Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 20, 1917, Page 16, Image 16

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[Veterans Name Committee'to
Confer With Chamber
of Commerce
At a meeting last night of the First
City Zouaves and City Grays Veteran
Association at the armory, a commit
tee was named to meet with the
Chamber of Commerce and plan for a
reception to the local military compan
ies who leave El Paso to-day. A meet
ing of the Chamber of Commerce Ex
ecutive committee was called for 4
o'clock this afternoon. It Is probable
arrangements for a joint meeting will
be made at this time.
The committee named last night In
cludes Captain H. M. Stine, Edward
Humer, Sergeant Philip German,
Christian F. Nauss and Captain E.
Laubenstein, ex-offlcio.
On March 5 relatives of the soldiers
will attend a banquet and entertain
ment, at the armory. A limited num
ber of tickets will be sold for this
The committee on program and
printing will meet to-night at the
home of H. W. Long, 1113 North
Front street. To-morrow night the
committee on refreshments will meet,
and the date of the committee on en
tertainment will be announced later.
On the arrival of Companies D and
I, the Machine Gun company and Sup
ply company, the guardsmen will he
escorted to the Armory where hot cof
fee and sandwiches will be served.
The Machine Gun and Supply com
panies will be mustered out in this
The New Command
The roster of the Supply Company
Is as follows:
Edward H. Schell, captain, Har
risburg; Aubrey H. Baldwin, second
lieutenant, Harrisburg; John N.
Kchuchman, first sergeant, Lemoyne. ]
Pa.: Edgar T. Burganstock. regi- |
mental supply sergeant, Harrisburg; |
John K. Spangler, regimental supply j
sergeant, Harrisburg; George W. j
Ellinger, regimental supplv sergeant, j
Harrisburg: Isador Brauch. Stable
Berbeant, Harrisburg; George W.
Zelders, corporal, Harrisburg; Mau- ;
rice P. Connors, liorseshoer, Shenan- i
Ioah; John A. Paxton, saddler, Cham- ]
bcrsburg; Leroy B. Albright, wagoner, ;
Lemoyne: Daniel F. Bankes, cook, \
Wagoners Emanuel R. Bigler,!
Carlisle; Edward N. Carnathan, Har- I
risburg: John W. Dlener, Wormleys-1
burg; Charles 11. Epley, Harrisburg; !
Joseph C. First,Harrisburg: Frederick
E. Forgay, Lansford: Harry J. Har
ris, Harrisburg; Daniel A. lletrick,
Huntingdon; Robert C. Jacobs, Le- i
moyne: Foster Keammerer, Steelton;
Charles A. Kuhlwind, Harrisburg; (
John Kuhn, Mt. Holly Springs: John '
c. Moyer, Harrisburg; Charles G.
Mo.ver, Mahanoy City: John A. Ma- !
ctine, Shippensburg; Daniel J. Reese. I
Lansford; Herbert A. Shaffer, Camp <
Hill: John J. Stauffer, Harrisburg;
William A. Weils, Harrisburg; Ross E. I
Wiley, Harrisburg; Walter W r ike, Lew- j
Following is the roster of the Ma- I
chine Gun company:
Captain Ralph C. Crow, Lemoyne;
!• irst Lieutenant Charles H. Chamber,'
Harrisburg; Second Lieutenant John I
S. Carroll, Carlisle; Second Lieutenantj
Henry M. Gross, Harrisburg; First
Sergeant Russell A. Kinter, Lemoyne;
Mess Sergeant Conrad E. Zimmerman,
White Hill.
Supply Sergeants George A. Dale,
Harrisburg: Howard Shickley, Harris
burg; Charles A. Burtnett. Harris
burg; Claude W. Gerdes. Harrisburg;
Bertram Slattery, Harrisburg.
Corporals—George S. Fairall, Steel
ton; Hugh M. Little, Harrisburg; Sam
uel J. Murlatt, Harrisburg; John H.
George, Carlisle.
Mechanic David P. Shrum, Har
Cooks Samuel C. Barrett, Ta- '
maque; Joseph DeMartin, Mechanics-!
Buglers Paul C. Conrad, Hunt- '
ington; Edwin W. Harris, Pottsville. 1
First Class Privates Harrv I". ,
Baseliore, Harrisburg; Harold H. I
Garber, Carlisle; Robert S. Greena-|
wait, Lemoyne; Clyde H. Hopple. Har-i
risburg; Frederick W. Keich, Tama
qua; Harry A. Shearer. Lemoyne. 1
Daniel W. Crozier, Harrisburg.
Privates James L. Bloom, Lock
Haven; John T. Brant, Fairview; Gor
don N. Cassatt, Harrisburg; Charles C.
Cummings, Lemoyne; Ira H. Ensmin
ger, Harrisburg; Edward L. Gintzer,
Harrisburg; Ellsworth K. Hess, Har
risburg; Charles N. Hufnagle, Potts
ville; Carle Linsenmaeh, Harrisburg; j
Lawrence D. Pearson, Harrisburg; I
Charles W. Shaner, Harrisburg; Rob
ert H. Thomas, Mechanicsburg. "
Window Arsenals' Doom
Is Motive of lowa Bill
Des Moines la., Feb. 20.—Small
boys who thrill at the exploits of the
movie "bad man" and then go down
to lower Walnut to gaze at the outlay
of murderous weapons, knives,
knuckles, sling shots and whatnots,
displayed in the windows of the
pawnshops will soon find themselves
confronted with a very different col
lection, if a bill by Senator Kimball
which will be reported for passage by
the Senate Judiciary Committee be
comes a law.
They will see nothing more excit
ing than a lot of banjoes accordions,
field glasses, brass lodge emblems,
near diamonds and hocked watches.
Senator Kimball's bill is intended
to eliminate such unwholesome
thrills as the movie fan desperadoes
in the making have treated them
selves to in the past.
It prohibits the display of pistols,
knives, knuckles and other murder
ous weapons. Hardware stores may
display rifles and shotguns and the
hardware man's State association has
passed upon the bill and approved it.
PETEY DINK—One Would Never Have Thought It Was a Grandmother ... ... ... ... ... g y £ VOIGHT
GOUV , "TVIERB s A /J~ ALKJ-R TTHAT Wce ? y'Z- .1 X II — X _
/ APTHR. HV OV/M ÜBtstfT / ( SNMWC. THERE AMUSIMO ) /• ° s °NNS/ \ L f r \ / QI. \
[ SMB MoT AIU Doiuo \ I HtFu - \ ( SIR• * 1 ( 6(? w M A
V V / V >THeiwt W J
V— g CAN y r VPicToßes 7? / V |TkE fomJy I
' v ■ - ■- • -
Make Gains of One to Two and a Half Points; Dealings
Light and Lack Breadth of Yesterday
New York, Feb. 20.—Oils, sugars
and metuls were the only noteworthy
features of .to-day's early trading at
advances of 1 to 2 % points. More
moderate gains were registered by
United States Steel and allied indus
trials, such as Crucible Steel and Colo
rado Fuel. Industrial Alcohol and
Virginia Carolina Chemical were bet
ter by half a pont to a full point. Re
cessions of about as much were scored
by Marine preferred, General Motors,
Baldwin Locomotive and American
Cna. Kails were dull and without ma- )
terial change. eDallngs were light and
lacked the breadth of the previous duy.
On the early rise trading slackened
the market running toward specialties.
Texas Company made an extreme gain
of 4% points, Cuba-American Sugar 4,
National Lead 2% and Kelly-Spring-,
field Tire 2%. Rails were inclined to
yield, standard issues showing frac- j
tional declines. A sale of 100 shares of
Bethlehem Steel (old stock) at 140,
minus the stock dividend of 200 perl
cent, and minus rights to the new,
stock which were quoted at 20%, a I
total of 360%, compared with yester- I
day's close of 375. Activity was re
newed at midday, coppers leading the j
entire list to high levels. Bonds were |
irregular with a new low record for;
one of the international issues.
Chandler Bros. & Co., members New
York and Philadelphia Stock Ex
changes, 3 North Market Square, Har
risburg; 13 38 Chestnut street, Phila
delphia; 3 4 Pine street, New York,
furnish the following quotations:
New York, Feb. 20.
2 p. m.
Open. Quot.
Amer Beet Sugar 88% 89%
American Can 44 % 45%
Am Car and Foundry Co 63% 64 94
Amer Loco 71% 73
Amer Smelting 99 100% i
American Sugar 113% 114 Is I
Anaconda 7 81s '9%,
Atchison 103 103 >4
Baldwin Locomotive ... 53 *2 54%
Baltimore and 0hi0.... 76% 76% j
Butte Copper 48% 48% I
California Petroleum ... 25 25% j
Canadian Pacific 153% 154% i
Central Leather 56% 87%
Chesapeake and 0hi0... 59% 59% :
Chi Xlil and St Paul. ... 81 81 % |
Chicago K I and Pacific 27 27 % i
Chino Con Copper 55 % 56%
Col Fuel and Iron 47% 4 8
Consol Gas 123% 124%;
Corn Products 22% 22%
Crucible Steel 67% 67 " !
Distilling Securities .... 26% 2 7
Kric 26% 26% :
General Electric C 0.... 164% 167
General Motors 107 110% |
Great Northern pfd .... 113% 113%
Great Northern Ore subs 33 33%
Inspiration Copper .... 57% 58% I
Interboro-Met 13% 13% i
Kennecott 4.(T 8 45%!
Lackawanna Steel 80 80 I
Lehigh Valley 73% 73%!
Maxwell Motors 55% 56% 1
Merc Mar Ctfs 25% 26'..
Merc Mar Ctfs pfd 71% 72% i
Mex Petroleum 89 89%
Miami Copper 35% 39
National Lead 57 58U
New York Central 95% 9ji !
N Y N H and H 39 40 5®
New York Ont and West 24% 24% 1
Northern Pacific 104 ' I 1041; !
Pacific Mail 23% 23
Pennsylvania Railroad.. 54% 54 v. \
Railway Steel Spg 48% 43%
Welfare Workers Pleased at
School Board's Action as
Opening Wedge
loaders in social welfare worlt in'
this city to-day expressed themselves 1
as highly pleased with the action of j
the school board lust week in turn- j
ing over the Shimmell school building
to the Community Center Association j
for use as a social center.
John Yates, secretary of the Asso- 1
elated Aid Societies, in commenting oil 1
the matter said: "It is a big step in:
the right direction. For a long time j
we have been urging such a step and j
have brought speakers here to tell j
of the benefits to the community by !
establishing these centers, notably 12. I
J. Ward, of the Department of Inter
ior, Washington, who is what you
might call a specialist in this work,
and who opened the school buildings
of Rochester, New York, for such pur
poses. The people of Harrisburg will
have reason to be proud of the action
taken when they see, as they will
shortly, every city and town in the
United States sooner or later throw
ing their schoolhouses open to the
public for their own use, their own
F. E. Downes, superintendent of
schools, said that while the board's
action is a radical departure in its su
pervision of the school buildings, and
an experiment, there is not the least
apprehension felt that the scheme
will not work out.
"However, we shall see how it does
work out," Professor Downes said,
"before considering an extension of
the centers. But once its benefits are
apparent and the plan stands approv
ed, community centers will be es
tablished in every school building in
[Ray Con Copper 27 27%
I Reading . 92 92%
Republic Iron and Steel. 75% 78%
,Southern Pacific 93% 94
Southern Ry 28% 29
'Studebaker '. . . 102% 103%
!Texas Oil 229 % 230%
Union Pacific 138 138%
U S I Alcohol 126% 126%
U S Rubber 54% 54%
U S Steel 107% 108%
U S Steel pfd 117% 118
Utah Copper 109% 112
Westinghouse Mfg 50% 50%
Willys-Overland 33% 33 %
By Associated Press
Philadelphia, Feb. 20. Wheat
Hiffher; No. 2, red, spot and February,
No. 2, Southern, red, $1,853)
Corn Market firm; No. 2, yellow,
' $1.16% ©1.17%; No. 3, yellow, $1.15%©
1.16%; No. 4. yellow. $1.13 % @1.14 % ;
; No. 5. yellow. $1.11% © t.12% ; No. 3,
Southern, yellow, $1.141.15.
1 Oats The market is higher;
No. 2, white, 71©71% c; No. 3, white,
! 69®69%c.
I Bran Scarce and firm; city
mills, winter, per ton, $36.00; west
ern winter, per ion, sott, winter.
| per ton, $41.50©42.00; spring, per ton,
I per ton, $40.50©41.00.
Refined Sugars Market firm;
powdered. 7.85 c; fine granulated, 7.75 c;
j confectioners' A, 7.65 c.
Butter The market is lower;
western, creamery, extras, 4a©
46c;. nearby prints, fancv. 48c.
Eggs The market is steady;
Pennsylvania, and other nearby firsts,
free oases, $13.95 per case; do., current
receipts, free cases, $13.80 per ease;
western, extras, firsts, free cases. $13.95
per ease; do., firsts, free cases, $13.80
per ease.
Live Poultry The market is weak;
fowls, 22©24 c; roosters. 16@18c;
spring chickens, 21©24 c; ducks, 20®
24c; geese, 19®22c.
Dressed Poultry Market firm;
fowls, fancy, 25 %c; do., good to
j choice, 24(a25c; do., small sizes, 20©
■ 23c old roosters, 20c; roasting chick
| ens, western. 21®26c; broiling <.nnKens.
I western, 25®26c; do., nearby, 30®35c;
| spring ducks, nearby, ;s3®2sc; do.,
j western, 22 ©24 c; geese, nearby. 19©
21c; do., western, 18©20 c; turkeys,
i fancy, large, nearby, 32® 33c; do., west
l ern, fancy, large, 32®33c; do., western,
! lair lo good, 3v®3iu; do., common. 'Hv
I 27c; do., c'd tonis 29®30e.
j Potatoes The market is higher;
! Pennsyqlvania, per bushel, $3.15® 3.25;
j New York, per bushel, $3.15©3.25;
j Eastern Shore, No. 1, per bar
i rel, $2.50© 2.75; do., N'o 2, per
! barrel, $1.25®1.50; Norfolk, No. 1,
i per barrel, $2.50Jj>2.75; do.. No. 2 per
barrel, $ 1.25® 1.50; Jersey, per basket,
$1.25© 1.50.
Flour The market is firm;
winter, clear, $7.10®7.75; do., straight,
57.75(u8.25; do., patents, $8.25©.50;
spring firsts, clear, sß.4o(<i 8.65; do.,
patents, $5.75©9.00; do., favorite brands,
*9.60® © 10.00.
Hay The market Is steady;
: new timothy, No. 1, large bales. $18.50;
| N'o. 1, small bales, $18.00©18.50;
j No. 2, $16.00® 16.50, No. 3. $ 13.00® 14.0U;
sample. $lO 00f" 12.00
i Clover mixed. Light mixed, $16.00®
16.50; No. 1, do., ?15.00© 16.00; No. 2, do..
$13.00® 14.00.
By Associated Press
Chicago. 111., Feb. 20. Cattle Re
ceipts. 8,000: weak. Native beef cattle.
$7.75 ft 11.75; stockers and feeders, $6.15
(fif.oo; cows and heifers, $5.10® 10.15;
calves, $9.25© 13.25.
Sheep Receipts. 17,000; weak.
Wethers, $10.85011.90; lambs. $12.25
Ilogs Receipts, 26,000; to-morrow,
24,000; htrong, 15c to 20c above yester
dav's average. Bulk of sales, $12.45®
12.60; light, sll.9otfi) 12.55; mixed, $12.25
I @12.70; heavy, $12.25@12.70; rough,
$12.25® 12.35; pigs, $9.30©10.75.
I Freedom of Nottingham Given Ball,
Who Has Bagged 29 Planes
London, Feb. 20.—Flight Command
er Albert Ball, D. S. 0., who has
brought down 29 enemy aeroplanes,
was presented with the freedom of
Nottingham yesterday. The certificate
of the freedom was inclosed in a 'silver
gilt casket, the lid of which forms
a stand for a model of Ball's aero
plane. On the reverse side he is shown
attacking a German biplane.
The Mayor read a letter of' warm
praise from Lord French, and congrat
ulated Ball on having fought more
than a hundred aerial battles before
his twentieth birthday.
San Francisco, Cal., Feb. 19.—Cal
vin B. Church, employed for thirty
years as a janitor in the Bank of
California, profited by his environment,
and when he died left an estate of
Church's will was admitted to pro
bate by Judge Graham, and Irvin
Moulton, vice-president of the Bank of
California, was appointed executor..
The estate is bequeathed to two
brothers, John A. Church, of San Jose,
and Winfleld S. Church, of Hartland,
By Associated Press
Halifax. N. S.. Feb. 20. The steam
ship !• rederick VIII, carrying Count
Johann Von BernstorfT, former German
Ambassador to the United States is
no tlikflely to resume her voyage to' Eu
rope for three or four days, it Is said
here to-day. Canadian immigration of
ficials this morning began the examin
ing the steerage passengers, chietlv to
discover whether there are secret
agents of the German Government
among them. It is understood that if
any are found they will be removed and
possibly interned.
At a meeting of stockholders last
night in the offices of the Common
wealth Building and Loan Association
18 North Third street, the following
officers and directors were nominated:
President, Frank It. Leib; vice-presi
dent. C. D. Stucker; treasurer, Charles
F. Spicer; secretary, J. T. W. Mc-
Laughlin: directors. C. D. Stucker,
Charles F. Spicer, J. T. W. McLaugh
lin, B. W. Demming, D. L. KaufTman,
A. J. Kline and A. G. Lehman. These
officers will be elected on Monday,
March 19,
First of Series of Three Mass
Meetings to Be Held Up
town Tonight
To arouse Interest in the work of
tlie City Rescue Mission, the first of a
series of three mass meetings will be
held to-night in Fifth Street Methodist
Episcopal Church, Fifth and Granite
John Fulton, superintendent of the
mission, said this morning that each
week the demands made upon the or
ganization become heavier and that as
I the city grows In size the number of
"downanouts" who apply for assist
ance becomes greater.
"What we want." declared the super
intendent, 'is the co-operation and help
of 'him that hath' that we can the bet
ter assist the fellow who is without
friends, home and money."
At the meeting to-night in the Fifth
Street Church, Robert A. Enders, a
prominent churchman and a citizen
foremost in uplift work in the western
end of the city, will preside. Mr. Ful
ton will deliver the principal address
of the evening and his wife will sing.
Several former derelicts who have been
helped upward by the mission will re
late their experiences.
James W. Barker, president of the
mission board of directors, will explain
how businessmen and laymen can do to
help the mission in its work.
> The second of the series of meetings
will be held Friday night In Park Street
United Evangelical Church, Sixteenth
and Park streets. On Thursday even
ing, March 1, the third mass meeting
will be held in the Technical High
School Auditorium.
Charles Ctock, 1506 Allison street, a
foreman at the Central Iron and Steel
company, was admitted to the Harris
burg hospital this morning suffering
with a badly swollen foot. Stock
tramped on a rusty nail last week.
Money to Loan
but we will loan you sl6 to S3OO
for one year, payable monthly at
legal lates, It you have good
character, a reputation tor pay
ing your bills and suificient in
come to meet the payments as
they fall due.
Security required: Note secured
uy personal property, uiaiuiy
liouseiioiu lurnituiu without re
moval, or real estate, or tlie guar
antee ut some responsible pur.
201 Chestnut Street
Affiliated with local, state and
national organisations which
stand lor approved business
MONEY ADVANCED to housekeep
ers at legal rates; ousinesa coiiiideu
tial. Pront Sharing Loan Society, Room
i, Spooner .uuuutng, .Nona .Market
STORAGE —Private rooms for house
hold kuuhs iu llreproof warehouse, *2
per inonui uliu up. iiuwer sloiuge rulea
in tiou-lireprool warehouse. HARiiio-
LSUIiLi 61'UllAUlS Co., 4oi-44u South
second at reel.
STORAGE 4l Broad street, houae-
Uuiu mercandlse. Private rooms
i-*3. \v agona, iw tents uiuhUl U.
Cooper <sc Co., 411 Broau street, iioiii
ilauling ana Moving
NATIU--iL 1 Ii.ANA I (JO* Muvdrt
of pianos, Luilcib and general
haulms. \V. loathe, Manager, IVitth
and Woodbine streets, iiell phone &U2VJ.
LIMOUSINE Unu new Kurd limou
sine; top ready to lit on ford car lor
winter use; was ♦ luu; will lake sluu.
Andrew liedmond, Tnird and Boyd
Kind. It you cannot sell your car, wny
uul consign it to or exchange it with
us for a oetler one. Our charges tor
jelling ure 0 per cent. only. i\o storage
charges U car is not sold. AUTO
I'Ait l'Mlii.iT, *7-iSS North Camei on
FCR SALE Chalmers light deliv
ery, new body and hew pjunt. Inquire
at Milier Auto Co., t>B South Cameron
FOR SAEE Used tires. Sizes, 30x3
S7xs!*. New tires at one-half price!
37x6. 35x5, 35x4. Assortment of new
and used tubes. CRE&CJUNT AuXO GAR
AGE, 232 South street.
Garages and Repairs
guaianteed, and at reasonable prices
Call and give us a trial. GOOD SER
VICE TIRE CO., 1019 Market street.
Cars stored by day or month. Mod
erate prices. Repairs made. Cars wash
ed. Night and day service. Gasoline,
Air. Both phones.
Motorcycles and Bicycies
and Harley-Davidson for sale cheap
Just been overhauled; all twin cylinders
and in good condition. C. H. Uhler
1317 Derry street.
Legal Notices
NOTICE is hereby given that the An
nual Meeting of the stockholders of the
Harrisburg itailwuyg Company, for the
election of Directors and the transac
tion of such other business as may
properly come before tlie meeting, will
be held Tuesday, the 6th day of March,
1917, at the otiice of the Company, in
the City of Harrisburg, at 10 o'clock
A. M.
NOTICE Is hereby given that the un
dersigned will, at 11 o'clock A. M„
FRIDAY, MARCH 18. 1317, at the
Freight Station of the PHILADELPHIA
Market Street, HAKIUSBL'itG, PA., ex
pose to sale at PUBLIC AUCTION, the
hereinafter mentioned property, upon
which it has a lien under exisiting laws
for the costs and expenses of carriage,
storage and labor bestowed thereon:
to L. Greenburg, Harrisburg, Pa., re
ceived in car L & N. 2320.
This property is unloaded and stored
on ground in our coach yard between
Mulberry and Berryhill Streets, Har
risburg. Pa., where it may be examined
if desired. If sold it will be subject to
removal from place of storage at pur
chaser's expense. TERMS CASH.
W. J. WILSON, Freight Claim Agent,
Philadelphia & Reauing Railway Co.
In re Petition of Fannie Jossel to be
declared a FEME SOLE TRADER.
NOTICE Is hereby given that Fannie
Jossel, wife of Morris Jossel, of the
City of Harrisburg, Pa., has presented
her petition in the Court of Common
Pleas of Dauphin County to No. 214,
March Term, 1917, for a decree that she
shall have the rights and privileges of
a FEME SOLE TRADER, and for a cer
tificate that she shall be authorized to
act, have the power and transact busi
ness as such; and that the said petition
shall be considered by the Court on the
27th day of March, 1 y 17, at 10 o'clock A.
M„ at which time all persons interested
may show cause, if any they have, why
the decree and certificate prayed for
shall not be made and granted.
Attorney for Petitioner.
BANKRUPTCY ln the District Court
of the United States for the Middle Dis
trict of Pennsylvania. 11. C. Guyer and
.1. H. Gu.ver, of Harrisburg. Dauphin
County, Pennsylvania, bankrupts under
the Act of Congress of July i, 1S!S, hav
ing applied for a full discharge lrom
all debts provable against their estate
under said Act, notice is hereby given
to all known creditors and other per
sons In interest, to appear before the
said Court at Scranton, in said District,
on the 1 tli day of March, 1917, ut 10
o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause,
if any they have, why the prayers of the
said petitioners should not be granted.
BANKRUPTCY ln the District Court
of the Unite.! States for the Middle Dis
trict of Pennsylvania, Edward J. Cav
ender, of Harrisburg, Dauphin County,
Pennsylvania, a bankrupt under the Act
of Congress of July 1, IS9B, having ap
plied for a full discharge from all debts
provable against his estate under said
Act, notice is hereby given to all known
creditors and other persons in interest,
to appear before the said Court at
Scranton, In said District, on the 10th
day of March, 1917, at 10 o'clock in the
forenoon, to show cause, if any they
have, why the prayer of the said pe
titioner should not be granted.
of an act of the General Assembly, en
titled "An act to regulate the Depart
ment of Public Printing and Binding, to
carry Ovt the provisions of section
twelve, article three of the Constitution,
in relation to the public prirting and
binding and the supply of paper and
other materials therelor," approved the
7th day of February, A. D. 1905, and
the anunded act thereto, approved May
11, 1911, ar.d also the Distribution Act
approved 28th day of April, 1915, sealed
proposals will be received at the De
partment of Public Printing and Bind
ing for executing all the public print
ing and binding of tlie Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania for the term of four
yeais from the Ist day of July next, at
a certain rate per centum below the
rates specified in said act and the
rates and conditions set forth in form
of proposals to be submitted by each
bidder. All proposals must be sealed
up and endorsed, "Proposals for the
Public Printing and Binding," and be
delivered to said office on the fourth
Tuesday of February, A. L>. 1917, being
the 27th day of the month, before 12
o'clock M., and the bidder or bidders
must accompany ills or their proposal
with a bond to the Commonwealth
with at least two sufficient sureties, in
tlie sum of thirty thousand dollars, con
ditioned for the acceptance of tlie con
tract and faithful performance of tlie
work in the manner provided for in said
The sufficiency of raid bond and the
sureties thereto must be certified to by
the judge or judges of tlie county in
which said sureties reside, s required
by said act.
All proposals will be opened in the
presence of those bidding, at said office
in the State Capitol in the city of Har
risburg, at 12 o'clock M. of said fouith
Tuesday, being the 27th day of Febru
ary, A. D. 1917, and r.ll the printing
and binding publicity alloted to the
person or persons who propose to exe
cute the same at the highest rate per
centum below the rates fixed by the
schedule annexed to the aforesaid acts
of the General Assembly, and the rates
as fixed by tlie Department of Public-
Printing and Binding In said proposal,
and who shall give the bond required
by law, said allotment to be approved by
the Governor, Auditor General and State
Treasurer, and not to be binding until
so approved.
Blank bonds and blank forms of pro
posals will be furnished on application
to this Department, and specimen
samples as a slanaard for quality of
woii. which the contractor or contrac
tors will be required to execute can be
seen at the office of the Department of
Public Printing and Binding.
Department of Public Printing and
Binding, Harrisburg, Pa., Februaiy 10
Chief Clerk
|: No. 113 Market Street j! :
11 < 1
]! Containing an attractive and ji
|! well lighted storeroom, with side !'
] i entrance. J |
;! Apply to ;!
ij Commonwealth Trust Co- jj
jj 222 MARKET ST.
FEBRUARY 20, 1917.
In the District Court of the United
States for the Middle District of
Pennsylvania ln Bankruptcy, No.
3359 ln the Matter of Jerome 1.
Iletrick, Bankrupt.
THE undersigned trustee will expose
at public sale, in front of the Court
House, Harrisburg, Pa., on
MONDAY, MARCH 5, 1917, AT 2
the following described real estate of
the bankrupt, to wit:
All that certain lot or piece of
ground, situated in the Ninth Ward, of
the City of Harrisburg, Dauphin Coun
ty. and State of Pennsylvania, bounded
and described as follows, viz.: Be
ginning at a point on the south side
of Bumbaugh Alley, said point being
distant 4 feet from the division line be
tween property of Mary Costello and
property No. 1526 Kegina Street owned
by John E. Dare, said point being on
the southeast corner of Bumbaugh
Alley and a 4 feet wide private alley;
thence in an eastwardly direction along
Bumbaugh Alley, 15 feet to a point on
the linj of property of George A.
Delhi; thence in a southwardly direc
tion at right angles with Bumbaugh
Allev along the division line, 30 feet to
a point; thence in a westwardly direc
tion along a line parallel with Bum
baugU Alley and along the line of prop
erty No. 1526 Kegina Street owned by
John E. Dare, 15 feet to a point on a
4 feet wide private alley; thence in a
northwardly direction along said 4 feet
wide private alley, 30 feet to a poini
on Bumbaugh Alley, the place of be
The above described leal estate will
be sold free and clear of all encum
TERMS lO per cent, on day of sale,
and balance thereof on confirmation by
I the Court.
LATIVE JOURNAL ln compliance
with the provisions of an act of the
General Assembly, approved the 9th day
of June A. D. 1911, providing for the
publication ot the Legislative Journal,
sealed proposals will be received for
printing, eyeljtting, stitching, trim
ming and delivering said Legislative
Journal tor the term of four years,
from the Ist day ot July next at a cer-
I tain rate per centum below the rales
named by the Department of Public
Printing and Binding in a lorm of pro
posal, copies of which will be submit
ted upon request. Ail proposals must
be sealed and endorsed "Proposals lor
i Printing the Legislative Journal, ' anu
! delivered to the ottice of the Ucpart
i nieiit ot Public Printing and Binding on
the fourth luesday ot February, A. D.
I 1917 betorc 12 o'clock M. Krfch bld-
I der must accompany his bid with a
I oond to the Commonwealth with at
1 least two sufficient sureties in tile sum
I of fifteen thousand dollars, conditioned
for the acceptance of the contract and
I faithful performance of the work In the
manner provided for in said act and
! proposal. The sufficiency of said bond
and the sureties thereto must be certi-
I tied to by the Judge or judges of the
county In which said sureties reside.
All proposals will be opened in the
' presence ot those nidding at said office
I in the btate Capitol at llarrisburg at 12
o'clock M. on the said fourth Tuesday
of February, A. D. 1917, the 27th uav of
said month, and the contract allotted to
i the person who proposes to execute the
' same at the highest rate per centum
' below the rates lixed by the Department
of Public Printing, aud who shall give
the bond required by law, asid allot
ment to be approved by the Governor,
l Auditor Ger iral and State Treasure!
I and not to be binding until so approved.
I Blank bonds and blank proposals will
I be furnished upon application,
i Department of Public Printing and
j Binding, llarrisburg, Pa.. February 10.
m '' By THOS. J. BELL,
Chief Clerk.
I THE annual meeting of the Board of
; Managers of the Children's Industrial
Home will lie held at the Y. M. C. A.,
Friday morning, February the 23d, 1917,
at 10:30 o'clock.
Election of officers.
Anniversary exercises will be held at
the Home, Nineteenth and Swatara
streets, in the afternoon of the same
day, at 2:30 o'clock, to which all friends
1 are 'cordially invited to attend.
NIA —In compliance with the provisions
oil the Estate of Eliza Jane Scout, late
of Susquehanna 'township. Dauphin
County, Pa., deceased, having been
granted to the undersigned, all persons
indebted to said Estate are requested
to make immediate payment, and those
having claims will present them for
Or Harrisburg, Pa.
Legal Notices
Proclamation in Divorce
Dauphin County, ss:
IN the Court of Common Pleas of
Dauphin County, Pa., No. 6, January
Term, 1917. Libel in divorce—-a vinculo
matrimonii, Margaret Lyter vs. George
Lyter. The subpoena and alias sub
poena in the above-stated case have
been returned "non est inventus." You,
George Lyter, are therefore directed to
appear in the Court at Harrisburg, l'a.,
oil the third Monday of March, A. D.
1917, to answer the complaint therein
Harrisburg, Pa.. February 20, 1917.
Proclamation in Divorce
Dauphin County, ss:
IN the Court of Common Pleas of Dau
phin County, Ha., No. 302, September
Term. 1917. Libel in divorce—a vin
culo matrimonii, Effle M. Collingrldge
vs. Hairold A. Collingridge. The sub
poena and alias subpoena in the above
stated case have been returned "non
est inventus." You, llarrold A. Colling
ridge, are therefore directed to appear
in the Court at Harrisburg, Ha., on the
third Monday of March. A. D. 1917, to
answer the complaint therein filed.
Harrisburg, Pa., February 20, 1917.
Proclamation in Divorce
Dauphin County, ss:
IN the Court of Common Pleas of Dau
phin County, Pa., No. 414, September
Term. 1916. Libel in divorce—a vinculo
matrimonii, Mary M. Aumen vs. Simon
A. Green. The subpoena and alias sub
poena in the above-stated case have
been returned "non est inventus." You,
Martin A. Green, are therefore directed
to appear in the Court at Harrisburg,
Ha., on the third Monday of March, A.
D. 1917, to answer the complaint there
in filed.
Harrisburg, Pa.. February 20, 1917.
Proclamation in Divorce
Dauphin County, ss:
IN the Court of Common Pleas of Dau
phln County, Pa., No. 315, September
.v-.ni. 1017. Libel In Uivoree —a vinculo
matrimonii, T. B. Miskimon vs. Joseph
ine Misknnon. The subpoena and alias
subpoena in the above-stated case have
been returned "nun est inventus." You.
Josephine Miskimon, are therefore di
rected to appear in the Court at Har
risburg, I'a., on the third Monday of
March, A. D. 1917, to answer the com
plaint therein llled.
Harrisburg, Pa.. February 20, 1917.
Proclamation in Divorce
Dauphin County, ss:
IN the Court ot Common Pleas of Dau
phin County, Pa., .No. 136, September
i'erm, 1916. Libel in divorce —a vinculo
matrimonii, Florence M. Foutz vs. Oscar
W. Foutz. The subpoena and alias sub
poena in the above-stated case have
ueen returned "lion est inventus.' You,
Oscar W. Foutz, are therefore directed
to appear in the Court at Harrisburg,
l J a„ on the third Monday of March, A.
D. 1917, to answer the complaint there
in tiled.
Harrisburg, Pa., February 20, 1917.
Proclamation in Divorce
Dauphin County, ss:
IN the Court ot Common Pleas of Dau
phin County, Pa., No. 449, March Term,
191#. L.lbel In divorce—a vinculo matri
monii, Carrie 10. Soilenberger vs. Guy
H. Soilenberger. The subpoena and
alias subpoena in the above-stated case
have been returned "non est inventus."
You, Uuy 11. Soilenberger, are therefore
directed to appear in tne Court at Har
risburg, Ha., on the third Monday of
March, A. D. 1917, to answer the com
plaint therein tiled.
Harrisburg, Pa., February 20, 1917.
Proclamation in Divorce
Dauphin County, ss:
IN the Court of Common Pleas of Dau
phin County, Pa., No. 39, January Term,
1917. Libel in divorce—a vinculo matri
monii, Shellen ltoberts vs. Albert G.
Roberts. The subpoena and alias sub
poena in the above-stated case have
been returned "non est inventus." You,
Albert G. ltoberts, are therefore direct
ed to appear in the Court at Harris
bur*?, Pa., on the third Monday of
March, A. 1). 1917, to answer the com
plaint therein tiled.
llarrisburg;, Pa., February 20. 1917.
Proclamation in Divorce
Dauphin County, ss:
IN the Court of Common Pleas of Dau
phin County, Pa., No. 164, September
I'erm, 1916, Libel in divorce —a vinculo
matrimonii, Mary M. Auinen vs. Simon
J. Auinen. The subpoena and alias sub
poena in the above-stated case have
been returned "non est inventus." You,
.Simon J. Aumen, are therefore directed
to appear in the Court at Harrisburg,
l*a„ on the third Monday of March, A.
D. 1917, to answer the complaint there
in Hied.
Harrisbtirg. Pa., February 20, 1917.
Proclamation in Divorce
Dauphin County, ss:
IN the Court of Common Pleas of Dau
phin County, Pa., No. 174, September
Term, 1916. Libel in divorce—a vinculo
matrimonii, Frank J. Y'anger vs. Mayme
Treasa Yanger. The subpoena and
(ilias subpoena in the above-stated case,
have been returned "non est inventus."
You, Mayme Treasa Yanger, are there
lore directed to appear in the Court at
llarrisburg, Pa., on the third Monday
of March, A. D. 1917, to answer the
complaint therein tiled.
llarrisburg. Pa., February 20, 1917.
Proclamation in Divorce
Dauphin County, ss:
IN the Court of Common Pleas of Dau
phin County, Pa., No. 634, June Term,
1916. Libel in divorce—a vinculo matri
monii, Clara J. Cunkle vs. Samuel C.
Cunkle. The subpoena and alias sub
poena in the above-stated case have
been returned "non est inventus." You,
Samuel C. Cunkle, are therefore direct
ed to appear in the Court at llarrisburg.
Pa., on the third Monday of March, A.
D. 1917, to answer the complaint there
in filed.
Harrisburg, Pa., February 20, 1917.
Proclamation in Divorce
Dauphin County, ss:
JN the Court of Common Pleas of Dau
phin County, Pa., No. 491, September
Term, 1916. Libel in divorce—a vin
culo matrimonii, Carrie E. Gruber vs.
Charles C. Gruber. The subpoena and
alias subnoena in the above-stated case
have been returned "non est inventus."
You, Charles C. Gruber, are therefore
directed to appear in Court at Harris-
I burg Pa., on the third Monday of
March, A. D. 1917. to answer the com
plaint therein Hied.
Harrisburg, Pa., February 20, 1917.
Proclamation in Divorce
Dauphin County, ss:
IN the Court of Common Pleas of Dau
phin County. Pa., No. 091, June Term,
I9IR. Libel in divorce—a vinculo matri
monii, Anna F. Cooke vs. Benjamin W.
Cooke. The subpoena and alias sub
poena in t lie above-stated case have
been returned "non est inventus." You,
Benjamin W. Cooke, are therefore di
rected to appear in the Court at Har
risburg, Pa., on the third Monday of
March. A. D. 1917, to answer the com
plaint therein Hied.
Harrisburg, Pa., February 20, 1917.
Proclamation in Divorce
Dauphin County, ss:
IN the Court of Common Pleas of Dau
phin County, Pa., No. 259, June Term,
1916. Libel in divorce —a vinculo matri
monii, Mary K. Fells vs. Charles M.
Fells. The subpoena and alias subpoena
in the above-stated case have been re
turned "non est inventus." You, Charles
M. Fells, are therefore directed to ap
pear in the Court at Harrisburg. Pa.,
on the third Monday of March, A. D.
1917, to answer the complaint therein
Harrisburg, Pa., February 20, 1917.
Proclamation in Divorce
Dauphin County, ss:
IN the Court of Common Pleas of Dau
phin County, l'a., No. 317, September
Term, 1916. Libel in divorce—a vin
culo matrimonii. Jennie M. Marshall vs.
Albert Marshall. The subpoena and
alias subpoena in the above-stated case
have been returned "non est inventus."
You. Albert Marshall, are therefore di
rected to appear In the Court at Har
risburg, Pa., on the third Monday of
March, A. D. 1917, to answer the com
plaint therein Hied.
Harrisburg, Pa., February 20, 1917.