Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 04, 1917, Page 3, Image 3

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    H1,..., lIHIi—SIS l iM'I'UU
Easter Showing of New Spring Fashions
Now we come to the gateway of the Garden of Spring April and Easter; and the gate swings inward at this store, bidding those who would, enter into
a new fashion realm. Flowers of fashion touching every section of the store blossom forth in the fullness of their beauty
Millinery, Suits, Coats, Dresses, Skirts, Blouses, Silken Undergarments, Hosiery, Corsets, Gloves, Children's Apparel, Muslin Undergarments,
Neckwear, Leather Goods, Jewelry, Toilet Requisites, Etc., Etc.
When a Catastrophe Menaces—
the World Turns to the Red Cross
Because the wearers of the Red Cross are universally
recognized as agents of mercy—the world in time of fire,
flood, famine, pestilence and war—turns to the little white
flag with the red symbol for help and hope.
The peace of our beloved land is threatened—war
with its accompanying horrors stares at us. The physical
welfare of armies after battle is wrapped up in the work
of the Red Cross.
It now most earnestly urges every man and woman
in this community to lend support —that the glorious work
may go on.
The employes of Bowman's have joined together to
offer help to the local Red Cross branch—let everybody
turn to this noble humanitarian work and at least give it a
moral support.
A Special Pre-Easter Display of the Newest
' Spring Shoes and Stockings
Shoes and Stockings—could there be a more logical combination
for display and sale these pre-Easter days?
In this exhibit are gathered the newest styles arfd best qualities.
Popular Boots and Pumps—we might a great deal about the
quality and styles of our footwear. .We might tell how 'well they
are made, but we believe the most important feature of our service
is to provide you with the proper lasts and fit your feet to the
utmost degree —for in this way only will you receive shoe satisfac
tion, no matter what price you pay or what styles or shoes you
Women's Boots of Suede, Kidskin, Calfskin and Buckskin shoes that
make a woman proud of her feet—
"Miss Springtime" #14.00 "The Bowman Twin Six," #12.00
"Superba" #12.00 'The Empire" Boot #IO.OO
"The Traymore" #7.30 "The Avenue" #9.00
Women's Patent Colt, Gun Metal and Vici Kid Boots, #3, #3.50, #4,
#5 and #<i.
SPATS—A new arrival with invisible straps and buckles. Pearl gray,
fawn and snuff, #3.00.
PUMPS—#3.SO and up to #7.50. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor
Easter Hosiery /ftj\ J|
The newest styles arc in striped and plaid patterns. if
Among the new things arc black, white and colors in ; J||
lace and dropstitch effects, and black with white clocking
and white with black clocking.
Thread silk stockings; Thread silk stockings; *.- rgß
double soles, high spliced double soles; wide garter
heels; wide garter tops; | tops; black and whitc . Pair, jf, 'V
black, white and colors. Pair,
... . . . Silk lisle stockings; thread Hfc
rancy silk stockings; new f r >
spring styles, in plain and ; boots; double soles.
fancies. Pair, #1.50 and Pair, G9£. J|
#2.00. BOWMAN'S— Main Floor
i w(Da
The Vogue For Pink Lingerie Is Greater Than Ever
Crepe de chine Washable Satin Silk Jersey Batiste
I Milady will be charmed with the dainty display of gowns,
n~K- L \ envelope chemise, pajamas, camisoles, combinations and
■ V bloomers.
M lj\. y Wonderfully artistic creations with the most fascinating
\ tr ' mrn ' n ® s nc l aces flower buds and novelty adorn-
J l/\ J 1 Tomorrow We Feature —
J \fl[l Billie Burke pajamas of pink batiste, with gathered neck,
h IM sleeves and leg run with satin ribbon to form empire line.
/U Price, .. #1.50
Envelope chemise of fine flesh batiste, with lace and
satin top, trimmed with fine,lace at top and bottom. Price,
\'_M A #1.25
Empire combinations of fine batiste in flesh —waist and
bloomers run with elastic— a dainty new model. Price,
fpSpW- IL/ #1.25
Bloomers of fine French crepe in flesh; full width and
* ™- length. Price, #I.OO
BOWMAN'S—Third Floor.
See Additional Store News on
on Page 13
"A union of lakes, a union of lands,
A union that naught can sever;
, A union of hearts, a union of hands—
The American Union forever*"
Show Your Patriotism-
Fling Old Glory to the Breeze
The Stars and Stripes should not be hoisted before sunrise, nor allowed j
to remain up after sunset.
When flown at half-mast as a sign of mourning ,it should be hoisted to full ;
staff at the conclusion of the funeral.
On Memorial Day, May 30th, the flag should fly at half-mast until noon,
and at full mast from noon until sunset.
In flying the flag at half-mast, it should be hoisted first to full mast, then j
lowered to position, the distance of th ; width of the flag from the top of the |
staff. Preliminary to lowering from half-staff, it should be hoisted again to j
the top.
The flag should never be allowed to touch the ground.
When two flags are displayed the Stars and Stripes should be placed at '
the right.
When the National Flag is passing in parade and review, the spectator
should, if walking, halt; if sitting, stand, and stand at attention, uncovered.
Your New Easter Suit
Our Suit Show Inspires
It is an unsurpassed
ex h i bition of latest \
styles—outranking the
average stored effort K /
in those ways that j
Distinctive models j Jj/f
The high quality I /JJ\\
Numbers of styles
Price moderation I \ / A
All of which help to \S: ■.! J / r / {
account for the great ( f
volume of business we J \
are enjoying by r I I lifI if
"My Lady of Style" \ LP /W/ J /
for her 1917 Easter ' J**
Suits of all materials—in every new Spring shade—
for all figures,
$16.50 $19.50 $25 $35 to $45
The Sale of Dresses
A Magnificent Collection of Quality
Afternoon and Street Dresses
representing a special purchase from one of the reputable i
manufacturers at a price concession liberal enough to
warrant us to advise you not to tarry.
These dresses are made of Georgette crepe, crepe de
chine, taffeta, messaline, nets and combination taffeta and
Georgette crepe. Trimmings include colored embroidery
fancy stitching, buttons, beading and lace.
Price range—
s9.so sls $19.5
Also our own stock of Dresses at reduced prices.
BOWMAN'S—Third Kloor.
Easter Handkerchiefs
A gorgeous show of the handkerchiefs so much in fashion
Your Choice at 25c
—Pretty crepe de chine handkerchiefs in wondrous colors
and designs.
—The new sport handkerchiefs in unique and weird patterns
—all colors. ' s
—White and colored handkerchiefs with striped and flower
ed borders.
—Solid colored handkerchiefs with conventional designs.
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
¥ . [
See Additional Store News op
I ( 1
Only Three Days More—
And then Easter. Only three shopping
days! We shall be rushed—particularly
afternoon. And so our advice and re- /||l JQn \
quest is—shop in the morning if you pos- vJwv)
sibly can. That will aid us in our plans v
for always better service and it will
equally benefit you.
V )
Baby Carriages—Go-Carts—Sulkies
With the advent of bright, sunny,
t Spring days you will want to keep baby
out of doors as much as possible, and
whether baby goes for a ride, or takes
a nap on the porch, you'll need a car-
The new models are unique this year
—many are finished in a novel manner.
This is the most comprehensive ex
hibit we have yet made and it com-
Strollers Pullmans Sulkies
Carts Collapsibles Carriages.
Finished in ivory, white, gray, brown,
natural and turquoise blue.
i —All reed carriages $16.50 to $39.75
—Reed strollers, $6.50 to $22.50
—Sulkies $3.75 to $8.75
°™' V " V ' i l-'lflh Finn r
Buy you tires now while prices are down to the figures we
are herewith quoting.
Ford sizes of well-known makes of non-skid tires—guaranteed 3,500
and 5,000 miles.
Size 30x3 at $9.98
Size 30x3at, $12.98
These 5,000-mile guaranteed tires —
Size 33x4, Q. D. .at, $19.51
Size 34x4, Q .D., at, $20.16
Size Q. D., at, $28.09
Size 36x4#, Q. D„ at $28.43
Size 34x4, O. D., plain, at, $19.25
These 3.500-mile guaranteed tires —
Size 28x3, O. D., plain, at, $7.59
Size 32x3#, Q. D., plain, at, $11.96
Size 33x4, Q. D., plain, at $17.47
Size 34x4, Q. D., plain, at, $17.78
Size 33x4, Q. D., non-skid, at $18.31
Size 34x4, Q .D., non-skid, at, $18.62
Size 35x4, S. S., non-skid, at, $19.41
Size 35x4 r /S, Q. D.. non- skid, at $25.94
BOWMAN'S— Fourth Floor.
The Easter Neckwear
Neckwear of all kinds, here in a bewidering profu
sion and at a wide range of interesting prices.
Choose from authentic modes—neckwear to marvel '
at in styles confined to Bowman's the delicate
Georgette crepe, organdy, crepe de chine and combina
tions, 000 to $4.00
New crepe de chine col- white and dainty pastel
lars; square collars, round shades, . SI.OO to $4.00
and novelty shapes, also Smart new pique collars
a combination of crepe de to wear with coat, suit or
chine and Georgette crepe dress; very newest shapes T?
tailored effects and hem- in plain tailored effects; / y—v
stitching; also trimmed also nets of collar and If \\ts f
with filet lace, at cuffs to match, f
500 to $3.95 500 and SI.OO
Beautiful Georg ctte Net guimpes, net mod
crepe collars; round sailor els, with new high collars,
double tier, cape and 250 and 500 *
fancy shapes, in plain The new middy ties; we C [ \sj
tailored effects, or richly show many colors in £0 V VI
hand embroidered, or crepe de chine with hand
effectively trimmed with some printed designs,
the poular filet lace; in ST)O 3GWMAITS— Main Fioo
We present for your selection at economy figures a lot of
Auction Oriental
We were extremely fortunate in se- r /Q
curing these rugs from the recent auc
tion sale held in New York City— a —1
personal representative of Bowman &
Co. being on the ground and making JaWfeTT ' x jL N
There are only one of a kind, odd but bea#tiful effects which will fascinat*
you by the marvelous colorings and also by the lowness of prices.
Sizes from mat to room dimensions.
Kinds represented—
Mossoul lran Saruk Afghan Mahal Guenji, Etc.
BOWMAN'S— Fourth Floor.
: Easter Eggs and Confectionery A/. ('l
We are selling Walker's famous product— noted for I A,/
its purity and all-round goodness.
Easter eggs decorated—an expert decorator here to f '
complete your order immediately. BOWMAN'S—MAIN FLOOR.
BOMAN'S—Main Floor. VUwator.
APRIL 4, 1917.
on Page 13