Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 08, 1917, Page 6, Image 6

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Everyone is aware that there has been a Universal in
crease in the price of Shoes.
The advance in the cost of leather and other materials
entering into the construction of Shoes has com
pelled ail shoe manufacturers to advance their prices
accordingly—there was no alternative!
We protected ourselves against this condition and as a
result, nearly every shoe in our immense stock was
purchased prior to the great advance. Old prices v
remain at practically the old level.
This, therefore, is a splendid time to buy your Spring
Footwear for our stvles are right up-to-the-minute!
1220 North Third Street—at Broad Street
Valentine Decorations
For Frances Swope's Party
Little Frances Mussenia Swope,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter M.
Swope of 230 Humtnel street, invited
a party of little girls to help cele
brate her fifth birthday Tuesday, Feb.
6, from 2 until 5 o'clock. The after
noon was spent with games, peanut
hunts and music.
Valentine decorations prevailed in
the dlningroom with placecards of
small red hearts. The favorfc were
tiny red and white baskets. In the
party were the Misses Ruth Faekler,
Irene Kept'ord, Louise Kepford, Vir
ginia Putt, Romain Myers, Dorothy
Myers, Virginia Kennedy, Eleanor
Swope and Frances Swope.
Will Take Off
All Excess Fat
Do you know that there is a sim
ple, harmless effective remedy for
overfatness that may be used safely
and secretly by any man or woman
who is losing the slimness of youth?
There is; and it is none other than
the tablet form of the now famous
Marmola Prescription, known as Mar
mola Prescription Tablets. You can
well expect a reduction of from two
to four pounds a week without diet
ing or exercising. Marmola Prescrip
tion Tablets are sold by all druggists
at 75c for a large case, or if you
prefer you can order direct from tho
Marmola Co., 864 Woodward Ave.,
Detroit, Mich.
Dealer In
j Nature's !
! Valentines I
! *— I
Specials For
j Mother, Wife, j
or Friend
1 313 Market St. I
t I
Dr.J.Walter Park
will be absent from his office
from February 13 to 28.
M SHR jjJiijy more Give Style, Comfort and per< '• k i
Iml l" "V ' ,nen smaller and have the wearing, they assure the
ii'bSfcwo ; "Old Corset" comfort with utmost in a corset at most VViWB '-
tirst wearing. Economical Price. ||^|bnaaUab||
|At All Dealers WEINGARTEN BROS. Inc., New York Chicago San Francisco I
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Hosts
to Thursday Evening Club
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Wilson will be
hosts to members of the Thursday
Evening Club to-night at their home,
Sl2 Green street. Music and a buffet
lunch will be enjoj'ed.
The guests include Mr. and Mrs. Jo
seph Bradley, Mr. and Mrs. Miller
Ralston, Hiram Starr, Miss Mary
Bradley, Mrs. Carrie Commings, Miss
MarthiyMcCulian, Mr. and Mrs. David
Dunlap, Miss Jennie Tomilson, Mrs.
Emma Commings and Martin O'Toole.
Miss Helen Armor, of the Seiler
School faculty, chaperoned a party of
the school girls at a theater party at
the Orpheum, where they enjoyed see
ing "Mother Carey's Chickens. • In the
party were the Misses Annette Bailey,
Katherine Beidleman, Virginia Bishop,
Alice Virginia Cooper, Honore J. Pat
ton. Darthea Davis, Lydia Kunkel and
Elizabeth P. Harris.
Another party of Sriler School girls
attending the play included Miss
Miriam C. Cocklin, Mins Alice Leseure,
Miss Louise Plank, Miss Florence
Cocklin, Miss Dorothy C. Hurlock and
Miss Elizabeth Black.
Mrs. R. P. M. Davis, of 1926 North
Second street, returned home to-day
after a visit in Washington, D. C.
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Wat-on have
gone home to Baltimore after a brief
visit In town.
Tour eyes arc worthy of the best
attention you can give them. Bel
singer glasses can be had as low
as $2.
Opp. Orpheum Theater
Eyes Examined No Drops
Masquerade Costumes
From Samplfß on Display at the
Bolton House
Use Telegraph Want Ads
Miss Corbeit's Free Story Hour
j For Children and Lecture
in Evening
Everyone interested in the art of
story telling given so much promi
nence nowadays will be glad to know
that Lucile Corbett, of Pittsburgh, is
coming to this city Saturday, Febru
ary 17, to lecture before the Story
Telling Club in the evening and give
an afternoon free story hour to the
children of the city. Both meetings
j will be held in the auditorium of the
Tech school building. Miss Corbett is
a writer of most delightful talesNjEler
characters are the common things that
every child knows and so are as real
to the children as are fairies. And
fairies are more real to children than
actual people are.
In the evening Miss Corbett will
give a short talk on "The Art of Story
Telling" giving a group of Japanese
tales in costume, a fairy story, a group
of her own stories and others by mod
ern writers to illustrate the points in
the talk. At, the close she will be glad
to answer any questions from the au
The Story Telling League deserves
much credit for bringing to the city
once or twice a ytar lecturers who are
the finest Qf their kind in this line of
culture and work. ,
Take Examinations to Be
American Red Cross Nurses
Coincident with the feverish prepa
ration which is going on under federal
supervision against possible eventuali
ties twenty applicants for enrollment
in the Red Cross Division, local branch,
will take examinations in elemental
hygiene and home care of the sick at
the Harrisburg Hospital to-morrow
afternoon at 2.30 o'clock.
The class of twenty, with Misc Emily
Railey as president, Mrs. Berne H.
Evans, secretory, and Miss Virginia
King-, treasurer, has for some weeks
past been preparing for the examina
tions, which will be followed next
week by another on first, aid work.
The examinations will be under the
supervision of Miss Ensminger, who is
directing the study and practical in
struction of the girls in the class.
The students of the Seller School,
under the direction of Miss Amy
Louise Beck, French teacher at the
school, will present "Jeanne d'Arc"
in the original. The play will be given
Friday evening, March 2. Practices
are being held daily and great en
thusiasm and interest is being mani
ested on the part of the students.
A pie and candy social will be held
this evening in the Camp Curtin Me
morial Methodist .Church by Group
No. 8. Ice cream and cako will be
Mea<le W. C. T. U. will meet to-mor
row afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Park
Street. Evangelical church. "The
Memory of Frances Willard" will be
discussed with Mrs. S. D. Wilson,
leader. This union is arranging for
a celebration of its third anniversary
on the evening of Thursday, Febru
ary 15, in the Market Street Baptist
To Avoid Dandruff
You do not want a slow treatment
for itching scalp when hair is falling
and the dandruff gepn is killing the
hair roots. Delay means—no hair.
Get, at any drug store, a bottle of
zemo for 25c or SI.OO for extra large
size. Use as directed, for it does the
work quickly. It kills the dandruff
germ, nourishes the hair roots and im
mediately stops itching scalp. It is
a pure, reliable, antiseptic liquid, is not
greasy, is easy to use and will not stain.
Soaps and shampoos are harmful, as
they contain alkali. The best thing to
use for scalp irritations is zemo, for it
is safe and also inexpensive.
The E. W. Rose Co., Cleveland, O.
We have some wonderful
bargains in used Pianos.
Easy terms if desired.
C. M. Sigler, Inc.
30 N. Second St.
Sigler Harrisburg,
Building Prima.
Washington's Birthday Exer
cises With Fine Speaker and
Much Patriotic Music
The great day of all the year for
Daughters of the American Revolution
is February 22, the birthday of George
Washington. Harrisburg chapter will
celebrate this year as usual, the
Thursday afternoon exercises being
held at 3 o'clock in assembly hall of
the Y. M. C. A., Second and Locust
streets. ,
The Regent, Miss Snyder, will pre
side, and there will be special decor
ations and special music. The chap
ter is fortunate in securing the Rev.
Henry W. A. Hanson, of Messiah Luth
eran Church, as speaker on "Histori-
i arr 'w UnT ~ Paat and Future."
i ne Rev. Mr. Hanson la well known as
an orator and scholar and it is always
a delight to hear him.
m,Ii e 'sf a 'J 8 w '" elected to the an
nual Continental Congress in Wash
ington in April and tea will follow the
program. Members have the guest
Privilege and any members of other
,{*• Raptors in the city will be
cordially welcomed.
Mrs. Anna Hamilton Wood, of Green
til?? s been awarded a prize of
?10 in a contest arranged last Decem
*l i T 110015 Hairpin Company in
the leading magazines. The letters of
Mrs. \\ ood were illustrated by water
color sketches done by Miss Eleanor
Kobcrts, a former Harrisburger.
The Sunshine Guild of New Cumber
land will hold a food sale in the Fire
House to-morrow evening beginning at
< ociock Many delicious home
made foods will be on sale. Mrs. Wil
liam Ennis is chairman of the cake
committee; Mrs. J. Herbert Kellberg
££! c .l lar F e ? f t,le cady table and
Miss Marian Leib will preside over the
bread, rolls and other foods with many
able assistants.
Susannah ltebekah Lodge, 2 47, I.
; ' w '" hold a valentine party
at their hull this evening. The mem
bers of Evangeline Lodge, Miriam and
Susannah Lodges are cordially invited.
Refreshments will be served and a
pleasant time is expected. February
several candidates will be initiated.
Aaron Gordon's Guests
All Naturalized Citizens
Aaron Gordon, of Cameron and
Verbeke streets, celebrated bis thirty
second birthday last night by inviting
a party of friends to his home,
speeches on "Americanism" were de
livered, and all the men in the party
as naturalized citizens, voted unanim
ously in favor of the President's step
in severing relations wtth Germanv,
and are all ready to stand by him in
any crisis. Twenty-live dollars was
raised for the war relief and the
Gordon brothers contributed SSO for
stricken brother in the war zone.
A buffet supper was served, singing
dancing and many games followed.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs
Aaron Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Koplo
vitz. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Katzman,
Mrs. Minnie Gordon, Mrs. My man
Koplovitz, Miss Miriam Gordon, Miss
Lena Koplovitz, Miss Florence Katz
man, Miss Rosie Katzman, Miss Re
becca Katzman, Miss Evelyn Gordon,
Miss Ethel Gordon, Abraham Gordon,
Maurice Gordon, Abraham Katzman,
Aaron Katzman, Ike Sapt, Michael
Miller, Lawrence Koplovitz, Israel
Koplovitz, Ruby Gordon, Norman Max
Gordon and Arthur Koplovitz.
Miss. Fleming's Dinner
in Honor of Miss Bailey
An interesting event of this evening
will be a dinner given by Miss Susanna
Fleming at her home in State street
to Miss Frances Bailey, whose en
gagement to Edward J. Stackpole, Jr.,
was reecntly announced.
Spring flowers will form the center
piece of the table around which will
gather Miss Frances Bailey, Miss
Emily Bailey, Miss Sarah Hastings,
Miss Elizabeth Bailey, Miss Fleming,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCreath, Mr.
and 51 rs. John C. Herman, Richard
Knibloe, John Comstock, Vance C.
McCormick, Samuel W. Fleming, Jr.,
and Edward J. Stackpole, Jr.
Wolfe-Chronister Bridal
Very Early This Morning
There was a quiet wedding solemn
ized this morning at 5 o'clock in the
United Brethren parsonage of Slilre
manstown, when the Rev. H. C.
Kottler united in marriage Miss Belva
N. L. Chronister and Paul Lester
Wolfe, both of Shiremanstown.
The bride wore a smart traveling
costume with hat to match and was
unattended. She is a talented elocu
tionist and the only daughter of
Charles M. Chronister, of Carlisle. Mr.
Wolfe, who has a host of friends in
the county is the second son of Mr.
and Mrs. John W. Wolfe and an em
ploye of the P. R. R. In Harrisburg.
Following a wedding trip to Phila
delphia, Baltimore and Washington,
the young couple will be "at home"
at the corner of High and Main streets,
Miss ICathryn Logan was hostess on
Tuesday evening to the B. B. Crochet
Club, the members gathering at her
home, 1617 Logan street. Sewing,
music antL refreshments were enjoyed
by Mrs. Marcus Och, Mrs. A. S. Ban
miller, Mrs. John P. Banmiller, Miss
Alice Stri\ub, Miss Gertrude Stapf,
Miss Margaret Banmiller, Miss Rose
Nonn, Miss Cecelia Fornwald, Miss
Agnes Fornwald and Miss Elsie Nonn.
Mr. and Mrs. Colin, of 29
South Prince street, Lancaster, an
nounce the betrothal of their daugh
ter, Miss Dora H. Cohn, to Dr. Harry
Pomerantz. of iAncaster. The bride
elect is a niece of Mr. and Mrs. Levin
Cohn, of lOOfi North Sixth street, this
city, with whom she has made her
home for many years.
The East Harrisburg W. C. T. U.
will meet Friday, February 9, at 2:80
p. m. at the home of Mrs. Moretz,
1825 Briggs street. The Frances Will
ard Memorial will be in charge of
Mrs. I, R. McKinney.
Winterdale Dances
Colored String Orchestra Thursday
evenings. Band and Orchestra Satur
day evenings. Regular orchestra
Tuesday evenings.—Adv.
Oilier Personals l*ao 4,
Millinery Announcement
To-morrow, Friday morning, we will place on J
display an \ ' S
Advance Showing of* New Spring Hats
embracing the newest and smartest shapes in / ' 4
Untrimmed, Ready-to-Wear,
Tailored and Sport Hats
in design, finish and excellence of style
compare favorably with those offered else
where at considerably higher
j Latest Novelties in Trimmings also being shown
Lower-Than-Elsewhere Prices Prevail
Friday and Saturday—The Last Two Days of
Now is the time to supply all of your Spring sewing needs at big savings
New and Attractive Spring Goods Now Being Shown in the Following Departments
We invite comparison of qualities and prices.
Silks, Laces, Nets, Muslin Underwear,
Dress Goods, Lmbroideries, Ladies' and Children's Hosierv,
Wash Dress Fabrics, Ribbons, Ladies' Neckwear,
White Goods, Notions, Art Needlework.
II 2 to Department Store
Vk DEPARTMENT Ji Where Every Day" Is Bargain Day
215 Market St. Opposite Courthouse
Surprise Popular Resident of
Riverside; Informal Enter
tainment Greatly Enjoyed
A pleasant surprise was tendered
Prof. P. B. Smith, of Riverside in
honor of his birthday. An informal
program of entertainment included:
Music, by Prof. L. J. Geist, of Free
land; an address of welcome, A. C.
Lebo, was followed by remarks from
the guest of honor. After Prof. Geist
and Mrs. A. C. Lebo bad sung de
lightful solos, Prof. Gorman Gense
mer, of Pine Grove, who recently re
turned from the Mexican border, gave
an interesting account of the exper
iences of the Pennsylvania volunteers.
A duet given by the Misses Ethel
Conrad and Dorothea Smith, was ac
corded an enthusiastic response by the
audience. Professors Smith and Gei.it
sang a tenor and baritone duet with
excellent effect.
The following guests contributed to
the cheer of the evening: Misses
Marian Heffleman, Ottilie Conley,
Pauline Sweigard, Dorothy Lenhart,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Parthemore and son,
Robert Parthemore, all of New Cum
berland, Pa., Mr. and Mrs. S. E.
Smith, son, Wendell, of Shamokin, Pa.
Prof. L. J. Geist, Freeland, Pa.; Prof.
Norman Gensemer, Pine Grove, Pa.;
Charles Fasnacht, Hummelstown, Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas White, Mr. and Mrs.
A. C. Lebo, Mr. and Mrs. Free Trout,
and son, John; Mrs. Myrtle Conrad,
William Conrad, Misses Katherlne and
Ethel Conrad, Helen Kauffman,
Dorothy Fahnestock, Mrs. Norman
Lenker, Mrs. Katherine Umbcrger,
Prof, and Mrs. P. B. Smith, daughter,
Dorothea, all of Riverside; Miss Carrie
Best and John Hoover, of Harris
Miss Mary Sterrett has gone home
to Montour Falls, N. Y.. after visiting
her relatives Dr. and Mrs. Thomas
S. Blair, 403 North Second street.
Mrs. John A. Ringland and daugh
ters, Miss Margaret Ringland and Mrs.
Katharine R. Meyers, were guests of
Sunbury friends early in the week.
Mrs. William Reed and Miss Ella
Walmer Reed, of Hummelstown, are
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Reed
in Philadelphia.
Mrs. Homer Crosby has gone home
to Jersey City after a short stay with
her sister, Mrs. Emory Watson, of
North Third street.
Miss Kathleen Standish of Boston,
was a recent visitor at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Morris, of
State street.
Mrs. Enlleld Walker has returned
home to Philadelphia, after visiting
her sister, Miss Ellen K. McCullocli,
at 1002 North Second street.
Mrs. S. Winfleld Herman, wife of
the pastor of Zion Lutheran Church,
who has been ill for several weeks
at her Pine street residence, is slowly
improving in health.
Mrs. Herbert McClure, of 1703
Green street, entertained a fancy work i
club at her home yesterday afternoon.!
Mrs. Vernon Kiester, of Worniieys-1
burg, was hostess to the Modern Pris- i
cilia Crochet Club at this week's meet-1
Dr. John Reed of North Third
street, is spending a week in Phila
delphia. _
Miss Fannie Jackson, of Steclton,'
and Dr. Edwin Parsons, of this city, |
were united in marriage yesterday
morning at the parsonage of the A. M. i
E. Zion Church, by the pastor, the:
Rev. U. G. Lecper. Following a trip'
to Philadelphia and Atlantic City, Dr. j
and Mrs. Pearsons will make their'
home here. The newly-weds were j
escorted to the train by Miss Lizzie!
Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Jackson, j
Mrs. J. W. Field and W. J. Bailor,'
of Steelton.
Mrs. William H. Bennethum of Cot-1
tage Ridge, is visiting her daughtor, |
Mrs. Edgar Gebhardt, at City Point,'
Mrs. Mary Belle Cromie of the'
Donaldson, is enjoying a stay in i
Florida. y
FEBRUARY 8, 1917.
Sirs. Arthur Mali lon Reeves, of
Philadelphia, who is visiting her par
ents, Mr, and Mrs. Edwin C. Kiester,
was guest of honor last evening of
Miss Elizabeth JCepner Crull, at 2G3
Cumberland street. The appointments
were in Valentine style with' sweet
peas and pink ribbons making a pretty
decoration for the supper table.
The other guests were Miss Flor
ence Huber, Miss Ellen Reeves, Miss
Lulu Ernst, Miss Alida Firestone. Miss
Elizabeth Garverich and Miss Mabel
Dr. James J. Walsh, of New York,
has been secured by the Harriaburg
Castle, Knights of Columbus, to give
a free lecture in Technical High
School Auditorium next Tuesday eve
ning. The lecture will begin at 8
o'clock. The subject will be "Shakes
peare, Then and Now." This lecture
will be based along modern social
service lines as illustrated in old
Catholic days.
Mrs. Chalmers L. Enck, of 32 North
Seventeenth street, was hostess for the
Y. N. L. S. Society Wednesday aft
Mrs. Henry McCormick gave an in
formal tea yesterday afternoon at her
home. Second and Pine streets for
Mrs. Joshua W. Sharpe, of Chambers
burg, a former resident.
Combing Won't Rid
Head of Dandruff
The only sure way to get rid of dan
druff is to dissolve it, then you destroy
it. entirely. To do this, get about four
ounces of ordinary liquid arvon; apply
it at night when retiring; use enough
to moisten the scalp and rub it in
gently with the linger tips.
i>o this to-tiiM'i ami l>y morning
most. if not all. of yo'ur dandruff will
In- gone, mid three or four more appli
cations .vtil completely dissolve and
entlrelv destroy every *lnnle sluti and
tin re of it, no matter bow much dan
druff von "mcv have.
You will find, too, that all itching
and digging of the scalp will stop at
once, and yaur lmir will be fluffy,
lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and
look and fed a hundred times better.
You can get liquid arvon at any
drug store. It is inexpensive and never
fails to do the work.—Advertisement.
1 1
M t i
| Macomber Rotary Engine I
| The World's Greatest Gas Saver 1
| An Investment That We Be- |
| lieve Will Prove Incomparable |
| Let Us Show You at
1 24 North 3rd St. 1
| Harrisburg, Pa. i
The following guests of Mrs. S. H.
Ilossler, 1513 North street, had a gav
time yesterday sewing carpet rag 3 and
enjoying an old-fashioned supper:
Mrs. Charles Miller, Mrs. Charles
Zimmerman and son, Franklin, Mrs.
P. Clauser, Mrs. W. E. Bacliman, Mrs.
Charles Wert, Mrs. A. H. I^andis, Mrs.
Elmer Loomis, Mrs. S. B. Snyder, Mrs.
William Long, Mrs. Harry Moyer,
Mrs. W. O. Moyer, Mrs. George War
field and son, Paul, Mrs. R. W. Byer
ly. Miss Carrie Byerly, Mrs. Harry
Shaub, Mrs. H. A. Loser, Mrs. Harvey
Levy and daughters, Helen, Virginia
and Isabel, Mrs. Edward Evans, Miss*
Daisy Shaoffer, Mrs. Fremont Winand,
Mrs. Charles Peiffer, Mrs. C. C. Byler
and daughters, Sara Ellen, Miss Orpha
Frederick Ott Lyter of 1006 North
Second street, leaves this evening for
a pleasure trip to New England. Ho
will visit in Boston and Northampton,
Mass., stopping with friends in New
York on the way home next week.
Cut Rate
Meat M
449 Broad Street
Quality Our Motto
Boiling Beef, 11 & 12c lb.
Pot Roast .... 12c lb.
Hamburg Steak, lb.
Pudding 15c lb.
Prime Chuck 15c lb.
Sausage 18c lb.
Pork Roast . . . 18c lb.
Beef Steak, 18 to 22c lb.
Scrapple, 3 pans . 25c