Deaths UK ks —On Wednesday evening, March 7, William J. Hicks. Funeral services will be held at his late home, at Hainlyn, JL*ower Paxton township, on Saturday afternoon, at 2:30 o'clock. Relatives and friends ' are invited to attend without further notice. Interment in Harrisburg Cemetery. lu Memorianr IN HEMORIAM MARION ANDERSON VERBEKE, Wife of William K. Verbeke, DIED MARCH 8, 1896. Lost and Found LOST Between Seventeenth and Vernon and P. R. R. Station, lady s ■small chatelaine watch, with pin at tached. Pin had small diamond in center. Large B engraved on it. Open lace. Reward if returned to Mrs. tu. U Lyme, 405 South Seventeenth. I IXJST A pink Cameo brooch, be- ! tween Walnut and Market or in depart- , ment store. Reward if returned to Mrs. Parmer, 1813 North Third Help Wanted —Male OUTSIDE WOIiK Reliable young man wanted for three months, outside work; reference required. Apply Col lins Co., 34 North Second street. 4Jblt. YOUNG MAN WANTED One who is not afraid to work. Come ready to go to work. Apply at Coplinky s, 121U North Third street. HARRISBURG Government Clerk Ex aminations March 26, $76 to $l2O month. Sample questions free. Write t rank lin Institute. Dept., 409-C, Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Teamsters and laborers. Apply Seventh and Harris streets, mornings. S. H. Shoemaker & Son. LABORERS WANTED Good wages, steady work with chance for advancement. Ap ply Paxton Furnace, Central Iron & Steel Company. WANTED, MOLDERS On light and heavy iron. Wages, $3.50 nine hours. Open shop. No drunks wanted. Apply by letter to S.. 41111, care of Telegraph. DOUBLE YOUR MONEY selling Dia mond Rings, % Kt. Genuine Perfect Blue White Diamond Ring *19.00 that retails for $38.00, C. O. D. on approval. Beck Jewelry Co., Wholesalers of Dia monds, 110 Equitable Building, Balti more, Md. GREGG & PITMAN shorthand are taught at YOUNG MEN'S BUSINESS INSTITUTE Ly Yale University Gradu ate. WANTED —First-class bollermakers. Apply Central Iron & Steel Company. WANT Young men to learn auto mobile business, to become practical mechanics and chauffeurs. We give our students a chance to make money at the rate of 20c per hour between class hours. We guarantee to pay you 30c per hour as soon as competent. *SO in cash required. Auto 'transporta tion School. 27-29 North Cameron street. WANTED 5O able-bodied' men for piece work. Experienced truckers can earn $75 to S9O per month. Must be able to read and write. Apply in person only to agent of Pennsylvania Railroad Company at Division Street Transfer, P. R. R. Co., Harris burg, Pa. MECHANICAL DRAWING taught by Yale University graduate at Young Men's Business Institute. COUNTY SALES MANAGER—And lo cal agents wanted in every township for Rope Machines; sells fast to farmers for $3.85; no experience required to make rope, splices, etc. Mr. Ureth, St. James Hotel, 405 Market street. PORTER Good, strong man want ed, at once. Apply at 307 Market street, Philadelphia Quick Lunch. WANTED Young man, over 16 years of age, to help around shoe store. Apply, with reference, to Factory Out let Shoe Co., 16 North Fourth street. WANTED Two house-to-house canvassers, those having magazine or newspaper experience preferred. Sal ary guaranteed. Apply between D and 10 A. M. and 4 and 5 P. M. See Mr. Beck, 203 Franklin Building. Help Wanted—Female WANTED White girl, or middle aged lady, for general housework; good home for right party. Call Bell phone 3156 J. WANTED Girl for general house work; small family. Apply 1017 North Front, Herr street entrance, second floor apartment. WANTED Experienced girl want ed to help on coats. Apply 7 North Thirteenth street, at once. WANTED Girl for assistant in business office; must have some knowl edge of double-entry bookkeeping, stenography and typewriting. Address M.. 4481, care of Telegraph. ELDERLY WOMAN for housekeeper, one desiring good home in preference to high wages; three in family. Call Bell 969R, or address R., 4484, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Twenty-eighth & Derry Sts., *37.50 APARTMENTS 220 I.ocnKt St.. (second floor), 4 rooms and bath, city heat .. 30 Si. Second (lst floor), 5 rooms and bath; city steam heat....*fto 25 S. Front St., 7 r. b., steam heat. SUBURBAN Enola—Ailnnm St.. 2Vi s sl2 HummeNtown —Main St., and Wal ton Ave., 2Vi a. b.. 8 r. & b„ hot water heat, lot 125x200 S3O Lannton Canton Ave. and Cum berland St., 2'/4 s. f., 9 r. b., elec tric, hot water heat. Lot lOOx 220 S3O STORK ROOMS 118 S. Second, 18x30 It S2O Franklin Building, first floor, two rooms $55 206 N. Second St., (Donaldson Build ing), room 20x130 ft $l5O 231 N. Second St., 22x100. Also 2- story brick building in rear. 1001 N. Third, second floor $25 FROM API! 11, IST 2005 Green St., 3 s. b„ 9 r. b. . . $35 Apartment Arcade Building, 3rd floor; 4 rooms and bath $35 OFFICES Fifth and Sixth floors of Franklin Building, 212 Locust St. Offices will be rented single or en suite— running water good elevator service all outside rooms. SUBURBAN COTTAGES Alabama Cottage at Perdlx —-'six rooms partly furnished. MILLER BROTHERS & CO. Member*MbK. Real Estate Board HEAI, ESTATE Insurance Surety Bonda Locust and C'oart Street* • •• .i • " **-' V • \~y _*■ - \'■ -• '• • • - • ■ THURSDAY EVENING, HXRBISBURG TELEGRAPH MARCH 8, 1917. Advertise Your leal Estate and Sell It Quickly! Help Wanted —Male WANTED Job compositor, union man, sober and reliable. Apply Key stone Printing-Binding Co., No. 2 Aber deen street. WANTED Three pit foremen. Wages from five to six dollars a day. Two ladlemen. Apply at Employment Office, Worth Brothers Company, Coatesville, Pa. WANTED Chef, between 28 and 40. Experienced on a la carte work, also hotel cooking, and one who has worked at first-class places only. Splen did salary with room and board for the right party. Position in country. Apply Box H, 4919, care of Telegraph. Help Wanted —Female STENOGRAPHER, with office experi ence; must be rapid operator. Address in own handwriting. Box 124, Harris burg. WANTED Girl to work In laundry; must be over 16 years of age; $6 per | week to start. Apply Sanitary Family > Washing Co., Sixteenth and Elm streets, j WANTED Girl With some knowl edge of typewriting. Give age and ref erence. W., 4862, care of Telegraph. WANTED A white woman to clean j office and show rooms. Fine place for i the right \*oman. Address T„ 4483, care , of Telegraph. lisnd Workers Suction Rollers Bunch Makers Also Machine Binder and Hand Binder Strippers. Apply at I-IARRISBURG CIGAR CO. 500 Race Street WANTED A cook, white or color ed lady; must have reference. Call 2035 North Front street, between 7 and 9 evening. STENOGRAPHER AND TYPIST Remington typewriter, for light office work wanted to start at $6.00 per week. Please state experience and qualiflca tions. Address Y., 4916, care of Tele graph. WANTED Girl for general house work; three in family. Apply 171 South Eighteenth street, or Bell phono 664 J. WANTED at once, sewing ma chine operators, inexperienced will be paid while learning, a bonus is paid to all employes every pay day. Blough Mfg. Co., Reily and Fulton streets. WANTED Weavers and Learners. Apply Silk Mill. Corner North and Second Sts. FlTTEß—.Experienced fitter in ladies' ready-to-wear garments; good salary to right party; none but experienced need apply. Call Ladies' Bazaar. 8-10- 12 South Fourth street. Situations Wanted —Male 1 WANTED —-Young man, between 18 and 19, would like to have work of any kind; would like to have a salary of sl2. Call pell phone 3944 R. BUTCHER Young man, experienc ed, age 20 years, wishes position. Write, or call, 2114 Moore street. WANTED Two young men would like to have work of any kind. 1001 North Seventh street. CHAUFFEUR Young colored man wishes position with private family. Address 120 Hidge street, Steelton, Pa. JANITOR Colored man desires work fixing boilers or general work around house. Apply at 514 South street. HOTEL WORK Colored man de sires work in hotel kitchen. Apply at 514 South street. JANITOR Middle-aged man wants position as janitor, either school build ing or apartment. Reference if neces sary. Write, or calr, 316 Broad street, second iloor. Call after 5:30 P. M. Situations Wanted —Female HOUSEWORK Young woman de sires position as housekeeper. Address Annie Smith, care Albert Speck, "R. F. D„ No. 1, Mechanlcsburg, Pa. STENOGRAPHER Young woman with two years' experience in office and stenographic work, desires posi tion. Address L, 4485, care of Tele graph. WANTED Young woman typist, familiar with office work, seeks em ployment. Address X. L„ 4920, care of Telegraph. DAY'S WORK Colored woman wants cleaning by day. Inquire 313 South Cameron street. ! HOUSEKEEPING Woman desires [position as housekeeper. Apply at 754 iDunkle street. WANTED A widow desires a posi tion as housekeeper for a widower, where a good home would be provided. Address B. 8., 4866, care of Telegraph. WANTED Colored woman wants position as cook in private family. Call at 1325 North Fourth street. City. DAY'S WORK Colored woman wants cleaning by day. Inquire 318 South Cameron street. HOUSEWORK—Young woman would like work with good, reliable family; no objection to children. Call 1120 North Front street. WANTED —■ Middle-aged woman wants position as housekeeper. Ad dress Box B, 4860, care of Telegraph. WANTED Situation wanted In pri vate family by white woman as wait ress; can give good references from last employer. Address J., 4858, care of Telegraph. DAY'S WORK WANTED By relt able woman. Write, or call, 611 Wal nut street. Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE—At Aqueduct, Pa. A 9-room cottage, living room 15x30. Fruit in all varieties on 2 x /i acres of land; seven trains daily; good bathing, boating and fishing. Apply to J. W. GROSS, R. F. D. No. 1, Duncannon, Pa. FOURTH AND EMERALD STREETS —New homes; modern and complete, for sale. About ready for occupancy. Easy terms. C. Vernon Rettew. 307 Market street. FOR SALE Plot of ground, 50x105 feet, southeast corner Sixteenth and Brlggs streets. Inquire of Mrs. A. Hennig. 217-A Oak street. Weehawken, N. J. 74 NORTH SEVENTEENTH STREET has been reduced 'to $3,500. A corner property; steam heat. Owner leaving city. Immediate possession. H. G. Ped low, 3 South Thirteenth street. To Want Advertise Is to Go About It "in the Business Way" Whatever the quest, want advertis ing will help. Ordinarily, it will AC COMPLISH your task, without much expense of money or time. But where it does not do ALL it still does that part of your task which you cannot do. It finds the person with whom you may do your business your "logical buyer." That's often a very vital serv ice—isn't it? Real Estate For Sale NEW SEMI-BUNGALOW HOUSE that should interest you. Brick construction with concrete porches front and rear— equipped with steam heat gas ana electricity. Price unly $3,300. Bell ltealty Co., Bergner Building, FOR SALE Lot 20x197 on the cor ner of Jefferson and Schuylkill streets —thirty foot street on rear stable on lot. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build ing. $2,250 WILL PURCHASE a three story brick house on Penn street all improvements. Do not delay if you want a good property at a low price. Not mucn money needed. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE 1904 Holly street three-story brick house 9 rooms bath gas electric light steam heat porch front und rear lot, lsVijKlOO. Inspect this property. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE No. 520 Curtin street— three-story brick house all improve ments porch front and rear —paved drive alley in rear. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. NO. 120 NORTH SEVENTEENTH STREET Brick house 6 rooms bath gas electric light furnace —porch front lot, 15x80 rented for $lB. Price reasonable. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. NO. 1922 BELLEVUE ROAD FOR SALE Brick and stucco 7 rooms and bath gas electric light—steam heat cemented cellar lot, 17 %x 100—porch front, rear and balcony. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. NOW IS THE TIME to choose your suburban property. We have two de sirable Paxtang properties which can be bought on easy terms and at attrac tive prices. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. REDUCED SEVERAL HUNDRED DOLLARS 1351 Vernon street; 9 rooms; bath; all improvements. Rents for S2O. A good investment. Buy it. H. G. Pedlow. 3 South Thirteenth street. FOR SALE 5O-acre farm; 6 miles from Harrisburg; good 8-room frame dwelling; large frame bank barn; 250 fruit trees in bearing; strawberry and blackberry patches: well and 2 springs. Price, $3,700.00. Possession April 1, 1917. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE —■ %-acre; 10 minutes' walk from car line; new 8-room bunga low with bath; steam heat; own water system; garage for 2 cars; chicken house; possession at once. Price. $5,000.00. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE Beautiful yellow pr£ss ed-brick semi-bungalow on Main street. Penbrook. Large lot. Vapor heat. Large porch. Vacant. Bargain. IRWIN M. CASSELL, 1444 Regina street. FOR SALE—Walnut, 1427; 3-story, solid brick, 9-room house, fronting 16 ft. on Walnut, extending 108 ft. to Shoop street. Apply 1427 Walnut. FOR SALE ll4 Washington st. eet. corner River alley, two-and-one-half story frame; eight rooms and a bath; all conveniences. Corner Bridge and Eighth streets. Elk wood, two-and-one-half-siory frame; eight rooms and bath; all conveniences. The above properties will be sold at a bargain. Apply Keeney & Simmons. New Cumberland. FOR SALE 3-story brick house; chestnut finished; 9 rooms; bath; gas; electricity; line condition; room for garage. Bargain to quick buyer. Ap ply 1931 Park street. FOR SALE Your choice of twenty brick houses with all improvements; SIOO to SSOO cash and balance on month ly payments. H. C. BRANDT. 36 North Third Street. Real Estate For Rent ENOLA, PA. 7-room house for rent; good well of water and furnace; lot, 75x150; stable and hen house on prem ises; on Ridge street, Enola. Apply at 1914 Susquehanna street, or phone Bell 1802 R. FOR RENT Nine-room house, with all modern improvements, located In White Hill. Hog pen and chickencoop attached. Call, or address, W. H. Snook, 334 Kelker street. FOR RENT At reasonable rent, store room and dwelling. CORNER PROPERTY. Grocery store for years. Also back building, suitable for storage or garage. Apply Dr. W. H. Painter, Bell phone 4157R, Tuesdays,-Thursdays and Saturdays. FOR RENT 1865 Zarker street; six rooms and bath; all Improvements; hardwood floors; steam heat; electric light and gas. Will be vacant March 15. Call 28 South Seventeenth street. FOR RENT SECOND ST., SOUTH, 101-103 Corner building; store room, second or third floor; elevator; possession April 1, 1917. Established business building. Inquire of N. IC. Oyster, Real Estate and Insurance. Office It South Third street, Harrisburg, Pa. FOR RENT ln Highspire, on Esh elman street, 7-roomed house and nice garden. Inquire J. K. Kipp, 2203 North Fourth street. 1724 SYCAMORE STREET 2%- story brick dwelling, 8 rooms, bath, modern Improvements, good location. Rohrer & Son, Bergner Building. FOR RENT Three-story brick house; all Improvements; porches and yard; good location. Rent, $25. Apply to Mac WILLIAMS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. 2150 North Fifth street FOR RENT A very desirable loca tion In the uptown business section. A storeroom and living apartments at 308 Broad street. Will rent the whole build ing at S6O per month. Apply to J. Nel son Clark, 306 Broad street. Real Estate For Rent THREE-STORY BRICK BUILDING FOR RENT For manufacturing pur poses; good location along the P. & R. Railroad tracks; substantially built; each floor 30x50; wired for manufac turing power and lighting; steam heat; cemented cellar; elevator; toilet on each floor. Address, or call, J. H. Sheesley, Hemlock street, H&rrisburg, Pa. Real Estate For Sale or Rent NORTH FIFTH STREET HOMES Located at 2315-17-18-20 North Flftn street. 511-13 Curtm street. Easy terms. Fred O. Miller, Builder, 213 Walnut street. Harrisburg. I'a. Uell phone 797 M. FOR SALE OR RENT Limestone Bungalow, Hamilton Place, Camp Hill, 200 feet from trolley—livingroom, din ingroom, kitchen, bath, two bedrooms, sleeping porch, first floor; two bed rooms, bath, storage room, second floor. Vapor heat. Hardwood finish, flrst floor. Possession April 1. Apply C. IC. Deen, Witman-Schwarz Co., 613 Walnut street. City. Offices and Storerooms FOR RENT Corner storeroom. Sixth and Cumberland streets; com pletely renovated; all conveniences. Ap ply to COMMONWEALTH TRUST COMPANY, 222 Market Street. Farms FOR SALE Well improved, finely located, 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 20, 26, 65, 72 and 160-acre homes and farms near Car lisle. Address W. B. Logan, Carlisle. THREE-ACRE FARM The Schaefter farm, 4 miles east of Paxtonia, close to Shope's Church; beautiful 7-room hous; barn; garage; carpenter house; chicken house; hog barn and other farm buildings; variety of fruit; all garden soil; a very desir aule home. Price, 11,660. C. B. CARE,, 409 Market Street. Harrisburg. THE HIGH COST OF LIVING can most successfully be reduced by buying 1 or more ',6-acre plots of ground at VAUGHN. Convenient to trolley. Land very pro ductive. H. O. HOUCK, C. V. phone 4625, or C. B. Care, 409 Market Street, Harrisburg. FARM—7B ACRES 65 Acres Fields, 13 Acres Woods. House, barn, other farm buildings. Known as Doctor Smith's Farm. Four miles east of Linglestown, bordering on Piketown, adjoining farms of Edward Strohm, John Look, Mr. Drawbaugh and Jeiia Kttse. All No. 1 farms and farm en. Dr. Smith named this farm PARA DISE after he had purchased It. Price, $2,900, including all "long" feed and 11 acres wheat. C. B. CARE, 409 Market Street. Harrisburg. A HOME on two acres of level fertile soil. View of Capitol and city from Iront porch; mocft-rn conveniences; abundance of fruit. W. H. Yingst, Long street. Camp Hill, Pa. Poultry and Livestock WHITE WYANDOTTE EGGS FOR HATCHING PURPOSES—Orders also now taken for Day-old Chicks. Prize winning stock and good, steady layers. Each Egg tested and guaranteed fertile. For further particulars, Fred Hermann, Paxtonia, or Bell phone 4479 J. Address Harrisburg R. F. D., No. 5. FOR SALE l5O Egg Prairie State Incubator, 100 Chick Simplex Steel Brooder. Used one season, good as new. R. R. LOBAN, 2526 North Fifth Street, Harrisburg, Pa. WHITE LEGHORN CHICKENS 2O for sale and one cockerel. $25.00; large Perry State Incubator. Call Bell phone 1695-J4. A. B. Davis, Penbrook, Pa. i DAY-OLD CHICKS Also hatching eggs from White Leghorns, Barred I Plymouth Rocks and R. I. Reds; custom hatching at $2.00 per hundred. Call Bell phone 1696-J4. A. B. Davis, Pen brook, Pa. For Sale —Misc Uaneous FOR SALE Two ver., fine Billiard Tables, used very little; e metric pool room sign, National cash register, me dium sized York safe, 10-foot full French-plate show case. Apply Clas- I ter's Jewelry Store, 302 Market street. OFFICE FURNITURE FOR SALE THE following oflice furnituro is of fered for sale at a bargain, on account of closing out business. Must be sold quickly. Two rolltop desks, one flat top desk, four tables, four chairs, 'two safes, one bookkeeper's desk, one 6- drawer National cash register, one filing cabinet, three filing boxes, and one bookkeeper's stool. Can be seen at the office of The Star-Independent, 18. ' 20 and 22 South Third street. | FOR SALE Two Pdol Tables, 4xß .and 4%x9; new cloth, balls and cues land rack; $75.00 apiece. W. H. Heffley, Duncannon, Pa. BUFF ORPINGTON EGGS for hatch ing, from prize stock. Breed true to color. SI.OO per setting of thirteen eggs. E. H. Yohn, 336 Hummel avenue, Lemoyne, Pa. FOR SALE A good horse, harness, delivery wagon and sleigh. Apply 1849 Derry street. ANTIQUE FURNITURE. 1109 NORTH FRONT STREET. FOR SALE A plate-glass outside display case, suitable for clothing, shoes, hats and furnishings. Apply to A. J. Lehrman, 37 South Front street, Steelton. FOR SALE Ten shares Harrisburg Traction Co. stock. This is mortgage stock. Guaranteed six per cent. A good and safe investment. Address Box E, 4861, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Fairbanks & Cole banjo in leather case, with string case and mute and Instruction books. Ivory keys and inlaid with pearl. Cost new. $38.00. Will sell for SIB.OO. Address Banjo, care of Telegraph, ( For Sale —Miscellaneous FOR SALE Two 8-H.-P. gasoline engine; nearly new; will sell cheap. Harrisburg Leather Products Co.. 1420 Wyeth avenue. Harrisburg, Pa., and Wellsville, Pa. A MEDIUM-SIZE office safe. Low price to quick miyer. G„ 4869, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE 5O shares American Telegraphone stock. $150.00, and 15,000 shares Uncle Sam Oil for $150.00, will buy Hull Copper, Box 75,' Little Rock, Arkansas, BARGAINS IN TYPEWRITERS New shipment Factory Rebuilt Stan dard Visible L. C. Smith's just arrived. Sold at a fraction of original price. GEO. P. TILLOTSON, 211 Locust St. Opp. Orpheum Theater. WILL SELL entire stock, consisting of furniture, carpets and ranges, ac count of going in another line of busi ness. It positively pays to see us be fore buying Central Furniture Store, 324 Reily street. FOR SALE, at Gable's. 111-117 South Second street. Lawn Fence, Field Fence, Gates, Poultry Netting, Building Hard ware, Plaster Board, Upson Wall Board, Compo-Board, Doors, Sash, Shutters. Mouldinga, Porch Posts, Puir-pa, etc. For Rent —Miscellaneous ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Musical WE REPAIR any kind of TALKING MACHINES promptly. Call Bell phone 3242J, or bring your machine to 315 Broad street. Work done by an ex pert. OLD VIOLINS. MANDOLINS. GUI TARS, BANJOS bought, sold, exchanged. Artistic repairing on all stringed in struments. Bows rehalred. Tone re storing a specialty. GLACE, 6P4 Herr street. Apartments i?or Rent UNFURNISHED housekeeping apart ment, No. 130 Locust street. Four rooms and bath, and locker. Possession April 1. Apply Penna. Realty & Im provement Co., 132 Locust street. FOR RENT—Second floor apartment; Ave rooms and bath. Apply at first lioor apartment, 1118 North Sixth street. TWO strictly up-to-date apartments for rent, with large open porches. Ap ply 221 South Thirteenth street, near Derry street. SECOND ST.. 170U Five and six rooms with porch; most pleasant and open surroundings in city. FURNISHED housekeeping apart ment, No. 128 Locust street. Four rooms and bath, and locker. Posses sion April 1. Apply Penna. Realty & Improvement Co., 132 Locust street. FOR RENT Miley Apartments, cor ner Sixth and Cumberland streets. Mod ern in every respect, electric light, steam heat and gas range. Immediate possession. Apply to COMMONWEALTH TRUST COMPANY, 222 Market Street. ONE housekeeping apartment on Thirteenth street. Five rooms and bath. But twenty minutes' walk from Fourth and Market streets. Rent. $17.00. Apply Penna. Realty & Im provement Co., 132 Locust street. Rooms For Rent SIXTH ST., NO. 925 —Two communi cating rooms, second floor, front: fur nished for light housekeeping; all con veniences, phone, gas for cooking; no children. Bell 610 W. FOR RENT Large, second floor front room, suitable for two people. Call, or address, 911 North Sixth street. THIRD FLOOR front room, nicely furnished; use of bath and telephone; excellent location. Apply at 203 State street. TWO large, unfurnished rooms on third floor and one large front room, furnished, on second floor; all conveni ences. Bell phone 3753 R. Apply 1511 North Sixth. STATE ST.. 1317 Two finely fur nished communicating rooms, bed and living; gas and electric light; steam heat; bath; bay windows; private resi dence. Phone 1268 R. FOR RENT Large, well-furnished second floor front room; all conveni ences and use of phone; rent reason able. Apply 813 North Second street. ROOMS FOR RENT At 429 Broad street. Immedfate possession. Inquire of Janttress in building. First floor. Room No. 6. Wanted —Board —Rooms WANTED Unfurnished room in private family, ten minutes' walk from Square. Apply E„ 4482, care of Tele graph. Board and Rooms ROOMS FOR RENT With flrst class board by meal, day or week, with | running water in rooms. 21-meal ticket, $5.00. 1001 North Second street. 113 LOCUST STREET Excellent table board at $5.00 per week. First call for breakfast, 7 A. M. W anted —Miscellaneous Hi RRISBURG RAG, METAL & RUB BER CO., 507 Strawberry. We buy junk of all descriptions. Pay highest price for paper, magazines, rags, rub ber, scrapiron, scrap-metals. Bell 1340 R. DESK ROOM WANTED —Or small office with desk and telephone service. Builders iron construction. Address F., 4863, care of Telegraph office. CASH PAID for good ladies' and men's clothing and shoes; also furni ture and carpets. Please describe goods. Send postal to Weintraub, 636 Herr. Dial 5177. "CLOTHING. S" t OES. Bought at highest cash prices and sola reasonable. S. Refkiu, 407 Broad street. T 11 phone 2860. WANTED Old gold, silver, carpets, rugs, ladies' and gentlemen's second hand clothing, shoes. Also furniture, copper, brass, pewter. Highest cash prices "aid. 326 Reily street. WANTED. AUTOMOBILES IN ANK CONDITION, to soil or buy. Why not consign your car with us to avoid trouble and worry in trying to dispose of It. We make no charges for storage or for any repulrs while car is on Bale. Auto Transportation Co.. 27-29 North JUNK WANTED We buy any Jimd of old junk, Scrap Iron, Paper, Ragu. etc., for cash. A. Abramson, 1109 North Seventh street. Bell phone 937. Business Personals RENTAL ELECTRIC VACUUM CLEANERS Modern liousecleaning. Quarter expense, time and inconveni ence of old methods. Reserve date now. Call Martin, 862 M. French Cleaning and Dyeing Works. All work guaranteed. Call and deliver. Goodman's. 1306% North Sixth, Bell 3296. SEND your clothes to EGGERT'S CLEANING AND DYEING WORKS, 1245 Market street. We call and deliver. Both phones. BRING your Phonograph and Vlctrola to Staufter Music House. 31t> Broad street, if It needs repairing. We guar antee our work. Open every evening. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER—Job btng. First-class work. Estimates furnished. Let me explain the plpeless furnace. H. W. HUMMER, 1423 LIB ERTY STREET, Harrisburg, Pa. Ball 4420, . Business Personals RAZOR BLADES SHAKPENED ALL kinds of SAFETY RAZOR BLADES KESHAiiPENED. 25c doz., ex- I cept Star heavy, lie; old style, 25c each. | HENRY G:LBERT &. SONS, 219 Market I street. i SPANGLER PLANING MILL CO. ' Mill work of all kinds. Estimates cliteitully given. 824 Worth Seventh street. i FOR falling hair try Gross' Quinine ! Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, Drug gist and Apothecary, lla Market street, 11 rrlsburg. Telepnone orders given i prompt attention. Bell 1960. UPHOLSTERING And furniture re- ' pairing; mattresses renovated and cush- - ions of all kind.* made. S. N. Cluck, 320-326 V/oodbine street. Phone 1317 J. WHITE DETECTIVE AUISNCY Trustee Bldg.—All kinds ot detective work handled—ont eye always open. BELL PHONE 439. Business Opportunities FOR SALE An exceptional busi ness opportunity; a meat and grocery established in 1913. Doing a good busi ness. Located on Market street in center of business section. All new stock und fixtures. Reuson for selling is ill health. Act promptly. P. O. Box 283, Lewisburg, Pa. FOR SAL E Tinning and plumb ing business in a country town, doing a good business; no opposition; good reusons for selling. Address 0., 4867, car# of Telegraph. FOR SALE Three-chair barber shop; good location; price reasonable; good reason for Belling. Apply Fred. Bender, 26 South Third street. WANTED—Proprietor, of well-estab lished, profitable restaurant, with large and growing trade, desires partner in the business. Good character, willing ness to work, experience und limited amount of capital necessary. Location one of the best in Harrisburg. H., 4865, care of Telegraph. BARGAIN TO QUICK BUYER - Ice cream factory and restaurant. Every thing complete. Must be sold to close estate. Inquire Margaret E. Givler, Administratrix, 56 West Main Street, or Idu G. Kast, Attorney, 8 South Mar ket Street, Mechanlcsburg. FOR SALE Orocery store. Strictly cash business. Good opportunity. Kough, Brlghtblll & Kline, 307 Kunkei Building. WANTED, PARTNER who can in vest $500.00 cash to join me in a high class, permanent business that will pay us not less than $200.00 each per month. Party to handle the money and correspondence of the business. This is a straight, clean business that will stand fullest investigation. Address Box B. 4913, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Vulcanizing plant as good as new. Cheap If sold soon. Ad dress L, 4865, care of Telegraph. WE offer a guaranteed 6 per cent, in vestment In an established local in dustry. Address J., 4824. care of Tele graph. ANY Intelligent person can earn good income corresponding for newspapers experience unecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 792 Lock port. N. Y. Hauling ana ivioving NA'l'lO...i.L TRANSFER CO. Movers of pianos, sates, boilers and griieitii hauling. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Eighth street and R. R., New Cumberland. Hell pnone 3029 J. Money, to i_oan MONEY ADVANCED to Housekeep ers at legal rates; business confiden tial. Prohl Sharing Loan iSociety, Room 7, Spooner Building, 9 North Market Square. BANKS WON'T but we Win loan you sls to s3os for one year, payaoie monthly at legal rales, n you have good character, a reputation for pay ing your bills and sulflcient in come to meet the payments aa they fail due. Security required: Note secured by personal property, mainly household lurmtuie without re moval, or real estate, or me guar antee ot some responsible per son. CO-OPERATIVE LOAN At IN V EUTMENT CO. 204 Chestnut street Affiliated with locat, state and national organizations which stand for approved business Storage STORAGE Fireproof and non-fire proof warehouses. Private rooms tor Household goous $2 per month and up. rlai'l'isourg atorage CO., 431-446 toouui Secund street. STOItAOE 4ls Bloau street, house noiu goods, mercanuise. Private rooms sl-$3. Wagons, <6 cents month. D. Cooper & Co., 411 Broad street. Both phones. Automobiles FOR SALE A SCRIPPS-BoorH UOADSTER, fully equipped. Must sacrifice at once. Just exchanged for a brand-new Scripps- Bootn. Tne car that gives you 42 nines to a gallon ot gas. Guaranteed in every respect. Sold for $450. ALSO AN OVERLAND, 4-cylinder, 5- passenger touring car. Must be sold at once, as owner is leaving town. AUTO TRANSPORTATIONS EXCHANGE 27-29 North Cameron Street. 1 1914 Studebaker. 1 1915 Studebaker. 1 1914 Chalmers 6. All in good order, fully equipped. Cheap. AU'IO SALES AND DISTRIBUTING CO.. 125 South Eleventh Street. FOR SALE Ford touring car, In good condition. Price right. Will demonstrate. Address H., 464, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Chalmers 4-30; 1913 roadster. Guaranteed A 1 condition. At a bargain. Crescent Garage, 232 South street. Ft R SALE Chalmers light deliv ery, new body and new ptUnt, inquire at Miller Auto Co.. 68 South Cameron , street. LIMOUSINE One new Ford limou sine; top rea-ay to tit on Ford car for winter use; was $150; will take SIOO Andrew Redmond, Third and Boyd streets. WE WANT AUTOMOBILES of any kind. If you cannot sell your car, why not consign It to or exchange it with us for a better one. Our charges for veiling are 6 per cent. only. No storage charges If car Is not sold. AUTO TRANSPORTATION EXCHANGE DE PARTttE.HT. 27-39 North Cameron street. Garages ana Repairs TIRE REPAIRING Best of work guaranteed, and at reasonable prices. Call and give us a trial. Good Service Tire Co., 1019 Market street. BRAZING AND WELDING We repair anything in the metal line. Reasonable rates. DAYTON GARAGE, 912 Ndrth Third street. CAMP CURTIN GARAGE SEVENTH AND CAMP STREETS Large bjrlck building equipped with best facilities for storage and care of cars. Repairing by experienced me chanics. All work guaranteed. Let us quote prices. BELL PHONE 1093 W. FEDERAL SQUARE GARAGE, COR. COURT AND CRANBERRY BTB Carß stored by day or month. Mod erate prices. Repairs made. Cars wash ed. Night and day service. Gasoline Air. Both phones, Motorcycles and Bicycles MOTORCYCLES. sidecars. Presto tanks, etc., wanted for highest cash prices. We have 17 second-hand mo torcycles, all makes, lor sate at from }25 to S2OO each. Easy payments if desired. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North Third street, Bell phone 385 J. BICYCLE BARGAINS 25 wheels to select from; prices from $lO up to $45; easy terms; pay while you ride. Dayton Cycle Co., 1)12 North Third street. INDIAN MOTORCYCLE Also Thor and liarley-Davidson for sale cheap; Just been overhauled; all twin cylinders and in good condition. C. U. ULHer, 1317 Perry street. Legal Notices EXECUTOR'S NOTICfc In the Estate of Charles G. Smith, de- LKTTERS TESTAMENTARY on the estate of Charles G. Smith, late of Har risburg, Dauphin County, Pa., deceased, have beerf granted to the undersigned, residing in Ilarrisburg. All persons knowing themselves to be indebted to said estate will make payment imme diately, and those having claims will present them for settlement to SARAH E. SMITH, Executrix. HARRY M. BKETZ, Attorney. NOTICE Letters Testamentary on the Estate of Susanna Reed, lato of Lower Paxton Township, Dauphin County, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned residing at ilarrisburg, Pa., all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make 1m- * mediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settle ment. J. H. SHOPP, Executor. NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that a spec ial meeting of the stockholders of the Midland Kealty Company will be held in the office of the company, 204 Berg ner Building, Ilarrisburg, Pa., on Wed nesday, May 9,' 1917, at 11:30 o'clock A. M., to vote for or against a proposed increase of the indebtedness of said' company from $232,000 to $300,000. R. G. COX, Secretary. NOTICE Letters testamentary on the Estate of John P. Zollinger, lato of Harrisburg. Dauphin County, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned residing in said city, all persons indebted to said Estate are re quested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will please present them for settlement. COMMONWELTH TRUST COMPANY. Executor. ORPHANS' COURT SALE BY order of the Orphans' Court of Cumberland County, the undersigned administratrix of Frederick E. E. Giv ler, deceased, will offer at public sale, on the premises, on Tuesday, March 13, 1917, at 1:30 o'clock P. M., two-story flame house and lot of ground, situate on north side of Locust street, between Second and Third, in the Borough of West Fairview, Cumberland County. Pa. House contains hall and 6 rooms. Wired for electric lighting. Furnace heat. Concreted cellar. , MARGARET E. GIVLER, Administratrix. IDA G. KAST. Attorney. Estate of Arthur A. Clark, late of the City of Harrisburg, deceased. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the above estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make pay ment, and those having claims to pre sent the same to ' ELIZABETH J. CLARK, . Executrix, 1 109 Reily St., Harrisburg. Or to her attorney, JOHN T. BRADY. 18 North Third' Street. Harrisburg. WILL be sold at public sale in front of the Court House in City of Harris burg, on Thursday, March 29, at 2 o'clock P. M., the real estate of the late ■William S. Pipes, consisting of house No. 415 South Thirteenth Street, and lot, which is 20 feet front on Thir teenth street and extending back 150 feet, more or less, to Buckthorn ave nue. Thereon erected a three-story frame dwelling house. Said sale being made by authority of the last will and testament of decedent. Terms—2s per cent. Cash and balance when deed and possession of premises shall be de livered. HARRY S. PIPES, Executor. JOHN C. NISSLEY. Attorney. NOTICE Letters of administration c. t. a. on the estate of Lizzie Goodyear, late of Harrisburg, Pauphin County, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, residing in New Cum berland. Pa., all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make Im mediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settle ment. HERMIS A. GOODYEAR, Or Administrator c. t. a. FOX & GEYER, Attorneys. Harrisburg. Pa. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of John Edwards, late of the City of Harris burg, Countv of Dauphin, and State of Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned. All per sons indebted to said estate are re quested to make payment, and those having claims or demands will make known the same without delay to REBECCA J. EDWARDS, 1629 Susquehanna Street. ■ Or to Harrisburg, Pa. JAMES G. HATZ. i Attorney. Ull SEALS & STENCILS Uv || ** MFG. BY HBG. STENCIL WORKS ■ |J • II J3OLOCUSTST. HBC3.PA. I# FOR SALE " $lB50 —624 Calder St. i SIOO0 —626 Calder St. 1 *2lO0 —430 Muench St. t SIOO0 —1320 William St. ■ 1200 —1322 William St. S2OO0 —1541 Vernon St. I $2500 —1643 Vernon St. t *2750 —1232-1234 Cowden St. and i 1236 Apple Ave. *2700 —307 Muench St. $2*00—652 Boy 3 Ave., corner prop > $2051£-1707 Penn St. • $2300—1625-1627 Fulton St, and gar age. $37 0O —216 Hamilton St. SIOOO each—l4ll-1417 Currant Av. SI2OO each —1408-1414 N. 7th St. SIOO0 —1407 Currant Ave., corner I property. SOOO0 —332 Broad St. $1000—1705 N. 4th St. SBIO0 —404 South Cameron St., and garage. 1 SIOO0 —2218 Atlas Ave. $3300 —308 Cumberland St. $4500 —602 Forster St. ' r B"""| 1 $2700 —623 Boas St. i CHAS. ADLER Real Estate and Insurance 1002 NORTH THIRD STRUCT Member llbff. Real Instate Board. FOR SALE A GOOD BUILDING FOR MANUFACTURING PURPOSES Two Stories—2ooxßo ft. Substantially built, light from all sides, steam heat, ele vator, cellar under entire building. Address or call at 1716 Susquehanna Street Harrisburg, Pa. 21