Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 14, 1917, Page 16, Image 16

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Within one hour after the announce
ment that all Pennsylvania Railroad
trains from the east were back on
schedule time a report was received
►f a freight wreck on the Pittsburgh
division. The mixup occurred some
time after midnight. Trains from the
weßt were held up from two to four
bours. Delays came to all trains after
8:25 this morning.
To Preserve, Purify
and Beautify the Skin,
Scalp, Hair and Hands
Cuticura Soap and Oint
ment are supreme. You
can find no others more
effective no matter what
you pay than these fra
grant, super - creamy
For Trial Free by Return Mail address
post-card: "Cuticura, Dept. 22F,
Boston." Sold throughout the world.
i Man's Letter Answered j
| Dear Sir: In the year 1913. I
f month of March, X read in my g
? newspaper a recipe or prescrip- j
f tion and had it tilled, as I was in 1
f run-down health and was partic- I
f ularly nervous, weak and worn |
f out. I was despondent and un- •
| able to work part of the time, i
| The medicine at once revived my *
t energy, will power and strength •
f and have felt like a "new man"
? until just recently. Have lost ♦
the recipe and would appreciate I
? your 'mblishing it again for my •
J benefit and others .teeding such a ?
■ grand medicine to restore health, f
? H. H. B. J
j Answer The prescription re. t
£ ferred to is herewith given. Any t
£ well-stocked druggist can mix it. f
J It really is a wonderful strength- |
4 giving tonic for nerve-broken T
i men, and women, too:
(Tincture Cadomene Comp... 1 oz. I'
Comp. Kssence Cardiol 1 oz. I
• Comp. Fluid Balmwort. .. .. 1 oz. i
i Comp. Syrup Sarsaparilla. .. .3 oz. |
i Mix. Shake well and take a tea- I
i spoonful before or after each J
• meal and one at bedtime for sev- I
i eral weeks. ;
i Note—Clip this out and retain •
• it, as it will not appear again. •
Come See This Great Car
Super counter balanced crank shaft
17th and Swatara Sts., Harrisburg, Pa.
Both Phones
IT is difficult to describe —in
* words the sensation en
joyed by a ride in an Ap -
person Roadaplane.
The roads seem to be j/lNy
I passenger) '
I ir bodiee. 1301o.vheel boae,3ooo W(
Xr y n. *i,wo tote,oooto.b. Kokomo.
fr'V Bee the Roadaplane at the Show.
, ki. L. I'OVVUiSN
r Central distributor
I 1 . • . .. • , • .. I. 1..1. JI.HM
Will Attend Annual Ball of
Friendship Club; Superin
tendent to Lead Marcli
fe s'llll -
Superintendent Middle Division,
P. R. R.
For the accommodation of Altoona
members a special car will bo run
from Altoona to Harrisburg on the
night of February 28. This is the date
of the annual ball of the Friendship
and Co-operative Club. Altoona will
send 30 members. They will bring
their wives. It is understood the car
will be attached to Train Xo. 36.
Announcement was made to-day by
Chairman Grafton Drake that nearly
400 tickets have been sold. The ball
will be held in Winterdale Hall. Sup
erintendent N. W. Smith, of the Mid
dle Division, will lead the grand march
which starts the festivities at 8.30.
.Master of Ceremonies
Frank C. Hoffman was to-day made
master of ceremonies. He will he as
sisted by Chairman Drake and the
following committeemen:
J. D. Long, P. L. Smith, George B.
Briggles, 11. D. Long, William R. Dene
hey, W. D. Bowers, C. W. McCombs
and William H. Drake. It is also ex
pected that prominent railroad offi
cials from this city, Lancaster, Phila
delphia and Reading will attend. A
complete report of invitations accepted
will be made at the meeting ol' the
club to be held on the night of Feb
ruary 22.
In order to keep freight traffic on
the move the Reading Railway Com
pany will run shorter trains until the
cold weather is over. Heavy trains
frequently stall engines on grades,
short trains enables better schedule
time and less grade trouble, accord
ing to officials.
Standing of the Crews
Philadelphia Division ll3 crew to
go first after 4.30 p. m.: 120, 111, 105,
125, 110, 110.
Kngineers for 113, 111, 105, 110.
Fireman for 125.
Conductor for 110.
Flagmen for 120, 111, 125.
Bralcemen for 120, 110.
Engineers up: S ( >eas, Keane, Wen
rick, Albright. Steily, layman, Max
well, Sellers. J. Gable, Black, Gemmlll,
Firemen up: Herman, Dietrich, Kll.
lian, Ryer, Fisher, Dohner, Waikage
Paul, Karhart, iiowcrsox, Walker, Lutz!
Uoll, Cover. K. R. Miller, N. J. Miller.
Conductor up: Fisler.
Brakemen up: Kelley, Knupp, Stime
ling, C. Mummaw. W. D. T. Smith,
Wincgrt, Wilt, Thompson, Hivner.
Middle lklvl*iou—2oß crew to go first
after 1.50 p. in.: 22, 26, 31.
Fireman for 22.
Kngineers up: Cordor, Leppard, Bow
ers, Asper.
Firemen up: Killheffer, Peters, Kin
er, Trout, Coyle, Crone, Linn, Adams.
Brakemen up: ltowe, L. R. Sweger.
Doyle, ,lr.. Kowatch.
Kngineers up: McCord, McMorris
McDonnell, Runlcle, Wise, Watts, Clel
and, Goodman, Hailing, Sayford, Mach
amer. Gibbons.
Firemen up: Spahr, Charles. Mc
cormick, Otstot, Bryan, Lawrence. Kin
iii 1 , Dearolf . tine. Myers,
Hardy, Wilhelm.
Sr$ n ti n,^ B for lst 8> 3rd 8 - sth 8 * 14 -
Firemen'for 2. (!, 3rd 8, 12, 14. 28 38.
I'lillndelplila Dlvlxlon 2ft4 crew to
fnr p- m.: 230, 212, 219,
-u., Zoo. 241, JOt.
Knglneer for 241.
Firemen for 204 241.
Conductors for 04, 03.
Flagmen for 19, so.
Brakemen for 7, lit, 30, 38, 241
w£ ke x'?® n up: „ Mummaw, McCombs,
ll( l?. pp . s - Snyder, Walkman.
n rt vl " lou T; 32 crew to first
sj| eP ,ll lß .fc TJ' : 211, 23G ' 218 ' 255 . 23 3.
2uS -i)l, J1 (>, 244.
Hill, 8 Boyer. Anthony - Neumyer,
Firemen up: Guilermin, Brandt, Reed
Backenstoe, Walsh, Haubert, Hinkle
Brown, Books, Rice, M. S. 1111.
Kngineers for 2nd 108, 128.
1-lremen for 2nd 108, 122
Ihirri.slmr*; I)ivi.sion—S crow first to
?£ VKV 18 ' 7 ' I' 6 1 ' 6? ' 51 °
Booser, Warner, Merkle, Bowman
ni'eh Un piet£ r ' Fortney ' Wyre. Little, Min-
Firemen'up: Orndorff, Marks. Black,
Lentz Krlinger. Martin, Miller, Brick
lej. Lowe. Geib.
„„ Co ?£^ ct ?, r ' s u , p: Baub, Bashore, Sow
ers. McCullough.
Hrakemen up: Liebtrue, Dye, Peters,
Schraffer, Smith, Gross, Pntteiger, Cas
sett, Spertzel, Dutrey, Trone, Kipp,
Overfleld, Spangler, Heller, Faus, Amig
ilbert, BeiUer, Deitrick, Ellenberger,
at *?'' 5?" !*' e ' n hold, Sollenberger,
Mansberger, Pell, Stephens,
hniith, Kline, Heefner, Stephens.
With the distribution this week of
the monthly checks to Pennsylvania
railroad pensioners, a number will re
ceive an increase. Effective January
1 the minimum amount was mixed at
?15 per month. Men who have re
cently joined the honor roll will be
paid according to the amount of
wages received when they were last
able to make full time. The previous
rule fixed the amount of pensions ac
cording to the number of years they
worked. Many veterans, because of
disability, are obliged to quit regular
jobs before retirement, and were get
ting small pensions. The change will
affect a number in Harrisburg and
I! Announcing the Opening jf
H of H
g H
iService Station!
H 203-205 S. Seventeenth St.
♦♦ ♦♦
|| New fireproof brick building, with cemented floor. f|
♦♦ Large and spacious with every protection from fire H
|| and robbery. ♦♦
g This garage has been built especially for private ||
tt car owners who desire a clean and safe storage for ?♦
tt XX
tt their cars. XX
8 8
♦♦ The Zimmerman Auto Repair Co., who will oc- 8
H cupy quarters next to the garage, have kindly con- $|
tt sented to take care of all repair work at reasonable f*
*♦ tt
u tt
prices. ♦!
♦♦ An attendant will at all times gladly offer any 8
tt service possible.
♦♦ tr
H For the convenience of our patrons we have gaso-
Xt line at the curb. ||
H We will also carry a complete supply of tires and 8
♦♦ auto accessories at all times. 8
Rates on service and on live and H
dead storage may be had upon 8
tt request at the Garage. |X
Supervisor of Philadelphia Di
vision to Inspect Tomorrow;
Special Trains
| With a view to getting an early
j start on the annual spring cleanup,
| Philadelphia division officials anil
| supervisors will make a general in
spection to-morrow. Two special
trains will be run over the division.
One train will leave the eastern term
inus of the division and move west
ward. The second train starts at liar
risburg and will travel eastward.
After covering the main line divi
sion, and tlie branch between Enola
yards and Wago Junction, the inspec
tion trains meet at Columbia and run
over the low grade line. It is under
stood Superintendent William 13. Mo-
Caleb and all maintenance of way offi
cials, will be a part of the inspection
Reports on Repair Needs
On tills trip notes will be taken of
track conditions, repair needs at sta
tions, towers and sidings. Each su
pervisor will report for his respective
section. The reports will form a ba
sis for requisitions for new rails, re
painting, carpenter werk, etc.
No elaborate changes have been in
timated outside of retracking of a
number of subdivisions with heavier
rails. At present one of the largest
track improvements on the Philadel
phia division, for sometime, now un
der way, is between Lochicl and HigH
spire. Twenty new tracks are to be
provided for Bethlehem Steel Com
pany traffic. The estimated cost is
$2 50,000. This work is going ahead
as rapidly as weather conditions will
Railroad Notes
Anthony Derr, ticket examiner for
the Pennsylvania Railroad who lias
been ill with grip was to-day reported
as improving.
Members of the Pennsylvania Rail
road Glee Club have placed a contract
for full dress costumes with William
Strouse and Company. This musical
organisation has a number of en
gagements booked.
Charles J. Jones employed at
Roundhouse No. 2 was in Philadelphia
to-day. He was accompanied by Mrs.
Hiram McGowan Simmers has been
called to Philadelphia on business for
the Mutual Beneficial Association.
D. H. McKay, for ten years a pos
tal clerk on the Harrisburg and Eric
route has resigned. He will take up
the automobile business at his home
at Corry.
Joseph C. Burkholder, chief clerk
of Railway Mail Service was called
out of the city to-day on business.
H. O. Eby, brakeman on the Penn
sylvania Railroad running between
Marysvllle and Baltimore, who has
been on the sick list, is again on duty.
George W. Havens, train dispatcher
on the Middle division, who has been
off duty for a long time on account
of illness is again at his desk.
W. S. Bishop, night watchman for
the Pennsylvania Railroad at Lewis
town Narrows is feeding several flocks
of wild turkeys, partridges and other
game. On Sunday night he distri
buted two bushels of grain.
At Olean, N. Y., to-night a new as
sembly of the Mutual Beneficial As
sociation of the Pennsylvania Rail
road employes will be organized. It
will be known as Olean Assembly No.
26. James K. Linn, treasurer, will
institute-the new body, and will be,
assisted by President George W.!
Brown, of Philadelphia. The now
organization will start with 200 mem
bers. On February 20, a second as
sembly will be instituted in New York
Gone Forever
The Simple, Safe, Sure Use of
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets Will
Bring Joy to Any Stomach
How many quiet, afraid-to-make-a
noise, unhappy homes there are due to
cross, irritable, miserable, close-tliat
kitclien-door kind of dyspepsia suffer
ers. Such men and women cannot help
their peevishness, for they suffer ter
ribly and should be pitied.
Dyspepsia, bad breath, gastritis, ca
tarrh of the stomach, pains in bowels,
nervousness, heartburn, belching,
bloating, etc.. come from wrongful con
ditions of digestive juices.
When the system exhausts its juices,
when the liver, when the pancreas, the
stomach become thereby unlit to furnish
the proper digestive liuids, one cannot
expect this same system, without aid, to
do anything else than keep on making
their improper digestive products.
There is relief in Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets that means a restoration to
normal health and a building up of
correct digestive juices.
Go to your drugist to-day and obtain
a box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets,
price 50 cents, or mail below coupon for
free trial.
Free Trial Coupon
F. A. Stiuirt Co., 2.M Stunrt ltnilil
iiiu, >larshiitl, Mlefi., send me at
once a free trial package of Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tablets.
City State
We are told that the old-time reme
dies are best and invariably contain less
harmful yet better medicine than those
which are in use to-day. This being so.
undoubtedly the following old-fashioned
recipe which is quick acting will be
welcomed by many as there seems to be
a regular epidemic of coughs at the
present time. Secure from your drug
gist 1 ounce Parmint (double Rtrength),
take this home and add to it a quarter
pint of hot water and 4 ounces of
granulated sugar, stir until dissolved.
Take 1 tablespoonful four times a day.
No more racking your whole body with
a cough. Clogged nostrils should open,
air passages of your head should clear
find your breathing become easy. Par
mint syrup is pleasant to take, easy to
prepare and costs little. Every person
who has a stubborn cough, hard cold cr
catarrh in any form should give this
prescription a trial.—Advertisement.
These four all-important features are found in rare combination in |
the Chevrolet Model "Four-Ninety." ~
First there is its famous valve-in-head motor, with many advan-
tages, even over other motors of this type. This means about 20 per £
cent, greater efficiency, which shows in power delivered and in fuel $
economy. £
Next, the selective sliding gear transmission, with three speeds ahead, £
similar to high priced cars. This permits the motor under all con
ditions to turn at proper speed for the load, thereby eliminating
strain, and reducing wear, as well as gasoline and oil consumption.
Then comes correct car weight to engine power, giving perfect balance; p
geared steering with instant and never failing response to steering wheel; Eg
comfort, secured through a roomy body, ample upholstery, and cantilever
springs, front and rear, and the Auto-Lite two unit electric starting and
lighting system, built in the car, and guaranteed, not a makeshift added 9j
as an afterthought. g
And last, but not least, n oar of distinctive design, graceful, @
with handsome stream line effect from radiator to tail Y i
lamp. How few cars at twice or even tlirec times the price A /- M
etui equal this! E
pod, elec trio'starting j| r
to people o]^wealth—the price permits
ownership for those of moderate means. fc
At the Auto Show
George B. Zech
City Garage Harrisburg, Pa.
"The Safest Used Car Market in the World"
1916-1. 35 Packard Touring Car, re- 1916 National Touring Car .... S6OO
painted and guaranteed. 1914 Chalmers Martin Six .... $l5O
1916-1, 25 Packard Touring Car, re- 1913 Chalmers $350
painted and guaranteed. 1913 Cadillac $350 !
1914 Special Pullman Touring Car. 2-Ton Norton Truck and Body, SI2OO A
Packard Motor Car Co.
of Philadelphia
; Front ami Market Slk„ Ilnrrlsliurc, Ph. j
5-Passenger Touring Gar sllsO
4-Passenger Roadster sllsO
Third and Cumberland Sts.,
Distributors Harrisburg
|a|ii|a|ii|a|ii|a|ii|a|ii|Biii|B|ii|aiii|a|ii|a|iiia|ii|a|ii|a|ii|a|ii|a|ii|a|ii||ii|a|M|iM|-|.. r |.. r |.. r| .. ri ,. r| .. r |.. r ,