22 MARKET PRICES DROP BECAUSE OF SELLING Increasing Gravity of Foreign Situation Felt by Trading; U. S. Steel and Other Standards Recede Slightly Under Steady Pressure New York. May 4. (Wall Street) i —The increasing gravity of the for eign situation precipitated further! selling of stocks at the opening of to-day's session. Declines of 1 to 3 I points were made by leading rails, I including Reading, New York Ceil-! tral, Louisville and Nashville, Nor-1 folk and Western. St. Paul pfd., and Delaware and Hudson, with substan tial recessions in Mexican Petroleum. : Bethlehem Steel. Industrial Alcohol' and Pullman. I'. S. Steel and other 1 standard industrials held firm at the ' outset but receded slightly under' the weight of heavy offerings else where. A brisk rally was in pro gress before noon. On the spirited rebound, U. S. Steel recovered over a point to j 114%, with equal eains for wanna and Bethlehem Steels ship- i pings, Central Leather. Texas Com pany and Pittsburgh Coal. Canadian Pacific was the only important rail- i way stock to display strength, rising about two points, while other rails j were being subjected to further pres- j sure. Delaware and Hudson made a ; new low, falling 2 s * to 106. Norfolk! & Western lost 3 points, Louisville ' and Nashville 6' 4 and some of the more obscure transportations 1 to 2 ; points. Trading halted in the sec- I ond hour, rails hardening, with greater firmness in industrials and specialties. Bonds were irregular. • NEW YORK STOCKS Chandler Bros. Co.. members! New York and Philadelphia Stock i Exchanges. 3 North Market Square. I Harrisbura; 1338 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. 34 Pine street. New: York, furnish the following quota- j tions: Open. 2 p ,m. I Allis Chalmers 24% 24% 1 Anier Beet Sugar .... 92% 91% American Can 43% 41%; Am Car and Foundry 64% 64% j American Locomotive. 65% 66 American Smelting .. 97% 96% i Anaconda 78% 78%| Atchison 100% 100%' Balwin Locomotive ... 52% 52% Baltimore and Ohio ... 74% 74 r j Butte Copper 41% 41%, Petroleum . 19% 19% Canadian Pacific .... -58 156% Central Leather 83% 83% j Chesapeake and Ohio . 58 57% | Chi, Mil and St Paul.. 77% 77 Chi. R I and Pacific.. 33 33 j. Chino Con Copper ... 52% 53% . Col. Fuel and Iron ... 46% 46 ! Consolidated Gas 113 113 Corn Products 23% 23%j Crucible Steel 60% 60% ! Distilling Securities ... 13% 13% j Erie 25 % 25 % General motors 105 105 Goodrich B F 49% 50 Great Northern pfd .. 108% 107 j Great Northern Ore s. 30% 30% SATURDAY, MAY sth, at 1.30 P.M. Our Special FREE CAR Leaves the SQUARE Every 40 Minutes A ROCKVILLE CAR TAKES YOU TO ESTHERTON EVERY 20 MINUTES I—Approved by the City Plan- The most important factor of a*y ~|~ M j^Tf f nine Commission subdivision, your streets, your f'Qj T ~ 2'4r|4 - 4-1 —U JJ J J —Clear Title Ownership Re- A clear title, an above board corners are accepted by the city. *, j sponsibility proposition, a responsible owner- | —■>-••--,-3 .Qjjjjj J r LLLLLJ. JO ship is what we offer in Esther 2—Extension of the 5c Car Fare The extension of the 5c carfare == = = ======== ' ton. Limit limit to the Bogar Lumber Co., oxlllll'p *r ~*,. r "jjr; ~3 _ brings Estherton practically into t.. '* - T terms, No Interest lo a responsible party, credit is the 5c Street Car Fare Zone. -J C LLjjJJJ J I IJJJJJJ J pjii'i 111 taxes always extended, a man's char hj I p j ! , , , "nrntli acter is often judged by his credit. 3 —Harrisburg's Most Attractive Lots facing on River Drive, 2nd, ~" v -•> ' ' iere ' s n .° interest charge nor Streets, Main Thoroughfares Green, 4th, sth and 6th streets are ' GREEN taxes on time contracts for two of Estherton bound to increase in value.' it is W-14JJJJJ in ST / ' years. the refined section of residences * *" of West Harrisburg. Y j ~ LIL ----' offer a good inducement accord _ P • ing to your needs. PLAN OF ESTHERTON No Lots Reserved—No Options Given—First Come—First Served Easy Terms to Reliable Buyers-Good Discount For Cash NO INTEREST—NO TAXES—NO EXTRAS —EVERY CENT GOES AGAINST YOUR PURCHASE Harrisburg's Leading Streets Main Thoroughfare Through ESTHERTON RIVER DRIVE 80 FEET—SECOND STREET 80 FEET—GREEN STREET 120 FEET—FOURTH STREET—6O FEET—FIFTH STREET—6O FEET—SIXTH STREET 80 FEET OFFlCE—Security Trust Bldg., 36 N. Third St. For Appointments, Prices and Terms Call Bell 4117R—Dial 3573 WM. SOHLAND, Mgr. • ■ _ * - - •• • W*,J ' 1.,"*- FRIDAY EVENING. TELEGRAPH MAY 4, 1917. I Inspiration Copper ... 54% 54% Interboro Metropolitan 10 9% Kennecott Copper ... 44% 44% j Kansas City Southern.. 20 20 Lackawanna Steel ... 81% 82 [Lehigh atVlley 61% 61 Maxwell Motors 47% 47% ; Merc War Ctfs 26% 26% Merc War Ctfs pfd... 78 76% Meican Petroleum ... 86% 87 [Miami Copper ...... 39 38% I Midvale Steel .. .' 56% 56>- 4 I New York Central ... 90% 89% ,NY. N H and H 38 V* 38% Norfolk and Western. 122% 120 Northern Pacific 101 100% j Pennsylvania R R.... 52 % 51% | Railway Steel Spring.. 47% 47% : Ray Con Copper 28% 28% {Reading 89% 88% j Rep Iron and Steel .. 78% 78% l Southern Pacific .... 92% 92 I Southern Railway .... 26% 25% ; Studebaker 86% 86% Union Pacific 134% 133% U S Rubber 56 56 % | U S ALcohol 114% 114 U 8 Steel 114% 113% | U S Steel pfd 117% 117% | Utah Copper 113% 112% • Va-Carolina Chem ... 42% 42% Western Union Tele .. 93% 93% I Westinghouse Mfg ... 47% 47% ; Willys-Overland 29% 29 % i PKILtDEM'HM I'ROIIUCE By Associated Press [ Philadelphia. May 4. Wheat I Market steady; No. 2. red. spot. 12.95 ' 17c; sprinc [chicken:;. :!7®44c; ducks. 20@22c; . geese, '9^22c. Dressed Poultry—Market quiet, but steady; fowls, fancy, 26c; do., good to choice, 25(1i25%e; do., small 1 sizes. 22@24c; old roosters. 2lc; ■ I roasting chickens, western, 23 30c. i Potatoes Weak and unsettled; Pennsylvania, choice, per bushel, $2.90<& 3.15; New York, per bushel, j $2.5>0W3.15; * Maine, per bushel, s2.io ! ®3.15; western, per bushel. $2.00® 2.25; Jersey, per basket, sl.sow> 1.75; ! Florida, new, per barrel. J8.25@9.25. i Flour Dull and . unsettled; winter straights, 112.75® 13.25; Kan sas, clear, $12.004- I Oats —May. 66; July. 63%. Pork—May, 38.25; July, 38.55. Lard—July, 22.35; September, 22.45. Ribs—July, 20.75; September, 20.85. Committee Approves War Insurane For Merchant Ship Crews Washington. May 4. The ad ministration bill for insurance of lives of crews on American merchant ships and extension of the Federal war risk bureau to cover allied ships and cargoes was approved to-day by the Senate finance committee and reported by Chairman Simmons. The appropriation asked by the Treasury Department was increased from $25,000,000 to $50,000,000,00. FATA I. ACCIDKNT IX AVOIDABLE The coroner's jury, in the case of the death of Miss Mary Foulk, who was killed by an automobile driven by Thomas Bogar. 3356 North Sixth street, late Wednesday evening, gave the verdict: "Death due to an un avoidable accident." \ AMUSEMENTS r ■> Royal and National Theaters SHOWING TO-DAY Charlie Chaplin in ••CAIIMEN" and nlito the 1-lti episode of ••I'enrl of the Ariny," I GERMANY KEEPS STRIKES IN HAND Socialist Leaders Prevent Ser ious Disturbances, Late Reports Indicate By Associated Press Copenhagen via London, May 4. As far as can be learned from the .German newspapers, which have now been permitted to reach here, the reports of the failure of the May Day strike movement in Germany were correct in the main. The papers indicate, however, that strikes took place in some places. One report declares that work in the war factories proceeded "almost in gen eral" and that strikes took place only in the individual smaller fac tories. The opposition papers admit that the Socialist and union loaders, with the assistance of Field Marshal Von Hindenburg and General Groener, had the situation well in hand and kept the workmen at their tasks. The reasons for the embargo on newspapers do not appear from a surface reading and the papers do 1 not contain any military information j of an exceptional character. SFFD POTATOES It is of the utmost impor tance to plant the best quality Seed Potatoes, grown espe cially for Seed purposes, free from disease, true to name, bred to yield then you get a crop worth while your purpose of planting is to get the crop so do not prevent success of your very purpose by planting ordinary potatoes offered as seed potatoes you cannot afford to risk your crop this year of all years. PLANT ONLY GOOD SEED POTATOES Wc Have Them Eor You EVERYTHING EOR YOUR GARDEN Walter S. Schell QUALITY SEEDS 1307-1309 Market Street Harrisburg, Pa. ! Another Great Loan to Great Britain Forecast By Associated I'rcss Washington, May 4.—Another loan to Great Britain within the next week was forecast by officials here to-day. The lirst credit of $200,- 000,000 is being: spent at the rate of $8,000,000 a day on purchase in the United States and it Is desired to complete the second loan before the British commission leaves Washing ton and before the first is entirely used up. It probably will be larger than the tlrst credit. Plans for creating an allied cen tral purchasing agency in Washing ton progressed to-day in conferences with American officials resulting in further' clarification of the Allies' needs. It- is hoped that strong American official bodies may bo formed to make the co-operative buying successful. FRUIT TREES from tlic Adams County Nursery Bendersville, Pa. These trees will be on sale in IXar risburg on Saturday, May 5. In the Chestnut street market house until 8.30 a. m. At the Broad St. I market from to 12. At the Hill | market after noon. ADAMS COL'XTV NUKSKHY Hcntlcrsville, i*a. Legal Notices ! Oflice of the Heard of Commissioners j of Public Grounds and Buildings, Slate Capitol Building, llarnsourg. Pa. i SKAEED PROPOSALS will be re ceived by the Superintendent of Pub lic Grounds anu Buildings at Ills ot l lice in the Capitol Building, Harris burg Pa., until two o'clock p. M., Tuesday, May &, lUI7, lor furnishing i all labor and material necessary lu I build bridge across Muddy Creek, Ciawford county, Penna., on road : leading trom Cambridge Springs to Millers &tauon, us inuicated luny in plans anu specifications prepared by I i'liomas A. Gilkey, Consulting Kngi | ner tor the Board of Commissioners i ot Public Grounds and Buildings ot | the Commonwealth ol Pennsylvania. Plans, specifications anu bidding ; blanks will be furnished prospective j bidders by applying to the Deputy superintendent of Public Grounds aud Buildings. Capitol Building. Harris | Durg. Pa. Proposals must be plainly marked • "Proposal Muddy Creek Bridge" on outside cover. JAMES C. PATTERSON, Deputy Superintendent. L. W. MITCH ISEU Secretary. THE annual meeting of the stoek- I holders of The Blubaker Coal Com ! pany will be held at twelve o'clock noon on Monday, May 7. 1917, at the office of the W. O. Hlckok Mfg. Co.. Harrisburg, Pa., for the election of a board of directors for the ensuing year, and the transaction of any other I business that may be presented. 1 ROSS A. HICKOK, Secretary. Russia Grants Medal to American Woman New York, May 4. Mrs. Hilda Wynne, who has been engaged in relief work on various fronts since the beginning of the war and who was awarded the Order of St. George by Russia for bravery dis played on . the Kovel front while at tached to the Russian guards, ar rived here to-day from Kngland to assist in organizing additional units of surgeons and nurses for the work in Russia. Committee to Hold Hearing on War Bill Washington, May 4. Limited hearings before the Senate finance Legal Notices PROPOSALS roll SUPPLIES Hoard of Commissioners of Public Grounds and Buildings, llairlsburs Pa. MARTIN <3. BRUMBAUGH, Governor. A. W. POWELL, Auditor General; R. Iv. VOUNG, State Treasurer. In compliance with the Constitutiou and the laws of the Common weaim oi Pennsylvania, the Uoai u of Commis sioners of Public Grounds and Build ings invites sealed proposals, lit dupli cate, tor contracts lor furnishing such supplies for the Executive .Mansion, Hie several departments, boards ana commissions ot the State Government as described and below such maximum prices as shown in the acnedules for uie year ending the 31st day ot May A. D. ltflS; Schedule A—Paper and envelopes. Schedule B —Typewriters, adding, addressing and duplicating machines. Schedule C —General office supplies, wood aud metallic furniture. Schedule D— and la boratory supplies. Schedule Ji—Brushes, soaps, mops, brooms, and cleaning supplies. Schedule F—Painting, upiioistering, and general hardware. Schedule G—Miscellaneous books. Schedule H—Conservatory supplies Schedule 1 — Lumber, general re pairs. me removal of dirt and refuse Schedule J —Plumbing aud power plant supplies. AS the various classifications of the schedule will be bodnd in pamphlet form for the convenience of tile bid ders, it is therefore desired that in re quests lor pamphlets Uic parties indi cate the section desired by reference to the above letters. No proposal will be considered un less such proposal be accompanied by a cerlined check to trie order of tn'w Stale Treasurer, or by a bond in sucn form and amount as may be prescribed by tile Board of Commissioners ol Public. Grounds and Buildiutfu. (in struction will be tound in eacn sched ule). Proposals must be delivered to the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings on or before twelve tla; o clock, meridian, Tuesday, the eighth day Ot May, A. D. ls17. at which time proposals will be opened and publish ed in the Reception Room of the hjx ecutive Department. Harrisburg, and contract awarded as soon thereafter as practicable. Blank bonds and schedules contain ing all necessary information may be obtained by communicating with the Department of Public Urounds and Buildings, Harrisburg, Pa. By order of the Board, JAMES C. PATTERSON. Deputy Superintendent. L. W. MITCH ELL. Secretary. committee will be held on the war revenue bill nfter It has been com pleted by the House ways and means committee. Opportunity will be given for filing written statements and a limited time will bo Riven for oral argument. Legal Notices Proclamation WHEREAS, the Hon. George Kun kel, President Judge, and Hon. Samuel J. M. McCarrell, Additional Uw Judge, of Oyer and Terminer and Quarter Sessions of the Peace of the Twelfth Judicial District, composed of the County of Dauphin, uuvlr.g issued their precept, bearing date the 4th day of May, A. D. 1 a 17, to me directed for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and Quar ter Sessions of the Peace of Harris burg for the County of Dauphin, and to commence the second Monday of June, 1917, being the 11th day of June, 1917, and to continue two weeks. Notice is therefore hereby given to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, Al dermen and Constable* of said County of Dauphin that they inuy be then and there in their proper persons at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day, with their records, inquisitions, ex aminations and their own remem brances, to do those things which to their office appertain to be done, and those who are bound in recognizances to prosecute against the prisoners that are or shall be in the jail of Dauphin County be then and there to prosecute against .them as shall be just. Given under my hand at Harrisburg, the 4th day of May, A. D. 1917, being the one hundred and forty-first year of Independence of the United States. \V. W. CALDWELL, , Sheriff. , Sheriff's Office, Harrisburg, Pa., May 4, 1917. Personal Investigation The Kdltor of our In veatmeut Sum mitry bun Just returned from a two ceks* tour of inn|eutlon of the MID-CONTINENT OIL FIELD Hl observations and conclusions, as sat forth In a special report just Issued, SHOULD PROVE OK UN USUAL INTEREST TO ALL IN VESTORS IN OIL SECUHITIES. Supplementing this, we have prepared an 8x24-inch brochre containing about fifty half-tone 1 pictures descriptive of the pe- I troleum Industry In Oklahoma. ■ which is equivalent from au in- I atructlve standpoint to a STRIP THRU OILDOM I and of Immeasurable value to tn- I vestors Interested in Cosden Oil A Gas. Sinclair Oil & Refining | Okmulgee, Oklahoma Producing A I Refining, Sequoyah, Osage-Hoininir ' . and other active dividend paving i oil companies. • Copy Sent on Request. A. B.BENESCH & CO. | Specialists In Dividend-Paying oil Securities ailnem Uauk Uldg. Wllkes-llurre, Hn Bell Phone 3485. Legal Notices HARItISBURG LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY Notice of Special Meeting of Stock holders to increase the Capital Stock of the Company in the sum of $250,000. To the Stockholders of HARRISBURG LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY: NOTICE is hereby given that a spec ial meeting of the stockholders of the Harrisburg Light and Power Com pany will be held at the principal of fice of the Company in the City of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, at 2 o'clock 1 . M., on the 4th Uay of June, 1917, to 'ake action on approval or disapproval or the proposed increase >f the capi tal stock.of the Company from Three null on dollars ($3,000,000) to Three million two hundred and fifty thou sand dollars ($3,250,000), and for the purpose of transacting any and all business which may properly come be fore said meeting, including, among other things, the authorization of tho execution and filing of such certifi cates and returns accordingly as the ame shall be deemed proper and nec essary, in order lawfully to create said increase of the capital stock of tho Company. This notice is given pursuant to tha laws of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania and pursuant to a resolution adopted by the board of directors of said Company. Dated, Harrisburg, Pa., March 26. 1917. H. W. STONE, Secretary. W.H. G General Agent Globe Indemnity Co. SURETY BONDS INSURANCE FIRE Representing Ten Standard Companies HEALTH BOILER ACCIDENT BURGLARY ELEVATOR LIABILITY MESSENGER AUTOMOBILE MERCANTILE PLATE GLASS COMPENSATION 11. Iv. BERKLEY, Manager I Room 205 Bcrgncr Building