fait to Sell Your Car? A Wait Ad Will Do It Quickly Deaths IN loving memory of Marie Sarah Watson, wife of Paul B. Watson, who departed this life a year ago to-day. BY HER HUSBAND. ROUSII—On February 28, 1917, George yW. Roush, aged 69 years. Funeral on Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from the residence of his daughter, Mrs. A. L. Patton, 1815 Susquehanna street. The services and interment are private. Body can be viewed this evening. GLAND Mrs. Elizabeth Gland died Thursday night, March 1. 19J7- . Funeral services will be held at the residence of J. W. Weaver, 270S Main street, Penbrook, Monday, Marcli 5, at 2 P. M. Burial at Shoop s Church. Relatives and friends are invited to at tend without further notice. KOLBUNSCHLAti Died, on March 2, 1917, Mrs. Josephine Kolbcnschlag. widow of the late William Kolben schlag. aged 82 years. Funeral Monday morning, at 8:30 o'clock, from her late residence, 235 Briggs street. Services at St. Law rence German Catholic Church, at 9 o'clock. Relatives and friends invit ed to attend. Interment Mt. Calvary Cemetery. j ROSS Died, March 1, 1917, William Ross, In his 78th year, at his late home. 1521 North Sixth street. Funeral services will be held at the above address Monday afternoon, at 1:30 o'clock. Relatives and friends are invited to attend services without further notice. Interment in Harris burg Cemetery. In Memoriam IN sad and loving remembrance of our dear daughter, who fell asleep in Jesus one year ago to-day. Dearest daughter, how we miss you No one on earth can tell; We miss thee from our home, dear Marie, We miss thee from thy place; A shadow o'er our life is cast, AVe miss the sunshine of thy face; We miss thy kind and willing hand. Thy fond and earnest care, Our home is dark without thee, Marie, We miss thee everywhere. Ah, could we but open wide the grave, That hides your dear form from us, To heai - your voice, to see your face, What happiness 'twould bring us. Parents and brother, . _ MR. AND MRS. CLINTON SAYLOR AND ERYLE. IN MEMORIAM MRS. KATE OBERHOLTZER MUMMA. DIED MARCH 2, 1915. Lost and Found FOUND Six keys with National Radiator Co. key ring No. 2315. Owner's name not in our file. Pleast write Na tional Radiator Co., Johnstown, Pa. LOST A cameo pin, inscription on the cameo, on Friday morning. Return to Miller & Kades. LOST Black and white cat, about 8 months old, answers to the name of .lacoby, with yellow ribbon on neck. Reward if returned to owner, Mrs. Steel, 444 South Thirteenth street. FOUND A watch. Owner can have same by identifying same and paying for ad. Call at 1415 Green street. City, 7 to 8 P. M. LOST Racine auto tire, 37x5, and rim, between Union Trust Building and Eighteenth and Derry. Reward if re .-rned to City Garage, rear Union Trust jTnlldlag. Help Wanted —Male WANTED Boys or men for mes sengers. Apply Postal Telegraph, LABORERS WANTED Good wages, steady work with chance tor advancement. Ap ply Paxton Furnace, Central Iron &. Steel Company. WANTED HIGH CLASS MOLDERS FOR FLOOR AND MACHINES together with LABORERS FOR FOUNDRY WORK. 55 HOURS PER WEEK. NO LABOR TROUBLES. VALLEY IRON WORKS, WILLIAMSPORT, PA. WANTED Musicians, experienced in band or orchestra, with or without trades, for good shop band. Best in ducements. Twenty thousand popula • tion. Address H. K. BARNHARDT, No. 631 North Fourth St., Sunbury, Pa. COUNTY SALES MANAGER—And lo cal agents wanted in every township for Rope Machines; sells to farmers for $3.85; no experience required to make rope, splices, etc. Mr. Greth, 32 South Third street. CREW CALLERS Three over 16 years of age wanted; must be acquainted with Allison Hill district. Ap ply at Room 9, P. & R. Station. WANTED -r- By Cohoes Rolling Mill Company, Cohoes, N. Y„ iron mill fore man, foreman box piler and box pilers. Apply J. E. Sinker, Superintendent, Co lioes, N. Y. ' Houses For Rent S. 28th St 937.50 FURNISHED HOUSES 18th & State Sts., 9 r. & b. ... 9125 APARTMENTS 220 Locust St., (second floor), 4 rooms and bath $35 30 N. Second —(Ist floor). 5 rooms and bath; city steam heat ... 950 25 S. Front St.. 7 r. b., steam heat. SUUUIIBAN tamp IHII—S-room bungalow. Harris and Walnut Sts. Lot 80x150, 920 Enola —Adams St., 2V4 s. f., 6 r„ sl2 Hummel*town —Main St. and Wal ton Ave., 2V4 8. b., 8 r. & b., hot water heat, lot S3O | STORE ROOMS 118 S. Second, 18x30 ft S2O Franklin Building, 2 rooms .... 955 20x130 ft.. 206 N. 2nd St., (Donaldson Building) str>o 231 N. Second St.. 22x100. Also 2- story brick building in rear. 1001 N. Third, second floor .... 925 FROM APRIL IST 216 Hamilton St.. 3 s. b., 9 r. b.. 928 2005 Green St., 3 s. b., 9 r„ b. .. 935 l.uwnton— 2V4 B. f., 10 r. b., garage. MO Apartment Areaile Building, 3rd floor; 4 rooms and bath 935 113 Chestnut—3 s. b., 9 r. , 950 OFFICES Fifth and Sixth floors of Franklin Building, 212 Locust street. MILLER BROTHERS & CO. Member tlbsc. Real Estate Hoard REAL ESTATE Inonrane* Surety Bond* I.oeuat and Court Streets FRIDAY EVENING, HXRRIBBURG TELEGRXPH MARCH 2, 1917. Help Wanted —Male WANTED Automobile washer, ex perienced man only. Come prepared to work. City Garage, 116-18 Strawberry street, below Union Trust. WANTED Experienced Hollerith Key Punch Operator. Apply in person to Mr. Rush N. Hosier, 212 North Third street, Hurrisburg, Pa. , OPERATORS WANTED On Puller Over and Niggerhead, also on No. 6 lasting Machines; Welter, Rounder and Stitcher; Inseam and Edge Trimmers. Address Mr. L. Ballard, care of A. S. Kreider Co., Lebanon, Pa. DOUBLE YOUR MONEY selling Dia mond Rings, % Kt. Genuine Perfect Blue Whito Diamond Ring $19.00 that retails for $38.00, C. O. D. on approval. Beck Jewelry Co., Wholesalers of Dia monds, 110 Equitable Byllding, Balti more, Md. WANTED, MOLDERB On light and heavy iron. Wages, $3.50 nine hours. Open shop. No drunks wanted. Apply by letter to S.. 4911, care of Telegraph. MEN AND BOYS over 16 years of age for work in our Chocolate Factory. Steady work and good pay. Apply at Employment Bureau, Hershey, Pa. YOUNG MAN for Lunch Bar and to assist in kitchen. Good salary with meals inclusive. Apply at once at Em ployment Bureau, Hershey, Pa. BARBER Experienced. Steady employment with one afternoon and evening off por week. Good pay with chance for advancement. Apply at once at Employment Bureau, Hershey, I'a. WANTED Bricklayers, forty, non union, experienced on Open Hearth fur nace work. No labor trouble. A sub stantial bonus will be paid on new construction work. Communicate im mediately, Wilmington Steel Co., Wil mington, Del. WANTED Job and ad. man; no booze; permanent position. Sentinel Printing House, Lewlstown, Pa. WANTED Two good hoisting en gine men and laborers, and several acetylene cutters. Apply to Williams & Freedman, Tenth Below Mulberry. WANTED A boy to work in Florist Shop. Must be over 16 years of age. Apply Schmidt, Florist, 313 Market street. YOUNG MAN l7 or 18 years of age wanted to work in an upholstery es tablishment. Apply J. Copllnky, 1210 North Third street. WANTED, AT ONCE A young boy for grocery clerk; experienced pre ferred. Apply L, 4477, care of Tele graph. MAN to work two-horse farm year round. Man without family preferred. Pleasant environments. Call on E. Peterman, No. 322 Crecent street, Har risburg, at once. HARRISBURG Government Clerk Ex aminations March 26, $75 to $l2O month. Sample questions free. Write Frank lin Institute, Dept. 409-C, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED One night man to start work at once. A chance to learn the automobile business thoroughly. Must pay SSO for tuition. Auto Transporta tion School, 27-29 North Cameron street. WANTED Fifteen bricklayers by Westinghouse, Church, Kerr & Com pany, at Mosser's Tannery, Newberry, Pa. Wages, seventy-five cents per hour. CIVIL SERVICE examinations to be held in Harrisburg March 26. Prepare at Young Men's Business Institute, Front and Market. Only $5 for course. GREGG 4c PITMAN shorthand are taught at YOUNG MEN'S BUSINESS INSTITUTE ly Yale University Gradu ate. DRAFTSMEN Technical High School graduates preferred; excellent chance tor advancement. Apply by let ter, giving age, education, experience and salary expected, to Chief Drafts man. Bell Telephone Company, Harris burg. BOOKKEEPER WANTED Large Harrisburg Corpora tion needs the services of an ambitious, young man for Bookkeeper. Splendid chance for advancement. Successful applicant must agree to apply himself studiously to all phases of business, so as to make him self valuable to his employers. No drone need seek position. Apply to Box B, 4910, care of Harrisburg Telegraph. DRAFTSMEN First-class Mechan ical Draftsmen on Blast Furnace and Rolling Mill Work. State age and sal ary expected, also full detail of experi ence. .Location, Western Pennsylvania. Address Box C, 481$. care of Telegraph. WANTED Young man steno grapher and bookkeeper. Qoqd oppor tunity. State age, qualifications and salary expected. Address J., 4847, care ot Telegraph. WANTED Young man, between 15 and 17, to learn retail hat business. Must have good references. Address, giving age, references, etc., Post Office Box 340, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED A man of selling abil ity. Shop or mill man preferred hav ing spare time. Elegant proposition. Assistance given. Address W., 4845, care of Telegraph. WANTED Honest boy, about 14 years old, to work at news stand, P. & R. Station. To work before and after school. Call at once. WANTED—First-class boilermakers. Apply Central Iron & Steel Company. WANT *oung men to learn auto mobile business, to become practical mechanics und chauffeurs. We give our students a chance to make money at the rate of 20c per hour between class hours. We guarantee to pay you 300 per hour ap soon as competent. (50 in cash required. Auto Transporta tion School. 27-29 North Cameron street. WANTED 5O able-bodied men for piece work. Experienced truckers can earn $75 to S9O per month. Must be able to read and write. Apply iu person only to agent of Pennsylvania Railroad Company at Division Street Transfer, P. R. R. Co., Harris burg, I J a. MECHANICAL DRAWING taught by Vale University graduate at Young Men's Business Institute. Help Wanted —Female WANTED A reliable, competent girl or woman for general housework; no cooking, no washing and wages to right party. Apply at 1802 Green. WANTED High school girl (col ored) to assist with light housework after school hours;' niUßt furnish ref erence; state salary expected. Address K„ 4851, care of Telegraph. WANTED A white lady to wait on invalid lady. Reference required. Good wages to right party. Address D. H. M„ 1623 Park street, City. HOUSEWORK Reliable woman, white or colored, wanted; rhuat be able to cook; small family; good wages; ref erence required. Apply evenings at 229 Forster street. SOMETHING TO EXCHANGE? It's still valuable but more valuable to somebody else than YOU. "Some body else" lias something YOU WANT TO SECURE. An advertise ment in the classified columns should introduce you to the "other party." Help Wanted—Female WANTED Experienced white girl for dlningroom. Apply 222 Chestnut. WANTED A reliable white wo man for general housaavork; no wash ing. Apply Mrs. Sides, 3206 North Front street. SEVERAL experienced salesladies wanted at once. Apply Mr. Green, Glove Counter, Astrich's, Fourth and Market. POSITIONS AT WASHINGTON are especially attractive to women. Two dollars pays lor a plain, simplified course of instruction at home for Civil Service examination to be held in Har risburg, March 26. Address Inter- State Bureau, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED at once, sewing ma chine operators, inexperienced will be paid while learning, a bonus is paid to all employes every pay day. Blough Mfg. Co., Reily and Fulton streets. GIRLS WANTED to learn cigar-making. We pay $4.00 a week to start, also a bonus of $2.00 a week until new operators earn more than $6.00 weekly. Ex perienced girls earning upward to $20.00 a week. Apply at Harrisburg Cigar Co., ' 500 Race Street. Steelton Cigar Co., Pa. Middletown Cigar Co., Middletown, Pa. WANTED Weavers and Learners. Apply Silk Mill. Coiner North and Second Sts. WANTED Girl for general house work; small family. Apply 1017 North Front, Herr street entrance, second tloor apartment. WANTED Competent girl wanted for general housework. Apply 205 Har ris street. FlTTEß—Experienced fitter in ladies' ready-to-wear garments; good salary to right party; none but experienced need apply. Call .Ladies' Bazaar. 8-10- 12 South Fourth street. HELP WANTED Experienced saleslady in ladies' ready-to-wear goods; also one alteration hand with knowledge of selling. Steady posttions to right parties. Apply by mail. The New York Store, Millersburg, Pa. WANTED Bright girls to learn to operate shirt machine; experience not necessary. Apply Ellis Laundry Service, 1520 Fulton street. Salesmen Wanted A PROFITABLE occupation will be offered several good men as salesmen by well known company that is in the midst of a highly successful selling campaign. Address V., 4848, care of Telegraph. Situations Wanted —Male WANTED Man wishes work as Janitor or caretaker; also handy around steam heat; sober; best of references. Address F., 4475, care of Telegraph. YOUNG MAN 22 years, wishes work of any kind; can furnish refer ences. Write 401 Morris street, Steel ton, Pa. BAKER Young man, 18 years of age, desires work; experience in bak ing; not afraid of work. Address to Go. G. Swartz, 2114 Moore street. City. CHAUFFEUR Young, married white man wants position running pri vate car or truck preferred; one who can do own repairing; references can be given. Apply F. J. T., 27 North Sec ond street, Steelton, Pa. WANTED Young man, 22 years of age, wishes work of any kind; can furnish best of reference. Apply to 401 Myers street, Steelton. WANTED Young man, third year Wharton School student, with business experience, desires position In real es tate office or as rent collector; can op erate typewriter; can furniah bond and best of reference. Address Box A, 4908, care of Telegiaph. DISHWASHING Colored man de sires work in hotel or lr. a boarding house. Write or call at 810 East .itrcet. WELDER AND CUTTER —Acetylene welder, Oxy-acetylene welder and cut ter; fully exparienced, desires position. Address 45 North Sixteenth street Bell phone 2585 M. Situations Wanted—Female WANTED A woman would like to have plain sewing. Apply 1838 North Fourth street. DAY'S WORK -i- Colored woman de sires position. Address to 171 Indian avenue, City. , Situations Wanted —Female MATERNITY NURSING Desired by elderly woman; prices reasonable; town or country. Address to W. Smith, York Springs, Pa. WASHING AND IRONING Wanted to do at home. Write or call at 1311 Hunti street. COOK Or second work, by middle aged woman; can furnish best of ref erence. Address N., 4840, care of Tele graph. Real Estate For Sale 74 NORTH SEVENTEENTH STREET —Corner Carnation avenue; all im provements; steam heat. Owner leav ing town. Price, $3,600. H. G. Pedlow, 3 South Thirteenth street. MAKE AN OFFER on 1808 Zarker street; end property; all improvements. Owner moving from town. H. G. Ped low, .3 South Thirteenth street. FOR SALE Camp Hill; Market street; 7 rooms; frame dwelling; all modern improvements; lot, 50x150; lo cated % square from car line; a bar gain at $3,600.00, Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE l7OB State street; 3- story brick dwelling; 8 rooms and bath; lot, 20jt114; gas; electric light; steam heat; drive alley on rear; price, $5,- 500.00; possession April 1. Brinton- Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. \ FOR SALE Camp Hill: 2% -story frame dwelling; 6 rooms and bath; lot, 60x186; gas; electric light; chicken house and garage; located close to car line on Kent street; price reasonable. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE Three-story brick, with meat market and grocery. 'Would con sider exchange for desirable city or farm property, or would sell business and stock, and rent building. Address , B„ 4852, care of Telegraph. EMERALD 333-336-337-339 All conveniences; new 7-room houses at bargain prices. Don't overlook this chance for home or investment. Dr. Behney, 317 North Second street. Bell 1202 R. A GOOD BUILDING, 200 ft. by 80 ft., for Manufacturing purposes. Substantially built, light from all sides, elevator, steam heat, cellar UNDER ENTIRE BUILDING. Address or call at 1716 SUSQUEHANNA ST., Harrisburg, Pa. DO NOT FAIL TO get particulars from us regarding No. 45 North Eigh teenth street. This property is to be sold soon at an attractive price. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. $2,600 WILL PURCHASE a frame house with 8 rooms bath gas furnace now rented at sl7. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. LARGE CORNER PROPERTY on State street for sale l2 rooms bath gas electric light hot water heat double garage plot, 45 frontage. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE 3-story brick house; chestnut finished; 9 rooms; bath; gas; electricity; fine condition; room for garage. Bargain to quick buyer. Ap ply 1931 Park street. CORNER PLOT, 45x54, offered in ex change for new property. Price, $2,000. Opportunity for builder. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. NO. 220 HAKRIS STREET FOR SALE —Three-story brick 8 rooms and bath sras furnacd cemented cel lar. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build ing. FOR SALE No. 2121 Moore street —frame house with 9 rooms and bath— gas light lot, 14x70. Price very rea sonable. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. WALNUT STREET HOUSE in 1600 block for sale at reasonable price. Par ticulars from Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE Two-and-a-half-story frame house. Bargain to quick buyer. Located at No. 1110 Capital street. Call, or address. No. 707 South Front street. PENBROOK Main street, yellow pressed-brick bungalow. Up-to-date in every respect. Vapor heat. Bargain. All improvements. Irwin M. Cassell, Real Estate and Insuranpe, 1444 Regina. FOR SALE 52,500 for 3-story house; bath and furnace. Seventh Ward, between Kelker and Peffer. SI,OOO cash. As Investment It pays over 6 per cent. net. A 1 tenant. Call at 1417 Third street FOR SALE ll4 Washington St. eet corner River alley, two-and-one-half story fiame; eight rooms and a bath: all conveniences. Corner Bridge and Eighth streets, Elkwood, two-and-one-half-story frame; eight rooms and bath; all conveniences. The above properties will be Bold at a bargain. Apply Keeney & Simmons. New Cumberland. ! ■ x FOR SALE Your choice of twenty brick houses with all improvements; SIOO to S6OO cash and balance on month ly payments. H. C. BRANDT. S6 North Third Street. Real Estate For Rent FOR RENT From April 1, 385 South Fifteenth street; 8 rooms and bath; all Improvements; rent, S2O. Ap ply to F. H. Hantsman, 66 Brlggs. FOR RENT April 1, residence 2127 North Second street. B. G. Galbraith, G„ 4476, care of Telegraph. Real Estate For Rent THREE-STORY BRICK BUILDING FOR RENT For manufacturing pur poses; good location along the P. 029.1. Money to l^oan MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate security in any amounts and upon any terms to suit borrower. Address P. O. Box 174. Harrisburg, Ta. MONEY ADVANCED to housekeep ers at legal rates: business confiden tial. Profit Sharing Loan Society, Room 7, Spooner Building, 9 North Market Square. BANKS WON'T but we will loan you sl6 to $3Ol for one year, payable monthly at legal rates, if you have good character, a reputation for pay ing your bills and sufficient In come to meet the payments as they fall due. • Security required: Note secured by personal property, mainly household furniture without re moval, or real estate, or the guar antee uf suiue responsible per son. CO-OPERA'XIVE LOAN & INVESTMENT CO. 204 Chestnut Street Affiliated with local, atata and national organizations which stand for approved business Storage STORAGE in 3-story urlck building, rear 408 Market street. Household goods in clean, private rooms. Reasonable ratea. Apply to P. G. Diener. Jeweler. 408 Market St. Air. Both phones. STORAGE Fireproof and non-flre proof warehouses. Private rooms for household goods $2 per month and up. Harrisburg Storage Co., 437-445 South Second street. STORAGE 419 Broad street, house hold goods, mercandise. Private rooms. $1 -$3. Wagons, 76 cents month. D. Cooper & Co.. 411 Broad street Both phones. Financial FOR SALE 3OO shares Harris Grape Juice Company, Incorporated, stock. M. Shires. 613 Connell Building, Scranton, Pa„ or Rev. W. S. Harris. Harrisburg. Pa. Automobiles FOR SALE Chalmers light deliv ery. new body and new paint Inquire at Miller Auto Co* 68 South Cameron