20 S AS TO ECONOMY f The marked fuel economy of Chev rolet quality cars is an outstanding § J feature. Records kept by an even hundred |j owners in and about New York show an average of 24yi miles per gallon £ p of gasoline. §j The total mileage on which this average is figured is just 13,863,000. 3 The average mileage per quart of oil is 176, and per tire is 6,123 miles. jjg Chevrolet quality cars are built in 3 two chassis models, the "Four- 2 Ninety," price, equipped, electric 3 3 starting: anil lighting. $550, and the a "Baby Grand," a large, powerful £3 touring ear, at SBSO. These prices are F. O. B. Flint. Mich. 53 Roadster, *SXS; Touring, $550; 2 Sedan, $625 1 GEORGE B. ZECH Agent For Ruick and Chevrolet ' City Anto Garage Buy Now and Save SSO Prices Advance March First At the Auto Show It is the biggest, best finished Four ever produced at the price—plus the refinements of the most expensive models. Here are some of the superiorities that assure this car a sweeping success— Pullman Indiv * 114-inch wheelbase, 32-h. p. motor, 50 x /i-inch full cantilever rear springs, Dixie waterproof, high tension magneto, Batavia non-skid tires on all four wheels, two unit electric starting and lighting, Strom berg type carburetor, double bulb head lights with dimmer, 17-gallon gas tank in rear. Pullman Sales Company 60 South Cameron Street L. A. WALLACE, Live Dealers Wanted Pres't. and Manager " " - •' ■' * m ' 1 r* v* FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH FEBRUARY 16, 1917. f.TUFHWP TlireSYOU L JUP-ySTgP tiIUS -UWI wus j WANT TO ENLIST IN MARINES? Harrisburg men will have an oppor tunity to enlist for service In the United States Marines to-morrow af ternoon. George H. Barrett, an offi cer of the Marine Corps, will be at the Pennsylvania Station from 1.30 to 6 o'clock to meet all comers. Appli cants must be native-born Americans. STEREOTYPIES' BANQUET Stereotypers' and Eleetrotypers' Union, No. 107, will hold a banquet at the Harris House to-morrow even ing at 8.30 o'clock. Covers will be laid for fourteen. Free From Pain At Last Says Mrs. Straub Long a Sufferer From Neuralgia She Sought In Vain For Some Respite TAN"LAO RELIEVED IIER "For many years I suffered in describable tortures from neuralgia,' says Mrs. Jerome H. Straub, of 915 South Nineteenth street, Harrisburg, Pa. "I tried remedy after remedy, external, and Internal but all to no purpose for the pain continued to hold me In its grip and I suffered agonies." "I had pains in the back of my neck and head; and excruciating pain in my forehead and temples so that often X thought I couldn't stand it another minute but try what I would 1 could get no surcease. "Then I read In the paper about another whose pains had been re lieved by Tanlac and I seized on the suggestion as a drowning man clutches at a straw. "Imagine my joy and delight when I found that my pains were rapidly fading away. Then came a day when I was free from them altogether and since then they have not returned. "I feel as if a great weight had been lifted from me, I am happy again and I eat and sleep so much better that I am fast regaining all the strength that was worn away from my .suffer ing." Tanlac, the famous reconstructive tonic, is now being introduced here at Gorgas Drug Store, where the I Tanlac man is meeting the people I and explaining the merits of this j master medicine. Tanlac is sold also at the Gorgas Drug Store in the Pennsylvania Rail road station. NEWS OF STEELTON DIRECTORS TALK ON SCHOOL NEEDS Annual Midwinter County Con vention at Steelton; Promi inent Speakers "Larger appropriations from the state for educational facilities," is the chief subject for discussion by the Dau phin County School Directors' Asso ciation at its annual midwinter conven tion, in Steelton High school auditor ium to-night and to-morrow morning. This evening's session will be in the nature of an educational rally. Resi dents of the borough are urged to be present as subjects of Importance to patrons will be discussed. Prof. Lee Driver, superintendent of the public schools of Randolph county, Indiana, will speak to-night on "Centralization of Schools." Dr. S. C. Mitchell, presi dent of Delaware College, Newark, Del aware, will speak on "The Home and The School." • The Rev. G. N. Laufter, pastor of St. John's Lutheran Church, will have charge of the devotional exercises. Su perintendent K I£. McGinnes, of Steel ton schools, will make the address of welcome and S. S. Pick, of Miliersburg, president of the association, will re spond. Other features of tho program will be a selection of a double quartet ot High school boys. This quartet will sing "The Teacher and tlie Pack," and wil be made up of Charles Hoffmaster, Klmor Miller, Hairy Spink, Ross Spink, Russell Baker, Rodger Green, Garrett Punch, Wiliam Kenaey. Prof. W. M. Harclerode, supervisor of must£ in the local schools, will sing a solo. Election of oliicers, appointment of committees, reports of delegates to the State Directors' Association convention will take place at the business session to-morrow morning. Dr. Ezra Lehman, principal of the Cumberland Valley State , Normal school at Shippensburg, will speak on "How to Select a Good Teacher." Prof. Lee Driver will also talk at this ses sion. There will also be round table dis- ' cusslons of several present uay proo- j leras bearing upon school administra tion. A feature of this meeting will be ' demonstrations in vocal music by groups of pupils of the seventh and J eighth grades of the Steelton schools. Another feature will be an Inspection 1 of the equipments for medical lnspec- 1 lion, manual training and commercial work. Large Delegation From Mt. Won Attend Services Delegation from Mt. Wolf, High- 1 spire and Middletown attended the Evangelistic services at Centenary United Brethren Church last night. Nearly 100 people made up the Alt. Wolf delegation. Evangelist E. O. ' Williams preached an inspiring ser mon on "Spiritual Privileges of the Child of God." This evening the evangelist will preach on "The Friendless Soul." To morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock a chil dren's service will be conducted by Evangelist Williams and Mrs. Wil liams. Sunday morning at 5 0 o'clock a class of twenty converts will be bap tized and taken into the church by the Rev. A. K. W r ier, pastor. Middletown Commission Wants Park Improvements The Middletown Park Commission in its report to council recommended that the park be extended by the pur chase of a piece of ground east of the present grounds owned by the borough and the building of a porch around the present pavilion at the en trance to the grounds. The rebuild ing of the dam at the lower end of the park was recommended. Of the S6OO appropriation asked by the Com mission, S4OO was granted. The re mainder was held under advisement. Steelton Snapshots Held for Court —At a hearing be fore Justice of the Peace Stees last night, Joseph Arcia, a Mexican la- 1 borer, was held for court in default | of bail on a charge of larceny pre-! ferred by Gregorio Angelo. Zimmerman to Speak—Charles F. 1 Zimmerman, of Lebanon, will address; the Men's League of the First Presby terian church at a meeting Tuesday night. Mr. Zimmerman was formerly treasurer of the Steelton Trust Com pany. Special Services —The Rev. G. W. Getz, pastor of the Main Street Church of God, will speak on "Washington and America" at patriotic services to be held in the Church of God, Sun day. Building Permit—Borough Secre tary Charles P. Feidt, this morning issued a building permit to John W. Connard to erect a double frame dwel ling in Lincoln street for O. J. Zelg ler, Pine street. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that there will be a meeting of the stockholders of the Citizens Fire Association, held in the parlor of the Citizens Fire Com pany, corner of Front and Pine streets. Steelton, on Wednesday even ing, February 21 at 8 P. M. to take action on the transfer of their real estate and dissolution of the associa tion. By order of the president. W. A. Keister, President. Geo. H. Roberts, Secretary. IQBERLIN 1 Arrangements are being made by the Swatara township School Board to celebrate the annual Patrons' Day, February 22, In all schools in the dis trict. An effort will be made to pre sent part of the work of the schools and an appropriate program for the patriotic day. Mrs. John Hocker, one of