Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 04, 1917, Page 24, Image 24

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Movement Working With
, Government For a Work
Boys Can Do
The Boy Scouts of America have
.found another way to fulfil their
obligation of "duty to country" by
•co-operating with the naval author
' ities in the protection of our coast.
For this purpose the Emergency
,-Coast Service has been organized and
tsteps are now being taken to pre
•par the Scouts in coast cities and
Howne for this service.
No scout may participate In this
emergency coast service unless he
{makes voluntary application, has the
.approval of his parent or guardian
'and of his school authorities (if he is
Ja schol boy> and is recommended
.'by his scoutmaster. In the coast
• work only boys who are tifteen years
of age or over will be accepted;
'scouts uuder fifteen may sign to as
■sist in the service at certain hear
quarters and stations as messengers
and such other work as will not ne
cessitate their being away from
Jiome over night. It Is distinctly un
derstood that no boy in the Boy
Seor.t emergency service binds him
self in any particular to enlist in
either the army or navy or any
branch of military service.
The duty of those who participate
in the coast service under the direc
tion of the naval authorities will be
to maintain vigilant lookout at visual
stations and light houses along the
•'coast, acting as messengers and or
derlies at navy yards and navy hear
quarters and in general performing
useful and helpful to the
'country in time of national emer
gency. They will work in shifts for
limited periods of one or two weeks'
duration at a time, so as not to inter
fere too much with their school
•work. So far as possible boys on
duty will be kept within reasonable
distance of their homes. It has been
>agreed that the naval authorities will
.not shift boys in this service from
one place to another without the
consent of the Home Department,
nnd the Home Department will se
cure special permission of parents or
guardians before such shift is put
Into effect.
Before the services of the Scouts
can be accepted in this capacity leg
islation by Congress is necessary.
This legislation is being prepared
and has the hearty approval of the
Secretary of the Navy and other
naval officials.
Records at the Boy Scout head
quarters show that there are over
75,000 Boy Scouts living within a
short distance of the sea coast, ev
eryone eager to be og the greatest
-possible service to his country.
By such service as trained Boy
Scouts will be able to give, it is
probable that thousands of able
bodied men may thus be relieved
fo rmore active service in other
Patriotic Parade at
Hummelstown Tomorrow
Chief Marshal.
Hummelstown. Pa., May 4.—Lieu
. tenant Edgar C. Hummel, chief mar
shal of the patriotic parade to be
held here to-morrow afternoon, has
announced his aids as follows:
1 Richard B. Ernest. Dr. M. L. Nissley,
Professor W. A. Geesey, William F.
Shoemaker. H. M. Horst, Frank C.
Witmer, George P. Hocker.J. Landis
Strickler, T. O. Wltman, S. C. Stech
•er. W. L. Pike and William H. Earn
. est.
The members of the various or
ganizationsare requested to report at
3.30 o'clock, so that the parade can
t be formed and leave Center Square
promptly at 4 o'clock.
The route for the parade will be:
West on Main street to Duke, to Sec
ond, to Railroad, to High, to Water,
to Poplar avenue, to Round Top
i road, to Main, to Cameron avenue
• and return in Main street to Center
' Square.
Upper Dauphin District
P. 0. S. of A. Meet
Wiconisco, Pa., May 4. To-mor
• row the annual convention of the
Upper Dauphin District Patriotic
• Sons of America will be held here,
(with sessions morning and after
noon. District President William H.
Blanning, of Williamstown, will pre
. side.
Seventy-five delegates and officers,
• representing the following camps in
the Upper End will be present: Wil
liamstown,Wiconisco, Lykens, Gratz,
I Pillow, Berrysburg, Loyalton, Mil-
Hersburg, Halifax and Elizabethville.
Officers of this year's convention
•are: President, William H. Blan
king, of Williamstown; vice-presl
, dent, Ira Keiter, of Wiconisco; mas
jter of forms, H. Stewart Potter, of
Halifax; recording secretary. Allen
Siemons, of Wiconisco; financial sec
retary. D. A. Andre, of Elizabeth
ville; treasurer, D. D. Helt, of Loyal
'ton; conductor, A. B. Crook, of Wil
liamstown; sentinel, Walter E. Rut-
Halifax; guard, Roy Stuppy,
of Lykens.
•Harry Koser, Leaping From
Auto, Falls Under Car
Mechanicsburg, Pa., May 4.
Harry Koser, of West Keller street,
■was severely injured last evening
when he Jumped from a moving au
tomobile in Main street, and was
caught by a passing trolley car. Mr.
Koser was returning home with a
party of friends and as he Jumped
from the automobile he lost his bal
ance and pitched under the fender of
the car. He was badly cut about the
■ head. face and neck and was bruised
lby contact with the brick-paved
He was taken to the office
of Dr. P. R. Koons and given treat
ment, after which he went to his
•• ■ ■ ■■•.-j--' ' . * '• • •*• &" ' - "V - 4 *- * ■ ■ -• •• - • - ■ ,-.
Dives, Pomeroy
Hundreds of Trimmed Hats Specially Patriotic
Priced at $2.95, $3.95 and $4.95 Books f
New publications of timely
& Most of the hats in this sale represent the surplus stock interest, on sale at the Book \\ T*
of a wholesale milliner. Models of similar style and qual- Department to-morow — Vro'V vj"
jHrSsL ity sold at $6.50. $6.95 to $15.00. The purchase included Ed l war? , 'Ev^tt ho Httie. 1 "presented /\\r 1 11 \ I \\
close to 600 hats and to this lot were added many re- The' i^siLnt\s' war Message \ v\ //I *'/ ■ )
duced hats from regular stock. book P go"to thnUnV^Red^ros!, 8 / ./ [\ // (jj lOf
TV® J The pleasure that most women take in having a num- of the united states Flag. ( VI \\ ill jy^
7 ber of hats to provide a change—may be amply indulged Ulvea ' Pomeroy & Stewart—st. fi. /\ / V\ I/ I )| \ If]
J \ V in now—when these fine hats may be secured at such 77 ' / C?\ \j) 51 J ll
A\ moderate prices. t UFTUllir6 tpa&WfiWE? l\l\ ' L^Lr*-
\ \ Hr What a wonderful variety of styles, shapes and colors are OJ Dependable Quality \ ! JH f-/\
v \ shown at $2.95, $3.95 and #4.95 To-morrow promises to iF?Dy\ 1 I * \
Our Finest Untrimmed Hats Reduced on the furniture floor in yr
i i t~\ ry f O r\ presentation of values ——— \
Colored Dress Shapes, $2.95 that a unique. OV
Formerly $4.95, $5.95, $7.50, $6.95 and $7.50 thJw'to' q, *lOl -CO* O * r\
Hundreds of other styles in untrimmed hats in all kinds of straws, at 49c, 69 and
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor, Front. , * our -piece Bedroom Suite, In
decorated American walnut. Spe- Ci J 1 mi J A T # J*ll A •
A * j j * i w walnut burecius and chiffoniers
A Group Of Aristocratic Gloves For Women .n r Regular $20.00 Suits in a Clearance: $12.50
Of silk and genuine French kid - and many of the latter have only recently come to us rn-ingroom ' 2- The season's most important clearance for juniors, misses and women OC
from Trefousse; one of the best-known glove makers in the world.high r grade k ta r re P et n ry. speciai.°W2.M curs to-morrow in a sale embracing our entire stock of cloth suits.
Moderately priced, in many attractive styles. genullfeTea^hlrT n^n^leats"ch Sometimes there is but one suit or coat of a style and again there may be
em^ideo r Hi C b?ack k tan Kl gre e y nasy and lo'uw $3 oo ° ne " c,asp waahable kld ioveq in tan, peari, rocke" e dlvenporf and ' sp e- two or three. In each case the value is remarkable. This is as true of the repro-
Two pearl clasp kid gloves in black with white P utt >> tan and grey Sl.<s to 92.25 Mahogany gate leg tables ' dtlCtion garments as of the Samples which include VclluCS to $30.00.
sUtchlng $2.50 Washable leatherette gloves. 2 clasps, white, nat- TJ J $12.50, 16.5 to i.5 Regular $20.00 suits of all-wool poplins, serges, and English tweeds, in smart stvles. The
Two-clasp kid gloves in black with white stitch- „ . Broad arm brown flbre chairs > • i j . . .. . , ... . L "v 11 - 3 * x u< -
ing and white with black stitching. .$2.00 and $2.25 ural ' g,es nd P° nf?ee Si.->o an d rockers, spring seats, up- colors include navy, tan, rose, green, sand and b'ack, and the sizes are complete djl O Cf|
Three-clasp kid gloves in black, white and tan Two-clasp silk gloves, double finger tips, black, holstered with tapestry $9.5 lip to 42. Extra Special P*Ovr
Dives Pomerov^^Stewart—street°Floor ' Sc to *l-50 onk and mahOßan j. .$ 9 .7 5 a t o $22.5() Regular $25.00 suits of fine quality all-wool poplin ill a belted style with a unique enve-
' ' 1 ; Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—3d Fl. . lope pocket stitched with silk; finished with an overcollar of faille silk; in navy, 1 Q Ef|
tan and sand. Clearance price vloOU
Announcing* SGWinQ* Rooms Regular $35.00 and $37.50 suits of fine quality poplin in styles that have been developed
£, WWUI ° from custom tailor garments of ultra quality; in navy, Copenhagen, sand and d>pp en
The Arrival of New Foot- Are Humming Out ! x,,a r ial ' hc ,
71 ,ir „ .._ r ~ Spring Coatsmßeproduc- Children's&Girls'Dresses
wear Types For Women CottonDressesforSummer tion Styles Reduced and Coats: Special Values
f our of them altogether and each one is as good looking And they'll be prettier than ever this vear and not liieh in H Co^ u f t^ a . t have been stamped as among the Attractions for the month of May in the chil
as any of Its Other new companions. * H UCI uus diiu nui mgn in jauntiest styles of the season—of gabardine, poplin, dren's and girls' outergarment section include many
Tjip stvlc notes arc different in each of tHesp now a r - price, despite their loveliness. i?un.niburl and Burolla. cloth designed to afford of tlie most important values we have presented
• J k r . 1 .u \ii • j • good service at home, at the sea or in the moun- this year. The styles include developments that
rivals, and we believe you will stamp all of them as veritable l\ew weaves, attractive in design. tains throughout the summer. have recently come to America and the materials
dreams of loveliness. Sports pongee, a silk and cotton weave in natural color with col- in ufe d ad°orab"e K manner
Not high in price either—but full of splendid value at 01 T? rou n ds ; 32 and 36 Inches wide: yard 05c to $1.29 smart pockets. Specially priced in the season's Dresses start at SI.OO and go to $25.00
$4 50 and $5.00 vard pongee in natural and colored grounds; 36 Inches wide; most important clearance sale, at Coats, at $2.98 to $10.50
Black "Shoe Soap" kid Colonial pumps, with an attractive Sports suitings, a gabardine weave in white and colored grounds S' 2 - 50 #ls-00 slß.ao $20.00 $22.50 $25.00 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor.
oval kid buckle: made with a long drawn out forepart vamp, with s P° rts figures and stripes: 36 inches wide; yard 65c and 98c > AT 1 _ , .
welted oak leather soles and high French Louis heels. Pair, and rtriSeS^'afSd^^iSeh rounds B P° rts "• Women S lMeCKWear NeW Ostrich BoaS
*5.00 Satin stripe voile in white and'colored grounds' with "fancy'satin P ' qUe Co ' ,arS shou,der Bh^ s ' (M| c ° ol now and evenings through the sum.
Dull calf pumps with a gun metal buckle and Stitched wing stripes; 40 inches wide; yard 75c p , collar and cuff gets j£~ ™ J,™ Blue and white, purple and white and brown and
tips; the soles are hand welted and the heels are of the half B ttL pe " : 59< ; Pongee silk collars with colored borders, " white ...... ' W#s to * tt ' s °
T • . D • a,- Embroidered voiles In white grounds with neat silk embroidered '' MOIRK HIIIIIONS
LOUIS type, rair j|H>.oo figures: 40 inches wide; yard 50c r. , . no J sl-25 In lovely light and dark shades tor hat and hair
Patent colt Colonial pumps with patent leather buckle; the Printcd volles in whlte and t,nted * round - 40 inches d: a^ rd c \' V'•y Z■' b °war P p'nnt ribbon. Vn beautiflv horai designs
last IS long pointed with a plain vamp forepart, welted soles Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart-Street Floor. Georgette crepe collars and cuff bags, girdles and hat Htewa^VeeV Floo" t0 5 ° C
and leather Louis heels. Pair $5.00
Dull calf oxfords made on the new pointed toe English _ -r-rr ___ _ f _ _
E"giuh heeV" h i4 i V ps ;. oak .l ea,^ r . w^ t ! d ., so '.".. and #*!ss If You Cant Wear Khaki, Young"
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor, Rear.
Men's&Boys'SummerPaiamas M&n,You Hsvg S; Sn&ppy
Fancy Belted or Trench Suit W#
Rich Patterns
Altogether the most attractive showing for spring and Smart IVI llltary Faffed at S2O, $22.50 and. $25 i. i?
summer that \\ c ha\ ee\ er presented, and one that men and The style that has captured the fancy of young fellows j yyfy *fjrn 8
boys will be glad to inspect. everywhere. i 18 j m IFk Q
First showing to-morrow! StfrfFFA -4 fresh shipment of clothing came in for Saturday's , * 0
Pajamas In white, blue, lavender and tan, some fancy trimming $1 Vi ** / business, and included are the 'looking and smartest of
Striped percale pajamas, four loops SI.OO and $1.19 A "?/ F T thift militarY-inspirsH t Y p>
Crepe pajamas in white, blue, lavender and pink, fancy trimming - r . . . •* u u l- l. t. t n • ■
$1.50 A FV llie trench sult has a belt which may be worn full in S
Striped madras and colored pajamas, silk loops $1.98 f/\\'W front or concealed by slipping into slits at side.
Fibre silk and mercerized pajamas, buttons and double silk loops /' l\ Nx \\\/ \ \ 1 Shown in 1 J \l
Boys' pajamas— ■/ I I \ T\ / i Grey cassimere in three shades. Tan tweed. J } I
One-piece sleepers and pajamas, stripes and sol d colors / / >l/ i \ / \ i ... i , . . LA V
sc, sc, 75c. SI.OO and $1.19 / A iV / ft \\ , / Blue and grey homespuns. Neat mixtures.
Two-piece pajamas in solid colors and stripes, silk loops j L\ I/ I A\ ' { \ Single or double-breasted.
Bi"nSis!",hlS^'" ,rp " c ° """• ( l&TlR M' \ Other Distinctive flrpntpr Vnviptv nf
"iSter'Hex^^aize'nig'ht'shi'rts^Hff. rlnirn ' nKS • 59c . 7 ®c and SI.OO VVppl Ih A | Men at $15.00 and SIB.OO uicatci VdliCtj ui obyl CO
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —Men's Store, Street FloorT" \/ I I I 1 \ I I 1 One, two and three-button models in fancy mixtures, fiTirl PV M rkH 0\ Q
SllkS For Sill TTITTIPT" \ 1 T are t ' le latest stj 'ling of the English sack Combine to Make This an Unusual
YV iiltc kJlirYd LUL OUIIIIIICI \\ i i'# r/ With full or part linings of silk or mohair Sizes 33 to 42. 7 * T TTI • I
Frocks A V\ 'lf/1 IVs May > Men > Time For New Suits Maub estwalof White
"*■ /V I \\ w II / That left-over Winter Suit should be relegated to the tm. • • r
c . .• CM 7* • U j / •) ' PI r rcar - It's the month of blossoms when new life is in evi- The importance of this outfitting event is apparent from
wt'! Shanghai 36 inches, yard sl.7a I / dence, and surely an old suit is not in harmony with things the general preparations being made by most women to pro
' un^ sten S^ k . 33 inches a new weave, yard. Jl.oO / /i\ Come in and see what an interesting display of fine suits vide themseves with summer lingerie, negligees, blouses, cor
\Vh!tl PnnSe' "sf?nT.c mche ®'
v\ hite Pongee, 06 inches, a slight cream cast, yard, f I clothing. gathering their trousseaux.
varH h ' tC Jardinete similar to "Khaki ICool,' 36 inches I • If All new spring models in a rich assortment of Our stocks embrace the newest and loveliest
f I\\ / fabrics #IO.OO to SKi.! OO creations in crepe de chine, batiste, nainsook and
\\ hite Jersey Crepe, 40 inches, beautiful luster, yard, #3.00 / ti m • cambric with exquisite trimmings of Valenciennes,
White Tussorah, heavy oyster white pongee, 54 inches, / J—-1 Boys TWO - TFOUSeT Suits linen cluny and filet laces, medallions of organdie
"whit, "Khaki' Kooi," one of ihc' m csi aVouf £ ' 'HM fH|L * 5M > s6s °- & Th"
weaves of the season, 40 inches, yard $3.50 A tw °- trouser sult ,s almost as good as two variety of styles is greater than ever and the qual-
Oyster white Yo San, fine plain silk pongee, 36 inches, suits, particularly in warm weather when a boy ities of the character that makes values beyond com
yard $2.50 goes without his coat so much. A whole host of parison.
Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Floor. patterns to select from. Corset covers Tub Silk Petticoats, trimmed
— Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Clothing, Second Floor Rear „ 25c ' 50c ' 75c > sl-00 to $3.95 and tailored flounces
. _ T -1 ' Corset covers with lace sleeves $2.95, $3.50. $5.00 and $5.55
H ° S i 6 i ry a " d Underwear: Women's Coolness and Durability in This Underwear For Men
Silk lisle seamless hose in grey, Russian calf and chain- vvviuvqo cwiva in xiiio UHUCI WCai lUI IVItJII 60c. 75c, sl.oo to $2.95 CorseU. medium and low bust
P a f". c : ** asl.ttle as .",9* for your new union suits, or as ranch as *1.50-i„ ci.hc-r case you ™ couni' Cor U *'-" "t'Lw ,
riDre silk seamless nose, with lisle tops; in black, white, may depend upon a maximuni ot c]ualitv. Envelope chemise low bust models, 50,5cand 76c
rT P f g v l Jr °T r,9 ° Stocks for s^lin a,ul summer are'so complete that no man will be limited in his choice.
bilk lisle tashioned feet hose in black and white 50e P.lack and whito miv<>d hallri<ro- a n r T • 1 on j i-. $1.25, $1.50 to $2.95 Skirts 50c to $2.95
Silk lisle out size hose with fashioned feet and hi-rh spliced atk and white nuxid halbnggan union Socks of Lisle, Silk and Cotton Short skirts Gowns o c to $1.25
heels a ... ' .-,oc slnts - Wlth short slccves •• • ••• • r -Silk lisle seamless socks in black and col- i. onK „ k ,r?, c ' 6Wc ' 75c to * 2,50 Sate 50c to wiSo
hite nainsook athletic union suits ... 50<* ors 250 SI.OO. $1.25. st.so to SIO.OO Bootees .15c to SI.OO
Vests and Union Suits White cotton athletic union suits .. #I.OO Silk seamless socks in black and col- si!oo,®ulo t0™.95 ' Srs sc u, sl.ll
White cotton ribbed vests, low neck, taped, sleeveless style .... Is<- White lisle athletic union suits . . $1.50 or ? ri * i i Envelope Remise with
White cotton ribbed vests with fancy lace yokes, low neck and 1 - ,■ . 111 , ' bread silk seamless sucks ill black and Gowns ri fr, l
sleeveless e Lgyptian COtton ribbed union suits Willi ! nJS $12.50 lace, embroidery panels, dainty
White cotton ribbed union nun* in , 1 LUK - )rs I I'/ITICOATS tucks, touches of color; the
styles ngth. lace and cuff knee short sleeves 59f Clack lisle seamless socks 18<- Taffeta petticoats in gold, rose, hlßher-priced blouses trimmed
laiMslzes 50c'°extra°sizes kn,e lace trimmed' d 8 embroldery ' flUt and
' " lra sleeves $!.5 4 1 •>* * 2 95 . oo to $12.50 SI.OO, $1.95, $2.50 to $17.b0
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor. Dlyea, pomeroy & Jjtewai t—Strcq/t Floor. Dives. Pomeroy Stewart^-Second Floor.
J - . yf"' ' 1 ' . 1 i ' 1 ■ ■ I" 1 ' 1 ,i. mi '