Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 13, 1917, Page 4, Image 4

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Smuggling Charge Only Sub
terfuge to Hold Alleged Prin
ciples Within Grasp
Removal of German Crews
From Philadelphia Planned
by Daniels
Philadelphia, March 13. Further
developments In the alleged plot to
smuggle chronometers asliore from
the German conjmerce raiders Kron
prinz Wilhelm and Prinz Kitel Fried
rich, interned at the Philadelphia navy
yard, were expected to-day. In addi
tion to the five persons, including one
"woman, already under arrest as the
'.result of the investigation being con
'ducted by agents of the Department
iof Justice, it was reported that a
•number of others would be taken into
'custody within 24 hours.
Federal agents working on the in
vestigation refused either to confirm
:or deny these reports. They admitted,
• however, that the smuggling charge is
:a subterfuge to hold the alleged prin
cipals until tlie entire plot, which they
isay has been batched, can be revealed.
It is said unotticially that a violation of
the neutrality laws may be involved
and that the plots may have nation
wide ramifications.
Ix>ok l'r Ciphcro
The nineteen chronometers said to
have been smuggled from tho ships
and which are believed to bo of vital
importance to the investigation were
sent yesterday to an expert clock- I
maker for examination. Prior to their
delivery they had been treated to an
acid bath to ascertain if the dials
contained any secret cipher message
. or to bring out any symbols that might
have been traced on their faces in in
visible ink. The examination by the
clockmaker was ordered i,n an effort
Coughs, Colds Grip
Are symptoms of a weakness that is shown by inflamed membranes. Peruna
helps clear away the waste, restores the appetite, aids digestion, and builds up
the strength. Then the new, rich Wood removes the inflammation, -
restores the tone of the membranes, and the cold is gone. rA
As a tonic following severe colds or influenza it will be found a |///)\\\
valuable aid to complete recovery. ii 17. \
In cases of chronic catarrh its regular administration has re- // J VS
stored thousands to health. //' f |
A few doses at the first symptom of cold —the depression that
always starts it—will ward off suffering. m
Forty-four Years of Success
Have made Peruna foremost in the preparedness of the American
home to meet the ills of the body. _ Your home might be the bet- j
ter by using Peruna. Tablet or Liquid Form.
Manalin Tablets. Health and How to Have It. \
M anal in Tablets are a new form of a time A new book of common sense y
tested laxative. They are safe treatmenfc of many ills> with hinta
storing action to on how to stay well.
fiver. a " Distributed free by druggists,
T. I '\ By their use the or will be sent direct on applica- V
11 ttonmay tion. Read it and profit. ~
J To and 25 cent.. THE PERUNA COMPANY, Columbu., Ohio
Nuxated Iron Should
Hospital and Prescribed
Says Dr. Howard James, late of the United States Public Health Service
It quickly enriches the blood, strengthens the nerves and puts most astonishing youthful power and
vigor into the veins of both men and women. It often increases the strength and endurance of deli
cate, nervous, run-down folks 200 per cent, in two weeks' time.
Opinions of Dr. Ferdinand King, New York Medical Author, Dr. T. Alphonsus Wallace
and other physicians who have tested Nuxated Iron in their own private practice.
In a very interesting: and instructive
discourse on the great value of plenty
of iron in the bloo<), Dr. Howard James,
late of the United States Public Health
Service, said:
"A patient of mine remarked to me
(afer having been on a six •weeks'
course of Nuxated Iron).
" 'Sny, Doctor, that there stuff Is like
"Previous to using Nuxated Tron, I
liad been prescribing tho various min
eral salts of Iron for years, only to
meet complaints of discolored teeth,
disturbed digestion, tied up, hardened
secretions, etc.. and I had about reach
ed the conclusion that the only way to
supply iron was to get the patient to
eat very large quantities or spinach,
carrots, and lentils, when I came across
Nuxated Iron, an elegant, ingenious
preparation containing organic iron,
which has no destructive action on the
teeth—no corrosive effect on the stom
ach, snd which is readily assimilated
into the blood and quickly makes Its
presence felt by increased vigor, snap
and staying power.
"Iron is absolutely necessary to en
able your blood to change food into liv
ing tissue. Without It, no matter how
much or what you eat, your food mere
ly passes through you without doing
you any good. You d6n't get the
strength out of it, and as a conse
quence you become weak, pale and
sickly looking, just like a plant trying
to grow in a soil deficient in iron.
"As I have said a hundred times over,
organic iron is the greatest of all
strength builders. If people would only
throw away habit-forming drugs and
nauseous concoctions and take simple
Nuxated Iron. I am convinced that tho
lives of thousands of persons might be
saved who now die every year from
pneumonia, grippe, consumption, kid
ney, liver and heart troubles, etc. The
real and true cause which started their
diseases was nothing more nor less
than lack of iron in the blood.
"Thousands of people suffer from iron
deficiency and do not know it.
"If you aro not strong or well, you
owe it to yourself to make the follow
ing test: See how long you can work or
how far you can walk without becom
ing tired. Next take two five-grain tab
lets of Nuxated Iron three times per
day after meals for two weeks. Then
test your strength again and see how
much you have gained. From my own
experience with Nuxated Iron I feel it
is such a valuable remedy that it
should be kept in every hospital and
prescribed by every physician in this
Dr. E. Saucr, a Boston physician, who
has studiad both In this country and
great European medical institutions,
was asked what he thought of Dr.
.Tames' remarks. In reply, he said: "I
fully agree with Dr. James. People need
more Iron. There can be no strong, vig
orous Iron men and beautiful, healthy
women without iron. Not long ago a:
KerrySraniWn l/Hey Mammal Wfere& a®^
ole Ea SMeves worfn ttc Banner ? lnt reaa *3*
four feet an ' d } ari:mn J \viheres itafc-"• ,/
onto ifa W®' it tNo / s $1
A of em'f® her 3i
to learn whether there had been an
attempt to tamper with the works and
If so to determine what it indicated.
Federal agents said tlie chronometers
could be used as time fuses to explode
bombs which might be secreted In the
vessels for the purpose of destroying
them in case of war.
Orders authorizing a search of the
Interned raiders were expected from
Washington to-day. Mayor Smith yes
terday made a personal appeal to Sec
retary Daniels of the Navy Depart
ment for the removal of the two ships
on the ground that they constitute a
menace to the safety of the city. He
was assured that every precaution was
man came to ma who wan nearly half
a century old und asked mo to sive him
a preliminary examination for life in
surance. I was astonished to find him
with the hlood pres
sure of a bo v of
t wen ty, and as full
of vigor, vim and vi
tality as u you n g
man; in f a c t, a
yountc man he
really was no t
wlthstand in; his afro
The HOC ret, ho said,
was tak ing iron—
Dr. Howard James, late of United
States Public Health Service, tells
physicians he believes that more Nux
ated Iron should be prescribed to meet
the great problem of iron deficiency,
with its mttendent symptoms of weak
ness, nervousness, lack of vitality, pale
ness and generally rundown conditions.
ALIC IRON it uamnly lata hjr oust ptople.
JU*_ _______________
Nuxated Iron had filled him with re
newed life. At 30, he was in bad health;
at 46 he was careworn and nearly all
in—now at 80, after taking Nuxated
Iron, a miracle of vitality and his face
beaming with the buoyancy of youth."
Dr. A. J. Newman, formerly House
Surgeon Jefferson Park Hospital, Chi
cago, In commenting on the value of
Nuxated Iron said; "This remedy has
proven through my own test of it to
excel any preparation I have ever used
for creating red blood, building up the
nerves, strengthening the muscles and
correcting digestive disorders. The
manufacturer* are to be congratulated
in having given to the public a long
felt want, a true tonic supplying Iron
In an easily digested and assimilated
form, a true health builder in every
sense of the word."
being taken by the authorities and
that the transfer of the German crews
already was under consideration and
that a suitable placo for them was be
ing sought.
Made Warsliip l'arts
The investigation yesterday, N as far
as it was permitted to be made public,
centered to a great extent around
Adelbert K. Fischer and his wife, two
of the principals arrested in connec
tion with the smuggling plot. It was
learned that, the Schutte and Koerting
Company of which Fischer is presi
dent, is a branch of a largo German
marine engineering concern located at
Hamburg, and that it has been en
gaged in the manufacture of parts of
Dr. T. Alphonsus Wallace, a physician
of many years' experience in this coun
try and who lias been given many hon
orary titles in England, was next ask- I
ed to give an opinion on Nuxated Iron.
Dr. Wallace said:
"I do not make a practice of recom
mending advertised medicinal products
but 1 have found Nuxated Iron so po
tent in nervous, run-down conditions
that I believe all should lcnow of it.
The men and women of to-day need
more iron in their blood than was the
case twenty or thirty years ago. This
because of the deminerallzed diet which
now is served dally in thousands of
homes and also because of the demand
for greater resistance necessary to off
set the greater number of health haz
ards to be met at every turn."
The next to be consulted was Dr.
Ferdinand King, a New York physician
and author, who said:
I "I hoartily concur in all that Dr.
James has said only in some respects
I would go further. D'r. James forgot
to mention how foods lose their Iron
value by improper methods of cookery.
In the most common foods of America,
the starches, sugars, table syrups, can
dies, polished rice, white bread, soda
crackers, biscuits, macaroni, spaghetti,
tapioca, sago, farina, degerminated corn
meal. 110 longer is iron to be found.
Keiining processes have removed the
iron o( Mother Earth from these im
poverished foods and silly methods of
home cookery, by throwing down the
waste pipe the water in whTcli our veg
etables are cooked is responsible for
another grave Iron loss. Therefore, if
you wish to preserve your youthful
vim and vigor to a ripe age, you must
supply the iron deficiency in your food
by using some form of organic iron—
Nuxated Iron, just as you would use
salt when your food has not enough
NOTE—Nuxated liron which is pre
scribed and recommended above by
physicians in such a great variety of
cases is not a patent medicine nor
secret cemedy. but one which is well I
known to druggists and whose iron
constituents are widely prescribed by
1 eminent physicians everywhere. Un
like the older inorganic iron products
it is easily assimilated, does not In
jure the teeth, make them black nor
upset the stomach; on tile contrary it
is a most potent remedy in nearly all
forms of Indigestion, as well as for
nervous. run-down conditions. The
manufacturers have such great confi
dence in Nuxated Iron that they offer
to forfeit SIOO.OO to any charitable in
stitution If they cannot take any man
or woman under 60 who lacks iron and
increase their strength 200 per cent or
over in four weeks' time provided they
have no serious organic trouble. They
31so offer to refund your money if it
oes not at least double your strength
and endurance in ten days' time. It im
dispensed in this city by Croli Keller
G. A. Gorgas, J. Nelson Clark, all good
oil-burning engines for American
war shifts. Several years ago it was
said, the Schutte and Koerting con
cern manufactured shells for this gov
ernment. Mrs. Fischer's father is said
to be at the head of the parent com
pany In Hamburg.
It was at Mrs. Fischer's request, ac
cording to Henry Rohner, a wholesale
grocer, and the other principals in the
alleged customs frauds, that ho in
structed his chauffeurs to bring back
some puckagea frqm the interned raid
ers after delivering groceries for the
officers and crews. Rohner, in a state
ment declared that he had been as
sured by Mrs. Fischer the boxes con
tained only souvenirs and that he was
innocent of any wrong doing.
Bernstorff Reports on
Dealings With Mexico
Copenhagen, via March 13.
—Count Von Bernstorff, dismissed
German ambassador to the United
States, prepured a statement on Ger
many's dealings with Mexico after his
arrival here. This statement, will be
forwarded to tho Berlin foreign office
and if approved will be made public
through the Wolff bureau, the official
German news agency. Tt is under
stood that the statement deals with
tho way in which Foreign Secretary
Zinimermann's instructions to the
German minister in Mexico City fell
into the hands of the American gov
[Continued From First Pago]
burg, secretary, and B. F, Heiges, of
Manhelm, treasurer.
Subjects for round table discussions
at the morning session follow:
Should a choice be offered in the
eleventh, or in any other grade be
tween a general course in English and
specialized courses in English, such
as commercial English?
What special attention should be
given to the rural pupil upon entering
citv schools?
In what courses could the time do
voted to Algebra bo reduced from two
to one year?
What questions should be consider
ed worthy of discussion in teachers'
Is "teaching how to study" an es
sential par '; of the daily recitation?
Training in Morality
When should the assignment of the
lesson be made? How?
What is .-in efficient plan for man
aging athletics?
How much time should be devoted
to formal instruction in penmanship
in each of the eight grades?
AVhat school situations involve
moral judgment or offer opportunity
for training in morality?
The merits of the "Six and Three-
Three plan," the "Six-Two-Four plan."
Should the school board offer spe
cial salary to teachers attending sum
mer sessions?
How may a teacher judge the effi
ciency of her work?
What special problems are found In
the Continuation School?
What change in method of teaching,
and In curriculum of the daily schools
may result from experimentation In
the. Continuation Schools?
Night school administration and
Should a school district provide
summer schools for its pupils?
Discuss Length of Day
How should Spelling be taught?
To what extent should supervised
study replace the recitation?
History requirements for high school
courses of study.
Oval English in the schools
method, matter.
The advantages and disadvantages
of State uniformity in school records
and in courses of study.
The length of the school day. Of
tho recitation periods.
How secure a spirit of "profession
alism" among teachers?
Vocatio - il guidance—how muchT
When? what manner?
Is the emphasis placed upon "voca
tional courses" at this time justifiable?
Outside of the centers of population,
what can be done for pupils that have
active tuberculosis?
What is the most effective way of
using the blackboard during a recita
tion in Geometry?
How prevent first year high school
pupils from leaving school?
What is accomplished by medical
inspection in your district?
What are the purposes of periodical
Tho use nnd abu&e of notebooks.
What new plans or methods have
been used in your schools in order to
solve local educational problems?
Method of teaching "originals" in
What should be the extent of in
dividual laboratory work in General
The teaching of English Classics. Is
it better to have a definite number of
days in each week for theme writing
and a certain number of days for tho
study of classics; or should the classics
be taught continuously until finished?
The Harrlsburg Ladles' Nest, No.
1930, Order of Owls, will take In a
large class of new members at Its next
meeting at Cameron Hall Thursday
evening. Special efforts are being made
by the organizers and members to
raise the membership to two hundred
before the charter closes at the end
of the prcsnt month, and very indica
tion points t'o the success of the cam
The local Toadies' Nest Is conducted
on similar lines to the men's but holds
its charter direct from the Home Nest.
[Continued X'Vom First Pjige]
workers were represented In the con
ference, called to determine and an
nounce the part to be cluimed by
labor in national preparedness plans.
Not Militaristic
A statement formally adopted and
Issued after the meeting set forth tn
addition to the offer of services in ca6e
of war, various demands which wero
held to be fundamentals in safeguard
ing the rights of workers in war times
as well as in peace. Militarism was
protested against; It was held that in
dustrial service should be deemed
equally meritorious as military service;
that service should conform to trade
union standards and that organized
labor should have representation on
all agencies determining and adminis
tering policies of national defense and
controlling publicity. The concluding
paragraphs of the statement, pledging
labor's support to the nation follow:
"We, the officers of the national and
international trade unions of America
in national conference assembled in
the capital of our nation, hereby
pledge ourselves in peace or in war,
in stress or in storm, to stand un
reservedly by the standards of liberty
and the safety and preservation of tho
institutions and ideals of our republic.
Pledge Their Aid
"In this solemn hour of our nation's
life, it is our earnest hopo that our
republic may be safeguarded in its un
swerving desire for peace; that our
p— "... *
Walt a Minute—
| You understand Cigarette Value!
5j You recognize Cigarette Quality! JJ 1
3s You appreciate pure Turkish to-
ISH baccos, Put together right! I fS!
89,K _ ' —— 'I !
ss| Sure you do!
J-h Then Helmar is your cigarette— -il
Friend, if you
S|| many times. j! i
The Mildest tobacco for cigarettes is Turkish. |
The Best tobacco for cigarettes is Turkish. I .
MARCH 13, 1917.
people may he spared the horrors and
tho burdens of war; that they may
have the oportunity to cultivate and
develop tho arts of peace, human
brotherhood and a higher civilization.
"But, despite all our endeavors and
hopes, should our country be drawn
into the maelstrom of the European
conflict, we, with these ideals of liberty
and justice herein declared, as the
indispensable basis for national
policies, offer our services to our coun
try in every field of activity to defend,
safeguard and preserve the republic of
the United States of America against
its enemies whomsoever they may be,
and we call upon our fellow workers
and fellow citizens In the holy name
of labor, Justice, freedom and hu
manity to devotedly and patriotically
give like service."
Bill Abolishing Death
Penalty Is Held Back
The bill giving authority to coun
ty controllers in counties having less
than 150,000 population to appoint so
licitors at a salary of SSOO was passed
by the Senate last night by a vote of
38 to 2. The bill applies to Dauphin
At the request of Senator Tompkins,
sponsor in the Senate of the bill to
abolish tho death penalty for murder
in the first degree, tho bill was laid
over for further consideration when
It was reached on the third reading
New Senator From
Adams County Works
Hard at First Session
C. W. Bealla, the new Senator from
Adams county, was sworn Into office
last night by Judge S. J. M. McCar
rell, and took his seat at a desk on
which were two large baskets ot roses.
Senator Bealls was prevented from,
taking his seat In January because his
term as Congressman had not yet ex
pired. He celebrated his advent into
the State's upper legislative chamber
by Introducing a draft of bills calling
for making half a dozen Adams coun
ty roads part of the State Highway
sj'stem, providing for the packing of
apples and making an appropriation
of 515,000 for the erection of a mon
ument in the public square at Get
tysburg. President Pro Tem. Beldle
man appointed Mr. Bealls to a num
ber of important committees.
For the first time since early in the
legislative session Senate leaders to6k
their places at their desks last night.
Senator McNichol and a few others
returned from Florida resorts, where
they spent several weeks and Senators
Vare and Smith returned from Hot
Springs, Ark.