6 RECEPTIONS, PARTIES. WEDDINGS. ANNIVERSARIES YOUNG MEN JOIN MACHINE GUN CO. District Deputy Grand Master Hershman Installs Odd Fellows' Officers MANY SOCIAL' AFFAIRS Mrs. Clarence Lebo Entertains Sunday School Class of U. B. Church Mccltaiiicsburs;, Pa., April 7.—Three more young men from this place have enlisted in the army in the Machine Gun Company of the Eighth Regi ment. They are: W. S. Nlcolls, Cecil Finkenbinder and Robert Fisk.— George W. Hershman, district deputy grand master of the Independent Or der of Odijl Fellows of Cumberland county, was at Carlisle on Monday evening Installing officers in the lodge in that place. This evening he will install officers in the lodge at New Kingston.—On Thursday evening Mrs. Clarence Lebo entertained the Sunday school class Of which she is a mem ber in the First United Brethren church, at her home, 19 South Wash ington street. The time was spent so cially with music and readings. Re freshments were served to the guests, among whom were: Mrs. E. C. B. Castle, Miss Vada Castle, Mrs. Milton Walters, Mrs. Rena Yohe, Mrs. Frank Rowe, Mrs. Robert Vogelsong, Mrs. Ruth Yohe, Mrs. Gertrude Conrad, Mrs. Yetter, Mrs. Clinton Stone, Mrs. Grace Geiling, Mrs. Hess, Miss Anna Sponsler, Miss Emma Sponsler, Mlsb Gladys Rowe and Mrs. Lebo. —-An en joyable meeting of the Church of God Mite Society was held on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Wesley Miller, in East Main street. The fol lowing persons took part in the pro gram: Miss Edna Smith, Miss Hazel Boyer, Miss Corelli Martin, Paul Baker, Miss Marietta Sultzaberger, Miss Violet Brenlzer, Miss Anna Smith, George Boyer, Ernia Keller, Miss Viola Wilt, Miss Minnie Baer, Miss Mabel Miller, Miss Rose Bow man, Miss Anna Scliroeder and Miss Martha Anderson. —Mrs. William Bovd and daughter, Pauline, and Mrs. Horace Shue, of Harrisburg, were guests of Mrs. T. K. B. Brandt, in South Market street. —W. P. Walls, of Sliiremanstown, was a visitor here on Wednesday.—Miss Hattie Hopple was at Harrisburg on Wednesday.—Pas sion week services were held this week in Trinity Lutheran church, with sermons by the pastor, the Rev. H. Hall Sharp.—lrving College students are enjoying the Easter vacation at their liomes.-r-The regular monthly meeting of the Mechanicsburg Bible and Tract Society was held on Thurs day evening at the home of Mrs. Esther Miller, West Locust street. HIM HEALS HON BABY Looked Terrible. Itched Awfully. Scratched and Spread. One Cake Cuticura Soap and One Box Oint ment Entirely Healed. Cost 75c. ' 'When baby was three weeks old I noticed a rash coming on his cheek. It started the size of a ten-cent piece and by the time he was threi! months old it was the size m ft of an egg. It was very !l red and rough and made C ,' 1 U him look terrible. It \ , "i*, j itched awfully and the ~ J~- more he scratched the Imore it spread, s @ II \ m • 'Then I sent for a free sample of Cuticura Soap and Ointment. I noticed the rash looked palersolbought a cake of Cuticura Soap and a box of Cuti cura Ointment. and before 1 used them all the rash was entirely healed." (Signed) Mrs. L. Krause, 2944 N. 15th St., Philadelphia, P:t., Sept. 9, 1916. You may think that because Cuticura does such wonderful work in soothing and healing severe itching and burning eczemas it is not adapted to the gentle uses of the toilet. On the contrary, that is just where it is most effective in pre ventingthese serious skin troubles. For Free Sample Each by Return Mail address post-card: "Cuticura, Dept. H, Boston." Sold everywhere. Men's Fine Tailoring Extraordinary . tiillor-innde Soil" to order as low -- 1 , Abu cmstom-iiinde X'.l'l'ilJ. l lJ|l|y Shirts. THOMAS P. MOHAN 814 N. Third St. *^l REMOVED | RUDOLPH K. SPICER Funeral Director and Embalmer, to 511 North Second Street § R.D.Pratt Specialist j 26 N. Third St. (Schleisrier Bld^., School children often require glasses without ' realizing it. It your child seems to bo lagging in school, It is probable that the cause may be exhaus tion brought about by eyestrain. We suggest that you permit mo to make k careful examination and determine to a cer tainty if the eyes arc the fault. SATISFACTORY SERVICE at the same reasonable prices that prevalUd at n>y former location. SATURDAY EVENING, W. C. T. U. Will Meet at Home of Mrs. Bach Eliza bet lit own, Pa., April 7.—Mon day evening at 7.30 o'clock the month ly meeting of the W.• C. T. U. will be held at the home of Mrs. R. S. Bach, in South Market street. Mrs. Ida Brown, of the county union will be present and deliver an address. —Dr. R. C. Gross made a trip to Falmouth. —Harry S. Hockey and Miss Delia M. Oalebach were united in marriage at Wagorstown, several days ago.—Simon C_\ Heisey and Miss Martha Witiner were married at Washington, D. C., several days ago. This is the groom's fourth matrimonial venture. —E. L. Bishop was at Colehrook on Tuesday. —Prof. Elwood R. Kirby, of Philadel phia, throat specialist, rendered med ical attention at the hospital of the Masonic Home, to a number of chil dren.—Postmaster 1. W. Kuntzelman, of Bainbrldw, was a visitor in the borough.—M*ss Amanda Nlssley was the guest of friends at 1-ancaster.— S. J. Keisey, of Lansdowne, spent sev eral days with his mother, Mrs. Susan Keisey.—Atlas Castle, A. O. K. of M. C., paid a fraternal visit to the lodge at Florin, where art enjoyable even ing was spent followed by luncheon. —William Keener, George Brene- man, Clarence Selders and Guy Goch nauer, have been elected members of the Friendship Fire Company No. 1. —B. F. Bishop, an employe of the Bethlehem steel works at Steelton, is homo on account of a piece of steel striking him in the face Inflicting painful injuries.—Mrs. R. H. Forney and the Misses Ellen Groff, Mary Campbell and Marguerite Redseeker, were recent visitors to Lancaster. — The High School Alumni will hold a musicale in the markethouse hall on Thursday evening. April 12.—Mr. and Mrs. Martin H. Ebersole announce the birth of a son on Tuesday—Benjamin G. Hess and family moved to Palmyra. —H. G. Hess was at Harrisburg on Tuesday.—Frank Mutli, Richard Uw ery, Frank Groff and Harry Muth have returned from an auto trip to Pitts burh. Easter Cantata at Union Chapel, Linglestown Lingle.stown, Pa., April 7.—An Eas ter cantata will be rendered In tha Union chapel to-morrow evening at 7.15 o'clock.—Mr. Snyder and daugh ter have returned to their bungalow after spending the winter at Roches ter, X. Y.—Church services will be held In the Church of God Sunday morning by the pastor, the Rev. H. Wliitaker. —Mrs. Harry Look and children and Mrs. Ralph Look, of Chamber Hill, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Buck.—Mrs. Mor ris Tobias, Mrs. William Look and Mrs. William Ber' heimer, of Oberlin, were guests of Mrs. Mary Xoecker on Wednesday. Mrs. Harvey Stine, of Lebanon, spent Wednesday here. — Charles Lenker and family, of Harris burg, moved to the home of G. C. Feeser. —Mrs. Lydia Hill, of Harris burg. presented a piano to the Union chapel.—Mrs. W. Zimmerman and Mrs. Earl Zimmerman, of Harrisburg. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Zimmerman on Sunday.—The Rev. W. J. Shaner and family, of Harrisburg, spent Sunday as guests of Austin Shaner and family.—Mrs. Mullen, of Harrisburg, spent several days with her daughter, Mrs. Fannie Care. —Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Mclllienny, of Harris burg. were guests of Mrs. Annie Smith on Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Buck and family, of Harrisburg, Bpent Sunday as guests of Mrs. Annie Buck. —Miss Martha Buckwalter, of Irving College, Mechanlcsburg, spent several days with Miss Marion Smith. —Frank Hoke and Edward 3uck, of Gettys burg College, are spending their Eas ter vacation with their parents.— Henry Ferber, of I'rsinus College, is spending his vacation with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ferber. Feet Washing Ceremony at Mount Joy Church Mount Joy, Pa.. April 7.—Feet washing was observed in the Unit ed Brethren church. B. F. Greena- Wult had charge of the services.— Harry Royer, of Pittsburgh, was in town on Monday, the guest of his fa ther, Wesley Royer.—The twin Ijabies of Dr. William Heilig were baptized on Sunday morning by the Rev. George A. Kercher, pastor of the Lu themn church. —Mrs. Kate Witmer. Mrs. Oliver Boyd and Mrs. Harry Ruhl, of Manheim, were guests of Mrs. Ann Witmer last week.—A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. t'larence Reist. —Mount Joy Lodge No. 277, Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows, lias elected the following officers: Noble grand, Walter S. Piefer; vice grand, Charles B. Johnson; recording secre tary, George B. teller; trustee, Clay ton Hoffman. —Miss Elizabeth Mis ftemer and Alyin Rohrer. of pear Sporting Hill, were guests of J. R. Missenier.—The Luther Needle Guild will meet on Tuesday evening at the home of Miss Bertha Missemer.—A cantata, entitled "The Nazarine," was very successfully rendered in the United Brethren church on Sunday evening under the direction of Ben jamin F. Gerber. CHILDREN WHO ARE SICKLY Mother* who value their own comfort and the welfare of thcircltiUlren,should never be without ft box of Mother (irajrl Sweet Powders for Children, for use throughout the season. They Breftlt op Colds. Keiieve Fiverloliness, Constipation, Teeth ing Disorders, Headache and Stomach Trouble*. Used by Mother* fur 30 years. THKSK FOWDEItS NE\ RR FAIL Sold by all l>ruc H*ore*, Me. Dnnt accent any MhiHtvte. Sample mailed Kit EE. Address,.uotber Gray Co., Le Hoy, N. V. KARRJSBURG TELBQRXPE FOUR WELL-KNOWN GREAT GRANDMOTHERS LIVING AT CARLISLE - Carlisle. Pa., April 7.—Four Carlisle great-grandmothers are shown above. From left to right, they are: ilrs. Ida Watters, aged 63; Mr&. Myra Meals. 65: Mrs. Sarah Kelley, 86, and Mrs. Julia Kuhn, 89. The young ■st of the group is Master Frank Kuhn, aged 6 years. SUBURBAN PERSONALS LewialoTrit—llenry Morris, of Read ing, 'is visiting friends here.—Mrs. Harry Martz, of Johnstown, is calling on Lewistown friends.—Mrs. Edward Price and daughter Gertrude, of Johns town, are visiting relatives in this place.—Mrp. Alex Kuhns is recovering! from illness.—Miss Cora White has re turned from a hospital in Lancaster, were she had an operation performed. —E. E. Claspby is improving from a five-weeks' illness. —Clyde Fleck is ill. -i-Mrs. L H. Ruble and daughter, Mrs. Harry Haverstlck, are on a trip to the West. They will visit California be fore they return. —Harry Metzger, ol Erie, is calling on Lewistown friends. —Grant Arnold is taking a course in agriculture and horticulture at Ames, lowa.—George Bannon has been spend ing sometime in the western part of the State.—Editor H. J. Fosnot, of the Daily Sentinel, has spent nearly half a century in the newspaper business, i—Miss Anna Hoffman, of York, is visit ing friends here. —Miss Annette ParKe, of Philadelphia*, is visiting Miss Mar joric Wood.—Miss Mary Woods has re turned to Bryn Mawr, after visiting her home here. Enderx.—Mrs. Allen Wise and daugh ter, Mrs. Daniel Romberger, of Eliza betlwllle, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac A. Enders.—Ells worth Enders and family of Carson- Ville, and Oscar Enders, of Dykens, visited their parents, Mi". > and Mrs. Moses Enders. —Miss Katie Warfel, of Williamstown, spent several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William wSjrfel.— The Rev. and Mrs. 11. H. Fer tig are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Robert Fields, at Lebanon. —William H. Snyder, of Halifax, moved on W. S. Enders' farm near town. —Charles G. Lentz moved to Halifax, and Theodore Warfel took possession of his farm. Pillow —Charles VahCamp, a travel ing salesman, - spent Sunday at B. J. Snyder's.—Edwin Snyder moved to Elizabethville on Tuesday.—E. W. Dockey transacted business at Berrys burg on Tuesday.—Communion serv ices were held in the Zlbn Evangelical Lutheran church here on Sunday and were well attended. Communion serv ices will be held in the Reformed church to-morrow.^ —Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Fauber and son, John, and Charles H. Snyder, of Elizabethville; James E. Snyder, of Harrisburg. und Mrs. W. H. Miller and Mrs. Keboyli, Berrys burg, visited at the home of Frank Snyder over Sunday.-—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Snyder were at Valley View on Sunday.—-Charles Seaman, of Sun bury, spent several days with his par ents here. —Thomas Sn.vder and fam ily were at Elizabethville on Sunday. —H. J. Moyer, of Harrisburg, spent several days in town. —J. M. Fetter oif, of Utah, spent several days with his brother, the Rev. D. K. Fetterolf. —Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Bonawitz, of Elizabethville, visited Michael Wert on Sundav. —Ed. Bingaman and E. E. Dockey transacted business at Sun bury on Wednesday.—Mr. and Mrs. Newton Stroup. of Harrisburg, spent Sunday with Mr. Stroup's sister, Sirs. John Dockey.—John Bobb spent sev eral days at Philadelphia. Ycagcrtown —Elmer Brown. Jay Rider and Arthur Warner, students at Susquehanna University, are home on their Easter vacation. —Mr. and Mrs. Ulsh and children, of Ferguson Valley, were recent visitors at the former's sister. Mrs. George Elliott. —The Rev. and Mrs. Roy Derr were Tuesday vis itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Gottschal. James Grenoble, who is engaged in the mercantile busi ness at Chicago, has been visiting his brother, John, in Mann avenue. The two brothers are now visiting in Cen ter countv. —Miss Elizabeth Baker, of Newton, was a visitor with her sister, Mr? Edward Mert/.. —Recent visitors at the Harry Heisler home were: Mrs. John Allison, of Huntingdon: Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Allison and son. Mal comb, and Miss Eva Maure, of Lewis town. and Thomas Heisler, of Center County, father of the host.—Mrs. Eva Close, of Burnham, was a visitor on Wednesday with home .folks. —Class No.' 18 of the Lutheran Church held their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. John Webster on Mon day evening.—Mrs. Samuel Dell was a recent visitor at Reedsville with her friends. —The Rose Circle of the Lu theran Sunday school held its regular meeting at the home of Miss Florence Lugtflet on Tuesday evening.—Harold and Lester Wads worth, of Harrisburg. were recent visitor at the liome of their cousin. Miss Mildred Long.— Miss Elizabeth • Aikens, of Reedsville,- spent several days at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Rice and Mr. and Mrs. George Heinbach. —Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Ready were recent visitors at the Hahneman Hospital, Philadelphia, where their daughter, Miss Claire, was a patient. Vow Bloom field —W. Frank Castles and son, Hugh.W., of Altoona, were guests of Dr. and Mrs. K. E. Moore over the week-end.—M. H. Atkinson, manager of the Merchants' Hotel, of Harrlsburg, spent Sunday here.—Paul, Darlington, of Carnegie Tech, Pitts burgh, is home for the faster vaca tion.—John Johnston, of State College. Is spending his Easter vacation with his parents here,—Miss Catharine Johnston has returned to Wilson Col lege.—Miss Olive Gfcrber and Pricier left for Shipponsburg Normal School on Monday—Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam A. Sponsler, Jr., and their chil dren, of Steelton. spent the week-end with Mr. Sponsler's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sponsler.—Henry E. Shear er. of Allentown, snent several days at his home here. —-Mrs. B. F. Junkln spent Wednesday uit Harrlsburg with her friend, Mrs. Samuely Hayes, of Nellsvllle. (Minn.—Mrs. Susan Sweeger, of Pittsburgh, is spending several days with friends here.—Mrs. Helen Bless ing and children, of Hummelstowo are visiting Mrs Ril. Selp.—Mrs. William H. Coles, of ! Huntingdon, is visiting her parents, | Mr. and Mrjs. Elmer Umholtz. —Misses ; Margaret Lewis, Mary Byerly and I Jennie Seip, of Shippensburg State Normal School, are spending a vaca- I tion here.—Anna Bohan has returned | to her home at Plymouth after visit ing her sister, Mrs. James L. Higgins. —Misses Ruth Patrick, Tlielma Kline and Melba Rhinehart. of Tower City, visited at the home of George Wit mer on, Sunday.—Mrs. Ida Romberger J and Mrs. Annie Miller, of Elizabeth ! ville, ealled on the former's brother, j H A. Koppenhaver, on Sunday.— Mary Dlefendert'er, of Stale College, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Dief enderfer.—Alice Studholnie, of \\'est i Chester, is visiting her mother. Mrs. 1 Joseph Studholme. airs. H. C. Sheafer is spending several days at } Wilkes-Bar re. Edward Kline, of i Tower City spent Sunday with Harvey ' Batdorf. APRIL 7, 191 7. Millerstown Pastor Goes to Charge in New Jersey Millorstovrn. Pa., April 7. —William H. Dyer, who has been pastor of the Presbyterian Church, at this place for eight years, lias accepted a call to the pastorate of the Presbyterian Church at Blackwood, N. J.—Montgomery Gearhart, son of Dr. D. M. Gearhart, has enlisted in the United States coast artillery. He left for Fort Slocum, N. Y., on Saturday, where he goes in training for several weeks, after which he may go to Florida.—Monday morning Miss Anna McDonald, of Harrisburg; Mrs. Anna Eckels, Misses Kathry® and Sara Rlckabaugli drove to Newport where they visited for the day with Mrs. Gilbert Frank.—Calvin j Dimni, of Philadelphia, Is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kipp.—Mr. and Mrs. Marry Rlne hart, nephew, Harry Helsey, accom panied by Miss Ethel Rounsley and Nelson Rounsley, automobiled to Lew lsburg/on Sunday. Nelson Rounsley remained at Lewlsburg where he is a student in Bucknell University.— Mr. and Mrs. 3. O. Charles spent the week-end with Mrs. Charles' parents, at Rose Qlen.—The Bishop Henderson Organized Bible class of the Methodist Episcopal Church was entertained at the home of Miss Helen Pfetz, on j Tuesday evening.—Mr. and Mrs. Rich- | ard Shover, of Newport, were guests : of Mrs. Ida Shover-, Sunday.—Miss Lillian Nankivell, of Steelton, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nankivell.' —Mrs. John Hunter, of Altoona, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Ward, on Sunday.—Mrs. Edward Manghes and daughter, Anna, were at Harrisburg over Sunday.—Miss Margaret Bolllng | er, a student at the Millersvillo State Normal School, is spending her. Easter vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Bollinger.—Kenneth Ulsh, a student of Lafayette College, arriv ed home Wednesday and will spend his Easter vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Addison Ulsh.—RoT>ert Shenk, of Harrisburg, spent Tuesday evening with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Shenk. —The Blue Bird Club was entertained at the home of Mrs. D. M. Gearhart. —Mrs. Charles Eugene Rippman and daughter, Julia, who had been visiting, Mrs. Samuel Sharon, at Newport, returned home on Sunday. Mrs. John Slatterback, of Lewistown, and Mrs. Hulda Knight, of Duncannon, came home on Monday to assist their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Banks Page, move from their prop erty in Front street, recently sold to Miss Mabel Hoffman, of Durward, to the William Kipp property, in Main street. Mr. Page will build shortly on his lot in . West Main street.—Mrs. Henry Taylor was a Newport visitor on Mondays—Mrs. Anna McDonald, of Harrisburg, spent Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. Anna Eckels, at the I Ward House- —Mr. and Mrs. Kipp, J who spent several weeks at. Harris- I burg, have returned to their home I here.—Mrs. Laura Carter spent Mon day and Tuesday at Penbrook with her brother, William Rounsley. and fam ily.—Dr. and Mrs. Leroy Howard and children, of Harrisburg, were guests of D. M. Rickabaugh and family over Sunday.—Dorff Lalir was in attend ance at the Patterson-Moore wedding at New Bloomfield, on Saturday even ing.—Mrs. Josiah Rowe Is visiting ner daughter, Mrs. George Klopp, at York.—Harold Hunter, of Steelton, spent Sunday with his grandfather, T. T. Grubb.—Announcements were received in town Tuesday of the mar riage of Miss Frances Moore, of New Bloomfield, to Aubey Patterson, of New YorTs—The Camp Fire Girls and Boy Scouts will hold a festival and I supper in the Ulsh building on Center I square this evening—Mrs. Elizabeth Crocker, who had spent the winter [ with her nephew, AVilliam Rounsley, ! and family, returned to her home at Houtzdale, on Thursday. SERVICES AT UNION DEPOSIT Union Deposit, Pa., April 7.—Com munion services will be held in the United Brethren church to-morrow morning at 10.30 o'clock by the pas tor, the Rev. George W. Hallman, and in the Reformed church in the after noon at 2 o'clock by the pastor, the Rev. Robert A. Bausch. Preparatory services will be held this evening.— Mr. and Airs. Paul Stauffer, of Har risburg; were guests of "the former's parents, Mp, and Mrs. Frank Stauffer, on Sunday.—Born to Mr. and Mrs. A. Hammaker, a daughter, on Tuesday evening.—Mrs. John Smith, of Harris burg, spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Etter.—Mr. and Mrs. Eman uel Kline and daughter, Martha, spent Sunday at Hoernerstown visiting their daughter, Airs. David Gingrich. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shelly, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. A. Lehman, of Pal myra, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Kuhns on Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs. John M. Baker and son, John, Jr., spent Sunday at Penbrook visiting Mr. and Mrs. William Stoner.—Mrs. Irving Hughes is seriously ill.—Mr. ADAMS COUNTY'S GIFT TO POLICE i Commissioners Increase Gra tuity to Gettysburg Bor ough Officers FRIENDS HELP FARMER Raise Purse For Charles Casey When His Home Is De stroyed by Fire Gettysburg, Pa., April 7. The Adams County Commissioners have in creased their annual gift of ten dol lars to each member of the Gettys burg police force to fifteen dollars, the commissioners believing the po licemen save the country many dol lars in costs during the year by their method of handling minor cases. — Neighbors and friends of Charles Carey, whose home was destroyed by tire, raised a purse of between four and five hundred dollars for him, while articles which he at his public sale brought higher prices than was expected, the sale amounting to about S9OO more than had been esti mated—Contrary to the belief of some experts that some parts of the State will be visited by locusts of the seven teen-yoar variety, Calvin G. Heagy, aged 78. of this place, declares that not 1917 but 1919 will be locust year. Mr. Heagy bases his prediction on cal culations and observations made by himself during his long life time.— While the Gebhart family were visit ing a neighbor who had been injured, thieves stole the meat of five hogs and half of a beef from the smoke house of Joseph Gebhart, of near New Oxford. —While the sale of John Chronister was going on in Berwick township wind blew the large barn door from the hinges, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Altland, who were attend ing the sale, were severely injured when the door struck them and knock ed them down.—Miss Flora Ogden was presented with a handsome gold watch and chain at a dinner at the residence of H. T. Weaver, of the firm of G. W. Weaver & Son, to per sons who have been in the employ of the firm for twenty years or more. I Miss Ogden is the fourth of the faitli- I ful and efficient employes to be re warded for twenty years of service.— j The Gettysburg Mandolin Club has | been organized by a number of the I young people. R. H. White, of Har l risburg, a student at the college is | the leader.—Because the brake refused ! to work, the truck of Charles Mum per ran into a ditch and upset, while descending a hill near Asper's Sta ! tion. The truck was heavily loaded ! with furniture and the accident scat tered the goods over the road. —When a motorcycle struck the front wheel of the buggy the horse driven by Arm strong Eckert, of near Hunterstown, scared and started to run, turning the buggy over, pinning Mr. and Mrs. Ec kert and the motorcycle rider, whose name was not learned, under the wreckage. Mr. Eckert was the only one who was injured. and Mrs. Allen Ebersole and former's brother, Jonas, of Palmyra, were te- . cent guests of Isaac Ebersole and fam- I Hy.—Henry P. Peifter spent Monday 7 at Harrisburgf.—Mrs. Harry Hartman, J of Steelton, visited 'Mrs. Maggie Hart man on Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fausnaclit and son, Harry, Jr., spent Sunday at Palmyra visiting Mrs. Faus nacht's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Snavely. Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Parthemore, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fisher and two children, were entertained on Sunday by Miss lA/.zio Parthemore. How Fat Actress Was Made Slim Many stage people now depend entirely upon Marmola Prescription Tablets for reducing and controlling fat. One clever actress tells that she reduced two to four pounds a week by using this new form of the fam ous Marmola Prescription and now, by taking Marmola Tablets several times a year, keeps het weight just right. All druggists sell Marmola Prescription Tablets at 75 cents for a large case. Or you can get them by sending price direct to the Marmola Co.. 864 Wood ward .Ave., Detroit. Mich. If you have not tried them .do so. They are harmless and effective.