Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 13, 1917, Image 28

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    Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Manv New Styles Added to Our I Suits and Coats of Smartness and Individuality
Many in ew styles Aaaea to uur Large Stocks to Choose From:
Winer YYI TYlPfl Every garment in this splendid spring showing of suits and coats is dependably ,
V/X -L X llllllltJLl X±dL/0 made and of fine grade materials and in spite of the general tone of quality that rules
Several hundred trimmed hats are ,he P HcCS afC V ">' ">•"•
shown at. this one price alone, assur- element of real value has been overlooked so that it doesn't matter whether you pay /\(\
-Sj t < ing a variety of styles that embraces $18.50 for your spring suit or coat or whether you pay a higher price for exclusive modes, you /J lj\
everv good shade and shape featured ma > r depend upon toe quality and workmanship. AU Vv ll\
Suits 1 A GOte)
have just come from our workroom Serge and poplin suits in gold, navy and tan; box front and full gathered back finished with a narrow ffl UUfflnf, £
and show the latest ideas in trimmings. plaited back flnished with narrow belt and large cape strap belt $22.50 fil IMIM®,
I \Crf ° J h j s iB . I" interesting display of stylish collar, fancy pointed pockets and cufTs trimmed with Woo , Jersey> flne serßo and pop „ n aulta , n sportß [f |||
V<<~3\ /J hats at $4.95 and many are exceptional heavy stitching and self covered buttons $18.50 style with box plaited back and front HnUhed with a I
(S values as an inspection will show to . Poiret twill, poplin and fine serge suits in reseda, broad stitched belt; large capo collar and cuffs of l| I||W||jß
_ navy, sand and black; made with a plain back and white jersey cloth; in apple green, gold, rose, tur- 11 SSP!"'fP
your pro —. ox plaited skirt; sailor collar and fancy patch quolse and Copenhagen 925.00 |rt >
pockets trimmed with pearl buttons *20.00 Tweeds, shepherd checks, silk poplin and serge t*—W
T ll '__ _ 1 TT i. 1.1 * __l , "I\/I" r>i Wool faille, poplin and serge suits in tan, navy suits in good styles; collar, cuffs and pockets bound "^ =; n T iIZL
|| Til ||| | I J<4 [vl |~l J) I "T1 ||> IVI till fr-* I and a PP'e green made In a semi-fltted style with In- in black silk braid and trimmed with small pearl 1 p— 2 * I
XXXJ. i i V-/V*. XXU/uU X. VI XX I>J| X.TJ.V/V-/XVJ verted plaits, fancy patch pockets and sailor collar buttons and heavy stitching $20.50 IMI
and cuffs of white broadcloth; skirt has a panel Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor. wW
That Have the Very Spirit of Youth Coats For Street and Evening: $12.50 to $35.00
Sports coats of flne quality wool velour, in a pockets and deep cuffs trimmed with fancy Fine quality wool velour and Burella cloth
A viripfl /*\f Hilntv trirlicli liitc nil Kno*lit witli jinH flnwprs inH elinwi ?1 < T scml-lltted style with patch pockets and bone buttons 918.00 coats with small box plaits runnin&r to waist
varied snowing Ot daint>, giriisn hats all Drigllt Wltn riDPOns ana liowers, ana snowing sailor collar and cuffs trimmed with heavy Wool velour and liurella cloth coats in gold, line flnished With a narrow belt and pearl
tlir> enmc nro in rlosicmino- inrl tritninincr tint rlitincrni<;hrl nur hats fnr little rnrli hirr stitching and white pearl buttons; in gold, rose mustard and rose; one model is made with a buttons, in Copen, gold and mustard .. $25 00
tne same care in designing and trimming tnat aistmguisnea our nats ior nine giris, Dig sisters an(l tan $15.00 full plaited skirt and high waistline; deep cape sand, grev and Copen coatß of flne quality
j ( l Shepherd check and flne serge coats in navy, collar and cuffs trimmed with a broad band of Burella cloth; in a full loose model finished
ana iiioiners. black and sand, with full loose back and nar- white broadcloth; large envelope pockets tin- with a broad belt, deep sailor collar trimmed
row belt running all around; large pointed ished with heavy stitching *22.50 with white broadcloth and heavy stitching $35
Soft braid hats trimmed with tiny flowers in pale Fine Milan hats with soft white, navy and black * 1 T r I * yi • 1 t sm
blue, pink and gold, $1.95 to $4.95 .. i'l'Vii* "Vvi ..$4.95 V CLiUCS I IT. (jITiS yjOdt^
Milan hats in mushroom shape, black crown with with vivt ribbon , , ... • 1 ■ 1 . 1 . r ..
white brim and navy crown with tan brim $3.95 Scores of other style's up 'to !!!!!!!!!! $i io The st >' les are uncommonly good and the materials are of a high standard of quality.
New Shapes I hat Have C omein Trim Fitting Pumps & Oxfords Smocks & Blouses of Cotton
Since Easter: $2.95 and $3.95 i Witha Note of Ultra Smartness in Styles That Are Very New
New arrivals bring the assortment of untrimmed hats up to a satisfy- I a .1 1 .rc 1 u. ti
, ... 1 Aristocratic lrom top to toe are these beautiful cross bar 1 here are so many new groups in this week s arrival cmbrac
mg point o conip etcnc . parti u arij featuring new shapes in the smart \\\ v pumps and tan calf oxfords. Every pair is dainty enough to wear iug s o many pleasing styles that it would be difficult to select one
!" Ck r, h the filnlies , o( , nnltr frocks a „d yet substantial enough to that is prettier than another. Those giving most promise of
Urge rolling bnm>. -tl '1 n A strong popularity are of voile and batiste while the new smocks
Medium drooping brims. wear \\ 11 ai orma is. 0 £ onder Lin cloth and voile have already jumped into favor.
( lose fitting turbans. Black kid skin cross bar pumps with imitation turn soles and two-inr-h See these new arrivals to-morrow—
Tricorncs. V'Spa ,^ Ul^ heelS 'i Vi." "'A"'i"> " '.u " <" $~ '°|( ! Voile wals,s with embroidered scallops and large sailor collar trimmed
V • 1 Vwl VTB* Dull kid skin oval throat Colonial pumps trimmed with medium size dull with filet edge $1 95
.-Narrow brim liat. r\ R metal, buckle made with light weight stitched soles and Louis heels,. .SI.OO White batiste waists with sailor collar and'front trimmed with scailoped
>ew saucer sliapcs. J J I Tan Russian calf oxfords with 1 1-4 inch heels and imitation stitched organdie 1 $2.95
t,„.ha„.= ir, o- ,1 , f jJL wing tip, $5.00 Tailored waists of linen with convertible collar $2.95
hmait new turbans in black tagal hemp, at $1.95 and black straw White Nu Buck English oxfords, with white soles and heels finished with , Tailored waists of linen with deep pointed collar $3.50
shapes that are new and exceptional values at 98c \w>-< c stitched tips $5.50 Tailored waists in rose, Copen, helio and maize with white pique collar
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. I *J White reign cloth sport oxfords, with white Neolln soles and white rub- a " smocks of' Wonder Un' cioth with smocked yoke'in Various 'col iars'.' .WJiO
Dei neeis * J "' W Smocks in white voile with hand embroidered collar and cuffs $5.95
I 1 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor, Rear. Better smocks up to $12.50
Women's Underwear For Lisle and Silk Hosiery For Women Men'sSpringWeight Pajamas
OjJX dna , The first touch to a smart woman's new suit or dress is given by the hosierv she wears <P"I
White cotton ribbed vests with taped neck 15* t P X.UU KAJ |>O.J7O
Black silk lisle seamless hose Patterns That Are Very Uncommon
txru 1 * ~ M u j i i _ ... . , , nnZ. Black silk lisle out size seamless hose 35c
, . c °ii orl riuDea sleeveless vests with taped neck .. r.K* Black lisle hose with fashioned feet and spliced heels and toes, 25c Every man who sees these new colorings will be converted
\\hite cotton ribbed sleeveless vests; band tops; regular hilrl rp rt f Q f-Tncioru to them and for the man who is a bit finicky. About quality they
size 29c; extra sizes ...... ;<• O O/?/ t//y 11 Obiei IJ will make an instant appeal.
1 ink cotton ribbed sleeveless vests with taped neck Ribbed cotton seamless hose in back and white; sizes 6 to 9}4. Pair 17<: Choose from among hundreds of new arrivals, every one of
Men's Light Weight Underwear Fine ribbed silk lisle seamless hose in black and white; sizes 6to 9 1 /t. Pair 350 which represents a quality that cannot be excelled.
Egyptian balbriggan shirts and drawers; long and short AJoi n Cnr/n/i *\nrh<i f?nr A/lon Pajamas in plain colors of blue, lavender, pink, corn and
sleeves. Each ."50c iVctt/ O/zi t/tj/ OC/CAo rUI LVlVll white with silk loops or fancy trimming SI.OO
I rench Egyptian balbriggan shirts and drawers, short Black cotton seamless socks Colored stripe pajamas of madras and percale, with silk loop
sleeves (J()C Black silk lisle seamless socks 180 trimming SI.OO and sl.lO
\\ hite lisle shirts and drawers: short sleeves Each 73c Black Moco foot cotton seamless socks 170 Plain colored pajamas in corded and figured madras and
Light weight natural wool shirts and drawers. Each, SI.OO Thread silk seamless socks in black and colors 500 crepe cloth. Special values at $1.50 and SI.OO
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Finer grades of pajamas at $1.98 to s3*9B
I l ii TT T \~r ' " == " Boys' pajamas in stripe patterns and plain colors,
Colored Cotton Dress Weave * , r s n P \ na
A %j ly Silk gloves in grey and chamois are very much in vogue for
ntll CIL llUllu Tnffih street wear. Shown in self and black embroidered stitching, at
Sports silk and cotton weaves, in tan, rose, green, blue and
white grounds, with figures and Stripes. Yard, (J I IVJL C/i \/LXt J LLL\iLL W LLFI Belts For Men and Boys
65c, 69c, 75c and $1.20 f Sizes to fit all waist measures from 24 to 50 inches, with reg-
Pongees in silk and cotton, 36 inches wide; in tan, blue, rose, O * O • / ular and patent buckle. Special 250
pink, green, purple and gold. Yard 500 M "w § & V T~l V 1 T~l fj 717 / C Men's black leather belts in tubular or lined styles with plain
Voiles in Paisley designs, sports stripes, fancy plaids and t %J and fancy grain 50c, 75c and 1.00
figures on white and colored grounds. Yard 29c to 70<* Men's and boys' 75c "Live Elastic" belts with patent buckle.
Basement Values in Cotton a V d .u yoU ? g m f n ' t l red eir old Eias.k"bcits
Handkerchief linon, 40 inefces wide in white grounds with sport figures f mtei ClotlieS, lISVe been DCW
Uives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Wear.
Anderson ma'dra's in colored sir'i'pes' and plain and''fancy' SUitS. NOW, When an army mOVCS, it haS
Ya Dress gingham in piaids/ checks.' stripes'and 'plain' shades/ Yard 23 ° / W|f directness of purpose to guide it. The same holds true of SncrQr anrl firnpprv TtpmQ
Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Basement 12^ to 20c / the civilian army that is coming here for its Spring cloth- kjugcii auu. itciiia
ing. It is prompted by personal experience in the past in PY>v rrtav
Women's of TCIVI nr Sil V le wear an( i st^e service of our suits, for it knows how well other f Jr •
Ox fellows are pleased with clothes bought here. sugar ••^• 00 w,th S IOO worth of groceries.
Two clasp kid gloves of best quality real kid; in black with white 2 bottles Welsh grape Juice, .47c 2 lb. fancy baby lima beans, ,35c
stitching. Pair $2.00 to $2.50 -r— -*• y "11 /T rpi /N I TT • i f* 2 jars Air Line pure honey, ..28c 3 cans string beans 40c
Tt.n.c„p E ,„v..i„p. r ..,v.„,p UHy „<,p.* jtqj. Younff Men~lhe Great Vanetv ot ISSSS,?S}. ,, SSK , -.:::S;
One clasp kid gloves in white with black or self embroidery. Pair,.. .$1.75 . c 3 cans early June peas 41c
Washable chamoisette gloves in white. Pair, 75c i j 1 -pv 1 -j —. 1 lb. Juicy California apricots, 2 cans Booth's shad 22c
Two clasp silk gloves in white, black and colors. Pair 60c to $1.50 >TYIQVT vtTT I /"VC< KDCFIDQ I/'CJ I 111 V* VArlv> AOO 27c 2 cans asparagus tips 47c
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Street Floor kJllldl L (Jt V ICO L)vO VyLti X ICUdI CtlllCijO 3 lbs. Santa Clara prunes 35c 2 bottles Italian olive oil, ... .S9c
' • •/ X X 1 lb. extra fancy California One can flsh roe 31c
Petticoats For Spring and Summer $15.00 SIB.OO $20.00 $25.00
White tub silk petticoats with double pane, back and front $3.50 , uS™.™ T' CUt ' <lC
tucks 8 pctU ?? ats with double panel nounce finished with hemstitched A "Selective Conscription" of America's best clothing stocks brought in for our service to Extra fancy iemons. dozen,".' .20c One pkcku'go Graham crackers, 0c
White muslin skirts! flounce'trimmed with iae'e insertion'and' iae'e" edge the particular young fellows of hereabouts. Sun Kist oranges, dozen. One Parti Hox, with one package
gl QQ out, iuc ana >uc laknoma, 32c
White muslin skirts with trimmed flounces SI.OO and SL2S Scotch tweeds. Handsome Scotch plaiclf Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Basement.
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. Neat herringbone stripes. Homespuns.
•D 4--J? 1 O TT.-H • r!"S crev'caßsimeres teds The Showing of Quaker Craft Laces
Beautitui bport Silks in an Soft grey flannels. Blue flannels. Is rich in ideas for the furnishing of homes with beautiful sum
t i I n j 1 Ol * newest coats in single and double-breasted styles. Some have three-quarter loose mcr draperies. In addition to these famous curtains and
JLnCOmraraDle felVlG fenowmof belt some have ha,f belts - Pockets in slashed, slanting and patch effects. One, two and draperies are numerous styles in
_ t tT . . • three buttons. Quarter silk and half silk linings quarter, eighth and skeleton mohair linings. cretonnes, chintz and other up- n
Genuine Khaki Kool silks in exclusive plaids and sport pat- . , __ _ rN • i t-, r\ r\ _ holstering fabrics showing newest [nKM
terns. A wealth of colors, 36 inches. Yard $3.50 ATI M H AT* IX/T——Ssll! I Q H rAITI Ts I 0 00 "l"A Q 00 floral patterns and colorings. P|c)Tw
Yo San, yarn dyed pongee of the finest qualitv. all the new- xxllvl ±. Wl i.TXV/11 kJ Li IWO J. XvyHl tpxv/\yV/ IU Cretonne in dainty pmk, blue and eT' ffif-il V iM ®JX ll
■ _. . . • . , . yellow floral patterns, yard, 29c to 50c rv*\ flWi/U'j'sißHSlUl
est stripe comDinations— Distinctive styles of a more conservative character but possessing many clever touches. chintz in small patterns and designs feW Wj'ili JciS'ifl ' H* I J'
—33 inches, yard J&o.OO plain colors to match, 33 inches, Worsteds, cassiineres and unfinished worsteds in blue and black and light, medium and for the summer nursery, 36-lnch, yard, H] j]. I
>' $5i.50 dark checks, plaids, stripes and mixtures. All sizes including sizes for stouts, regulars, longs Heavy cretonne in dark colorings for la| 'i H.
Black and Lime and Black 4 and shorts. draperies, 36-inch; yard, 65c and 75c; ?n|l ! | j\n
I.ime and Blue Rose and Blue * 50-lnch, yard, 75c to $1.25. M l / i
Imported Tussorah Sport Pongee with tri-colored designs, Boys' Suits With Extra Pair of Trousers -SSSSS
33 inches, yard $2.75 _ hemstitched edge, yard, ' \1l: ■TI. *"■ ■
Tussorah Sport Pongee, new Roman stripe effects on natural and oyster hP aT f\f\ \T CZ £T f\ 25c 29c and 3 c MJf // —
white grounds, 33 inches; yard $2.75 <wS J .f/f/ fWJ O JI / vS / •71/ Scotch madras in cream ground with 7
Chinese Pongee, oyster white with cube designs in green and blue. 33 w * • w plnk Ko)d and b)ue printlng . a and plnk [ j
Printed Shantungs, 33 inches; yard .'.sivoo unusually varied stock in sizes from 7to 18 years. Pinch-back and Norfolk models, in and blue mixed WPil%es - s ßnd s()c
yurd $1.50 single and double-breasted styles. A host of Scotch mixtures and fancy patterns. Table runners and pillow tops in \ - jM[ Cl <r
Ji? ° thcr ™ B. y - $3.95.515.00 •^gSZ.^lS'te'wM'JSS;
Plain Shantungs, 33 inches; yard 8c, SI.OO, $1.25, $1.50 to $1.85 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Second Floor. Rear. ~, horder ' *•> nn
Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart-Street Floor. [- ,
■1 ■ 1 1 ,
i V