22 MARKET DEVELOPS GENERAL STRENGTH Virtually No Exceptions to Advances; Even the Motor Groups Manifesting a Decidedly Firmer Tone; Metals Fractianlly Better By Associated Press New York, April 19.—(Wall Street) There were virtually no exceptions to the general strength of the market at to-day's opening, even the motor group manifesting a decidedly firmer tone. U. S. Steel and allied shares scored gains of a point, with like ad vances in Mexican Petroleum and Con tinental Can. Studebaker and Atlantic Gulf and West Indies were almost two points higher and Ohio Gas made a new record on its rise of 2% to 142* i. Heading and Union Pacific were the strong rails, the only set-back in that division being a two-point loss in New Haven. Metals were fractionally bet ter with Industrial Alcohol. NEW YORK STOCKS Chandler Bros. & Co., members New York and Philadelphia Stock Ex changes, 3 North Market Square, Har risburg; 1338 Chestnut street, Phila delphia; 34 Pine street. New York, furnish the following quotations: New York, April 19. Open 2 p m. AI lis Chambers 2 s',fe 25 U American Beet Sugar .. 93 91% American Can 45 45^1 Am Car and Foundry Co 66'/2 66 American Smelting .... 99*4 99H Anaconda '9% 79 s fc Atchison ls2Vi 102% Baldwin Locomotive ... f>4',i 54% Baltimore and Ohio .... 76 76>4 Butte Copper 42% 4 3 California Petroleum .. 20% 20 R s Canadian Pacllc 162 161% Central I.eather 85 84 Chesapeake and Ohio .. 54% 60% Chicago, Mil and St Paul 79% 80% Chino Con Copper 54* 53 % Colorado Fuel and Iron. 47 47 % Consolidated aGs 112 % 111 % Corn Products 23% 23% Crucible Steel 61 % 62 Distilling Securities .... 13 Vi 13 % Erie 27 % 28 General Motors 102% 100% Goodrich B F 49% 49% Great Northern pfd .... 110% 110% Great Northern Ore subs 31% 31 Inspiration Copper 55% 55% Interboro-Metropolitan. . 12% 11% Kennecott Copper 43% 43% Lackawanna Steel ... 83 % 83% Lehigh Valley 65% 66 Maxwell Motors 46% 44% Merc. War Ctfs 27% 26% | Merc War Ctfs pl'd .... 79% 77% Mexican Petroleum .... 86% 87%: Miami Copper 41% 41% ! Midvale Steel 58 58%) New York Central 94% 94% N Y. N H and H 43% 39% New York, Ont and W. . 23% 23% Norfolk and Western .. 128% 128% Northern Pacific 103% 103% Pacific Mail 21% 21% Pennsylvania Hailroad . 53 53 Hallway Steel Spring ... 49',-i 49% Bay Con Copper 29% 28% Heading 95% 95% Hepublic Iro nand Steel. 80% 80% Southern Pacific 94% 94% Southern Railway 28% 28% Studebaker 85% 85% Union Pacific 137% 138 U. S. 1. Alcohol 107% 108 U. S. Rubber 57 57 IT. S. Steel 111% 112% U. S. Steel pfd 117% 117% Utah Copper 110% 111% Virginia-Carolina Cham. 42% 42%; Westjnghouse Mfg 49 49 | Willys-Overland 30% 29% j CHICAGO CATTI.E By Associated Press Chicago, 111.. April 19. Cattle—Re ceipts, 4,000; steady. Native beef cat- | tie. *9.oo(fi 13.25; stockers and feeders, i 57.25fu9.90; cows and heifers, *s.6o®' 11.00; calves, *8.50® 12.75. Sheep Receipts, 15.000; steady. Wethers, *10.60012.75; lambs, *11.90; ©15.75. Bogs Receipts, 18,000; slow at yes- I terday's average to 5c lower. Bulk of i sales. *15.50® 15.80; light, *14.70® 15.75; j mixed, *15.15®15.85; heavy, *15.15®. 15.90; rough, i15.15@16.35; pigs, *10.25 i ® 14.00. Ittncr Designed Schols Attract Much Attention fine of the most interesting window exhibits in the city has been arranged ! liy Bowman and Company, showing a j score or more of views of high school | buildings in oil parts of the United States, all of which were designed by Wiliam B. Ittner, of St. Louis. Mr. Itt- | ner has been recommended to the j School Board by a special committee j ns architect for Harrisburg's new i bicli schools. The photos shown in the display: show line drawings of floor plans for [ some of the buildings together wtth several views of the completed struc- I tures. many of them, all of them show- i in.g Mr. Ittnerd's ability. HEAR OF RED CROSS WORK A large audience in Chestnut street i auditorium last night heard of the j great work rendered by the Red Cross I in time of war. The meeting which I was held in the interest of medical | preparedness was addressed by Colonel j Henry L. Page, of Philadelphia, and Colonel Livingston V. Rausch. Web er's orchestra played, and patriotic airs were sung. A pie* for support of the local chap ter and for new members was made by Commissioner K. Z. Gross. Rishop James H. Darlington opened the meeting with prayer. NICARAGUA ENDORSES U. S. By Associated Press Washington. D. C., April 19.—Nica ragua has aligned herself with the T>atln-American nations endorsing the entry of the United States in the war •with Germany. The Foreign Office at Managua notified the State Depart ment to-day that the government there sympathizes with the United States in its action but made n.o men tion of neutrality. WANTED ON SERIOUS CHARGE Harry Cohen, 34 South Fourth street, an employe of the Union Cloth ing Company, was arretsed lust even ing by Detective George Shuler. He is wanted on a serious charge pre ferred by the Allentown authorities. ASTHMA Simple Harmless Kemi'iiy Brings Quick Relief. .Makes LU. lulling Easy Many cases of Immediate relief and rapid recovery from Bronchial Asth ma of long standing are being credited to a discovery made by Dr. Eugene Howard of Worcester. Mass. Dr. Howard's prescription is called Oxi daze and in the form of a tab let which the patient allows to dis solve slowly in the mouth. Its cura tive, healing juices thus mingle with the saliva an! open up the air pas sages and regulate the spasmodic lung action. These tablets, though pleas ant to the taste, are so powerful and rapid that many users who for years were obliged to sit up in bed gasping for breath and unable to sleep report that they now put a single Oxidaze tablet in their mouth when going to bed and can then lie down and breathy easily and naturally and get a good night's restful yleep. George A. Gor gas and many other local druggists handle Oxidaze tablets on the positive fuarantee of money back if It docs not iv# immediate relief.—Adv THURSDAY EVENING, HAKRISBURQ rfSBV TELEGRAPH APRIL 19 1917. I ' ' < I'HII.AOtCI.I'IIIA PRODUCE By Associated Frets Philadelphia, April 19. Wheat Strong and higher; No. 2, rod. spot. $2.55 2.88. Corn Strong and higher; No. 3, yel low, |1.63@1.6E; No. . yellow. 11.61® 1.64; No. 5, yellow, J1.59@1.61; South ern, No. 3, yellow, *1.58 4*1.60. Oats The market is Arm; No. 2, white, 77£p74c; iso. 3, wnite, 7oitf 7 6c. Bran Market scarco and Arm: sort winter, per ton, * 41.00® 4 i.ou, fcpring, per ton, 146.501&46.50. Refined Sugars No market; refiners withdrawn. Powdered, 7.Boo; line granu lated, 7.50 c; contectioners' A, 7.40 c._ liutter The market is steady; western, creamery, extras, 47to4sc; nearby prints, l'ancy, 50c. Eggs The market is higher; I'eiii.cylvunia. ami .Uiei nearby nrats. free cases, *11.540 per case; do., current receipts, free cases, *11.25 per case; western, extra, firsts, free cases, *11.40 per case; do., firsts, free cases, *11.25 per ease. Live Poultry The market is steady; fowls, 24<&J2do; staggy roosters, 18W20C. old roosters, ltitgUic; spring chickens, 24H 25c, uueks, isJiui in:, jjeene. i!m< -2c. Dressed Poultry—The market is firm; fowis, lancy, Xini>2l',*G; uo., good to | choice, 25Va, xiiCi western, 22024 c; Keesa, nearby, IH 'it 21c; do., western, iS(a>2oc; turkeys, fancy, jariie. nearby. 3zij/'S3c, do., west ern, fancy, large. do., wesvern. lulr to tiuoa. 4u(ji3tc. uo.. u'ouiiiixii ->w i ii'. do j|j luma 24i30c. Potatoes The market is firm; Pennsylvania, choice, per bushel, u.40 3.Jolt# 3.50; Maine, per bushel, *3.40tc3.50, Western, per buauel, ♦ J.uoiy-.Zo, jersey, Per basket, i l.io 1.1 6; f loriua. new, per barrel. *lO. 11.00. Flour Market firm and higher; Winter Itrtlcnil, fII.UOO 11.916; Kansas clear, *1i,00iy.11.25; do., straight, *ll.oo Cull.is; do., patents, *ll.io® 12.00; spring firsts, clear, *10.60® 11.00; spring firsts, clear, 10.50® 11.00; do., patents, *11.504*12.00; do., favorite orands, *12.26® 12.75. Hay Firm, with a fair demand, timothy, No.l, large bales, *lS.5O® lo.oo; No. 1, small bales, *18.50® 19.00; No. 2, S lti. 00® 16.50; No. 3. *U.00®14.00; sample, *lo.oo® 12.00. Clover mlxeu. L.ighl mixed. *17.00; iNo. 1, uo., *lo.ou iii! (j.uO; No. 2, do., *13.00 U 14.00 CHAKi:i> WITH LARCENY Information has been lodged against Edwin Cleland and Edgar Buehler, two employes of Dives, Pomeroy and Stewart, charging them with larceny. It is asserted that the two men at dif ferent times stole goods amounting to SSO. They were arrested by Detec tives Shuler and Allison. Cleland fur nished SSOO bail for a hearing. To the Voters of Harrisburg:- One School Director's vote tomorrow after noon may decide the spending of a million and a quarter dollars of your money. One vote may decide whether the promises are to be kept which weremade to you as to the expenditure of the School Loan upon the same basis as the loans for filtration,sewerage, parks, paving, etc. I The Special Committee unanimously I constituted by the School Board has made its recommendation, selecting for Harrisburg an architect whose buildings in Dallas, Washington, Gary, Minneapolis, Erie, St. Douis and other cities are pronounced superior in fa cilities, economy and beauty. Four Directors support this report; four do not support it; one man is undecided, j It is up to you to say how you want | j our money spent. You defeated two | smaller loans because you were not j i satisfied with the situation. Approval! jof the report of the Special Commlt i tee, without qualification or com- i | promise, means keeping the pledges | made to you before you voted. Fail-j i ure to approve it means the breaking I of those pledges. | The Directors must do as you say. jlt is up to you, now, to-day. The de ciding meeting will probably be held Friday (to-morrow) afternoon. After that, regret won't do you or your chil dren any good. I Tell the Directors what you want (Signed) Campaign Com mittee of the Chamber of Commerce .1. Horace McFarland, Chairman, t''rank C. Sites, J. Austin Brandt. .lohn F. Sweeney, llerifian P Miller, Arthur D. Bacon. William Jennings. j The Directors who opposed the adoption of the Report of the Special Committee arc William A. 8011, 120 State Street, (Bell 883). Jlarry A. Bo.ver, :SOl s. Fifteenth St. (Bell 32.12.1t). Harry M. liret/., 222 Market St. (Bell 1050-.M). C. E. 1,. Keciic, M. I>. 1840 Bcrryhill St. (Bell 11)00). Ucorjte A. Werner. 2143 K. iUtii St. (Bell a3-K). EASY FOR FIENDS TO PROCURE DRUGS [Continued From First I*age] secure so easily are or are not, for geries. Koos came here about one week ago and has been trailing the prescriptions that have been flooding the city for months. He is the man who has been connected with the cleaning up of the illegal sale of drugs in several of the largest cities in Penn sylvania. Chief among these was Krie, where dozens were convicted on the same charge. Three of the doctors from whom the users have been obtaining pre scriptions have appeared at the police station and lodged information a galnst the people who have been ob taining drugs from them, charging the users with forgery. Dr. W. 13. Thome, of Elizabethtown, made information against William Nicholas, charging him with forgery Nicholas has been twice arrested in dope raids. He was arrested last evening in Lebanon and brought here last night by Detective Hyde Speesc. Alderman DeShong heard the case at noon to-day. When Dr. Thome was confronted with prescription after prescription alleged to have been written by him he was unable to say whether or not he had signed some of them. He declared that his arm was broken February and that for six weeks he had been unable to write prescriptions. A few moments before he had admitted writing one, that un known to him was dated February 17. s One was drawn for 2 drams of heroin and 2 drams of cocaine. Thawley was forced to bare his arm and other parts of the body showing the numberless red and blue ulcers where he had used the needle. He denied having forged any of the pre scriptions and declared that he had no need of forging them when he could secure all the drugs he needed on prescriptions. C. B. Whitman, of Whitman and P. G. Diener "He sells Diamonds" HallMark It Means Quality One idea in forming the HallMark C trporation, con fined to retail jewelers only, was to maintain a high standard of quality. In fact that is the main idea. An organization of sTTV er a 1 hundred retail jewelers is a buying power which can specify quality and sure the quality specified will be delivered. • HallMark goods are roade exclusively for the Hall- Mark stores. These exclu sive designs and worthy quality are sold at decidedly reasonable prices. Diener's is the HallMark Store in Harrisburg. Diener ™ e e]er What we say It Is, It is 408 Market Street War Conditions make the coal out look for the next Fall and Winter very uncertain. You know how uncer tain they were last Win ter. Look ahead and safeguard yourself for the future. Conditions at the mines can't improve with War draining both men and cars. What little bit we have in the yards is subject to your order. Don't delay. H. M. Kelley& Co. Office, North Third Yards, Tenth and State KDLtATIONAI, " School of Commerce Troup Building 15 So. Market 9q. Day & Night School Uookkteplng, Shorthand, Mr no type, Tj uud IVnnuiiililp llell 4M \ Cumberluutl Harrisburg Business College A Reliable School, 31st Year Market SI. UurrUOurii, P. FOR RENT Kirkwocd Cottage, Ideal Country Home, situate on Linglestown Road about four miles north v of Har risburg. All improvements, plenty of shade,stable, etc. Inquire of Commonwealth Trust Company 222 MARKET STREET Harrisburg, Pa. Sons, Druggists, of Middletown, ad mitted filling the prescriptions as presented. When the prescriptions filled at his drug store was produced, supposed to have been signed by Dr. Thome, a marked difference was noticeable in the writing. Dr. Thome's signature is an easy flowing spenclarian hand but some of the prescriptions were written in a poor attempt at lettering. All had been filled. When Thawley was previously ar rested he admitted where he had been getting the drugs, but until the last prescription from Dr. Thtmie no reduction had been made as required by law. Dr. C. M. Hewing, 512 Reily street, appeared at the police court at 1.3 0 and made information against Frank Resh, 810 North Third street charg ing him with forgery of prescriptions. Resh was arrested last evening by Detective Hyde Speese. It is claimed that Resh obtained heroin, morphia and cocaine at least twenty times within a few months. Dr. Hewing has been twice named in police hear ings by "dopesters" as the man from whom they had obtained drugs on prescriptions. Roy Alexander, also twice arrested in dope raids had at one time, a prescription from Dr. Ew ing for 50 grains of cocaine, at that time the doctor was unable to say whether he had written the prescrip tion or not and the charge was drop ped. Information had also been made by several other doctors who have been furnishing the "goods" to men and women addicated to the use of the drug. All the doctors claim that part of the prescriptions are for geries. • QiIBBER STAMQR BJIa SEALS & STENCILS |#V "WIGJIYHBG.STENCILWOftKB* ■! IB OO LOCUSTSr. HBG.PA,. H "I Can Eat Anything Now/' He Rejoices Munition Worker Tells How He Got Rid of Indigestion and Headaches Gives Credit to Tanlac "Tanlac is the real goods," says Milton J. Reed, a munition worker employed ine one of the Steelton, Pa., plants, "for it sure did fix me up in great shape. "I was all busted up from indiges tion and chronic headache that noth ing seemed to relieve. Nothing I ate seemed to agree with me, and 1 would get all bloated up with gas and would have sharp pains in my stomach. "Everything tasted alike and I was just about all in when one of the fel lows at the shop told me about Tan lac and praised it so highly that I decided to try it. "It worked almost like magic for I began to feel better right from the first. Soon my head stopped aching, the gas left my stomach, my appetite came back and now I can eat and en joy anything and I feel just great." Tanlac, the famous reconstructive tonic, is now being introduced here at Gorgas' Drug Store, where the Tan lac man is meeting with the people and explaining the merits of this mas ter medicine.—Adv.' N. Y. Curb Stocks RECOGNIZED AS Authoritative & Indispensable To Traders and Investors GEORGE GRAHAM RICE Daily Market Letter Daily Quotation Sheet (Combined $1 a month) Industrial and Mining Age (Weekly $5 a year) Sample copies sent free on re quest for purpose of introduction, if you write immediately. GeorgeGrahamßice 27 William St. New York Personal Investigation The Editor of our Invratmont Sum mary hits Juat returned from n ln weeks' tour of Inspection of tbe MID-CONTINENT OIL FIELD Ills observations and conclusions, as set forth in a special report Just Issued. SHOULD PROVE OF UN USUAL INTEREST TO ALL IN VESTORS IN OIL SECURITIES. Supplementing this, we have prepared an 8x24-inch brochre, containing about fifty half-tone pictures descriptive of the pe troleum industry in Oklahoma, which is equivalent from an in structive standpoint to a TRIP THRU OILDOM and of Immeasurable value to in vestors interested In Cosden Oil & Gas, Sinclair Ull & Refining, Okmulgee, Oklahoma Producing & Refining, Sequoyah, Osage-Homlny and other active dividend paying oil companies. Copy Sent on Request- A. B. BENESCH & CO. SpeciHllßta In IHvldt'nd-l'aylng Oil Seeurltlea Miner* lliink Hlilg. Wllkes-llnrre, l H . Bell I'boue 3488. Survey of Railways Co Nearing End is Belief While officials of the Harrisburg Railways Company have not heard def initely from Bion J. Arnold, whose ex perts are making a survey of the trol ley service here as recommended by the HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH, it is believed the Investigation soon will be completed. For more than a month every branch of the service from the time the cars leave the barns In the morning until Shady Lane Addition ENOLA, PA. THE GEORGE A. HOUCKS PROPERTY Located on Block North of Columbia Avenue (Enola 1 rolley Line) fronting on Shady Lane and Beaver Avenue 5c Car Fare -• 15 ACRE PLOTS Fop Sale or For Rent OUR PROPOSITION We will rent you one of those M 1\ Acre Plots for $lO a month. The /fv m /V L '■ II rent to be applied as purchase AI9 ■ I ■ ■■ money against the rented plot ■ ■■ JV I ■■ of ground. We givo you imme- I II wIW B II diate possession of the ground Ma | IV after the first month rent has been paid by you. THE RESULT Your ground will pay for itself, for instance. POTATOES. An acre put out in potatoes will produce 250 bushels, worth $2.00 a bushel. Revenue from the plot $500.00. You use 10 bushels of seed potatoes, at a cost of $38.50, leaving you a bal ance of $461.50. Your cntal of the plot for the year at $lO a month, $l2O, or a profit of $341.50, less your labor. ONIONS. An acre put out in onions will produce from 100 to 140 bushels. Onions are sold for $6.00 a bushel, or 100 bushels will bring S6OO. Your seed will cost you $12.00 per acre, leaving you $588.00. The rental for the acre plot for one year, $l2O. Your profit $468, less your labor expenses. SWEET CORN. An. acre put out in sweet corn will produce 30,000 ears. Sweet corn should bring 2c an ear, or S6OO for an acre crop . qu , ats of ? eeci Bwect corn wi " Plant jour acre, at an expense of f 17.00, giving you a profit of $583.00, less your labor expenses. No Taxes, no Interest for two years, the time of Rental. After two years the amount paid in Rental is Given Credit for against your plot. You receive your deed and give a mortgage for the balance. In a Nutshell—The Ground Pays For Itself Let us explain our contract; it means money to you. Let us show you the ground. Only 50 plots for rent at these terms. This Sample Bungalow FOR SALE Six Rooms and Bath, Electric Light, Cozy, Roomy and Well Built. Price According to Amount of Ground Purchased. Look the House Over. Easy Terms to Reliable Party THE OLD HOMESTEAD WITH FOUR OR FIVE ACRE GROUND FOR SALE . _ __ - An ideal Truck Place. Good Living House and Large Barn. Just the place which is hard to duplicate. A Few Hundred Dollars Down, Balance in Monthly Payments. Again, Let the Ground Pay For Itself Call Bell 4117-R or Dial 3573 For Appointment Office: Security Trust Bldg. Wm. J. Sohland 36 N. Third Street Manager FOR RENT Two Store Rooms under Hotel Commonwealth. 16x50 feet on Market Street. 20x90 feet on Second Street. APPLY TO Dauphin Deposit Trust Company 213 MARKET STREET they return at night ha been under the observance and study of men train ed in this work who are here under the direction of J. R. Bibbins, one of Mr. Arnold's assistants. Mr. Bibbins left the city several weeks ago and is expected to return soon again for the completion of the survey. As soon as possible the report will be prepared and presented to Rail ways directors for their consideration. One of the questions which is of particular interest in connection with the investigation is the suggestions which may be made In the report con cerning two-way service in North Third street, north of North street. Additional Classified Advertisements Garages and Repairs CAMP Cl)im\ UARAGE SEVENTH A.N Li CAMi 1 STREETS Large brick building equipped with best laclllties for storage and care of cars. Repairing by experienced me chanics. All work guaranteed. Let us quote prices. BELL PHONE 1093 W. BRING your car to us. Experts on ignition and carburetor troubles. High est grade repair work. LEMOINB AUTO SHOP. Lemoyne. Both phones. WM PENN GARAGE, 304-6 Munech street. Limousines for funerals, parties and balls; careful drivers; open