2 RUSSIAN LEADERS VOTE TO ORGANIZE [Continued From First Page] new regimo in Russia was expressed o-day by Foreign Secretary Mllultoff n a statement to the Associated Press. "The old regime was a heavy drag lot only on Russia's relations with her allies, but on all foreign rcla iions," he said. "Thousands of telo ■srams of congratlatlons and good wishes are coming from the United States, not to speak of tho formal recognition of the provisional govern ment by the Washington government. This has served to show that it is X"> the old regime which has been stand ing for a long time in the way of entire solidarity between the United States and Russia." Professor Milukoff emphasized par ticularly his satisfaction at the atti tude of the American Ambassador, David R. Francis, towards the politi cal change in Russia. lie said that the extent to which tho new Russian government had won the sympathies of the American public was indicated by a telegram he liad received from Jacob H. Scliiff, of New York, who was long opposed to the Rusisan auto cracy, wishing success for the new government in its task. "There Is no doubt," he continued, "that the addition of Russia to the ranks of tho modern democratic coun tries will strengthen tho adhesion of the United States to the cause of the allies. Free countries, uiay have con lldence in Russia, especially as we now find all free countries, allied for the same alms." GRANDPA DIDN'T NEED CASCARETS FOR THE BOWELS Two hours a day sawing wood will keep liver and bowels right. ifou who take exercise in an easy chair must take "Cascarets." Enjoy life —feel bully! Don't stay Sck, bilious, headachy, constipated, emove the liver and bowel poison which is keeping your head dizzy, your tongue coated, your breath offensive, stomach sour and your body full of old. Why don't you get a 10 or 25- ccnt box of Cascarets at the drug store and enjoy the nicest, gentlest! liver and bowel cleansing you ever ex- 1 jierienced. Cascarets work while you sleep. You will wake up feeling fit nnd fine. Children need this candy cathartic too. IF mm or KIDNEYS BOTHER Eat less meat also tak All Ladies', Misses' and Children's 1 Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats j in the Season's Most Stylish Shapes j Go Into a Big Sale S At Special Price Reductions # * v For Monday Only ( Choose from the newest and most authentic models in Millinery at | C lower prices than you'll find elsewhere in Harrisburg. t r Broad statement, you may say, but we urge you to make com- } / parisons ahd satisfy yourself. * C I COME HERE MONDAY BEFORE BUYING AND I < YOU WILL BUY HERE > SOUTTER'S | 11( 5$ )i 1° *° 25e Department Store I § Where Every Day Is Bargain Day # li ar k e * Opposite Courthouse i Today the uncertainty of events make - ♦-jl ill. - it necessary for everyone to consider This institution has been in existence ™ ' ■ for eighty-five unbroken years,—years which included the Mexican, the Civil, During these years our Certificates of H lair Sfiai Deposit have steadily increased until to- | ; day they reach a total of $2,220,000, the —DatrplunDep ositlhrif Co. Capital and Surplus Hanisbnrf Pa. $600,000 _ . , _ . ... ' ■ . MARCH 24, 1917. gpther witli officers from tho Indiana State Reformatory assisted in main taining order. Kaisc Ilclief Fund The chaos which cumo in the wake of tlie storm was quickly .succeeded l>y organized efforts to assist thoso in need of help. A large relief fund was raised at a hurriedly gathered meeting of citizens at the City Hall and committees appointed to under take the work of relieving those whose homes had been destroyed. The injured soon overflowed the one public hospital of tho city and others were taken to the Young Men's Christian Association and to private homes. Damage Is Widespread Damage done by the wind extended several miles inttf the country. Many houses and barns were unroofed or demolished and several persons were injured. No accurate estimate of the prop erty damage in and about the imme diate vicinity of New Albany has been possible, but it is expected tho loss will be upwards of a million dollars. I.F.BANON VISITOR HE3RB S. M. Washabaugh, of Lebanon, at former resident of this city, is visitlaff here. Since leaving Harrisburg he has taken a course in agriculture at State College and is now connected with the Hershey Chocolate Company. The first sneeze is the danger signal. Time to take— CASCARA ©QUININE The old family remedy-in tablet form—safe, sure, easy to take. No opiates, no unpleasant after effects. Cures colds in 24 hours-Grip in 3 days. Money back if it fails. Get the genuine box with Red Top and Mr. Hill's picture on it—2s cents. At Any Drue Stora