will conduct services at the Enola
P. R. R. Y. M. C. A. to-morrow aft
ernoon at 4 o'clock .
The Methodist Preachers' Associa
tion of Harrisburg and Vicinity
recognizing the grave crisis through
which the nation is passing on ac
count of the war records Sts senti
ments and convictions in the follow
ing resolutions:
First, De appreciate the master
ful statesmanship of our President,
Woodrow Wilson, and pledge to him
every patriotic service we can ren
der the nation. We are willing to
respond to the call for any service
those In authority over us believe
we may be able to render. We will
by word and action encourage this
spirit in others and will ever pray
for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit
on all the nations engaged In the
war in order that the blessings of
a permanent peace may speedily be
realized throughout the world.
Second, We also record our appre
ciation of the prompt action of our
Governor, Martin G. Brumbaugh, in
organizing the State for public
Safety and will heartily co-operate
with the State authorities In con
serving unsullied the traditions of
our great State for loyalty to the
national government. We rejoice
in the record of Pennsylvania for
heroic action In securing the de
mocracy of the western continent
and hail with gladness its triumphs
in the struggle for World De
Third, We are not unmindful of
the great courage and patriotism of
Ex-President Theodore Roosevelt
and cite his example as worthy the
notice of all our people. The exem
plification of his spirit and courage
throughout our national life will in
every way encourage the day of
Church Music
Morning—Prelude, "Andante in A
Major," Battishill; offertory, "Gon
dollied," Scharwenka; anthem, "In
the Cross of Christ I Glory," Petrie;
postlude. "Fanfare," Lemmens.
Evening—Prelude, "Pastorale in
A," Guilmant; anthem, "A Spring
time Gloria," Farmer; offertory*
"Lullabv," Becker; bass solo,
"Mother O'Mine," (Mr. Hartm.in>,
Tours; postlude, "Marche Tri
Morning Prelude, "Meditation
Serieuse," H. N. Bartlett; anthem,
"Thou Wilt Keep Him in Perfect
Peace," Foster; offertory, "Medita
tion," Flagler; quartet, "O Come
Every One That Thirsteth," (Elijah)
Mendelssohn; postlude, "Grand
Chorus," Harling.
Evening Prelude. "Cantilene,
Wheeldon; anthem, "Sing and Re
joice," Hailing; offertory, "Ro
manza," Tours; solo, "Crossing the
Bar," Decevee; postlude, "Marchd
Pontlflcale," de le Tombelle.
Morning—Prelude, "Marche Ttc
ligleuse," Gullmant;anthem, "Blessed
Be the Lord," Parker; offertory,
"Intermezzo In B Minor," Rogers;
postlude, "Fantasia in G Major,
Kvening—Prelude, "Offcrtoire in
D Minor," Batiste; anthem, "O Be
Joyful," Buck: offertory, "At Twi
light," Stebbins; postlude, "Laudato
Domini," Frysinger.
Morning—Prelude, (a) "Andante
Tastorale," (b) "Fantasia" on "Duke
Street," Kinder; anthem, "A Spring
Meditation," Lorenz; offertory,
"Meditation," Hyatt; postlude,
"Dithyramb," Lucas.
Evening—Prelude, (a) "Canzon
etta," Federleln, (b) "The Calm of
Night," Boex; anthem, "Your Lord
and King Adore." Wilson; offertory,
"Benediction des Anges." Daven
port: postlude. "Toccata in D
Minor," Federlein.
Morning "Sixth Sonata, (Part
I) Guilmant; anthem, "Te Deum in
13 Flat," Fanslng; bass solo, "It Is
Enough," from (Elijah), Mendel
ssohn. Charles Cassel; "Triumphal
March," Lemmen.
Evening—"Stradella" (Overture),
Flotow-Buck: anthem, "I Am Alpha
and Omega," Stainer; duet, "My
Faith Looks Up to Thee," arranged
from Lachner, Miss Cassel, Miss
Selbert; "Paraphrase," (Judas Mac
cabeas) Handel.
Morning—Prelude, "Processional,"
WUkins; anthem, "Christian, the,
Morn," Shelly; offertory solo "Min
uet," Decevee; contralto solo, select
ed, Miss Bennett; postlude, "March,"
Kroeger. , ,
Evening Prelude. Allegro,
Bossl; baritone solo, selected. Mr.
Shackley; quartet, "Gospel Hymn,"
Sweeney; offertory solo, "Andante,"
Schubert; postlude, "Pastorale,"
Morning Prelude, "Allegretto
Grazioso," Tours; anthem, "Come Ye
Disconsolate," P. A. Schucker; offer
tory, "Canzonetta," Frysinger; solo
and chorus for men's voices, "The
Songs My Sainted Mother Sang,"
Nevln; postlude, "Marsche Legere,"
Kern. ... ..
Evening—Prelude, "Andante Con
Moto," Baptlste; offertory, "Ro
mance In E," Williams; postlude,
"Gloria," "Mozart's Mass No. 12."
Morning Prelude. "Springtime
Sketch,' I). Merrick S;ott; anthem.
"They That Trust in the Lord.'j
Adolf Frey; offertory, "Pastorale,"
Edmond Lematgre; quartet, "Oh! For
a Closer Walk With God," Charles
Gilbert Spross; postlude, "Allegro
Giocoso," William E. Ashmall.
i Eveniftg—Prelude, Vesper Hymn,
Everett E. Truette; "Berceuse," Wal
ter Spinnev; anthem, "God That
Madest Earth and Heaven," Arthur
C. Fisher; solo, "The Voice In the
Wilderness," Scott, Mrs. Wltherow;
offertory, "Melody." Jules Therese;
duet. "Mother s Prayers Have Fal
lowed Me," Ackley, Mrs. Bumbaugh
and Mrs. Wltherow; postlude,
"March In G," Henry Smart.
Morning Prelude. "In Para
dlsum," Dubois: anthem, "Rock of
Ages," Buck; offertory, "Com
munion," Batiste; postlude, "Post
lude In G," Cappelen.
Evening Prelude,' "Meditation
(Ave Maria)," Gounod: anthem,
"Grieve Not the Holy Spirit," Stain
er; offertory, "Traumerl." Schu
mann; postlude, "Postlude In D,"
Camp Hill, Pa., May 12. The
Luther League of the Trinity Luther
an Church, held a social at the home i
of Mrs. Elizabeth Walsh, the presi
dent, at Eberly's Mills. Thursday
evening. Thirty-flvo members at- 1
tended tho affair.
Fourth, We ask all our authorities,
both national and State, to care
fully consider and to act with dis
patch and courage In the conserva
tion of all our food products. Our
people must be protected against the
conditions created by the war. With
promptness should the gamblers in
the ssentlal and necessary food prod
ucts be driven from their nefarious
activities. Especially do we urgo
that the grain of the nation be pro
tected from ravages of the traffic in
ardent spirits by a complete and
drastic prohibition of the manufac
ture and sale of liquor for beverage
purposes during the war.
Fifth, We most earnestly, as min
isters of the gospel, ask of all so
cieties or associations encouraging
patriotism, the recognition of the
religious motive and religion. Tt is
impossible to read the value of re
ligion out' of our national history.'
"There is a God." said Patrick Hen
ry." There is a higher law," said
William H. Seward. "I promised
God," said Abraham Lincoln. In en
couraging patriotism, in cheering the
boys who shall go to the front, in
sustaining their parents who give
them to their country, the religious
motive and faith is most potential.
Our people need the benefits of pray
er and religious devotion in these
perilous times. We urge upon our
people the necessity of prayer, pray
er in our public gatherings, prayer
in our homes. God Is a very pres
ent help in times of need.
Committee on State of Country.
! Grace Epworth League
Plans Patriotic Meeting
Grace Methodist Episcopal Ep
worth Legue meeting, Sunday even
ing. will be the scene of a great pa
triotic rally, old Glory tioats from
<iil parts of the league room and a
patriotic selection sung by William
S. Hoover will add greatly to the
spirit of the meeting.
Commissioner E. /. Gross will
make the principle address and his
topic will lie "Loyalty." Robert A.
Tioll, the fourth vice-president of the
league, will be in charge of this
special meeting, and the following
program has been arranged by the
Epworth League Cabinet: Opening
prayer; hymn, "Onward Christian
Soldiers;" hymn, "Count Your Many
Blessings;" responsive reading, "The
Nation;" hymn, "The Battle Hymn
of the Republic;" prayer. Dr. Robert
i Hagnell; Scripture Lesson. Psalm
j 118; solo, William S. Hoover; hymn,
j "We Shall See the King Some Day;
I address, "Loyalty," Edward Z. Gross;
I hymn, "America;" Epworth League
Special Mothers' Day
Program at Penbrook
A special Mothers' Day program
will be rendered Sunday moving at
10.30 o'clock by the members of the
Sunday school class taught by Mrs.
Shory In Zion Lutheran Church,
Penbrook. The speaker for the oc
casion is Professor G. Herman Goetz,
of Harrisburg. A special musical
program consisting of vocal and in-
I strumental selections has been ar
Morning—Prelude, "Prelude in
T', Jackson: soprano solo, "Open
the Gates of the Temple," Knapp,
Mrs. Ada Culp Bowman; anthem,
"O Lord, Our Governor." Gallsby;
postlude, "March in B Flat," Dun
Evening Prelude, "Eventide,"
Meale; contralto solo, selected, Mrs.
W. F. Meek; anthem. "Behold a Door
Was Opened in Heaven," Forbes;
postlude, "Postlude in E Flat,"
Mothers' Day will be celebrated In
Camp Curtin Memorial Church on
Sunday morning with a special ser
mon, flowers and songs. The moth-
I ers of the church will be present.
The pastor, the Rev. A. S. Wil
liams, will preach on "The Patriot
ism of Mothers." In the evening the
officers of the Epworth League will
be installed and the pastor will speak
on "The Christ of the Reforma
Harris Street—The Rev. George
F. Schaum. 10.30, mother's service,
"Memories of Mother." 2, Sunday
school. 7.30, father's service, "A
Father's Influence."
Park Street—The Rev. A. E.
Hangen. Sunday school at 9.30. Ser
mon by the Rev. Dr. S. C. Swallow.
10.40, "Songs of the Bible." Moth
ers' Day services, 7.3 0, "Eunice, or
the Influence of a Godly Mother."
First Church of Christ, Scientist—
Board of Trade Hall, Sunday, 11 m.,
7:30 p. m. Testimonal meeting
Wednesday, 8 p. m. Free Reading
Rooms, Kunkel Building, 11:30 a. m.
to 5 p. m. daily except Saturday,
11:30 to 9 p. m.—adv.
New Cumberland. Pa., May 12.
Mother's Day will be observed at the
local Church of God to-morrow. The
Rev. C. H. Hcighes will preach a
special sermon to mothers. Mothers
being physical.y unable to attend the
meeting will be conveyed to the
church in automobiles.
j! Picnic at Beautiful 5
;! Hershey Park 3
,i Every convenience furnished S j
( [ without charge. The flower J |
i, gardens of Central Pennsyl- >
vania. Variety of attractions 2
|i such as free zoo, swimming J
( i pool and shoot the shutes, new J
, bath house with Individual 5
ij lockers, etc.; for further infor- }
i, mation, available dates, etc., ?
% write Manager Hershey Park, i
J Hershey, Pa. <
St. Stephen's Church
J Rev. Rollin Alger Sawyer, Rector.
8 A. M., Holy Communion
10 A M., Sunday School.
11 A. M., Morning Prayer and Sermon by Rev. Arthur C.
Taylor, D. D., of York Pa.
7.30 P. M., Evening Prayer and Sermon.
20() Ministers and Delegates to
Attended Lutheran Synod
The semiannual Harrisburg Con
ference of the East Pennsylvania
Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran
Church will be held in the Augs
burg Lutheran Church, Fifth and
Muench streets, Monday and Tues
day. It Is expected that more than
200 ministers and delegates will he
present. The conference includes all
Lutheran churches In Dauphin,
Berks, Lebanon and Lancaster* coun
The first session -will be held Mon
day afternoon with the Rev. .T. B.
Markward. pastor of the Bethlehem
Lutheran Church, presiding. Other
meetings will be held Monday even
ing, when the Rev. B. F. Alleman
will preach the conference sermon,
and Tuesday morning, afternoon
and evening. The other officers of
the conference are: Secretary, the
Rev. Thomas Retsch; treasurer, the
Rev. E. E. Snyder.
The program for the conference
is as follows:
Monday Afternoon Devotional
service, the Rev. I. P. Zim
merman: conference business, paper,
"Best Time for Sunday School Ses
sion—Morning or Afternoon," the
Rev. R. 1,. Meisenhelder; discussion,
Prof. J. J. Brehm. Prof. M. H.
Thomas: paper, "Combining Sunday
School and Church Services." the
Rev. C. S. Jones: discussion, Dr. L.
C. Manges.
Evening—Conference sermon, the
Rev. B. F. Alleman, D. D.
Tuesday Morning—Devotional se
vlce, the Rev. M. L. Deitzler; confer
ence business, paper, "Sunday School
and Catechetical Class," the Rev. D.
E. Rupley; discussion, the Rev. J. F.
Knlttle; paper, "Challenge of the
Sunday School" (a review), the Rev.
E. E. Snyder; discussion, "The Con
Stevens Memorial Guards
Make Dirt Fly on Great
Garden in 17th Street
The Stevens Memorial Guards
have achieved some remarkable re
sults during the past two weeks. To
day more than one hundred of the
members started work on the great
garden at Seventeenth street and
the Reading railroad. Major Walter
Vanaman during the months to come
will lead the boys to the fields of
The people of Harrisburg are to
have the rare privilege of hearing
Bishop William F. McDowell, of
Washington, D. C., Sunday evening,
May 20. The Bishop is one of the
greatest and most forceful preachers
in Methodism. The Men's Bible class
will have charge of the service. The
big male chorus is scheduled to sing.
John T. Olmsted will-preside.
Stevens Memorial—Albert Smuck
er, 10.30, a Mothers' Day sermon by
the minister. Sunday school at 2.
7.30, sermon by the Rev. Dr. George
Edward Reed on "The Passing of thy
Kings and the Coming Triumph of
Coxestown —The Rev. John G.
Davis, pastor, will preach at 10.40,
"Mothers," and at 7.30, "The Sign
of the Red Cross." Sunday school at
Wesley Union —The Rev. W. A.
Ray, pastor, will preach at 10.45.
The Rev. M. L. Blalock, D. D., P. E„
will preach at 7.30, "That Final
Meeting." Sunday school at 12.30.
Camp Hill—The Rev. Joseph E.
Brenneman. 11, Mothers' Day. "Mo
ses —His Mother's Faith." 7.30, "A
Religion That Is Worthwhile." Sun
day school at 10.
Ridge Avenue —The Rev. H. R.
Bender. 10.30, "Our Commission."
7.30, Epworth League anniversary,
members will be given "A Pageant
of Progress."
Camp Curtin—The Rev. A. S. Wil
liams. 10.30, "The Patriotism of
Mothers." 7.30, "The Christ of the
Heckton The Rev. W. H.
Zwelzlg, pastor, will preach at 10.30,
"Thoughts of Mother." Sunday
school at 2.
Grace —The Rev. Dr. Robert Bag
nell, pastor, will preach at 10.30,
"Thomas and His Doubt," and at
7.30, "The Burning Bush." Sunday
school at 12.10.
Fifth Street—The Kev. Edwin A.
Pyles. 10.30, "Sacrament." 7.30,
"The Bible's M£st Tender Promif"."
Mothers' Day. Sunday school at 2.
Dauphin - The Rev. W. 11.
Zweizlg, pastor, will preach at 7.30.
"The Christian Armor." Sunday
school at 2.
St. Paul's —The Rev. William
Moses, pastor, will preach at 10.30.
and at 7.30. Sunday school at 1.45.
Epworth—The Rev. J. D. Deavor.
11, "Honor Thy Father and Thy
Mother"; 7.30, "Opportunity of Lov
ing People"; Sunday school, 10.
Hummel Street—The Rev. Wil
liam K. Conner. 11.80, Mothers' Day
program; preaching, 7.30.
Mothers' and Fathers'
10.30 A. M.
/Mother and Father"
7.30 P. M.
Subject—"The Story of a Girl."
Two special selections by a large
girls' chorus; special surprise.
Rev. Dr. Thomas Reisch, Pastor
•-'• -v,; r n
MAY 12,1917.
Dr. Reed to Preach
at Stevens M. E. Church
DR. G. E. RF.RD.
The Rev. Dr. George Edward
Reed, president Emeritus of Dickin
son College, will preach in the Ste
vens Memorial Church to-morrow
night on "The Passing of the Kings
and the Coming Triumph of De
Augsburg—The Rev. A. M. Stam
ets, pastor, will preach at 10.30,
"Hearers and Doers," and at 7.30,
"The Story of a Mother's Love." Sun
day school at 2.
Trinity—The Rev. R. L. Meisen
helder, pastor, will preach at 10.30,
"The Humiliation of Our Lord," and
at 7.30, "An Old Tect Heroine." Sun
day school at 2.
St. Matthew's—The Rev. E. E.
Snyder, pastor, will preach at 11,
"The Church and the Sunday
School," and at 7.30, "Among
Thieves." Sunday school at 9.45.
Christ—The Rev. Thomas Reisch,
D. D. 10.30, "Father and Mother."
7.30, "The Story of a Girl." Sunday
school at 2.
Memorial—The Rev. L. C. Manges,
D. D. 10.30 and 7.30, the Rev. Alfred
Suttcllffe, of Gettysburg, will preach.
Messiah—The Rev. Henry W. A.
Hanson, pastor. 10.30, "Life Abund
ant." Sunday school at 2. 7.30, "The
Makers of Our Nation."
Zion, Enola —The Rev. M. S.
Sharp, pastor, will preach at 10.30
and 7.30. Sunday school at 9.30.
Zion—The Rev. S. Winlield Her
man, pastor, will preach at 10.30,
"Woman's Crowning Glory," and at
7.30, "A Woman as a Warning." Sun
day school at 1.4 5.
Holy Communion—The Rev. John
Henry Miller, pastor, will preach at
10.45, "Rogate." and at 7.30, "The
Saints." Sunday school at 9.30.
Salem, Oberlin —The Rev. Daniel
E. Rupley, pastor, will preach at
10.30, "The Ascension of. Christ,"
and at 7.30, "Give Me Thy Hand."
Sunday school at 9.30.
Trinity, Camp Hill —The Rev. Dr.
E. D. Weigle, pastor, will preach at
10.30, "The Peace of Christ, the Only
Antidote For This World's Trlbula- I
tions," and at 7.30, "An Ideal Moth- I
er." Sunday school at 9.30.
Morning—-Organ. "Nocturne In G I
Minor," Chopin; quartet, "Heaven-I
Life," Mozart-Shelley; organ, "The |
Swan," Saint-Saens; anthem, "How
Lovely Are Thy Dwellings Fair."
Spolir; organ, "Grand Chorus in G," !
Evening—Organ. recital at 7.20;
evening service at 7.30: Organ, "Of
fertoire in D Minor," Batiste;
"Communion in G," Batiste; solo,
"Rock of Ages," Fox, Mr. Phillips;
organ, "Serenate in B ' Flat,"
Gounod; anthem, "God of Our Fa
thers," DeKoven; organ, "Fugue in
C Major," Buxtehude.
Penn. R. R. Glee Club
Fourth Reformed Church
Thursday Even'g, May 17
S o'clock
Bethlehem Luthern Church,
Rev. J. Bradley Markward, D. D., Pastor
10.30 A. M. "Mother's Sunday and Yours."
7.30 P. M. "A Tribute to Mother."
Good music will be a marked feature.
Automobiles will convey several mothers to and from the church on
Sunday Evening.
P n ~
"hird and Pine Streets V& j
Sunday, May 13 y| i
Rev. L. S. Mudge, D. D., Pastor
10.30 A. M. I?
"The Model Father"
m 7.30 P.M. II
"The Model Mother"
m Attend These Services and So
Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother That
Thy Days May Be Long Upon the Land
Which the Lord Thy God Giveth Thee.
Religious Services to Be Com
bined With Patriotic
Services of a religious and pa
triotic nature will be observed Is
the Coxestown Methodist Episco*
pal Church to-morrow morning a lt,
10:40 and at night at 7:30, when the
Rev. John G. Davis will present the.
appeals of the American Red Cross
Society and the Methodist Red Cross
Naval Base Hospital.
The meetings will be a rallying
call to the residents of the local Red
Cross district, which is comprised of
Coxestown, Green Hill, Lucknow,
Forge, Estherton. and a part of the
Llnglestown road. The aim will be
to crystallize the patriotic sentiment
of the community into practical ser
vice. The fine spirit of patriotism
prevalent in this territory is a cri
terion that the Red Cross work will
be accorded hearty support locally.
To Ijawl Mothers
In the morning the Rev. Mr. Da
vis will speak on "Mothers," with
reference to the noble part that
women lirve performed In the up
building of the nation in times of
war and of peace.
The theme for the night service
will be: The Sign of the Red Cross."
The music director of the church,
Elmer Moyer, has prepared a spe
cial program of patriotic songs,
which the cliolr an dcongregatlon
will sing together. Special reserva
tions will be provided for Boy
Scouts of America and Junior Scouts
in uniform.
Camp Hill Pastor to
Be Installed on Tuesday
Camp Hill, Pa., May 12. An ad
journed meeting of the Carlisle
Presbytery will be held at Camp Hill
Tuesday afternoon, May 15 for the
purpose of examining three candi
dates for the ministry. On the eve
ning of the 15th, Raymond A.
Kletchledge will he installed pastor
of the Camp Hill Presbyterian
Church. The sermon for that eve
ning will be preached by the Rev. J.
Ritchie Smith, formerly pastor of
the Market Square Presbyterian
Church, Harrisburg, assisted by the
Rev. George Edward Hawes and the
Rev. Lewis S. Mudge, of Harrisburg,
as well as the pastors of the Camp
Hill churches.
The Presbytery will adjourn to
again meet on Wednesday evening in
the Market Square Presbyterian
Church to install the new assistant
pastor, who will take the place va
cated by the Rev. J. S. Armentrout,
who goes to New York City for spe
cial work.
An elaborate program is being pre
pared for the installation services at
Camp Hill on Tuesda yevening. After
the services an hour of social inter
course will be held.
Tomorrow Night
at 7.30 O'clock
in the
Stevens Memorial
Methodist Church
13th and Vernon Sts.
Edward Reed
President Emeritus of Dickin
son College Will Preach on
"The Passing of the
Kings and the Coming
Triumph of Democracy
You are invited to hear him.