Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 29, 1917, Page 8, Image 8

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Dealers Will Make Decrease on
All Sizes but Pea if They
Can Secure Shipment
Providing shipments can be made and
local coal dealers can receive the coal,
Harrisburg residents will receive the
usual spring reduction of fifty cents
per ton on all grades of coal, with the
exception of pea, which will remain
practically the same. This announce
ment was made this morning by local
coal dealers.
J. B. Montgomery stated this morn
ing that in all probability the reduc
tion will not take effect before May 1,
RS the dealers are stocked with high
prioe coal, which was secured to pro
tect their customers.
He said: "Dealers will be able to
grant the usual fifty cent reduction
providing the coal can bo received.
Operators, with the exception of sev
eral smaller independent ones, have
issued a reduction and these are ex
pected to follow the Reading and Iron
Coal Company, which is one of the
largest anthracite producing concerns
in the country. There is, however,
one barrier and that Is the receiving
of the coal. If the local dealers can
not get the coal they certainly can
not reduce the price.
Wur Would Stop Mines
"We have no assurance from the op
erators that we will recoive the coal
and therefore cannot guarantee tlie re
duction. In case war should be de
clared the price of coal will not be
lowered, as the mines would be tied
up. The Miners' brotherhood has pledg
ed its membership to the President in
case of war and this would practically
take all the men out of the mines."
Should the reduction be granted the
retail price on the various grades will
be: Hard grades—Egg, $6.40; stove,
$6.65; nut, 6.75; and soft grades—Egg,
$6.85; stove, $7.25; nut, $7.15. Pea coal
will not be lowered in price as the
consumption Is greater than the sup
ply. This is due to the fact that many
manufacturing plants have been us
ing this grade of coal for steam pur
Sec. Redfield Indorses
Universal Training
New York, March 29. Universal
military training is a "national neces
sity" in the opinion of William C. Red
lleld, secretary of commerce, whoso
views on the subject are expressed in
a letter to the National Security
League, made public to-day.
"I cordially favor universal obliga
tory military training," Secretary Ked
field wrote, "believing it to be greatly
for the national good in developing a
sense of discipline and training in obe
dience and order quite apart from the
question whether its purely military
side is ever called Into service. For the
latter purpose I regard it as a national
Santiago, Cuba., March 29.—After a
battle of several hours, government
troops to-day dislodged the rebels at
Songo, 13 miles northeast of Santiago.
In the opinion of government officials
the revolution has now entered its
final phase.
Get a 10 Cent Box of
"Cascarets" for Your
Liver and Bowels.
To-night sure! Take Cascarets and
enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and
bowel cleansing you ever experienced.
Will accept our "Vanity" Book and our Trial Reducing
2k Outfit if wo will tend tham free?
V n 'T 10,000 Intelligent, self-respecting men and women
WftJpnSMk throughout the United Statea and Canada, who sought an
KABY and NATURAL means to SAFELY reduce superfluous
vafiSV fat, adopted the ADIPO Method under our guarantee, because
of Its simplicity and because it required no starving, sWeat
fMHcggM lng or ridiculous exercising. Each received the same Trial
Reducing Outfit that we now offer to send you, reader, abso-
JKSjiSKa lutely free of charge, the game as we did to them.
Bsoc. Box Free
consists of the ADIPO "Vanity" Book, giving Private infor
mation In self-reducing, and a 60-CENT TRIAL BOX of tho
ADIPO Reducing Materials. This newest Nature-Method is
purposed to not only reduce fat safely and pleasantly but
to IMPRRQVE THE GENERAL HEALTH as the form gra.l
- becomes more slender.
■B We hare space here to give but a few sample testimonials. As many more
JQRBB as you may desire will be furnished on request.
jyyjMpp Miss Laura A. Feech, MeCeanslltvllla, Ohio, ssyt: "Sines taking your Anrro
JF&Srtwg my health bat been fine, bettor thau it
SB/SB bM beon Ixl ThrM ytr aco 1
ffiffijSifß wan fat and nlMrable and oould fjfeW ftrfS?
mmOB hardly gvt around. Tour treatment
took off 81 ]-minds of excoea fat and ml JA
my wmjst from
I nnukh?t uka btck
ADIPO treatment reduced ma from 225
htrdlT w*lk any distance, trot now I can nm sn(t j^S
gst around as whan a child. It has hem her- >"W
t °° k trMUMni " a th *
105 pounds of fat foe ma and t am faallng*fln°"
Miss ptlllla Nattarmaa. Bwiilngtoa, Wis., says! T he,e P"-tures give the artist's idea of
"It Is now soma months since I finished taking w J>et would happen to the human form
ADIPO treatment, and Ism enjoying the best when all excessive fat has been taken off
of health. My weight whsn I sUMsd taking £7 • treatmentlike the Adipo Reducing
It waa 217 pounds, and IMredticed ma T pounds. Method. Note the man to right who looks
It glna ma pleasure toleU my frlaids of my 1 2 * rs younger than he didwhen fat. as
rsduotlao. ' shown to left.
We an sending out hundreds of these Free Outfits, so do not hesitate to use the coupon below
T „ „n,T,, n ,
ADIPO CO.. BWB Beard Bldg., New York City Gentlemen:
You may send me the Adipo Trial Reducing Outfit free,
■ by return mall, In plain wrapper.
r/rnUmfflmtfmmif- *&&%.■ i
WBjr 'K&I
[Continued From First PORT]
ket baskets, maae a determined ad
vance forward.
Just then the gong sounded, the po
lice guarding the entrance retreated,
and the army of buyers swept in.
The women stormed the grocery, un
derwear, garments, millinery and shoe
counters, while the men charged for
the gents' furnishing division in the
rear. And the children were there, and
with their pennies invaded the toy sec
tion and carried oft stuffed bunnies,
bears, tin soldiers and roller skates.
l''lr*t Hour's Sales s.*>oo
Business was so brisk that before
10 o'clock the receipts passed the SSOO
mark, breaking all previous records.
The figure was close to $560, which
was doing business at the rate of over
$9.30 per minute. Last year the aver
age income was only $S a minute.
In the women's clothing department
Mrs. Herman P. Miller, chief, $75 passed
over the counters during the first hour
of the sale. This was the high-water
mark for the morning. Mrs. Mercer B.
Tate, head of the men's rurnlslilngs de
partment, had her stock so nearly de
pleted that she was forced to send out
an "S. O. S." call for more contribu
tions of men's clothing. Over $55 was
the toll received here in a little less
than forty-five minutes. The slide coun
ter's sales amounted to SGI; kitchen
utensils, $9.45; china, $25; house fur
nishings, sls; underwear, S3O; notions,
$24; draperies. $54: sports, sls; grocer
ies, $11.50; pictures. $35; books and
toys, $7; millinery, $lO, and the win
dow, $58.45.
Mnke Concerted Attack
A position on which concerted at
tack was made was the underwear
counter. A half hundred colored wom
en tried to jam their way into a space
only large enough to take care of
about a fifth of that number. The
result was that something collapsed,
and Mrs. Solomon Hiney and her as-
Let Cascarets liven your liver and
clean your thirty feet of bowels with
out griping. You will wake up feeling
grand. Your head will be clear,
breath right, tongue clean, stomach
sweet, eyes bright, step elastic and
complexion rosy—they're wonderful.
Get a 10-cent box now at any drug
store. Mothers can safely give a
whole Cascaret to children at any
time when they become cross, fever
ish, bilious, tongue coated or consti
pated—Cascarets are harmless.
sistants called for lielp. Chief of Po
lice Wetzel and Mercer B. Tate heard
the cry of despair and flew to the res
cue of the frightened ladies.
The crush around the shoe, ladies'
garments, millinery, draperies, bric-a
brac and gents' counters Increased in
stead of diminishing as the noon hour
rolled around, and many were com
pelled to wait half an hour before they
could be waited on.
Need More Contribution*
The executive committee, after mak
ing- a quick invoice of stock in the
various departments at noon, issued an
appeal for more contributions imme
diately. Children's straw hats, men's
overcoats, shoes and 1,000 pairs of
men's pants and Victrola and Pianola
records are urgently needed. Announce
ment was made that C. Floyd Hopkins,
manager of the Majestic, Colonial and
Orplieum theaters, had donated 100
tickets each for the Colonial and the
Majestic theaters to be sold at cut
Wide Vnrlety of Good*
Perhaps a few persons visited the
sale to "take in the sights," but they
were few indeed. Everybody was buy
ing everything. No one had any regard
for money; coin was Hipped about with
reckless abandon. Those who did go
primarily to satisfy their curiosity,
however, were not disappointed. In the
book department were rare old prints,
selling for 5 and 10 cents. A tricycle,
probably of the vintage of 1880, at
tracted much atention. Five-cent dia
monds wero a big- drawing card, and,
Oh, yes, they were "real and genuine,"
Inquirers were informed. A kind
hearted individual lugged in a sleigh as
his donation.
A set of casket handles puzzled a
good many fellows. They appeared to
be just the thing for necktie holders
and were about to be sold when up
stepped an elderly man who wanted to
know if there were any coflln-handles
for sale anywhere in the store, at tho
same time catching sight of the set.
"Here's the very thing I want," he
said. "How much, please?" The chap
who was about to buy "necktie hold
ers" observed that he had had a nar
row escape. ✓
INewlywecU Kit Out Home
Judging from the serious manner
with which customers and bargain
hunters went about making their pur
chases, there was not much indiscrim
inate buying, as would be expected at
a rummage sale. An Italian bride and
groom, the bride a tiny woman with an
air of business and the Instinct of a
thrifty housewife, visited each depart
ment and completely fitted out their
new home. At the brlc-a-brac coun
ter she was presented with a large
bunch of artificial flowers. Bishop
James H. Darlington was observed to
bo intently Inspecting some rare old
prints, a few of which he purchased.
The Rev. Floyd Appleton spied four
beautifully decorated champagne glass
es in the china department which he
carried off with him.
Among the art pieces on the notion
counter that were much admired by
many women was a richly crochetted
collar and cuff set and a silk camisole
of pale pink. Tliey were the hand
work of a fcteelton woman of foreign
| birth who had been operated on at the
Harrlsburg Hospital, and, to show her
appreciation of the treatment she re
ceived at the hospital, donated the
pieces for sale.
The sale Will continue to-morrow
and Saturday. An effort will be .madu
to-night to replenish the different de
partments so that each will bo fully
stocked when the doors are opened at 9
o'clock to-morrow morning.
Hunter and Dowdell Will
Lead Salesmanship Club
As a result of the postal card bal
lot submitted to all members of the
Salesmanship Club, of Ilarrisburg, C.
11. Hunter was elected president, and
R. W. Dowdell vice-president. Mr.
Hunter has for years been associated
with the Elliott-Fisher Company as
assistant general manager. R. W.
Dowdell is salesmanager in this ter
ritory for the Burroughs Adding Ma
chine Company.
The standing of these men in the
community is such as to command the
confidence of the leading businessmen
and local captains of industry. This
is in accord with the AVorld's Sales
manship Congress, which has men of
national and International reputation
on the executive staff, men who repre
sent great industries and organiza
tions throughout the United States
and Europe.
The local club will bo another
strong arm for Harrisburg's commer
cial development, as It will have a
distinct field of its own which will
in no way conflict with present civic
and commercial organizations. The
Salesmanship Club of Harrlsburg will
co-operate in the upbuilding of Har
rlsburg by improving salesmanship,
and the speakers of nationul repute
who will come here will specialize on
subjects that mean the betterment of
business through the betterment of
salesmanship. It is purely a business
organization that appeals to execu
tives, salesmanagern, salesmen and
those desiring to become salesmen.
Average of Twenty-Two
Animials a Month Are
Killed by Humane Society
The Harrisburg Society for the
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals met
at the office of the president, J. Har
ris 8011, late this afternoon, and dis
cussed the work of the last year.
A close watch is being kept on coal
landings, dumps, excavations, stables
and markets. The peace officer has
made 3,001 visits in the city during
the past year besides frequent trips
to the surrounding towns.
The membership of the society has
Increased from 141 to 270 members.
The peace officer attending complaints
and lias put twenty-two small ani
mals to d6nth each month as an aver
■N , . 1
[Continued tYoin First Page]
of the constitutional guarantees
in Spain.
Paris, March 29. "An appeal to
tha people" which has been Issued In
Spain has been declared by the gov
ernment to bo seditious, a Havas dis
patch from Madrid reports. The
signers of the appeal, whose names
have not been disclosed have, been ar
rested. The cabinet has taken the
affair into its own hands and will deal
with it summarily.
Much Unrest In .Spain
Washington, D. C\, March 29. —Kre
quent reports from Spain of wide
spread unrest because of her attitude,
toward the war and almost universal
food shortage made officials at the
State Department receive to-day's an
nouncement of the suspension of con
stitutional guarantee without surprise.
Slnco the beginning of the war there
has been decided internal dissonslon as'
to Spain's attitude in the war, and dur- j
in the last few months, especially
with the sharpening of the German
submarine campaign, the food short
age has aggravated the trouble.
Internal disorders and widespread
stripes in Spain have been reported at
intervals during the last year. In De
cember a general strike of 24 hours
was called by the labor organizations
as a protest against the Increased
price of food. In January riottng and
incendiarism at Sargosea were re
ported. Last, summer the railway em
ployes struck and for a week Spain
was under martial law. '
White Calfskin
10-inch Boot
Has an Imitation wing tip, Ottod
year welt, hand sewed, either Louis
or military heel.
We know you can't duplicate
this boot elsewhere under SB.OO.
1307 DERBY ST.
Bell Phone
A Home of Her Own This Eastertide!
Imm Comforts of a Handsomely 1 I
Furnished Home Will be Yours if '
YOU Buy Your Outfit HERE. On Liberal Terms
and Ru^s
The Living Room- The Dining Room- The Kitchen
furnishings are selected with the idea
of giving you comfort. They include furnishings are n 42-inch Round Top This room equipment consists of an
a Tnhi"i n i.i7^£!i2 ie J?. Library Extension Table with '•Colonial" scroll even baking. 6-hole Uan K e and pipe—
masaivn Arm rnalr *n feet —a roomy well finished Buffet with a 42-inch top Kitchen Table with
match with hark anri fnii heavy plate mirror and large compart- drawer and two strong Kitchen
sDrine seals—and a9v 12 fopfh ments— 4 saddle seat Dining Chairs. Chairs. Any woman will appreciate
■?E2f 8 a ana a ltue for the and an Bxlo Rug. Every nrticle in- the good furnishings for this room ajs
eluded will give absolute satisfaction. soon as she sees them.
This Fine AN "AUTOMATIC" Stylish, Reed
Rocker Bed Davenport COACH
oakor $/f.50 Rich s<|7 Durable *lß=
Mahogany 4== Fumed / / Leatherette tfKW
Finish Finish Covering
A food davenport in your home will serve a This model has full rccd
double purpose and give satisfaction as long body well padded. The
' as you Use it as a soft, restful loutig- springs are designed to give *
S Amp a W ing place by day, and as a sleep-inducing, easy- greatest amount of comfort
1J to-make-up bed at night. They are shown wheels' rlbe!
HV here at all P r,ces < lo all finishes, and can be had tires. An excellent coach at
with chair and rocker to match, if you wish. a very low price.
SS Burns & Company Sffe
Davenports With 28-30-32 So. Second St. rnmp anri -
Chairs and Rockers Come and See
to Match "Where Your Mother Bought Her Furniture" 1 WHY
Fix Date For Civilian
Training in Army Camp
Washington, March 29. Dates for
—————— 1_
The Food Value of
§ Saaßft JUUrtll
Sugar is readily and com-
Sold in f. t and 5 lb. carton* , I • • * • .
packed at the refinery pletcly aSSimilatCC! Dy tllC
human system. Convincing experiments
show that while sugar constitutes only
5.4% of the average diet in America, it
furnishes 17.5% of the total energy in
the diet.
V. tun mow imut.uy i
Franklin Granulated is a
cane sugar of highest sweet
ening power. It is absolutely
clean and is never touched
until you open the bag or
Carton. <>" n 2, S. 10. 25 and 50 Ik.
cotton baf, refinery packed
"A Franklin Sugar for every use"
Granulated, Dainty Lumps, Powdered, Confectioners, Brown
MARCH 29, 1917.
tho establishment of civilian training |
camps in tho four military depart
ments were anounced at the War De
partment to-day. The dates for Platts-
j burg arc: First Camp, June 2 to July
1, 1917; second, July 7 to August G;
third, August 11 to Sept. 9; fourth,
September IB to October 14.