22 SPECIALTIES GAIN AFTER DULL START Active and Broad Trading Soon Makes Market Recover From Effects of Moderate Declines Which Prevailed at Opening New York, March 14. (Wall Street). Moderate declines prevail ed at the opening of to-day's market hut prices hardened almost imme diately with gains of one to three points in various specialties, including Industrial Alcohol, International Pa per, American Sugar and National Bis cuit. United States Steel yielded a substantial fraction at the outset but soon recovered with other issues of the same class. Kails showed little of their recent improvement, Reading, however, rallying from its initial set back of half a point. Trading was ac tive and broad. ' Activity gave way to extreme dull ness before the end of the lirst hour. Announcement of the sinking of an American ship in the war zone in duced some proiit taking and short selling with resultant irregularity of prices. Cuban American Sugar rose almost ten points on the improved out look in Cuba and shippings strength ened. Transfer of a large block of Erie convertible B's at a slight advance was the only feature of the listless bond market. NEW YORK STOCKS Chandler Bros. & Co., members New York and Philadelphia Stock Ex changes, 3 North Market Square, Har risburg; 1338 Chestnut street, Phila delphia; 3 4 Pine street. New York, furnish the following quotations: New York, March 14. 2 p. m. Open. Quot. Allis Chalmers 26 Vs 26 Amer Beet Sugar 92 >4 91% American Can 45 *-45 Am Car and Foundry Co 65% 65% Amer Loco 7070% Amer Smelting 104 104% American Sugar 112% 112% Anaconda 83% 83% Atchison 102 101% Baldwin Locomotive ... 53 52% Baltimore and 0hi0.... 76 76 Bethlehem Steel 140 140 California Petroleum ... 23% 23% Canadian Pacific 153% 152% Central Leather OOti 90% Chi Mil and St Papl 81% 81% Chino Con Copper 58% 58% Col Fuel and Iron 4 7 4 7 Consol Gas 121 118% Corn Products ...'. 23% 23% Crucible Steel 65% 65% Distilling Securities .... 20% 21% Krie 26 26% General Motors 119 120 Goodrich B F 56 56 Great Northern pfd ~.. 112% 112% Great Northern i're subs 33% 33% Inspiration Copper 59% 60% Jnterboro-Met 13% 13 Kennecott 4 5 45% Lackawanna Steel 84% 83% Lehigh Valley 67% 66%; Maxwell Motors 55 55% Merc Mar Ctfs 26% 27% Merc Mar Ctfs pfd 75 76% Mex Petroleum 88 87% Miami Copper 41 41 Midvale Steel 57 56% New York Central 94% 94% NY N H and H 43% 43% Northern Pacific 102% 102% Pennsylvania Railroad. . 53% 53% Ray Con Copper 28% 28% Reading 94 94% Republic Iron and Steel. 79% 79% Southern Pacific 93% 93% Southern Ry 27 27% Studebaker 102% 102% Union Pacific 135 135 17 R I Alcohol 121% 124% U S Rubber 59% 59% U S Steel 110% 110% IT S Steel pfd 117% 117% Utah Copper 111% 112% Union Telegraph.. 96 96% westinfrhouse Mfg 51% 50% Willys-Overland 35% 35% Advice to Lovenlorn SHE HAS NO RIGHT TO TIIEM Dear Miss Fairfax: I am going out with a young lady and find that I love her and know my love is reciprocated. A short time ago she received two presents— one. a string of pearls, the other, a gold bracelet fri>m two young men she formerly knew and of whom she told me. Under the circumstances do you think it proper for her to retain these presents? Although I have said nothing to her, I do not approve of her retaining these, and therefore await your kindly advice. F. A. Under no circumstances is it proper for a girl to accept gifts such as you mention. She must return them at once both for the sake of her own dig nity and because of her esteem for you, the man she loves. itSf Good Printing The Telegraph Printing Co. Bringing Up Father Copyright, 1917, International News Service By D/lcfl/ICLMIS Hi ' VOO" i I THERE ) I WELL HEREB M .-i. R OH: THWS ALL. f OUTOFACROW'D" ILL RFT \>L '• V CO FTRE VOUR IVVC DOLLARS JQTAXE L T - ? > LO OKAT 1 :V '".p^ ■ ' ■<• -ipr ■ ' - %■. . > WEDNESDAY EVENING, HARRISDURG TELEGRAPH • MARCH 14,'1917. PHILADELPHIA rnoDllCE By Associated Press • Philadelphia, March 14. Wheat Steady; No. 2, red, spot and March, $1.94 @1.99; No. 2, Southern, red $1.92® 1.97. Corn Market steady; No. 2, yellow, $1.23(811.24; No. 3, yellow, $1.22©) 1.2:5; No. 4, yellow. $1.20@1.21; No. 5. yellow, sl.lß- • * ;tae. Live Poultry Market steady; fowls, 24@25c; old roosters, 16®17c; do., staggy. 18->i2oc, spring chickens. 24(ft25c; ducks, 22®24c; geese. 19022 c. Dressed Poultry—The market is tirm; fowls, fancy. 24<5f24%c; do., good to choice, 23023V&C; do., small sizes, 19® 22c; old roosters, 19c; roasting chick ens. weslei ii. -1 tu 26c, broiling cnicKet.s. western. 18@26c; do., nearby. 30®3'>c; spring ductal. nearby i.Vn' 2ac: do. western. 22@24c; geese, nearby. 19® 21c; do., western, 18®20c; turkeys, fancy, large, nearby. 324i'33c. do., west ern. fancy, large, 32@33c; do., western, fair to good. 3u031c: do. common. 24w 27c; do., old toms. 29®30c. Potatoes Market quiet, but steady; Pennsylvania, per bushel, $2.75®3.00; New York, per bushel, $2.75; western, per bushel, $2.252.75; Jersey, per basket, $1.40® 1.65. Flour The market is quiet; winter, clear, $8.15(U<8.40; do., straight. SS.. r iOffi9.oo; do., patents. $9.00®9.35; spring firsts, clear, $8.75®9.00; do., patents, $'J.40®9.76; dk 14.70; mixed, $11.25 © 14.80; heavy, $ 14.25© 14.85; rough, $11.25© 11.40; pigs, $U.00©13.30. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE! By Chicago. 111., March 14. —Board of Trado closing: Wheat—May, 1.76% ; July. 1.52%. Corn—May, 1.06%; July, 1.05 Oats—May, 56%; July. 55. Pork—May, 32.10; July. 31.40. Lard—May, 18.70; July, 18.67. Ribs—May, 17.12; July. 17.20. I Legal Notices NOTICE Letters Testamentary on tlio Estate of Harry F. Bowman, late of Harrisburg. Dauphin County, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned residing in Harrisburg. all persons indebted to said Estate are re quested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present thfrm for settlement. E. A. HEFFELFINGER, AL K. THOMAS. KEBECCA MINERVA BOWMAN. Executor*. EX ECU TO It'S NOTICE LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the estate of Karl Steward, late of the City of Harrisburg, Pa., deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, residing at No. 1402 North Front street, in said city. All persons indebted to said estate will make payment, and those having claims or demands will present the same to MARGARET J. STEWARD, Executrix. NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Administration have been issued to the undersigned in the estate of Alice E. Dougherty, late of Harrisburg, Dau phin County, Penna., deceased. All per sons owing the said estate will please make settlement at once and those having claims are requested to present them, without delay in proper, form for settlement to HARRISBURG TRUST COMPANY, Administrator, No. 16 South Second Street, Harrisburg, Pa. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Bureau of Water and Lighting Bids will be received at the Office of the Superintendent of Public Safety, Room 10, Court House, to 3 o'clock P. M., March 26, 1917, for furnishing sul phate of alumina and hypochlorite of lime, for the year from April 1. 1917, to April 1, 1918. The right to reject any or all bids is reserved. W. H. LYNCH. Acting Sup't Public Safety. The Capital Stock of The American Gas Co. is attractive to investors for the following reasons: The Company has paid dividends for 24 years, 8 per cent, since 1915. Net earnings for 1916 were substantial. Earnings are obtained from gas and electric plants in 50 cities and towns in the east and middle west, and are therefore diversified and reliable. The stock can at present be bought to yield over 6.60 per cent. We invite requests for a de scriptive Circular. Nm. P. Bonbright & Co., Inc. MOIUMS WIST All STROUD, Jr. Manager 437 Chestnut St., Phila. Km York Boston Chicago Detroit London Paris William P. Bonbright & Co. Bonbright & Co. Legal Notices NOTICE Letters Testamentary oir the Estate of Samuel Kuukel, late of Harrisburg, Dauphin County. Pa., ue ceased, having been granted to the un dersigned residing in Harrisburg, Pa., all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment, and [hose having claims will present them for settlement. CHARGES A. KUNKEL, JOHN C. MOTTER. MECHANICS TRUST COMPANY. Or Executors. FOX & GEYER. Attorneys. BANK STATEMENT REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL, BANK, at liar risburg, in the State of Pennsylvania, at the close of business on March 5. 1917. 'RESOURCES 1. a Loans and discounts (except those shown on b and c) $621,421 J4 5. l'. Si. bouilwi a U. S. bonds l o posited •o secur* circulation (par value), ..sldu. .m c U. S. bonds pledged to secure postal savings deposits I Bar value), ... 35.000 00 Total U. S. bonds.. 135,000 00 v* , This Modern House for Sale NO. 1714 BOAS STREET Right in the Beautiful Residential Section of the City LARGE LOT 35 x 110 ft. Hardwood floors, steam heat, combination gas and elec tric lighting, latest sanitary plumbing. Price, $5,400.00. Easv terms. Open for inspection. H. A. SHERK, Builder ! On premises or at 1325 State St. __ i i mportant Copper Announcement The detailed report, now in course of preparation and which will be published during the next few days, showing the wonderful strides made in the development of the BISBKIO COPPER MINING & DEVELOPMENT COMPANY'S property, will undoubtedly, when given country-wide publicity, result in a heavy demand for the shares. If you would participate in what we believe will prove one of the most substantial advances in Curb Securities, it is imperative that you immediately wire your order for the purchase of BISI3EE COPPEB MINING & DEVELOPMENT COMPANY shares' "at market." ,221 MARKET STREET, HARRISBURG, PA. Telephone*—C. V. (112; Bell 34118 NEW YORK KEADIXU PHII.ADKI.FIIIA AI.I.KNTOVVX Direct private wires eonneetinß nil offices with principal iiinrketa. \ LADIES' NEST No. 1930 Order of Owls \ \' invites ladies to membership before the \ \ CHARTER CLOSES ON APRIL Ist \ \ Entrance feo reduced while Charter is open. This Nest pays \ 1 $5.00 a week sick benefits and SIOO.OO at death. Meetings twice \ I a month lor business and a social good time. Dues onlv 50 cents \ \ a month. No assessments. Ask for one of the members to visit \ \you and explain about the Order, or get application blank and \ full particulars from \ Deputy Organizer R. F. WEBSTER, 22:t S. Mtli St. Bell 2G1.1-R \ Storage / STORAGES In H-atory urlck building, rvui 408 Market street. Household goods in clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply to P. G. Dlencr. Jeweler. 408 Market St. Air. Both phones. STORAGE 4l# Broad street, house hold goods, mercundise. Private rooms. Sl-S3. Wagons, 76 cents month. D. Cooler & Co.. 411 Broad street. Both nhones. Automobiles FOR SALE Ford roadster, A 1 con dition, shock absorbers, etc.l It's a bargain at $175.00 if taken at once. O. A. Kemp, Herahey. FIVE-PASSENGER Hudson Touring 1 car; excellent condition; new Sllverton cord tires; would make good jitney, or would serve any purpose. Cash price, J $625.00. C,, 4583. care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Chalmers 4-30; 1913 roadster. Guaranteed A 1 condition. At a bargain. Crescent Garage, 232 South street. 1 1914 Studebaker. 1 1315 Studebaker. 1 1914 Chalmers 6. All in good order, fully equipped. Cheap. , AUTO SALES ANl> DISTRIBUTING CO.. 125 South Eleventh Street. FC It SALE Chalmers light deliv ery, new body and new pslnt. inquire at Miller Auto Co., 68 South Camerou t*re< L Automobiles LIMOUSINE One new Ford limou sine; top reaily to tit on Ford car for winter use; was $150; will take SIOO Andrew Redmond, Third and Boyd streets. WE WANT AUTOMOBILE*} of any i lnd. If you cannot sell yo ,r car, why rot consign It to or exchange it with i s for a better one. Our charges for /elling are 5 per cent. only. No storage > barges if car is not sold. AUTO TRANSPORTATION EXCHANGE DE PA iil.*lc..'>T. 27-29 North Cameron street. Garages aiid Repairs BRING your car to us. Experts on Ignition and carburetor troubles. High est grade repair work. LISMOKNE AUTO SHOP, Lemoyne. Both phones. REPUBLIC TlßES—"Prodium" pro cess, wonderful tensile strength; uneven wear eliminated; reduced chipping and cutting. Good Service Tire Co., 1019 Market street. BRAZING AND WELDING We repair anything in the metal line Keasonable rates. DA If TON GARAGE 912 North Third street. CAMP CURTIN GARAGE SEVENTH AND CAMP STREETS Large brick building equipped with best tacilities for storage and care of cars. Repairing by experienced me chanics. All work guaranteed. Let us quote prices. BELL PHONE 1093VV. FEDERAL SQUARE GARAGE. COR. COURT AND CRANBERRY STS Cars stored by day or month. Mod erate prices. Repairs made. Cars wash ed. Night and day service. Gasoline Air. Both phones. Motorcycles and Bicycles IIOUSECLEANING TIME IS HERE —We will buy for casli that old bike motorcycle or parts that have been stored away in your road. Drop us a card, or call Bell phone 3SSJ. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North Third street. MOTORCYCLES, sidecars. Presto tanks, etc., wanted for highest cash prices. We have 17 second-hand mo torcycles, all makes, for sale at from $25 to S2OO each. Easy payments if desired. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North Third street. Bell phone 386 J. BICYCLE BARGAINS 25 wheels to select from; prices from $lO up to $45: easy terms; pay while you ride. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North Third street. V INDIAN MOTORCYCLE Also Thor and Harley-Davidson for sale cheap; Just been overhauled; a.ll twin cylinders and in good condition. C. H. Uhler, 1317 Deny street. Legal Notices STOCKHOLDERS'* MEETING The annual meeting of the Stock holders of the United Ice & Coal Co. will be held at the Main Office, Forster and Cowden streets, Harrisburg, Pa., at 3 I'. M., Monday, April 9, 1917, for the election of directors and such other business that may properly come be fore the meeting. UNITED ICE & COAL CO., JACOB H. FOREMAN, Secretary. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that letters of administration on tne estate of David ( F. Jauss, late of the City of Harrls i burg. County of Dauphin and State of I Pennsylvania, deceased, have been ; granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands will make known the same I without delay. EDWARD E. JAUSS, Administrator, 233 North Street, Harrisburg, Pa. r ROBERT STUCKER. Attorney, Russ Building, Harrisburg, Pa. NOTICE is hereby given that an ap plication will be made to the Governor of Pennsylvania on the 29th dav of March, A. D. 1917, under the Act of April 29, A. D. 1874, and its supplements, for a charter for an intended corpora tion to be called Bowman, Mell and Company, the character and objects of which are the manufacture, purchase and sale of chemicals, drugs and in gredients and admixtures thereof, and the purchase and sale of physicians, surgeons and dentists' instruments and supplies at wholesale and retail. Samuel B. Nissley, Georgo Andrews, Paul O. Sunday, Incorporators. GEORGE F. LUMB, Solicitor. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Bureau of Water and Lighting BIDS will be received at the Office of the Superintendent of Public Safety. Room 10, Court House, to 3 o'clock P. M., March 26, 1917, for the furnishing of cast iron water pipe and special castings, valves, tire hydrants, iron castings, and brass ferrules or corpora tion stop cocks, for the year from April 1, 1917. to April 1, 1918. The rtgtft to reject any or all bids is reserved. W. H. LYNCH, Acting Sup't Public Safety.