8 Witmer, Bair & Witmer 202 Walnut Near 2nd St. Winter Coats and Suits at Special Close-Out Prices <3O WINTER COATS—SI2.SO to 545.00. [or $8.75. #IO.OO, $12.50, $15.00, $17.50 and $19.75. 25 WINTER SUITS—SIS.OO to $47.50, for SIO.OO, $12.50, $15.00, $17.50 and $19.75. Every Winter Coat and Suit must be closed out—not a single garment will be carried over. New Spring Suits, Coats, Dresses, (Serge and Silk), Sweaters, Blouses, Silk Petticoats, Top Dress Skirts, etc., are selling freely. SFRING SUITS $13.75 to $50.00 SPRING COATS $9.50 to $42.50 Balance of Friday specials advertised yesterday on sale Saturday and Monday. WITMER, BAIR & WITMER Twofold Surprise Party and Engagement Announced A two-fold surprise party was given j the other evening at the home of Mr. ! and Mrs. Harry Page. ICI4 Green street. ' The event was in honor Miss Hannah Welsh, of SunDury. and Ralph Page, who celebrated their birthdays. < Games and contests were enjoyed. • Prizes for the art tnd molding con- j tests were won by Miss Anna Ross and | Miss Ethel Batdorf. I The other surprise was brought to j light later in the evening when the en- j For SINGERS and SPEAKERS ' 1 THE SEW 10c lIOX FITS THE POCKET ] Regular Siiw 2Sc. 60c. sl. At l>ru^fs BROWN'S broncnialTßOCKES JOHN I. BROWN & SON, Boston, Mass. j j Spring Footwear ; i|| j| in many styles now offered for your approval. A Walk-Over & ; Boot Shop il j| 226 Market St. FLOWER SPECIALS For Saturday Regular Price Our Price Carnations SI.OO 00 DRESSES—in serges, poplins, silk taffeta, crepe de chine, and Georgette crepe $5.5)8 to $25 #Silk Skirts Much Mack Taffeta Silk Skirls, in plain shades, and beautiful col orings hi stripes anil plaids shades, stripes and plaids Others in serges, velours, worst eds, covert cloth, rajah silk, Bed ford cord, poplins, in plain shades, stripes, checks and plaids *- —J WAISTS—New Spring models in voile, organdy, net, lace, chiffon, Georgette crepe and crepe de chine 85<* to $8.!)8 CENTRAL PUPILS IN CLASS DANCE Class of 1916 Holds Another of! Their Benefit Balls For j Steele Memorial Fund Class 1916 of Central High school held a successful dance last evening in Hanshaw's hall. Valentine decora tions with the class colors, gray and blue, were prominent. Music was fur nished by the Sourbeer orchestra, and I the proceeds swell the Steele Memor ial fund. In attendance were: Miss Nora Bennett, Miss Besse Bennett, Miss Helen Hampton, Miss Marietta Bran yan, Miss Lucetta Tobias, Miss Helen Hoffman, Miss Lenore Smith. Miss Miriam Goshorn, Miss Ruth McCor mlck, Miss Naomi Crownshicld, Miss Hazel Beatty, Miss Mary Schutzen- ' bach, Miss Hazel Hamill, Miss Ruth ' Richards, Miss Rachel May, Miss Eleanor Baxter, Miss Florence Han ning, Miss Josephine Hubler, Miss June Beard, Miss Ethel Jones, Miss Hva cinth Beard, Miss Lillle Roth, Miss Mary Housten, Miss Ethel Fisher, Miss Lillian Koch, Miss Delia Costcllo, Miss Ruth Towsen. Miss Marion Towsen, Miss Mary Jelley, Miss Marie Vogt, Miss Sara Maloney, Miss Lillian Bern lieisel, George Holtzman, Paul Kirby, Paul St. Peter, Theodore Weakley, Ed- BUY SHOES NOW Prices in the Spring Will Go as High as sls Shoe prices are still going up and up. Good Shoes will be as high as sls in a couple of months. We had the foresight to provide for this contingency by buying heavily when prices were down. Now is the time to provide for present and future needs—at the right prices—by buying at Paul's. Note these few of many money-saving items. H $7.50 Blue and Green Kid, $5.00 and $6.00 E. C. Burt and high lace, Louis lieel, dC LaFrance Patent Colt Button; plain toe. Special .. . AA to J* " earl y all $9 90 _ sizes. Special $5.00 Dull Kid Button, plain ~ toe, hand welt; Cuban heel; Black and White Satin Even- B and E widths. *0 Af\ ln K Slippers; f|f| Special 00.4U E. C. Burt Shoes P**.UU $4.00 Vicl Kid Button and Extreme styles In Women's T UI_K +m* h'K ll grade Black and Fancy heel' BplciaP... .. 53.15 Shoes, AAtoD. .. . to PAUL'S STORE j 11N. Fourth Street — N Schmidt's Saturday Specials ! VIOLETS Bunch Z DAFFODILS Z. SCHMIDT Thr - Thirtee^ FLORIST Market Street. ward Hilton, Edward Wallower, Rus sell Hampton, Robert Michael, Uol mont Plank, Charles Polleck, Edward Fair, Thomas Senseman, Clem Kelley, Fred Wible, Lambert Kinch, William Hamer, Harold Astrieh, Harry Holtsi, Leo Kamsky, Louis Detz, Harry Thrush, Leo Kaufman, Paul Hainlng, James Wells. Claude Olewine, Louis Gpldstein, Charles Lingle, Ralph Michener, Arthur Zweifel, Simon Brenner and Harry Wells. RUB RHEUMATIC PAIN RIGHT OUT Don't suffer! Relief comes the moment you apply "St. Jacobs Oil." What's rheumatism? Pain only! Stop drugging! Not one ease in fifty requires internal treatment. Hub the misery right away! Apply sooth ing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil" di rectly upon the "tender spot" and re lief comes instantly. "St. Jacobs Oil" is a harmless rheumatism and sciatica relief which never disappoints and can not burn or discolor the skin. Limber up! Oct a small trial bottle from your druggist, and in just a mo ment you'll be free from rheumatic and sciatica pain, soreness, stiffness and swelling. Don't suffer! "St Jacobs Oil" has relieved millions of rheumatism sufferers In the last half century, and is just as good for sci atica, neuralgia, lumbago, backache, sprains and swellings.