Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 16, 1917, Page 11, Image 11

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Important Decision in Regard
io High School Appropria
tions Is Given Out
Members of the State Board of j
Kducatfon at their meeting here yes- '
terday went on record as favoring i
payment of full school appropriations j
to districts having junior high schools i
and complying with State require- j
* menti. Tlie meeting, which was at- i
tendvd by practically" the full mem- !
bersMP. adopted a resolution that j
districts which have junior high ;
schools or intermediate schools with
three year course# In advance of the
wo,*k usually done in the llrst six
yctrs of generally accepted courses
and those \vhich have three year |
senior high schools in advance of j
jiinior high schools should receive the j
fill appropriation allowed for eight.
\fears' elementary and four years' high
"at.'liool work. \ !
Weak Lungs ana
Chest Troubles
respond more quickly to the
blood-enriching oil-food in
than to any other one medicine.
SCOTT'S is a rich, nourishing
food to strerigthen tender throats
and bronchial tubes. It is of
peculiar benefit to the respiratory
tract and is liberally used in tu
berculosis camps for that purpose.
You get no alcohol in Scott's.
bcott 9l Bownc. Bloomficld, N. J- IQ-22
Wife to Blame if Husband Drinks,
Says Druggist Brouin of Cleveland,
Who Tells Wife
A New Treatment Given Without the
Ctnsent or Knowledge of the Drinker
Cleveland, O.—No wife has a right to
blame her husband because he drinks,
.-ays Druggist Brown of Cleveland. It is
lier fault if she lets him drink and ,'hriiiK
unhappiness and poverty to her home
and she has no right lo complain. A
woman can stop a drinking husband In
ii few weeks lor half what he would
t.pend on liquor, so why waste sym
pathy on a wife who refuses to do It?
Druggist Brown also says the right
time to stop the drink habit is at its
beginning unless you want drink to
deaden the line sensibilities of the hus
band you love. Begin with (the first
whiff of liquor on his breath but da
not despair if he has gone from bad
to _worsa until he Is rum-soaked
through and through. Druggist Brown
knows the curse of strong drink be
cause he himself has been a. victim. He
was rescued from the brink of a drunk
ard's grave by a loving sister who,
ten years' time, revealed sec
I Toilet Goods Bl ° SATURDAY SPECIAL SALE AT Patent Medicines
Mary Garden Extract . 25c ?J' O< L I ? I u mo se,tzcr5 e,tzcr <-°
Djer Kiss Kxtraot 25c M I I 7 M J ■ ■ 4 55® S" 1 epa . JS®
I i J ark s te gs?^=i
Rigaud's Toilet Preparations W' -*■ ■"> V 4 I* IV Ck, I* V/ iI:SS :::::::'?^
JJAIJY (>.\HI)EX GOODS 50c lia.v's Hair Health 29c;
;::::•?£ PATFIVT MFnTPTIVF QTHPFQ r7-7.7.7.v&
nrK, .:.7. $ :iSS x 1X 1A lTlUlrl^lllH A UllllS <N : R .\:::::::::: \&.
■ Mary Garden Vanishing Cream 62c .. .. m , 50c Williams' Pink Pills 80c
SzSKJ?.::/::::: 55:5s 300 Market St. N r se TA f t x. Ll '.R u s ntity 306 Broad St. 54SSriiiii-::::::::::::::::::5S
Alary Gulden Kxtrnct Bulk, oz 81.50 . '- Fvfvf • No Goods Delivered. No Mail Orders AJ- St.OO D. D. D. for Eracina 59c
Mary Garden l-*\lract I'ackasc, oz.. . . 50c Doan's Kidney Pills 33c
Mary Garden House 87c _ . 25c Sloan's I.inimenl 15c
Djer KisS race Powder t smaf B,c J ,J /m73N, v V- - - \ V B SI oo Itcsinol tliiitmi'iii line
■ Djer Kiss Face-, Pomlcr, lar# 71c fflf';' , <3 KTI . \ _ _ W H ■ £ V "n
■ RffiSs.'Ste v.v.7.v:.3 mi _ TV \ ■ #1 •""*>■' •. j
Dorin's Gcods \ '/ % / Special, Ftill PoUnd V / /
■ Dorin's House Brunette with Puff (Xo. \' ) * • • • • • X SI.OO Pierces Medicines sc
IH" 1 ) /•• **9 c *I.OO Wampole's K.xt. Cod IJvcr 55c
Dorin's House, No. 18. Dc Theatre ....17c .SI.OO l.isterine 57c
Dorin's Bottle, Brunette/. 17c T _ tc ,/- T/ -n TT o -r>TT->r-> t-> •' 25c Mustcrole 18c
Toilet Creams -LUbCIOUS RIPE FRUlTS—Pineapple, Cherry, Straw- A dainty package for the most discriminating taste. We I 75c lad's Kidney Salts -12 c
25c size Pond's vanishiifc cream, iars,. ,17c berry and Raspberry—in full cordial cream and covered have an abundant supply for all, as we don't want you to stlioo Permia".. . tcra, . %R .'.".. 57c
r.o'c 11 "if sm!na , n's\T.'V.i ror . ! eck,e f.'. 2!- w^tll "eh. smooth chocolate. A confection of exquisite qual- miss this opportunity to secure such a treat at this special socDaSdeEn" 0 Tab,eU
Sfi%g&%TC£S creani: :! isc ** and excellence-guaranteed 60c value. price. ftSS it
■ 25c size Satin Skin Bo#e Tint 15c ■ ,-,oc Glover's Manse 29c
Ma<agc Halm
25c size Poiiipeian NiJn Cream 17c ——2sc Musteline He
25c size Woodbury's l/aclal Cream 15c 25c Ginfterole 15c
Creaui ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■iH ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■lMHH V'soline %
i Toilet Goods Toilet Goods Toilet Goods ES::'HEE:'E::':ffi
25c size Sanilol told Cream 17c VTWUCJ A VJUUUIJ lUIICI V/UUUJ S 1.00 Bliss Native Her l> Tablets sc
25c Sanitol Face Cieam 17c ' 50c Blsurated Magnesia 29c
50c size Creme l*.l/aya ■•■•••••.••;•• ,81c SsrtfiDQ T~r3iT"
45c crenio dc Mcrldor He OOaps nair ±TeparatlOnS 50c DeWitt's Kidney Pills 29c
s(h' si*rlah™OUtc l CreHm Cd CrCam " Kolynos Dental Cream 15c 25c size Palmer's Skin Success Soap 15c 50c size Herpicidc 29c :;.• Pluto Water 28c
' Colßate's „ t . ntu , Civanl 20c 23c . giz< r Cu ticura Soap 17c SI.OO size Herpicidc ....! 59c
$3.00 FAVORITE f\O • lebeco Dental Cream 27c 0 - . n . , . 4 . 50c size Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur 29c I iriTO^
I SYRINGE O C Kalplieno Dental Cream 15c ' " 81.00 size Wyctb's Sage and Sulphur ...59c 8
411 2S FOUNTAIN A r\ S. S. White Dental Cream 17c 25c size Woodbury's Soap 15c 50c size Parisian Sage 29c 25c Aromatic Spirits Ammonia, 3-oz. l*>t
springe 49 c *r:r Crcum iic 25e 54,10 parkc, " s xar s ° np ,5c ® wt ' ;
fT>i OT?n * —* * 8 litntal < team 1,, c 10e size Physicians' and Surgeons' Soap,, ,6c 30c size Hays Hair Health 27c 45c Ess. Peppermint, 3 ozs. , 20c
5>1.2.,2-qt. Kc.lJ WA IhK A P™* Stinllol Dental Cream 17c j lolinaon Pnnt e™ n -•• SWo B ' ze Kmulsilled Cocoanut Oil 29c 25c l.ime Water, 1 pint 15c
BATTLE 4DC An.lca Tooth Soap ,5 C " , Jolmson oot f ap loc „.„0 size Pandertne 59c 25c Camphorated Oil. 8 ozs 15c
loc size Jergcns Glycerine Soap. 50c Pa|(n OHve sham|>oo 29c Jr. Arnlc.., Sou. ... ... 25c
Piver's Goods 3 ol 20c SI.OO size Pinaud's Eau de Quinine 75c 25c ltose Water and Glycerine, 8-oz. bot
15c size Palmolive Soap #c 81.00 size T.iquid Arvon 59c ' ' ' VV ' I'' 1 '
A Better Grade of zurca f" 11 um I>owdcp 19c ir,< ' s,zc , lv,,r s v i ,,scc,,tl Soa ' 1 IOt: 50t: sizo Ca " thr ox . 29c 5c soap •••••• ••• • • •
Azurea Face Powder 89c 2oc size I'car s Glycerine Soap 15c 50c Barbo Compound 29c Moth Balls, 11) 18c
P* f \ Azurea Sachet Powder .Me Moth Flake, lb 18c
vUr r ILi!/ Azurea Face Powders Shaving Soaps, Creams and
Azurea Kxtract Bulk, oz . .SI.OO „ ~ . Pnuj^prc
This is certainly a delicious, frasrant Azurea Kxt tact, package $1.29 Mary Garden iace Powder 7oc X'OWuerS
ratio of coffee. In the premium stores Piver I.c Ticflc Incarnat, Sachet Powder, 51c l>jer Kiss l-'ace Powder 37c . .
,on pay 85c a pound for no better coffee— Azurea Face Powder 89c Colgates snaving Stick
sometimes not so good. A Carmen Face Powder 84c Besinol Shaving Stick 18c
wlltTou^ve , here OUr °" n I>rCmium? with 1 OOttt fOWder Lablaelle Fa.-c Powder 82c Colgate's Shaving Creani .20c ft Havana nicUs cigars for . 25c
Sanitol Tooth Powder 17c Java Hlcc Powder 27c Johnson and Johnson Shaving Cream... 15c 7 liven Steven Cigars for 25c
11 |. .. c STm.'SSEZS"*' VS . 3C |SS®a2&
i 7lir In k im,t , 5 ,',5:: T 5 SSR.ffi'.aratSrilS
J ES PnnnH So/.odont l/iquid !!.!!!!!! Tetlow's (iossawicr Face Powder 15c Colgate s Shading Soap, cake 5c ,j Moja Cigars for 25c
I UUIIUS Kublfbam liiqnid 15c Tetlow's Swandown Face Powder 10c Williams' Shaving Soap, cake 5c At Market Street Store Only
i 1 . "
| , This picture was wlven out by the Municipal l.eague to-day to show the type of buildings designed by William B.
Ittner. the St. Louis architect selected by the special citizens' committee of the School Board to design the new high
j schools for Harcirsburg. It represents the new high school at Minneapolis.
The State Capitol was closed to-day,
I at noon in memory of Secretary of In- j
| ternal Affairs Henry Houck, Governor
| Brumbaugh and many officials at)d J
attaches of the government and legis- i
| lators going to Lebanon to attend the
funeral on a special train. At noon
the doors of the legislative halls and !
! o£, all legislative offices were closed, |
lan unusual tribute. The flags at the I
Capitol were at' half-staff.
Members of various hoards with |
which Dr. Houck was connected held J
j meetings and adopted resolutions be- ;
fore going to the funeral.
The meeting of the Public Service |
j Commission was suspended out of re-j
speet to the lata Secretary.
' The HighspirctWater Company to-!
ret to him. She 'saved him from drink
—rescued him from his own depraved
self, by giving him a secret remedy,
tlie formula of dii old ylernian chemist.
To discharge ills debr to lier and to 1
help other victims out of the murk and
mire he has made the formula public.
Any druggist csn put ,it in the hands
of any suffering wife, mother, sister or;
daughter. Just ask tlie druggist fori
prepared Tescum powders and drop a
powder twice a day/'in tea, coffee, milk
or any other drink. Soon liquor does
not taste the same, the craving for it
disappears and io, one more drinker is
saved and knows not when or why he
lost the taste for drink.
Xotc.— Teic'um, referred to nhun,
nliould he used only nbrn It In dnlr
ntile to destroy nil (ante for alcoholic
drinks of every kind. The wife who
approve* of drlnklnic 1" moderation nml
believes her husband ante should iclve
It only when she sees, an moat do In
time, Ihnt the Hanger line la nenr. Mince 1
thin formula has lieen mnde public J, .
Nelson t Inrk, hud other driifslati hate,
tilled It repeatedly.
j day notified the Public Service Com-'
I mission that it would follow the rec- i
| ommendations of the engineer of the [ i
commission in regard to tlie changes j
I in its mains so that there would be |
no danger of interruption of service i
because of weather conditions.
The Public Service Commission yes- j
terday effected a compromise at Pitts- :
| burgh in the telephone rate cases
I whereby there will be a public saving
|of $314,000 a year,
j The State Department of Health 1
had reported to it to-day a case of-
I smallpox which had some dangerous i
complications. The patient is a col-
J tired man named Sam Thompson, who |
| lias been living in McDonald's Hollow, j
! near Woodiawn, Beaver county. At
that place there is a negro club known
J as llayward's Club. The smallpox vic
tim was a star performer much ad
mired as a dancer and entertainer and
| was such an attraction that guests
j came from Pittsburgh and other
places fairly distant in this State, as
| well as from Rochester in New York
I state. The man is under absolute
| quarantine and Dr. Bruce Snodgrass,
j County Medical Inspector for the I
] State Health' Department, has endeav- j
j ored to trace all possible persons who i
| came in contact with him so tlrat tiieyj
[might be vaccinated and thus prevent
[the spread of the disease,
j The Public Service Commission will i
hand down its order approving the I
j compromise in the Philadelphia coal j
j rate cases late to-day, according to j
j present plans. Chairman Aliiey re- j
turned from Pittsburgh this morning Ij
| and conferences were held with at-|
j torneys for the coal carrying roads.
I It is expected that the appeals pend
| ing in court will be withdrawn and
| the order will then follow.
Attaches of the State Government
| who can "play pieces 011 the piano" or i
I who have musical accomplishments
| are-being listed to-day so that they
|oan participaate in the coming dinner!
of the Pennsylvania State Society, at!
I which a portrait of the Governor is
;to be presented to him by his staff,
j The idea is to have a Capitol Hill or
j chestra.
I The State Compensation Board ad
journed to-day. after holding hearings
I and consultations here for three days.
The Board will meet in Philadelphia
j next Thursday, when it will hand
I down decisions.
John S. Carroll, former legislator
from Fayette county, was at the Capi
tol to-day.
J The name of Deputy Secretary of ,
the Commonwealth Godcharles, of
Milton, is now being heard in eonncc- I
lion with the vacancy tn the Depart- \
ment of Internal Affairs.
Highway Commissioner Black was;
yesterday asked by a delegation of 1
York countians to improve the road j
between Red Lion and the Maryland'
Adjutant General Stewart to-0y ■
announced the retirement of Lleuten- I
ant John H. Wood, company C, Sixth I
infantry, and the acceptance of the]
resignation of I.ieutenant E. C. Glenn, 1
Jr., battery B, Second artillery.
j March liriiijis Out I'nsigiitly Spots.
How, to Remove Easily,
j The woman with tender skin i
dreads March because it is likely to !
cover her face with ugly freckles. No j
matter how thick her veil, the sun
and winds have a strong tendency to '
make her freckle.
Fortunately for her peace of mind, |
I the prescription. otliine double
I strength—makes it possible for even
i those most susceptible? to freckles to,
| keep their skin clear and white. Not
matter how stubborn a case of
freckles you have, the double strength!
othine should remove them.
Get an ounce from your druggist
and banish the freckles. Money hack !
j if it fails.
The "Come-back" man wars really '
never down-and-out. His weakened ;
condition because of overwork, lack of
exercise, improper eating and living de
mands stimulation to satisfy the cry I
for a health-giving appetite and the ]
refreshing sleep essential to strength.
(!OUJ MKTAI. Haarlem Oil Capsules, |
the National Remedy of Holland,' will ;
do the work. They are wonderful!
Three of these capsules each dav will <
put a man on his feet before he knows !
it; whether his trouble comes from uric
acid poisoning, the kidneys, gravel or 1
stone in the bladder, stomach derange- :
ment or other ailments that befall the I
over-zealous American. Don't wait un
til yon are entirely down-and-out, but !
take them to-day. Your drti ggist will
gladly refund your money if they do i
not help you. 25c, 50c and JI.OO perl
box. Accept m> substitutes. L,ook for
the name GOLD MEDAL on everv box.)
They are the pure, original, imported I
Haarlem Oil Capsules.—Adv.
Sixteen Pass
State Examinations
The State Pharmaceutical Examin
ing Hoard has announced that at the
examination held in llarrisburg on
March 3 thirty-one candidates for
pharmacist certificates appeared for
examination and sixteen were suc
For assistant pharmacist certificates
sixty-four applied, of whom forty
seven passed.
The requirements for entrance upon
a course in a college of pharmacy were
raised to two years of high school
training or its equivalent, to bo effect
ive for the course beginning in 1918.
The successful applicants were as
follows: -
Alexander Bernstein. Dorothy N.
Diamond, William J. Conlen, Abe Foi
st ein. ISenjaniin H. lloren, Edwin H.
Kinback, Lester F. Raabe and Hyman
•Vailer, all of Philadelphia; Curtis
C. Crowther, William C. Boyle and T.
"fta ©>{oct" 3(aaa
Tomorrow, Saturday, Great Specials From 8 a.m. to 9 p. m
Great Sale of Gloves Famous Burson
HEAVY SILK GLOVES a* q . | . •
SATURDAY Double finger tips, JRJ 3IOCKIIIgS>
white or black, /avS * 7 ° r wom en all-over silk; black tQ
P air // / only; Saturday, pair <3t/C
X SATURDAY White Chamoisette A J
Sale price, pair . ■' 69c Myil| *
2-clasp real French kid, d "I l l//i
self Paris point backs... J. sOv/ \}'/ / (Cull Fashioned)
d* 1 *"7 C Bronze, Rose, Black, White, Champagne,
3-rovv black crochet backs AoI • J Nile Gray, Silver, Pink or Sky, £ £■•
SATURDAY Silk Lisle Gloves (real German Dark Tkn DOC
make): black, gray, tan X SATURDAY—Boot Silk Stock- OA
or mode Oi/C ings. Lisle tops. Sale price, pair, C
A \
3 Great Specials For Saturday A DI FIU
0, triniincd. nt Brasß,CPe8 ' o,n " roUkr ] CHoiCC i\U I M
Fine Muslin Drawers; embroidery and o r LACED FRONT CORSETS
Nainsook Corset Covers; lace or cm- LtOC. II Embody the Perfection in Style and Shape ||
Black Stockings, 6% to 8y 2 . -| r\ ll But at P rices to fit the popular purse. Sale prices,
Sale price, pair .... 1Z 2C <t ■ r (l |-A d | 7C (9 AA
W. B. Open Front Brassieres, lace AQk 1 .OUj }) 1 • I
trimmed, values 59c and 69c TTc/C Cf*Q CA AA
Women's Swiss Undervests; .deep .Cluny Ip2i*DUy PJ.UU
yoke, 25c ind, £•%/"■ pink or white, plain and self woven Jucquard
Saturday lut Coutille.
Flesh, Pink, Fine Nainsook Ef O Also complete lines of R. &G. CORSETS
Gowns; neat yoke; sale price ... vt/C SI.OO, $1.1?•), $1.50, $1.75, $2.00
1 '
GROUND A CTDIfH'C 4th & Market
FLOOR Ad I r<lwn d Streets
Our Prices Positively Lowest in City |
Fulton Linn, of Pittsburgh; J5. Ray
mond Brloner, Reading; Alfred M.
Stellwagon, Pottsvllle; Carl J. Jacoby,
Wypcote; Lloyd I''. Scott, Washington,
and Frank H. Holmes, Jeannette.
Charles S. Gormley, Karl \V. Lang
and Joseph Tarnapo>vlcz, of Pitts
burgh; Lawrence 10. Blaszczky, John
Dcvltt, Walter J. Grabowskl, Jacob
Meserofsky, Benjamin Lauder, Harry
liotraan, Roman A. Teleski, Sydney A.
Weltznian, Joseph Wexler, Daniel A.
Fitzgerald and William Scott, nil
of Philadelphia; Carson 11. Rrady, Al
toona; t Harold W. Perrong and Frank
Colaha'n, of Ashland; Fred H. Barber,
Raymond Nolan and John A. Wallace,
of Avoca; Kdy K. Hoiser, Carlisle;
Wayne E. Flyers, Cliambersburg; Reu
ben K. Martin, Chambersburg; Sam
uel L. Smith, Curwensville; William L.
Pawling, Downingtown; Harry K.
Macfarlane, Klrama; James V. MeClos
key, Forest City; George E. Wagner,
Gltardville; Hunter 1.. Evans and John
S. Senseman, of Harrisburg; Albert H.
■ rimer, Minersville; Robert E. Iteber,
Hamburg; Clarence M. Hill, Johns
town; F. Clair Bratton, Lewistown;
Herbert 11. Hooper, Luzerne; John T
McGavin, Parsons; John A. Holley,
Malianoy City; I,eon W. Swavelv,
I'ottstown; Floyd ft. Goodhart. Read
ing; Wilbur B. llo.v. State College;
Roy A. Nauman, Sellersville; Samuel
C. Reed, Shamokin; George 11. Wendt.
: Your eyes are worthy of the bM
attention you can give them. Bel
linger glasses can be had as low
•s 82.
Opp. Orpheum Theater
Eyes Examined No Drops