The Universal Car I I D B 1 ====::::z I 1 1 Order Now ffl si | To Secure | fe Early Delivery S 4 > I ® I 1 1 Ford Sales Co. | 147-155 S. Cameron St. if . n The Premier Foursome Is one of the most attractive of the new arrivals In the field of four-passenger roadster models. This car is being- exhibited this week at the automobile show and is attracting much favorable attention with its classy, sturdy, practical appearance. "Quality Production" Is Slogan of Jefferey Factory Just now easily the giant Jeffery factory, recently acquired by the Nash •Jfßtors Company, lends itself to in creased production has been illustrat ed by the fact that since the going of W. Nash to Kenosha and the instal lation of his manufacturing policies the output of the plant already has been greatly increased. C. W. Xash. widely known to the trade by liis reputation as a "quantity producer" and a merchandiser in gi gantic wholesale lots, again demon strates his rare manufacturing ability when he selected the Jeft'ery factory as the parent site of the Nash Motors Company. "On my first visit to Kenosha." said Mr. Nash, "I recognized how well suit ed the Jeffery factory was to carry out my principles. I found it an immense plant covering 100 acres of ground, with thirty-two acres under roof. It was manned by 3,000 skilled mechan ics and equipped with the finest ma chinery obtainable. The plant, I learn ed, was practically independent of parts and accessory makers, and that Jeffery motor cars and trucks were built 93 per cent, in their entirety within the walls of that factory. i "Immediately after the purchase had been completed I set about to in crease the production, and found it a When you feel that you are not getting enough miles j per gallon— ' r | \\ hen cold weather makes starting a difficult matter — i \\ hen you fail to get maximum speed and power— —THAT is the time to ask for your demonstration of ' the one perfect Carburetor The We Automatic C We don't claim that your Carburetor is not good; but we DO claim that the WEBBER is better and that it will save money for you to use it. And to prove our claims we'll let you try the WEBBER for 30 days on your own machine. We KNOW you'll like it—that's why we let you try it. fn oner- j ation the WEBBER AUTOMATIC is in no way vague or mys- ' tcrious. A casual inspection will show clearly. WHY you get rapid acceleration. WHY your motor will develop its maximum power. WHY you get the combination of power and economy. WHY it is easily adjusted to get just the ratio of fuel and air ___ your motor requires. WHY you do not have trouble in starting in cold weather. WHY you do not have to wait for your motor to warm up be fore starting away. WHY the proper ratio is maintained throughout the range of motor speeds regardless of load or throttle. WHY it holds its adjustment under all conditions. The WEBBER method of "breaking up" the fuel particles, mixing these particles thoroughly with the proper amount of air and delivering this mixture to the motor at as near atmospheric pressure as possible means POWER—MORE POWER! Our 30-Day Trial protects you against dissatisfaction : but we KNOW you'll want to keep it. Zimmerman Auto Repair Co. Cs at U, Auto Show Cor Linden gnd Walnut Stg SATURDAY EVENING, comparatively simple matter. We placed orders for more equipment, erected a new foundry and a new body building, and after instating a progres sive factory arrangement more suited to the needs of large quantity produc tion we soon had the plant busjj turn ing out cars and trucks on a largely increased schedule." The experience of C. W. Nash as a manufacturer dates back to the days of carriage building, when he first originated the principles of quantity production and quantity selling, and had charge of the manufacture and sales of one of the largest and most successful carriage and buggy busi ness in the world. He was attracted to the automobile industry and. as president of the Buick Motor Company, he applied the same policies. Here his phenomenal success won world-wide attention, and two years later he was made active head of the General Motors Company, where he set about to apply those same principles to all of the allied companies. In this position he quick ly became one of the greatest powers in the industry, and the last year of his presidency of that company the General Motors' earnings totaled near ly twenty-nine million dollars. Now that Mr. Nash is heading a new company bearing his own name and in stalled in one of the largest and most complete factories in the country, he will be able to realize more completely his ideals of manufacture than ever before. HUGE INCREASES OF CAPITAL STOCK State Realizes Large Sums in Bonuses; National Guard Orders Three formal notices of authority to increase capital stock to very high figures were filed yesterday in the De partment of the Secretary of the Com monwealth by industrial corporations and in one instance the State received a bonus of $74,966.67 on an actual in crease of stock. The Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, of Pitts burgh, filed notice Of authority to in crease Btock from $60,000,000 to $75,- 000,000, the Philadelphia Electric Company, of Philadelphia, from $25,- 000,000 to $50,000,000 and the Lukens Steel Company, which has the big plant at Coatesville, notice of increase from $10,000,000 to $22,500,000. The latter company paid the bonus. In an opinion given to-day to Chief of Mines Roderick, Deputy Attorney General Hargest rules that all engi neers engaged in hoisting work at mines can not work more than eight hours. The question arose whether an engineer engaged in hoisting men and boys only could work twelve hours. The eight hour rule must pre vail, is the decision. Influence of the Feminine in Buying the Motorcar The motorcar manufacturer is al ways confronted with the important problem of just how much consider ation should be given to the woman buyer in the design and equipment of his product. P. D. Stubbs, director of sales of the Premier Motor Corporation, presents some new and interesting facts on this proposition. "If absolutely accurate figures could be obtained upon the sales of automo biles during the past year," said Mr. Stubbs, "1 believe that automobile deal ers and manufacturers alike would be astounded at the major number of times that the feminine portion of the family made the iinal decision. Com paratively few cars are actually pur chased by women, but their influence is far reaching. "In most families, the purchase of an automobile is a real event, even if a trade is involved, and this happens in approximately 50 per cent, of the sales. The respective merits of each car in the class which is decided upon are considered from every angle. And the dealer who finally secures the order must first create a iirm confidence in the mechanical worth of his car, then present those minor features which often close the sale. It would take all the supposed gifts of a clairvoyant, in many cases, for the dealer to really know why his car was chosen. "l"or this season some manufacturers, in the past, have taken broad-side shots in the dark, combining certain units of equipment, aimed to appeal to the current foibles of feminine fashion and without consideration of mechani cal value. They trusted to luck that one of these things would make a suc cess, purely from a sales standpoint. "Since the electric starter took the labor off of lifting the motor over the hill of compression, women have pro claimed an Equal liights Bill' in driv ing their cars. Now, in Premier, the 'uet difficulty of the woman driver has been surmounted, that of shifting gears. In Premier, gears are changed by touching convenient push buttons under the steering wheel. The Cutler- Hammer magnetic gear shift means the emancipation of women from the slavery of the gear lever. In one more year. It is safe to predict, practically c .\ r J n Amer 'ca. selling for over SI,OOO, that can make the change, will have an electric gear shift; for the magnetic gear shift is mechanically sound, practical, and 'fool proof.' Wo men drivers will dominate the contin uous stream of automobiles which speed over the streets of our cities anil the roads of America. "Aside from the feature, which was ln the construction of l ;? c , a r use we were able to se cure the C-H magnetic gear shift be cause we were building a totally new ?Sl' < J! ld n , ot wth the ° le idea of 8 "lU ing the American women, there are other features used by us for this same reason, which we believe will heart."" especial a PP ea l to the feminine Big Factory Fire Little Delays Saxon Production Production of 4 Saxon motor cars was resumed just a week of working days from the time the main plant of the Saxon Motor Car Corporation was partially destroyed by tire. Additional factory quarters which were under Jease at the time of the which contain more floor space than the burned building, were transformed into new assembling testing and other necessary deoart ments by u corps of 200 workmen'who began their labors while the lire de partment was still pouring water onto the smouldering ruins of the other nit t',„ J Was by working night and day the temporary factory was made ready in such a short time. Only a single day was lost by the wblch was speedily housed in a building one block from the old plant and which the Saxon Company had been using for some time to re lieve the congestion in their old quar ters, pending the completion of the big ne f JJ r plant now under construe tion. Ihe service department of the i£ C *uf y J was not damaged and work in this department went on with pra tically no interruptions. With pro duction again under way the Saxon Company expects to complete all ship ments to its dealers on scheduled rime An interesting phase of the tem porary delay in production was the evidence from every side of Saxon dealer loyalty. Before it was known exactly how much of a delay in pro duction there would be, telegrams poured into the Saxon company's tem porary office by the hundreds, assur ing the Company of the dealers' sym pathy and promising all aid possible Expressions of sympathy and regret were also received from the manufac turers supplying Saxon parts, with as surances that no efforts would hp spared to refill the fire destroyed stock bins. „JIi tbere ..,^ as a bri^ht spot in con nection with the recent Saxon lire it was the evidence of a host of giod friends and the quality of good will the Saxon Company enjoys. DINNER IV HONOR OF PASTOR Dauphin Pa.. Feb. 17.—Mrs. John Lebo and daughter, Mrs. Charles Lebo, entertained at dinner on Thursday in honor of their pastor, the Rev. H. C. Lutz and family. Covers were iaid for the Rev. and Mrs. H. C. Lutz Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M. Lutz Mrs' Blanche Robinson, Mrs. John Lebo' Isaac Lebo, Mrs. Charles Lebo and children, John and Elizabeth Lebo ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION ELECTS Dauphin, Pa., Feb. 17.— 0n Thurs day evening the Dauphin Athletic As sociation held a special meeting in Odd Fellows' Hall. The following offi cers were elected: Charles Lebo, president; E. J. Fite, secretary; Frank Putt and O. H. Shannesy, directors, and Blake Gllday, Charles Lyter and Charles Rhoads were chosen to pick the J917 baseball team. Another meet ing will be held next Thursday even ing to complete the business. r- —' ■" 1 > I w ttomißßuno; teeegkxfh JJ Study the economy of \ HffwtS ) AMERICA'S GREATEST "LIGHT SIX". Tffi~sstsissifct££!£ Ki,J Wo 3 and ch iP"*? ° fthe Hayne. can boast (or ratW .how m PCr * ° f g ** olinC ' 8 000 mi,e to thc "* of the®, diStinCdvC •P P ? Wr "? C f' <£f 1 P° wer - AibiKty and economy of XI f f II the Ha y ne Six, 1 and just the realms "nryma wittbot Maynes booster, when you are fully conversant with the facta. Pa"-*- Miller Auto Co., Distributors j . B - F -BARKER, Manager H J / :::: HP n 68 s ' Cameron St ! CO ' I ESUXFEL LEHMAN DFFIS services took place at the home of BIBIjE CLiASS APRON SOCIAL CONFERENCE IN YORK COUNTY Lykens, Pa., Feb. 17.—Emanuel Edward Matter, in North Sec- Dauphin, Fa., Feb. 17.—An "apron Marietta, Pa., Feb. 17.—The annual Lehman acpri 7° voire: hinH nt tho ♦... ♦*,{„ n r*~ „ o social" will be given on Thursday meeting of the Central Pennsylvania home of his son-in-law Fdward Mat rJv i evening*, February 22, a the home of Conference of the United Evangelical nome la*. Edward Mat- the Rev Mr.McDonaldofthe United Mra . Blanch Roblnso n. in Erie street, Church, will be held at East Pros pamlvsisMr I ehman was* a CMI h *>* the Bible class, taught by Charles pect, York county, beginning Febru-I war veteran and w"s a member „ w irl,! % K - Shaffer. Everybody is invited to ary 27. Many prominent speakers will Si,',"?"., °"ii •O?A' *"M P YTH'e h, ',,"S r "• **•' Kn'SHE. W ' HO " U - R - S "° N "° • • - rto*ne>b(tA M Public Gets Extra Guarantee of 1500 Miles on all Standard Makes of Tires with no Advance in Price If Old Guarantee Is for 6000 Miles—the New Guarantee Gives You 7500 Miles If Old Guarantee Is for 3500 Miles—the New Guarantee Gives You 5000 Miles A TREMENDOUS SAVING IN DOLLARS AND CENTS TO THE MOTOR USING PUBLIC We have found a way to get that mileage out of tires. Records of tests made by manufacturers and car owners show that the insertion of an anti-frictional, self-lubricating bronze bearing between all the leaves of all the springs, from end to end, gives free, smooth, uninterrupted spring action. This enables the springs to absorb their proportion of the road shocks, and makes possible this sensational tire guarantee. Written Guarantee of 1500 Extra Miles IS MADE POSSIBLE BY DANN INSERT The Lubricated Spring-Leaf Bearing The Saving on Two Tires will More Than Pay for the Cost of Dann Insert We Guarantee Easy Riding—or Your Money Back after 30 Days' Use The Tire guarantee is also open to all FREE!!! Front-Market Motor Supply Co. I • J Send coupon for free OWnerS WllOSe CarS are nOW eOUiPPed booklet rtllng Please Send Booklet. "The Story of Easy m