Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 14, 1917, Page 8, Image 8

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\ES-I CHOSE THE {UEWkI TOY BLAME ME W(? 1 iVii -iW BROU&Hr THF I 7*° PETTO fStl ' \ wwmuou DAVE-,? I WVE HEARD OF , I FTnwTn^^
W'\. fe"/
i(P(^iK? EBc ? H ztcH fentz ((^9t tR t3r JJSSw
Vou Can Bring Back Color and
Lustre With Sage Tea
and Sulphur.
When you darken your hair with
Sage Tea and Sulphur, no one can tell,
because it's done so naturally, so
evenly. Preparing this mixture, though,
at home is mussy and troublesome.
For 50 cents you can buy at any drug
etorc the ready-to-use preparation, im
proved by the addition of other in
gredients, called "Wyeth's Sage and
Sulphur Compound." You just dampen
a sponge or soft brush with it and
draw this through your hair, taking
one small strand at a time. By morn
ing all gray hair disappears, and, after
another application or two, your hair
becomes beautifully darkened, glossy
and luxuriant.
Gray, faded hair, though no dis
grace, is a sign of old age, and as we
all desire a youthful and attracUve
appearance, get busy at once with
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound
and look years younger. This ready
to-use preparation is a delightful toilet
requisite and not a medicine. It is not
intended for the cure, mitigation or
prevention of disease.
If you have headaches, if your
eyes burn or glimmer, if spots rise
up to greet you, if you have trou
ble in reading, sewing or carrying
on many of your daily tasks, your
eyes are out of order. There is
something wrong and it may re
sult seriously in time.
In buying glasses, the public does
not want glasses alone. It wants
service certain results. The
glasses are only a means to an end.
It takes expert knowledge to pre
ecribe the right sort of lenses,
Gohl, Rinkenbach & Rouse High-
Grade Optical Service has been
prescribing the right sort of lenses
to hundreds of people. Make vour
next pair of glasses -the right "or
of lcne*.* The price you will find
most resonable.
'•"Where glasses are made right."
N0. 22 N. 4TH. ST.
A Winter
Without Coal
Can vou imagine a situ
ition of this serious nature?
Well, we just escaped it this
winter, and those who buy
coal by the "hand to mouth"
method may still have a taste
of it before Spring comes.
The scarcity of coal this
Winter, due largely to a
shortage of cars, will have
dire results if war comes and
railroads are used exclusive
ly for Government business.
What little coal is above
ground will not last long if
there is a general clamor for
it. Don't delay.
Office, 1 North Third
lards, Tenth and State
Good Printing
The Telegraph Printing Co,
PETEY DINK—He Made a Perfectly Natural Mistake ... By C. *A. VOIGHT
• JOH,., 'M H ■ 0 a
i.-' &*,. . ._ .. W . tasui I
The Bolton Hotel
Thursday, February 15th, 1917
From 10 A. M. Until 7 P. M.
TMR. SECHLER, whose extensive
experience makes hira an
authority on the treatment of rup
ture and particularly on matters
pertaining to the muscle-rebuilding
qualities of the PLAPAO - PADS
and their application, will person
ally advise and help all those who
come to him.
And if you've had enough of
rupture troubles and wish to enc
all your suffering, then and onl>
then do we ask you to listen to hi
words —to be convinced by hu
demonstration and be presented,
upon request, by Mr. Sechler, with
a generous
Free Trial Treatment
This attractive little lady is the
two year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
O. M. Fisher, 238 North SL, Harris
burg, Pa. Last winter she had an at
tack of measles, together with a very
severe cold. Just at that time Drug
gist S. J. Wilhelm presented Mr.
Fisher with, a jar of the Southern
"outside" treatment—Vick's Vapoßub
Salve, which was just then being in
troduced in Harrishurg, and requested
that he give this preparation a thor
ough trial. Mr. Fisher writes—
"l must say that our baby had
such a cold on her chest and in her
throat that she could hardly talk,
and we could not get her to take
anything internally. After we used
Vick's Vapoßub Salve on her breast
and throat at night before going
to bed she was entirely relieved."
No family should be without this
preparation. It is externally applied,
and so can be used freely—it is ab
sorbed through and penetrates the
skin, and, in addition, is inhaled as a
vapor. It has a hundred uses for the
many minor ailments for which every
mother is the doctor. Three sizes,
I 25c, oOc or JLOO.
Committee Reports That Last
Night's Attendance Was a
Last night was Chamber of Com
merce night at the automobile show
and hundreds of members and their
friends took advantage of the special
preparations for their reception among
the newest things In motordom. The
show committee reports the attend
ance for Chamber of Commerce night
as being the largest In the history of
Harrisburg's automobile shows. A
special musical program was arranged
for last night's visitors and the suc
cess of the venture is not to be dcubted
by anyone who mingled with the
throng present to view his or her
favorite four, or six, or eight, or
twelve cylinder motor car.
While those of the gentler sex gazed
with approving eyes at the inside fit
tings and upholstery of the sedans,
touring cars and limousines, the men
naturally turned their attention to the
mechanical side of the new models.
The show is now in full sway, but
prospective owners still are "up in the
air," a great many of them undecided
on the cars they want." Numerous sales
have been reported, of course, but the
wide variety of models shown only
serves to make the final choice seem
more difficult to the man who signs
the check.
The general trend of prices at this
year's show seems to be upward and
many of the exhibitors openly predict
that another twelve-month will see
the various cars more expensive. In
view of the conditions prevailing in
the field of skilled labor throughout
the country, these predictions appear
to carry considerable weight.
Wednesday night has been set aside
as "Rotary night" by the show com
mittee and it is expected a special
musical program will be arranged for
the entertainment of the visitors.
Special sessions ~of criminal court
which began Monday, February 5,
may close to-morrow, as there is only
one more murder case to be started.
The Jury in the James Frazer
murder trial, heard before Additional
Law Judge S. J. M. McCarrell, was
charged this morning leaving court
room Xo. 2, at 12.30 o'clock. Frazer
is charged with stabbing Charles
Smith, colored, during a tight in the
Eighth ward. The Commonwealth
and attorneys for the defense took up
practically all morning in addressing
the jury.
Eddie Marshall, alias Monroe, ac
cused of shooting Albert Brown, col
ored, during an argument in a house
in Sarah alley, may take the stand
this afternoon in an effort to escape
the electric chair.
Witnesses for the Commonwealth
this morning testified before Judge
Charles V. Henry, that three shots
were fired but only one entered
Brown's body, according to physicians
who treated the victim.
The case against William C. Fickes.
accused of running down and killing
Joseph Husek, aged 10, near Jednota.
in an auto accident, may be started
this afternoon. It is the last one re
maining on the list of continued trials
from the January sessions, and if
ended this week, will leave four mur
der cases for trial at the March ses
Wants to Use Own Name Fanny
Jossell made application to-day for
an order from court giving her the
right to use her own name in all trans
actions. claiming that her husband
deserted her more than two vears ago
and cannot be located.
Probate Will The will of Lydia
Bashore was probated to-day by
Register Roy C. Danner, and letters
issued to a son, Levi Bashore of
Lower Swatara township.
St. Louis, Feb. 14. Mrs. Helen H.
Brltton owner of the St. Louis Na
tional League Baseball Club, has been
granted a divorce from Schuyler Brit
ton, former president of the club. She
was awarded the custody of their two
Mrs. Britton testified that Mr. Brit
ton "squandered her means to such
an extent that her property was im
Mr. Britton was not In court, and
his attorney asked Mrs.' Britton no
i questions.
Announcements have been received
in this city of the marriage of Miss
Florence Lewis, daughter of Charles
Francis Lewis, of New York City, to
William Packer Farnsworth, Thurs
day, January 18, in the Church of St.
Mary the Virgin, New York City. The
bridegroom is a son of the late Wil
liam Clifford Farnsworth of this city,
a leading corporation attorney of the
State, and lived here during his boy-
A Nutritious Diet for All Ages.
Xeep Horlick's Always on Hand
}uick Lunch; Home or Office,
Grey-Haired at 27
Not a Grey Hair at 37
I Am One of Many Living Ex
amples That Grey Hair Can Be
Restored To Natural
Colour and Beauty
Let me send you free full informa
tion that will enable you to restore
your grey hair to the natural colour
and beauty of youth, no matter what
your age or the cause of your greyness.
It is not a dye nor a stain. Its effects
commence after four days' use.
I myself was prematurely grey at 27
and a failure because I looked old. I
restored it to girlhood's colour through
the adivce of a scientific friend. I look
younger than I did 10 years ago and am
a living example that greyness need no
longer exist for anyone. One old gen
tleman of 76 who had been grey for 33
years followed my simple advice less
than one short month and now not a
single grey hair can be seen—his hair
is the hair of youth.
Tlie*e arc from photographs
showing the Brent transformation ef
fected by following Mrs. Chapman', ad
And so I have arranged to give full
Instructions absolutely free of charge
to any reader of this paper who wishes
to restore the natural shade of youth
to any grey, bleached or faded hair
without the use of any greasy, sticky
or injurious dyes or stains, and without
detection. I pledge success no matter
how many things have failed. Perfect
success with both sexes and all ages.
So cut out the coupon below and send
me your name and address, (stating
whether Mr., Mrs. or Miss) with two
cent stamp for return postage and I
will send you full instructions so you
need never have a grey hair again. Ad
dress Mrs. Mary K. Chapman. Aptmt
SB2 N. N., Grosvenor Bldg.. Providence,
K. I.
This Free Coupon reader B of Har
risburg Telegraph to Mrs. Chapman's
complete instructions to restore grey
hair to natural colour and beauty of
youth. Cut out and pin to your let
ter. Good for immediate use only;
2 cent stamp for postage required.
Address Mrs. Mary K. Chapman,
Aptmt. BS2 N. N., Grosvenor Bldg.,
Providence. R. I.
SPECIAL NOTICEi Every readrr of
this pnper. man or vromnn, who wishes
to be without grey hair for the rem of
their life in advised to aeerpt above lib
eral offer at oner. Mr*. Chnpman'M high
standing proves the siai-erlty of her
Unusual Value
JtXJr Welti nghoute jUUh
Electric UVU
Starting and
Lighting Ml W
3rd and Cumberland St*.
Harrlxburg, Pa.
| Chalmers Six-Thirty j
b Still SIO9O. But the 5-passenger |j
fc 6-30 Chalmers will be $1250 on t|
I March Ist. Why not save $l6O f|
8 jy buying now? See it at the
|j Automobile Show. f|
One visit to the Chalmers exhibit may
save you $l6O, and provide you with the
most sensible car you ever owned. Neither
over-heavy. Nor underweight. Neither
bulky. Nor small. It is built for sensible
driving. Quick in acceleration. Nimble.
Easy to swing around a corner. A "close
up" view will surprise you with its luring
lines, sound construction.
And the 3-passenger roadster, at SIO7O
now, for delivery later, will also be $1250
on March Ist. A saving of SIBO.
Present Prices
3-passenger Roadster - SIO7O 7-passenger Touring Gir $1350 ||| I
5 " Touring Car 1090 7 " Sedan - 1850
|| (AO f.o.b. Detroit) I
| Keystone Motor Car Co. 1
59-107 So. Cameron Street
Both Phones C. H. BARNER, Mgr.